Calendar of - More than Just Books - Library CLOSED April 17 - Washington-Centerville Public Library

Page created by Louise Gilbert
I S S UE        4 6   /     M A R C H       -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2

Library CLOSED
April 17.
                                                                                                              w c l i b r a r y. i n f o

  calendar of

More than Just Books                                                                                             Friends of WCPL Spring
 WHILE THE TYPICAL FIRST THOUGHT                   Centerville/Washington Township residents                     Book Sale
OF A LIBRARY IS THE COLLECTION                     and non-profit organizations on a first-come,                 Thursday, April 21, 5-9 PM
OF BOOKS AVAILABLE, THERE ARE                      first-served basis.                   (Members Preview Nite)
MANY ADDITIONAL PATRON SERVICES                    meetingrooms/request/                                         Friday, April 22, 10 AM – 6 PM
OFFERED AT THE WASHINGTON-                                                                                       Saturday, April 23, 10 AM – 5 PM
CENTERVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY.                        HotSpot – No Wi-Fi access? Borrow a                           Centerville Library
                                                   mobile hotspot and take the internet with
Fax Services – Fax machines are available at       you. This wireless access point providing                     Hundreds of books, movies, music,
both branch locations for patron use. A small      internet access to mobile devices is available                games and more for sale!
fee ($1.00 per page) allows sending of black       for a two-week checkout at no cost.                 
and white faxes.
                                                   Passports – Make an appointment with
Print, Scan, Copy – Print jobs are able to         library staff to apply and process your
be sent directly to either branch location by      passport application. Fees do apply for this
computer or mobile device app, ePRINTit or         service.
by email, starting at 15 cents per page. All                                                                     In-Person Events
copiers at branch locations are self-serve, with   Maker Kits – A wide array of maker kits,                      Masks are required at in-person
two-sided copying available. Scanning services     from robotics to guitar to calligraphy,                       library programs. Please do not
are available at no charge and can be scanned      are available for two-week check outs,                        participate if you feel ill or are
to email, USB, cloud services and more. Flash      encouraging patrons to create and learn.                      exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
drives are available for purchase as well.         Each kit comes with everything you need to                    If conditions warrant, programs
                                                   get started with your new skill. Themed kits                  may be offered virtually or
Meeting Rooms – Washington-Centerville             available for adults and children. https://                   cancelled.
Public Library offers eight meeting rooms
at no cost. These rooms may be reserved by
    Mar.          Apr.           Online (pick up craft bags at     March             Friday - 6 - 8 PM

    11                           CV & WB)
                                 (Preschool – Grade 5)
                                                                  4                  In-Person – Woodbourne
                                                                                     (For the Family)

    Get Creative: At-Home Edition                                 15-Minute Family Game Night
    Grab a to-go craft kit to make                                Drop in to play a game you can finish in 15 minutes
    at home! Kits available at both                               or less! We will have a number of games available.
    Centerville and Woodbourne                                    After playing a game or two, enter the door prize raffle
    Libraries while supplies last.                                for a Fandango gift card (good for movie theatre or
    One kit per child.                                            streaming at home).

    Family Dinner Book Club Raffle
    Looking for a fun way to spend time together as
    a family? Check out https://growingbookbybook.
    com/2022-family-dinner-book-club/ for the 2022
    Family Dinner Book Club recommended books, menus,
    and crafts. Enter the raffle for a chance to win a copy         Tail Waggin’ Tutors
    of each month’s book. One entry per child. Prize books          *Due to limited space, registration required. Child must be
    generously donated by Friends of the Library.                   able to read independently. Registration for March dates
    (Preschool – Grade 5)                                           begins Monday, February 7, at 10 AM. Registration for
                                                                    April dates begins Monday, March 7, at 10 AM.
    Date:             Book:                                         Read to a therapy dog to build reading skills! One 15
    Feb. 28 - Mar. 12 Henry at Home                                 minute session per child, please. Registration required
    		                by Megan Maynor                               and available online.
                                                                    (Kindergarten - Grade 5)
    Apr. 4 - 16           I’ll Go and Come Back
    		                    by Rajani LaRocca                         Tutor Dates:           Location:        Times:
                                                                    Tues., Mar. 1          Woodbourne       6:30 - 7:30 PM
                                                                    Wed., Mar. 16          Centerville      4:30 - 5:30 PM
    Super Readers                                                   Mon., Apr. 11          Centerville      6:30 - 7:30 PM
    *Registration required. Calling all                             Tues., Apr. 19         Woodbourne       4:30 - 5:30 PM
    1st & 2nd grade bookworms!
    Join our book club for some fun
    reading with other kids your
    age. For parents and children to                             Tween Tinker Lab
    enjoy together from 6-7 PM.                                  *Registration required.
    (Grades 1 - 2 with a parent or guardian)                     7 – 8:15 PM at Woodbourne Library
                                                                 (Grades 4 - 7)
    Date:                 Book:
    Mar. 21, Virtual-Zoom Too Small Tola                         Date:          Event:
    		                    by Atinuke                             Mar. 22        Pokémon Crafts – “Gotta Craft ‘Em
    Book and craft kits available starting March 1.                             All!” Use your crafting skills to create a
                                                                                variety of Pokémon crafts.
    Apr. 25, Virtual-Zoom Gone Camping: A Novel
    		                    in Verse                               Apr. 26        LEGO® BricQ Motion Prime – Put
    		                    by Tamera Will Wissinger                              your physical science skills to the test by
    Book and craft kits available starting March 22.                            building sport-themed Lego creations.

