Human Rights Briefing Paper Update - APRIL 2018 - Total
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2 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN AND CEO.............5 1 TOTAL AT A GLANCE....................................................6 2 REINFORCING OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS...................................9 • Strengthening Our Governance.....................................................11 ABOUT TOTAL’S HUMAN • Raising Awareness.........................................................................13 • Improving Our Assessments and Actions......................................14 RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER • Fostering Disclosure and Transparency........................................15 UPDATE 3 In our first Human Rights Briefing Paper, published in July ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: 2016, we made a commitment to build on our efforts to embed UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS...........................................16 respect for human rights in our operations and business relationships and to regularly report on these efforts. • Determining our Salient Issues.......................................................17 • Human Rights in the Workplace.....................................................20 This Update to our Human Rights Briefing Paper, • Human Rights and Local Communities..........................................27 July 2016 provides an overview of our progress, • Human Rights and Security............................................................33 challenges and continuing efforts in our journey to further embed respect for human rights and to address salient human rights issues relating to our business activities. We invite you to take this journey with us as you read through the pages of this Update. As always, we are happy to receive your feedback, 4 LOOKING AHEAD..........................................................36 which can be sent to:
TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 5 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN AND CEO Safety and Respect for Each Other are two cardinal values of our five values. Respect for Each Other means, among other things, respect for human rights. At Total, we are committed to remaining vigilant on this point. This involves: •R espect for human rights in the workplace for our employees and promotion of these principles and practices in our supply chain, in particular by preventing child and forced labor, avoiding discrimination and ensuring just and favorable conditions of work and safety. •R espect for the human rights of local communities that are potentially affected by our operations, in particular in relation to land and property rights, the right to health and an adequate standard of living, and by providing access to remedy for unavoidable adverse impacts related to our operations. • Ensuring that the security of our personnel is managed in a responsible way so that the human rights of neighboring communities and other stakeholders are respected. The management of security risks, including the use of government security forces and private security providers, should be in line with applicable international standards related to the proportionate use of force. The publication of this Human Rights Briefing Paper Update is our way of demonstrating a tangible application of our commitment to remain an industry leader in embedding respect for human rights and addressing our salient human rights issues, using the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) Reporting Framework. It is also an integral part of our engagement in the United Nations Global Compact and its LEAD initiative. We remain committed to continuous progress in implementing respect for human rights. We remain committed to becoming the responsible energy major. Patrick POUYANNÉ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Total.
6 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 7 OUR ACTIVITIES TOTAL AT A GLANCE TOTAL AT A GLANCE Solar Oil and gas EXPLORE Biomass & PRODUCE Specialty chemicals TRANSFORM Refining and Polymers petrochemicals 1 & DEVELOP TOTAL AT A GLANCE Trading and shipping Total’s ambition is to become the responsible energy major. We are committed to better energy that is reliable, affordable, clean and available to as many people as possible. We are also SHIP Products committed to innovation that contributes to solving the challenge of & MARKET and services climate change and lets us stay ahead of the changing energy needs of today’s world.
8 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 9 KEY FIGURES TOTAL AT A GLANCE No. 4 oil and gas company worldwide 98,000+ employees OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Operations in 130+ countries REINFORCING 2.5 million barrels of oil equivalent produced each day 150,000+ direct contractors and suppliers worldwide REINFORCING 3,000+ community engagement projects 8 million+ customers served at Total service stations worldwide each day 2 OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS We recognize the importance of implementing respect for human 23% decrease in greenhouse rights across our business activities. gas emissions since 2010 in our Human rights are everybody’s concern. operated scope A Leader in solar energy
10 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 11 STRENGTHENING OUR GOVERNANCE We are committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights standards in our activities, all over the world. Our policies and strategies help to underscore our commitments to our stakeholders - including The United Nations Guiding our contractors, suppliers and joint venture partners - and what we expect in return. They also Principles on Business and The fundamental Conventions provide guidance to our employees and everyone who works on our behalf. Human Rights as endorsed of the International Labour by the UN Human Rights We continue to review and update (or add to) them when necessary to reinforce our ambition Organisation to become “the responsible energy major” and to deepen stakeholder understanding of our Council in 2011 responsibilities, including embedding respect for human rights. The Universal The United Nations Since July 2016, we have: Declaration Of Global Compact SEPTEMBER 2016 OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING Human Rights RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Presented a new “One Total” organization with a new People & Social Responsibility Division (PSR) which includes the Human REINFORCING REINFORCING TOTAL ADHERES Rights Department. The Executive Vice President PSR is a member of Total’s DECEMBER 2016 TO THE Executive Committee. Published a Fundamental Principles of Purchasing The Voluntary PRINCIPLES Guidance Leaflet on the occasion of our second Principles on Business Ethics Day – to practically help our suppliers SET OUT IN Security and Human understand our expectations of them as provided in our supplier code of conduct – the Fundamental Rights (VPSHR) JANUARY 2017 Principles of Purchasing. Total’s Executive Committee unanimously adopted our updated Human Rights Roadmap and The OECD Guidelines for Action Plan 2017 - 2018. Multinational Enterprises MARCH 2017 The Group CEO announced new corporate values including the two cardinal values of “Safety” and “Respect for Each Other.” MAY 2017 Published our second Climate Report – Integrating Climate into Our Strategy. Published our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements in the UK. JULY 2017 Published a Practical Guide on Dealing with The Board’s Committee Religious Issues in the Group – a first in the oil on Ethics and Governance and gas industry. examined some of our salient As a Group committed to better energy, we recognize that beyond human rights issues: our policy commitments, embedding respect for human rights across THIS HAS BEEN MADE I - Labor conditions: Forced labor and our business activities in principle and practice is key. POSSIBLE BY: JANUARY 2018 child labor in the value chain As part of the “One Total” project, the Group’s Executive II - D iscrimination and harassment Over the past year or so, we have had consultations and broad en- Committee appointed Country Chairs for each country III - R elations with local communities. gagement with both our internal and external stakeholders regarding • Strengthening our governance where Total is present. The Country Chair (who is a our approach to respecting human rights. We have decided to use • Raising awareness Managing Director of one of Total’s business units our core values, new organization and strategy as well as our risk in the country in question) will, among other management and assessment processes to reinforce this approach. • Improving our assessments responsibilities, fairly promote the implementation and actions of major Total policies, including on ethics and • F ostering disclosure human rights, across the business units in and transparency the relevant country.
