Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018

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Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018

                          Camila Cabello’s
                         solo debut album
                       featuring ‘Havana’
                        tops the Billboard
                         Pop Songs Chart
Design: Ansar saleem
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018


MUSIC                4

MUSIC                6

FILMS              10

FILMS              12

FASHION              16

TRAVEL             18

MOTORING           30


                              2 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
displayed throughout the clinic.
                                                  SahiraAmeen – Gallery Manager at
                                                  DIAC says, “Art has always been
                                                  linked to healing effects and we
                                                                                                   TIME OUT
                                                  were very pleased that the Bourn
                                                  Hall Fertility Centre is opening its          WEEKLY TABLOID FROM
                                                  space to offer an opportunity to
                                                  local artists to showcase their works
                                                  and in turn give their patients a
                                                  positive outlook, we consciously
                                                  curated art works that reflected
                                                  harmony and soothing expressions
                                                  by one of our most celebrated
                                                  Artist Nahida Beshara”.
                                                      This exhibition opens to the                          PUBLISHED BY
                                                  public from Jan. 22 from 7pm                     Taryam Omran and Abdullah Omran
                                                  onwards, the Art works will be on
                                                  display at the Centre for a month                         EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                                  till Feb. 20, all of the works will                        Aysha Taryam
                                                  be for sale, making this exhibition
                                                  an ideal opportunity to purchase                           ARTS EDITOR
                                                  original artwork at reasonable
                                                  prices.                                                    Sarah Taryam

                                                  EVENT DETAILS: -                                          FEATURES EDITOR
                                                     Venue: Bourn Hall Fertility                              Nutan Sheriff
                                                  Centre (7th Floor, Block C, Al
                                                  Hudaiba Awards Building, 2nd                              CHIEF DESIGNER
                                                  December Street, Jumeirah 1)                               Ansar Saleem
                                                     Event: Art Exhibition by Nahida
                                                  Beshara                                            CHIEF SUB-EDITOR / REPORTER
                                                     Opening Reception: Jan. 22                              Raghib Hassan
                                                     Opening timing: 7pm onwards                              Riaz Ali Khan
                                                     For further information please
                                                  call the DIAC office on 04 344 4398
                                                     Th e D u b a i I n t e r n a t i o n a l        SENIOR SUB-EDITOR / REPORTER
                                                  Art Centre (DIAC) is a non                                 Nabi Dad Khan
                                                  profit organisation offering an
                                                  integral environment for artistic                     SPECIAL FEATURES WRITER
                                                  expression. It is committed                               Muhammad Yusuf
                                                  to culturally and creatively
                                                  enrich the local community by                                 EDITORIAL
                                                  developing, stimulating, nurturing,                       Tel: 06-5777999
                                                  encouraging and promoting artists,                        Fax: 06-5777737
                                                  enthusiasts and art.                                            E-mail:
                                                     DIAC is owned by the members             
                                                  and managed by a board of
                                                  directors. It is the premiere center
                                                  for arts education in Dubai, offering                       MARKETING
                                                                                                           Tel: 06-5777888
                                                                                                           Fax: 06-5777677

                                                                                                           Tel: 06-5777444
                                                                                                           Fax: 06-5777642

                                                                                                            Tel: 04-2625304
                                                                                                               ABU DHABI
                                                                                                            Tel: 02-6426266
                                                                                                                  AL AIN
                                                                                                            Tel: 03-7656796
                                                                                                            Tel: 09-2241970
                                                                                                            RAS AL KHAIMAH
                                                                                                            Tel: 07-2334380

                                                                                                        REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES


                                                                                                The Times of India — Response Department
                                                                                                          Tel: 0091 22 2630338
                                                                                                          Fax: 0091 22 2673145

                                                                                                        Arab World — Advertising
                                                                                                           & Information Centre
                                                                                                            Tel: 00973 277794
                                                                                                            Fax: 00973 254297
             A therapeutic Art Exhibition at Bourn Hall Fertility Centre by                               Tel: 0092 21 6634795
                                                                                                          Fax: 0092 21 6634795
                                   Nahida Beshara                                                                  MUSCAT

                      ubai      international                                                                   Tel: 789 268
                      Art Centre (DIAC), in       the community over 80 different art                               PARIS
                      collaboration with the      courses and workshops, language                                4577 0 220
                      Bourn Hall Fertility        courses, and gallery exhibitions.                               LONDON
             Centre will be hosting the Art       DIAC was founded in 1976 by                                     3419 284
             works of renowned Lebanese           the initiative of a few artists and
             Artist Nahida Beshara for a          art enthusiasts residing in Dubai.                    Printed and published by
             month, the exhibition opens on       Today membership stands at over                      Dar Al Khaleej, P.O. Box 30
             Jan. 22 and is open to the public;   1,100 from 67 different nationalities               Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
             the soothing artworks will be        and growing.

Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Inara George talks to
Mikael Wood about her stirring
new album and the family
tragedy that once defined her