2     M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
Mar.              Apr.

10 14
                                   Thursday - 6:30 - 7:15 PM
                                   In-Person – Centerville
                                                               Heads in Books:
                                   (Grades 3 – 5)
                                                               Kids Book Club
                                                               *Registration required.
Crafting with Kelly                                            Join our book club for
*Registration required.                                        some fun with other kids your age. 7:15 - 8:15 PM.
Time to get crafty! Join Ms. Kelly to make a fun craft         (Grades 3 - 5)
each month. Registration required.
                                                               Date:                          Book:
                                                               Mar. 24, Virtual-Zoom          The Year I Flew Away
                                                                                              by Marie Arnold
March             Saturday - 10:30 - 11:15 AM

                                                               Book available starting February 25.
                  (Grades PreK – 5 and their families)         Apr. 28, Virtual-Zoom          El Deafo
                                                                                              by Cece Bell
                                                               Book available starting March 25.
My B.F.F(iona)
*Registration required.
Did you know that Fiona the
Hippo turned five in January?
Come celebrate with this fun
                                                                    March                Saturday - 2 - 3 PM

program presented by the
Cincinnati Zoo! Through live                                                             In-Person – Centerville Library
conversations and Q&A with                                                               (Grades 1 – 5 and their families.
the Zoo program host and videos with Fiona and her                                       Younger or older siblings welcome)
care staff, participants will get an insider’s view into the
world of this charismatic hippo.
                                                                    Fun with Frosting
                                                                    *Registration required.
                                                                    Learn the basics
                                                                    of decorating
Mar.             Apr.         Centerville &

21 2
                              Woodbourne Library                    cupcakes.
                              (Preschool – Grade 5)                 Supplies
                                                                    funded by
Artemis Moon Missions Contest                                       Friends of the
Did you know the first Artemis Moon Mission is to send              Library.
the Orion to visit the moon in 2022, possibly as early as
March? Complete some fun moon mission activities for
a chance to win a Lego space-themed prize! Random
drawing breaks a tie.

                                                                     April         Saturday - 2 - 3 PM

Family Storytime
*Registration required. Join us for a LIVE virtual storytime
10:30 - 11 AM. Don’t forget about our weekly storytimes
                                                                    9              Virtual – Zoom
                                                                                   (Grades 1 – 5 and their families.
                                                                                   Younger or older siblings welcome)

every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:30 AM!                            Nailed It! At-Home Edition
                                                                    *Registration required.
Dates:		            Topic:                                          Compete in the library’s virtual version of Nailed It!
Sat., Mar. 26       You’ve Got Mail!                                with your family! Work together and show off your
Sat., Apr. 23       The Big Storm                                   amateur baking skills to create a fun treat!
                                                                    Participants must provide their own supplies.