12 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 13 RAISING AWARENESS Our commitment to respect human rights should be “known by” and “shown” to our stakeholders, particularly our employees in over 130 countries worldwide including complex governance and operating environments, as well as in our business relationships. As part of the developments Our Updated Human Rights Roadmap and Action Plan 2017-2018 regarding the above, we have put in place a number of awareness-raising and training initiatives As an update to our first Human Rights Roadmap and action plan, and with a view to continuous impro- on human rights, sometimes with overarching themes and at other times focused on specific vement, our Executive Committee adopted a new Human Rights Roadmap and action plan for 2017-2018. salient human rights issues. The updated roadmap focuses primarily on the following areas: • Consolidating the integration of human rights into operational decisions at local levels of our business; More details on training initiatives focused on our salient humain rights issues are provided in Section 3 of this Update. • Improving on the level of awareness and locus of accountability on the management of human rights issues at all levels of our business. This is particularly important given the periodic turnover of managers in business units across our Group, the need to avoid a potential fatigue effect regarding human rights and On an overarching-theme basis, we have: to maintain an evenness on human rights culture and performance by management across the Group; OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS • Strengthening our human rights risk assessment processes, making the tools available and understan- OCTOBER 2017 dable by our business units, and more systematic follow-up of assessments. Held Total Suppliers’ Day 2017, highlighting our shared responsibility with our suppliers to respect human rights in REINFORCING REINFORCING JUNE 2016 Read more about some specific actions relating to our updated Human Rights Roadmap in Section 3 Launched an interactive our activities and value chain. of this Update e-learning course Held a Contracts and Human Rights Session facilitated on “The Challenges by Shift with the Contracts Legal Practice Group – on of Business Ethics.” embedding human rights in contracts for lawyers. DECEMBER 2016 DECEMBER 2017 Held the second edition of our Annual Held the third edition of our Business Ethics Day (to mark the UN Annual Business Ethics Day International Human Rights and Anti- with the theme: Business and Corruption Days). The theme was Supply Respect for Each Other: Chain Challenges: Anti-Corruption How to Handle Dilemmas. & Human Rights. The Annual Business Ethics Day: A Word from the Chairwoman of the Group’s Ethics Committee “Well-written guides alone are not enough to realize our ambition to fully embed Respect for Each Other in our business operations. Here we can learn from the way we handled Safety; I dare say that for Safety we made a huge leap forward the day we decided it would become a fixed component in every decision that we make. That’s why an event such as the Business Ethics Day is really im- portant. It allows us to bring the teams together, to deliver the tone from the top, while having an open discussion about our policies as well as the conditions and difficulties of implementing them.” Hilde Luystermans, Chairwoman, Total Group Ethics Committee
14 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 15 FOSTERING DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY We know that there is still a lot to be done to embed respect for human rights in our activities at all levels. However, our commitment to disclose our continuing efforts, including challenges and opportunities is clear. Since 2016, we: JULY 2016 Published our first Human Rights Briefing Paper (report) – becoming the first oil and gas company to do MAY 2017 so – identifying our salient human Published our second Climate rights issues and explaining how we Report – Integrating Climate into OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING OUR APPROACH TO EMBEDDING RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS continue to address them. Our Strategy. IMPROVING OUR REINFORCING REINFORCING ASSESSMENTS AND ACTIONS MARCH 2017 Been ranked as Top oil and gas major in the 2017 Corporate Human Rights APRIL 2018 Published an Update to our Human Rights Briefing Paper Based on a series of interactions with our stakeholders, we identified that we needed to deepen Benchmark (CHRB) exercise and 2016 – as the first oil and gas and widen the human rights assessment processes for our business units and supply chain, Leading-scoring company in the major to do so. including an increased focus on our salient issues, high-risk operational geographies and more extractive industry for embedding respect and human rights due diligence. systematic follow-up of assessment action plans. Details of our human rights due diligence actions in relation to our salient issues are further elaborated in Section 3 of this Update. Some of the developments in this area over the past year or so, are: SEPTEMBER 2017 MARCH 2017 Total’s Disclosure on Developed a revised ethical Conducted dedicated Human Human Rights: Insights evaluation methodology with Rights Impact Assessments from Some Investors SEPTEMBER 2016 an independent third party with the Danish Institute for Launched a partnership with an organization, GoodCorporation. Human Rights (DIHR) in Papua “We welcome the update to independent third party service Self-assessments have also New Guinea (PNG) with a focus Total’s human rights report provider – to conduct social been introduced to further widen on gender, security and conflict. and the company’s efforts in and labor rights audits of our the reach of the assessments in See some key findings in implementing its responsibility suppliers and contractors. our business units. Section 3 of this Update. to respect human rights across its operations and value chain. We are pleased with Total’s responsiveness in engaging with us on a regular basis to make sure it addresses our 2016 - 2017 2016 – 2018 expectations in this area.” Conducted a baseline Conducted ethical assessments in our business units in study of 22 affiliates in • Morocco (Marketing & Services), our Marketing & Services • France (Corporate), business segment on respect • Italy (Exploration & Production), for human rights, with a focus • Belgium (Refining & Chemicals), on forced labor, child labor and •S audi Arabia (Marketing & Services), working conditions. • Vietnam (Marketing & Services), • Zimbabwe (Marketing & Services), •P apua New Guinea (Exploration & Production), • The Philippines (Marketing & Services). See some key findings in Section 3 of this Update
