Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

Page created by Cheryl Gibbs
Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama

Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Welcome to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Camp Guide | Welcome to the Camp Guide
Camp Guide | GSSA Camp Guide 2022

                                    This camp guide is loaded with fun, adventure, and new programs designed just for you.
                                    We’re so excited you’re thinking about coming to summer camp, and we’re hoping to excite
                                    you, too!
                                                                                                                                                                          the Camp Guide
                                                                                                                                                                       Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama was chartered
                                    For more than 100 years, camping has been a cornerstone of what Girl Scouts do. We have                                            in 1922. Our council serves around 5,000 girls and
                                    two summer resident camps that will inspire you to take the lead in an all-girl safe space                                         2,500 adults across 30 counties in south Alabama.
                                    where you’re free to explore, learn, and have fun without pressure. While having exciting,
                                                                                                                                   The Girl Scout Promise
                                    girl-led adventures, you’ll learn about self-reliance, leadership, and perseverance.           On my honor, I will try:            Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama offers the premier
                                                                                                                                   To serve God and my country,        leadership development experience for girls helping
                                    Our camps are open to any girl, regardless of previous Girl Scout involvement. Whether it’s                                        them to discover their own sense of self, connect
                                                                                                                                   To help people at all times, And
                                    your first time at camp or your fifth, there’s something new for you to discover in girl-led                                       with others in an increasingly diverse world, and
                                                                                                                                   to live by the Girl Scout Law.
                                    activities through which the Girl Scout experience truly comes to life! Let this camp guide                                        take action to make the world a better place.
                                    be your compass, and point you in the right direction.
                                                                                                                                                                       As a girl sits around the campfire, rides a horse,
                                                                                                                                   The Girl Scout Law                  tries zip-lining, or even sails for the first time,
                                                                                                                                                                       something in her changes—she is growing and
                                                                                                                                   I will do my best to be honest
                                                                                                                                                                       gaining a sense of pride by facing fears, learning
                                                                                                                                   and fair, friendly and helpful,
                                                                                                                                                                       new skills, and making friends. She comes home
                                                                                                                                   considerate and caring,             with a spark in her. We call it the camp glow.
                                                                                                                                   courageous and strong, and
                                    GSSA Summer Resident camps are accredited by the American Camping Association
                                                                                                                                   responsible for what I say and      There’s a camp experience waiting for every girl—
                                    and are staffed by carefully selected, well-trained young women who return year after
                                                                                                                                   do, and to respect myself and       from stargazing and discovering wildlife to archery
                                    year to create the magic of the Girl Scout summer camp experience. We take great care
                                                                                                                                   others, respect authority, use      and canoeing. In southern Alabama, girls can blaze
                                    in creating a magical outdoor living environment where girls can relax into a world
                                                                                                                                   resources wisely, make the          trails, explore the water, or develop new skills.
                                    of sisterhood, adventure, laughter, singing, hiking, building friendships, skills and
                                                                                                                                   world a better place, and be a
                                    confidence while creating life-long memories. This is the camp you want your daughters
                                                                                                                                   sister to every Girl Scout.
                                    to experience.
                                                                                                                                                                               Want to know more? Visit
                                                                                                                                   The Girl Scout Mission             
                                                                                                                                   Girl Scouting builds girls of       We know that sending your daughter to camp is
                                                                                                                                   courage, confidence, and            a big decision—especially when it’s her first time
                                                                                                                                   character, who make the             away from home. Girls as young as Brownies (2-3
                                                                                                                                   world a better place.               grade) can join overnight camps, which is a great
                                                                                                                                                                       way for them to explore their independence in a safe
                                                                                                                                                                       and supervised environment.

                                                                                                                                                                       She’ll problem solve, learn to work with girls her
                                                                                                                                                                       age, and return home excited to share the many new
                                         Girl Scout Camp                                                                           Social Media Handles                skills she learned. While bringing a friend might
                                                                                                                                                                       help her feel more comfortable, if she doesn’t, she’ll
                                         provides girl-led,                                                                                 @Girlscoutssa              quickly make new friends on her many camp
                                         girl-centered                                                                                      @Girlscoutssa
                                         outdoor activities                                                                                                                    Follow your camper’s adventures each
                                         that allow girls to                                                                                                                     week on Instagram and Facebook!
                                                                                                                                            @Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
                                         learn and thrive!                                                                                                                      It’s not possible for us to capture
                                                                                                                                                                               photos of every girl each day, but we
                                                                                                                                                                                          will do our best.
Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Table of Contents                               Letter from the CEO
Camp Guide | Table of Contents