                                                                                                   M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2   3
    April                Thursday - 10:30 - 11:30 AM              April                            Centerville &

    14                   Virtual – Zoom
                         (Ages 3-5 with parent)
                                                                  18 30                            Woodbourne Library
                                                                                                   (Preschool – Grade 5)

    Full STEAM Ahead!: Flower Power                               Guess the Book Character Contest
    *Registration required.                                       Is that your favorite book character? Can you guess who
    April showers bring May flowers! Let’s learn                  is casting each shadow? Enter for a chance to win an
    about gardens, the plant cycle, and flowers through           Amazon gift card. One entry per child. Random drawing
    experimentation, stories, and songs. This program is          breaks a tie.
    designed for children ages 3 - 5 with adult supervision
    and will require a parent or guardian to pick up a
    program kit at either the Centerville or Woodbourne
    Library from April 5-12. If you’re unable to pick up the
    kit by the deadline, please call us at (937) 433-8091
    opt. 3 to let us know. After the deadline, the kits will be
    offered to anyone on the waiting list.

                                                                    Nature Fun!: An Outdoor Family
                                                                    Join your favorite storytellers for nature-themed
                                                                    stories and activities at Bill Yeck Park (Smith House
                                                                    entrance). Fun for the whole family!

                                                                    This outdoor program is dependent on weather
                                                                    conditions. Please check the Library Facebook page
                                                                    or the Centerville-Washington Park District web
    April                Saturday - 1 - 3 PM

                                                                    site for cancellation information. Open to all ages.
                         In-Person – Centerville                    Registration through the Centerville-Washington Park
                         Library                                    District is recommended, but not required. Masks
                         (For the Family)                           appreciated. You may bring your own blanket to
                                                                    cuddle up with, and be sure to dress accordingly as it
    Artemis Moon Missions Explained                                 will be outside.
    Drop in anytime between 1 and 3 pm to learn about
    NASA’s plan to return to the moon with the upcoming             Dates and Time:
    Artemis missions. Come visit with NASA Solar System             Mar. 7 & 21, 10:30 - 11:30 AM
    Ambassador Eric Vinande to learn about the rockets,             Apr. 11 & 25, 10:30 - 11:30 AM
    technologies, and people who will perform these

                                                                    Aspiring Artists
                                                                    *Registration required. Dive into the world of
                                                                    artists and recreate one of their famous works
                                                                    of art. Generously funded by the Centerville Arts
                                                                    7 – 8 PM at Centerville Library. (Grades 3 – 5)

                                                                    Thurs., Mar. 3 - Vincent van Gogh

4     M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
March            Tuesday - 7 - 8:30 PM                        April            Tuesday - 7 - 8:30 PM

8                In-Person – Centerville
                 (Grades 6 – 12)                              12               In-Person – Centerville
                                                                               (Grades 6 – 12)

Totally Teen Tuesday: Bingo                                   Totally Teen Tuesday: Bingo
*Registration required.                                       *Registration required.
Bingo, food, prizes,                                          Bingo, food, prizes, and
and fun with your                                             fun with your friends! It’s
friends! It’s always a                                        always a blast at TTT!
blast at TTT!

                                                              April            Thursday - 7 - 8:30 PM

March            Friday - 6 PM - 12 AM

                                                                               In-Person – Woodbourne
                 In-Person – Centerville                                       Library
                 Library                                                       (Grades 6 – 12)
                 (Grades 6 – 12)
                                                              Teen Make It: Cyanotype Printmaking
Teen Lock-In                                                  *Registration required.
*Registration required.                                       Let the sunshine in! Create a one-of-a-kind cyanotype
Come to the library for late-night fun including              print by using sunlight and plants. STEAM Focus:
pizza, a scavenger hunt, gaming, and flashlight tag.          Science/Art
Participants must be able to arrive at 6:00 PM and stay
until 12:00 AM.

                                                             Tween Tinker Lab
                                                             *Registration required.
                                                             7 – 8:15 PM at Woodbourne Library
                                                             (Grades 4 - 7)

                                                             Date:          Event:
                                                             Mar. 22        Pokémon Crafts – “Gotta Craft ‘Em
                                                                            All!” Use your crafting skills to create a
                                                                            variety of Pokémon crafts.

                                                             Apr. 26        LEGO® BricQ Motion Prime – Put
                                                                            your physical science skills to the test by
                                                                            building sport-themed Lego creations.

March            Thursday - 7 - 8:30 PM

17               In-Person – Woodbourne                   TAB Meeting Dates:
                 Library                                  March 7, 4 - 5 PM, Centerville Library
                 (Grades 6 – 12)                          March 21, 4 - 5 PM, Centerville Library
                                                          April 4, 4 - 5 PM, Centerville Library
                                                          April 18, 4 - 5 PM, Woodbourne Library
Teen Make It: St. Patrick’s Day Lab
*Registration required.
Get creative and have fun with some St. Patrick’s         Teen Contests: Teen Guess Jar:
Day experiments. STEAM Focus: Science/                    April 4 – 16

                                                                                            M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2   5
programs                            Space is limited. Registration is required for all
                                                                Tech & Make It programs unless noted otherwise.