16 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 17 DETERMINING OUR SALIENT ISSUES In 2016, we held series of consultations with our internal and external stakeholders to identify the salient human rights issues associated with our activities and business relationships, based on the UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs) Reporting Framework. The process enabled us to identify six salient issues across our three broad, focal human rights areas. 1 HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE WORKPLACE • F orced Labor and Child Labor •D iscrimination • J ust and favorable conditions of work and safety 2 HUMAN RIGHTS AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES • Acess to land More recently, we have continued to learn extensively from observations and key findings in: •R ight to Health and An Adequate Standard • Human rights assessments ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: of Living carried out in selected Total business units across the world with the sup- port of independent third party organizations such as the Danish Institute UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS 3 3 for Human Rights. OUR SALIENT ISSUES: HUMAN RIGHTS AND SECURITY • A global ethical assessment program carried out in selected Total business units across the world with the support of independent third party organization, GoodCorporation. UPDATES AND NEXT STEPS •R isk of Misuse of Force • Issues raised in our Group’s Ethics Committee and Human Rights Coordination Committee. • The internal Total Survey, a biennial company-wide confidential survey to gather employee views and expectations regarding professional and social issues relating to work- place conditions and perceptions. In 2017, about 70,000 employees from Salient human rights issues as defined in the UN Guiding 124 countries were invited to participate in the survey. Principles Reporting Framework are those human rights that stand • The Annual FAIR Committee Review meetings out because they are at risk of the most severe negative impact held to monitor the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility through the company’s activities or business relationships. Total Global Agreement signed with IndustriAll Global Union in January 2015. Participants at the review include labor union representatives from across This concept of salience uses the lens of risk to people, the Group. FAIR stands for: “Facilitate the Application, Involvement of all and not the business, as the starting point, while recognizing that regular measurement of the Results of the agreement.” where risks to people’s human rights are greatest, there is strong • The Annual Business Ethics Day in 2016 and 2017. convergence with risk to the business. We have also further engaged with various stakeholders in relation on our salient human rights issues. Based on those conversations, findings, observations and reflections, we consider that the salient human rights issues identified in our Human Rights Briefing Paper – July 2016 remain the salient human rights issues relating to our business activities and business relationships.
18 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 19 Spotlight on findings from some of our assessments NOTE 2 • Improve stakeholders’ awareness of Human Rights Impact Assessment in the project-level community grievance Papua New Guinea: Our Partnership mechanisms (CGMs) in place and NOTE 1 periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the Another finding concerns the relatively weak with the Danish Institute for Human CGMs in line with the UNGPs A Global Ethical Assessment Pro- position of subcontractor employees vis-à-vis their Rights (DIHR) gram: Our Partnership with Good employers e.g. wages that do not adequately • The project may intensify economic in- We have been working with independent, Corporation factor in the cost of living in the country. In this migration and exacerbate violence against national human rights organization the Danish We have partnered with third party, independent regard, through continuous improvement of our girls and women, hence, engage an Institute for Human Rights for over a decade to ethics organization GoodCorporation for more procurement methods and best practices identified independent third party to implement a conduct human rights compliance and impact than 15 years now conducting ethical assess- within the Group, our E&P business segment is community program addressing domestic assessments, and to build internal capacity for ments in our business units. The partnership strengthening its processes for labor contractors violence, sexual health and family planning, human rights, among others. was recently renewed to revise the assessment and is making efforts to ensure that they benefit targeting both women and men methodology using a risk-based approach to en- from decent and fair wage conditions down the In early 2017, we conducted a dedicated Hu- subcontracting chain - with the support of the man Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) with • Work with public security forces on hance the process. More than 120 business units Voluntary Principles on Security and Human have been assessed since 2002. headquarters procurement entity. Furthermore, the DIHR in Papua New Guinea, consistent with due diligence related to suppliers, contractors our E&P General Specification on HRIAs, with Rights (VPSHR) training and ensure security Under the program, a referential divided into various and business partners is incorporated into our a focus on gender, security and conflict. and human rights risks assessment stakeholder categories – including employees, updated Human Rights Roadmap. Some key findings and recommendations from The foregoing is work in progress for us and we suppliers and subcontractors, customers and Regarding the finding on poor working and em- the HRIA include: have started to implement the recommendations other business partners, host countries, local ployment conditions in some of our retail activities of the HRIA as shown in Section 3 of this Update. communities and management – is used to eva- luate the practical implementation of the ethical which are owned or operated by independent and human rights principles set out in our Code dealers, we recently concluded a baseline study of Conduct. This process entails conducting that will help achieve further improvements in this on-site visits and multiple conversations with area (see Note 3 below). As far as the findings on security and human rights issues go, we are NOTE 3 rights-holders. In very challenging contexts, the reinforcing trainings and reviewing our risk as- Baseline Study of 22 Affiliates in our Marketing & Services Business Segment Danish Institute for Human Rights can also be part of the assessment team or conduct dedicated sessment processes and tools with the support In 2017, our Marketing & Services (M&S) business segment conducted baseline studies on respect assessments focused on human rights issues. of the Corporate Security Department and our for human rights in 22 affiliates across different continents of the globe with a thematic focus on the human rights lawyers. topics of forced labor, child labor and working conditions. The study also provided an opportunity to The findings and recommendations of the as- engage our service station dealers, transporters, suppliers and joint venture partners on the issues. sessments are shared with the management of the business unit as well as with our Group’s Key findings from the study include: Ethics Committee. They are also shared with the ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: Group’s Executive Committee and the Ethics • Awareness of our Code of Conduct and Fundamental Principles of Purchasing UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS & Governance Committee of the Board on a consolidated basis, annually. by some of our affiliates, dealers, suppliers and joint venture partners was The assessments provide an opportunity sometimes low to identify good ethical and human rights practices in our business units that can • Some of our affiliates did not always be shared with other business segments