Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ...

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Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ...
Camden Haven Parish
                  Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
                                     26 June 2022

 This Sunday’s readings focus on the commitment needed to respond to the Lord’s call, a reminder that
true faith comes from the heart.
The Gospel tells of the wholehearted commitment required by Jesus of his followers – not coercion, as
suggested by James and John. Jesus makes the three who come forward aware of what following him really
means: it is not to be imagined as a part-time or ‘easy’ option. Jesus does not want his disciples to hesitate.
In the First Reading, Elisha responds quickly to being ‘anointed’ by Elijah. He shows his desire to serve the
Lord by leaving his livelihood and home, empty-handedly following Elijah.
In the Second Reading, St Paul emphasises the importance of freedom. However, he warns the Galatians, and
us too, that this is not an excuse for self-indulgence. The Spirit will guide us so that we love our neighbours as
ourselves. Living in freedom encourages us to take total responsibility for our own lives, rather than blame
others for any personal difficulties.
If, like the Psalmist, we trust and follow the Lord’s path of life, it will lead us to eternal joy.
Let’s pray this week for the grace of freedom in being able to accept unconditionally God’s will for us.
                                                                               (from Australian Catholics, Parish Life)

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON:               All peoples, clap your hands. Cry to God with shouts of joy!
RESPONSORIAL PSALM: You are my inheritance, O Lord!

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening;
                    you have the words of everlasting life. Alleluia!

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all within me, his holy name.

READINGS THIS WEEK:              1 Kings 19:16, 19-21      Galatians 5P:1, 13-18
                                              Luke 9:51-62
Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday
          and NAIDOC Week—3 to 10 July
                               Every year, on the first
                               week in July, Catholics
                               come together across
                               Australia to acknowledge,
                               celebrate and recognise
                               the history, culture, gifts
                               and achievements of
                               Australia’s First Peoples.
                               The theme this year is:
                               “Get up! Stand up! Show
                               NAIDOC Week is an
                               opportunity for all
                               Australians to learn about
                               First Nations—the oldest,
                               continuous living cultures
                               on earth.

                                                              With minds made up, we go forth today. We
Every year, over 28,000 merchant ships visit                  will pray faithfully. We will proclaim the Good
Australian ports. These ships are crewed by over              News joyfully. We will advance the Jesus-
300,000 seafarers. Most of these mariners come
                                                              way appropriately. We will banish apathy
from developing countries and are employed
because they represent cheap labour for the ship              thoroughly. With minds made up, we go forth
owners. Even in the best of times, seafarers suffer           today to bring peace to the suffering, to give
harsh and demanding conditions aboard the ship.               comfort to the grieving, to bring hope to the
Having signed on for 8 to 10 months contracts,                despairing, and to bring love to those who
seafarers suffer from boredom, loneliness, constant           feel unloved. God goes with us on our
noise and vibration, and the ever-present fear of             journey.                  Amen.
suffering an injury or sickness whilst at sea. Every
year, thousands of seafarers are injured and many
die, many having taken their own life. Last year,
more than 250 seafarers were hospitalised in
Australia because of a medical emergency suffered
on board a ship.
                                                             PLEASE PRAY FOR           Caesar Frankham
All Australians should be grateful for the work              and Moya Shearn who died recently and
performed on their behalf by seafarers. All of the           for Father Bernie Kenny & Giovanni Baron
cars we drive came to us from overseas on ships.             whose anniversary occurs at this time.
Most of the clothing we wear comes from overseas,
brought to us on ships. Much of our furniture and            PLEASE PRAY FOR
white goods come to us on ships. The wealth we               Dorothy Good who is sick at this time.
enjoy comes from the export of products on ships.
Pope Francis in 2014 called on those who work for                        † † † † † † † † †
the wellbeing of seafarers and their families to “be
the voice of those workers who live far from their
loved ones and face dangerous and difficult

                So, what is Sea Sunday? This is a
                national appeal undertaken by the
                Catholic Church in Australia each
                year across every parish on the
                second Sunday in July to raise
                awareness of the needs of seafarers.
                Stella Maris Australia is inviting
Catholics to pray for and financially support the work
of its chaplains, managers, ship visitors and
volunteers on Sea Sunday 10th July.
Visit to donate, volunteer or
learn more about Stella Maris’ ministry.
Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ...
Bishop Greg has asked us to pray for the second General
Assembly of the Plenary Council being held in Sydney from
4th to 9th July 2022.

