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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 1-15-1948 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of Statesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1948). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3834. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3834 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact digitalcommons@georgiasouthern.edu.
., SALE: Inlaid FOR Linoleum Favorite Shoe'Store The Bulloch Herald, Thursday, January 8, '1948 Rugs. Beautiful desigus. WA � FURNITURE CO., W. Bulloch County's Notified of Brand • --- - _. • E:t.ECTHlC HEATEHS- $10.00. TEllS Read Names Award Georgia Theatre IVATERS FUHNITURE CO., W. MIIIIl Street, Stalesb 1'0. Mllin St., Stolesboro. The Herald's Leading tt!hUIlCh News Classified SALE: 1 FOR fresh Guern good, Bill Smith of the Favorite Shoe sey milk cow and calf. W. L. Ads Newspaper Store unnounccd this week that II FOI� J�NT: Dcstrnble busmesa MoELVEEN, Brooklet, Ga. SIIOWINO. --- -er- he hUR been lnrormcd I hut. the NOW L. __ ;.:..::...:..: -' localion available Jun 1. 50xOO. Foundatlon has I.RI�UTIVE IlAPTIS')' onUIIOH Brand Names NOTICE: I urn prepared to help Call or write John H. BRAN �umber 9 "Diamond Brand," Gol "POSSESSED" Hours Worship: Conference of uwardcd nen (Phone 3820), RFD 4, states you with your INCOME TAX with Joan CI'!\lvford, Van Heflin ���� den Anniversary Certificate of on Thursday, Jan. 8, at 7:30 p. rn.: 10:30 a. m, Saturday, Jan. 10; 'boro, Ga. (tt) HETURNS-John P. Lee. (Itp) Starts' 3:00, 5:09, 7:18, 9:27 FORD-FERGUSON Public Service. :The U\vard Is NEED 538-J. DRY CLEANING? Hobson DuBose will coli Cull FOR SALE: Planters. Turn mode In "rccognltlon Tractor. with of contlnu And PARAMOUNT NEWS 11 :30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., Sun Stockholden of P rtal City CouncilVotes ous service to the American peo day, Jonuary 11, with Bible Study for ond deliver DuBOSE CLEAN Plow. Cultivator. Weeder, Har Bulloch County .. since 1892" and Is "given to Saturday, Jummry 10 at 10:15 a. m. ERS. Your dry cleaner with 16 row and Peanut Plows. SAM J. ple brand names which have been "SON OF !lUSTY" "If ye then, being evil. know To Issue Beer Licenses (tfc) FRANI(LIN CO. Phone �84. years experience. or conventional farm loans- WATERS tested by the Judgment of the FARM LOANS: 100% G.!. loons FOR SALE: Tllble-Top Heaters. American people for 50 years or FURNITURE CO., moro and have won And held pub Starts 2:13, with Ted Donaldson 4:57. 7:41, 10:25 Added Attraction: how to your give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall Father which Is in Heaven I Bank Meet At a meeting of the stockhold both �% Interest. GEO M. ,JOHN- W. Muln St Statesboro. lic confidence through unfatllJ1g .. Roy Rogers In give good. things unto them that ers of the Bulloch County Bank The City of Portal will Issue beer licenses to STaN. .un lntegrlty. reliable quality and "APAOIIE nOSE" ask Him?" Mat. 7:11. Let us held here Tuesday morning, Wai sell beer within the city limits for the year 1948. NOTTLCE: State and Federai FOR SALE: 5-V rlmp metal rooflng In the followtng lengths folr pricing." Diamond Brand Shoes arc made �pcclal Starts 3:22, 6:06. 8:50 Oartoon Show nt 1 :20 cO'1'e to our Heavenly Father seeking those good things which ter II. R. Aldred, Jr., W" G. Cobb. Kennedy, Fred T. Lanier, J. + The. announcement meeting of the Portal city coun Iollowod a C�unty Library Income Tax Returns prepared -5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 fcot W. O. W. to Install by L. G. LANIER, 6 S. Main St. -at $9.00 per square. DARBY by t he Peters Division of Inter 11 He Him. will give to them that' ask J. L. Mathrw s, IV J. Rackley and .. New Offieers In • cil Tuesday night. The vote, tall en on u secret ballot, was three Needs S20,8 LUMBER CO. Phone 380. 8 nutional Shoe Co St. Louis, Mo. .• Sunday. JunulLry THERE COMES Harry ViI. Smith Were 1 i-clectcd WANTED: 100 new Laundry cus- (4tc-1-8-481 The Favorite Shoe Store carries "SflJA WOI.F" We extend a cordial welcome , directors of thc bank for 19�8. Ceremony Tonight to two In favor of Issuing beer Twenty-two thousand five hun tomers. Model Laundry on the City Club shoes for men, Velvet with Ida Luplno, John Garfield to all who come. A TIME. Cobb, executive vlce Mr. W. G. licenses. Ired and seventeen books In the The Statesboro Camp No. 158, Edward G. Robinson V. F. The cost of the Initial license Courthouse squ�re. NOTJOE OF SERVIOfIJ Step shoes for women, ond Wea AGAN, Pastor. president, In making a rcport to Woodmen of the World. tonight Julloch County Library worn BY I'UBLIOATION ther-Bird shoes for children-ali Starts 2:15, 4:47, 5:15, 9:15 the stockholders, stoted that the was not revealed, but It was stat 'sed for u total clrcultatton or life when will hold Installation ceremonies FOR SALE: Two t-horse wagons GEOHGIA, Bulloch County. Diamond Brand shoes. (Sponsored by Jaycees) in everyone's bank had had a good year. He for officers elected to serve for ed' thot five cents w!ll be collect- �2,960 during a one year period, In good condition. See R. R. M,·s. Ida S. Matz we lose someone dear to read a comparative statement 1948. The ceremonies will begin od on each bottle of beer sold. nding June 30, 1947, according BUTLER, 302 Johnson St. (2tp) l\tonday-Tue8dny, Junuary 12-18 In times such as showing loan figures of $815,- Members of the ci ty councll Librarian Istabel Sorrier, at vs. PERSONALS us. at 7:30 In the Masonic T�mple are W. W. Wood, Ellis McB"lde, a B. S. Matz "THEY WON'T BEUEVE ME" we' are ready to 205.28 at the end of 1947 as com ,t an meeting of the U open Mrs. J. W. Hodges has as her these, on Suoth Moln Street. Leroy BIrd, C. J. Wynn and Er Suit for Divorce in Superior Robt. Young. Susan Heyward pared with $464.978.38 for the -rary BOBrd last Friday evening SMltr.B";/Ii .. , • SMJ,r-Pm".",," Bulloch County. Go. guest fOl' severo I days her son" and Jane Greer help you in every way . same period In 1946. In analyzing M. Lester, assistant P. state nest Carter. H. W. Rockel' Is llbrnry room In the Spa the Court. We will take care of every detail, manager, will attend the cere n tf/Yrittl ,,.,,; January Term, 1948 J. A Hodges, and Mrs. Hodges, Starts 3:30. 5:28, 7:22, 9:16 possible. the loan figure Mr. Cobb stated, monies. E. M. Baggarly, of Ma Mayor. stand Bank building. To the Defendant, B. S Matz: In of N. C. prepare the funeral to your specifications. "There are no inflationary loans When the county voted to "dry Miss Sorrier sta ted that thc 11- Highlands, con, former head consul of Geor E. GRANT TILLMAN ' \VedncMluy ,January 14. JARE SMITH up" Bulloch county the question above Suit: In our bank." Using figures fur BR-R-R-R,r-rl-Plty the poor majorettes on a day like today. But (left to right) Pat Preetorlus, gla,will also be present. 