Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now

Page created by Julian Coleman
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
   THE KÄRCHER MAGAZINE                             02 | 2019

                                   TO IT
                                   Then and now

              MARITIME          WHAT WE             PLASTICS MAKE
              TRADITION         STAND ON            A COMEBACK
              Lobster fishing   Interesting facts   Recyclates in spray
              in Scotland       about floors        lance production
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
                                                   LEGAL INFORMATION                                                                                           03
                                                                                                                        GET TO IT AND
                                                                                                                     CREATE NEW THINGS
                                                                                                                         Facts and figures

                                                                                                                                                               02 | 2019
                                                   Publisher                                                             KÄRCHER is a leading global pro-

                                                   Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG                                            vider of cleaning technology.
                                                   Bernd Rützler, Executive Vice President
                                                                                                                         Kärcher offers innovative solu-
                                                   Corporate Marketing & Brand Management
                                                                                                                 tions, with high-pressure and ultra

                                                   Alfred-Kärcher-Str. 28–40
                                                                                                                         A LIFE cleaners,
                                                                                                                                   FOR THEvacuum clean-

       02 | 2019
                                                   D-71364 Winnenden, Germany                                    high-pressure
                                                   T +49 (0) 7195 14-0                                                       BIG cleaners,
                                                                                                                 ers and steam    CATCH sweepers and
                                                   F +49 (0) 7195 14-2212                                        scrubber   driers,fisherman
                                                                                                                     The lobster     vehicle wash
                                                                                                                                                of systems,
                                                                                                                 cleaning agents,    dry ice blasters, water
                                                   Design, Editing, Creative Direction
                                                                                                                 and waste water treatment systems

                                                   Vera Umbrecht, David Wickel-Bajak                             and water dispensers, as well as pump
Dear readers,                                      Linda Schrödter                                               and watering systems for the home
                                                                                                   06            and garden. Solutions include compat-
In this magazine we focus on craftsmanship,        Art Direction                                                 ible products   and accessories,  as well
one of the most traditional professions of         Britta Raab/Studio Somo                                        TWO    WORLDS,       ONE GOAL:
                                                                                                                 as consulting, service and numerous
them all. Our company also has its roots in                                                                                PERFECTION
                                                   Authors                                                       digital applications. In 2018, Alfred
craftsmanship, and so Kärcher machines have                                                                  Craftsmanship and cleaning technology
                                                   Alexandra Lachner                                             Kärcher SE & Co. KG achieved its high-
always been used daily in many companies.          Mark Stöhr                                                    est turnover ever, with 2,525 billion

In this edition we also highlight the fruitful     Verena Wolff                                                  euros. The family-run business employs
relationship of two supposedly opposing part-                                                                    over 13,000 staff in more than 120
ners: collaborations between traditional com-                                                                    companies across 70 countries. With
                                                   Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
panies and start-ups and how they can inno-                                                                             NEW ADDITIONS
                                                                                                                 50,000 services centres worldwide,
                                                   Andi Mayr
vate together.                                                                                               Current highlights of the Kärcher range
                                                   Martin Baitinger                                              Kärcher offers customers across the
                                                   iStock                                                        globe a seamless and comprehensive

Did you know that when it is recycled, plastic                                                                   service. Innovation is the most impor-
can make a positive contribution to the sustain-                                                                 tant growth factor for the company
                                                   Julian Rentzsch
able handling of resources and and thereby         Kerstin Luttenfeldner/caroline seidler.com                    and has been an integral part of the
help to solve the global waste problem? On the     Paetrick Schmidt/2agenten                                           CAMERA
                                                                                                                 corporate          ROLLING!
                                                                                                                              culture since the company’s
following pages we show you, amongst other         Anne Mair c/o Kombinatrotweiss                                        Around
                                                                                                                 foundation        the world
                                                                                                                               in 1935:   around 90 per-
things, how spray lances for our high-pressure                                                                         forall
                                                                                                                 cent of   the  corporate
                                                                                                                              products  arefilm
                                                                                                                                             five years old
cleaners are made from discarded airbags.                                                                        or less. In total, more than 1,000 staff

                                                   https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article216681/                 at the cleaning machine manufac-
I hope you enjoy these exciting insights and       Das-ganze-Gold-der-Welt.html                                  turer work in research and develop-
have fun reading this edition of difference!       Bernhard Zehetmair, Deputy Guild Master of the Guild of       ment. Kärcher currently holds over
                                                   Parquet and Floor Layers (Munich-Upper Bavaria)                 LET
                                                                                                                 630     IDEAS
                                                                                                                      active      TAKE FLIGHT
                                                                                                                 Innovation in corporate groups
                                                                                                   28                       and start-ups

                                                                                                                    WHAT AM I ACTUALLY
Hartmut Jenner                                                                                                        STANDING ON?
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
of the Board of Management
                                                                                                                Interesting facts about the floors
Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG                                                                                              on which we live

                                                                                                               PLASTICS MAKE A COMEBACK
                                                                                                                 New products through recycling

                                                                                                                     LEGAL INFORMATION

Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
Facts and figures                                                                                                                                                                                             05


                                                                                                                                                                                                              02 | 2019

     In everyday life we encounter a variety of different
                                                                                                 20 METRES
                                                                                                 WOULD BE THE EDGE LENGTH OF A CUBE
     raw – and other – materials. Where they come from and                                       MADE OF ALL THE GOLD THAT HAS BEEN MINED
     where they go – a selection.                                                                THROUGHOUT HISTORY.

                                                                                                 It is thought that, to date, roughly 155,500 tons
                                                                                                 of gold have been mined worldwide – that sounds

                                                                                                                                                        180 KG
                                                                                                 like a lot, but when melted down it would only
                                                                                                 be a cube with an edge length of 20 metres.

                                                                                                 We encounter the material most frequently in
                                                                                                 elaborate forms – processed by goldsmiths to           OF FINE DUST CAN BE EXTRACTED
                                                                                                 make jewellery. This share accounts for over half.     CONTINUOUSLY WITHOUT CLOGGING