                                                                                                                                                                    Camp Guide | Letter from the CEO
                                 Letter from the CEO - pg. 5                     Dear Friends of Girl Scouting,
                                 How to Use This Guide - pg. 6                   It’s time to “Slide into Camp!” Girl Scouts of
                                                                                 Southern Alabama’s Summer Resident Camp is
                                 Map of Properties - pg. 7                       the perfect place for girls to spend time in the
                                 Meet your Camp Director - pg. 8                 outdoors where they will have fun, explore
                                                                                 nature, and make new friends.
                                 Week at a Glance - pg. 9
                                 Brownies - pg. 10                               Our resident camp properties, Scoutshire
                                                                                 Woods in Citronelle and Kamp Kiwanis on
                                 Juniors - pg. 11                                Lake Martin, are the perfect places for your Girl
                                                                                 Scout to spend time this summer. Each property
                                 Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors - pg. 12-13     is special in its own way, and we can’t wait for
                                 Leadership Opportunities (CIT)- pg. 14          your daughter to experience them. Kamp Kiwanis,
                                                                                 with its gorgeous lake and ample opportunities for
                                 Girls of Camp - pg. 15                          girls to participate in all kinds of water activities, is
                                                                                 the perfect place for your water-loving girl. Meanwhile,
                                 Camp Registration - pg. 16                      Camp Scoutshire Woods will be your girls’ home away
                                 S’more Information - pg. 17                     from home as she hikes the trails, swims in the lake, and enjoys
                                                                                 the beauty of wild magnolias and pitcher plants.
                                 Camperships - pg. 18
                                                                                 As a parent, I know it can be a challenging to allow your daughter to spend
                                 Quiz - pg. 19                                   the night away from home, but I also can tell you what a wonderful growing
                                 What to Pack - pg. 20                           experience it is for them. After a week at camp, I can assure you (from personal
                                                                                 experience!) that your daughter will come home telling you all about her
                                 Camp Gift Cards & COVID-19 Guidelines- pg. 21   new friends, cool things she did, and the magic of the closing campfire. It’s a
                                                                                 magical experience that we can give our girls!
                                 Summer Camp FAQ’s - pg. 22-23
                                                                                 We know how important it is to get our girls outdoors, and Girl Scouts of
                                                                                 Southern Alabama is here to help girls get outdoors. We also know that camping
                                                                                 experiences create memories and build leadership. At our resident camp, your
                                                                                 daughter will develop her leadership skills, learn about the world around her,
                                                                                 and make special memories that will last a lifetime.

                                                                                 What better way could there be to spend the summer than outside with
                                                                                 Girl Scouts?

                                                                                 See you at camp!

                                                                                 Karlyn B. Edmonds, MPA
                                                                                 Chief Executive Officer
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Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Kamp Kiwanis

                                     How to Use
Camp Guide | How to Use This Guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Camp Guide | Map of Properties
                                                                                                                                                                                  Kamp Kiwanis is located on
                                                                                                                                                                                  110 acres 45 minutes north of
                                                                                                                                                                                  Montgomery in Eclectic. The

                                     This Guide:
                                                                                                                                                                                  property is located on beautiful
                                                                                                                                                                                  Lake Martin, which makes
                                                                                                                                                                                  camp the perfect spot for sailing,
                                                                                                                                                                                  kayaking, and riding the pontoon
                                                                                                                                                                                  boat or swimming. With its
                                     Register for Girl Scout                                                                                                                      wooded trails and awe-inspiring
                                                                                                                                                                                  lake front views, Kamp Kiwan-
                                     Summer Camp!                                                                                                                                 is makes it fun for every girl to
                                                                                                                                                                                  participate in her favorite camp
                                                                                                                                                                                  activities. This is also the home
                                     Registration instructions can be found on page 16.                                                                                           of our popular Sail Away Camp,
                                     Don’t forget to talk to your parent or guardian!                                                                                             where girls learn and practice
                                                                                                                                                                                  their sailing skills.
                                     Explore this guide—learn all about the different
                                     camps and activities available for you! This guide is
                                     your arrow, pointing you in the right direction. Feel
                                     free to make notes and circle what excites you!

                                     Choose your adventure this summer!
                                     Where: Which camp would you like to attend?
                                     Kamp Kiwanis
                                     Scoutshire Woods

                                     Who: Check out the programs for your grade level. Remember, you may attend a program
                                     for a younger grade level, but not an older one.
                                     • Girl Scout Brownies: Entering grades 2 and 3
                                     • Girl Scout Juniors: Entering grades 4 and 5
                                     • Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors: Entering grades 6 through 12

                                     When: Know the dates you can go to camp. The first day listed is check-in
                                     and the last day is check-out. You won’t spend the night on your last day.

                                     What: What do you want to do at camp? There are lots of options! And don’t forget, all of
                                     our camp sessions give you time to participate in traditional camp activities like swim-
                                     ming, campfires, canoeing, games, and art projects!
                                                                                                                                                                       For pictures of camp visit
                                                               Camp Session Fee Includes                                         Scoutshire Woods         
                                     »   A group photo                                                                           Scoutshire Woods is near                 troop-camping.html.
                                     »   Badges earned at camp                                                                   Citronelle, and its large lake
                                     »   Camp T-shirt                                                                            makes it just right for swimming
                                     »   New! $25 off IF balance paid in full and ALL forms submitted by April 1.                and boating. The pine and
                                                                                                                                 magnolia-forested landscape
                                     (Make appointments early to get camp health form signed by a                                offers the perfect atmosphere
                                     medical professional.)                                                                      for hiking, crafting, campfires,
                                                                                                                                 games, and adventure.
                                     Dates to Remember
   6                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7
                                     Scholarship Deadline: April 1, 2022
                                     Camp Registration/Payment Deadline: May 1, 2022
Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Meet Your                                                                                           Week at a Glance
Camp Guide | Meet Your Camp Director