'rary here stands third In the You ore hereby commanded to M,·. OOME, EASY 00" and Mrs. G. C. Coleman "EASY of the licensing ond sale of beer nished the Federal Deposit In Barbara Jean Brown, and Lola Stockdale juot take It In their hlKh stride .. majorettes of the The ceremony of "In troduc vurnber of books In n group 01 be and uppear at the next term attended the New Year's of the Superior Court of Bulloch at the Macon Country Club as dance with Barry Fitzgerald Diona Lynn, Sonny Tufts . Smith- Tillman Mortuary surance Corporation. he reported that the bank made 3.479 loans Teachers College band. tfon", known BB the protective was not being considered. the vote two to With one In favor of lbrarics the slate, fifth In over irculntlon, ninth In Income. and County, Georgia. to answer the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bruss. Starts 2:30, 4:15, 6:00, 7:45, 9:30 • -FUNERAL DlRECTORS-' _ for the year for a volume of $3,- degree conferred upon new can drying up the county, the county "ghth in the number of staff per • . didates seeking the brotherhood SUCOOS8ur8 to Lanler'lJ Mortuary -----_. -- -. board of cirnmtsstoners and the complaint of tile plalntlff, men- 114.473.28. onnel. 3 In Race For 2 M r. an d M rs. F' ron k D enrnnr k COMING January 15-1 6 : of the local society, will also be E. Grant Tillman .... tloned In the caption In the suit Jake Smith Undivided In the Decem ·Wortb-whUe.' city council of Statesboro voted profits held. Expenditures for the period ngalnst you for divorce. I and Miss Catherine Denmark. of" _"_O_U_IL_T_O_F_J_A_N_E_T_A_M_E_S_"_ ber 31. 1947, statement show $55,- not to Issue licenses for the 'sale New officers to be Installed In 'ere$881681. Income amount- Witness the Honorable J. L.. Savannah, were holiday guests North Main St. Statesboro, Phone 340 the 1946 It's 1493 On Your Dial of beer In the City of Statesboro 759.13 as compared with clude Rufus Anderson, consul '1 to �q ?,t1h 1= especlolly thank the First Arthritis Pain richer foraKe I the. Voice of Christian Youth of the First Baptist Church of Dean's List. scholastic honor rr' during the fall quarter, accorda, yor of Statesboro and former so- lioltor of the Circuit. has alread .. - -,------------------------- an of .addltlonal field representat Ive �ear Jacl� A"t'J'itt at the college to the public January Meeting ::.:�� ::�.����:=�:,�� Statesboro will be held Saturday . 'PUBLIC County Pol- ce G�t nercise. your distress Will quickly Melhodlst Church ond First Bap- XIUrlu.. LumbalO. SCiatica, or Neural'" trr ORVILLE MIXON to a report prepared by M,z> annuunced that he would be Iii schools," President 'Word declar- disappear, . Church. '. .... ••• Woru Lhroulb tbl blood. Plr" dole Route 2. Box: 5'7 evening, January 17. at 7:30 In Viola Perry. Teachers Collegc the race for the judgeship and ed In moklng the onnouncement. Members of the Statesboro tist Ulull17 R.rt. anevl,Un. pain 10 JOG caD Dr. Scholl'. Arch Support. are Indl the First Baptist Church. ". T. A. 18st Thursday heard MRS. FRED A. PARRISH won. 'oJOJ' Ilt, and .leep mON comJortablJ. .. Rocky Ford, Georg's registrar. has long been actively soliciting According to Dr. Word, "Dr. 'vidually fitled to your feel and shoes OK ..... In. at drul8'IL todt.J. Quick, oaIIl The program will be In prep Tack Averitt. "",oelate professor that iI why we urge you to come And Children. pIete _tWlctlon or mon" big pu.a.&etd. I Five students Included on the votes and getting his political Piltmon's long experience In the aration of the church revival ... 'f history at Teachers Colle�e. .c ODce to this shop for a It FREE FOOT TEST in.taDdy reveal. any foo< .n:b �---------'---------------------------------------------------� meeting to be held March 1 to March 10. honor 1'011 attained maximum grades with an "A". or 6 quality point ratio average. The flve top machln� olle
and two more good friends The Bulloch Herald 1810n ' of ours began to enlighten US on County News some Ihlngs EVERYBODY that Published Every Thursday Your Legume Crop Is The Editor's Uneasy Chair All's Fair ,-NEW WAS GOING ON In our statesboro, Bulloch County, Ga. t(l\ n. Now I was (Jumbo" she ad dumber TheKey to Profitable "OFFICIAL ORGAN FOIt BULLOCH COUNTY" mltted, "but you were Fanning I NOTICE! Brooklet than I." Now, how about that I Well, despite the class)(lcatlon In which she puts me, 1 know that Thursday, January 15, 1948 11 1 would liked to have been with Nettle (Mrs. Brantley) Johnson WE aROW red-blooded boy. to see Bob, Marianne (7 months Editor he ... trip to points In Missis- L.EODEL COLEMAN .. ............ _ .. " , In Statesboro-stout-hearted and old) and Chris Biglin leave last on Texas and Ala- Associate Editor b'rave. We give for example that Monday for Portland, Oregon, to Sippi, Lo.ulsano, Members of the Brooklet P. T.- S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robert G. C. COLEMAN besides a I Is bama, JIM COLEMAN Advcrtlslng' Director Due to the increased cost of labor, muterlals, etc., the under group led by Glenn Jennings, Jr., make their home, but that who stalked big game In the baek where Bob's people live. Bob IIk brief once-over e are str ng: gl�nfg Georgll:1 A. who attended the P. T. A Councll at Repter Jut Satur-' son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatch er, Miss Martha Hatcher an'd Feccl your legume crop and It distant trails. Nettle showed UP' will feed the rest of your crops yard of the Jennings residence at ed skIIng down snow topped _ day were Mrs. L. S. Lee, Sr., Walter Hatcher, J,'., all 01 Beau their cus at the Sugar Bowl game. Travel- the signed Dr�' Cleaners take this method of noti.fying 217 Savannah Avenue. The rero- mountains and sailing boats and Mrs. Roddenberry, Mrs. fort, S. C.; William Mr. and .Mrs. Herman In your rotation! That's Ing with Nettle were her son, claus-appearing animal must not It was Inevitable that he go back Floyd Akins, Mrs. Hamp Smith Simmons, Albany; Mr. and of key to building up your soli, tomers that, effective January 15th, 1948, there will be a have plnyed 'possum for, In re- home. Another Statesboro girl Billy; daughter, Annie Laurie, and Mrs Herbert Salter. Mrs. Fred T. Lanier, Sr Mr. and.. Increasing yleltls and mcrenstng and son-In-law, "Rut" (Dr. C. E. CARBURETOR SERVICE I"""'''-+=+=-I-''':.�",Ilt:::;ut. 'II IlF small in first in The fol latlng the Incident. Glenn sold who vacations with her husband Captal� and Mrs. Robert F. Mrs. Lnnnlc Simmons, Mr. and the VALUE at your farm at • � 2 3 Increase prlces=-onr seven years. he shot once (using a .22 rifle) on skIIng parties Is Mrs. Bob Rutledge). Nettle was complete- Brinson. of Tokyo, formerly of Mrs. G. C. Coleman, all of States small COIU Thousands of fann • �roTon TUNE-UP and the possum wiggled; he shot Morris, the fanner Marguerite Iy unappreciative of those French ANO OVERHI\UL Brooklet, announce the birth of boro; Miss Jane Robertson, of era have lI.oved that this Is the 4 B 6 7 g 9 10 lowing prices will prevail: but Mathews. dishes. She had difficulty order- a daughter In Tokyo on Decem- Teachers College; Mr. and Mrs. to for profitable again and It wiggled again, system use II 12131415 16 17 Ing and put herself at the mercy • BRAKES REPAIRED RATES or'SUBSCRIPTION after the third shot there Was no I AM STILL get ling echoes of bel' 17.1947 who has been nam- J. N. Rushing, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. farming' and permanent .011 • RADIATORS CLEANED . of the walter by Elizabeth. Before her