                                           500 KG
                                                                                                 Next, some way behind, are works of ­art, in which     THE FILTER.
                                                                                                 12 percent of the gold can be found. A small
                                                                                                 proportion, roughly 150 tons per year, is used in      On construction sites bricklayers, plasterers,
                                                                                                 the manufacture of electronic devices. Small           joiners and carpenters deal with dust from vari-
                                           OF CHARCOAL: IN THE PAST, 15 DAYS WERE                connecting wires for computer chips are in PCs,        ous materials: wood, concrete, cement or stone.
                                           REQUIRED FOR ITS MANUFACTURE.                         washing machines or TVs. In professional cleaning      Depending on the size of the particles, they can
                                                                                                 one also relies on the use of valuable materials:      linger in the air for up to 5 days before they
                                           Charcoal manufacturing is steeped in tradition.       for example, diamond particles are processed into      settle or, in the worst-case scenario, are inhaled,
                                           Its peak period was from the Middle Ages to the       pads that have been tried and tested for grind-        which may consequently cause diseases. Dust
                                           start of industrialisation. Charcoal was tradition-   ing and polishing floors. The pads are suitable, for   is best removed as it is created, using a suitable
                                           ally manufactured from beechwood in many elab-        example, for marble, terrazzo, epoxy floors and        extractor. Even with the smallest wet and dry
                                           orate production steps. For 500 kilograms of          other hard surfaces that can be polished. The fine     vacuum cleaner with automatic filter cleaning,
                                           charcoal, a charcoal burner must stack up almost      diamond particles, which are only fractions of a       180 kg of fine dust can be extracted continu-
                                           20 cubic metres of chopped beechwood; five days       millimetre in size, stick to the fibres, remove the    ously without clogging the paper or rot-proof
                                           were needed for this alone. This was followed         dirt and ensure an excellent shine.                    polyester fleece filter. For comparison: almost
                                           by another ten days of waiting for the charcoal-                                                             20 kilograms of household dust accumulates in
                                           ing process to be completed.                          And at the end? It is thought that roughly two         a year in an average household of a industrial
                                                                                                 percent of the gold makes its way back into the        Western nation.
                                           You can host roughly 3,000 barbecues with             ground after many years – in the form of wedding
                                           500 kilograms of charcoal. After the barbecue         rings or the gold teeth of deceased individuals.
                                           comes the unpleasant task: cleaning the grill
                                           grate. Good results can be achieved with a steam
                                           cleaner. A round brush with brass bristles at
                                           the nozzle and the power of the hot steam can
                                           easily remove even the most stubborn dirt. The
                                           cooled ashes can be easily vacuumed up using
                                           an ash and dry vacuum cleaner.
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now

                                                                        02 | 2019
The lobster fisherman of Pittenweem

         Each day fishermen sail out from the harbour in the small
         Scottish village of Pittenweem on the Firth of Forth estuary
         on the North Sea coast and catch lobsters and brown
         crabs. The work is hard, but nobody here would change
         it for the world.
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   02 | 2019
                                                                                                                                           When the sea is calm, it is
                                                                                                                                           the most beautiful place in
                                                                                                                                           the world.
                                                                                                                                           Nick Irvine

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Every day dozens of lob-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ster traps are­gathered,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        emptied and filled with
                                                                                                                                                                                                        new bait.

        y the time Nick Irvine finally       “No – too many people, not enough          after school.” He didn’t inherit this fasci-   In winter, the lobsters do not
        sets sail in his Vanguard, he has    space, far away from my family.” But       nation for the back-breaking job from          move much
        already carried out a huge           above all: “I would no longer have the     his parents. “But my brother is also a         The traps are lowered into the sea at var-
        amount of work: he has cleaned       sea right on my doorstep.”                 fisherman. Together, we own five boats,”       ious locations. The sonar on board pro-
the ten-by-five-metre catamaran, bought                                                 says Nick.                                     vides information about the underwater
new bait at the fish market and checked                                                                                                landscape because it is better to leave
the tank as well as the weather and sea                                                 And they go out on the boats almost            traps in areas of water where the seafloor

charts. He has also already pulled the                                                  every working day, in summer and win-          is hilly. “This is where the lobsters prefer   5 FACTS ABOUT SCOTLAND
thick rubber boots and yellow water-                                                    ter. “We take a break at the weekend,”         to move about and they will simply walk
proof trousers over his threadbare cam-                                                 he says. Nick has deposited around             into our traps,” explains Nick. But this       ■■   Scotland is 78,772 square kilometres
                                                                                                                                                                                           in size and its capital is Edinburgh.
ouflage cargo pants and a blue water-                                                   400 lobster traps off the North Sea coast.     only happens in summer when the water          ■■   “Haggis” is the national dish of Scot-
proof jumper over his thick hoody.                         LOBSTERS                     Each day dozens of them are collected,         temperature reaches more than ten                   land, but it is not to everyone’s taste:
                                                  ARE CAUGHT BY THE FISHERMEN           emptied and filled with new bait – a tir-      degrees, even at greater depths. “In win-           the classic recipe involves a sheep’s
                                                                                                                                                                                           heart, lung and liver being cooked in
“I can’t imagine having any other life             ON ONE DAY IN THE SUMMER.            ing job that he completes with his             ter, the lobsters all but stop moving,”             the animal’s stomach.
than that of a fisherman,” says the                                                     crew, Josh and Roger. “When the sea is         says Nick. No wonder: at that point the        ■■   Scotland has nearly 800 islands,
44-year-old Scot, who has spent his                                                     calm, it is the most beautiful place in        water in the North Sea is rarely warmer             of which 130 are inhabited.

entire life on the Firth of Forth, an                                                   the world,” says Nick with enthusiasm.         than three or four degrees – the crusta-            “Harry Potter” is set in Scotland,

                                                                                                                                                                                           amongst other places.
estuary located on the east coast of Scot-   Nick always wanted to be a fisherman       However, it is often windy here, it is         ceans are in survival mode.                    ■■   The raincoat was invented in 1824
land, a good hour’s drive away from          And that has been his life, his fascina-   cool, even when the sun is shining, and                                                            by the Scottish chemist Charles
Edinburgh. An office job? “A horrible        tion, since he was a young boy. “When      the water is rough. “But you get used          Everything happens very quickly once                Macintosh. In Great Britain this item
                                                                                                                                                                                           of clothing is still often called a “mac”.
idea,” he says. Move to a large city like    I was ten or twelve years old, I was       to it very quickly.”                           Nick reaches one of his buoys. He pulls
Edinburgh, Glasgow or Aberdeen?              already going out fishing, before and                                                     in the rope through a large slot. Roger
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
Sometimes people wait                                                                                                                                                           10
                                                                                                  for us on the quay and                                                                                                                                                          11
                                                                                                  buy lobsters straight
                                                                                                  from the boat.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  02 | 2019
                                                                                                  Nick Irvine

                                                                          Dirt on board can be
                                                                          easily removed using the
                                                                          hot-water high-pressure
                                                                          cleaner. The push sweeper
                                                                          ensures a clean pier.

                                                 and Josh are ready for the cages that            area. The traps are stacked here until        sell. “That’s also the reason why we spe-   boat.” This is not a problem since they     cleaner is used, they gleam in a deep
                                                 their boss pulls out of the water. They          the entire catch from one location has        cialised in lobsters and crabs – nothing    bring more than enough catch to shore.      bottle-green colour. Once the boat is
Fishing is a strenuous affair – and one that
                                                 are heaved onto a table and, while Roger         been gathered.                                else is worth the effort.”                  “Sometimes the traps are so full that       clean, Nick turns his attention to the
demands maximum cleanliness: The deck, the       uses his trained eye to select the brown                                                                                                   the creatures are almost stacked on top     pier. He uses a Kärcher sweeper to col-
troughs for the catch, the hull, the ropes and
particularly the traps. Because: Lobsters have
                                                 crabs and lobsters that are suitable to go       In the summer, the lobsters stack up                                                      of each other inside them.”                 lect the rubbish that is produced when
good eyes. It is an advantage when the cage      to the market, Josh takes a handful              in the traps                                                                                                                          loading and selling the lobsters and