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Camp Guide | Week at a Glance
                                       Camp Director
                                       Cheryl Miller, aka “River,” grew up in Girl Scouting in                                               7:00 A.M.         -    Wake Up
                                       northern Missouri where she earned the highest girl                                                   8:00 A.M.         -    Flag-Raising Ceremony
                                       award, now known as the Girl Scout Gold Award. In col-                                                8:15 A.M.         -    Breakfast
                                       lege, Cheryl studied molecular biology while attending                                                9:30 A.M.         -    Morning Activity Sessions
                                       Culver-Stockton College, Texas A&M, and the University of                                             12:15 P.M.        -    Lunch
                                       Texas.                                                                                                1:30 P.M.         -    Unit and Turtle Time
                                                                                                                                             2:30 P.M.         -    Afternoon Activity Sessions
                                       For more than 25 years, Cheryl has volunteered at all                                                 5:00 P.M.         -    Free Choice Activity
                                       age-levels and in nearly every volunteer leadership role associated                                   5:45 P.M.         -    Flag-Lowering Ceremony
                                       with troops, service units and Girl Scout councils across the nation from                             6:00 P.M.         -    Dinner
                                       Hawaii to New York. For nearly 20 years, Cheryl has also been an Instructor of Trainers with          7:30 P.M.         -    Choice Program
                                       Red Cross and has worked with thousands of volunteers, summer camp, and Girl Scout Council
                                                                                                                                             8:30 P.M.         -    Unit Time/Showers
                                       staff throughout the southeast. In addition, Cheryl was an invited trainer at the National Girl
                                                                                                                                             10:00 P.M.        -    Lights Out
                                       Scout Training Center in New York and she has been instrumental in redesigning the training
                                       curricula used by GSSA and other Councils.

                                       Cheryl was hired to work in leadership development with Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama in                                          Free Choice Adventure Activities:
                                       2008, and she continues to design and deliver training curricula for GSSA staff and volunteers,
                                       in addition to numerous other responsibilities.                                                      In addition to traditional camp activities, like swimming, boating, shooting sports, zip line,
                                                                                                                                         campfires, songs and crafts, each camper will get to sign up for five favorite free-choice activities.
                                       Cheryl is married to Dr. Michael Miller, who is a research scientist and the director of Auburn
                                       University’s Research Instrumentation Facility. He also volunteers as a GSSA trainer. Michael,               Games                  Exploring                 Water Fun                     New Skills                Crafts
                                       Cheryl, and their three grown children have all known the benefit of achieving the highest
                                       awards in their respective scouting programs.                                                          Letterboxing              Tetherball               Water Frisbee                  Hammock Camping (SW)     Lanyard Lacing
                                                                                                                                              Scavenger Hunt            Scooter Hungry-Hippo     Water Mat Yoga                 Slack Lining             Macrame’
                                       Cheryl loves that camp provides opportunities for girls to grow confidence and independence,           Hiking/Tree Therapy       Tinikling Sticks         Pontoon Boat Ride (Kiwanis)    Yoga                     SWAPS
                                       create lasting memories, enjoy the outdoors, and expand their leadership skills.                       Kayak Excursion           Air Hockey               Sailboat Ride (Kiwanis)        Flag Corp                String Art
                                                                                                                                              Pedal Boat Picnic         Foosball                 Inflatable Slides              Haiku Poems              Beading
                                                                                                                                              Spillway Excursion (SW)   Cornhole                 Spillway Excursion (SW)Water   Camp Songs               Clay Sculpting
                                                                                                                                              Hayride                   Minute-To-Win-It Games   Carnival                       Target Slingshot         Nature Mandalas
                                                                                                                                                                        Hula Hoops               Climbing Wall (Kiwanis)        Leather Crafting         Tie-Dying
                                                                                                                                                                        Dance Party                                             Metal Jewelry Stamping   Walking Stick

                                                                                                                                              “My favorite part was getting to explore and
                                                                                                                                              make new friends. We even got to make our
                                                                                                                                              own pizzas!”
                                                                                                                                                                   - Peyton O., Troop 8017
                                       What’s a Camp Name?                                                                                What are SWAPS?
       8                               It’s a Girl Scout tradition! Camp names are nicknames that are only used when at camp—             Special Whatchumacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere. Yep—that’s what it stands for!                                            9
                                       they represent a counselor or camp staffer’s personality, passions, or interests. Once you         SWAPS are tiny pins or trinkets that are usually handmade and are traded with Girl Scouts
                                       pick a camp name, it’s yours forever!                                                              around the world—and at camp!
                                                                                                                                          Exchanging SWAPS is a great way to make friends and collect keepsakes that mark special memories.
Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Camp Guide | Brownies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Camp Guide | Juniors
                        B row n ie s                                                                                           Ju n iors
                           Girls going into 2nd or 3rd grade                                                                     Girls going into 4th or 5th grade
                          Brownies - Walk on the Wild Side                                                                     Juniors - Walk on the Wild Side
                        Enjoy all of the classic and memorable camp activities                                                 Enjoy all of the classic and memorable camp activities (swimming,
                        (swimming, boating, archery, zip line, crafts) and sign up for                                         boating, archery, zip line, crafts) and sign up for special
                        special “free-choice” adventure activities twice a day. The                                            “free-choice” adventure activities twice a day. The Junior Outdoor
                        Brownie theme will provide fun, exciting and skill-building                                            Journey theme will provide fun, exciting and skill-building
                        challenges. Campers will earn a theme-related badge, which they                                        challenges. Campers will earn a theme-related badge, which they
                        will take home at the end of the week.                                                                 will take home at the end of the week.