J. N. Rushing, Jr., and Mrs. W. ��.50 Pc,' Year $1.75 Six Months 18 19 2021 22 23 24 • more wiggling. In the daring Christmas joys and gift.: Anne get me w h at you t hi n k 111 ea. t saying" "JUI,t, ed Ma'rgle fertility. Lime acid soli, and -"THE BRI\DY WAY" ZS 26 27 28 2930 31 round-up were Billy Bland, Bob- Waters was one of those extra marriage, Mrs. Brinson was Miss B. Bland, of Brooklet. spread Top Yield Powdered There were eight courses (all HOKE S. BRUNSON by Donaldson, Steve Sewell, J lm- fortunate ones. Her gift from Dad Margie Durden, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hagan and Rock Phosphate NOW on clov 27 WEST MAIN STREET alike) and the bill was $5. She SERVICE QEPT. my Bland, Frank Williams and and Mother was a Mason-Hamlin and Mrs. J. L. Durden, of Brook- Miss or-fice suns, OVERCOATS, TOP-COAl'S, d escr Ibccl th f od as an d Hagan, of Arcola,Ellzabet" er and alfalfa fields, and on "El1ler�d us sccond-clnss mauer Januory 31, 1946, the n� p��t Glenn. TIle excited lads tied the Grand Plano. Hal Waters recelv the coffee Insane. Well, . eo" m��y let. Captain Brinson Is the son of will move here Saturday and will fields you'll see to clover and W. HILTON OLIVER. Mgr. March 3, 1879. The Almanac Says the Weather This Weel, On PLAIN DRESSES 75c 'possum in a bag and hung him ed some kind of new recorder. was, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brinson, of live In the new house on Route alfalfa. sturcsboro. Georgin. under Act of ••• .. .. nt at any rate, It s nice to be re- 622 E. Main St.-I'hone 281 In a tree until Toots arrived to Not being mechanical, I am puz Port Saint Joe, Fla., formerly of SO which Is nearing 1'ODAV. Thursday, l'unun.ry 15, will be windy. Don't go fishing. PANTS, PLAIN SKIRTS, membered . completl.on. ORVILLE MIXON find things going on In her back zled by the thing-wires which Brooklet. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woodcock As ever, R�uto 2. Box 6' A Verse Fer This Week 11'JUDAV, Junuurl' l6, will be cold ...... I.hlng only fair. ODD COATS 40c yard. The 'possum was disposed can be used over and again over Monday afternoon the January and _ _ JANE. children, of Savannah, were Rocky Ford. Georgia SA1'URDAV. dnnunry 11, will be 1000r. Fishing" little better. of in B I a c k Bottom for tlfty for recordings. Ruth Waters. be- meeting of the W.S.C.S. of the week end u guests of relatives In Methodist Church met with Mrs. hlndurances mny be SUITS PRESSED , 400 cents. Say, boys, how about gan using her glft-aQ Eastman whut evur SUNDA}', JrHlunry 18, will ))0 frosty. Don't fish on, gunduy. B:�let�ymOnd renrove 1',"\\,('('11 11M uml 'l'hyt
heart attack while attending to business. She was rushed to the The Bulloch Herald, Thursday, January 15, 1948 County News Bulloch County Hospital but was C ty News HENRY'S IIOI"D8 I'INAI, • �;.n���c;:!rsd,::� h�Cn be';;:I�I:I: S·:�:a:�:�:::e:Eth�:�:ek �y ./ �r.t�dl'lw.t�!u !I __E_uNneviI S Ing In thl. community Cor some MINKOVITZ • Denmark LOO Is survived by her Henry Moses, owner of Henry's time. Mrs. husband, Ben Lee, and Co!,r F. here In Statesboro, that his store �:��:,��f.:�:'���::,�:'Il"U::��I� I ....' ••. w.rtu'hr •• 'h' ... b';:.{PlnU... children, A. O. Lee, Florence, S. was holding Its final anee sale. .ho� clear. :;'.��?!nl�;�,�,·!�,l'���:':::: .:.r."r'l.;: C,,; B. Fred Lee, Brooklet; Mrs. Unusual bargains In F, L. Dixon. Savannah; Mrs. shoes are being offered by the �::"���:c��:��':'��::���C:::�= _ _ • . store thl8 week. Floyd Calrk, Oliver; six grand· . GIGANTIC children, two grent-grandohltdrcn, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Mobley, expected to return home Thurs. ':-------- Mr· and Mrs. A. O. Lee and nler, of Statesboro. _ . two alsters, Mni. D. R. Lee, of of Savannah, villi ted relatives day. I Camlly, of Florence, S. C., spent week end with 'her mother, Mr. and Mrs. EmeraJ Lanier Ith• Tobacco Saturday night with Mr. and visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mrs, J.' A. Denmark. ? Smith during the week. I Brooklet, and Mrs. J. B. Bran- here during the week end. Ne- non, at Statesboro. Mrs.Charlie Denmark, of At- T Mr. and Ml'B. James of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nesmith Savannah, visited Mrs. A. L. Da- and son, W. L., and Mr. and Mrs. Vis over the week end. Jones, Mrs. Miss Conrad Davis. Maude White nnd Mrs. ·Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeLoach Mrs. D. H. Lanier II Robert Cox attended the P. T. A. vi81t1nll, Plants I lanta, vilited Mrs. R. T. Simmons Emeral Lanier were vlsltors Miss Mittie Sue Davil and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Royals her daughter, Mrs. George Doane, IU spent Council at Register Saturday. and little Charles, of Savannah, and Mr. Doane Jn Jacksonville. during the hollda�. Savannah Saturday and were Mrs. James Denmark visited visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. De- Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Harlem, of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Devaughn _ relatives In Savannah during the Hart. Loach last week. of Jacksonville, visited Mr. and hol1da�. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Martin had Nowl Newl ·Mr.and Mrs. C. C. DeLoach t· Mrs. R. P Miller during the . hol-] Mr. and Mrs. gUO!lts Frldady night Mr. and Otha Akins and ,;; r�L·.HOME PERMAN�NT as tended the FFarm Bureau's an- ldays, little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Shepple Hagan and Mrs, nuat. meeting January 3, at the Mr. and Mrs. Emeral V'- Lanlerl Eulus Williams and children Maud. Hagin. Teachers College. and Miss Elizabeth Lanier en tor- v.is' Ited Mr. and �rs. Sewell Ander •• Mr. and Mrs. Layton Sikes and Doluxo Kit with P,o'o .. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lamb'. talned Friday evening at the, lonall son Sunday. son, Wendell, of Statesboro, were guests durin gthe holidays were home Mr. a�d Mrs. D. H. La- Mr. B. F. Woodward of Savan- Sunday guest. 01 Mr. and Mrs. �I. , Mr. H. M. Brown, of Jacksonvllle, nler With a bird supper. PtA5nG Those Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hood present were Mr. Henry Howelll nah Is s ndln vacation Coy Sikes. his family, of Statesboro; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith. of StateB' h'ere with Is f y. Mr and Mrs O)ln Nesmith ::"..!tl apd and Mrs. Hardy J. Hood and Mr. bora; Mr. Lamar Smith, of G e ne Den ma rk and Rudolph and' Mrs. E. A. and tam- Rushing had week end dinner guests lIy guests Vivo as and Mrs. Solomon Hood, of Sa- Statesboro: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ginn Sunday we,; GURLfRti len Nesmith, Mr. and Mrs. Earl vannah, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bowen and family, of Atlanta, of Frankhn and Bill Zetterower. Brown and Children, of Brooklet. D. H. Lanier and JeJan. Rushing and Children, Mrs. Au: We Are Now Taklnl Ord .... FINAL CLEARANCE OF WINTER GOODS! Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown have moved to Brooklet, having recent- on Wednesday afternoon, January The Denmark Club will meet 1"- p:: 6:. drey Savannah. Holland and son Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hurst, of Johnny. of H_P_nenll maoI .... "'11 They're ,"U"4. for ... Ier wind. )+'or ly purchased a store building In 21, at the home of Mrs. M. r I Jacksonville, Fla., visited Mr. and Here'. why:The new TONI Pro. ing, amoothercurl. They're ribbed " 0 B A 0 0 0 P I. ANT 8 which they will operate a auto Fordham. I \\\\111 \ II I "'"'1 fe .. lonal PlasUc Curlen big are 10 your hall' won't sllp. They're Cost Disregarded! Priced For Quick Action! ••• • store. Mr. Brown will be glad to have his friends call Misses Willie O'Neal and I:l, r- on him In ly Zelterower have returned tq I � $'. ,"''- n 1111 (ffi '� � Mrs. Josh Martin last week end. Robert vannah Rushing visited In Sa. during the week end. (50� N. ',. more curlinl eurface), Doluxe Kit r,·qJable. to lave you money I R.lill Kit, wlth•• t ""I".. '100 JOE RODERT TILLMAN Sec P�N'U1JD� his new location. T. C. after spending the holidays Mrs. H. A. Prather. of Jack. • wi h pla,tlc curlora '2 Rl6"lo, Ki� Ii"" ""'m. $121 40-In. Hvy Unbleached 54-In. Solid Color Mrs. Statesboro, J. J. Is E. Anderson, a f Visiting Mr. and with their parents, The Denmark kFarm Bureau =_: _- .. . G:f�- sonvllle Beach, Fla., is spending some time' with her mother, Mrs. . AII#im�'",'a Bulloch Tractor at Oompany CLEARANCE! � . • Re(lnced Mrs. J. C. Bule. held .. its annual meeting at the From $6.75 For This Sale! E. A. p roctor. Denmark school Tuesday .�, �� or Mr. T�E e�t�EGE PHARMACY and Mrs. D. H. Lanier's even- 1/1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mrs. �artln and Mrs. John BILL TlLLMAN SHEp���� 39( OI�e���r!H49( guests during the holidays were: Ing. '�ool Mitchell Barnes spent Friday in ]200 PAIRS FALL AND WINTER 'Z5% Blankets Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell and family, Denmark, Jacksonville; Mr. and nah, and Mr. and Mrs. Clate Den- of BANNER STATES Mrs. Fred of Savan· Savannah as guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ham. "WHED'II', Planters Cotton Warehouae at __ THE CROWDS GO" Mrs. J. E. Bowen and family, of, mark, of Nevils, visited Mr. and PRINTING CO. Shoes Mr. Golden Futch is improving 80-Square Count White and Yellow Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. A. Denmark during the Prescriptions' _ Candies _ Drugs _ Toiletrie� S/I5 818 21 We.t Main St. State.boro following an operation In the P�ONE or 49c Value. 1st Floor Double Cotton-filled • 1st Floor. Forbes and daughter, Eleanor, of week end. JAcksonville; E. C. Howell, of SA· Mrs. B. F. Lee died suddenly W·IMrs. Jim Cnlemnn Leodel ColemnD Bulloch Phone 414 CountY�H�os�p:lt�a�1�a:n�d_:ls�================:-:=====::::.����� _ _:_ Phone. 416 Group Girls' Pull-over vannah; Virginia Laniel', of Thursday afternoon -ln States,.Sa.! .. ruld MIs3 Elizabeth Ln·' bora. She was stricken, with a van�.ah, I. Price Z and Less ��u����!S498 �W2��!��S1h l!!!J Were $3.95-$8.95 Price . • 1st & 3rd Floors. Now $1.97 to $4.47 • • First. Floor • HUNDREDS OF Children's, Flannel .1 PAIRS ON TABLES! ROBES .Sizes 2 to 8 • 2nd Floor Sizes 6 to 14 . Formerly $3.49 • 2nd Floor. • • LUSTROUS SATIN BOUND LARGE 72 x 90 SIZE TRU[KS Group Women's Wool 100 Pairs Women's Soft, Warnl, deep piled. Choice of lovely pastel colors. WEEK E.ND· SPECIALS!! .. HOUSE and Quilted PAJAMAS NOW ON DISPLAY SLIPPERS • Third Floor HOUSECOATS % Price. SA V E !--Specially 'FIRST Priced--S AVE! �Pflot·HoUse· Cabs' IIwit�- You're looking at the most attractive • lfz Price • 2nd Floor. • . FLOOR • . all-'round vision . and useful trucks ever designed. The first thing you notice, of course, is their new massive "truck-like" appear SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JAN. 1.6 ••• Lasts For a limited lime Only! ance. But undemeath-s-you'Il find power-packed chassis, each "Job Rated" for· performance, economy� Men's Wool 27 x 27 Birdeye Children'� White dependability, and long' life. Sensational Salel GLOVES DIAPERS Were $3.29 SHOES CLEARANCE! Because these new �'Job-Rated"-because they fit the job Dodge trucks are MEN'S & STUDENTS' $1-00 $2.79 49c -they naturally save money and laSt 250 FALL & WINTER Formerly $1.98 1st & 2nd Floors • Third Flooor • - longer. But you're in for a real sur - prise, when you see how many addi TOPCOATS Children's Ribbed Cotton-filled . Men's Fast Color Am.rl •• •• rlaul S.II Connt tional money-saving and time-saving Mlde rldl DRESSES • • • II I.d advantages Dodge has built into these SHORTS Waist Unions Baby Comforts 10nQr rI*-bl ••• III rlcbll S.aml tnlerl.cked for fa li"arl "'lft'. pilid a�.lgnl .. lib IturcIY newest trucks. lel1il'.relle trim. INSTALLED FBEI. 6ge 66e Concha. and. Sedans We urge you to come in and see them 4ge and.' SUITS Orig, 79c Men's - Outing 28 to 42 and Formerly • First Floor to 89c Winter • Orig. $1.98 Women's $1.00 - 3rd Floor PRICE I. $10.85 without delay. You'll find them years ahead in design the only really . new trucks on the market this year I . . Boys' • Broadcloth 'Cotton Knit 2& LESS of PAJAMAS UNIONS BLOOMERS • NEW AII·Weather Ventilation NflUEase - .....!! ".ndli", (j) PLENn OF HEADROOM. $2.77 $1.19 You oue onloy remarksble now 01 handlinl and driv ® STEERING WHEEL risbt.in driver'. lap. ••• Formerly to $4.95 $1.49 Value 3ge Formerly Inl In th.. .truckl, You COD tllm them In much Dew @ InURAL lACK SUPPORT • Thir.d Floor • $5.95 to $27.50 .maller clrclea the .ame... adjustable lor • First Floor • • Third Flooor • .1 .. clrclo either richt or • •• maximum comfort. loft. You caD park, or back This -NOW- Group Formerly Boys' Corduroy Boys' Sport Boys' ()uting up to plltform. witb With thl. @ PROPEl LEa SUPPORT Ire. to, oue. • under the koee. • • to $35.00 PANTS SHIRTS PAJAMAS $2.97 � I .hortartumln" you also get full .. 1&e bodl .. longer cabo, , bettor w�bt diotributloD. where you need ir. @) CHAIR·HElaHT .EATI to • $2.98 $1-00 '$1-69 � Real eomfort at teD below or a hundred .bovel • iU5I like you.ha .. •• at home. Were $4.98 - Compare! Values to $1.98 Formerly $2.29-8 to 16 $1175 uTI rhe blll'est radio bar::�ln on That'l becauso of ... InpnloUl eombln.tloD 01 ® "AII-O-RIDE" OU.HIOI. "�:;:r . YOU SAVE AS MUCH �� Bnlnswlck nllc?s Q!J�l;ty f!� Ih. markell streamlined B.aulllul with rlah• • • ••• lnu:k hoater. d.flOlter V8Ilta, V8Ilt windo .... cowl ..ntllator and a now freoh air Intake lrom the ® '·INCH .EAT ADjUSTMENT • adjustable 10 •• eight of driver IIIld f
