Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...

Page created by Anne Brady
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Calendar for Community Partners

Monthly book titles, events,
helpful tips, holidays and more!
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Helpful Contacts:

My First Books Resources
(Under Resources for MFB Participants)

Library Partner:

Idaho Commission for Libraries
325 W. State St.
Boise, Idaho 83702
Fax: 334-4016

Staci Shaw, Youth Services

Kristina Taylor, Project Coordinator

MFB (My First Books)
ICfL (Idaho Commission for Libraries)
LP (Library Partner)
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Helpful Links                 Sun            Mon              Tue              Wed            Thu             Fri             Sat
Author pronunciations:         Helpful Hints: Please visit Under “Program Resources” find
                              “Resources for Your Community Partner” and read through the listed documents. Jot down any questions you have
Book jackets:                 and share them with your library partner when you meet in person.

Early literacy resources:     1              2                3                4              5               6               7

Read to Me:
ID Early Learn. Guide.
/services-programs/about-     8              9                10               11             12              13              14
eguidelines                                                                                                                Free Comic
                                                                                                                              Book Day 2021
Saroj Ghoting                                                                                                                 (rescheduled)
Reading Rockets:              15             16               17               18             19              20              21

Songs, rhymes, fingerplays:           22             23               24               25             26              27              28                                                 31
                                        29               30
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Sun             Mon            Tue                 Wed   Thu   Fri               Sat
Helpful Hints
                                                                                   1     2     3                 4
                                Library Card Sign Up Month
 Meet with your library        Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15—Oct. 15)
partner to discuss
                                Banned Books Week: Sept. 26– Oct. 2
distribution dates/times and
contingency plans to
address health and safety                                      7                               10
                                5               6                                  8     9                       11
measures due to the
pandemic. Bring this
calendar and the MFB
                                                Labor Day
Distribution Planning Sheet.
—Address how you and
your CP will inform parents
about participation in MFB      12              13             14                  15    16    17                18
this year.
—Confirm enrollment             Grandparent’s
numbers for each age group      Day
and send updated numbers
to your library partner
ASAP.                           19              20             21                  22    23    24                25

                                                               International Day
 Be sure to utilize the                                       of Peace
                                                                                               Native American
resources provided for
Spanish-speaking families:
Intro letter in Spanish;        26              27             29                  29    30
Bookworms in Spanish;                                                                          Look ahead through this calendar
Spanish translation of books.                                                                  to see all the books and themes
                                                                                               your library will be sharing with
                                                                                               your students. Be sure to read all
                                                                                               the Helpful Hints for each month.
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Read- Alouds
         Birth-2               Sun               Mon             Tue              Wed             Thu               Fri   Sat
                                                                             International School                   1     2
                               Helpful Hints: Consider sending home a note   Library Month
                               to parents explaining the MFB program.                             Monthly
                               Meet with your library partner regarding                           distributions
                                                                             National Friends of
                               Idaho Family Reading Week (FRW) (Nov.         the Library Week:    begin this month.
                               8—14), and possible Family Literacy Event.    October 17-24
   The Belly Button Book,
    by Sandra Boynton          3                 4               5                6               7                 8     9


                               10                11              12               13              14                15    16

 The Pigeon Needs a Bath,                        Columbus Day
      by Mo Willems
                               17                18              19               20              21                22    23

                               24                25              26               27              28     Read for   29    30
                                                                                                  the Record Day

 Alexander and the Terrible,                31
Horrible, No Good, Very Bad
    Day, by Judith Viorst           Halloween
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Narrative Skills/
Family Reading Week:
 “Believe & Achieve”
                          Sun                Mon   Tue              Wed               Thu               Fri               Sat
                                             1     2                3                 4                 5                 6
                          Heritage and
                          Picture Book
                          Month                    Election Day

                          7                  8     9                10                11                12                13
  Giraffes Can’t Dance,
   by Giles Andreae       International
                          Games Week
     Preschool            Daylight Savings
                          Time Ends                                                    Veteran’s Day
                                                        Idaho Family Reading Week, Children’s Book Week Nov. 8—14
                          14                 15    16               17                18                19                20

     I Like Myself,
  by Karen Beaumont
                          21                 22    23               24                25                26                27


                          28                 29    30                Helpful Hints: Help promote your library’s FRW Event: Fliers,
                                                                     Bookworm, stickers on children, emails to parents, posters/signs on
    Ish, or The Dot,                                                 doors of classroom/center—send something home each week!
   by Peter Reynolds                                                 Children’s Book Week is also Nov. 8—14: https://
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...

                            Sun              Mon               Tue              Wed   Thu   Fri              Sat
        Birth-2                                                Cultural
                            Helpful Hints: This month may be   Celebrations:
                                                                                1     2     3                4
                            filled with special assemblies,    Las Posadas,
                            concerts, parties, etc. Check in   Dec. 16-24
                            with your library partner          Chanukah, Dec.
                            regarding distribution dates.      Kwanzaa, Dec.
                                                               26-Jan. 1

 Brown Bear, Brown Bear,    5                6                 7                8     9     10               11
    What Do You See?
    by Bill Martin, Jr.
      Preschool                                                                             Human Rights

                            12               13                14               15    16    17               18

    How Do Dinosaurs
     Go to School?
     by Jane Yolen          19               20                21               22    23    24               25

