UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union

Page created by Katherine Newton
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
INSIDE: Suicide prevention Heart health Pensions

                      Winter 2020 The magazine for construction sector members

buildingWORKER                                                                       Construction, Allied
                                                                                   Trades and Technicians

                                   tackling the

 Unite fighting for               Unite apprentice                          Unite tackling
  workers’ rights                  award winner                             mental health
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
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            2            Construction, Allied
                       Trades and Technicians
                                                Autumn 2019
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
Winter 2020 The magazine for Unite
                            construction sector members

buildingWORKER                                                                                          Dear Colleagues,

                                                                                                        I want to begin by wishing all

                                                                                                        construction workers a happy
                                                                                                        New Year.

                                                                                                        By the time you receive this
                                                                                                        members are likely to be
 3   Gail Cartmail, assistant 		                                                                        coping with the challenges
     general secretary, editorial                                                                       faced by the winter months,
 			                                                                                                    with bad weather and the
 4   National news                                                                                      lack of daylight making work
 6   Regional news                                                                                      This year we also have the additional headache created by a
                                                                                                        very disappointing general election result to contend with.
 8   Pay and bargaining update                                                                          Clearly the Conservative government has no interest in
                                                                                                        tackling the challenges that our industry faces such as bogus
                                                                                                        self-employment, a lack of apprenticeships, and a short term
 9   International news                                                                                 hire and fire culture, to name but three.

 10 Suicide prevention advice                                                                           It is why it is vitally important that we redouble our efforts to
                                                                                                        ensure that all the sections that comprise Unite construction
                                                                                                        sector from workers in new build construction, housing
 12 Anti-suicide poster                                                                                 maintenance workers, highway operatives, building materials
                                                                                                        workers and those in open cast coal mining, are properly
Construction workers have                                                                               represented and new members recruited.
a high risk of suicide                                                                                  In the last three years since we became one single
                                                           Make sure your friends                       construction union, there has been a huge number of new
                                                           and workmates are OK
                                                                                                        members join our union. Although it needs to be recognised,
                                                           Don’t be afraid to ask how
                                                           someone really is                            that with companies collapsing and workers frequently
                                                           A short conversation could
                                                                                                        moving jobs and even leaving the industry, growth is not
                                                           save someone’s life                          always straightforward.
                                                    For more information go to
                                                                                                        It is why it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that we
                                                                                                        recruit as many members as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask
                         @unitetheunion   @unitetheunion    Unitetheunion
                                                                                                        your fellow colleagues to join, the worse they can say is no.
                                                                                                        The stronger Unite is in your workplace, the higher the level
                                                                                                        of pay, the better the conditions and the safer the site.
 14 Skanska campaign
                                                                                                        Increasing our membership puts us in a far stronger position,
 15 Construction workers’ pensions                                                                      to challenge employers to improve their practices nationally,
                                                                                                        to seek improvements to our national agreements and to
                                                                                                        lobby the government (however unfriendly) to bring in
 16 Heart health                                                                                        policies which will improve the working lives of construction
 18 Sector conference report
                                                                                                        The trade union movement was built on collectivism and
 20 RIFT financial advice                                                                               unity and those merits will continue to underpin our success,
                                                                                                        who ever you voted for Unite your union will be standing up
                                                                                                        for you wherever you work and live”?
 21 Legal update

 22 Unite recommends
                                                                                                        Gail Cartmail,
 23 Membership form                                                                                     assistant general secretary

 Back cover: buildingWORKER opt in
                                                                                                                                                                    n, Allied
                                                                                                                                                      Trades and
                                                                            3        Construction, Allied
                                                                                   Trades and Technicians
                                                                                                             Winter 2020                                         Technician
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
Anti-choking dust
campaign launched
   Unite has given its backing to a new campaign launched by         tiles, concrete and materials. Construction workers are
   health and safety activists Hazards, the magazine for health      particularly at risk of being exposed to high levels of silica.
   and safety activists, to halve the legally permissible exposure   The campaign is in the form of an online postcard campaign
   level to silica dust. Which could save 40,000 lives a year.       which are sent to Sarah Albon the new chief executive of
                                                                                                  the Health and Safety Executive
   The campaign titled                              Construction workers are                      and can be found at http://www.
   ‘choked’ argues that the                         at particular risk of being                   hazardscampaign.org.uk/silica.
   current legal exposure limit                     exposed to silica
   of 0.1 mg/m3 should be at                                                                        As there is a long latency period
                                  Mark Thomas