    Calligraphy III: Majuscules                                                         Paracord Trivet
    March 1 • Tuesday • 6 – 8 PM                                                        March 17 • Thursday • 6 – 8 PM
    In-Person – Centerville Library                                                     In-Person – Centerville Library
    (Adults, Seniors)                                                                   (Adults, Seniors)
    If you have taken Intro to Calligraphy and Calligraphy                              Learn a unique ocean plait weaving technique using
    II, then this is the next step for you. This course will                            lengths of paracord to make a trivet to take home.
    combine previously learned strokes and expand to create
    Majuscules calligraphy letters.

                                                                                        Beginning Soldering
                                                                                        March 23 • Wednesday • 6 – 7 PM OR 7:30 –
    Spring Book Page Wreath
                                                                                        8:30 PM • In-Person – Woodbourne Library
    March 5 • Saturday • 10 AM – 12 PM &                                                                                 (Adults)
    2 – 4 PM • In-Person – Centerville Library                                                                           Learn basic soldering
                                           (Adults)                                                                      techniques to create a
                                           Come and make a unique                                                        fun flashlight project, and
                                           Spring-themed wreath                                                          gain practical knowledge
                                           out of upcycled book                                                          of electronics and how
                                           pages with us. Please                                                         circuits work. Please sign
                                           register for one session                                                      up for one session only.

    WCPL Knitting Group
    March 12 • Saturday • 2 – 3:30 PM
    In-Person – Woodbourne Library                                                      Intermediate Soldering
    (Adults, Seniors)                                                                   March 29 • Wednesday • 6 – 8 PM
    Do you enjoy knitting or would like to learn how to                                 In-Person – Woodbourne Library
    start? Come to our informal group to socialize with                                 (Adults)
    other crafters, work on projects, share patterns, or learn                          Take your knowledge of soldering to the next level in this
    some new skills. All                                                                intermediate class. We will be expanding on what was
    experience levels are                                                               learned in the beginner class to create a large project with
    welcome to attend!                                                                  more dedicated soldering time.
    Crocheters and
    other fiber-crafters
    welcome too!
    *If you have them,                                                                  In-Person Events
    please bring your own                                                               Masks are required at in-person, indoor library programs.
    supplies.                                                                           Please do not participate if you feel ill or are exhibiting
                                                                                        COVID-19 symptoms. If conditions warrant, programs may be
    Registration not                                                                    offered virtually or cancelled.

6     M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
Calligraphy Cards                                             Sock Bunnies
April 5 • Tuesday • 6 – 8 PM                                  April 16 • Saturday • 10 AM – 12 PM OR
In-Person – Centerville Library                               2 – 4 PM • In-Person – Woodbourne Library
(Adults, Seniors)                                             (Adults)
Bring your creative ideas and we will provide the tools to                                    Learn to create adorable
make personalized cards with Calligraphy detailing.                                           spring décor during this
                                                                                              sock bunny class. Please
                                                                                              only register for one

WCPL Knitting Group
April 9 • Saturday • 2 – 3:30 PM
In-Person – Woodbourne Library
(Adults, Seniors)
Do you enjoy knitting or would like to learn how to start?    Fixit Clinic
Come to our informal group to socialize with other            April 23 • Saturday • 1 – 4 PM
crafters, work on projects, share patterns, or learn some     In-Person – Centerville Library
new skills. All experience                                    (Adults, Seniors, All Ages)
levels are welcome to                                         An all-ages do-it-together (D.I.T) repair event: Bring
attend! Crocheters and                                        your broken, non-functioning things-electronic gadgets,
other fiber-crafters                                          appliances, computers, toys, sewing machines, bicycles,
welcome too!                                                  skateboards, fabric items, etc. – for assessment,
*If you have them, please                                     disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace,
bring your own supplies.                                      specialty tools, and guidance to help you disassemble and
Registration not required.                                    troubleshoot your item. Whether you fix it or not, you’ll
                                                              learn more about how it was manufactured and how it
                                                              worked, ready to share your new-found confidence and
                                                              insight with your friends, neighbors, and the community
                                                              at large. And maybe you’ll be inspired to become a Fixit
                                                              Coach yourself!
                                                              *Registration not required.
CCC: Simple Delights Royal Icing
April 13 • Wednesday • 2 – 4 PM
In-Person – Woodbourne Library
(Adults, Seniors)
Learn how to
design your
own cookie
using Royal
Icing. We
will provide
detailed                                                      Paper Quilling Flowers
instruction,                                                  April 27 • Wednesday • 2 – 4 PM
sugar cookies,                                                In-Person – Centerville Library
and icing.
                                                              Paper quilling is the art of taking thin strips of colored
                                                              paper, rolling them into a coil, pinching them to form a
In-Person Events                                              shape and then gluing the shapes together to create paper
Masks are required at in-person, indoor library programs.     designs and objects. Learn how to make beautiful Spring
Please do not participate if you feel ill or are exhibiting   themed flowers in this class.
COVID-19 symptoms. If conditions warrant, programs may be
offered virtually or cancelled.