        efore Inara George was a              this is the moment when we’re all
        musician, she spent four years        getting married and having babies.’
        as the daughter of one. Well          “Now people are getting divorced
        respected today in LosAngeles         and people are dying.”
pop circles for her solo work and for            To her point, the album includes
her many collaborations — including           a song she wrote for a friend who
the Living Sisters and the Bird and the       suffered a miscarriage and one for a
Bee — George wasn’t even 5 when               neighbour whose husband recently
her father, Little Feat frontman Lowell       died. “I would be a liar if I didn’t
George, died unexpectedly of a heart          say this scares me half to death,”
attack in 1979. The tragedy — Lowell          she sings in “House on Valentine,”
was only 34 — went some way toward            “Who will I be without you in the
defining Inara’s childhood, says the          years that I still have ahead of this?”
singer, who grew up in Topanga                George’s goal in those tunes, as in
Canyon with her mother.                       “Release Me,” was to “try to climb
   Asshebeganwritingherownsongs,              into someone else’s point of view
though, Inara became determined               at these tough moments,” she said.
to establish a presence outside her           And that’s a job for which she’s well
father’s legacy. “I tried to be as gracious   suited, according to Van Dyke Parks,
as I could about it,” she said the other      the veteran arranger and producer
afternoon. “But I would never bring           who said George is “absolutely loaded
him up or make him part of my spiel.          with empathy.”
And it definitely wasn’t something               One of Lowell George’s closest
I’d write a record about.” Until now.         friends during his lifetime, Parks
On “Dearest Everybody,” her fourth            _ beloved by music nerds for his
solo album, George, 43, finally turns         work with Randy Newman and
her attention to the death of the man         the Beach Boys — joined Inara in
known for founding one of rock’s              2008 for “An Invitation,” an album
cleverest, most idiosyncratic bands.          of her songs set to his whimsical
   The work, due on Jan. 19, opens            orchestral arrangements. But if
with “Young Adult,” in which she              “Dearest Everybody” puts across
recounts a memory of “riding down             heavier themes, Parks is right when          to “a friend talking to you.” That’s a   expectations are modest, though she’s
Sunset making records at night”               he says that Inara’s sensitivity doesn’t     markedly different approach than the     hardly uninterested in reaching an
before acknowledging that her dad             come at the expense of a sharp sense         one George takes in the Bird and the     audience: After lunch, she showed
left her with “a calling in my gut.”          of humour.                                   Bee, her arch electro-pop duo with the   me a data report from Spotify that
In “A Bridge,” the mother of three               The singer started “Dearest               producerandsongwriterGregKurstin,        broke down where in the world her
tells an unnamed someone, “I want             Everybody” on her own at home,               who in the last few years has become     music is being streamed. “We could
to hear my children say your name.”           recording songs on guitar and an             an in-demand studio partner to the       go the Philippines and have a huge
And then there’s the stirring “Release        upright piano she inherited from her         likes of Adele and Kelly Clarkson.       show!” she said, pointing with some
Me,” which George wrote about her             grandmother (which she learned to               In that group George views her        excitement to numbers that reflected
own mom’s struggle to move on after           play as a byproduct of her children’s        singing as a means of portraying         a surprisingly robust audience in
Lowell died. “I’ve been the best at           lessons). Soon, though, she found that       various characters — the lonely          Southeast Asia.
doing the best that I can/ I’ve spent         her busy family life was less than           woman, for example, trying to seduce        She’s also kept her name in
my life in the shadow of a man,”              conducive to the demands of record-          a medical professional in “Doctor,”      circulation with freelance gigs like
she sings over a gentle, old-school           making. “I just can’t sit and fiddle with    from the Bird and the Bee’s 2015         her cameo on the Foo Fighters’ latest
soul groove, “Now I want to be the            things for hours — I have to pick up         album, “Recreational Love.” Yet the      album (which Kurstin produced)
writer of the song/ And a love, not           the kids from school,” she said with a       songs on “Dearest Everybody” are         and her performance last year at
just a longing.”                              laughbetweenspoonfulsofhomemade              as personal as any she’s written,        the El Rey Theatre as a temporary
   Over lunch at her home in the              chicken soup. “So basically it would         George said. Part of what allowed        member of LA’s reunited That Dog.
HollywoodHills,Georgesaid“Dearest             never be finished, and it wouldn’t           her to dig into her family history       The Bird and the Bee are finishing
Everybody” isn’t entirely about her           even sound that good.”                       was an easing of her anxiety about       up a record too, an all-covers sequel
father, whose best-remembered tunes              For help she turned to her old            being seen as trading on her father’s    to their 2010 tribute to Hall & Oates.
with the funky-rootsy Little Feat             friend MikeAndrews, who produced             name. “Now that I’m older I feel         Add all this stuff together, George
include “Dixie Chicken” and “Willin’.”        George’s previous albums and also            like I have less to worry about,” she    said, and she’s got a musical career
But Lowell’s death, she said, shaped          composes for film and television. He         said. “I’ve created this whole oeuvre    not unlike that of Lowell George,
her “relationship with loss,” which           calledinahandfulofLAplayerstoflesh           of my own” — she used air quotes         who never found superstardom
is the album’s true subject. “He’s            out the arrangements; “YoungAdult”           to counteract the grandiose term —       with Little Feat but who succeeded
my gateway” to the larger idea of             featuresrestrainedstrings,while“Slow         “that isn’t part of his thing. “Lots     in cultivating a loyal fan base that
mortality, she explained as she sat at        Dance” has a crisp folk-rock beat            of my fans have no idea who he is.       followed his every unlikely impulse.
a dining table cluttered with Legos           that belies its title. Still, Andrews said   So I’m not afraid of it anymore.”        “If I have anything in common with
— evidence of the young kids she              George’s songs were strong enough            This month George will support the       my dad, it might be that,” she said,
shares with her husband, director             that they “didn’t need to be stylized        album, which she’s releasing herself,    her face softening with what looked
Jake Kasdan. “This is something               in any way.” He sought to preserve           with a brief run of concerts in the      like gratitude. “It’s funny, right?”
we’ve discovered at our age,” she             the intimate, conversational quality of      US, starting at the Masonic Lodge at
continued. “Earlier it was like, ‘Oh,         George’s singing, which he compared          Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Her                                  Tribune News Service

                                                        4 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018

Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Def Leppard’s Phil Collen is
 eager to get on the road again
with the upcoming G3 2018 tour,

                       says George Varga

  in song
           ef Leppard guitarist Phil     singer Debbi Blackwell-Cook. She
           Collen clearly enjoys a       is the mother of retired New York
           good challenge. Having        Giants and Cleveland Browns
           spent a fair chunk of 2017    cornerback Kory Blackwell and
touring North America, South             the godmother of Collen’s wife,
America and Mexico with the              Helen. The two first teamed up in
hard-rocking English band he has         2012 for an acoustic duo show at
played in since 1982, Collen is now      the nonprofit Gerson Institute in
on the road again. Only, this time,      Normal Heights. That performance
it’s with fellow guitar virtuosos        by Collen and Blackwell-Cook went
Joe Satriani and John Petrucci on        so well, they began writing songs
the 2018 G3 tour. Each will play a       with Helen. Delta Deep released its
30-minute set with their respective      debut album in 2015. The group’s
bands, before teaming up for a           16-song “East Coast Live” teams
three-guitar finale.” Because of the     the veteran guitarist and Blackwell-
type of players John and Joe are,        Cook with Stone Temple Pilots’
I’ve gotta raise my game,” said the      bassist Robert DeLeo and former
London-born Collen, a longtime           India.Arie/Joe Sample drummer
Laguna Hills resident. “My whole         Forrest Robinson. Since DeLeo
thing is multifaceted, because I’m       is gearing up for a tour with the
in a band — Def Leppard — with           recently reactivated STP, his role in
a lot of vocals.                         Delta Deep for the G3 tour is being
    In G3, there’s more guitar. When I   filled by Paul Gilbert Band bassist
played with Joe before, I got inspired   Paul Martini. “Debbi sang at our
in a different realm. I’m usually        wedding,” Collen said. “She’d be
inspired by bands. To be inspired        at our house and be singing all
by guitar players, like Joe and John,    the time -- and I walk around the
you get a totally different point of     house singing and playing guitar
view. So I think I’ll come out of this   all the time. Before you knew it,
tour with a lot more than when I         we’d be doing a Stevie Wonder
came in. I know that will happen.”       song or making something up. So
    The 47-city G3 tour kicked off on    it seemed pretty obvious we would
Jan. 18 in Seattle and concludes on      work together, because it felt great.
Feb. 25 in Milwaukee. It includes        “And the first time we played as
a Saturday concert at the Balboa         a full band, I got goose bumps. It
Theater in San Diego, where Collen       was really nourishing. Forrest is
performed in June with Def Leppard       an amazing funk and neo-R&B
at the nearly 20,000-capacity            and jazz player. He said: ‘I really
Mattress Firm Amphitheatre. He           I want to be a double-kick-drum
welcomes the fact that the G3 tour       metal player.’ And we said: ‘What?!’
is playing in intimate theatres that     He plays with this sexy soul groove
hold about one-tenth the amount          but also has this powerful, John
of people as the mega-venues Def         Bonham thing going on. Debbi is
Leppard frequent. “I really love         not doing the whole tour, but she
playing in stadiums, amphitheatres       will be with us in San Diego.”
and massive outdoor places, when             Collen and Def Leppard have
it’s warm,” the 60-year-old guitarist    already started work on the band’s
said last month by phone from a          next album. By dividing his time
family visit in South Carolina. “But,    between his longtime band and Delta
other times, I like being indoors and    Deep, he now has more than one
I’m looking forward to G3. This          avenue to play the instrument to
is the first time I’ve done the G3       which he has devoted his life. “For
tour and it’s the longest, in terms      me, the most important thing about
of back-to-back shows. With Def          the guitar is it’s a tool for expression,”
Leppard, we’ve done some crazy           Collen said “And I do meet some kids
tours. But this G3 tour has one leg      who realize they can express with the
with 35 shows in 38 days! And            guitar what they can’t express with
that’s pretty incredible. “I’m really    words... “I’m not necessarily moved
looking forward to it. I’m not looking   by a lot of new artists, because I think
forward to the weather. Hopefully,       the motivation now is to be a star and
we won’t catch colds — that’s always     it’s all ‘me, me, me.’ But I still get
miserable when you get sick on           inspired by other stuff. I still put on
tour. And, with this one, there’s        James Brown and Aretha (Franklin),
no time to get better.”                  and really get off on it. I’m way open
    The G3 tour coincides with           to anything that inspires me. But a
the Jan. 26 release of “East Coast       lot of new stuff in our culture isn’t
Live.” It’s the second album by          there to provide inspiration. It’s there
Delta Deep, the four-piece blues,        for consumerism.”
rock and soul band Collen co-
leads with former The Jammers                                   Tribune News Service
                                                                                                                      Phil Collen
                                                            6 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018

