Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy

Page created by Renee Logan
Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Start: October 2021

Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis
Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy

▪   Markets and market potentials
▪   Technologies and their readiness
▪   System configurations, components, materials
▪   Applications and use cases, supply chains, players
▪   Future scenarios for plastic applications in complex material systems
Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy

                       How material systems will contribute to advanced hydrogen technologies:
             We are providing the know-how and a marketplace for exchanging application, material and production
                                         knowledge across hydrogen value chains.

    Hydrogen is becoming an important building block for               More than ever a smart combination of different materials enables
    achieving a CO₂-neutral economy.                                   efficiency improvements in both production of complex components
                                                                       and their performance in a critical environment.
    The importance is underlined by huge investments into further
    developing technologies for using hydrogen in a sustainable        Within this joint market and technology analysis, we invite
    way. Governments of large industry nations around the world        you to join a cross-domain industry network in order to discover
    including the EU incentivize both industry and also the private    and shape new opportunities for realizing safe, cost-efficient
    sector for advancing the hydrogen economy with triple-digit        and durable components enabled by plastic technologies in
    billion Euro budgets.                                              complex material systems.

    The main field for growth will be related to energy conversion,    This initiative is hosted by the IKV with its proven expertise in
    which will give a push to innovation in transportation, building   industry-relevant R&D and Prof. Rudolf Stauber with long
    and many other industries.                                         experience in implementing new material systems into high
    Significant improvements of efficiency in generating,              volume applications. Participation will offer you the opportunity
    transporting, storing and converting hydrogen will only be         to enter into a long-term strategic community for cooperation
    stimulated by innovations enabled by materials and correlated      and technology development for plastics in the hydrogen
    processing technologies.                                           economy.

Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Final energy demand
                       14,100                11,500                                  9,300
in the EU [TWh]
     Thereof H₂          2%           4%                 6%                   8%             24%


     The ultization of hydrogen will increase.
     Especially in the fields related to energy
     conversion a significant growth is estimated.
                                                                      sto ck                 579
                                                              f e e d
                                                  u t s ide                                                Power generation,

                                            h   o                                                          buffering
                                     ro wt                                    786
                                   G                     671                        49       237
                                                                         85                                Heating and power
                                                    70                                                     of buildings
                                      481                      33             207            257
                                                    68              8
                                                                                    53                     Industry energy
                        325                                               1
                                                                                                           New industry
                                      427                427                  391            391           feedstock
                                                                                                           Existing industry
                                   Business as      Ambitious           Business as      Ambitious
                                     usual                                usual                      Source: FCH2 JU Hyrdogen Roadmap
                                                                                                     Europe (2019)
                        2015                 2030                                    2050
Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Holistic Consideration of the Hydrogen Value Chain

                                                                                            Fuel cell based
                                                                                    (rail, road, marine, aviation)
                                                                                                                           Oil / Bio-
               Renewables                                       Power Generation                                             mass

    Nuclear                                                                                                                             Ammonia /


                                Electric Grid Infrastructure

                Fossil with                                                                                                  Metal
                  Carbon                                                                                                   Production
              Utilization and                                                                                Chemical /
                  Storage                                                                                     Industrial
                                                                                                Heat /
                                                                                          Distributed Power
                                                               Gas Infrastructure       (industry / residential)

Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
„We will identify scientific and developmental challenges that have to be addressed
    for the best fit of plastics in the hydrogen economy in the coming years.”
               Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hopmann, Head of IKV

              „In the next decades, hydrogen technology will significantly change a large number of
           industrial processes. For this overall economic environment, plastics technology will support a
                          systematic and comprehensive approach for technical solutions.
           We kindly invite you to become a partner for application-oriented investigations in this field.”
                             Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stauber, Head of

                 ▪    Markets and market potentials          ▪    Applications and use cases,
                 ▪    Technologies and their readiness       ▪    supply chains, players
                 ▪    System configurations                  ▪    Future scenarios for plastic applications
                 ▪    components, materials                       in complex material systems
Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Project Objectives
                         Basis for creating business opportunities

    Structured Technology Overview                            Marketplace for knowledge exchange
    ▪   Generation               ▪   Conversion               ▪   Cost-sharing of study efforts
    ▪   Transportation           ▪   Energy                   ▪   Networking between industrial project participants
    ▪   Storage                  ▪   Materials                    from the application, material and production sector
                                                              ▪   Exchange with experts regarding hydrogen systems
    ▪   Including existing, emerging and early-stage          ▪   Entry into a long-term strategy community, meeting
        hydrogen technologies                                     regularly after the study to evaluate cooperation
    ▪   Focus on state of the art and future potentials for       opportunities and realize regular meetings as platform
        plastic technologies exposed to hydrogen and/or           for sustainable partnerships to implement innovative
        high pressure environments                                technologies

Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Target Group

▪    Material supplier
                                  Addressed Topics
▪    Plastic machinery
▪    Plastic converter            ▪   Thermoplastics   ▪   Compounding
▪    H₂-system producer           ▪   Elastomers       ▪   Moulding
▪    End users                    ▪   Thermosets       ▪   Extrusion
     - of hydrogen as ressource   ▪   Composites       ▪   Coating, Barrier,
▪    - of hydrogen systems        ▪   Hybrids              Cross-linking,
▪    - of plastic materials and                            Annealing, Stretching, ...
     components in complex                             ▪   Joining Technologies
     material systems                                  ▪   Safety, Operations,
▪   Service Providers                                      Testing, Qualification
▪   Gas Transition Network
    Operators and Gas Providers
Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Content and Timeline
    TECHNOLOGY AND                          ADDRESSED                           OBJECTIVES /
    MARKE T KNOWLEDGE                       QUESTIONS                           RESULTS
    ▪ For a target-orientated               ▪ What kinds of value streams       ▪ Providing of detailed market
       development and in order to             exist and what readiness level       insights
       open up new business areas a            do the involved systems have?    ▪ Detailed explanation of
       well-founded basis for strategic     ▪ Which different types of system       technological state of the art
       decisions is required                   configurations are used today        solutions
    ▪ In order to benefit from emerging        within conversion of hydrogen    ▪ Information about emerging
       markets, it is necessary to build       into materials and energy?           technologies and trends
       up a technical expertise,            ▪ How can mobile or stationary      ▪ Scenarios for further
       accompanied by a                        H₂ systems with components           implementing plastic
       well-grounded knowledge of              consisting of complex material       technologies in complex
       market specific information             systems be safely integrated,        material systems
                                               operated and monitored?          ▪ Technology know-how and
                                            ▪ What are the use cases and            identification of stakeholders as
                                              application criteria for              basis for evaluating new
                                              materials?                            business opportunities
                                            ▪ Which plastic materials are       ▪ Networking within project
                                              processed for component             meetings and additional
                                              manufacturing?                      workshops with external experts
                                            ▪ What are the enabling             ▪ Identifying scientific and
                                              key-technologies?                   developmental challenges and
                                            ▪ How big is the economic             deriving a R&D road-map for
                                              potential?                          the IKV research platform
                                            ▪ Who are the key-players?

Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
Kick-off                 1st Review Meeting                2nd Review Meeting                          Final Meeting
        October, 2021            January, 2022                              June, 2022                        October, 2022

    Q                   W         W                                                W                            W              M

         Markets                               Technologies                                           Scenarios
                                                                                                                          12 months

▪   Kick-off questionnaire            ▪     Detailed technology analysis                 ▪   Identification of interesting
▪   Market segmentation                     including:                                       fields of applications
▪   Use cases and applications        ▪     Technologies and their readiness             ▪   Concept studies for
▪   Market sizes and growth           ▪     System configurations,                           substitution of materials by
    potentials                              components, materials                            plastics (concerning
▪   Players (end users and                                                                   requirements for plastic material
    technology provider)                                                                     systems, production technology,
                                                                                             part design)

                                  Q       Kick-off questionnaire      W     Workshops with partners/experts         M   Final meeting

Call for Participation: Joint Market and Technology Analysis Opportunities for Material Technologies in a Hydrogen Economy
                                                     Start   October 2021
                                                 Duration    12 months
                                             Contribution    19,000 € per participant*

                                                             50% in 09/2021
                                                             20% in 06/2022
                                                             30% in 10/2022

     Place your interest:

About the team

The Institute for Plastics Processing is an innovation driver and is a service provider in the fields of materials,
research partner for the plastics sector. Extensive know-how        recycling and logistics with a strong focus on plastics technologies.
and many years of experience in all areas of plastics               Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stauber, the founder and managing director of
technology put IKV in a unique position in Germany. The   , possesses extensive technical and scientific
possibilities for cooperation with IKV are many and varied.         know-how with many years of professional experience in
In publicly funded projects of Industrial Joint Research, and       industry and research. In more than 30 years he was active in
in bilateral industry research through IKV services such as         senior management positions in the automotive industry and
consulting, plastics testing, damage analysis etc., our partners    afterwards responsible for the establishment of a new scientific
benefit from IKV‘s expertise and know-how.                          institution of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.

The initiative will also be
                                                                                Kick-off meeting     introduced in a webinar on
                                                                            September 29th 2021,           July 29th 2021,
                                                                            3:00 - 4:00 p.m. CEST.     3:00 - 4:00 p.m. CEST.
                                                                                   in Aachen              Please register via

Would you like to talk about the
individual benefits the initiative can offer you?

Dr.-Ing. Kai Fischer             Daniel Schneider                Jens Wipperfürth
Scientific director               Head of department Composites   Head of departement Materials
                                 and Polyurethane Technology     Technology

Phone:        +49 241 80-93807   Phone:     +49 241 80-23884     Phone:      +49 241 80-28359

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