Page created by Eric Patton
                                        JOGGERS NEWS
                                                                                         ISSUE: APRIL 2022
                                 PRESIDENT’S REPORT
Hello everyone,
Another busy month with plenty of activity around the club!
We had a great turn-out for Canberra with some of us stopping off at Goulburn for a parkrun along the way, and with
the weather being much more pleasant this year there was a much less biting reception from the stainless-steel throne!
The pre-event dinner was a raging success again, and the dimly lit atmosphere did not reflect the enthusiasm and
anticipation of the coming day. Thanks again to Linda Roberts for organising this for us - it’s always fun to see new
faces at the table. Race day itself was a cracker of a day – not cold, no rain or wind, yet enough cloud cover to take the
sting out of the sun. The course allows us to track the progress of each other on the kickbacks and dog-legs so it is
easy to spot the Fred Fisher ghost shirts coming along, there was plenty of encouragement going both ways!
And the support at the finish-line is legendary with cheers aplenty for all finishers. We also love the support from afar
with plenty of feels coming from the live Canberra app as it tracked participants’ progress along the way.
We had some excellent results too with participants in the half, 10K and 5.4K events. Results here:     Thanks for the memories Canberra, see you next year.
There is such a thing as Junior Cross Country. I’ll be writing up how good it was this time next month. You’ll see.
At the Track, we had another exciting Eliminator event with newcomer John Southam taking out the prize, always good
to have new people discover this fun and challenging event. And while we’re here, a big thanks to the volunteers who
make “Track-Nite” possible every week, it seems like it just happens but that’s only because we have a dedicated team
of CJC members giving their time behind the scenes. And yes, anyone can help – you don’t have to know anything to
start (I didn’t). Our friendly vollies would love to show you the ropes. It’s fun to help out!
There was joy! There was disappointment! There was relief! What a rollercoaster run the Soft Serve Run turned out to
be. Special thanks to Sylvia for the shout at Minto!
A reminder that the Campbelltown City Challenge Walk is on Sunday the 22nd of May. We need your help to make
this event a success. Please look out for our Fun-Run organiser Tom Limbrey and make sure to put your name down
to help. There is no club run organised for that day.
Let us know about any achievement you’re proud of, we love to hear your stories!
Keep on running, and I’ll see YOU out there!
James Baker - President CJC

            Page 2 – Run Calendar & Course Safety                          Page 6 – Upcoming events and
                                                                                    Around the Grounds
            Page 3 – Recent Events                                         Page 7 – 2022 Committee
            Page 4 – Member Profile                                        Page 8 - Noticeboard
            Page 5 – Special News & Challenge Walk

CAMPBELLTOWN JOGGERS                                                                                              PAGE 1
APRIL 2022

                      Handicap #3 – staggered start.
April 24                                                    May 15           Over and Under
                      Junior Cross Country.

                      ANZAC day – traditional Anzac run –                    Mt Annan Challenge Walk. All
April 25                                                    May 22
                      Old 13.                                                members required to assist.
                                                                             Handicap #4 – staggered start.
May 1                 Smith’s Creek                         May 29
                                                                             Junior Cross Country.
May 8                 Mother’s Day Classic                                   May Eliminator.
                                                            May 10
             If you have any comments or suggestions about the Run Calendar, please see Denis or Ben.

                SAFETY on COURSE
   Important safety guidelines for CJC club runs…
Please be reminded that, at all times, member safety is our utmost priority - PB's, times, club
championship points all come second.

At all times, runners must be aware and responsible for their own personal safety. There are a number
of instances on our Club Handicap Course where you may need to slow down slightly to allow you to
cross a road safely. This will have minimal impact on your overall time but has very high value in staying
injury free, or alive for that matter!

   → Each runner when exiting Bradbury Oval carpark must cross as soon as possible and run
     facing the traffic up The Parkway. For a mass start we will have marshals at the carpark exit
     to make this crossing as safe as possible, however you are reminded that your personal
     safety is your responsibility - if there is a car, wait for it to pass before you cross.

   → Runners must run along the left-hand side of St Johns Road and cross as close as possible
     to the Briar Road Roundabout. Cross with caution.

   → Runners must be facing traffic down The Parkway to finish. Proceed with caution at
     Parkway/Campbellfield Roundabout and also be cautious of cars exiting Bradbury Shops.

    Road Running can be a dangerous activity and your safety must always remain your first priority.
    -      CJC Committee

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APRIL 2022

                                     RECENT EVENTS
                                                             The April Eliminator3000 was held on the 12th
                                                             April. As usual we had many contenders, some
                                                             running on tired legs after the weekend in
                                                             Featuring in the final again this month and finishing
                                                             in the top four was young Woojin S. Woojin
                                                             finished 3rd in the March Eliminator and 2nd this
                                                             month. He’s a gutsy young runner and definitely
                                                             one to watch.
                                                             Speaking of ones to watch, our newcomer John
                                                             Southam tore up the track, completing the final
                                                             400m in just 60 seconds, taking first place. Eva
                                                             took 3rd place and Ben 4th. They each ran 68s for
                                                             the final 400.