John Petrucci                                                        Joe Satriani
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018

           iami pop singer Camila Cabello is
           having a good week. She released
           her self-titled album “Camila” and
           it’s risen to No. 1 on the Apple
iTunes chart. “Steamy pop jams and soul-baring
confessionals. A stunning debut,” were the Apple
iTunes’ editors’ notes about the album. The 11-
song record features her hit, “Havana” which
topped the Billboard Pop Songs Chart on Dec.
9. She performed it at the iHeart Fiesta Latina
Nov. 4 at the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami.
“Havana” was her second No. 1 song as a solo
   At the Dec. 2016 Y-100 Jingle Ball, she
announced that she was leaving the group Fifth
Harmony. Since its debut last October, the video
for “Havana” has had more than 424 million
views. Former US president Barack Obama
gave Cabello a shout out by naming “Havana”
as one of his favourite songs for 2017. Cabello
previously topped the Pop Songs Chart last
February with the song “Bad Things,” featuring
rapper Machine Gun Kelly.

                                      8 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
Camila Cabello’s debut self-titled
album shoots to No 1 on the Apple
iTunes chart

                     avana”ishersecondNo.       of “Camila” and its ambitions to establish      and missing the it factor the group had
                     1 song as a solo artist    her as a pop star as bankable as Selena         relied on for its hits. Cabello’s absence
                     since she announced        Gomez or Demi Lovato. Cabello is at her         felt more like two or three singers had left
                     at last year ’s Y-100      peak on the new single “Never Be the            the group instead of just one. Meanwhile,
                     Jingle Ball that she       Same,” which shows off what sets her            Cabello’s new debut is smart, a humbly
was leaving the group.                          apart from the pop pack. The way her            arranged and modest collection of pop
    The Cuba native’s fans known as             breathless voice breaks at the top of her       songs. There’s no desperation here — no
“camilizers” have been giving much love         register when she confesses, “Just like         frenetic production, and Young Thug is
to the new album on Twitter where Camila        nicotine, heroin, morphine, suddenly I’m        the only guest artist, appearing on the
was trending. Cabello also thanked her          a fiend and you’re all I need” is the mark      alluring, massive-hit single “Havana” that
fans on Twitter for their support. “First       of an artist. That she can quickly switch       celebrates Cabello’s Cuban-American roots.
and foremost, I want to thank you for           to her full voice for the desperate chorus      Compared to Fifth Harmony, “Camila”
sticking by me. ... You guys love me in         is the mark of a star.                          is stripped-down, playing to the subtle
the most innocent and pure and genuine              “Camila” also has plenty more hits to       nuances of Cabello’s delivery (she’s no
way you can love a person, and I feel so        roll out. “She Loves Control” combining         belter, and she isn’t trying to be one here).
lucky I get to have people in my life that      a Latin-tinged reggaeton groove and an          She eases her voice into its lower zone for
care about me so much ...”                      irresistible chorus. The delightful “Into It”   the mildly addicting darkness of “Never
    Camila Cabello originally planned to call   steps right into the sweet spot between         Be the Same,” softly explores loneliness in
her solo debut “The Hurting, The Healing,       Carly Rae Jepsen’s retro indie-pop and Sia’s    the sweet-shuffling “Inside Out,” embraces
The Loving.” It was going to be about her       unexpected phrasing, something that livens      winking empowerment in the reggae-
struggle since leaving Fifth Harmony and        up the gorgeous ballad “Something’s Gotta       kissed “She Loves Control” and glides
be built around the wrenching single “I         Give.” With “Camila,” Cabello proves that       across the piano ballad “Consequences.”
Have Questions.” (Main question: “Why           she is a forced to be reckoned with and         The understated arrangements serve her
don’t you care?”) Funny thing, though. As       ready to be one of 2018’s breakout stars.       particularly well when she floats through
she worked on the album last year, buoyed           Camila Cabello might catch casual           the syncopated “Real Friends” in search
by the success of her collaborations “Bad       observers by surprise with her solo debut,      of supportive pals (a dig at the remnants
Things” with Machine Gun Kelly and              “Camila.” To those who were half-paying         of Fifth Harmony?), taps into the pulsing
then “Havana” with Young Thug, the              attention, Cabello was one of five near-        vibe of “Into It” (where she playfully teases,
questions didn’t seem important anymore.        interchangeable singers of the all-woman        ‘I’m not a psychic, but I see myself all over
Camila Cabello now had answers. And on          vocal quintet Fifth Harmony. She might          you”) and captures the quiet despair of
her debut “Camila” (Epic), she delivers         have stood out from time to time, but it was    having an emotionally unavailable lover on
them with the confidence and power of           hard to tell how much talent any of them        “Something’s Gotta Give.” “Camila” isn’t
an artist with far more than Cabello’s 20       had when they were so heavily produced          amazing — her range is limited and the
years under her belt.                           and relentlessly taking turns at lead vocals.   themes are often rote — but it’s satisfying.
    The sultry “Havana,” which pays tribute     Cabello’s fans knew better. Her departure       And considering Cabello is still only 20, it’s
to Cabello’s Cuban heritage and has now         from Fifth Harmony was devastating: The         a great starting point to watch her grow.
topped the pop charts for seven weeks,          group’s first release without her — 2017’s
provides a solid foundation for the rest        “Fifth Harmony” — was flat and messy                                                   Agencies

                                                       THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018 / 9
Camila Cabello's solo debut album featuring 'Havana' tops the Billboard Pop Songs Chart - THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
               he tagline for the Liam Neeson
               Metro-North thriller “The
               Commuter” - “Lives are on
               the line” - feels like a missed
               opportunity. I would have
               gone with: “The quiet car is
               about to get loud.”
    It’s been ten years since Neeson’s
unlikely reign as the movies’ best action
hero began with “Taken” - the little Paris
kidnapping that unlocked Neeson’s special
set of skills. What has followed has been
a decade of lean, blunt and glum thrillers
(three “Taken” movies, “Non-Stop,” ‘’The
Grey”) anchored by the looming and still
quite potent presence of Neeson.
    Neeson has suggested that, at 65,
he’s nearing the end of the line. So “The
Commuter,” which reteams him for
the fourth time with Spanish director
Jaume Collet-Serra, may be one of our
last chances to see Neeson kick some
butt. “The Commuter” rides very much
the same rail as his previous movies with
Collet-Serra; it’s a hostage crisis tick-tock
that speeds straight ahead. Collet-Serra’s
genre mechanics, stylized and sober, are         Vera Farmiga, (left), and Liam Neeson
efficient. His trains run on time, even if
- especially in “The Commuter” - a rush-
hour’s worth of implausibility eventually
wrecks the thrill.
    Neeson plays Michael McCauley, an
ex-cop who has spent his last ten years
as a life insurance salesman, commuting
Monday through Friday into Grand Central
from his family’s suburban home up
the Hudson in Tarrytown, New York.
The movie’s clever overlapping opening
montage shows the repetition of his days,
begun every day with 1010 Wins on the
radio, a ride from his wife to the train