   least halved to 0.05 mg/                                                                         between being exposed to silica
   m3. The current legal level                                                                      and developing a potentially
   in the UK is double the                                                                          fatal disease. Unite has launched
   limit in the United States                                                                       a silica register which can
   and many other european                                                                          be found at https://www.
   countries have a lower                                                                           unitelegalservices.org/services/
   exposure limit.                                                                                  silica-dust.

   Over 600,000 workers are                                                                         Workers who are exposed
   regularly exposed to silica                                                                      to silica should record their
   at work which is created                                                                         exposure. If they then develop a
   when cutting, grinding and                                                                       silica-related illness later in life,
   drilling substances such as                                                                      the register will assist in helping
   rocks and sand. Silica is a                                                                      the worker make a claim for
   major constituent in bricks,                                                                     damages.

Unite calls for action to
preserve nuclear skills
Following news that the Hinkley Point           facilities in Cumbria
C development of a new nuclear power            and Anglesey.
station will cost an additional £2.9
billion, Unite has called for urgent            The only new nuclear
reforms and the government to learn             power station in the
the lessons of the challenges faced             pipeline is Sizewell                                                                        Hydrock
by the client EDF in developing the             C. Unite believes it is
project.                                        essential that there is
                                                no delay between the
The government needs to radically               completion of Hinkley
revise the laissez-faire policy of simply       and Sizewell beginning
hoping that private companies will              to ensure that specialist
come forward and build incredibly               skills are not lost.
complicated strategic infrastructure
projects. This is simply not an adequate        Unite assistant                            Government must learn
strategy to keep the lights on.                 general secretary                          lessons from Hinkley
                                                Gail Cartmail said: “The challenges        Point development
The government’s failure to involve             faced by EDF demonstrate why the
itself in the planning of nuclear               government must introduce a proactive      with the private sector to develop
power stations has resulted in private          industrial strategy which will allow       future infrastructure projects that are
companies pulling out of building new           the government to work in partnership      desperately needed.”

                                                4     Construction, Allied
                                                    Trades and Technicians
                                                                             Winter 2020
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
HS2 anti-union                                                                           NATIONAL
         busting campaign
         stepped up
         Unite has stepped up its campaign          has been made and as a result
         to end union busting on the HS2            protests have been stepped up.
                                                    A major demonstration was
         Since the beginning of the year Unite      held at the Euston site in
         has been in dispute with the Costain       October. There were sufficient
         and Skanska Joint Venture (CSJV) at        numbers of protesters to close
         Euston station as the union has been       all the gates at the site, which
         barred from the normal practice of         caused considerable disruption.
         speaking to workers in workplace
         canteens during their breaks.              The action at Euston was           Unite has stepped up its anti-
                                                    followed up by protests at         union busting campaign on HS2
         The union busting activities of CSJV,      the HS2 headquarters in
         has occurred despite the relevant          central Birmingham and the               of union busting and HS2 has acted as
         unions signing a framework agreement       Costain headquarters in Maidenhead,      their conduit.
         with the client HS2, which sought to       Berkshire. A further large demo was
         ensure good industrial relations.          held at Euston in November.              “Unite is not seeking special favours
                                                                                             it is simply looking to ensure that
         Despite negotiations continuing            Unite national officer Jerry Swain       normal practices are applied on all
         throughout the summer no progress          said “Costain and Skanska are guilty     HS2 sites”.