                                                             The March 10km Handicap race was again run on
                                                             the new course due to construction on the usual
                                                             The event was won by Elizabeth Lewis, with
                                                             Clarisse Baker in second and Cheryl Perin third.
                                                             Liz has been committed to training for her first half
                                                             marathon in Canberra and her persistence has paid
                                                             Well done ladies!

                                                                       The Canberra Marathon Festival
                                                                       delighted and destroyed us in equal
                                                                       measure! The weather was perfect,
                                                                       particularly after so much rain at home,
                                                                       and the event had a brilliant atmosphere
                                                                       with thousands of people gathering in our
                                                                       Nation’s capital after the challenging few
                                                                       years. Many of our team achieved
                                                                       fantastic results, achieved personal goals,
and enjoyed the comradery of our awesome club! We did all agree that the COVID impact on training schedules
over the last two years could be felt in mind and body. Congratulations to all participants and we look forward to
an even bigger team of CJC runners next year.

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APRIL 2022

                               SENIOR MEMBER PROFILE

                                   Age: 40
                                   Years with the Club: 3, I think?
                                   Favourite Food: Don’t really have one.
                                   Favourite Drink: Dirty Chai on almond milk or a cola Kombucha.
                                   Movie or TV series you’d recommend: I don’t watch many movies these days so I’d have to
                                   defer to my all time favourites of The Goonies or Forest Gump. As far as TV series goes I really
                                   like Stranger Things and am currently obsessed with You Can’t Ask That on ABC iView –
                                   insightful, fascinating and funny!
                                   Most recent running related purchase (or what’s on your wish list): I think it was probably
                                   my Hoka One One Bondis.
                                   Preferred brand of running shoes: Love my Brooks, but the Hokas are kind of special – they
                                   saw me through my first half and a red singlet!
                                   Favourite sport to watch: Don’t really get to watch much these days. Loved watching rugby
                                   league growing up. I guess the Olympics is always pretty exciting to watch when it rolls around!
                                   Most memorable sporting moment you’ve watched live or on TV: The Sydney Olympics was
                                   pretty special, there was such a vibe in the city and it was incredibly exciting to go in and watch
                                   some of the Athletics. The men’s 4x100m freestyle relay still gives me goosebumps when I watch
Favourite training run: Funnily enough, it’s my low aerobic grass barefoot run. I enjoy the opportunity for quiet reflection and the
feel of the grass, dirt and mud beneath my feet! It’s also been super beneficial for my cardio!
Fastest 10km: 1:12:20.
Running achievement you’re most proud of: I think it would have to be winning the red singlet and completing my first half
marathon recently!
Typical training week: Prior to December it was just track and either parkrun or Orienteering, but over the last 3 months it has
consisted of a 30-40 min trail session of a Monday, track on Tuesday, low aerobic barefoot grass run on Thursdays, long run
Fridays and club run on Sundays.
Running Goal: Well, I’ve just ticked off two big ones! I would like to keep working on my fitness and eventually do a sub 70min
10km and a sub 30min 5km. It feels a long way away at the moment, but anything is possible if you want it bad enough and put
the work in.
Advice for other members recovering from injury: Listen to your body, be patient
and see a good osteopath!
Who or what inspires you as a runner? Pretty much the whole joggers club, everybody
is inspirational in their own way. The speedsters like Ben, Locky, Darren and Ricky blow
my mind. The marathoners and ultra marathoners like John, Mitchell and Kay – I don’t
know how they do it. More recently, the super hard work and rapid improvement of Waz
and Loz has been really inspiring. Special mention to Brad also who always seems to kill
it with his #NoTraining method.
If you could enter any running event anywhere in the world, which would you
choose? Now, that’s a hard one. I may have to do some research! I’m looking forward to
doing UTA22 this year. Apart from that... I used to live and work in the beautiful mountains
of Whistler Blackcomb many years ago. I’d love to go back and do their trail parkrun there.
I also think it would be interesting to get a team together and compete in the orienteering
category for NavShield one day maybe!

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APRIL 2022

                                           Recent new CJC member, Will Limbrey, headed off to
                                           compete in the World Irish Dancing Championship in
                                           Belfast on the Easter weekend. He's been Irish Dancing
                                           since he was 3 years old and has won many trophies over
                                           the years. He has competed in World Championship before
                                           in the junior age groups, but he is now in the Opens
                                           category and hoped to finish on the podium this year.

                                             Everyone who knows Will knows that from the age of 3 he
                                             has loved NOTHING more than Irish Dancing. It has given
                                             him ups and downs, travel, amazing friends and the kind of
drive and determination that is incredible to behold. He has worked incredibly hard over many years
striving to achieve his goal. Last weekend, he got his globe, 5th in the World, at the same venue
where he first competed on the world stage as a 10year old.