                                                                                         M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2   7
programs                                            programs
    March               Introduction to Canva        Feb.              Mar.             In-Person –

    22                  Tuesday
                        7 – 8 PM
                        Online                       28 31                              Woodbourne Library
                                                                                        (All Ages)

                                                     HOPE: An Art
    March               Introduction to              The theme of the exhibition

                                                     is to promote a sense
                        Marketscope Advisor          of HOPE interpreted
                        Wednesday                    through the eyes of about
                        6:30 – 7:30 PM               15 different artists in
                        Centerville Library          painting, glass, fibers, digital
                                                     photography, collage, batik,
                                                     and mixed media.

    March               Beginning Microsoft

    26                  Word 2016
                        11:30 AM – 12:30 PM          March               Thursday - 8:30 - 10 AM

                        Centerville Library                              In-Person – Woodbourne
                                                                         (Adults, Seniors)
    April               eCollection Explained:

    13                  Library Streaming
                        Services @ Home
                        6:30 – 8 PM
                                                                                           Interest Group
                                                                                           *Registration required.
                                                                                          Meet informally to
                                                                                          discuss genealogy,
                        Centerville Library
                                                                                          use the library’s
                                                                                          genealogy databases
                                                                                          (Ancestry Library
                                                                                          edition, Fold3, and
    April               Excel 101                                                         My Heritage – World

    14                  Thursday                     Vital Records), and learn from each other. Reference
                                                     librarians will be available to answer questions.
                        6 – 8 PM
                        Woodbourne Library

                                                     March               Thursday - 5 - 7 PM

                        Excel 102
                        6 – 8 PM
                        Woodbourne Library
                                                     3                   In-Person – Woodbourne
                                                                         (All Ages)

                                                     HOPE: An Art Exhibition – “Meet the
                                                     Artists and Takeaway”
                                                     *Registration required.
                        Introduction to PowerPoint   Meet some of the artists who have participated in

                                                     our HOPE: An Art Exhibition. Two of the artists will
                                                     provide a hands-on activity with a “Takeaway.” In this
                        6:30 – 8 PM                  free activity, participants will make a small art print
                        Centerville Library          or mixed media collage takeaway about HOPE and

8    M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
March             Friday - 2 - 3 PM                          March             Tuesday - 6:30 - 7:30 PM

4                 In-Person – Woodbourne
                  (Adults, Seniors)                          8                 Virtual – Zoom

Memory Café – Fall Prevention                                Secrets and Surprising Stories of Our
Education                                                    Presidents
*Registration required.                                      *Registration required.
Join us for information and interactive activities           History never sounded so intriguing! Join us and find
about risk factors for falls and how to prevent them.        out which two women changed the course of American
Attendees will learn why fall risk and fall prevention       history, which woman ran for president in 1872, and
are important; the importance of screening, assessing,       which First Daughter smoked on top of the White
and intervening for                                          House. These are just some of the stories you will enjoy
fall risk; complete a                                        in this one hour virtual presentation.
fall risk screening;
learn how to assess
for modifiable risk
factors and how to
                                                             March             Friday - 6 - 8:30 PM

reduce those factors;
and discuss fall                                                               In-Person – Woodbourne
factors with their                                                             Library
healthcare providers.                                                          (Adults, Seniors)

                                                             Wordle With Us!
                                                             *Registration required.
March             Saturday - 12:30 - 3 PM

                                                             If you have also been obsessed with Josh Wardle’s
                  In-Person – Woodbourne                     online sensation, Wordle, grab your team or use your
                  Library                                    solo brainpower to compete to win a few rounds at the
                  (Adults, Seniors & Teens)                  library!

