Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church

Page created by Norman Mccoy
Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church
                                           MONTHLY NEWSLETTER | CALVARY BIBLE CHURCH
                                                        JANUARY 2021

The Only Constant
The Aquilino Family in 2020
 As the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said: “Change is the only
constant.” In the coming years, when the Aquilino family looks back
on the year 2020, I think it is safe to say that we will remember this
year as one in which all of our assumptions were challenged. After all,
at the beginning of 2020 would any of us have imagined that the year
would have turned out this way? It seems that so much has changed.
                  I am continuing to adjust to living in a new area and serving in a new church. It
                has been a tremendous pleasure to work side by side with my fellow Pastors,
                Elders and Staff, and I very rarely get lost in the church building anymore. I have
                even had the pleasure of showing others around the building and getting to see
                that same confused look that I once had. Has it really been a whole year already?
                What a great privilege it has been to preach God’s Word to you and to get to
                know so many of you!
  The Aquilino family has really done well in adapting to all of the changes we have faced in 2020.
As we finish 2020, we feel more and more at home with every passing month. We appreciate
your prayers on our behalf and your faithfulness to His church. As we have learned from 2020,
we don’t know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future. We praise God for you.
  With all due respect to Heraclitus, change is not the only constant. God is gloriously constant
and unchanging (James 1:17). He is in constant control over His creation. He is constantly
blessing us with His unfathomable grace. His love remains undiminished toward us, regardless of
our circumstances (Romans 8).
Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church
As I look forward to a new year, I want to
encourage you to think about how we might
spur one another on to love and good deeds
(Hebrews 10:24), growing deeper in our                         I will say of the LORD,
devotion to the Lord, with greater consistency
and sincerity in our service to Him (Romans                                  "He is my refuge
8:35-39). May our lives together be more
consistently to the praise of His glory.
                                                                             and my fortress;
My love be with you all in                                                         My God,
Christ Jesus. Amen.
1 Corinthians 16:24                                                     in Him I will trust."
Pastor Dom
                                                                     Psalm 91:2

The Quinnett Family

     Quinnett Family 2020                    It goes without saying that 2020 has been a challenging
                                             year. As we now begin 2021, we realize that all of us are
                                             praying and hoping for a better year. However, the good
                                             and hopeful news is that God remains the same. He is
                                             faithful and true and nothing can thwart His plan. A
                                             passage that I have come back to time and time again is
                                             Isaiah 46:8–10, “Remember the former things long past,
                                             For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and
                                             there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the
                                             beginning, and from ancient times things which have not
                                             been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and
                                             I will accomplish all My good pleasure’…”. He is so
                                             worthy of our trust and worship.

Here’s a brief synopsis of life for the Quinnetts: Zach (24) continues
working for C.J. Miller in Maryland. He has had many opportunities to
learn new aspects of the job and is enjoying working with the company.
He is also a part of the music ministry at LifePoint Church in
Reisterstown, MD. Trevor (21 in January) remains stationed at
Andrew’s Air Force base in Maryland. He works as an electrician for the
Air Force and this year he was able to complete all of his certifications.
Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church
The Quinnett Family
                          Michaela (18) is a 2020 graduate of Southwestern High School and
                          continues to work at Genova’s in Hanover. She is taking online classes
                          from HACC in Gettysburg, working toward a degree in Interior Design.
                          Ashley (16) continues to play violin with the orchestra here at CBC, plays
                          field hockey as a sophomore at Southwestern High School and got her
                          driving permit this past fall.

 Driving Permit           Cindy continues working with Berkshire Hathaway (formerly ERA
                          Preferred Properties) in Hanover and has had a fantastic year in real
                          estate. She thoroughly enjoys assisting people locate a place to call home.
She also continues to balance other side jobs, teaching music lessons to several students, and
ministering as pianist at the church. She continues to be a great source of encouragement and
support as we transition into a new phase of ministry.

During the summer, we took a family vacation to Crisfield, MD. We
were thrilled that Trevor was able to spend the week with us as we
know that our days with only the six of us are drawing to a close.
We are thankful for the time to be away and enjoy one another.

And finally, Calvary family, we want to introduce you to the newest
member of the Quinnett family, Walter. While away in November,
we lost our sweet dog (Chloe) of 12 ½ years. It was a sad time for
us. After several weeks, we joyfully found Walter and he is a
spunky and loveable addition to our family.                               Crisfield, Maryland
                             We are thankful for all of the ways the Lord has revealed Himself to us
                             over this past year. As the Lord would have it, I tested positive for the
                             COVID-19 virus in December. I can’t recall a time that I have been hit so
                             hard by a virus. As I was beginning to recover, I was able to read a lot,
                             both Scripture and other books that I have been wanting to read. A
                             Psalm that the Lord brought to me several times is Psalm 119:71 “It is
                             good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.” In this
        Walter               passage the psalmist realizes that affliction is good because it drove him
                             to see the importance and value of God’s Word. He goes on to say in
                             verse 72, “The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold
and silver pieces.” I want to remember this as I continue to recover from this virus. I can’t emphasize
enough the importance it is for each of us to be studying God’s Word. We must be in His book and
that is why I am greatly looking forward to our next Precept study in the book of Hebrews. Not only
for a better understanding of the book, rather, I want the Lord to use His Word in my life to help me
grow and mature in Him. Church family, our Savior is returning soon. Let me encourage you to get
yourself involved in one of the Bible studies being offered here at CBC. You and I cannot navigate
through these days without it. Blessings to you all for a Jesus focused 2021. Who knows, maybe this
will be the year where we meet Him in the air. Let’s be ready to see Him. You are loved.
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The Greene Family
Dear Calvary Bible Church Family,
What a crazy year! We have
experienced almost a year of Covid-
19 and have learned to adapt,
change, keep plowing on, make new
plans, scrap those, replan, and just
roll with it. Our relationships have
been no less crazy – family, friends,
work, you name it – seeing them, not
seeing them, being isolated, walking
through crowds, something to talk
about, something to leave unsaid.
You all have similar stories to tell,
good ones and not so good ones. I
encourage us all to continue to lean
on God for direction, strength, and
as our anchor.