Now we’ll have to see where he takes this running thing!

By a very proud uncle, Tom Limbrey.

      New date – Sunday 22nd May
 This is our club’s major fundraiser for the year. Volunteers
 required for Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd of May. Saturday
 involves event set-up and bib-collection; Sunday is all hands-on
 deck – set-up, marshalling, bib collection, run-busters, drink
 stations, post-event clean up, to name just a few. Please see
 Tom to get your name on the roster.

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APRIL 2022

                                      UPCOMING EVENTS
                                        Looking for something
                                        fun to do this coming
                                        Mother’s Day? The
                                        Mother’s Day Classic is
                                        on again, and we're
                                        hoping for a strong
representation from CJC at Abbotsbury:            And another great community event, this one hosted by our
If you're keen to join in, wish to fundraise, or just want to     friends at Westies Joggers. This is a favourite of our
help (we need volunteers) please let Tina know!                   members, and a great training run for the C2S with scenic
                                                                  lakeside vistas.
Where: Lizard Log, Western Sydney Parklands, Abbotsbury           For Campbelltown Joggers Members a special discount
When: Sunday 8th May                                              code: FF22CJC
Distance and times: Run 4.1km & 7.6km from 7:30am,
Walk 4.1km & 7.6km from 7:40am including Survivor Wave. 
CJC team has been created. The password is 'joggers'.

                                 AROUND THE GROUNDS

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APRIL 2022

                                     2022 COMMITTEE
           PRESIDENT                              TREASURER                             SECRETARY
          JAMES BAKER                            EMMA KIRTON                          TANIA CANNINGS

        RUN ORGANISERS                      TRACK CO-ORDINATOR                   SYSTEMS CO-ORDINATOR

          HANDICAPPERS                       FUN RUN ORGANISER                    JUNIORS COORDINATOR
 MICK SHANAHAN & JOHN McGANN                    TOM LIMBREY                          PETA SHANAHAN

         CLUB CLOTHING                          SPECIAL EVENTS                     GENERAL COMMITTEE
          CHERYL PERIN                          JOANNA TRIMBY                          TINA WILLS

Photos above may help new members know who to speak to regarding all things related to CJC…
   1.   James: The Pres – Rules, regulations, insurance, club welfare and promotion.
   2.   Emma: All things related to the financial income and expenditure and recording of club finances.
   3.   Tania: Club correspondence, newsletter and meeting minutes.
   4.   Denis and Ben: Run schedules and directions. Listen carefully or you may get lost.
   5.   Steve: Track – regular events, special events and track volunteers.
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APRIL 2022

  6. Brad: – Timing systems, data recording.
  7. Mick and John – Handicapping runners for handicapped events at Bradbury.
  8. Tom: Campbelltown City Challenge Walk and Fisher’s Ghost Fun Run Organiser. Liaises with Council to
      organise these events.
  9. Peta: All things Junior. All members under 16 are juniors.
  10. Cheryl: Club uniform and apparel – need a shirt, hat, buff, jacket? See Cheryl.
  11. Joanna – special events organiser e.g.: City to Surf.
  12. Tina Wills – special events organiser / general committee.

                                        CLUB NOTICE BOARD

                                                 2021 COMMITTEE
          President:                               James Baker                    

          Secretary:                               Tania Cannings                           0411 151 400

          Treasurer:                               Emma Kirton                              0432 314 453

          Handicappers:                            Mick Shanahan                            0412 868 694
                                                   John McGann

          Run Organiser:                           Denis Sharrock                           0407 497 798
                                                   Ben Johnson

          Track Coordinator:                       Stephen Cannings                         0425 300 880

          Junior Coordinator:                      Peta Shanahan                            0419 400 557

          Systems Coordinator:                     Brad Cunningham

          Club Uniform:                            Cheryl Perin

          General Committee:                       Joanna Trimby, Tina Wills

          Fun Run Coordinator:                     Tom Limbrey

                        To view recent run results please visit our website at .
  All run results are posted on our Facebook page and also on the website. If you have participated in an event and would like your
                  result included, please email: or message our Facebook page.

                        CLUB TRAINING RUNS                                              REMEMBER TO LIKE US
 SUNDAY MORNINGS                                                                          ON FACEBOOK!!
 7:00am for 7:15am start, Bradbury Oval. This is our main club run of             You will find important information on Club
 the week with distances between 5k and 16k over various
 courses. Check the Run Calendar for details.
                                                                                   Events, Club Notices, photos and more!!
 7:00pm, Campbelltown Sports Stadium.
 1k and 3k runs. Come and beat your PB!
 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS                                                            You can find links to the club calendar and run
 Run starts at 6:00pm and 6:30pm, Bradbury Oval. 5k and 10k runs                         maps on the club website:
 through the streets of Bradbury.                                         
 6:30am SHARP at Kentlyn Park for a bush run.
 For the runner who needs a new challenge.
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