Calendar - Templeton Primary School

Page created by Gordon Moore
Calendar - Templeton Primary School
Pride in Performance

Term 2                                                             Templeton Primary School
Week 4                                                        Crestdale Road, Wantirna 3152
14th May 2021                                       Telephone 9801 7450 Facsimile 9800 3547

2021 TERM 2
Week 5
Monday 17th May       NAPLAN
Tuesday 18th May      NAPLAN
Wednesday 19th May    NAPLAN
Thursday 20th May     NAPLAN
                      Templeton Primary School Open Night 6.00pm—8.00pm & Book Fair
                      Q & A session from 6.30pm—7.00pm in Room 30 with Principal
Friday 21st May       Division Girls Football

Week 6
Thursday 27th May     Report Writing Day—School Closed
Friday 28th May       Winter Sports Day No.1

Week 7
Monday 31st May       Grade 1 Author Incursion
Tuesday 1st June      Grade 3 CERES Excursion
Wednesday 2nd June    Prep Author Incursion
                      Grade 3 CERES Excursion
Thursday 3rd June     Grade 3 Author Incursion
Friday 4th June       Division Cross Country

Week 8
Wednesday 9th June    Grade 4 Author Incursion
Thursday 10th June    Musical Rehearsal
Friday 11th June      Winter Sports Day No.2

Week 9
Monday 14th June      Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Calendar - Templeton Primary School

Our annual Book Fair is currently under way. Over the next two weeks each class will have time to
browse through the vast array of books available for purchase, creating wish lists for parents to consider.
Purchasing for the Book Fair will begin at Open Night and then continue each morning and afternoon
after school until 3.45pm on Wednesday 26th May.


As the colder months descend on us and the days get shorter, there is no better time to grab a book and
curl up under the doona or in front of the fire. By any measure, reading for more than 15 minutes per
day has enormous benefits for life outcomes.
Calendar - Templeton Primary School
The magic number is 15 minutes, not 14, not 10 and definitely not 5. Active reading for 15 minutes helps
students achieve higher academic growth than their peers. Results are even better if it is 30 minutes and
60 minutes has enormous benefits. Studies show that only 18% of students read for 30 minutes per night
and that at 60 minutes, student growth is on average 48% higher than the average, no matter what the
child’s background.

The table below shows the correlation between high reading engagement against international student
rankings. Those coming from the lowest socioeconomic backgrounds achieve well above the
international average if they read regularly. If we compare a student from a low socioeconomic
background who does not read daily, with a student from a high background that does, the difference is
massive. That difference is cut dramatically by high reading engagement. The evidence could not be
clearer. If you want to support your child to succeed, read to them and give them plenty of opportunities
to read.

If you still have pre-schoolers, the research shows how significant being read to is, enabling students to
start school with reading skills well above their peers. From my own experience, when my own children
wanted to stay up later, our first negotiation led to bed time being extended by 30 minutes, on the
proviso that they read in bed for those 30 minutes. Not only did it help them fall asleep as they
disconnected from devices, but it boosted their reading time. Win-win-win!

As I have said many, many times, reading is everything and is the key to your child enjoying a successful
Calendar - Templeton Primary School

A reminder for those families yet to donate, these donations are fully tax-deductible so you may wish to
get your donation in before the end of the 2020/21 tax year.

In 2020 and 2021 donations have helped us to completely renew our toilet facilities and also replace the
oval surface which I am sure you will agree are both very impressive.

Future plans include additional playground equipment at the front of the school, resurfacing the Prep
and Grade 1 top playground, redeveloping the student sick bay and replacing all the tan bark around the
playgrounds with cushion foam and synthetic grass.

These are just a few of the projects we have in our sights over the coming years. None of these projects
will be funded by the Department of Education so we rely on carefully managing our budget and
donations from our parents to our Building Fund. It’s important to note that all money donated by
parents goes towards projects that all students will benefit from.

I would like to express my gratitude to those families who have already donated to our Building
Fund. Your donations are genuinely very much appreciated.


OPEN NIGHT: Thursday 20th May 6.00pm to 8.00pm

I invite all parents to come along and visit your child’s classroom next Thursday evening at 6.00pm.

I will be hosting an information session for prospective parents in the Staff Centre (Room 30) at 6.30pm
for parents who are visiting our school on the night.

If you have any family or friends who would like to hear more about a Templeton education for their
child, please let them know about this evening.

To book your place at the Principal Q & A, visit:

Seats are strictly limited, so book quickly!
Calendar - Templeton Primary School

Please note that Prep enrolments for 2022 will be closing on Friday 25th June. Once again we are pleased
with the amount of interest our community has shown in our school with the number of applications far
exceeding the number of positions available.

Templeton families with siblings starting school in 2022 will have received a letter from me confirming
enrolment for Prep next year.

If you have not received a letter, it means we do not have your application and your enrolment is not
confirmed. If you are not sure, or if you have forgotten to enrol your child (yes, it does happen!!), please
contact the office. I would be disappointed for current families if they missed out on a position for next

Have a great weekend everyone.