                        Scoutshire Woods
                                                                                                                               Scoutshire Woods
                        June 12-17 OR June 19-24, 2022
                                                                                                                               June 12-17 OR June 19-24, 2022
                        Kamp Kiwanis
                                                                                                                               Kamp Kiwanis
                        July 10-15 OR July 17-22, 2022
                                                                                                                               July 10-15 OR July 17-22, 2022
                        Price: $480
                        Camp Cookie Discount: $380 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs                                              Price: $480
                        Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and badge earned at camp.                                           Camp Cookie Discount: $380 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs
                                                                                                                               Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and badge earned at camp.

                                                                                Mini Brownie                                                                                            Mini Junior
                                                                                Try camp for two nights, three days! This                                                               Do you want to try camp, but prefer a shorter
                                                                                session will zoom by and you’ll get to try a                                                            experience? This session is for you! This three-
                                                                                variety of fun camp activities and develop                                                              day and two-night session will allow you to try a
                                                                                your camping skills. Campers will earn a                                                                variety of the fun camp activities and help de-
                                                                                                                                                                                        velop your camping skills. Campers will earn a
                                                                                theme-related patch, which they will take
                                                                                                                                                                                        theme-related patch, which they will take home at
                                                                                home at the end of the session.                                                                         the end of the session.

                        Scoutshire Woods
                        June 26-28, 2022                                                                                       Scoutshire Woods
                                                                                                                               June 26-28, 2022
                        Kamp Kiwanis
                        July 6-8, 2022                                                                                         Kamp Kiwanis
                                                                                                                               July 6-8, 2022
                        Price: $280
                                                                                                                               Price: $280
                        Camp Cookie Discount: $180 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs                                              Camp Cookie Discount: $180 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs
                        Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and theme patch earned at camp.                                     Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and theme patch earned at camp.

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Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Cadettes, Seniors &                                                                                             Cadettes, Seniors &
Camp Guide | Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Camp Guide | Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors
                                               Ambassadors                                                                                                     Ambassadors
                                                      Girls going into 6th - 12th grade                                                                              Girls going into 6th - 12th grade

                                                 Cadettes - Walk on the Wild Side                                                                                 Sail Away Camp - Kamp Kiwanis
                                               Enjoy all of the classic and memorable camp activities (swimming,                                               This popular sailing camp is an 8-day, 7-night camp for ALL girls, novice to advanced. Girls will spend every
                                               boating, archery, zip line, crafts) and sign up for special “free-choice”                                       day in a sail boat as they learn and demonstrate mastery of their sailing skills on beautiful Lake Martin.
                                               adventure activities geared toward your age-level (inflatable climbing                                          They will practice their knots, tack, jibe, and take a giant leap forward to become confident sailors!
                                               wall, water mat yoga, axe-throwing and kayak excursions.) Campers will                                          Additional activities include nautical themed arts and crafts, sunrise paddles, water sports, games,
                                               earn a theme-related badge, which they will take home at the end of the                                         campfire cookies, and zip lining. Girls must be proficient swimmers and rising 6th-12th graders in the fall.
                                               week.                                                                                                           Those who are not already U.S. Sail Small Boat Certified will work to complete their certification.

                                               Scoutshire Woods                                                                                                Kamp Kiwanis
                                               June 12-17 OR June 19-24, 2022                                                                                  June 28-July 5, 2022

                                               Kamp Kiwanis                                                                                                    Price: $695
                                               July 10-15 OR July 17-22, 2022                                                                                  Camp Cookie Discount: $595 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs
                                                                                                                                                               Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and badge earned at camp.
                                               Price: $480
                                               Camp Cookie Discount: $380 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs
                                               Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and badge earned at camp.

                                                                                                           Mini Cadette
                                                                                                           Love to come to camp, but prefer a shorter
                                                                                                           experience? This session is for you! This three-
                                                                                                           day and two-night session will allow you to try a
                                                                                                           variety of adventurous camp activities like
                                                                                                           axe-throwing, zip lining, kayaking or the
                                                                                                           inflatable climbing wall. Campers will earn a
                                                                                                           theme-related patch, which they will take home
                                                                                                           at the end of the session.

                                               Scoutshire Woods
                                               June 26-28, 2022

                                               Kamp Kiwanis
                                               July 6-8, 2022

                                               Price: $295
                                               Camp Cookie Discount: $195 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs
                                               Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and theme patch earned at camp.