has no algae and they can already recognise
the bait from some distance.                     of dead fish from the crate and stuffs           “In the summer we catch up to 400 lob-                                                    When Nick finally sets a course back        crabs.
                                                 them into small bags in the traps.               sters a day, sometimes even more,”                                                        to Pittenweem, the working day is over
                                                                                                  says Nick. This is because the cold North                                                 for his two helpers – but the captain       After chatting to his fellow fishermen,
                                                 They are to be used to attract the crus-         Sea at the Firth of Forth is full of these                                                brings the catch to the buyers and starts   Nick stops by the small ice-cream stand
                                                 taceans. “Once the lobsters enter the            shellfish. Each fisherman has their                           WEST:                       to prepare the catamaran for the next       on the promenade and treats himself
                                                 traps because they have seen the fish,           spots where they throw out their traps.              PITTENWEEM HAS THE SAME              day. The harbour houses a professional      to an ice cream. He then makes his way
                                                 they cannot get back out again,” explains        “We don’t get in each others’ way.”                    LONGITUDE AS MADRID.               hot-water high-pressure cleaner from        home to his wife and daughter. Time
                                                 Nick. Inside, the traps are like a small         And they do not need to, because once                                                     Kärcher, which makes it a lot easier to     to relax. ▪
                                                 labyrinth, and the lobsters cannot escape        back on shore, they hand their catch                                                      clean the deck. “We purchased the
                                                 from the rearmost chamber.                       over to a cooperative that sells the shell-                                               machine as a group, and it was an excel-             Video of the lobster fisherman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Pittenweem
                                                                                                  fish on.                                      Selling lobsters straight from the boat     lent investment,” he says. Nick cleans               www.kaercher.com/difference
                                                 While Roger throws the by-catch, such                                                          In the summer, even Scottish people are     the thick ropes of his Vanguard using
                                                 as mussels, starfish or other sea crea-          Nick explains that many lobsters and          enthusiastic about the precious shellfish   the machine, which can heat water
                                                 tures, back into the water, Nick gets the        crabs are sent directly to Asia and Spain.    that the fishermen get from the sea.        up to 155 degrees. After a long day at
                                                 next trap on board and Josh heaves               There, distributors get good prices for       “Sometimes, people wait for us on the       sea, the ropes are a brownish colour
                                                 the emptied cage to the adjacent free            catch from Scotland. Fish are harder to       quay and buy lobster straight from the      but, once the hot-water high-pressure
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now

                                                                       02 | 2019
Craftsmanship and cleaning technology

          Kärcher at home on the patio. Kärcher in building­clean-
          ing. People most often think of these two areas of applica-
          tion when it comes to vacuum cleaners, high-pressure
          cleaners, etc. But it is hard to imagine everyday life without
          many Kärcher products, especially for workshops. Using
          the example of a construction site, we show where reliable
          cleaning technology matters and why, at the same time,
          the focus is on occupational safety and the protection of
          health. Also in the spotlight: how, over the last few decades,
          the model builder at Kärcher became the prototype engi-
          neer, and what traditional and modern craftsmanships there
          are all around the world.
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
Clean construction trade:


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   02 | 2019

          Excavation for the floor slabs,                        of dust are created at this stage, too – such as
                                                                 concrete, brick or plaster dust – before the bath-
          pouring the foundation, building
                                                                 rooms etc. are ready for use.
          walls, covering the roof, complet-
          ing all aspects of the interior                        On the one hand, the fine dust particles get in
                                                                 the way of the work – if the worker can no longer
          fittings: when a building is con-                      see his hand in front of his eyes, then good qual-
          structed, various trades have                          ity can hardly be delivered. On the other hand, the
                                                                 fine dust is harmful to the worker’s health as it
          to work alongside one another,                         sits in the lungs. Depending on the region, there
          sometimes under tremendous                             are therefore strict regulations in place in order
          time pressure. So it is all the                        to guarantee the necessary occupational safety.
                                                                 The technology used should not only effectively
          more important that the clean-                         combat the dust, but also make tough day-to-day       in use. For interior cleaning, scrubber driers can   hedge trimmers are used. They are much quieter
          ing technology used does what                          work easier and not be an additional burden.          then be used – depending on the area – in order      and give off no emissions. Depending on the man-
                                                                                                                       to wet clean the floors with the advantage that      ufacturer, they also create much less vibration,
          is needed – at all times, reliably                     The cleaning machine of choice should definitely      the loosened dirt is picked up straight away,        which is more ergonomic for the operator overall
          and even in the toughest of                            be a wet and dry vacuum cleaner because only          the floors are quickly dry again and are therefore   and, in particular, puts less strain on the circula-
                                                                 these machines are able to deal with the mixture      safe to walk on. Now and then parquet layers         tion. As the machines are very compact, even put-
          environments.                                          of dry and wet dirt that workers are faced with       are needed again at the very end, for example to     ting precise finishing touches to narrow, tucked-
                                                                 on construction sites. Even with these special vac-   seal wooden floors. With this final touch, the       away corners of the garden is not a problem.
          Important for health and quality:                      uum cleaners, the filters clog quickly, which is      rooms are then more than well swept and there-
          wet and dry vacuum cleaners for dealing                why models with automatic filter cleaning facili-     fore ready for occupancy.                            Value preservation for tools, etc.:
          with dust particles                                    tate uninterrupted work. If lightweight, robust                                                            high-pressure cleaners for dealing with
                                                                 and – where appropriate – battery-powered             The icing on the cake in green areas:                coarse dirt
          One of the greatest enemies on every construc-         machines are selected, to which any power tool        landscaping and garden maintenance with
          tion site is extremely small: dust. And it is every-   can be directly connected, then dust becomes          battery-powered machines                             On the construction site, not only workmen and
          where. When joiners and carpenters are working         a thing of the past.                                                                                       cleaning technology are exposed to high stresses –
          on the roof or busy working on the interior con-                                                             Depending on the property size, work on the          the tools, machines or the scaffolding for the
          struction, wood is sawn and cut. Holes are drilled,    Final construction cleaning before                    house is accompanied by the creation of a beau-      painting work also withstand dirt and continuous
          and the circular saw is only seldom not in use.        moving in: vacuum sweepers and scrubber               tiful garden. Landscapers arrange lawns, trees,      use. It is therefore important that every work-
          Dust and chippings fall to the ground and are dis-     driers for all situations                             bushes, etc. often in an artistic manner; flower     shop keeps the equipment it uses in good condi-
          tributed in the air. As soon as the roof is ready,                                                           beds and fountains or ponds are also planned.        tion and ensures the longest possible service
          the electrician can get to work. In order to lay       Despite the tireless efforts of dust control tech-    Strictly speaking, cleaning technology hasn’t lost   life. Cold and hot water high-pressure cleaners
          cables and lines, he must make slots in walls and      nology, when all the work is completed, there is      out on much here, but related machines certainly     of various sizes and performance classes are
          floors using a cutter. Fine concrete dust falls        still always a great deal of coarse dirt around,      have. In order to give the surrounding green         exactly the right solution for this job. The water
          from the crevices at every stage of the process.       such as splinters of wood or pieces of plaster.       area the appropriate design, nowadays mostly         volume and pressure can be set precisely to
          It’s a similar story when the plumber starts the       Such loose dirt, in both interior and exterior        battery-powered strimmers, chainsaws and             the respective requirement so that both gentle
          sanitary installations. Drilling and chiselling work   areas, can be removed using battery-powered                                                                and powerful cleaning can be carried out. ▪
          takes place when pipes and lines are installed         push vacuum sweepers. If larger areas have
          through floors and out into the open. Many kinds       to be cleaned, then ride-on or even industrial                                                                      Find out more about craftsmanship
                                                                                                                                                                                     and cleaning technology:
                                                                 sweepers are much faster and more efficient                                                                         www.kaercher.com/difference
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
                                                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                                          17
                                                                                                                        FROM PRAYER BEADS                                                                            PRAYER BEADS (TURKEY)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               02 | 2019
                                                                                                                        TO GLASS ART                                       MURANO GLASS (ITALY)                      Turkey has a long-standing tradition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of manufacturing prayer beads. The