prioritize human rights considerations in thereby facilitating peer learning. The making business decisions assessments also recommend areas • Grievance mechanisms to address of improvement. These findings and human rights and social issues areas of improvement form a predomi- (differently from commercial customer nant part of the objectives in our updated complaints) were not always in place. Human Rights Roadmap and action plan. We continue to work with the relevant business We will be working with our Marketing & Services business segment to increase awareness and training units to implement the recommendations and in our Company Owned Dealer Operated (CODO) network stations and Dealer Owned Dealer Operated to make ongoing progress. (DODO) network stations as well as with our suppliers and joint venture partners. For example, one of the findings of the assess- We will also continue to share lessons learned and experience from our Exploration & Production bu- ments relates to the sometimes inadequate level siness segment on how we can implement effective grievance mechanisms in line with the UNGPs in of awareness of the Total’s human rights policies our Marketing & Services business segment. locally. In this regard, we are scaling-up aware- ness of our human rights policies through the Annual Business Ethics Day observed across our business units globally (like our World Days for Safety), creating a dedicated e-learning module on business ethics and ongoing sensitization of suppliers during special events such as Supplier Days among-others.
20 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 21 Total’s First Global Agreement with IndustriALL IN ADDITION TO OUR SALIENT HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES, OUR PROCESS Global Union IDENTIFIED THE FOLLOWING OTHER TOPICS WHICH ARE BECOMING MORE IMPORTANT FOR OUR GROUP: In January 2015, Total signed a global CSR • Sending a clear message that maternity •H uman rights and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); agreement with international union federation leave should not have a negative impact IndustriALL Global Union, which represents on an employee’s compensation or future • Anti-corruption and human rights; more than 50 million workers in 140 countries in career path. •C limate change which remains a shared global challenge, where we believe we the energy, mining and manufacturing sectors. can be part of the solution. • Fulfilling our corporate social responsibility, The scope of the agreement includes: as we develop our operations in harmony with We will now discuss highlights of our recent actions in addressing our salient •P romoting human rights in the workplace the surrounding communities. human rights issues, including challenges, ongoing efforts and next steps and diversity, with specific commitments for the near future. concerning gender equality. The agreement has helped us to look further into labor rights practices in our local business • Involving employees and their represen- units and in our supply chain. tatives in conducting social dialogue and The FAIR Committee made up of members from ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT in developing social dialogue in our operations Total and trade unions affiliated with IndustriALL and throughout our global supply chain meets annually to assess the implementation of the agreement and identify areas for impro- ISSUES IN THE WORKPLACE • Making workplace health and safety as vement and actions to be carried out. The first absolute priorities in our operations and global meeting was held in April 2016; the second in supply chain. June 2017. • Providing an insurance program that gua- A key outcome of these meetings has been Total Global Procurement. The rantees a minimum of two years of coverage recognition of the need to further raise aware- objective of this new entity is to in the event of an employee’s death, no matter ness on the principles and the implementation develop a global approach to what the country of residence. of this agreement in all our business units and our supply chain management in the supply chain. process and better integrate our Group’s principles and practices, including with regards to human rights, in our supply The FAIR Committee Review: Views from an Employee Union ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: chains across the world with a Representative clear focus on our salient human UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS “The FAIR Committee Review is very important for employee representatives/trade rights issues of forced labor and unions. The IndustriALL Global agreement has to be filled with life. This includes more child labor. discussions between Total’s management and the unions Furthermore, in January 2018, on implementation and challenges encountered. The in line with our Human Rights text of the agreement and details on representation at Roadmap, we updated our the FAIR Committee should be known by all workers human rights/CSR mapping of everywhere in the Total Group. More time should also procurement risks, taking into be allotted for the review meetings. account our main purchasing Workers really appreciate this very significant initiative categories (e.g. drilling and by Total and we know that it will take a lot of work and wells, rigs, packaging, support time on both sides to effectively implement it.” LABOR RIGHTS vessels, maintenance and construction) as well as the salient human rights issues of forced and child labor. This As a responsible company, we are increasingly concerned included a process of engagement with our business Dieter Keller, Member of the European Works Council and Total employee with the risk of forced labor and child labor in our value segment leaders, purchasing category managers and chain, including in our retail activities and in our supply others and the collection of over 100 questionnaires from chain. In these situations, we consider it not only a risk our personnel working in the contracts and procurement but also an opportunity to use our leverage to foster function. respect for human rights in the workplace. We are constantly on alert concerning this issue. Acknowledging the challenge of maintaining international In December 2017, Total joined the worldwide Global Deal initiative, a multi-stakeholder partnership living standards on project sites and base camps and its that aims to encourage governments, businesses, unions and other organizations to enhance dia- importance as a foundation to ensuring just and favorable logue with employees. Social dialogue includes all types of negotiation, consultation or exchange STRENGTHENING OUR GOVERNANCE conditions devoid of bonded or forced labor, we have of information between or among the representatives of governments, employers and workers on defined our minimum requirements on construction sites issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy. The Global Deal promotes the As part of our new «One Total» organization, the contracts for our employees and the employees of our suppliers and idea that effective social dialogue can contribute to decent work and quality jobs and, by extension, and procurement functions from all our business seg- contractors in a Guide for the Respect of Minimum Living to greater equality and inclusive growth from which workers, businesses and societies benefit. ments were brought together on January 1, 2017 within Conditions in Base Camps. We plan to update this guide.