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Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Leadership Opportunities - CIT                                                                  Girls of Camp
Camp Guide | Leadership Opportunities - CIT

                                                                                                                                                              Camp Guide | Girls of Camp
                                              This two-week session is designed for girls, going into 11th to 12th grade in the fall. Girls
                                              must have completed Senior Service to Girl Scouting. During the first week, girls will
                                              complete the council-sponsored leadership training. During the second week they will
                                              rotate through units to learn how to work with various age-level campers. Specially
                                              designed activity sessions will be held just for CITs, so they can enjoy traditional camp
                                              activities, as well.

                                              Scoutshire Woods
                                              June 12-24, 2022
                                              CITs will be required to leave camp Friday and return on Sunday.

                                              Kamp Kiwanis
                                              July 10-22, 2022
                                              CITs will be required to leave camp Friday and return on Sunday.

                                              Price: $555
                                              Camp Cookie Discount: $455 w/ Camp Discount for 200+ pkgs
                                              Includes camp T-shirt, group photo and badge earned at camp.
                                              $25 off if balance is paid in full and ALL forms are submitted by April 1, 2022.

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Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Camp Registration
Camp Guide | Camp Registration


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Camp Guide | S’more Information
                                 How to Register Online
                                 Select your camp session and set up a camp payment plan using GSSA’s online CampDoc
                                 registration system. Payments may be made using debit or credit card to make affordable
                                 monthly payments or pay the balance in-full. Payments will be processed through the
                                 CampDoc system this year. Contact to use Program Credits
                                 or GSSA gift cards.                                                                                How to Apply Camp Discounts
                                 Deadline for all camp payment plans is May 1, 2022 $50 deposit per session is                      Camp Discounts will be applied toward camp
                                 non-refundable.                                                                                    registrations entered before May 1.*
                                                                                                                                    No discounts will be applied to any camp registrations after May 1.
                                 Deadlines to Remember
                                                                                                                                    *You may apply a one-time camp discount to one camp registration entered before May 1.
                                 April 1 - Deadline for Health Forms
                                 May 1 – Final Deadline for Payments and Program Credits
                                                                                                                                    Cash, check or money order payments must be processed by contacting the Montgomery
                                 What happens after May 1?                                                                          Service Center, 800-239-6636, ext. 2902. Deadline May 1.
                                 - NO Camp Discounts after May 1
                                 - NO Program Credit payments accepted after May 1                                                  Health Forms: Don’t forget to make appointments early to get health/physical form signed
                                 - NO cancellation refunds after May 1                                                              by a medical professional so you can submit all form online in CampDoc by the April 1
                                 - Sessions not paid in full will be canceled after May 1                                           deadline.
                                 - Girls will be notified and offered options if session does not meet minimum
                                 The Camp Discount is only for GSSA Girl Scouts who have participated in the 2021-2022
                                 Cookie Program. We make this distinction because our Cookie Program helps support and
                                                                                                                                    Refunds and Cancellations
                                 maintain our camp properties. Camp Discounts will be applied accordingly:                          Refunds: Deposits are non-refundable.
                                 50 pkgs = $25 Camp Discount for one session
                                 100 pkgs = $50 Camp Discount for one session                                                       Cancellation by May 1, 2022: A full refund, less the deposit, may be obtained if a written
                                 150 pkgs = $75 Camp Discount for one session                                                       request for cancellation is received no later than May 1, 2022.
                                 200+ pkgs = $100 Camp Discount for one session                                                     After May 1, 2022, partial refunds are available with proper documentation of absence due
                                 450+ pkgs = $150 Camp Discount for one session                                                     to camper’s illness/injury or death or serious illness of an immediate family member.
                                 Choose only one of the above Camp Cookie Discounts during registration.                            Transfer: Prior to May 1, 2022, transfers may be requested if slots are available.
                                 How Will I Submit Health & Permission Forms?
                                                                                                                                    If camp must be canceled by GSSA before the session has begun, a full refund less a $10
                                 Our special 2022 CampDoc link will be available in December. Once you’ve registered and            processing fee, will be refunded.
                                 paid the deposit, you’ll receive our CampDoc link in December so you can start completing
                                 your girl’s Health Profile pages. As you complete each Health Profile section (permission,         Submit ALL requests to:
                                 health, dietary, allergy, etc.) the red dot next to that page listing will turn green. An up-to-   Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
                                 date immunization record and a camp health/physical assessment will need to be uploaded.           Attn: Camp Director
                                 The form you will take to your medical provider, will be available in CampDoc. The camp            2501 Bell Road
                                 physical must be dated within one year of the summer camp session.                                 Montgomery, AL 36117
                                 How to Pay for Camp
                                 Use our GSSA CampDoc registration link to select the session, pay the non-refundable $50
                                 deposit and set up your payment plan. Troop and Service Unit contributions may be paid
                                 directly to each girl’s camp payment plan, the same way.
                                 Summer Camp Website:
                                 Online payment is preferred. ALL other payments (Program Credits, GSSA gift cards)
                                 must be processed through the Montgomery Service Center. CALL 1-800-239-6636, ext. 2902.
                                 Deadline is May 1.
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Camp Guide - S l ide Into - Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama
Are you ready for camp?
Camp Guide | Campership


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Camp Guide | Quiz
                                                                                                                             Take this quiz and find out. Circle the answer that best describes how you feel.