“Alice’s Ordinary People” Film                                                                        Wordle: https://
Documentary Viewing & Discussion                                                                      games/wordle/index.
*Registration required.
The remarkable story of civil rights activist Alice
Tregay spans the historic period from the marches
of Dr. King to the election of Barack Obama, and her
unique contribution in the field of politics is the thread
that connects the two. This film will be streamed and a
discussion with the filmmaker will occur via Zoom.

                                                             Mar.            Apr.            Thursday - 6 - 7:30 PM

                                                             17 21
March             Tuesday - 6:30 - 8 PM

                                                                                             In-Person –
                  In-Person – Woodbourne
                                                                                             Woodbourne Library
                                                                                             (Adults, Seniors)
                  (Adults, Seniors & Teens)
                                                             Third Thursday
Writers Workshop: Writing Poetry:                            Networking
Getting Started, Getting Published                           In the job search?
*Registration required.                                      Come to Third Thursday
David Lee Garrison will read from his work and talk          Networking! Join local
about why and how he got into poetry, then offer some        professionals to learn
suggestions for creating poems and breaking into print.      networking tips, refine your
Finally, he will give a writing prompt so that anyone who    techniques, and discover the
wants to can give it a try.                                  hidden job search tool.

                                                                                          M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2   9
     March                Friday - 6 - 9 PM                      March             Wednesday - 7 - 8 PM

     18                   In-Person – Woodbourne
                          (Adults, Seniors)                      23                Virtual – Crowdcast
                                                                                   (Adults, Seniors)

     Grown-Up Game Night: Trivia                                 Erma Bombeck Writing Competition
     *Registration required.                                     Virtual Awards Ceremony
     Enjoy a virtual trivia night for adults with the Library!   *Registration required.
     Play in-person or from home with six rounds of ten          This year’s winners of the Erma Bombeck Writing
     questions each on a variety of topics. Can your team come   Competition are in for a special celebration. Keynote
     out on top and win bragging rights? Open to ages 18 and     speakers Cindy Ratzlaff and Kathy Kinney will share
     older. Please note the number of members participating,     their life’s philosophy: a state of mind, Queen Of Your
     but do not register each individual team member.            Own Life™. It is
                                                                 about the practice
                                                                 of happiness and
                                                                 the simple actions
                                                                 we all can take to
                                                                 claim a life of joy and
                                                                 adventure. We honor
        Li b ra r y                         Jo u r n a l         Erma Bombeck
                                                                 and the winners of
                                                                 the Erma Bombeck

                                                                 Writing Competition
                                                                 who will read their
                                                                 essays in both the
                                                                 Humor and Human
                                                                 Interest categories.

           Star Library
         f o r a 5 t h c o n s e c ut i ve ye a r !
                                                                 Mar.              Apr.           Thursday - 1 - 4 PM

                                                                 24 21
                                                                 From Page to Screen
                                                                                                  In-Person –
                                                                                                  Woodbourne Library
                                                                                                  (Adults, Seniors)

                                                                 *Registration required.
                                                                 In collaboration with the
                                                                 Enrichment Center at
                                                                 Washington Township’s
     Literary Shorts                                             RecPlex, the Library hosts
     Online discussion of selected short stories. Offered        a book discussion combined
     virtually the 2nd Thursday of the month 1 – 2 PM            with watching a film at the
     (or less). Short story texts and audio file are available   Library. Books are provided after the previous month’s
     by contacting Debe at              filming or by contacting the Library. Most programs
                                                                 1:00 – 4:00 PM, depending on the length of the film.
     Dates:            Story:
     Mar. 10           All the People Were Mean and Bad          March 24: Book: Circle of Friends (1990-Fiction) by
     		                by Lucy Caldwell                          Maeve Binchy and film same name (1995), running
                                                                 time of about 2 hours, rated PG-13.
     Apr. 14           The School
                                                                 April 21 (3rd Thursday): Book: The Zookeeper’s Wife:
     		                by Donald Barthelme                       A War Story (2007-Nonfiction) by Diane Ackerman
     		                & Happy Endings                           and film same name (2017), running time 2 hours, 6
     		                by Margaret Atwood                        minutes, rated PG-13.