22 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 23 REINFORCING AWARENESS AND analysis will be carried out for potential suppliers, or In 2016, we committed to the “Closing the Gender Gap in VI – Inclusive Corporate culture: Create an open and TRAINING suppliers renewing a contract with Total up to certain Oil and Gas: A Call to Action for the Industry Declaration” inclusive corporate culture where all genders can monetary threshold. The analysis will be based on at the World Economic Forum, signed by Total along with flourish. • In December 2016, we held the second edition country human rights risks and product category risks 20 other oil and gas companies. This declaration is based VII – Work Environment and Work-Life Balance: of our Annual Business Ethics Day (to mark (e.g. labor/manpower risks). The methodology also on seven guiding principles: Develop and communicate clear guidelines on the UN International Human Rights and Anti- incorporates self-assessments, audits, and action I – Leadership: Establish gender diversity and the implementation of gender-sensitive work-life Corruption Days). The theme was Supply Chain plans where necessary i.e. depending on the level of inclusion as a strategic business imperative at all balance policies for all staff. Challenges: Anti-Corruption and Human Rights, risks identified. Where action plans are recommended levels of an organization, visibly led by the Chief with participation across our business units to ensure respect for human rights, we require our Executive and top leadership. globally, including our suppliers and contractors suppliers to implement them and provide support. to share lessons learned, challenges and Failing to implement them can result in sanctions. II – Aspiration & Goal Setting: Set and maintain experiences, including on our salient human challenging but achievable goals and objectives We acknowledge that it will take time, ongoing rights issues. for gender diversity. sensitization and resources to evenly roll out this • In October 2017, we held our Suppliers Day method in our business units. We are committed III – Science, Technology, Engineering and 2017. The event brought together 110 strategic to a roll-out across our business units over the next Mathematics (STEM) Pipeline: Support the suppliers from all of Total’s business segments. few years. development of women into STEM subjects It provided an opportunity to highlight our at early years in school and university, and their Furthermore, in addition to the assessment actions values and our suppliers’ responsibility to development towards technical roles and careers. mentioned earlier in this Update, and to improve respect human rights. We also disseminated on our suppliers’ audits process in line with our IV – Clear Responsibility: Ensure that managers are our Fundamental Principles of Purchasing (FPP) Group’s Human Rights Roadmap, we entered into responsible for reaching diversity goals and guidance leaflet to our suppliers during the a partnership with a third party service provider in objectives and that they have appropriate oversight event. September 2016 to conduct social and labor rights of strategies and initiatives to achieve them. • In October 2017, we held a Contracts and audits of our suppliers. We continue to periodically V – Recruitment, Retention and Promotion Policies: Human Rights Session facilitated by Shift, review the audit process with a view to strengthe- Review relevant policies and processes including a leading center of expertise on business ning its value in improving respect for human rights, recruitment, retention, evaluation, compensation and human rights, with the Contracts Legal including the prohibition of forced labor and child and career planning to ensure they are gender Practice Group – on embedding human rights in labor in our supply chain. sensitive. Recognize and mitigate unconscious contracts for lawyers. biases in selection and retention processes. This session also provided the opportunity COLLABORATION for our lawyers to share relevant examples of contract provisions that have been useful in We continue to actively participate in international helping the company ensure that our partners working groups that address human rights issues respect human rights. in the supply chain. We are active members of the ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: IPIECA Supply Chain Task Force and Human Rights Respect for Each Other: Spotlight on Total’s Guide on Dealing with Religious • In December 2017, we launched a pilot training Task Force. In this connection, we continue to Issues in the Workplace UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS program on human rights and the new Total contribute to IPIECA’s work on operationalizing the Global Procurement (TGP) methodology for UNGPs in the oil and gas industry value chain. We “Eight of ten people in the world identify as religious. With its presence in 130 countries, Total is a home to qualification of suppliers. also participate in the UN Global Compact Action many beliefs, and is committed to setting an example in terms of diversity. Furthermore, company employees Platform on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains. find themselves dealing with questions on the expression of religious beliefs more than ever before, and OUR DUE DILIGENCE ACTIONS local executives and managers may have difficulties in providing satisfactory responses. It is for the above reasons that in May 2017, Total issued for the first time in its history a pionneering Guide As part of the new TGP qualification and monitoring on dealing with religious issues within the Group. Many internal and external experts including various methodology which will be gradually launched across religious representatives contributed to this Guide. our business units starting 2018, a human rights risk Since it is easier to accept differences and minorities when we understand them, this Guide is intended to be educational. Current religious beliefs and practices described in it often vary depending on the individuals, their life experience, and the circumstances. It is accordingly critical to avoid stereotypes. NON-DISCRIMINATION AND GENDER DIVERSITY With a view to providing practical options in answer to questions raised by our employees and managers all over the world, this Guide draws on the experience in our business segments in various countries. These As a company with employees of diverse cultures, Our Diversity Council champions progress in gender examples demonstrate that it is possible to find solutions suitable for local contexts through dialogue, respect lifestyles, gender and