                                                                                                                                                          LIAM NEESON,
station and the crowded but solitary walk
through Grand Central.
    But one day is a particularly bad one.
McCauley is fired five years short of

                                                                                                                                                          HIS ACTION-
retirement. With his savings depleted
by the 2008 financial crisis and college
tuition coming soon for his high-school

                                                                                                                                                          STAR DAYS
graduate son, McCauley’s panic is palpable.
He stops for a drink with his old police
partner (Patrick Wilson) before boarding
the train home. There, he’s greeted by a

Hitchcockian stranger on the train (Vera
Farmiga) who explains that McCauley
will make $100,000 on his ride home if           Patrick Wilson, (left), Liam Neeson and Vera Farmiga.
he can only find the person on the train

“who doesn’t belong.”
    McCauley, as he soon discovers, has          the kind of inaccuracy that will cause                  before, Neeson is a lone warrior trying
stepped into the plot of an absurdly             untold swarms of strap-hangers to                       to stay decent in a fallen world. With

                                                                                                                                                          RIDES AGAIN
powerful syndicate that will use him             throw their MetroCards at the screen.                   pandering references to the big banks
to ferret out a crucial FBI witness. The            But Collet-Serra, whose “Non-Stop”                   throughout, “The Commuter,” has
gaps in the story’s logic aren’t to be           similarly relished the confined space                   just enough smarts to make its final
minded. The web around McCauley is               of an airplane cabin, is too interested                 destination disappointing.

                                                                                                                                                          IN ‘THE
mysterious. And for Cold Spring, a few           with swooping his camera through the                       The old equation of man-plus-
stops past McCauley’s usual one, to be           train to care much about the blur on                    locomotive has been a dependable
epicenter of such intrigue is curious.           the outside. But he knows well how                      one for the movies since Buster Keaton

But then again, even the Feds deserve            to shoot Neeson, following the actor ’s                 rode the rails in “The General.” (See also:
a bit of antiquing and a brisk hike.             hulking frame from car to car.                          Burt Lancaster in “The Train,” and Denzel
    Most eyebrow raising for the 1.6                Their movies are, in part, parables                  Washington in “Unstoppable.”) “The
to 3.1 million who trudge into and               for the terrorism age. Like in “Non-                    Commuter” isn’t in that class, but there

                                                                                                                                                          SAYS JAKE
out of Manhattan everyday will be                Stop,” where Neeson played an air                       are worse tickets to punch, especially
an unforgiveable incongruity in the              marshal, the protagonist of “The                        in January. Such a woeful time of year
train’s otherwise largely accurate path.         Commuter” must wrestle with the                         for new releases warrants repeating the

It makes various subway stops through            morality of uncovering the one threat in                old warning: If you see something, say
Manhattan, when every commuter                   a sea of maybe-innocent, maybe-guilty                   something.
since the time of “Revolutionary Road”           faces, some of them “regulars” (daily
knows it runs straight to Harlem. It’s           riders), some of them unfamiliar. As                                                  Associated Press

                                                   10 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018

FILMS                                                                                                With Romy Schneider

says his
years as
an actor
has not

                            eteran French film       are quite right.” He added he                                                   The journalist recently denied
the pain                    star Alain Delon said
                            that he was so sick of
                                                     might even consider breaking
                                                     his vow to never remarry if
                                                                                                                                 that she and Delon were an item.
                                                                                                                                     The actor admitted that he
                            the world he would       the right woman “was ready                                                  had not always been the perfect
                            be happy to die now      to accompany me to the end.”                                                gentleman.
of being                    — but he wants his
              dog to go with him.
                 “I hate the times that we live
                                                        The actor, who made his name
                                                     playing pretty boy killers and
                                                     cads, talked of his fear that he
                                                                                                                                     “I am like that, I do stupid
                                                                                                                                 things. I have been in prison. I
                                                                                                                                 was a little thug. All I had was
              in, it makes me vomit,” said           might be dug up after his death                                             my face,” he said.
abandoned     the 82-year-old actor, one of the
              handsomest men ever to grace
              the silver screen.
                                                     for DNA for a paternity test.
                                                        “I’ve told my daughter, ‘Please
                                                     don’t let that happen to me when
                                                                                                                                     Yet women have always fallen
                                                                                                                                 at his feet, even as a baby, he
                                                                                                                                 said. “My mother had to put a
                 “There are people that I hate.      I’m dead’,” he said                                                         sign on my pram, ‘You can look,
as a child.   Everything is false, and only
              money counts. I will leave this
              world without regret,” he told Paris
                                                        Delon has long denied he
                                                     fathered a son with Nico, the
                                                     late German pop star and muse
                                                                                                                                 but you can’t touch!’”
                                                                                                                                     “I have been loved all my
                                                                                                                                 life,” he said, particularly by the
              Match magazine in a frank, tell-all    of Andy Warhol.                                                             German actress Romy Schneider
              interview in which he admitted            However, Delon’s mother                                                  and Mireille Darc, who died
Fiachra       to not being much of a father to
              his children, one of whom he
                                                     later adopted the boy, making
                                                     him his half-brother.
                                                                                                                                 last year.
                                                                                                                                     “Very few men have been
              still refuses to recognise.               Yet Delon’s own miserable                                                loved like me.”
                 Delon, who lives alone outside      childhood badly marked him, he                                                  But Delon said he never slept
Gibbons met   Paris, said he wants his two-
              year-old Belgian Shepherd dog,
                                                     told the magazine. “My parents
                                                     got rid of me when I was four.                  Brigitte Bardot
                                                                                                                                 with Brigitte Bardot, who was
                                                                                                                                 the Venus to his Apollo in French
              Loubo, to die with him.                I found myself with a foster                                                cinema of the 1960s.
                 “If I go before him I will ask      family like an orphan.”                                                         “Strange though it may seem...
him           the vet for us to go together. He
              will inject him so he can die in
                                                        “Both of them came running
                                                     back to me when I was famous.
                                                                                          child. These are holes that can
                                                                                          never be filled. Even when I
                                                                                                                                 given the torrid scenes we did,
                                                                                                                                 we were only friends, but good
              my arms.                               All of a sudden they remembered      love a woman, I feel alone. I was      friends,” he told Paris Match of
                 “I would prefer that rather         they had a son,” he said bitterly.   only four when I understood            the actress, who like him has been
              than leaving him to die of grief          Nor has he forgiven them for      that those you love the most           a vocal supporter of the far-right
              on my tomb,” said the star of          signing his army papers so he        can abandon you.”                      National Front party.
              such classics as Visconti’s “The       could be thrown into the bloody         The tell-all interview, over            “I really like her and we share
              Leopard”, “The Samurai” and            Indochina War at 17. “It was         oysters, was conducted by Valerie      a passion for animals. If she had
              “Purple Noon”, which was               them getting rid of me a second      Trierweiler, the estranged partner     not her great love of animals I am
              later remade as the “Talented          time,” he said.                      of former French president             sure she would have killed herself
              Mr Ripley”.                               Delon put down his                Francois Hollande.                     by now, like so many other great
                 Yet Delon did not rule out          tumultuous love life and much           She effectively torpedoed his       sex symbols. It is very hard for a
              making room for the right woman        of his woes with women to being      presidency with a bestselling          woman to no longer see desire in
              to share his last days.                abandoned.                           account of their relationship,         men’s eyes.”
                 He said there were about 10            “You cannot get back the love     “Thank You For This Moment”,
              candidates, “but for now none          that wasn’t given to me as a         after he left her for an actress.                        Agence France-Presse