                                                                                                                              raftsmanship is as old as the hills          There is a simple reason why the          classic prayer beads are made up of
                                                                                                                              and state of the art – because we            island of Murano became the epitome       99 individual beads. Every 33 beads

Modern craftsmanship at Kärcher:

                                                                                                                                                                           of glassmaking: fear. In the 13th cen-    are separated by a stopper or flag. The
                                                                                                                              have enjoyed the gift of creating
                                                                                                                                                                           tury there was a great fear that the      string comes together at the imam,
                                                                                                                        and designing things with our hands                                                          which marks the start and end point.
                                                                                                                                                                           furnaces of the glass-blowing work-
                                                                                                                        and using tools since time immemorial.                                                       Depending on the quality, production

                                                                                                                                                                           shops in Venice would cause a fire that
                                                                                                                        Short stories about exceptional handi-             would destroy the entire city – hence     time varies from one day to one month.
                                                                                                                                                                           the move to Murano. The master crafts-    The beads are made from plastic, wood,
                                                                                                                        craft products all around the world.
                                                                                                                                                                           man works like a chemist, whose secret    gemstones or other materials.
                                                                                                                                                                           formulas give rise to a unique mate-
                                                                                                                                                                           rial. Quartz sand, lime, soda, potash,

                                                                                                                                                                           feldspar and clay are needed.

If you look at the world through the eyes of a prototype
engineer, then above all one thing has changed in the last
30 years­: whereas in the past cars or coffee machines were
square, today everything has curves and bevels – almost
to such an extent that people want corners and edges again.
How craftsmanship, technology and design language at
Kärcher have undergone a significant change – a journey
through time.

                    Sheet metal punch, lathe and cutter, heavy    time to implement this CAD data and operate
                     push machines and all sorts of noise. This   the milling machines and lathes accordingly. A
                     was model assembly at Kärcher around         CAM programme was implemented (editor’s note:
             30 years ago. Even back then the components of       CAM = computer-aided manufacturing) in order
                                                                                                                                                                  KNIVES (SOUTH AFRICA)
             all the products were made as models. After that,    to translate the data for the machines to a certain
             even today, the model goes to the test workshops     extent by using software. Alongside classic trade
                                                                                                                                                                  The art of forging is thousands of
             for assembly so that the developers can identify     expertise, it was now becoming increasingly           JEANS (USA)                               years old and very modern. All around
             optimisation potential and make improvements.        important in model construction to be a qualified                                               the world, forges make knives from
             This type of product development has been tried      programmer, in order to keep up with all the          Modern jeans originated from cotton       Damascus or stainless steel with han-       LACQUERWARE (MYANMAR)
             and tested, which is why the company has always      changes, both in the real and the virtual world.      trousers, which came to the USA from      dles made from wood, titanium or
                                                                                                                                                                  gold – including in South Africa. The
             invested a lot in the process and the individual                                                           the area around the Italian city of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Perhaps the best-known artistic goods
                                                                                                                        Genoa. The pronunciation of “jeans” in    award-winning custom knife maker
             production steps.                                    In 1997 Kärcher became one of the first compa-                                                  Des Horn puts 30 years of experience        from Myanmar are pieces of lacquer-
                                                                                                                        America was heavily influenced by
                                                                  nies in Germany to purchase a 3D printer. In 1998     the French name for the city – “Gênes”.   into every one of his handmade knives.      ware, such as tables, trays or caskets.
             Very early on, a CNC milling machine was avail-      the first components were made and the so-called                                                At the heart of this work are high-         The lacquer is mixed with ash and
                                                                                                                        Today there are many big manufac-
                                                                                                                                                                  precision folding mechanisms and the        applied by hand. Then the objects are
             able to the model builders, which allowed them       rapid prototyping was born – and with it the          turers – and a few factories, for exam-
                                                                                                                                                                  compilation of the right materials for      left to dry for about a week before
             to work significantly faster than if they had used   transformation from model builder to prototype        ple, since 2010 in Detroit. It takes
                                                                                                                                                                  the handles, as well as the correct heat    being polished. The final step is the
                                                                                                                        roughly four hours and 90 production
             conventional milling and filing processes. At        engineer was complete. Today the team has                                                       treatment of selected steels for the        decoration, which is engraved free-
                                                                                                                        steps are required, in order to make
             the start of the 1990s computer-aided 3D design      access to four rapid prototyping systems and four     a pair of jeans by hand.                  blades.                                     hand, without using a template. As the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              lacquer does not leave much room for
             was introduced to the development process (edi-      machining centres in order to manufacture sev-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              error, the pattern must be right on the
             tor’s note: CAD = computer-aided design), which      eral hundred components per week for all areas                                                                                              first attempt.
             allowed new shapes, curves and bevels to be          of the company. ▪
             used in the planned products. But now it was
Difference GETTING TO IT - Then and now
Professional                      Home & Garden

                                                       BD 80 / 100 W CLASSIC Bp               LBL 2 BATTERY SET
                                                              New push scrubber drier              Powerful leaf blower
                                                                in the Classic range              with maximum mobility

              Current highlights
             of the Kärcher range

ADDITIONS                                                       Home & Garden                        Professional

      Whether it’s need-based cleaning instead
                                                                   PCL 4                “ONE”  APP SUITE AND PLATFORM
  of a fixed cleaning schedule or battery-powered                     Electric
                                                                  terrace cleaner
                                                                                                  Digital transformation
                                                                                                   of building services
     devices for independent and flexible work:
 Kärcher reacts promptly to the needs of its custom-
   ers and develops innovative cleaning solutions
          for private users and professionals.
Home & Garden                                                                          Professional                                                  Home & Garden                                 Professional


                                                                                                                                                                           WRE 4 BATTERY                                        MC 250
                                                                                                                                                                                     Battery-powered                                Municipal
                                                                                                                                                                                      weed remover                               vacuum sweeper

        CONTROLLED REMOVAL OF LEAVES                                                                 EASY-TO-USE AND ROBUST:
          AND DIRT: LBL 2 BATTERY SET                                                                 BD 80 / 100 W CLASSIC Bp

■■   Cleaning the area around the          ■■   The flat nozzle ensures that         ■■   Brush head and squeegee are           ■■   The high-capacity battery allows
     house is made much easier                  leaves and loose dirt can be              made from hard-wearing alumin-             continuous cleaning of up to five
     without a power cable getting              removed in a controlled manner.           ium and are therefore highly               hours without recharging.
     in the way.                                                                          durable.
                                           ■■   The scraping edge on the nozzle                                                 ■■   The machine can be optionally
■■   The 18-volt lithium-ion battery            loosens wet leaves and com-          ■■   For stubborn dirt or for decoat-           equipped with the fleet manage-
     can be used in other platform              pacted dirt.                              ing, the contact pressure can              ment system Kärcher Fleet.
     devices.                                                                             be increased from 40 to 68 kilo-      ■■   The machine offers an economical
■■   The ergonomic handle makes                                                                                                      introduction to the world of floor
     the work effortless.                                                            ■■   To ensure easy orientation on              ­cleaning.
                                                                                          the machine, all the operating ele-
                                                                                          ments are colour-coded.