Planned Giving envelopes for the coming
financial year are available to collect at
church this weekend.                                              WEEKDAY SERVICES
*** Please destroy old envelopes as                                 Tuesday 28 June
numbers have changed for this year ***                             Kendall    9.00am
If you wish to join the Planned Giving Program please
contact Jill at the Parish Office for a set of envelopes.          Wednesday 29 June
                                                                   Laurieton  8.00am
Aid to the Church in Need Australia                                 Thursday 30 June
In 2021 alone, 565,000 religious books were                        Laurieton   8.00am
produced and distributed with the help of
ACN. Often in poor countries, the child's                             Friday 1 July
Bible is the first book that children receive in                   Laurieton    Midday
their own language and frequently it is the
only picture book that the little ones can get
hold of in their entire lives. Can you help us                    WEEKEND SERVICES
continue this important work in distributing
religious books throughout the world?                                Saturday 2 July
Visit or by scanning the above QR       Laurieton   5.00pm
code is an easy option to learn more or donate.
                                                                      Sunday 3 July
                       Adult Faith Formation                       Laurieton   7.30am
Registrations for Cycle 5 Courses with the Virtual Learning        Kendall     9.00am
Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) are now open. Close on
July 13. (Courses begin July 18).
Anyone who is interested in doing the Images of Jesus Course or     SACRAMENT OF
needing more information, contact Tony Wormer at                   RECONCILIATION                          4.25pm - 5.00pm
                                                                   Saturdays, Laurieton
Neighbours Without Borders Palms Australia is offering
a free 3-day webinar on cross-cultural training for those          †††††††††††††
seeking to enrich their community, to be held at 5.30pm on
Thursday 30th June.
Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ...
Parish Priest: Fr Michael Roohan                                                Presbytery & Administration
            Parish Sister: Sr Frances Slack                                                 P O Box 133 Laurieton 2443
            Business Manager: Mr Jim Treeves                                                Ph. 6559 8354 Fax: 6559 6457
            School Principal: Mr Rick Galvin                                      

1            Christ Be Our Light                                  2              We Come To Your Feast
Longing for light, we wait in darkness.                           We place upon your table A gleaming cloth of white:
Longing for truth, we turn to you.                                The weaving of our stories, The fabric of our lives;
Make us your own, your holy people,                               The dreams of those before us, The ancient hopeful cries,
light for the world to see.                                       The promise of our future: Our needing and our nurture
                                                                  Lie here before our eyes.
Refrain:                                                          Refrain:
Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.                        We come to your feast, we come to your feast
Shine through the darkness                                        the young and the old, the frightened, the bold,
Christ, be our light!                                             the greatest and the least, we come to your feast,
Shine in your church gathered today.                              we come to your feast, with the fruit of our lands
                                                                  and the work of our hands, we come to your feast
Longing for peace, our world is troubled.
Longing for hope, many despair.                                   We place upon your table A humble loaf of bread:
Your word alone, has power to save us.                            The gift of field & hillside, The grain by which we’re fed;
Make us your living voice.                                        We come to taste the presence of him on whom we feed,
                                                                  To strengthen and connect us, to challenge and correct us,
Refrain                                                           To love in word and deed.
© 1993 Bernadette Farrell. OCP Publications. All rights
reserved. Used with permission One Licence 1009E                  (Refrain)
                 †††††††††††††                                    We place upon your table a simple cup of wine:
                                                                  the fruit of human labour, the gift of sun and vine;
4                     “Strong & Constant”                         We come to taste the presence of him we claim as lord,
                                                                  His dying and his living, his leading and his giving,
     I will be the Lord who walks with you!                       His loving cup outpoured.
       You will be always within my hand.
      Take your heart and give it all to me!
                                                                  © Michael Joncas. All rights reserved. Used with permission Licence 1009E
Refrain: Strong and constant is my love!                                                †††††††††††††
          Strong and constant is my love!

      Should you wander far away from me                          3                  “I’ll Be Always Loving You
       I will search for you in every land!
    Should you call, than you will truly know.                    1         I am here with you by your side,
                     (Refrain)                                              Sheltering your heart from the night.

    When you know sorrow within your life,                        Refrain:           Wherever you go, whatever you do,
     I will come I will embrace your heart!                                          I’ll be always loving you.
    Through your pain you will discover me!                       2         Let me love the world through your heart.
                    (Refrain)                                               Let me heal your wounds with my touch. (Refrain)
              © Frank Anderson msc & Chevalier Music.             Bridge:            I will be your God, your comforter.
    All rights reserved. Used with permission One Licence 1009E
                                                                                     I will hold you close in my heart.
                                                                  3         Let me see the world through your eyes.
        READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK                                              Let forgiveness shine through your smile.
     Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                           (Refrain)
    Isaiah 66:10-14                  Galatians 6:14-18
                                                                        © 1987 T Watts & Willow Connection Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
                   Luke 10:1-12, 17-20                                            Used with permission One Licence 1009E
Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ... Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ... Camden Haven Parish Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C - catholic parish of ...
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