                                12 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
KIND DESIRE                                     GROWING DIVERSITY                                                    EXTREME LOVE
Singer SELENA GOMEZ is ready to reconcile with            Actress ELIZABETH REASER appreciates growing                 HUGH GRANT has a sure-shot way to make his children
her mother Mandy Teefey after their ties got strained     diversity in Hollywood, but says that it is “clearly         laugh — by putting his undergarments on his head.
due to her rekindled romance with Justin Bieber.          not where we need to be and we have a long way                   “I think it’s always amusing to put your underpants
However, she is not willing to end her relationship       to go”.                                                      on your head,” Grant, a father of four, told
with the Canadian pop star.                                  “I think we can do better. Diversity is a huge issue          “My little girl, too, likes nappies on my head,” he added.
   “Selena and her mother are still not talking as of     and problem. We are casting people of colour, more               And although the “Paddington 2” star, who will
right now, but it’s getting to the point where Selena     people of colour are getting to tell stories, getting        become a father for the fifth time soon, says that he too
has calmed down and she feels that enough time has        into light and directing but it is clearly not where we      enjoys putting undergarments on his head. He notes
passed to let bygones be bygones,” said a source.         need to be and we have a long way to go,” Reaser             that there has been one unfortunate consequence of this
   “ Selena Gomez and Mandy Teefey have always            told IANS.                                                   amusing behaviour.
been super tight, and over the years they have had a         The actress has been a part of projects like Twilight,”       Still Grant, who became a father for the first time in
number of blow-ups, but they have always managed          “The Good Wife” and “Ouija: Origin of Evil” —                2011, says having children is “the nicest thing that’s ever
to resolve everything after some time apart. Selena       which was aired in India on Sony PIX on January 12.          happened to me.” “It’s just lovely to have all that love
Gomez is definitely ready to build bridges with her          On her love for the supernatural genre, she said: “I      around. Suddenly you love someone more than yourself.
mom again, but she is waiting for her to make the first   love this genre. I love these kind of stories anything       It’s unheard of in my case. And they love you, and it’s
move,” added the source, reports          from supernatural from vampires to story ghosts.”            all enchanting.”

                                                    14 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
The Sun and Venus move into Aquarius to support                            This week sees supportive energy from the move of
  ARIES          your need for change and your outburst at
                 professional limitation and restriction. You are facing
                 a new wave of energy that appears to be crippling
                                                                               LIBRA        the Sun and Venus into fellow element sign, Aquarius.
                                                                                            This is the season for a long holiday, fun, love and
                                                                                            laughter. The changes will be welcome considering

                 your style and posing challenges at every corner.                          the new strict regimen, challenges and changes for          
                 If you have a few Taurus planets, you’ll make your                         home and family that can get very tedious, tiresome
MAR         21   peace and even find this new energy a great way to          SEP       21   and even frustrating. So this new energy will lighten
APR         20   work out matters and resolve issues in a practical          OCT       20   up the atmosphere – just get ready for the unexpected
                 way but if not, then you are in for a showdown but                         in romance and finances, in a good way this time but
                 for now the shift of Sun and Venus into Aquarius will                      take it easy with the finances or you can go overboard
                 boost you via support from groups, organisations,                          and may have to really work hard to restore financial
                 friends and even acquaintances. But this energy is                         balance.
                 temporary and will move on so socialize right away
                 and then get back.                                                         Saturn in Capricorn is a supportive energy for one’s
                                                                              SCORPIO       current environment, from those around most likely
                 Sun and Venus in Aquarius pose challenges to your                          siblings and from communication and commutation. It
 TAURUS          identity, your finances and relationships demanding                        is working to soothe matters and bring opportunities
                 change especially in areas related to your profession                      that appear limiting with the new set of rules and
                 and public life. This can be very unsettling as you                        regulations, not to mention the discipline involved.
                 are finding great new and stolid ways to establish          OCT    21      While the temporary outer energy is out to oust these

                 yourself overseas. So when your life is in front page,      NOV    20      rules and regulations, it also affects you. Sun and
                 it’s going to be discomforting to say the least. Take                      Venus in Aquarius bring new challenges and sudden,
APR         21   care of your reputation and make the changes that                          unexpected changes to home and family life that
MAY         20   are needed. Converse your energy and your finances                         involve the affections and the finances. It can shake
                 during this phase.                                                         the very roots but you need to accept and move along

                                                                                            and in co-operation with the new energy.
                 The Sun and Venus enter Aquarius to give you a
 GEMINI          breather from the discipline, order and limitation that     SAGITARIUS     The new disciplines to one’s personal financial
                 Saturn is demanding of you via joint finances and                          life can be restrictive but it must be so for you to
                 from a partner. It is an invitation to pack your bags                      gain stability and stay on firm ground, financially
                 and travel for there is support, finances and a promise                    speaking. It can be very limiting and restrictive
                 of a new relationship out there waiting for you or                         causing you to feel stifled and helpless. So along
                                                                                                                                                           YOUR FRIENDLY ASTROLOGER MEL
MAY         21   the renewing of an old relationship that had sought                        comes this temporary new energy of the Sun and