                          kaercher.com/home-garden                                                              kaercher.com/professional

                                 Professional                                                                       Home & Garden                                                     Professional                              Home & Garden

                                                                                                                                                                           NT 22 / 1 Ap Bp L                        WATERING SYSTEM DUO SMART KIT
                                                                                                                                                                                   First battery-powered                      Smart garden irrigation
                                                                                                                                                                          wet and dry vacuum cleaner from Kärcher               with voice control

                 EFFICIENT AND DYNAMIC                                                     REMOVES DIRT THANKS TO ROTATING
                  COOPERATION: “ONE”                                                            ROLLER BRUSHES: PCL 4

■■   Building service contractors can      ■■   The apps are intuitive to operate    ■■   Specialist for wooden decks           ■■   The powerful motor that drives
     record and support business pro-           and accompany the organisation                                                       the roller brushes ensures simple
                                                                                     ■■   Dirt such as green algae, moss or
     cesses digitally with the apps             and provision of analogue ser-                                                       work with minimum effort.
                                                                                          leaves can be removed uniformly
     and the “ONE” platform.                    vices in real time.
                                                                                          and efficiently.                      ■■   The brushes can be exchanged
■■   Order creation, material manage-      ■■   Intelligent resource ­and opera-                                                     without using tools so that the
                                                                                     ■■   With the adjustable water output,
     ment, service provision, invoicing:        tional planning that takes real                                                      PCL 4 can be used again in no
                                                                                          dirt can be loosened and removed
     “ONE” brings all information and           time data into account.                                                              time to clean smooth stone tiles.
                                                                                          in one step.
     participants together.                ■■   “ONE” is compatible with Kärcher
                                                software and ­machines, as well as
                                                products from other providers.

                           kaercher.com/professional                                                            kaercher.com/home-garden
Professional                                                                   Home & Garden


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 02 | 2019
            COMFORTABLE CITY CLEANING:                                                   REMOVE WEEDS EFFORTLESSLY AND
                     MC 250                                                                EFFICIENTLY: WRE 4 BATTERY

■■   The spacious two-person cabin        ■■   With a maximum speed of            ■■   The 18-volt lithium-ion battery      ■■   The aluminium telescopic handle
     is very comfortable.                      60 km / h, the machine easily           guarantees maximum mobility               can be adapted to different
                                               moves through city traffic.             and can be used in other 18-volt          cleaning situations and body
■■   The tried-and-tested machine
                                                                                       lithium-ion platform devices.             heights.
     control system is operated via the   ■■   The machine’s sprung chassis
     ergonomic operating panel in the          ensures pleasant working           ■■   A high-speed brush head ensures      ■■   A splash guard protects users and
     armrest.                                  conditions.                             fast and efficient work.                  the surrounding area from dirt.
■■   The volume of the waste con-         ■■   All components relevant for        ■■   When the bristle strip is worn,
     tainer is 2.2 m³ – the highest in         cleaning and maintenance are            it can be easily replaced, without
     its class.                                readily accessible.                     using tools.

                           kaercher.com/professional                                                        kaercher.com/home-garden

                                Home & Garden                                                                      Professional

                                                                                       CORDLESS ALTERNATIVE FOR WET AND
                                                                                        DRY APPLICATIONS: NT 22 / 1 Ap Bp L
                                                                                                                                                                     CAMERA ROLLING!
                                                                                                                                                                     They live in Spain, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland or Thailand –
                                                                                                                                                                     people who overcome their daily challenges with Kärcher. For the
                                                                                                                                                                     new corporate film, the production team­went on a little trip
                                                                                                                                                                     around the world and visited, among others, the tuk-tuk driver
                                                                                                                                                                     Boy Arthinkong in Bangkok.

■■   The watering system can be easily    ■■   The Kärcher Home & Garden app      ■■   The cordless vacuum cleaner          ■■   The user sees the remaining­time           Tuk-tuks are the sanctuary of every driver, equipped    the driver in a second tuk-tuk. At up to 60 km / h they
     operated at any time and from             allows personalised settings for        really comes into its own in areas        on an LCD display on the battery.          with colourful light effects and melodious music sys-   manoeuvred between snack bars, stalls and restaurants,
     anywhere using the app and voice          every water outlet.                     where there are no or only lim-
     control.                                                                          ited sockets.
                                                                                                                            ■■   The use of battery-operated vac-           tems. It is not for nothing that the nimble motorised   alongside countless other scooters, pedestrians and cars.
                                          ■■   The voice control of the Kärcher                                                  uum cleaners saves up to 20 per
■■   Water and time are saved thanks           Home & Garden app via Alexa        ■■   Cables are no longer a tripping           cent of the labour time needed      rickshaws are considered one of the attractions for tourists   The photo shows the team filming the cleaning of the tuk-
     to intelligent watering based on          Skill is simple and intuitive.          hazard.                                   when using corded models.           when they want to be driven through, for example, the          tuk. Because before every shift, the driver carefully pol-
     real-time weather­data.                                                      ■■   Thanks to the maintenance-free       ■■   The NT 22 / 1 Ap Bp L is part of    bustling city of Bangkok. In order to capture the footage      ishes his vehicle to a gleaming finish – in order to enter the
                                                                                       lithium-ion battery (36 volts),           the new battery platform Kärcher
                                                                                       up to 35 minutes of vacuuming             Battery Universe.                   for the corporate film, the production ­team had to pursue     fray again, playing loud music and in high spirits. ▪
                                                                                       can be done at full power.

                           kaercher.com/home-garden                                                          kaercher.com/professional

                                                                                    Since 2016 Kärcher has been looking for exciting start-ups
                                                                                    and has already found some interesting technologies and busi-                                                           25
                                                                                    ness models. The example of SightCall shows what exactly can
                                                                             be achieved. The service tool was selected, is currently being tested
                                                                             in several foreign subsidiaries and is at the end of its pilot phase.

                                                                             difference finds out from SightCall and Kärcher how it all went and
                                                                             how things are going now. Also interviewed: Sobhan Khani, Vice
                                                                             President of Mobility and Internet of Things at Plug and Play (Sunny-
                                                                             vale, USA), an innovation platform which brings together corporate
                                                                             groups and start-ups.

Innovation in corporate groups
and start-ups
                                                                             “GETTING STARTED AFTER
                                                                              SEVEN YEARS’ WORKING IN                                                                         Hans Göttlinger,

                                                                              A GARAGE.”
                                                                                                                                                                              Vice President for the DACH
                                                                                                                                                                              region at SightCall

                                                                             Interview with Hans Göttlinger, Vice President
                                                                             for the DACH region at SightCall

                                                                                                 Mr Göttlinger, how did the idea of SightCall           What are the benefits of the collaboration
                                                                                                 come about?                                            with Kärcher for your company?