I' NI!lW ARRIVALS FOR SALE: 83 ucrcs, about G: ==������=�-I The Bulloch Ilcrald, Thursday, January 15, 1948 ���=������������=��=� = AT1'''NTTION! I soli,cultivated. Best GI'ode liftoll Mr. and Mro. James Floyd old house In poor rcpnlr. In NO MEA1' SIIOR1'AO}] I':� THE FINAL SLASH! THE LAST. CALL ON WINTER GOODS th birth 01 SHOP AT SOCIETY Coleman a .nnounc� January 2 I F.llen, Candler county, about 6 miles daughter, Mary north 01 Metter. Price $2500. .. Et\I"OOD ()1�N'I'r';I{ at the Bulloch. County Hospl�al. Terms $500 cash, balunce 4 yrs., (Just Below City Dairy) Mrs. Coleman WUl the lormer 6 percent Interest. JOSIAH ZET· They Huve: PIiONIl 112 Miss Mary Dan Ingram, 01 At· TEROWER Omb Meat Dovllcll Ornb ::t�r��s;.aYt:tt:III:� �:�iy E�� �______ young man her blgslater, Linda, Shrh�;e.sell 'POUI1��stcr. 1I0WAn., 1I0S1'ESS MRS, TO BRIDO.] 01,08 These pupils have been a de- �I���gu�/���n:��cd B A� �7 " ,� F:��I�a�e��sL'�1 \:�;�R Mr. and Mrs. Jim T. Denmark " Po, quick' 'or norkoch', FROZEN FRUITS & , Rntuh Howard cnlel'tnin· llaht to ull who have been fora announce the birth of a daughter, Mrs. Rheumatlo �:�ltl: l 1-11 .l:,i�tI, atrong 'f ed her club, The Bridge Guild, on tunato enough to sec them donee, Donna EVD, January 1 at the cloudy urine, Irr.. :�r���:_:;����h:(.�·: '\1' �. 1. Leg Pain!, n���; ;y��� VEGETABLES At Lowest Prices! C-J • Friday morning at Sewell Houne. nnd we uppreclate their coming Bulloch County Hospital. Mrs. Dladder trnublc3. In complote Mnln Streot I ". 60 west Mixed flowers were used in dec entertaln us. ·;mlccd. A,k from Sovunnah to Denmark wos before her mar- s 1[J G A It, 5 lb. Bag orunng and the guests were servo Watching them makes us wish !��:f���I��;!({L'-" ... Phone M4 for FREE DeUvory .. rlage Miss Rose Ward, of Way. ed sandwlches and coffee. we hod a Marilyn Youmans In our nesboro. Little Donna Eva WoS G R ITS, 5 lb. Bag 49c high score Mrs. James midst. Emma Kelly has accorn- the f1rsr child born In the county For Bland was given an Ivy bowl; for ponied them on these occasions In the year 1948. A. n GOP RUN E S, 1 lb. pkg 100 low score Mrs. Jimmie Redding and she suys they are "the best." Three FlOOrs Full 01 Our Bilgest Values Yet' ! _ CA.NNED CREAM, large size, 2 for 250 received tile mate for pot. plants. Other players We!Tp MI'!'. Bernard I rilE METHODIST OHURCH Rev. Chal. A. Jilek...,n, .'r., Paalo., LYJZlANNE .COFFEE, 1 lb. can 47c Stooks McDougald, Mrs. Lonnie Sim WAIIINOOl\ H. D, OLUB 1):30 o. m.-"The Valley of mons, Mrs. Hokc Brunson, Henry Ellis, Mrs. J, C. Hines unci MI's. MET TIIURSDA y, JAN,' 8 Dry Bones." 7:30 I'. m. - "We Must Not Sunbeam � NAP B E A N. S , �o. 2 can :.11c Regrouped S Reduoed ! People Will CO •••e In,.Throngs Mrs. Tulmndgc Ramsey. The Warnock Home Demon Hote." Hun's �trollon Thursday, To Take Advantage 01 These .Savings ! Club met on Sunday Sehool at 10:15 B, m., MEMIIEIIS OF WATERS Jbnuury 8, at the home of Mrs. Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p. m. i'mfATO size lOO FMIIJ.\' UNITE AT .JQhn Waters, with Mrs. '" Lamar PICI{LE8,! large !I0LlD,\\' D1NNEn Jones nnd M rs. Prather Dea} as THERE COMES Hunt's PERSONALS co-hostesses, A TIME TOIUATO SAUCE, 8 oz. can oo GROUP OF WINTER Loy Wuters had dauKh·1 M.r. and MrS. ... I M�N'S LEATHER Sale! NYLONS called to order Harding and Mrs. Wade ns dinner guests on Sunduy of I The meeting us Sifer's ter, Janice, of Dublin, are vistt lust week members of Mr. wn-I laid by Miss Rubye Lee, president. the de Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. in everyone's life when CMOCOLATE SYRUP, l)in� · 100 COATS Jackets tCI'S' family. Covers 'were Mrs. Otis Groover gave . for MI'. Waters' sister, Mrs. Mau- votionul. After the business SCl W. E. West. we lose someone dear to !FRESH YARn EGGS, dozen 69c dec Bond, and daughter, Carol us. In times such as Shtrley Groover gave a rend AND .. sion Ann, of Boston, Mass.: his moth ready to OLE 0 (all brands), 1 lb. llkg 42c lng, "Helping Mother." Mill. • these, we are er, Mrs. C. L. WUW,"", of Sum in every way SPCUI'S gave a demonstration on help you 100 tCLOWIUTE, quart bottle mitt. Other brothers and sisters one-dish meals, being assisted by n-esent were Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Johnson. possible, We will take care of every detail, prepare the funeral to your specifications. Sweater Bath SUITS s10 n. Waters, of Sandersville; Mr. Members present were Mrs. R. JAKE SMITH E. GRANT TILLMAN WASHING POWnER 00 and Mrs. Kay Bennett, Midville; Mr. and Mrs. 1\. Brisendine, Mrs. Hubert MI· Travis Waters and daughter, 01 Sparta; kell, Miss Louise Mikell, Mrs, Dorothy, Smith- Tillman Mortuary Stal·l�ood Store Hubert Waters, Statesboro: and Otis Groover, Mrs, Paul Groover, --FUNERAL DIRECTORS-- and uncle, John Waters. Mrs. PaUl Bunce, Mrs. -Forest SUC'I'CS80rl' to Lllilier's Mortuary Were $17.95 Bunce, Mrs. Billy Simmons, Mrs, Jake Smith TIlE DECKERS Henry Brannen, Mrs. I\cy Wynn, SHEER DRESS NYLONS Cape Leather. Zipper Front. Miss Dot Flanders was hostess Mrs. H. R. Christian, Mrs. Jesse FKMOUS The most spectacular value in town. Slight Sizes 36 to 46 to The Deckers last Wednesday �klns, Mrs. A, L. Roughton, Mrs. PRINTS Limited Quantity Hollingsworth, Miss irregulars of usual $1.50 quality ofternoon at her home on Broad Andrew THEY STAND FOR Street. Picnrdy ll)adloll were used Rubye Lee, Mrs, Melvin Rush Our Best $2.50 Extta .sheer Nylons in the decorations. Miss Flanders lng, Mrs, Barney Rushing, Mrs. served her guests tuna fish salad, Bob Mikell, Mrs. A. B. (!p"rlck, the using steps a.. saved IIERALD in •••••• $1.88 ----I SPECIAL I Mikell, \MI'S. A. B. :lck. olives, potato chips, rifz crackers, Bob \ •. WANT AD, . .wet MEN'S cookies, coffee, and mints.' tv1TS. Aubrey Waters was 8 vlsl- JANUARY WHITE SALE! coriie savings In job For' Mrs. Tom tor 1.0 the club. Overalls high score, hunting, home or Smith was given a nest of ash trays: Mrs. Hal Macon won 8 The hostesses served congealed apartment hunting. sulad. crackers, olive sandwiches, Sizes. coaster set for low nnd napkin and Russian tea. HERALD Plenty. of Large rings for cut went to Mrs. Ber The next meet in;:- of th� club Want Ads - All Sales Final! liard Scott. Mrs. Buddy Barnes, I will be held at the home of .Mrs. I' Mrs. Dock Brannen, Mrs. Emor 1\. B. GarrIck. No Appr $2.69 son Brannen, Mrs. J. G. Altman, • Miss Helen Scoll, Miss Inez Ste- Second Floor :- phen and Miss Gwen West were the other players. ".. Received Too Late for Xmas! 1'0 TOUR TRAO'I'On PLANTS I 75 TRICYCLES Full Cut A� Joe Hobert Tillmnn, of the Bul BIG ACE and loch Tractor Company, will leave BLUE BUCKLE Brands Saturday for visits 10 John Deere Usually $9.95 to $16,95 --8 oz. Sanforzied NOW-$6.63 to $11.30 ' fucrortcs in Michigan, lawn, and Illinois ns a guest of tho com • THIRD FLOOR • Limit: 3 Pairs pany, -: First Floor :- I MilS. LOVETT IIETOIlNS Stores, Dry Goods Stores " T.le Del)!lrtment One Lot of WORK CLO�ES FltoM ONIVERSI ... HOSPITAl. and Olothing and Five and Ten Cent Stores. A FABRIC EVENT! SPECIAL! Sale of 600 Mrs:- Bates Lovett returned on QUADRIGA PRINTS! Men's Matched MEN'S SPORT Tuesday from Augusta, where she announce the follo\Vin� Opening and Closing has been u patient at the Uni P�INTED CHALLIS! AND DRESS 77 Shirts ss versity Hospltnl. Mrs. \V. R. Lov et t drove up La hring her home. Hours: RAYON CRASH! GINGHAMS, ETC! $2 ·Yd sl • SHIRTS OPEN AT 8:30 A. M. U ..\NCERS PI!:ltf4'OHlU A'r Formerly $3.98 Pants sa /\NNUAI... SIGMA OIH DANOE SOLIDS AND PLAIDS $1 49c CLOSE AT 6:00 P. M. yd. a $1.98 Three talented • pupils of the l,j" ityn Youman's Dunce Studio, :.'., nunuh, were presented at the Originally to $2.73 New pOPIel lor your 8UICK!· Usual $1.49 . OIl·Wc.llnesdays • .