                                                                                            Christmas Eve    Christmas

                            26               27                28               29    30    31

   Saturday Night at the                                                                    New Year’s Eve
     Dinosaur Stomp,
 by Carol Diggory Shields
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Letter Knowledge

    Birth-2         Sun              Mon                  Tue          Wed              Thu               Fri             Sat
                    Helpful Hints: Whenever you have new children      National Braille Literacy Month
                    enroll in your program, be sure to give your
                    library partner advance notice so they can bring   100th Day of School: check district calendar for
                    enough books for your new kids.                    exact day
                                                                                                                          New Year’s Day

    Color Zoo,      2                3                    4            5                6                 7               8
   by Lois Ehlert


                    9                10                   11           12               13                14              15

   LMNO Peas,
  by Keith Baker
                    16               17                   18           19               20                21              22

                                     MLK, Jr. Day/
                                     Idaho Human
                                     Rights Day

                    23               24                   25           26               27                28              29

    Bad Kitty,
   by Nick Bruel
                                30                   31
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...

       Birth-2             Sun           Mon               Tue             Wed               Thu              Fri               Sat
                                                           1               2                 3                4                 5

                           Children’s Authors &
                           Illustrators Week:              Chinese New
                           First week of February          Year -Year of the Groundhog Day
  The Itsy-Bitsy Spider,
                           6             7                 8               9                 10               11                12
  by Jeannette Winter


                           13            14                16              17                18               19                20

Knick Knack Paddy Wack,                  Valentine’s Day
    by Steven Songs
                           21            21                22              23                24               25                26

                                         President’s Day
                                         ICfL closed

                           27            28                African-American Helpful Hints: If you have special activities planned for African-
                                                           History Month    American History/American History/Friendship Month, check with
                                                           International    your library partner to see if they can bring in some age-
    Animal Boogie,                                         Friendship Month appropriate books for your students to enjoy.
   by Debbie Harter
Calendar for Community Partners - Monthly book titles, events, helpful tips, holidays and more! - Idaho Commission for ...
Use of Print

                            Sun                Mon   Tue   Wed             Thu                 Fri                Sat
                                                     1     2               3                   4                  5
                                                           Dr. Seuss’s
                              Women’s                      Birthday/NEA
                            History Month                  Read Across
                                                           America Day                         Idaho Day

                            6                  7     8     9               10                  11                 12
    by Leslie Patricelli

                            13                 14    15    16              17                  18                 19

                            Daylight Savings
                            Time Begins                                    St. Patrick’s Day
     Wordy Birdy,
    by Tammi Sauer          20                 21    22    23              24                  25                 26


                            27                 28    29    30              31                  Helpful Hints: Let your library
                                                                                               partner know your Spring Break
                                                                                               dates. Consider collaborating to
Click Clack Moo Cows That                                                                      plan something for Día de los niños
 Type, by Doreen Cronin                                                                        (Day of the Child) on April 30.

        Birth-2                Sun                Mon                Tue                 Wed             Thu              Fri         Sat
                               National  Poetry
                               Helpful Hints:     Month
                                               Meet  with your library partner to plan   National Poetry Month            1           2
                               School Library   Month
                               how parent surveys will be distributed and collected.     School Library Month
                               National  Library   Week:  Aprof 10-16                                                                 International
                               If you collect  at least 75%       your parent surveys    National Library Week: April
                               for yourWeek
                               NAEYC    library,of ICfL will provide
                                                   the Young          you with
                                                               Child: April    a free
                                                                            10-16        3—10                                         Children’s Book
                               hardcover book for your classroom!                        Week of the Young Child: April               Day
                               D.E.A.R./Beverly Cleary’s BD, April 12                    2—8                                
Can You Find...A Lion in the   (
 Neighborhood?/¿Dónde          3                  4                  5                   6               7                8           9
   está… un león en el
       vecindario?             Ramadan: April
    by Brett Medino            2—May 2

                               10                 11                 12                  13              14               15          16

                                                                     National Library
                                                                     Workers Day

      Owl Babies,              17                 18                 19                  20              21               22          23
   by Martin Waddell

   Kindergarten                                                                                                           Earth Day

                               24                 25                 26                  27              28               29          30

Big Chickens Fly the Coop,                                                                                                            El día de los
   by Leslie Helakoski
Summer Reading:
“Oceans of Possibilities”

       Birth-2              Sun                 Mon                Tue            Wed                Thu               Fri             Sat
                            Helpful Hints: Students receive two books this month! In addition to the title listed to                   1
                            the left for each age group, each child will get to select an additional book.             Asian/Pacific
                            Be sure to get completed MFB parent surveys to the library so they can get their final     Heritage
                            report in on time. Meet with your library to debrief. Begin promoting Summer Reading       Month
                            with your parents to help keep your children reading over the summer.                                      Free Comic Book
                                                                                                                                       Day 2022

                            1                   2                  3              4                  5                 6               7
Hello, World: Ocean Life,
    by Jill McDonald
                                                Children’s Book
     Preschool              Week
                                                (May 2—8)
                            (May 2-8)                                                                Cinco de Mayo

                            8                   9                  10             11                 12                13              14

                            Mother’s Day
Ocean Friends: A Journey
    Beneath the Sea,        15                  16                 17             18                 19                20              21
by Anna Krusinski (KUBU)


                            22                  23                 24             25                 26                27              28

                                                              30             31

      Baby Orca,                                        Memorial
                                           29              Day
    by Mary Batten
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