                                                                                                 The idea was actually born around ten years ago.       Kärcher is a very successful company and thus a
                                                                                                 Our founders are from the telecommunications           good reference for us. Apart from that, we receive
                                                                                                 sector and recognised the classic service-hotline      feedback from the service team as well as the
               One company has existed for several decades, has thousands                        problem: a customer describes his grievance,           customers, which is extremely valuable. What we
                                                                                                 and the service technician on the telephone can-       have also been able to ascertain: it is not always
               of employees and is active all around the globe. Another
                                                                                                 not understand which solution fits. And so the         about classic problem solving and service work.
               company is brand new, so to speak, is made up of five com-                        concept of giving the service technician eyes on       Even if users are not satisfied with a product due
               mitted people and a great idea. It is well known that these                       the ground by means of video transmission was          to handling errors, this can be quickly identified
                                                                                                 developed. The whole thing has only been on the        and rectified via SightCall. This is a wonderful side
               two worlds can work very productively together and inno-                          market for around three years, though, because         benefit of our solution.
               vate. That it is also about bridging major differences is                         authentication, data security and the universal
                                                                                                 applicability for industrial customers were chal-      What are your plans for the future?
               also common knowledge.                                                            lenges that had to be overcome. Today SightCall
                                                                                                 is entirely cloud-based, i.e. installed in five min-   We developed our open platform ourselves,
                                                                                                 utes and easy to use. And we’re finally taking off     so we are very flexible. This allows us to quickly
                                                                                                 now, after seven years of working in a garage.         implement current trends such as augmented
                                                                                                                                                        reality – for example, the integration of operat-
                                                                                                                                                        ing instructions into the live picture. This is the
                                                                                                                                                        direction that things will take in the future. ▪
“DESCRIBING THE PROBLEM                                                                                                                                                                                                                            27


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   02 | 2019
Interview with Maximilian Grau, Project Manager,

Aftermarket & Services Kärcher

             Mr Grau, what gave you the idea of testing            satisfied with the technology. The amount of time
             SightCall?                                            it saves is significant, which allows the service                                                                                                Sobhan Khani, Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of Mobility and Internet of
                                                                   teams to work more efficiently. Depending on the                                                                                                 Things at Plug and Play
             We already have various options for processing        quality of the network connection, the quality
             service issues, and since 2014 we have also           of the connection varies, depending on the site –
             had a service app for professional users. What
             is clear, however, is that describing problems
             with a machine without the use of a visual aid
                                                                   that’s just the way it is.

                                                                   And have you already received feedback
                                                                                                                        “CORPORATE GROUPS CAN BE AGILE
             is time-consuming and can result in misunder-
             standings. This leads to long waiting times for
                                                                   from customers?
                                                                                                                         IF THEY REALLY WANT TO BE.”
             our customers, which we want to avoid. The live       We have received extremely positive feedback
             video chat by SightCall works very simply and         because the fast troubleshooting procedure is        Interview with Sobhan Khani, Vice President of Mobility
             reliably – we examined various candidates in this     well received. What is sometimes criticised: the
                                                                                                                        and Internet of Things at Plug and Play
             area, but this solution really convinced us.          customer has to install an app in order to use
                                                                   the video chat. That is why we are now in talk-
             How is the initiative going down with                 ing to SightCall about a web-based solution. At
             the service ­staff?                                   the end of the test phase in October 2019 we will          Mr Khani, what is the objective of Plug                forward for the young companies, because gen-
                                                                   decide where we go from there. I am very confi-            and Play, and what are you responsible for             erally a collaboration follows as a result. And
             In the test phase some foreign subsidiaries had       dent that we will include SightCall in our service         specifically?                                          the corporate groups see what is happening in
             the opportunity to test SightCall. These included,    portfolio. ▪                                                                                                      the industry, what trends there are and how
             for example, teams in France, Austria, Switzerland,                                                              Plug and Play was founded in 2006 and aims             this knowledge can be used in their own product
             the USA and also Brazil. Our colleagues are very                                                                 to bring together innovative start-ups and large      ­development.
                                                                                                                              corporate groups. To this end, we have defined
                                                                                                                              14 areas of innovation across all industries, such    What challenges do you see when two very
                                                                                                                              as digital health, cyber security and also the        different worlds collide – the large corporation
                                                                                                                              area I am responsible for: Mobility & Internet of     and the young company?
                                                                                                                              Things. In each area we work with a special selec-
                                                                                                                              tion programme, which has one clear benefit           This is definitely very exciting because in one
                                                                                                                              for each side: start-ups look for partners and, for   company the structure is young, fast and agile,
                                                                                                                              corporate groups, we make a preselection of           and in the other company it is experienced and
                                                                                                                              start-ups that match their technological needs.       big. One obstacle for the collaboration lies in
                                                                                                                                                                                    the entirely different processes. Here is a simple
                                                                                                                              How does it work exactly?                             example from our everyday life: one of our
                                                                                                                                                                                    start-ups showed us a 40-page confidentiality
                                                                                                                              The corporate groups define a technological prob-     agreement, which it was meant to sign. How-
                                                                                                                              lem for which they are seeking a solution. We         ever, it didn’t have the means or the lawyers to
                                                                                                                              look all over the world for suitable young com-       have such a mammoth document legally verified.
                                                                                                                              panies that offer solutions to this problem. We       We passed on this information and in the end a
                                                                                                                              filter out the top 100 candidates and assess them     two-page version was issued, which was practical
                                                                                                                              with regard to team, technology, appeal and           for both sides. The fact that this was possible
Maximilian Grau,                                                                                                              other criteria. In the end we have 30 start-ups,      shows that corporate groups can be agile if they
Project Manager,
Aftermarket & Services                                                                                                        whom we invite to our “Selection Day”. They can       really want to be. And, in my opinion, they need
Kärcher                                                                                                                       each meet the judges, sent to us by the corpo-        to be agile in order to survive in the future. ▪
                                                                                                                              rate group, for five minutes. Getting through the
                                                                                                                              final selection process constitutes a major step

                         More information about this topic:

     WHAT AM I

                                                                                02 | 2019
             Interesting facts about the floors
                     on which we live.

We trample all over them, day after day, and yet the floors in our homes
are integral to our comfort and wellbeing. Wood is warm, natural stone
is stylish, carpet is cosy – the list goes on and on. But how did the differ-
ent variants actually come about, and why is a certain type of floor cov-
ering hip one minute and a no-go the next? In the future, could the floor
on which we walk perhaps even generate electricity or look out for the
elderly? And – not to be forgotten – can a floor be destroyed by cleaning?
Questions relating to a topic that we generally look down on.
From bare ground to fine stone:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 31

FLOOR COVERINGS                                                                                                                There is also a myth about the oldest red carpet          WARM AND SUSTAINABLE:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                02 | 2019
                                                                                                                               for the stars. It supposed to have been used in the       WOODEN FLOORS
                                                                                                                               Dionysos Theatre at the foot of the Acropolis for

                                                                                                                               the première of a play by the Greek poet Aischylos        Surprisingly, timber was a late bloomer as a floor
                                                                                                                               in around 548 BC.                                         covering. In the 11th century after Christ the first