                          Applications for Camp                                                                              1 = No 2 = Maybe 3 = Yes
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Do you enjoy staying overnight at a friend’s house?
                          Scholarships                                                                                       1 2 3 Can you shampoo and brush/comb your own hair?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Do you enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, and sleeping in a tent?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Can you survive without an iPod, TV, video games, and phone for a week?
                          Consider earning Girl Scout Cookie Program Credits,                                                1 2 3 Can you see bugs or mice without running around and shrieking?
                          setting up a camp payment plan, asking for troop                                                   1 2 3 Can you make your own bed and keep track of your belongings?
                          assistance or camp gift cards. If you still need                                                   1 2 3 Do you like to meet new people and do new things with other girls, not just your best friends?
                          help, complete the financial assistance application.                                               1 2 3 Do you enjoy sleeping outside and listening to the sounds of nature?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Could you walk to a nearby building (with a buddy) to brush your teeth and go to the bathroom?
                          Financial assistance is available to registered                                                    1 2 3 Are you ready to sleep in a cabin/tent with three other girls knowing your counselors will be in a tent/cabin
                          members of Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama.                                                        nearby?
                          Scholarships are available for one session of summer                                               1 2 3 Are you willing to help with Kapers (camp responsibilities), like sweeping your sleeping area, setting tables,
                          camp per child, per summer. Applications are confidential and may be mailed, e-mailed, or          and picking up trash?
                          hand delivered by March 1, 2022, to:                                                               1 2 3 Do you like having lots of fun?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Can you live by the Girl Scout Law?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Are you REALLY excited about going to camp?
                          Girls Scouts of Southern Alabama
                          ATTN: Camp Director                                                                                Total Points:
                                                                                                                             Add up each circled number and read the ranges below.
                          2501 Bell Road
                                                                                                                             14-24 You might enjoy a day camp, but it may be a good idea to wait until next year to try overnight camp.
                          Montgomery, AL 36117                                                                               25-33 You will probably enjoy a 3-day, 2-night mini-session with a buddy.
                                                                                                                             34-42 You must be an experienced camper! Sounds like you are ready for a camp stay of 6 days or longer!
                          Scholarship applications will not be reviewed until a complete application is received.

                          A complete application includes:
                               - Current GSSA Membership Registration
                                                                                                                             Are you ready to send your girl to camp?
                               - $50 deposit paid online for camp session                                                    Take this quiz and find out. Circle the answer that best describes how you feel.
                               - Documentation of income.
                                                                                                                             1 = No 2 = Maybe 3 = Yes
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Can you relax and enjoy yourself when your child stays overnight at a friend or relatives house?
                          Camp Scholarship notifications will be emailed on April 1, 2022. If we are unable to award         1 2 3 Would you be okay communicating with your child by mail or one-way email? (Phone is for emergency use
                          a scholarship, and you are unable to send your child to camp without a scholarship, your           only!)
                          deposit will be refunded upon notification from you by May 1, 2022. If your daughter does not      1 2 3 Are you prepared to be away from your child for several days?
                          attend camp and written notice is not given to the Girl Scout office by May 1, 2022, you will be   1 2 3 Are you comfortable with your child living and playing in a rustic, outdoor setting?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Are you willing to work with your child so that she will be comfortable using a sleeping bag, flash light, and
                          responsible for the full camp fee.
                                                                                                                             other camping gear?
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Do you believe that Girl Scout camp provides girls with a fun and rewarding experience that builds skills,
                          Scholarships are based on:                                                                         self-worth, and independence?
                          - Financial need and family contributions                                                          1 2 3 Are you willing to entrust the Camp Director and Counselors with the care of your child?
                          - GSSA membership
                                                                                                                             Are you confident in your child’s ability to:
                          - Participation in the 2021-2022 Cookie Program
                                                                                                                             1 2 3 Shampoo and brush/comb her own hair?
                          - Program Credits available                                                                        1 2 3 Make her bed and keep track of her belongings?
                          - Troop contributions                                                                              1 2 3 Sleep in a tent knowing her counselor is nearby in another cabin/tent?
                          - Extenuating circumstances
                          - The total number of requests made to GSSA                                                        Total Points:
                                                                                                                             Add up each circled number and read the ranges below.
                          - The total funds available
                                                                                                                             10-17 It may be a good idea for you to send your child to a day camp rather than overnight camp. In the coming
                                                                                                                             year, you may benefit from giving your child small opportunities to exercise independence before she leaves
                                                                                                                             home for several days.
                                                                                                                             18-24 You are ready to send your child to camp for a 3-day, 2-night session, or maybe longer, with a buddy to
                                                                                                                             accompany her.
18                                                                                                                           25-30 You are ready to send your child to a session that lasts 6 days. You are confident in her abilities and are      19
                                                                                                                             willing to help her prepare for camp.
What to Pack?                                                                                                         Camp Gift Cards & Donations
Camp Guide | Packing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Camp Guide | Camp Gift Cards & Donations
                                                               If you are attending any overnight camps during the summer, use the
                                                               following lists as a packing guide.
                                                                                                                                             Gift Cards for Camp
                                                                •   Underwear (enough for each day plus at least one extra)
                                                                •   Socks (enough for each day plus at least one extra)                      Looking for a way to surprise your girl with an amazing gift! Buy her a gift card to
                                                                •   T-shirts or tops (one for each day)                                      pay for camp. Contact Customer Care at 800-239-6636, ext. 2902.
                                                                •   Two sweatshirts or warm tops
                                                                •   Shorts
                                                                •   Long pants (yoga, sweats, jeans)                                         Donate the Gift of Camp
                                                                •   Raincoat or poncho
                                                                •   Swimsuits
                                                                •   Pajamas (one pair)                                                       Here at Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama, we believe in giving girls the foundation
                                                                •   Sturdy walking shoes that are closed-toed and have support               to achieve success in adulthood. Summer resident camp is such an incredible
                                                                •   Water shoes                                                              experience for our campers. We see the results happen before our eyes, every
                                                                                                                                             summer and parents tell us they see their daughter’s growth in courage, confidence
                                                                •   Backpack for carrying items around camp
                                                                                                                                             and character when they pick them up from camp. If you didn’t feel the same way,
                                                                •   Sleeping bag or twin-sized sheets and blankets                           you wouldn’t be reading this right now.
                                                                •   Pillow and pillowcase
                                                                •   Water bottle                                                             We think every girl should get to have
                                                               Toiletries and Key Items
                                                                                                                                             this incredible experience. Can you
                       Medicine                                 •   Medications, if applicable (see medication packing instructions below)   donate a little to help us make a girl’s
                       Pack medication containers in a          •   Hand Sanitizer                                                           dream of going to camp come true? It’s
                       plastic zip bag with the camper’s        •   Deodorant                                                                tax deductible! Contact us at
                       name printed in permanent ink on         •   Insect repellent
                                                                •   Sanitary napkins or tampons
                       the bag. All medications, vitamins,
                       and supplements must be in original      •   Lip balm or chapstick
                       containers with the doctor’s name,       •   Shampoo and conditioner
                       dosage, and any instructions clearly     •   Towels (for swimming and showers)
                       stated.                                  •   Washcloth and hand towel
                                                                •   Toothpaste and toothbrush
                                                                •   Comb or brush
                       For resident camp, the camp health
                                                                •   Sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher)
                       supervisor will keep medications,
                                                                •   Bandana or hat
                       vitamins, ointments, etc., in the health •   Flashlight with extra batteries