perceptions, non-discrimination equality in the Total Group. The Council is chaired by a and listening to each other. and diversity is decisive for our commitment to respect member of the Executive Committee. The current focus Employees and managers are invited in this internal Guide to opt for proposed solutions that are appropriate human rights and for our competitiveness, capacity for areas of the Diversity Council are: to the situation at issue and compatible with the smooth operation of the business units. For instance, certain innovation and attractiveness. clothing, hairstyles, or symbols related to a religious practice are accepted in most of our business units, provided • Ensuring equal pay for men and women. that safety, the principles of our Code of Conduct and the applicable laws are respected.” STRENGTHENING OUR GOVERNANCE • Improving work-life balance. In March 2017, our CEO announced new corporate values Julie Vallat, Nathalie Komatitsch, which include the value of “Respect for Each Other.” In • Increasing gender diversity. Former Head of Human Rights New Head of Human Rights Department Department, Total SA line with our Code of Conduct, we promote Respect for • Helping change attitudes through awareness-raising Now Head of Societal Each Other by rejecting all forms of discrimination, whether initiatives, training and extensive communication. at Exploration & Production based on origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or membership of a political, labor or religious organization. These areas are still work in progress for us.
24 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 25 REINFORCING AWARENESS AND with Elles Bougent (Women on the Move), a TRAINING nonprofit that raises awareness among female high school students with some 130 female • We held the most recent edition of our mentors from the Total Group who regularly biennial Global Diversity Days in May talk to the girls about careers in science and 2017 with the theme: “Respect for Each technology. Other.” The event was held at more than 180 locations across the Group. It aimed We are also working at ensuring equal oppor- to encourage discussions and highlight tunities at work across the Group. This is work the practices in place at Total’s sites and in progress for us and there are opportunities business units worldwide that show their for continuous improvement. For example, the commitment to diversity. number of women considered as high potential at Total increased to 29% in 2016, compared • In December 2017, we held the third to 16% in 2005. Also, as of 2016, 89% of our edition of our Annual Business Ethics headquarters and business units’ management Day (to mark the UN International Human committees had at least one female member, Rights and Anti-Corruption Days). The compared to 45% in 2005. theme was Business and Respect for We are making progress in work-life balance. Each Other: How to Handle Dilemmas. We have clearly stated in the Total-IndustriALL It was also an opportunity to launch the global agreement that absences due to ma- “Practical Guide on Dealing with Religious ternity should have no negative impact on the Issues within the Total Group.” employees’ pay or on the progression of their career. We are also working to implement te- WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY lework and part-time work in specific situations. STRENGTHENING OUR GOVERNANCE the specific features of the various business activities. MOVING FROM POLICIES TO These principles apply in all our business units and at PRACTICE In March 2017, our CEO announced that Safety is a all our sites. We also seek to promote equivalent prin- OUR 2020 TARGET FOR GENDER DIVERSITY INCLUDES: value for Total. We consider the recruitment process as a star- ciples in joint ventures where we do not have operating ting point to reflect our commitment to gender In addition, in recent years, we have continued to de- control. HSE audits are periodically conducted in our diversity. For example, in 2016, we hired 42% velop standards relating to workplace health and safety business units based on the MAESTRO principles. For female employees in the Group (compared •W omen making up 25% of senior executives (up from with a focus on the rights to life and just and favorable example, in 2017, MAESTRO audits were conducted in to 34% in 2014). Furthermore, to encourage approximately 5% in 2004 and 21.1% in 2017). conditions of work. seven entities in our Exploration & Production business girls and young women to study the science, •N on-French nationals making up 40% of senior executives segment, eight entities in our Refining & Chemicals bu- In December 2017, a new Group directive on a unified siness segment and seventeen entities in our Marketing technology, engineering and mathematics (having represented approximately 19% in 2004 and 28.9% management system for health, safety and environment & Services business segment. ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: (STEM) subjects, we created a partnership in 2017). at Total, known as One-MAESTRO was published. Its •W omen making up more than 20% of management objective is to ensure greater overall consistency in the It should be noted that HSE performance is a criterion UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS committee members (headquarters and affiliates). health, safety & environment (HSE) practices in our bu- in determining the variable compensation of our mana- siness segments and business units, while respecting gement and employees. Focus on the Dynamics of Gender Diversity: Total in Egypt REINFORCING The 12 golden rules : AWARENESS AND DUE In 2015, Total Egypt decided to expand employment DILIGENCE ACTIONS opportunities for women. Five women were hired as pump attendants in service stations, a first in the country. Workplace health and safety is the Our customers and other stakeholders were happy to subject of continuous training for see women as pump attendants – a conventionally our management, employees and male-occupied role in the country. This diversity in the suppliers including through our workforce, especially in a field that had never been ente- signature “Annual Safety Days” on red by women before, has strengthened our reputation. the occasion of the World Day for The initiative also received mainstream media coverage Safety and Health at Work. in Egypt and beyond as well as on the social media. An e-learning tool developed to train See: staff on the Total’s 12 Golden Rules for HSE was deployed in 2016. The Golden Rules were rewritten as dans-une-station-service-une-premiere/5079719703001/ “musts” and “must nots” to ensure more effective implementation of the vice--Les-femmes--s%E2%80%99en-m%EAlent.aspx rules and facilitate monitoring of their application. the new format was published in April 2017, on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