10     M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
April             Friday - 2 - 3 PM                             April             Tuesday - 6:30 - 8 PM

1                 In-Person – Woodbourne
                  (Adults, Seniors)                             5                 In-Person – Woodbourne
                                                                                  (Adults & Teens)

Memory Café – Fall Prevention                                   Writers Workshop: “Five Key Structure
Education                                                       Storypoints”
*Registration required.                                         *Registration required.
Join us for information and interactive activities              In this workshop, local author Mindee Arnett will share
about risk factors for falls and how to prevent them.           the 5 key story structure elements necessary for writing
Attendees will learn why fall risk and fall prevention are      a novel that feels complete and satisfying to readers.
important; the importance of screening, assessing, and          Participants will discuss and analyze story structure
intervening for fall risk; complete a fall risk screening;      points to discover the connection between character and
learn how to assess for modifiable risk factors and how         plot development and will practice implementing the
to reduce those factors; and discuss fall factors with          events into their own stories. They will also learn how
their healthcare providers.                                     story structure elements can be the key to overcoming
                                                                such common issues as writer’s block, the soggy middle,
                                                                or the inability to complete the book.

April              Saturday - 10 AM - 1 PM

2                  In-Person – Woodbourne
                   (Adults, Seniors)

Genealogy Fun – 1950 U.S Census
Release Party
The 1950 U.S
Census is being
released to the
public for the first
time! Stop by the
library to find
                                                                Join us Monday nights at 7 PM
your family in a
                                                                on Facebook to talk about books
whole new decade!
                                                                with fellow book lovers. There are
Librarians will be on
                                                                no assigned books to read. Just get
hand to offer tips.
                                                                online and chat about what you’ve
                                                                been reading!
                                                                Follow us at
Booked for Lunch                                                March 14, 21, 28 • April 11, 18, 25
Join us 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
at Woodbourne Library to discuss:
                                                                    Follow us on
Dates      Book                                                     Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Mar. 2     The Eight Master Lessons of Nature: What Nature
           Teaches Us about Living Well in the World                and LinkedIn!
           by Gary Ferguson                                            
Apr. 6     The Underdogs: Children, Dogs, and the Power of
           Unconditional Love
           by Melissa Fay Greene                                      
                                                                           wclibrary5859                washington-centerville-
Books are available at Woodbourne Library.

                                                                                            M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2    11
     April                Thursday - 8:30 - 10 AM                 April             Friday - 5 - 6:30 PM OR

     7                    In-Person – Centerville
                          (Adults, Seniors)                       8                 7 - 8:30 PM
                                                                                    Virtual – Zoom
                                                                                    (Adults, Seniors)

     Genealogy Interest Group                                     Grown-Up Game Night: Scavenger
     Meet informally to discuss genealogy, use the library’s      Hunt
     genealogy databases (Ancestry Library edition, Fold3,        *Registration required.
     and My Heritage – World Vital Records), and learn            Join us for a virtual Scavenger Hunt! A virtual
     from each other. Reference librarians will be available to   scavenger hunt is an online experience based on the
     answer questions.                                            traditional game that challenges players to find specific
                                                                  items or solve puzzle before the allotted time runs out.
                                                                  This remote game is designed to get you up and moving
                                                                  around, even if it is just in your living space. Please
                                                                  register for only 1 session. Open to anyone 18+.

                                                                  April             Tuesday - 7 - 8 PM

                          Thursday - 7 - 8 PM
                          Virtual – Zoom
                          (Adults, Seniors & Teens)
                                                                  26                In-Person – Woodbourne
                                                                                    (Adults, Seniors & Teens)

                                                                  Author Event: Matthew Coatney -
     My Favorite Poem Project (Virtual)                           The Human Cloud: How Today’s
     *Registration required.                                      Changemakers Use Artificial
     April is National Poetry Month. What better way              Intelligence and the Freelance
     to become acquainted with this genre by attending
     a virtual poetry reading by pre-invited community
                                                                  Economy to Transform Work
                                                                  *Registration required.
     leaders, students, educators, and published local poets?
                                                                  Coatney is a workforce productivity and technology
     Humorous, sad, whimsical, short, or long, we will have
                                                                  expert and lays out a clear picture of the coming
     them. Prepare to be inspired!
                                                                  revolution in how work is done and how jobs are
                                                                  shaped, empowering you with practical advice to take
                                                                  charge of your future. Coatney is local and will appear
                                                                  at the Library to discuss the book. Books will be
                                                                  available for sale.