                                                                                                                                              COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
                       center during camp. On trips, we will    •   Shower shoes or flip-flops
                       send medications, etc., with staff.
                       Inhalers, Epi Pens, and other necessary Optional Items
                       items will be kept with each camper      • Money for the trading post (the camp store)
                       as determined by the health              • Facial Tissue
                       supervisor and information on the        • Lotion                                                                      The COVID-19 crisis has required Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama (GSSA) to create new
                       Health History Form (see forms).         • Notebook/journal and pencil or pen
                                                                •   Other toiletries as needed (extra contacts, contact solution,
                                                                                                                                              safety guidelines for all programming. We will be adhering to GSUSA, CDC, American
                                                                    glasses, etc.)                                                            Camp Association, and the state of Alabama healthy and safety protocols.
                                                                •   Stationery or postcards and stamps
                                                                •   Stuffed animal or another comfort item                                    GSSA is actively monitoring the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Alabama
                                                                •   Sunglasses
                                                                                                                                              Department of Public Health so we can respond quickly to any shifts in their
                                                                                                                                              recommendations. Based on public health authorities’ current guidance, GSSA has
                                                                                                                                              updated our recommendations for Girl Scouts across our council.
                                                                      Daily Themes
                                                                      Monday: Camp T-Shirt Day (camp photo day)                               For more information about what GSSA is doing to keep our members safe, please go to our
                                                                      Tuesday: Silly Sock Day (go wild!)                                      website at