                 change. You love these vibes of change so this period,      NOV       21   Venus in Aquarius to change all of that and invites
JUN         20                                                               DEC       20
                 though temporary, can give you the kick start and                          you to mix and mingle; communicate and commute                            he new
                 emotional support you need to face the issues that                         within your current environment and with those                            planetary
                 arise from restructuring joint finances. Take a break                      around for better opportunities that offer freedom
                 and invite the Sun, Love and Laughter into your life.                      and individuality. However, as this is a limited time                     shift of
                                                                                            period offer, make the best use and then get back to                      Saturn in
                 For you, this period makes you wonder what                                 working on setting up a sound, financial structure                        Capricorn
 CANCER          works for you for both energies are not the best                           and bank balance.                                                         is settling
                 or so you think. Saturn in Capricorn is bringing                                                                                                     in by
                 new challenges to your personal relationships and                          Sun and Venus in Aquarius poses a new energy that is
                 enforcing that you make a decision or that your             CAPRICORN      often observed and accepted by you very cautiously.         setting down rules and
                 partner does to end a relationship or change the                           The new run of freedom in relationships and finances        regulations that seem
JUN         21   existing one. It can be emotionally tough for you but                      as well as seeking the self through financial freedom       harder to accept and
JUL         20   Saturn in Capricorn is not careless and will seek to                       are now top priorities even as you continue to further      implement, even age
                 give you support or internally make you stronger                           discipline, restrict and structure yourself for a better    old to some. So it’s no
                 than ever. So make a peace bargain with your                DEC       21   future and stronger you. All work and no play does
                 partner and work on depending on self instead of on                        make one dull and this temporary period may bring           surprise that the sign of
                                                                             JAN       20                                                               Aquarius would want
                 another whether it is emotionally, physically and/or                       back the breathing space that affords freedom and
                 financially.                                                               a new approach especially in matters that relate            to rebel at the first
                                                                                            finances and beliefs; values and possessions.               sign of restriction. This
                 Just like Cancer, you have a tough time deciding                                                                                       freedom-loving sign
      LEO        if both the new energies are on your side. The                             The Sun and Venus in your own sign is a breath of
                 new opposing one of Sun and Venus in Aquarius
                                                                             AQUARIUS       fresh air from the restrictions and limitations that        wishes independence
                 are seeking new changes in your significant                                your psyche, emotions, body and secretive authorities       and all things new
                 relationships, disrupting an old pattern and setting a                     from out your past put on you. Reach out with your          unlike Saturn the
                 new trend whether it is with an existing partner or a                      philosophy of freedom and individuality and the             planet and Capricorn
JUL         21   new one while Saturn in Capricorn is urging you to                         need to change old rules if you wish to be heard            the sign associated
AUG         20   get serious about your work and health by bringing          JAN       21   and accepted. This period you’ll find the need to
                 on the limitations and need for discipline and order                       love yourself. So go right ahead but be wary of your        with limitation and
                                                                             FEB       20
                 as well as not to mention the endlessly long hours                         professional status even as you do so. Keep things in       restriction. So this
                 at work. You need to discipline your work and                              balance.                                                    week stay prepared
                 health as well as seek equality and balance in an old,                                                                                 when the Sun and
                 current or new relationship.                                               Saturn in Capricorn along with Pluto is working
                                                                               PISCES       to restore your social life and aid from influential
                                                                                                                                                        Venus associated with
                 Saturn in Capricorn is really in sync with you and is                      authorities in the world of social causes. So this is the   identity, finances and
  VIRGO          starting to bring rewards your way especially to your                      best time to begin socializing and meeting people that      relationships kick up
                 identity You are falling into sync and getting your                        are in sync with your goals and dreams. They will           their heels when Saturn
                 act together after the tumultuous years that you have                      be limiting and restricting which can be frustrating        asks them to tone
                 been facing for some time now. Both Saturn and Pluto        FEB       21   but is done for you own good for they restore stark
                 seek to restore you to your routines, your hard work,                      reality slowly and surely. So please seek their help to
                                                                                                                                                        things down. Aquarius
                                                                             MAR       20                                                               is not one to keep quiet
AUG         21   your structuring and the ability to clear out the chaos.                   get your dreams to manifest. However, the Sun and
SEP         20   You’ll begin to love it! However, this new energy of                       Venus in Aquarius speaks of taking a short and sudden       when asked to.
                 Sun and Venus in Aquarius tilts the boat for sometime                      break from the outer world and retreating in private.
                 as change is needed in work, health, routines, and                         Secretive alliances and finances are now on the agenda
                 with colleagues, not forgetting animal companions.                         but they could, if not understood well, disrupt the flow
                 Allow the change and don’t panic.                                          of good energy related to overseas matters.

                                                                            ASTRO TIP FOR THE WEEK
                                                          FAVOUR YOUR FUTURE FORWARD. HAVE A NEW CHANGE THIS WEEK!

                                                            THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018 / 15

                                    lessandro Sartori plucks
                                    from the “natural
                                    reserves” of Oasi Zegna,
                                    the family’s natural park
                          in northern Italy, to expand the
                          definition of luxury. A new fabric
                          — Oasi Cashmere — came dipped
                          in natural dyes made from flowers,
                          herbs, wood, leaves and roots,
                          developed by Lanificio Zegna
                          over 12 years and using an entirely
                          chemical-free process involving a
                          multilayer deep dyeing process. A
                          small revolution, producing even
                          fluorescent and black tones. (It
                          ain’t called couture for nothing.)
                              Experimental fabrics — courtesy
                          of Bonotto SpA, the high-end textile
                          manufacturer that Ermenegildo
                          Zegna Group acquired last year
                          — included a matte cotton and
                          wool-blend corduroy used for
                          jackets, and a new woven leather
                          fabric best showcased on a tennis-
                          bag-style, single-strap backpack.
                              The innovation — spanning
                          cerebral tailoring concepts, upscale
                          spins on utilitarian and modern
                          takes on organic — never got in
                          the way of the wearability of the
                          collection, which was plumped
                          with great knits and outerwear
                          options, from sharply tailored
                          topcoats with inventive belt
                          systems to a chunky shearling
                              Interspersing the mini felted
                          cashmere mountaineering capes
                          were jacquard coats and jackets in
                          a geometric motif based on bird
                          footprints in snow, one featuring
                          a deep violet shade obtained from
                              T h e m o t i f re s u r f a c e d a s
                          embroidery on a black technical ski
                          suit with wool padding with a neo-
                          explorer mood. Boxy outerwear
                          contrasted with the lean tailoring
                          with a natural shoulder, mixing
                          sharp and soft, precision and
                          ease. Details included tie scarves,
                          adjustable geometric necklines on
                          knits and slit pockets cut into the
                          fabric of coats.
                              There was a slightly athletic,
                          at times military, vibe to the
                          silhouettes, especially one pairing
                          a cropped black shaved shearling
                          blouson with narrow, lean cuffed
                          pants tucked into sturdy winter
                          boot-sneaker hybrids.
                              He also showcased a one-and-
                          a-half-breasted construction on a
                          single-button jacket designed to
                          keep a sharp line when open, but
                          have the aspect of a fitted double-
                          breasted jacket when closed.
                              As Sartori looks to conquer
                          a new future for men’s wear by
                          revisiting traditional heritage with
                          modernity and new technology,

                          the collection as ever was layered
                          in ideas, new techniques and
                          concepts, but the result this season
                          visually felt cleaner and simpler,
                          to his favour.

                          ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA
                          DURING THE MEN’S
                          FALL-WINTER 2019


The once home of the British viceroy who ruled over India, the vast early 19th century mansion and grounds now house the government of West Bengal       A Queen Victoria bust in Kolkata, one of the relics of Britain’s Victorian age.
State, in Kolkata, India. The building was modelled after a stately home in England.

India’s first supreme court in Kolkata, India, completed in 1872, and was housed in a building copied from the Cloth Hall in Ypres, Belgium. Kolkata’s   One can buy almost anything on the streets, a chaotic but vibrant city of 15 million people where
colonial era architecture forms a mélange of numerous European and Asian styles.                                                                         the old and new co-exist.