                                                                  April             Thursday - 7 - 8 PM

                                                                  28                In-Person – Centerville
                                                                                    (Adults, Seniors)

                                                                  Online Tools for Job Seekers: JobNow
                                                                  *Registration required.
         Thank you                                                Are you looking for a job and need help with your
         FRIENDS of                                               resume or interview skills? If so, this program will
                                                                  introduce you to some online resources to help you
         Washington-                                              succeed at creating successful resumes plus interview
         Centerville                                              strategies.
         Public Library                                           live
         for supporting                                           assistance,
         Library                                                  and other
         programs!                                                will be

12     M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
book discussions
      Mar.            Apr.            Monday - 7 PM                                                                       Mar.               Apr.               Tuesday - 2 - 3 PM

                                      Rumbleseat Wine, 101 E.
                                      Alex Bell Rd #118
                                      (Adults, Seniors)                                                                   15 19
                                                                                                                          Page Turners
                                                                                                                                                                In-Person –
                                                                                                                                                                Woodbourne Library
                                                                                                                                                                (Adults, Seniors)

      Unwind with a lively book                                                                                           Book discussion. Page Turners meets at Woodbourne
      discussion in a casual atmosphere.                                                                                  Library the 3rd Tuesday of the month 2 – 3 PM.
      Read the month’s selection and
      join us at Rumbleseat Wine, 101 E.
      Alex Bell Rd #118, at 7 PM.                                                                                         March 15: Book: The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline

                                                                                                                          April 19: Book: American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins
      March 7: Book: The Sweetness of Water by
                                                                                                                          Books are provided at the discussions and at the library
      Nathan Harris
                                                                                                                          front desks.
      April 4: Book: Of Women and Salt by Gabriela Garcia
      Books are provided at the discussions and at the library
                                                                                                                          Mar.               Apr.

                                                                                                                          16 20
                                                                                                                                                                Wednesday -
      front desks.
                                                                                                                                                                6:30 - 7:30 PM
                                                                                                                                                                In-Person – Centerville
                                                                                                                                                                Library (Adults, Seniors)
      Next Chapter Book Club
      A community-based literacy program for those with                                                                   Book Ends
                                                                                                                          Book discussion. Book Ends meets at Centerville
      developmental disabilities, the club promotes literacy, social
                                                                                                                          Library the 3rd Wednesday of the month
      connections, and inclusion for teens and adults. Guided by
                                                                                                                          6:30 – 7:30 PM.
      librarians and adult volunteers, participants read a book together
      and discuss it as a group over a period of weeks.                                                                   March 16: Book: The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline
      This session of Next Chapter Book Club will be hosted online via                                                    April 20: Book: American Dirt by
      Zoom! Registration is required. Contact Jenny Catri at                                                              Jeanine Cummins (this discussion for more information or questions.                                                            at the Woodbourne Library)
                                                                                                                          Books are provided at the
                                                                                                                          discussions and at the library
      March 17, 31, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM                                                                                     front desks.
      April 7, 14, 21, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

     Hours                                         Locations                                      Board of Trustees
     Centerville Library                           Centerville Library                            Randell P. Bowling
     Monday-Thursday,                              111 W. Spring Valley Rd.                       Elizabeth Cline
     10 AM - 9 PM                                  Centerville, OH 45458                          Barbara Denison
     Friday, 10 AM - 6 PM                          937/433-8091                                   Robert Hanseman
     Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM                                                                       Carol Herrick
     Sunday, 1 - 5 PM                              Woodbourne Library                             Ramnarayan Nunna
                                                   6060 Far Hills Ave.
                                                   Centerville, OH 45459                          Liz Fultz,
     Woodbourne Library
                                                   937/435-3700                                   Library Director
     10 AM - 9 PM                                                         Search the events calendar
     Saturday, 10 AM - 5 PM                                          and register for programs
     Sunday, 1 - 5 PM                                               online at

     Follow us on
                                     washcentlibrary                                 wclibrary5859

     We are committed to providing programs, services, and facilities that ensure inclusive and adapted access for all.
13   Please contact us for a personalized approach to individual accommodation.                                                                            M A R C H   -   A PR I L   2 0 2 2
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