                                                                                                                                                                                         wooden planks with sawn or chopped surfaces were
                                                                                                                               If you jump from these early examples to modern           used as floors in castles and mansions. The first
                                                                                                                               times, then the history of the carpet is closely linked   parquet floor in the world became well and truly
                                                                                                                               to the development of cleaning technology. In the         famous: in 1684 the French “Sun King” Ludwig XIV
                                                                                                                               19th and 20th centuries it was possible to improve        had parquet flooring laid in his hall of mirrors at
For a long time people lived on the bare ground. But in order                                                                  the acoustics in rooms and make them cosier by            the Palace of Versailles. This well-known parquet
                                                                                                                               putting down loose rugs. However, the cleaning of         floor is called the parquet de Versailles.
to avoid dust and sand, from early on people began to look for
                                                                                                                               the rugs was not very popular. As well as carpet
a more pleasant alternative. A short journey through time,                                                                     beaters, there were actually also carpet-beating          Today solid wood floors have competition from
which at some points resembles a trip around the world and is                                                                  machines, which drove through the streets and             more affordable laminates, but with the proper
                                                                                                                               offered their services. Fixed carpets emerged in          care and maintenance wood is an impressively sus-
from time to time closely connected to the development of                                                                      the USA in the 1930s, but not until the 1950s in          tainable material. Whereas wooden floorboards
cleaning technology.                                                                                                           Europe. In the 1960s the first vacuum cleaners for        were previously lacquered in order to protect them
                                                                                                                               domestic use were finally available on the market         from external impacts, today the floors are oiled,
                                                                                                                               and made cleaning much easier.                            waxed or soaped. With the proper surface treat-
                                                                                                                                                                                         ment the material is robust and can be sanded
                                                                                                                               Today, with proper cleaning, carpets are even consid-     several times so that new floors do not have to be
                                                                                                                               ered suitable those with allergies, and the variety       laid too soon.
             ANCIENT AND ROBUST:                                      To this day stone floors are hugely popular, to such     of materials used ranges from seaweed to natural
             STONE FLOORS                                             an extent that you can hardly keep track of all the      and artificial fibres through to PET bottles and          When cleaning one should simply reduce moisture
                                                                      varieties. The options range from natural stone          denim strips. Especially in areas which are sensitive     and avoid standing water. The positive effect that
             If you are looking for one of the first examples of a    floors such as marble or granite to various artificial   to sound – in the hotel business, in conference           this has around the home ranges from its beautiful
             man-made floor, you will end up in the southeast         stone finishes through to fine stone, which are actu-    rooms, etc. – carpets are very popular as they soften     appearance through to an improved indoor cli-
             of Turkey, near the city of Urfa. There, in 1994, Ger-   ally by-products. The dust particles that are pro-       the cool, reverberating glass and concrete archi-         mate as wooden floors are never cold and regulate
             man archaeologists found a terrazzo-like screed          duced when cutting natural stone are ground up           tecture that is so common today.                          humidity. ▪
             made from smoothly polished limestone at the             and stuck together – which results in a beautiful
             Göbekli Tepe archaeological site – built around          appearance and, at the same time, in a sustainable
             7,000 to 8,000 years before Christ in the oldest tem-    product, for which as much as possible is extracted
             ple in the world that has been discovered to date.       from the raw materials used.

             Another astonishing anecdote about stone floors
             comes from Roman times – because in 80 BC the            SOMETIMES CLASSY, SOMETIMES
             Roman merchant Gaius Sergius Orata installed             SHABBY: CARPET
             stone floors with underfloor heating. He adopted an
             idea that had first been successfully implemented        For the first carpet the journey does not go back
             by the Cretans, which involved chanelling warm air       quite so far. The Pazyryk rug is considered the
             into cavities under the floor and in the walls. This     oldest surviving example of a pile carpet in the
             construction technique was later used in Roman           world. It was created in around the 4th or 5th cen-
             baths and in the large imperial thermal baths.           tury BC and was discovered in 1947 by a team of
                                                                      Russian archaeologists in the Altai mountains
                                                                      near the border to Outer Mongolia.
Smart floor, caring floor:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       32


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  02 | 2019

Generate electricity with every step, improve age-appro-
priate living, ensure hygiene – floor­coverings should soon
do more than simply be under foot. Some highlights of
current research.

             TWO TO FOUR JOULES PER STEP:                            KILL GERMS, INDICATE DISINFECTION:                        “YOU CAN’T TIDY DIRT.”
             LET THERE BE LIGHT!                                     HEALTH!
             The idea that floor coverings could generate elec-      Floor coverings are also becoming increasingly            Daniel Carmine Manocchio, Head of the Materials
             tricity from the steps of the people who walk on        important in terms of hygiene. Amongst other
                                                                                                                               Laboratory at Kärcher, on floor cleaning
             them has been researched for a while now. One           things, research is being conducted into what sub-
             person generates between two and four joules of         stances floors can emit in order to kill germs. For
             energy per step, at two steps per second this would     example, silver ions are already being used success-
             equate to one to two watts of power. If this energy     fully in textiles which are worn on the skin. How-              What is the most important rule for floor                 Do you have a nice anecdote from your many
             was delivered to efficient LED lighting in long hall-   ever, it is not possible to transfer this one-to-one to         cleaning?                                                 years of work about what improper cleaning can
             ways, then the public’s footsteps could provide         floors.Yet certain types of wood naturally have a                                                                         result in?
             light. No competition for big power plants, but still   germ-killing effect, as do the the linseed oil-based            Cleaning generally involves removing dirt. Dirt is
             a way of producing sustainable electricity.             binders in linoleum. One of the objectives of the               what lies around and cannot be tidied. We want            Sure, I’ve got plenty of stories. For example, one
                                                                     research is to recreate the effects of these natural            to destroy this dirt in some way, only sometimes          time we had a man who complained about our hard
                                                                     raw materials.                                                  we forget to pay attention what’s below it. This          floor cleaner – he said it had destroyed his parquet.
             KNOW WHETHER EVERYTHING IS IN                                                                                           means we should work in a non-destructive man-            It is important to know that this machine works
             ORDER: WHEN FLOORS ARE SENSITIVE.                       For hospitals, two functional variants that aim to              ner without breaking down materials, breaking             with two microfibre rollers and makes the floor
                                                                     ensure hygiene are gaining ground. Firstly, floors              fibres or dissolving paint. Otherwise, cleaning and       slightly damp as it cleans; it is designed precisely
             More and more older people live alone, and the          are available which emit biocides to kill germs.                damaging are closely intertwined.                         for cleaning parquet floors. The problem: over the
             matter of how their health can be reliably monitored    Secondly, there are floors which, when wiped with                                                                         years the man had cleaned his parquet with a wet
             will continue to gain in importance in the future.      disinfectant, show which areas have already been                What should one generally pay attention to?               cloth so that the floor boards had swelled at the
             A solution for this problem could also be found in      disinfected via a colour change on the surface. Thus                                                                      ends. In this case the mechanics of our machine
             the floors of the future. Pressure sensors in floors    it can be ensured that every corner is reached.                 If we take a look at parquet flooring, for example,       naturally finished the floor off. If you work with
             can detect whether a person is standing, walking or     The colour fades again shortly after the work is                then I should know what type of parquet floor             the appropriate machines from the outset, such
             lying down. In combination with artificial intelli-     completed. ▪                                                    I have. If it is sealed, then I can very gently use a     experiences are avoided. The customer then
             gence, even the step pattern could be analysed: does                                                                    steam cleaner and enjoy the flooring for a long           understood this. ▪
             the person move with purpose from A to B or does                                                                        time. If it is oiled or waxed, the use of steam is dis-
             he wander aimlessly through the apartment in a                                                                          couraged. Here vacuum cleaning or dust-binding
             confused and disorientated state? An alarm can                                                                          wiping is called for; I do not always have to wipe
             be triggered in certain situations so that help is                                                                      the entire area with a moist cloth afterwards, since
             quickly provided.                                                                                                       I can selectively remove clogged dirt with wet
                                                                                                                                     wiping. This example shows that the right cleaning
                                                                                                                                     technology achieves the desired objective with
                                                                                                                                     minimum effort and often minimises the work.
PLASTICS MAKE                                                                                                 LEGAL INFORMATION