26 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 27 ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT One of the priority programs launched in 2016 to sustain organized in October 2017. In all, in which 110 compa- the improvement of safety performance was the strengthe- nies participated, sharing common policies and rules on ning of the HSE practices of our external contractors, who ethics, health, safety, human rights and respect for the ISSUES IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES are statistically the main victims of accidents, including environment. On this occasion, awards in the categories the most severe accidents. The program of regular HSE of safety, digital innovation and operational excellence meetings with the management of external contractors, were presented to three companies, recognizing the ex- initiated in 2016 continued in 2017. cellence of their work. This is helping to promote a culture In line with internationally recognized human rights petroleum development and production in the Albertine of safety including safe, just and favorable conditions of standards, we require our business units to engage Graben area of the country. LARF proposes a voluntary “Total Suppliers Day” a day dedicated to Total’s strategic work in our supply chain. with their stakeholders on a regular basis and to avoid, and consistent approach that is compliant with Ugandan suppliers including some of our high-risk suppliers, – was minimize, mitigate and remedy (as appropriate) negative legislation, international standards and best practices to impacts on local communities related to their activities. further safeguard against social risks, such as, but not Our response to human rights issues relating to local limited to those associated with involuntary resettlement. SAFETY INDICATORS communities are coordinated by our societal/CSR teams The objective of LARF is to: TRIR : (a) working closely with the security and environment teams. • Clearly and comprehensively define a framework Number of recordable injuries Employees of external per million hours worked Employees of Total contractors (b) of terminology, objectives, policies, principles 1.17 and organizational arrangements that will govern 0.89 0.92 1.38 0.83 resettlement activities related to the project; 0.91 0.88 • Assist with the application of, and compliance with 0.99 0.88 national legal requirements and International Finance Corporation (IFC) standards; and • Provide practical guidance to project personnel (including joint venture partners, contractors and consultants) in the planning and implementing of the overall project. 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 REINFORCING AWARENESS AND TRAINING LTIR (b) : Number of lost time We continue to implement awareness-raising and training injuries per million hours SIR (c) : Average number of Number of occupational worked days lost per lost time injury fatalities STRENGTHENING OUR GOVERNANCE sessions on human rights and local communities for 9 relevant personnel, including a focus on our salient 30.23 30.11 Over the past year or so, we have recognized the need 0.66 human rights issues of access to land and right to ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: 0.58 27.57(e) to enhance understanding and implementation of our health and an adequate standard of living. The feedback 0.51 stakeholder management process by our practitioners UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS from these training sessions has helped us to further in the business units and sites. In June 2017, we issued improve our governance processes. It has also provided a Stakeholder Engagement Guide and Manual for our a platform for peer learning and experience sharing on Exploration & Production business segment. how various business units are managing human rights We seek to apply international best practice in our land issues related to local communities. 1 1 access and acquisition processes so as to avoid or Notably, in 2017 we organized two-day sessions minimize human rights impacts. For example, in December facilitated by a third party firm for our community liaison 2016, we finalized – in conjunction with the Government of officers (CLOs) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Uganda. 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 2017 2016 2015 Uganda and other oil and gas operators in the country – a This CLO training has now become an example of good Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF) for practice in our industry. (a) TRIR: Total Recordable Injury Rate. (c) LTIR: Lost Time Injury Rate. (b) Any employee of a service provider working at a Group- (d) SIR: Severity Injury Rate. operated site or assigned by a transportation company under (e) Excluding SAFT. a long-term contract. The Community Liaison Officer (CLOs) maintains a dialogue between the business unit and the local communities. CLOs, who are employees of Total and come from the local community and therefore speak the local language and understand local customs. As such they often play a key role in integrating the company Spotlight on Transportation Safety as a Salient Issue into the local context. In the area of road safety, improved performance by our transporters in terms of accidents, particularly in By way of example, in the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project to build a pipeline between Uganda countries where traffic regulations are weak and/or transportation infrastructure is poor, remains a constant and Tanzania, two additional CLOs were recruited on the Ugandan side, and six on the Tanzanian side, to concern for us. This includes preventing accidents that could harm road users. establish ongoing dialogue with the impacted communities. There are plans to recruit nine more CLOs in 2018. Our actions to promote awareness and training on transportation safety, carried out in recent years, reduced serious accidents relating ot our activities by more than 50% in the rate of serious accidents relating to our activities between 2013 and 2017. In our Marketing & Services business segment, a transporters’ inspec- In addition, in December 2017, we organized a societal, security, ethics and human rights workshop with a National tion program is being rolled out in Africa, Asia Pacific / Middle East and the Americas and is expected to Oil Corporation, a joint venture partner. be gradually extended to Eastern European countries in 2018.