                                                                                 18 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                       he British left footprints across their far-flung
                                                                                                                                                                       colonial empire from Toronto to Yangon. But
                                                                                                                                                                       nowhere is there as vast and varied a collection
                                                                                                                                                                       of heritage architecture than in Kolkata.
                                                                                                                                                                 Thousands of buildings — including homes, churches,
                                                                                                                                                             palaces and even synagogues — survive here from the
                                                                                                                                                             days of the Raj, when Britain ruled India.
                                                                                                                                                                 This marvelously exuberant, maddeningly chaotic city
                                                                                                                                                             began as a small trading post in the 1690s, rose to become
                                                                                                                                                             the seat of British power and now ranks as India’s third
                                                                                                                                                             largest city, a megalopolis of some 15 million people.
                                                                                                                                                                 Unlike countries which opted to eradicate the physical
                                                                                                                                                             legacies of colonialism, India has accepted them as
                                                                                                                                                             witnesses to history. The prime eradicator of Kolkata’s
                                                                                                                                                             past has not been politics but those whom preservationists
                                                                                                                                                             call “land sharks,” developers against whom they wage
                                                                                                                                                             a sometimes winning, sometimes losing battle.
                                                                                                                                                                 To dip into Kolkata’s bygone era, my wife and I stayed
                                                                                                                                                             at the Oberoi Grand Hotel, took afternoon tea at the still
                                                                                                                                                             oh-so-English Bengal Club and best of all signed up for
                                                                                                                                                             a guided walk around Dalhousie Square, the onetime
                                                                                                                                                             epicenter of the British Raj.
                                                                                                                                                                 Dating back to the late 1880s, the Grande Dame of
                                                                                                                                                             Calcutta, as the Oberoi and Kolkata were earlier known,
                                                                                                                                                             was the social hub of the colonial city. During World
                                                                                                                                                             War II, it was party time headquarters for American
                                                                                                                                                             soldiers. Today the hotel is an oasis of tranquility amid
                                                                                                                                                             the surrounding vibrant street life, offering palm-shaded
                                                                                                                                                             courtyards, Victorian four-poster beds and service which
                                                                                                                                                             viceroys would find hard to fault.
                                                                                                                                                                 The Bengal Club, another enduring social fixture,
                                                                                                                                                             has been catering to elites since 1827, and the lovely
                                                                                                                                                             premise strives to keep the modern world at bay. One
                                                                                                                                                             may forget it is 2018 while sipping tea in a politely
                                                                                                                                                             hushed room named after the prominent 18th century
                                                                                                                                                             British painter Joshua Reynolds, one of whose works
                                                                                                                                                             hangs on its pastel yellow walls. The colonials also tried
                                                                                                                                                             to shut out a dramatically changing India: Incredibly,

  A popular café which draws a steady flow of customers for its famed ‘’chai,’’ or spiced tea, and buttered toast. Kolkata is a paradise                     the club only opened its doors to Indians in 1959 — 12
  for lovers of local street food.                                                                                                                           years after independence was won.
                                                                                                                                                                 “‘It was from here that 200 British officers ruled over
                                                                                                                                                             200 million Indians,” remarked our guide Ramanuj
                                               VISITS KOLKATA
                                     DENIS D. GRAY                                                                                                           Ghosh, pointing to what is now the 133-room home
                                                                                                                                                             of the state governor, where British viceroys resided
                                                                                                                                                             during most of the decades when Kolkata served as
                                     IN INDIA TO EXPERIENCE                                                                                                  India’s capital. Modeled on a stately home in England,
                                                                                                                                                             it was encased in 6 acres of lush gardens and built in
                                     THE CITY THAT REFLECTS                                                                                                  the Gregorian style.
                                                                                                                                                                 What soon became obvious on our walk, even to an
                                                                                                                                                             untrained eye, was the incredible architectural melange.
                                     BRITISH RULE THROUGH ITS                                                                                                The Victoria Memorial, the city’s most imposing colonial
                                                                                                                                                             structure, is described as designed in “the Indo-Saracenic
                                                                                                                                                             revivalist style which uses a mixture of British and Moghul
                                     ARCHITECTURE, STATUES,                                                                                                  elements with Venetian, Egyptian, Decanni and Islamic
                                                                                                                                                             architectural influences.” Dedicated to the memory of
                                     ROADS AND MONUMENTS                                                                                                     Queen Victoria, its vast art and artifact collections include
                                                                                                                                                             her childhood piano and a writing desk.
                                                                                                                                                                 Our four-hour stroll through several centuries of
                                                                                                                                                             history took us past the 1868 post office and the Royal
                                                                                                                                                             Insurance Building, still busy today, where British officials
                                                                                                                                                             would ride their horses right up to their desks. At the
                                                                                                                                                             vast Writer’s Building, India’s still notorious bureaucracy
                                                                                                                                                             administered a population which also included Greeks,
                                                                                                                                                             the Dutch, Armenians and others.
                                                                                                                                                                 Kolkata once was also home to some 6,000 Jews, though
                                                                                                                                                             there are just a handful living here today descended from
                                                                                                                                                             the Jews who settled here in the late 18th and early 19th
                                                                                                                                                             centuries. The city’s oldest, now restored synagogue
                                                                                                                                                             Neveh Shalome dates back to 1831.
                                                                                                                                                                 Most of the buildings we saw are about on a protected
                                                                                                                                                             heritage list. But many others are decaying or have
                                                                                                                                                             been razed.
                                                                                                                                                                 “Indian people want to preserve the past. We don’t
                                                                                                                                                             easily make way for the new, but powerful market
                                                                                                                                                             forces are working against this,” says Bonani Kakkar,
                                                                                                                                                             who heads People United for Better Living in Calcutta,
                                                                                                                                                             an environmental and preservation group.
                                                                                                                                                                 Developers, she says, approach owners of dilapidated
                                                                                                                                                             homes, offer them new condos in exchange and then
                                                                                                                                                             take them down to build high-rises. The solution, she
                                                                                                                                                             believes, is to either “make people boast that they live in
                                                                                                                                                             old buildings” or to bring them to life again by turning
                                                                                                                                                             them into B&Bs, art galleries and music venues.
                                                                                                                                                                 Philip Davies, an authority on colonial architecture,
                                                                                                                                                             notes that there are more heritage buildings in this
                                                                                                                                                             city than all of the United States, but that Kolkata is a
                                                                                                                                                             “sleeping giant at the crossroads.”
                                                                                                                                                                 “It is stumbling toward the future rather than grasping
                                                                                                                                                             the spectacular opportunities afforded by its heritage,” he
                                                                                                                                                             said. “Its unparalleled heritage is crumbling from neglect,
                                                                                                                                                             and falling prey to random, speculative development.”
                                                                                                                                                             But he hopes a brave new vision will save one of the
                                                                                                                                                             world’s great historic cities.
  A vendor in Kolkata, India, displays what is said to be some of Kolkata’s finest organic honey sold by the 17th century Writers’ Building, one of nearly
  300,000 city structures dating back to Britain’s rule over India.                                                                                                                                          Associated Press