Rod McKinlay
Calendar - Templeton Primary School
Prep                                                            Prep

 Eva R—PG for staying on task and completing all your work.      Harvey W—PS for doing a great job with phonics.

 Tahalia G—PG for the amazing effort you put into your           Tristan C— PV for your fantastic work in Literacy lessons.
                                                                 Charlotte C— PV for your wonderful presentation about
 Sandra T—PM for staying on task and a fantastic job with all    the five senses.
 your work this week.
                                                                 Bavitra B—PZ for showing great enthusiasm and
 Kasey T—PS for your enthusiastic participation during           concentration in guided reading.
 Reading Groups
                                                                 Anson T—PZ for working hard to a high standard.

Grade 1                                                         Grade 2

 Olivia L—1C for great work in Maths this week.                  Chloe L—2A thank you for teaching the class a new game.

 Sam C—1C for great work in Maths this week.                     Austin Z—2C for your excellent oral presentation.

 Erica M—1C for outstanding work in the classroom.               Torres W—2C for impeccable manners. Well done.

 Jayden K—1F for fantastic descriptive writing this week.        Aleph S—2D for your great work in Maths this week.

 Caleb E—1F for being well behaved on our excursion to           Angela G—2M welcome back to Templeton.
 Chesterfield Farm.
                                                                 Piper M—2M for always being happy, positive and willing
 Rocky Z—1N for outstanding behaviour on our excursion to        to help.
 Chesterfield Farm.
                                                                 Ethan W—2M welcome back to Templeton.
 Rohin L—1N for being a phonogram expert in class.
                                                                  Arvin S—2M for great effort during Reading Groups. Keep
 Amelia C—1S for following the correct structure for writing.    it up.

 Ranielle H—1S for beautiful manners on our excursion to
 Chesterfield Farm.

 Lacey S—1W for reading with great fluency. Well done.

 Katherine W—1W for great resilience you showed on our
 excursion to Chesterfield Farm.
Calendar - Templeton Primary School
Grade 3                                                          Grade 4

 Arvin V—3E for an excellent oral presentation. Well done.        Addison H—4F for the determination you show at all
 Serena Y—3E for being a fantastic helper all week.
                                                                  Sebastian N—4F for the amazing oral talk about
 Emily S—3N for an excellent oral presentation. Great work.
 Selena W—3N for joining in our narrative class story.
                                                                  Ethan L—4K for your enthusiastic participation in 3/4
Eshan O—3P for writing an amazing narrative this week.            Sport.
Nathan J—3S for your excellent oral presentation.                 Riley M—4K for an informative oral presentation on
Sienna C—3S for working so hard with all your school work.        Somalia.

                                                                  Pippa K—4S for displaying a positive attitude. Well done.

                                                                  Reyhaan K—4S for a wonderful presentation on

                                                                  Daniel V—4N for always willing to share your ideas.

                                                                  Julia M—4N for your fantastic oral presentation about
                                                                  Central Africa.

Grade 5                                                          Grade 6

 David D—5H for always contributing to class discussions.         Theo D—6D for working hard independently to solve a
                                                                  problem. Keep it up.
 Isaac L—5L for writing an excellent persuasive text.
                                                                  Novak H—6D for being an all-round superstar . Well
 Shanaya G—5L for always having a smile on your face.
 Lachie S—5M for being a great friends to others. Well
                                                                  Aniq F—6H for always volunteering to help out.
                                                                  Janet H—6H for being a friendly and inclusive member of
 Myra W—5M for trying hard and always giving your best.
                                                                  our class.
  Nathan H—5S for your wonderful effort towards your learn-
                                                                  Asha H—6J for always coming to school with a positive
 ing this week. Great work.
  Arnav K—5S for your terrific attitude and dedication to your
                                                                  Arjun P—6J for being patient and kind to your Prep
 Adrina H—5S for being an honorary MICE student through
                                                                   Alexia B—6P for being a hardworking student at all
 NAPLAN, helping set up lap tops, and being an all-round
 star! - from Mr Crilly
                                                                  Ian L—6P for being kind and helpful to your classmates.
Calendar - Templeton Primary School
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2021
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open and Templeton Primary School is excited to be
participating. The PRC application offers a range of exciting features including:
   access to a library catalogue (including book images and blurbs)
   a modern user-friendly interface
   rewarding students with badges as challenge milestones are achieved
   the option for students to mark books as a favourite, give them a star rating or complete a book

To complete the challenge, students in Prep to Grade 2 will read 30 books with their parents at home,
and students in Grades 3 - 6 are challenged to read 15 books, independently. Parents of students in the
junior school (Prep - 2) will be able to log in and add books to their child’s individual list.

Students in Grades 3 - 6 can add their books to their list online by logging on using the website below, or
via the direct link on the Templeton website. Usernames and passwords will be handed out by classroom

Students will have three months to complete the challenge. Once they are finished reading, students will
need to print out their book list, have it signed by a parent or guardian to confirm books have been read,
and then give it to their classroom teacher by Tuesday the 17th of August, 2021. All children who meet
the challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier.