             A COMEBACK                                                                                                    Publisher
                                                                                                                           Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
                                                                                                                           Bernd Rützler, Executive Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                            KÄRCHER is a leading global pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                            vider of cleaning technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Kärcher offers innovative solu-
                                                                                                                           Corporate Marketing & Brand Management
                                                                                                                           Alfred-Kärcher-Str. 28–40                                 tions, with high-pressure and ultra
              Can plastic save the world? Yes, if it is recycled and
                                       02 | 2019
                                                                                                                           D-71364 Winnenden, Germany                                high-pressure cleaners, vacuum clean-
                                                                                                                           T +49 (0) 7195 14-0                                       ers and steam cleaners, sweepers and
              thus gets a second life. An array of initiatives and                                                         F +49 (0) 7195 14-2212                                    scrubber driers, vehicle wash systems,
              procedures worldwide are transforming old plastics                                                           www.kaercher.com
                                                                                                                                                                                     cleaning agents, dry ice blasters, water
              into new raw materials. This way, they help to solve                                                         Design, Editing, Creative Direction
                                                                                                                                                                                     and waste water treatment systems
                                                                                                                           Vera Umbrecht, David Wickel-Bajak                         and water dispensers, as well as pump
              the global waste problem.
                                 Dear readers,                                                                             Linda Schrödter                                           and watering systems for the home
                                                                                                                                                                                     and garden. Solutions include compat-
                                 In this magazine we focus on craftsmanship,                                               Art Direction                                             ible products and accessories, as well
                                 one of the most traditional professions of                                                Britta Raab/Studio Somo
                                                                                                                                                                                     as consulting, service and numerous
                                 them all. Our company also has its roots in                                                                                                         digital applications. In 2018, Alfred

                                           lasticsand sonot
                                                   have   Kärcher  machines
                                                             only one   life, have
                                                                                 New products through recycling            Alexandra Lachner                                         Kärcher SE & Co. KG achieved its high-
                                 always been    used  daily  in many
                                           but two, three or even more.companies.Companies and organisations world-        Mark Stöhr                                                est turnover ever, with 2,525 billion
                                 In this edition  we alsoand
                                           Once sorted     highlight
                                                              thrown the
                                                                                 wide have developed concepts and          Verena Wolff                                              euros. The family-run business employs
                                                  two supposedly     opposing part-
                                                        to the production        technologies which promise concrete                                                                 over 13,000 staff in more than 120
                                 ners: collaborations
                                   process             between
                                            as so-called         traditional
                                                         recyclates  – recy- com-solutions. The German environmental                                                                 companies across 70 countries. With
                                                                                                                           Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
                                 panies   andmaterials.
                                   cled raw   start-upsTheir
                                                         and how    they can inno-
                                                               comebacks         organisation One Earth – One Ocean        Andi Mayr                                                 50,000 services centres worldwide,
                                        look very different. Fleece jumpers e. V., for example, collects the plastic       Martin Baitinger                                          Kärcher offers customers across the
                                   are made from plastic bottles, com-         with special waste carriers, sorts it       iStock                                                    globe a seamless and comprehensive
                                 Did  you screens
                                   puter   know thatfromwhen
                                                          DVDsit is recycled,
                                                                  and mobile plastic
                                                                                 into groups of identical materials and                                                              service. Innovation is the most impor-
                                 can  makecases
                                   phone     a positive
                                                 are madecontribution  to the sustain-
                                                             from polysty-       processes it. The waste is turned back                                                              tant growth factor for the company
                                                                                                                           Julian Rentzsch
                                 able  handling
                                   rene.         of resources
                                          Most recyclates         and and
                                                            are made   into thereby
                                                                                 into recyclable plastics and sometimes    Kerstin Luttenfeldner/caroline seidler.com                and has been an integral part of the
                                 help  to solve
                                   tubes        the global panels
                                           or construction   waste or,
                                                                        often, Oninto
                                                                                   thecrude oil. One pioneer in plastic    Paetrick Schmidt/2agenten                                 corporate culture since the company’s
                                 following   pages we
                                   end up where     theyshow
                                                                       – as    other
                                                                                 recycling is the chemical group Solvay,   Anne Mair c/o Kombinatrotweiss                            foundation in 1935: around 90 per-
                                 things,  how spray
                                   packaging           lances
                                                material       for our high-pressure
                                                          in supermarkets        which is one of the ten largest chemi-                                                              cent of all products are five years old
                                 cleaners   are made from discarded airbags.
                                   and drugstores.                               cal companies in the world. In 2016,                                                                or less. In total, more than 1,000 staff
The properties of the                                                          Solvay launched a process called “Tech-     https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article216681/             at the cleaning machine manufac-
recyclate are checked in
the materials laboratory
                                 I hope   youofenjoy
                                    The use           these
                                                recyclates   exciting
                                                           saves       insights
                                                                 a great deal and
                                                                                nyl® 4earth®” in which high-quality        Das-ganze-Gold-der-Welt.html                              turer work in research and develop-
at Kärcher.                      have   fun reading
                                    of energy,  waterthis
                                                       and edition of and
                                                           resources  difference!
                                                                                recyclates are obtained from technical     Bernhard Zehetmair, Deputy Guild Master of the Guild of   ment. Kärcher currently holds over
                                    lowers CO2 emissions. Plastic recycling    textiles. Kärcher is one of the first       Parquet and Floor Layers (Munich-Upper Bavaria)           630 active patents.
                                    also helps to get a grip on the global     companies to use this technology in
                                    plastic waste problem. Approximately       series production for the consumer
                                    150 million tons of plastic are already    market. The original material for the
                                    in our oceans. According to studies con-   spray lances of high-pressure clean-
                                    ducted by the United Nations (UN),         ers is the fabric of discarded airbags,
                                    by 2050 there could be more pieces of      which is recycled into the robust plas-
                                    plastic swimming in the oceans than        tic polyamide. It is reinforced with
                                    fish. A Jenner
                                            team of American researchers       glass fibres because the spray lances
                                 Chief Executive
                                    recently     Officer
                                               went   onand
                                                          an Chairman
                                                              expedition to    must withstand exceptionally high
                                 of the Board of Management
                                    the Mariana Trench with a special sub-     pressure. They must also be resistant
                                 Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
                                    marine. In this oceanic trench in the      to environmental influences and
                                    Pacific Ocean, the deepest known point     cleaning agents.
                                    on earth, the scientists found – besides
                                    three as yet unknown animal species –      A “green” comeback, which breathes
                                    a plastic bag.                             new life into the old material. ▪

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