                                                                      Wednesday: Wacky Hair Day                                                                                                                                          21
                                                                      Thursday: Twins Day (dress like a camp friend)
                                                                      Friday: Pajama Breakfast Day
Summer Camp FAQs                                                                                        FAQs Continued...
Camp Guide | Summer Camp FAQs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Camp Guide | Summer Camp FAQs
                                Q: How old does my child have to be to attend summer camp?                                              Q: Can my camper bring electronics to camp?
                                A: We offer programs for rising 2nd-12th graders.                                                       A: No! Cellphones, televisions, iPods, radios or game devices (anything with a screen) are NOT
                                                                                                                                        allowed at camp. Take a break and enjoy the outdoors for a week.
                                Q: Can my child come to camp if she is not a Girl Scout?
                                A: Yes! Any girl is welcome! Non-Girl Scout Members pay an additional $25 Membership                    Q: How will I communicate with my camper while she is at camp?
                                Registration fee.                                                                                       A: Mail-Call……Parents are encouraged to write letters or send care packages that can be dropped
                                                                                                                                        off at check-in. Campers love receiving mail from home! Campers will be able to write letters and
                                Q: How long are camp sessions?                                                                          send post cards home, as well. CampGrams (emails) will not be available this year. Our goal is for
                                A: Brownie and Junior Sampler sessions are 3-day and 2-night sessions, regular week long sessions       each camper to build autonomy while at camp. All cell phones must remain at home during your
                                are 6-day and 5-night, and Leadership Programs last for two 6-day, 5-night sessions with the girls      camper’s stay. We work to promote independence and group cohesion in campers by discouraging
                                checking out at the end of the week and checking back in at the beginning of the next week.             telephone contact during camp sessions. However, there are some exceptions to this philosophy,
                                                                                                                                        which are handled on a case-by-case basis. In the event of an emergency, parents can call the
                                Q: Where will my camper stay at camp?                                                                   emergency phone number listed in the Camper Information Packet.
                                A: Campers will live in a unit with other girls their age during their time at camp. This unit is
                                supervised by a unit leader, unit counselors, and junior counselors, who also live in the unit. Each    Q: Are your camps accredited by the American Camp Association?
                                unit has a bath house, a unit house or pavilion, a fire ring, and picnic tables. Depending on age and   A: Yes! We are very proud that we meet and exceed the high standards set forth by the ACA.
                                what program the camper has signed up for, she will either sleep in cabins or tents. Our staff does
                                not sleep in the same tent or room as the campers, but they are in close proximity and easily           Q: Will my child earn badges at camp?
                                accessible. For information about our camp facilities, visit our website                                A: Camp sessions are planned around the completion of one or more badges listed in the
                                at:                                           description. The campers will receive those badges during checkout. The girls will also complete
                                                                                                                                        some requirements for many other badges because the activity sessions at camp can be quite
                                Q: Can my camper attend with a friend?                                                                  varied.
                                A: Yes! If your friend is close to your age, and registered for the same program at the same time,
                                you can be camp buddies. You will do all the activities together and bunk together in the same tent     Q: What happens if the weather is bad?
                                or cabin. Be sure to note your buddy choice on your registration form!                                  A: Weather is closely monitored by the Camp Director. Our staff is trained to carry out emergency
                                                                                                                                        procedures in the event of a weather-related emergency at camp. Depending on the type and
                                Q: What if my camper doesn’t know any other girls at camp?                                              severity of the weather situation, certain camp activities may be canceled or postponed in order to
                                A: Your child will make new friends at camp! Our camp staff are trained to lead games and               ensure the safety of our campers and staff.
                                activities that allow the girls to get to know each other, work together, and share their individual
                                personalities with the whole group! With their counselor’s guidance, your camper will have a blast      Q: Are we (parents/guardian/camper) ready for camp?
                                with her new friends!                                                                                   A: Although age is a factor in camp readiness, a girl’s maturity level and personality are more
                                                                                                                                        important. Talk with your child about camp and ask if she wants to attend. Additionally, are you
                                Q: What if my daughter has special behavioral, dietary, physical, or emotional needs?                   ready to send your child to camp? Use the following statements/questions to help make your
                                A: Every effort is made to serve a wide variety of campers. However, please understand that GSSA        decision together.
                                is not equipped or staffed to provide care for campers who need constant one-on-one assistance.            • Has your camper been away from home for more than one night without a family member?
                                Before you register your camper, please contact the Camp Director, Cheryl Miller, for help                 • Can you relax and enjoy yourself when your camper sleeps overnight away from home?
                                determining what will be a good fit for your child.                                                        • Can she care for her own basic hygiene needs, such as brushing her teeth and showering?
                                                                                                                                           • Are you confident in your daughter’s ability to make her own bed and keep track of her
                                Q: How will I know my camper is being supervised properly?                                                   belongings?
                                A: Camp staff members are specially trained to focus on each camper’s well-being and safety.               • Can she cope with new people, places, and schedules?
                                Supervision not only includes making sure girls are safe during activities, but also that they are         • Is she comfortable with and does she like the outdoors?
                                changing their clothes daily, drinking water, applying sunscreen, and that healthy relationships are       • Does she enjoy making new friends?
                                growing in their cabin or tent. Girl Scouts place a high priority on safety and train staff in all
                                aspects of camp life - from leading activities to cooking over a campfire. Our goal is to carefully     Q: What is the Circle of Five/Council Scouts recognition?
                                prepare and plan for each camp experience with your camper in mind. The majority of our                 A: Council Scouts are Girl Scouts who have attended five or more sessions at a GSSA camp over a
                                counselors are college students and many are former campers. ALL have completed our leadership          period of three or more years. Council Scouts act as camp hostesses, big sisters to new
                                programs, such as Counselor-in-Training, and staff training.                                            campers, attend special campfire ceremonies, and camp service projects. The Circle of Five/
                                                                                                                                        Council Scouts program is open to all campers who meet the above requirements for eligibility and
22                                                                                                                                      will be invited to become part of the Circle of Five/Council Scouts.                                  23
Mobile Service Center     800.239.6636       Montgomery Service Center
3483 Springhill Avenue      2501 Bell Road
  Mobile, AL 36608                              Montgomery, AL 36117
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