• r-ununl Sigma Chi dance held at Blue and Khaki t':c Woman's Club here Jan OPEN AT 8:30 A. M. Values to 89c Per Yard Rayon Jersey It yd. on W!l'Y 2. Two lovely young Indies Shop and Save at MINKOVITZ' Originally to $3.98 who carne up from Savannah, and CLOSE'A'r 12:30 P. M. Into your and milk. It • FISRT FLOOR • Solid and Printed • FIRST FLOOR • 1st and Third Floors • honey. OUI' O\\'n lives in Statesboro. Paul Waters. who now rod.y'. Power, 'l'oday's Perlormance, car young agaln�lve It new power aDCI \ Jan Futch. daughter of Mr. 011 Saturdays. . • , 'l'oday's Zip -lor Buicks performance that will aet you eet and Mrs. R. C. Futch, of Savan for thousands and thouaands man OPEN AT 8:30 A. M. nah, guve . a delightful hula up 10 'l'en Years Oldl carefree mUes. One Group MEN'S FRIDAY MORNING BOMBSHELL! 80 x 105 Boys' Leather dancc. This was hcl' first per CLOSE AT 7:30 P. M. Palm Olive Cashmere fom1tHlcc How much does It coat? Not nearl1 Men's Wool Bouquet Sweetheart KRINKLE JACKETS in Statesboro and SWEATERS we this sounds too good to be Yes, It's all new, with. the latest hope she will return again. Her Stores Which Will Observe These Houre Are: MAYBE But It'. a fact! what you'd expect-often-leaa than bar TOILET SOAP Buick engine features you read mother is the fOI'mel' Miss Lelmu Lee NeSmith, of the Nevils com munity. Mr. Futch also lived in �ue. E'I'en If your Buick dates back as far about-like precision cylinder bor· Ing. OIl·Mlspr rings, Stratoflow a comprehensive overhaul, And It'. a,mlghty good Investment becauee It makes your car worth 80 much PANTS $1-98 5c a BEDSPREADS '7.98 lh:J.t • .. 1937, you can have a hoodful of COOIl�lg and so on. when It comes time to tum TO FIRST 100CUSTOMERS ENTERING STORE! Jan community, so partly belongs we to feel thut Bulloch factory·fresh Fireball power-a sleek new power plant that's the same as You can Ilet a new en�nt like thl. more It In, . $4.00 Formeriy to $3,95 AT 8:30 A. M. $2.98 Formerly to $12.95 county. (Only 5 Bars to a Customer) Sizes 4 to 16 the engines going Into the latest because engine pl'oduc�ion Is not NIce proposition, Isn't It? to $10.95 All Styles & Colors Usually, $3.49 Patty. Punish, having PaUl as �lc()LELLAN'S STORE. Buick cars. held back by the shortage of sheet Formerly Other Jackets Surely worth talking • Third Floor • her p�"lner, danced a very grace steel which limits complete· car pro· First Floor • • Third Floor • Sharply Reduced ill fut I. ":0 which rl'esent. was This a delight to Patty's THE FAIR STORE Everything about ItIs brand·new. A carburetor and air cleaner help ductlon. . over. Won't you In and let us come give you � SATURDAY MORNING BOMBSHELL! I II. MINKOVITZ·,& SONS was new So we're able to put one of these all the details? II.·rd appearance here. She Rnd make every drop of fuel IIlve up all " DEPARTMENT STORE aPr. 50c C!:'EARANCE! P ..... ul were fentured at the Beauty Revue held at utl'e here lasl" summer and danc- the Georgia 'n]e. I B!tADY'S DONALDSON-SMITH CL'OTHING CO Its power, A plete advance, wIth puts new snap In your get· vacuum new dlstrlbu tor, com· and centrifugal Usual $5,98 'SPARKLE PLENTY' Group of Men's N Y LON S 47 In.21/2 Yds, x PRISCILLA Men's and Boys' DRESS ed again between acts of "Mrs.! SAM ROSE�ERG away and ,new pcp In all driving, A SPORT TO FIRST 50 CUSTOMERS ENTERING STORE Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch", p"esented at the college last fall. HOBSON DuBOSE MEN'S STORE whole new wiring harness prevents electrical loss, And. tucked In the DOLL AT 8:30 A. M. CURTAINS' GLOVES SHIRTS I She i3 the daughtel' $5.95 Gloves $3.98 I of M.r. and flywbeel housing Is a new smoothle Mrs. Kermit Parrish, of Savan nah, and u niece of Miss Marilyn MARY DEI... L SHOPS, IN(). ofa clutch that'l1 make drlvIna more $3.98 $2.98 Youmans, who has so successful. }'A VORITE SHOE STORE fun than"'''' $4.98 Close-Out of $5.95 4.98 Gloves 2.98 Iy taught her to dance. Arrived too late ,Paul is the son of Mr. and Mrs. HENRY'S for Xmas Originally to � �,50 Value. Cream Dot 3.98 Gloves 1.98 HOKE S. BRUNSON J. W. Waters and the grandson I MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE • Third Floor • • First FloOJ ., • Third Floor • of Mrs, John Paul city. They have recenlly moved I Jones, of this I UNITED I) and 10 STORE 1�98 Gloves 1.49 here from Savannah. Mr. Waters is the owner of The Linole�m I Hundre(ls of Other Money-Savmg Sl}eClals Hundreds of Other Money-Savmg SpeCials Shop. Paul has dance? often here East Main Street, Statesboro Gall On All Three Big Floors! On All Three Big Floors! and Is very willing and capable. We are proud Indeed 10 have I 1-----------------------' .:::=1:::;;::1-----------__I!!IIID_m.IIllIIII--.;,� IOI..__Il'__
1948 H�stel�" Henry DeJornettc, of VI· I The Bulloch Herald, Thursday, January 15, for Ihe evening Mrs. Nath Holleman be Mra. George Bean, Mrs. CUI'- Us Lane, Mrs. Cohen Anderson, Wil i dallo, visited her sis tel', M,'S, WII· I liarn Smith, during the week end.: MI's. Memphis, Molt Tenn., daughter returned Wednesday to Dobson and small . G corge Hilt I J r., re t urnc d Sat. urday from R E CAP PIN G.:. STATESBORO LIVESTOCK Statesboro and , Dr, John Mooney. Mrs. Bill ({e!th and Miss AIUnc Whiteside spent several days In where he attended a sales meet- her home In Nashville, Tenn. of the Parker Pen Company. .:. COM MIS ION COMPANY Mrs. Dobson was accompanied 10 Ing HAVE YOUR TRAUTOR TIRES AND TRUUK Atlanta lost week. 81MMON8 FAMU.V HtlUNION Allanta by her parents, Mr. and I Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mlnkovltz, F. C. Parker & Son Social Activities Mr, and Mrs, were hOila Sunday at tholr home Lester Bland for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Biglin and, small son Chris left last Monday Portland, O;cgon,where they Mrs. H. W. Smith, and her sister, of Sylvania, Mrs, Bill Kennedy, Mrs. Dobson H. Mink_ovltz, and Mr. and Mrs. of Savannah, were' to attend the run- At tho TIRES RECAPPED NOW a-c ..t IIIJd Moat M .... PIIONE 112 made the rest of the Irlp by here Sunday BRING YOUR COWS "lItS, J!lnNES'I' Rltl\NNJ!lN at Brooklet to members of Mrs. '\VIII make their home. ern Recapplnr Plant In 80uth. plane. oral 0' Mis. Nell Jones. family. Enjoying this re- _______________;:;;;;;;,;__ ; :;;IBland'l Corporal Bobby Peck, of Camp Mrs. S. B, ({ennedy, of Met!er, - Geol"(la. We "'JCl8p and reo AND HOGS TO US union Were. Mr. nnd Mrs .•'. T. visited friends here MI'. and Mrs, Alvin Hilt and Houston, Va., p ..... your t1r.. and "'be. with Donaldson and Mrs. C. E, visited her sister, Mrs, Frank A'rTJ!lND FUNJ!lRAL IIIEV. ANH �rRS, J!lHWARH8 Jim Lanier, Mrs. N. B. Bland, ·Mr. and for several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hltt and sons, ENTFlIITAIN AT OI'J!lN HOUSE Cone had,dlnner In Savannah, and Barry, of Savannah, Williams, who Is a patient at the the fln .. t RAYONS Dnd rub. FOR HIGHEST OF MISS NJ!lLL ,JONJ!l8 I Mrs, Lannle Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Donaldson Is visit. Elton Hospital. ber, All Work Guaranteed, Mr. and Mrs. George Hltt, Bulloch County Rev. and MI'S. Vernon Edwards, Mra, Lee Robertson and daugh Ing Mr. and Mrs. John Grey in visited Among relatives who came Mr. lind Mrs. Roy Adam. and PRIUES. of Statesboro J\TTtlND BALLE1' RU88E ter, Jlille; Mr. and Mrs, Walter Abbeville, Ala. Jr., Sunday, -CALL3IS- distance to nt tend the former residents from It 8AVANNAH MONDAV children, Martba Mr. and Mrs.