For more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, please visit:

Good luck and happy reading!

Ms Melissa Forrest
Premiers’ Reading Challenge Coordinator
Calendar - Templeton Primary School
Templeton Primary School
                     Family Technology Challenge 2021
                The challenge has been running for over 20 years so we would like to showcase
                             the greatest Technology inventions in the world over time.

                                All of the best technology advances began as an idea.
                                     This year’s challenge: Celebrate      Technology
                   ‘Design and build a well-known technological invention using only recycled materials’
      Some examples could be: a television out of a box, a simple light generator, a telescope or a slide show camera
                                   That’s right any invention from 19th, 20th or 21st century.

The challenge is designed to be completed as a family project.
Inventions will be displayed in the Art Room on Thursday 20th of May at Open Night.

Conditions of Entry
     Entry must not exceed 1.5m in length due to space available.
     Designers need to bring in inventions by Wednesday 19th of May (9am Thursday at the absolute latest!)
     All essential components need to be made from recycled materials. Inventions solely using plastic prefabricated kits
     won’t be accepted, as this is a design challenge.
     Your model should have three parts that move (a bottle top that can be turned, a string pulled to change a screen, a
     propeller that can be spun, a door that opens!)
     Small motor kits can be used as long as essentially all parts are recycled materials. Eg. Generator needs a bulb and small
     Design must be robust to survive many eager people wanting to try it out, so test thoroughly.
     Provide researched facts about your invention and clear operating instructions if needed.
     Most importantly have fun with your family coming up with a design.
    Save cereal boxes- easy to cut cardboard
    Use materials from around the house: jars, boxes, bottles, cardboard rolls, paper and elastic bands.
    Research your chosen invention and learn how it works.

*There is a prize for the most voted for entry so make sure you make your entry stand out!

If you have any questions, please contact the Art Room.

                                                                                                    Mrs Jelley and Mrs Lin
Calendar - Templeton Primary School

Did you know that every year our amazing year six students perform in a spectacular
               musical production which your whole family will love?
This year we take you all the way back to ancient Egypt to see what adventures befall
       our young Prince Tut when he changes places with a lowly street urchin.
          *Write the dates in your diary as shows sell out very quickly.

                       WEDNESDAY 23rd AND THURSDAY 24th JUNE
                           (Last week of Term 2)   7.30 pm
                            FOREST HILL COLLEGE THEATRE
                            (Mahoneys Road, Burwood East)

Tickets for our year six families go on sale through Try Booking on 24th May and then
               we offer them to our school community one week later.
                 Keep your eyes on Xuno for the latest information!

             Mrs Pam Wood—Performing Arts
                                         THANK YOU
Our annual Mothers’ Day Stall could not have been successful without the help of our parent volunteers
Amelia Taylor, Julie Baker, Jodie Munro, Janine Henwood, Lou Mayoh and Joan Buras.

Thank you also to our CARE students who worked at the stall. Well done.

              Mrs Andrea Edwards—Assistant Principal

   The Book Fair is Coming to Templeton!

   The annual Book Fair will commence on the 20th May at the beginning of
   Open Night. This year parents will have the opportunity to come into the
   Fair and purchase books with their children. The Book Fair will then be
   open each day before and after school from Friday the 21 st of May until
   Wednesday the 26th May. Books that we sell out of can be reordered and
   will be delivered to your child approximately a week after the Fair closes. Children will create a
   wish-list of books that they would like to purchase during their library lessons the week before the
   Fair begin.
   We can’t wait to see you all there!

   Jennie Glembin, Robin Miao, Adam Williams, Vicki Wingate —Library Teachers
Templeton Primary School is a supporter of the ‘Bread Tags for
Wheelchairs’ program and we need your help! Please bring in your bread
tags as we are collecting them for a group called Aussie Bread Tags for
Wheelchairs. The tags are sent to a recycling company in South Australia,
where they are melted and moulded into products, such as bowls. The
money raised from the sales of these products will be used to buy
wheelchairs for people in South Africa who can’t afford it.

Each classroom will have a container for their bread tag collection, with full containers
being sent to 3E so the bread tags can make their way to the recycling centre.

Ask your neighbours, ask your family, ask your friends to get involved and let’s help to
make a difference!

Fun facts:
It takes about 250kgs of bread tags to fund one wheelchair.
Bread Tags for Wheelchairs have funded 800 wheelchairs since 2006.

Thank you very much and I look forward to receiving your bread tags,

From Arvin Vagel – 3E.
                                                         ORDERING LUNCH FROM
                                                             MISS PEPPERCORN

Please note that Miss Peppercorn lunch orders will now be available on Wednesdays instead of Fridays.
Subway will still be available Fridays.

See our website for ordering instructions.

Thank you.

Mrs Andrea Edwards—Assistant Principal
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