                                                                   THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018 / 19
                                                               nee replacement          bone and its lower end articulates         the apposing surfaces formed by
                                                               surgery            has   with the upper end of the leg bone         the implants at the ends of the two
                                                               become one of the        which is called the tibia. The patella     bones. The under-surface of the
                                                               commonest major          which is also known as the kneecap         patella may also be resurfaced,
                                                               bone surgeries in        is the third component of the knee         depending on its condition. In a
                                                               developed countries.     joint, articulating with the lower         partial knee replacement the implants
                                                               The procedure was        end of the femur. Thus, the knee           are inserted only in the medial or the
                                                               attempted as early       is actually two joints rather than         lateral part of the knee depending
                                                               as the 1940s but faced   one. The articulating surfaces of the      on the underlying state of the joint
                                        lack of success due to loosening of the         bones are covered with a thin layer        before surgery. There are quite a few
                                        implants and pain. Knee replacement             of cartilage that protects them and        different types of prosthesis and
                                        surgery was revived in 1968 and since           reduces friction during movements.         further variables include the method
                                        then has been a boon to a very large            Between the apposing surfaces of           of fixing the implants to bone and
                                        number of people with knee joint problems       the lower end of the femur and the         whether ligaments are sacrificed or
                                        not responding to other treatment. In           upper end of the tibia are the two         preserved.
                                        the USA alone about 600,000 knee                menisci, the medial meniscus on the            A successful knee replacement
                                        replacement procedures are carried              inner side and the lateral meniscus        results in relief from pain and
                                        out each year and extrapolation allows          on the outer side. These “C” shaped        marked improvement in movements
                                        one to get some idea of the total number        cartilages act as shock absorbers and      of the knee, this depending to a large
                                        worldwide. In spite of cost constraints,        allow movement of the articulating         extent on the activities and fitness
                                        the operation has been widely adopted           surfaces with negligible friction. The     level before surgery. There is bound
                                        even in developing countries because            articulating surfaces of the femur         to be quite a lot of pain immediately
                                        of the generally excellent results. Since       and tibia move against each other          after surgery but this soon wears
                                        the initial days there have been many           mainly in a hinge fashion while the        off. Rehabilitation is important after
                                        advances both in surgical technique and         patella slides against the surface of      surgery and knee movements are
                                        more importantly in the prosthesis, the         the lower end of the femur. The joint      recommended early after surgery.
                                        artificial knee to be installed, which have     is enclosed by synovial membrane           Exercises to strengthen the knee
                                        extended the life of the replaced joint to      and is bathed by synovial fluid which      muscles are very important and are

                                        about 20 years from the earlier average         acts as a lubricant. The ligaments and     carried out under the guidance of the
                                        of 10 years. Many different types of knee       the muscles which move the joint are       physical therapist. These need to be
                                        replacement surgeries are carried out           important in giving it mechanical          carried out later also to get the best
                                        depending on the underlying problem             stability. The main ligaments are          benefit of the transplanted knee. After
                                        in the knee joint and there are also many       the anterior and posterior cruciate        the initial few weeks to months, most
                                        different types of prosthesis to choose         ligaments which are within the joint       people are able to carry out pain-free
                                        from depending on factors including             and the medial and lateral collateral      physical activities such as walking,

                                        the status of the joint, the material of        ligaments which support it from            cycling, swimming, playing golf, etc
                                        construction, the manufacturer of the           outside. There are also a number of        depending on their general fitness
                                        prosthesis and the preference of the            other ligaments further strengthening      level. Most replacement surgeons
                                        surgeon.                                        the joint. The main movements at the       advise against high-impact activities
                                            The main indication for knee                knee joint are flexion (bending) and       such as jogging and running. This is
                                        replacement surgery is chronic                  extension (straightening) with a small     because the spacer placed between
                                                                                                                                   the implants at the ends of the femur
Knee replacement surgery is a general term that                                                                                    and tibia tends to wear out and is
                                                                                                                                   one of the important determinants of
  covers different types of replacement surgery                                                                                    the life of the joint. Also, high impact
                                                                                                                                   activities may loosen the implant
 on the knee depending on the degree of damage                                                                                     from the underlying bone. Low
                                                                                                                                   impact activities are much safer for
    and the extent of prosthetic replacement. Of                                                                                   the prosthesis. Excessive weight also
                                                                                                                                   reduces the life of the prosthesis since
these, total knee replacement (TKR) is the most                                                                                    it undergoes higher wear and tear.
                                                                                                                                   In fact, if the patient is substantially
                  commonly carried out surgery                                                                                     obese, it is advisable for him or her
                                                                                                                                   to lose weight before knee transplant
                                                                                                                                   surgery and if this is not possible by
                                                                                                                                   diet alone, even prior bariatric surgery
                                                                                                                                   may be considered worthwhile. Most
                                        persistent pain in spite of adequate            degree of rotation also permitted.         knee transplants are done in people
                                        conservative treatment in a knee                    Knee replacement surgery is a          older than 50 years of age. Newer
                                        joint severely damaged by arthritis.            general term that covers different         generation of prosthesis have a life of
                                        By far the commonest condition for              types of replacement surgery on the        about 20 years.
                                        which knee replacement is carried               knee depending on the degree of                There is an inherent risk with
                                        out is osteoarthritis (OA). This is a           damage and the extent of prosthetic        any type of surgery or medical
                                        degenerative condition of joints, the           replacement. Of these, total knee          procedure and knee replacement
                                        knees being a common target. Age                replacement (TKR) is the most              surgery is no exception. The fact that
                                        is the most important risk factor for           commonly carried out surgery. In           most knee replacements are in older
                                        its development. Genetic factors also           this the articulating surfaces of the      individuals, often with preexisting
                                        predispose to its development. Prior            femur and tibia are replaced by the        chronic illnesses enhances the risk.
                                        injuries to the knee as may occur               prosthesis. When only the lateral          In addition to the operative risk,
                                        in professional footballers, tennis             (the outer) or the medial (the inner)      infection is a significant problem. This
                                        players, etc also add to the risk.              side of the knee is severely damaged       is reduced by surgery in a dedicated
                                        Obesity leads to the knees having               the surgeon may opt for partial            facility where utmost care to avoid
                                        to bear more weight of the body                 knee replacement, the surgery being        infections is routine. In spite of this,
                                        and is another major contributory               limited to the damaged area. This          infections do occur and can be a major
                                        factor. Women are more prone to                 is likely to be less traumatic with        problem when they are severe or
                                        develop OA. A knee transplant is                lesser disruption of normal tissues        become chronic. Another significant
                                        indicated when joint degeneration is            of the knee. This surgery is usually       risk is for deep vein thrombosis
                                        far enough advanced to consider it to           possible only when the ligaments of        which may lead to life-threatening
                                        be end-stage disease and significant            the knee have retained their integrity     pulmonary embolism. Preventive
                                        persistent pain is present in spite of          and strength. Another types of knee        measures include early mobilization
                                        adequate conservative treatment.                replacement surgery is patellar            and preventive anti-coagulation
                                        Knee transplant is also indicated               replacement directed at replacing          therapy. Issues with the prosthesis
                                        in other types of arthritis such                the under-surface of the kneecap. In       such as loosening, limitation of
                                        as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic              TKR the damaged cartilage covering         movement, etc are also possible and
                                        arthritis or gout with end-stage                the articular surfaces of the lower        may limit the benefits of the surgery
                                        knee arthritis and inadequately                 end of the femur and the upper             or may even require rectification
                                        controlled persistent pain. Knee                end of the tibia is removed along          surgery. Pain is the main indication
                                        replacement may sometimes also be               with a little of the bone beneath the      for knee replacement surgery but a
                                        recommended for severe deformity of             cartilage. The implants are then fixed     few patients may continue to have
                                        the knee.                                       on the bone surface that has been          persistent pain even after the surgery.
                                            The knee joint is the largest joint         prepared to create the artificial joint.   Thus, while most patients get very
          Dr Asheesh Mehta              of the human body and also the                  Between the two implants, a spacer,        good results with knee replacement
         Internal Medicine Specialist   most complicated. The main bones                usually of a durable plastic, is placed.   surgery, a small but significant
                                        of the knee joint are the femur and             This acts as a shock absorber and          percentage does have complications
                                        the tibia. The femur is the thigh               allows smooth movement between             or unsatisfactory results.

                                           20 / THE GULF TODAY TIMEOUT / THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 2018
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