-Wright Everett, children, Nancy and Julie, of student IN Hatcher and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Robertson funerol of Miss NeH Jones, whose while Mr. Edwards was a and Bud, of Beaufort, S. C., and and daughter, Jane, of Beaufort, of Metter, spent Sunday with his Claxton, Visited Mr, and Mrs. F. death occurred Friday night after at Georgia Tonchers College and Those attending the Ballet Mr, and Mrs. J. N. Rushing, Sr., T. Laniel' Sunday. Mrs. *Maud Mrs. Edwards served secretaryus S. C., spent Saturday night with mother, Mrs. John Everett, a brief illness, were: Russo at the municipal audttor A. Jackson, Jr., of and Mr. and Mrs, John Rushing, Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Lanier. Hall Anderson, of Washington, to Dr. Chas. lum In Savannah Monday even Church, lire sr. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Glass, of D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Niver, the first Methodist Ing were Dr, and Mrs. Waldo ALA'I1II:AN OLASS HONOR8 Fairburn, Ga., spending ICV' ,Iy Joe Marsh are H. Friday evening at of Auburn, AID.; and Mrs. Mrs. Della Lacount cntertnlnlng on pursonuge home In Por Floyd, Virginia Lee Floyd, Mr, OONTE8T WINNERS eral weeks with MI'. and Mrs. where I .it ... Akins, Mr. thclr new and Mrs. Loy Waters and Anne j;,'_fiom 7 unUI 9 o'clock. Rev. Hoke Brunson, Smith, M,'. and Mrs. Johnny Hen- tn l Irorn Waters, Mra. Vlrdle Lee Hilliard, Mrs. Carey Martin, Nlrs. Glenn Mik- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Coleman drlx and dough tel', Brunelle, Edwards, now serving as pastor and Mrs. Inman Foy, Mra. VIrgil JennlnJII, Mrs. Henry Blitch spending this week In Flor nnd Mrs. Jlmps the Bulloch County Circuit, Mrs, Grady Bland, winners In an arc ey Martin, Mr. of Agan, Miss Marie 'Wood, Dr. and Ida. Olliff, MI'. and Mrs. Henry Olliff, and Mrs. of Edwards arc cordially Mrs. Ronald Nell, Mr. and Mrs. attendaee contest sponsored by Bob Niver, of Auburn, The Laugh's 0'" Them I 1111'. und Mrs, Ray Malecki, Mrs. inviting friends and members Bob Winburn, Jack Averitt and the Alathean Class of the First Mrs. " Agnes Cook, all of Suvannuh; these churches to call during the Mia Addle Dunnaway, Church, were the honor Ala., Is visiting her parents, Mr. Baptist • Mrs. and Mrs. Esten Cromartie, Mrs. Perry Rountree und above mentioned hours. guests at a lovely dinner party A lot of folb (outsiders mostly) ernment 1t.elf -lust tho way III' ;,(nnford Bland, of Metter: Mrs. Methodist Church at Por M,',. Virgil Durden, of Gray- regulate I .. operatlolll The 8TATESBORO MUSIC OLUB Thursday evening at the Norris laughed when we formed our Town dustry can We made some awful pur Alex Cromartie and Robert Cro- tul has built a permanent parson Hotel. mont, visited her mother, Mrs. Improvement Council, Couldn" over and above Lie lawl Impoled ' chases in OUI' first yeor of martie, or Hazelhurst, and Mrs. age consisting of five rooms, IIv. The Statesboro Music Club will C-.vers were laid for R. F. Donaldson, this week end. figure why we needed sueh • group, upon It: llke the brewe .. pr",ra.. I.. F. Klrklund. of west Groen. lng room. dining room, study, and bath. Mr. meet Tuesday evening at 8 0'· clock, January 20, at the Georgia Edwnrds members, and guests enjoyed a thirty.one'l Mrs. J. C. Collins and children, .0 long as w, had a competent local covernment In office. of "Self Regulation." business, and we arc of- Georgia. kitchen, fried chicken di�ner. The table Frances and Clifford, of Collins, They inspect all lelllng tavern. I lor Jones tho daughter and his wife ore so pleased with Teachers College auditorium beer-to make sure they're clean, Miss was her mother, Mrs. E. H. The socl.1 was artistically decorated with visited But tho laugh's on them-e-be of the late .lirnps jones and Pru- their new home that they want the musical program. and Kennedy, Sunday. tho Council ha. don, a lot orderly, law·abidlng warning arrangements of red berries cause ••• ella Akins Jones. Esteemed by their friends to visit them and hour will be spent at the home of of good in our lewn: put tho tho •• few that aren't le "cleao up white candles. Mrs. C. B. Mathews returned I' simplic- ns they do, what the Mrs. George Bean, or run the rl.k of being eloaed up." all who knew he!' for her nppreciuto, visit to her moth "Stop" ligns Street, up on Main Serving 8S hostesses were Mrs. Friday from a done citizen. tho tavern ity, Miss Jones will be especially good people of Portal have The theme for the program as Mrs. Joe McDon':ld, In Axon. subscribed ward to the City a new And Ilk. good H. Mink- J, C. Hines, Mrs. Hoke Brunson, er, wholeheartedly b.hlnd missed by co-workers 11.1 fol' their minister. stated In the yearbook Is "Organ Hospital, fixed up tho Teen-Age keepe .. are Mrs. Hollis Cannon and Mrs. Loy While there she accompanied her ovlt & Sons, where she wns em- Members of the W.S.C,S. are and Plano." Mrs, Jack Broucek Centers; crganized our charities. the pro&,ram I Waters. mother to Atlanta for a brief stay -:---.---:- ployed cooperating with Mrs. Edwards II chairman, Ttlklng part on the for many years. at the Emory University Hospital. From where I sit, the people can in preparotlons for open house. We 8pocloJJ.., 10 ---------- She is survived by 0 sister, program will be Mra. Roger HoI· do 8& much to run a town 88 IOV- Mrs. O. W. Horne returned on Mrs. Esten G. Cromartie and a land, Mrs. W. S. Hanner, Jack Mrs, Z. Whitehurst has return PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPIIS MI". Bob Niver, of Au-] H08TE8S TO Broueek and IIIrs. Bing Phillips. _11 parents, from a visit to her Monday "to her home In Butler niece, MilS. LANIER W. Thompson, after spending a few days with Cop),r;,hl.1948. United S,altS Brewer. FolUltlGtU»l Mrs. E. 1.. Barnes, Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. C. I "urn, Ala. THE "AS YOU LIKE IT" CLUB ALL WORK ·Mrs. Sidney Smith, . Smith and Jack Averitt. of Columbus. Mrs. Sidney Lanier entertained GUARANTI!;IID MRS. ANNA CUMMINGS the As You Like It Club FrIday Mrs. Cummings, widow afternoon at her home on Savan C. M. of the late Mr. Cummings, a na nah Avenue. Pink gladioli and decora t ive of Bulloch county, died Frt narcissi were used in the dny in a son, Brill Savannah at S. Cummings. the home of The tions and the guests a chlckekn salad were plate with served date HENRY'S funeral was held Sunday morn nut cake and coca-colas. F.' C. Parker, Jr., Won for .. ing at the Smith-Tillmon Mortu MI'S. a box of candy. A ary chapel with Rev. T. E. Ser high score charge of services. fork set for mLxing son In spoon and immediate survivors green salads went to Mrs. Len Among and relatives here (or the tun man Franklin for cut. Mrs. Josh her Mr. Earl Laniel' received pot holders for era! were sons, Cummings, of Atlanta; Mr. Britt Cummings (and Mrs. Cummings), of Savannah; Mrs. Others playing were Mrs. Fran George Mathis, ces Brown, Mrs. Billy Cone, Mrs. low. Final III SOAP & CLOROX FREE (!l Listen every morning to SWANEE RIVER BOYS Mr. Mathis and two children, of Gordon Camp LeJeune, N. C.; Mrs. Jim· Boyd, Franklin, Mrs. Tom Mr.. Olliff Smith, Mrs, COME IN TODAY pon't take cllIloce. your l'IIdJo. Make aure It'. with I It doeantt pay to do your own laundry not when I on Bendix Radio Show over WSB at 750 on your dial-9:30 to 9:45, I ••• mle Olliff and Mr, Olliff, of Met· Fred Thomas Lanier, Jr., Mrs. J. . DON'T DELAY I r'JIIIIred by expert.. all you can havo It done a. Mias Ruth Selig. tel'; three sisters, Miss Eula E. Bowen, Jr., n,w part ........ That'. ----------, thl.. .j , cheaply You r and Mrs. Chabners FrskUn. a. Green, Mrs. Sarah Cow.art (of man S. W. SMART your ·lUapantoo when you clothes u rOo t.horoughly Savannah) and Mrs. Enoch Wil ,Of let sid lied ... RU8IDNG 1I0TEL our men nx son, of Hinesville; two brothers, VISITORS JIlNTEltTAJNJ:D washed Itnd rinsed lind rc" William Green and Leon Green, 8tat ..boro Geor&1" your radJo. turned to fresh 8ull Brannen had as yon Mr.. Grover of DeLand, Fla. her • • Clean. her guest (or several da)18 • ZENITH RADI08 sister, Mrs. �'red Emerson, of AVOID WASil HAY ladies' Shoes MVRA PR08SER • MOTOROLA RADI08 Atlanta, and her mother, Mrs. C. . DRUHGERY IS NINE VEARS OLD M. Lovein,-of Macon. Mrs. Bran· For Homes " Automobiles CURB SERVICE and Mrs, Emerson have been Tuesday afternoon of la.t nen On entertained at several WASH week Myra Prosser, daughter of delightfully FRANKLIN RADIO On Vlne Street, Mr. and Mrs. Russle Lee Prosser, Informal parties this week, Their Early To SERVICE (orne hostesses on these occasions have Just Bilek of Post Orllne birthday with m I observed her ninth tl'tt.,I.lltlltttttllltttltttttllttlltU •• ONE .,. UI lltlllitlIIIHlltt llltI.ltntttltttlllttl' .. '"tttttti ••• '.IIII a lovely party at her home on been Mrs. Mrs. Waldo ·Floyd, Mrs. Jim Don· Walter McDougald, ONE Dignified marble and j '8 E, Main 8(, Stat .. boro OPERATED BY South Main street. and MI'S. George Bean, granite monuments in I Mrs. T E. Rushing •. Indoor ganlcs were played ·nnd aldson, LOT OF LOT OF sizes and designs at ", guests mived were candy as given favors and baskets of On Monday evening Mrs. Bran· were nen entertained with three tables Find Your Sizes ! low cost resting place of your to mark the i . served dixie cups, blrtday cake of bridge at her home honoring SHOES SHOES loved ones. .1 her sister. and punch. So Invitill2:! Mom:�·1 afternoon Mrs, Miss MYl'tice Prossel' assisted On Monday No Exchanges! her mother in ent.ertalning and serving' her sister'8 guests. Brannen complimented her moth· er, Mrs. Lovein, by having Mrs, Concrete Gay, beautiful viceable, the equipment we'l'e ready and bathroom ser to J. L. Mathews, Miss ,Jimmie Ren Nell present were Jerry and Those Registel', Linda Britton, froe, Mrs. B. H. Ramsey, Mrs. All Sales Final! 8��C:��::.BI�e::�a I lor b.auty, livability . install will in your give endless new home tisfuc $2 so Dew Groover, and Mra. Jim Don and Jir•• aJ.� 01: $1 Peggy Allen, Margie Boyd, Linda .HIII t n .. "tnlluuu'llnulllu UU .. u ."tI,,, .. ., .. ,,,,,, .. ", .. " .. ,u"',., "" I1.",",,"'''m tion. aldson come In for tea. Cason, Penny Rimes, Mary Ann law an'nual call: 0 Friday, which was Mrs. •• •• On Hodges, Barbara Brannen, Billy Barbara Prosser Lovein's birthday, Mrs. Brannen, With concrete your new homo We have expert plumbers. Gene Garvin. and Patricia Lanier. Mrs. Lovein, Mrs. Emersont Mrw. $8.95 to $12.95 NOW ,$4.95 can be any architecturalltyle, color or llae you want-cot· Let 1,1umbing us bid and on youI' next elccll'jea) work. tace or mansion -adapted to Shoe Sizes your (amily'. requirementa. Concrete walls and lubfloo ... p:,rns AKINS APPLIANCE CO. AAAA II 6 i-I 6 .. 1-1 1 I-I 8 I-I 0 1-1101-11111 and. fireaafe roof aeaure posl. ti ve protection against atorma. 21 W. l.\'lain St.-Statesboro, Ga. I I I II 18 AAAA II I 121'1'1'1211111 -_-- tennlte. and decay. II. I I I I II 21 AAA II I I 16161112121 on M. G. M., All Your Favorites You'll hav� year 'round comfort, too, in your concrete AA II PI11916161811181 I I I II 22 Vietor, Columbia, Capitol, Etc. bOUie-cool dry rooms in STATESBORO EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO. - 2 I I 1 I I I I I I II 1 lummer, low heating bills in A II I 1 I 9 I 1 I 44 E. Main St. Phone 550 winter, And you'll save money 1181616111219181112121 I, I II 54 In upkeep, because of the B Iturdy way • concrete house Ie built-repair billa are few. A GREAT NAME ON THE ROAD You'll love the quiet, lall' of the Great Name of proof, dUlt·tiKht concrete lub· Worthy bearing 8oo ... �BD Ideal base for rup, One Lot Of Bed Room Shoes The Bendix wuhel oloth .. aapel a1... earpeta, linoleum or any lloor Last year the banks of Ihe United Stales made -rlnaet tbret tim .. -chan,.. It. AM'OCO ow. covering you like. water-damp dry. clotb •• -cII&DI ... the equivalenl of one agricullural loan to I Our tCited concreto block IIIl-ehuto ltooll 0111 !leo II for YO'" every U.S, farm $4,195,491,OOO-and there family. These loans totaled was aver 7111 ,1.00 we proudly present a great line of tires meeb t4e.quality requirement. of all .tanclard lpecificationa, Aak UI (or Cltimates and in· of' i .. Il-th .....001 "uhd&7 .. Th. only automatic wuber that', beg aarIb.I per(onnJn, theN waahday mlracJ .. r� billion dollars available at the banks for and tubes. ,Great passenger, truel{ and �-:- rune whole yural Tbere'. no queatioD more formation on a concrete house . 04f.,�'� It'. been prolJfd ,bu!i ,tires, with all the modern advances about the Bendix. to lit your requirements, No farm loans if il had been needed. • ... use, Your bank is the la.9.ieol place to gel a loan. made in tire manufacture. D�lIlation, Telephone Ol: write The Model Laundry 0- ..... C--1lUIoD 1IMi .. CONCRETE A. B. McDougald The Model Dry Cleaning �o. Bulloch County Ban k Henry's AMERICAN OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS CO.' K. J. KelUledy, Owner·Operator Jr. PHONE - COURTHOUSE SQ. - PHONE SZS9.S0 STATESBORO Statesboro, Georgia South Zetterower Ave. 55 55 ROCKER APPLIAlICE CO. Member Federal Dellosit Insurance Corporation Shop HENRY'S First . Phone 529 39 W. Main St. Statesboro .0.. � BANK CREDIT ;5 Ihe be51 FARM CREDIT ---...,.____.
Limed LitterHelps • Read Georgia Theatre THE BULLOCH HERALD Bulloch County's. Improve Hens' Health l._ ..........._d' ..._ .........__..._....... The Herald's Classified e....' ��J\:;',�":',�f� �t; �� �� t�*_ Built Up System Also - Benefits Baby Chick. By W. l. DRtbEN. Not only as a means of lavin, NOW SHOWING 'THE OUILT OF JANI!JT AMES' Rosalind Russell, • • VOLUMEVIb AdS DBDICA1'RD TO THE PROGRESS OF nATESBORO Staw8boro�gla, !..aQ1I=a_r_Y_2_2_;_194_8 .4ND BULLOCH COUNTY Leading Newspaper f€m'e��. l:lr"�l:ii.'f�I'''1 'I� -'I'· I . � . on the cost of Utler materia) al woll al on lobar, but also al a coeetdto with Melvyn Douglas "WOR'l'H w_lilLE" __ --"-_..;;;;-==-::�-::::.�-:"'"-�-_-..;.-.:::_"" ",;_;;,__==="-,_=N_u_m_be=r_'I=O . .;.., htlio WANTED: A single man living IPr0cZ-;;mation News Ga. ,Ia control measure, authorlUel now Plus Latest Paramount I �ower 3 Burn to Death in Plarie Crash On In or nour Stu tosboro, between recommend thot llttev be left In the Starts: 2:30, 1:05, 5:50, 7:35, 9:30 tho ages of 17 and 27 fOi' sales I . brooder and 10yin8' house for a year • edu- work. Must have high school calion and good morals 01' don't l"7 !JtI1 •• or When marc. the . litter I. treated wllb Snturtiuy, Jnnuary "III!JARTA
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