                    This year I will start with Hannah. She graduated High School and a year of
                    college at HACC in 2019. She had ligament replacement in her elbow
                    (March) and ankle (December). She started classes at Appalachian Bible
                    College and finished her first semester there this month. She is going for
                    Early Childhood Education. She has been working at Hickory Falls here in
                    Hanover and enjoying her time there.

                    Rachel graduated from YTI with a Veterinary Technician Degree and
                    continues to work at Compassion Animal Hospital in East Berlin. She is
                    enjoying working with animals and making friends. She has had many
                    opportunities to be a great testimony at her job. She is dating a nice godly
                    man, and we look forward to what the Lord will bring from this relationship.

Kayla is working at Amazon and moved out this year.

Josiah is now taller than me, which he enjoys very
much. He is in 9th grade. Baseball was challenging and
fun for him this year, and he did very well. Josiah is
working hard mowing lawns and doing snow removal
to save for college.

Cindy and I will be celebrating 25 years of marriage
this June! The Lord keeps us hopping with ministry,
raising our kids, and helping our parents. I completed
three more master's classes this year and look forward
to graduating with my master's in ministry from
Carolina U (formerly Piedmont University).

We appreciate all of your love, prayers, and encouragement for us on a regular basis.

Pastor Rob
Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church
CBC’s Annual Congrega onal Mee ng will be held on Sunday, January 24
                           beginning 10 minutes a er the 10 AM Worship Service. There will be no
          Sunday,          Sunday School that day. All CBC Members—Please plan to a end this im-
                           portant mee ng! We will discuss and approve the budget and vote for elder
        January 24         nominees. Childcare provided, Nursery—2nd grade. Sunday PM service
                           will be held as usual. Financial packets and last year’s mee ng minutes are
                           available at the Usher’s sta on. Snow date is January 31.

All submissions will remain in the marketplace for two months unless the church office is no fied
otherwise. Please call the office if your items have sold or your need is met.
     APARTMENT NEEDED: Single female looking for a small apartment or in‐law quarters to rent. If
       you know of a rental, please call 717‐521‐3484 .
     FOR SALE: An que cedar chest with manufacturer's mark on back.
       Inexpensive ‐ need room for other things! Please call 717‐225‐5013 and
       leave a message with your contact informa on.
     MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY: Communion Helpers Needed. Two teams of people are needed to
       prepare communion 3 Sundays/year. CBC Membership is not required; families can work together
       as a team if desired. Please contact the church office at 717‐632‐3954 for more informa on.
Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church
Calvary's Light - Calvary Bible Church
CBC’s January Event Calendar
Date     Day        Time                                 Event                                  Room
 8       Friday    6:00 PM                           Men’s Meat Up                              Boyer Hall
 10     Sunday     9:30 AM                          Membership Class                               214
                   9:30 AM                    Sunday School, Infant—Adult
                   10:30 AM                        AM Worship Service                           Sanctuary
                   6:30 PM      PM Worship Service/Sparrow Place Q & A, Jan Wilson CEO          Sanctuary
 13    Wednesday   1:00 PM           Wednesday A ernoon Service (Masks Required)                Sanctuary
                   5:00 PM                   Christmas Tear Down (5‐8 PM)                       Sanctuary
                   6:15 PM                     Teens: Christmas Clean Up                           201
                   6:30 PM      Awana (PJs & Stuffed Animal Night), Men’s Bible Study, ESL
 14    Thursday    1:00 PM                   Christmas Tear Down (1‐3 PM)                       Sanctuary
                   6:30 PM                            Elder Mee ng                             Conf. Room
 17     Sunday     9:30 AM                          Membership Class                               214
                   9:30 AM                    Sunday School, Infant—Adult
                   10:30 AM                        AM Worship Service                           Sanctuary
                   6:30 PM                         PM Worship Service                           Sanctuary
 20    Wednesday   9:30 AM                          Ladies’ Fellowship                             202
                   1:00 PM     Wednesday A ernoon Communion Service (Masks Required)            Sanctuary
                   6:15 PM                             Teen Group                                  201
                   6:30 PM           Men’s Bible Study, Awana (Car kits for sale), ESL
 23     Saturday   7:00 PM    Teens: Nerf Wars (3‐5:30 PM OR 6:30—9 PM, limit 20/time slot)       Gym
 24     Sunday                                   **NO Sunday School**
                   10:00 AM                        AM Worship Service                           Sanctuary
                   11:15 AM                      Congrega onal Mee ng                           Sanctuary
                   6:30 PM                         PM Worship Service                           Sanctuary
 27    Wednesday   1:00 PM           Wednesday A ernoon Service (Masks Required)                Sanctuary
                   6:15 PM                             Teen Group                                  201
                   6:30 PM         Men’s Bible Study, Awana (Grand Prix Impound), ESL
 28    Thursday    6:30 PM                            Elder Mee ng                             Conf. Room
 31     Sunday     9:30 AM                    Sunday School, Infant—Adult
                   10:30 AM                        AM Worship Service                           Sanctuary
                   11:15 AM                Snow Date: Congrega onal Mee ng                      Sanctuary
                   6:30 PM                         PM Worship Service                           Sanctuary

 Cross               Bible                Body                     Neighbors                  Worship
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