28 • TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE TOTAL’S HUMAN RIGHTS BRIEFING PAPER UPDATE • 29 Cooperation with National Oil Corporation in Libya Proactive Stakeholder Dialogue – The example of Total E&P Egypt “Total has been active in Libya for more than 60 years, with a focus on onshore and offshore oil exploration In 2015, Total E&P Egypt was awarded an onshore exploration block in the Nile Delta. and production. In light of the fragile security situation, our operations in the country have been interrupted The block covers a densely populated rural region where around 53,000 people live. at various times. Prior to starting its drilling campaign, and taking into consideration the dense population of the We permanently work with the Libyan National Oil Corporation (NOC), our partner in all the joint ventures, area, TEP Egypt started its social and environmental baseline studies and impact assessment through ongoing dialogue and experience-sharing to build knowledge and capacity in a meaningful and studies almost one year and a half before the exploration activities were to be launched. understandable way on the responsibility to respect all ethical principles that Total has committed to. For Total E&P Egypt has also put in place its grievance management procedure that was widely example, in December 2017, we organized a Societal, Security, Ethics and Human Rights Workshop with the communicated in the surrounding villages through town hall meetings and the distribution of NOC and Mabruk Oil Operations, the joint venture company we have with flyers that explained the grievance management process. This prepared community residents the NOC to operate some of our assets in Libya. The workshop provided an to be able to report any concerns and/or complaints they may have regarding the company’s opportunity to listen to the NOC’s difficulties and constraints, and share with upcoming operational activities. them our commitments, methods and constraints as well as opportunities to implement these topics in relation to our operations in Libya. We were also An onsite Community Liaison Office (CLO) was also appointed to ensure ongoing dialogue able to share our learnings and experience from other countries with similar with the communities, a big part of the CLO’s responsibility being the identification of weak conflict-sensitive contexts where we have operations and have been able to signals and providing first level response to concerns and grievances. make some modest progress in implementing our principles. NOC is promoting the needs for transparency and support of local commu- nities and is eager to continue its co-operation with Total and other foreign companies in the above-mentioned areas.” Jean-Daniel Blasco, Access to Land Managing Director, Total E&P Libya We recognize that land acquisition and resettlement in relation to our projects can be quite complex and that a comprehensive land tenure identification framework is usually key to effectively managing the issues. This remains work in progress for us. OUR DUE DILIGENCE ACTIONS In our Marketing & Services business Stakeholder Relations segment, a specific module on stakeholder relations, developed in 2012, has now Access to Land: Focus on the Tilenga Oil Development Project and ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: ADDRESSING OUR SALIENT ISSUES: Our Stakeholder Relationship Management Tool+ (SRM+) been deployed widely. In 2016 and 2017 the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project is an effective tool for defining and regularly re-adjusting it was deployed in Bangladesh, Brazil, UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS UPDATE AND NEXT STEPS the societal/CSR strategy of our business units. Based China, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Poland, “Our Exploration & Production teams are currently developing two onshore projects in Uganda on identifying and mapping our main stakeholders and Romania and Vietnam. and Tanzania: the Tilenga oil development project and the EACOP export pipeline project. a clear understanding of local expectations and issues, One characteristic of these two onshore projects is that land is needed for the infrastructure. We also developed MOST (Management the aim is to assess the quality of the relationship and The project occupies a lot of land, for its roughly 400 production and injection wells, central Operational Societal Tool) which allows then jointly define an action plan to build a long-term processing facility (CPF), which will span 300 hectares, and, of course, the pipeline that will societal/CSR teams at the business units trusting relationship grounded in respect for human rights. link the CPF to the port of Tanga, in Tanzania. Several local communities will therefore be level to manage stakeholder relations, Since 2006, SRM+ has been implemented in over 100 community-related grievances and socio- affected. This human aspect is one of the most sensitive aspects of our work. entities, Deployment continued in 2017: economic projects. Specific modules As a company aiming to be the responsible energy major, we must take a demanding and (access to land, compensation and transparent approach to such a process. For both host countries, Tilenga and EACOP are • In two Exploration & Production business units community employment) can be added to projects in the public interest and fundamental to the socio-economic development of the (in Nigeria, focusing on an onshore asset in the this common framework. In 2016, the tool region. The downside of this footprint is that some communities will be relocated. We have production phase, and in Uganda, where the was deployed in three new countries (Angola, to make sure that as few people as possible are affected. business unit is currently in the pre-project phase); Argentina and Papua New Guinea), bringing • In Refining & Chemicals, at the Grandpuits to 15 the number of Exploration & Production The keys to acceptance are a method governed by stringent international standards, listening and dialogue, diligent infor- Gargenville and Carling complexes in France. business units that use it. mation sharing, ongoing sensitization and fair compensation to create a significant consensus about the project. In doing this, we pay close attention to each country’s specific requi- rements and practices as well as international best practices, as we do everywhere Total operates. It’s a tangible application of one of our values “Respect for Each Other.”” Ahlem Friga-Noy, Vice President, Public Affairs, Africa, Total Exploration & Production
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