         Construction injuries rise                                                               New report
                                                                                                  reveals asbestos
         and prosecutions fall                                                                    failings
         Unite has raised concerns that             The increase in injuries and decrease         A report by the think tank ResPublica
         construction injuries have risen for the   in prosecutions risks reversing the           has found that children in the UK are
         first time in five years.                  steady progress in construction               legally allowed to be exposed to 10
                                                    safety. In 2018/19 construction               times as much asbestos, then in other
         The number of non-fatal construction       fatalities fell to a record low for the       European countries such as France and
         injuries per 100,000 rose from 359 in      industry of 30.                               Germany.
         2017/18 to 366 in 2018/19.
                                                    Unite national officer Jerry Swain said:      Research has found that 94 per cent
         During the same timeframe there            “These figures are deeply worrying.           of NHS buildings and 80 per cent of
         was also a 22 per cent decrease in the     While of course we welcome that the           schools contain asbestos.
         number of construction prosecutions        number of deaths has decreased, this
         being undertaken by the Health and         has to be tempered with the fact that         The report called for a phased removal
         Safety Executive (HSE) which fell from     construction injuries have gone up.           of asbestos from public buildings, for
         202 to an all time low of just 158.                                                      UK asbestos regulations to be brought
                                                                         “The increase in         up to the strictest european standards
                                                                         injuries is likely to    and for a registry of public buildings
                                                                         in part be a result of   that contain asbestos.
                                                                         employers failing to

                                                                         comply with safety       Unite national officer for local
                                                                         laws.”                   authorities Jim Kennedy said: “This
                                                                                                  report is a damning indictment of the
                                                        Workers need to be extra                  government’s utter disregard of the
                                                        vigilant as accidents                     very real risks asbestos poses not just
                                                        increase on sites                         to hundreds of thousands of public
                                                                                                  sector workers, but children, patients
                                                                                                  and the millions of other people who
                                                                                                  use public buildings.”

                                                    5     Construction, Allied
                                                        Trades and Technicians
                                                                                 Winter 2020
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
Unite sponsors
Unite was the principal sponsor            region Karen Reay said: “Unite
for Leeds college’s annual Building        has long been a champion of
Industry Greats (BIG) awards,              construction apprentices.
which celebrates and recognises the
achievements of apprentices in the         “By sponsoring the BIG
construction industry.                     awards Unite is in a small way
                                           demonstrating our commitment
Notable winners at this year’s awards      to young people
held in the autumn included Unite          seeking to enter        Unite official officials Mark Martin (left)
member Erneliana Daniel, who was           the construction        and Karl Stephenson (right) with Erneliana
awarded the prestigious Governor’s         industry.”              Daniel (centre) who was awarded the
award. Unite regional secretary for the                                 governor’s apprentice award
North East, Yorkshire and Humber

Glasgow addresses period poverty
Unite members at Glasgow City              products if they require them.             management to ensure that sanitary
Building, which undertakes                 In a separate initiative City Building     products should be made freely
maintenance and repair work on the         has also introduced a system to supply     available to all our female staff if
city’s social housing, have ensured that   apprentices with free condoms. Every       needed. This is a simple case of human
management have introduced systems         year City Building recruits a large        dignity.
to ensure that female staff members do     number of apprentices including
not experience period poverty.             female apprentices.                        “The free condoms help to ensure safe
                                                                                      sex and that our apprentices take a
The organisation’s female staff            Unite convenor Darren Burrows              responsible attitude to sex.”
members can now access sanitary            said: “Unite negotiated with

Crossrail Bond Street health fears
Unite has been at the forefront of         quality testing at the site and                         Unite has been
reassuring worried construction workers    the result showed that there was                        tackling union busting
following a series of unexpected           nothing untoward.                                       and concerns about
deaths at the Crossrail Bond Street                                                                safety at Bond Street
development being built by the Costain     However, the union’s efforts
and Skanska Joint Venture (CSJV).          were hampered by the attitude
                                           of the CSJV management which
Four workers have died in their sleep      upbraided Unite regional officer
while working at the site last year,       Guy Langston for failing to jump
including two in close proximity to        through the necessary huge number
each other in the autumn.                  of hoops that had been set up for
                                           union officials visiting the site.
As a consequence concerns were raised
that there was a problem with the          CSJV initially implied that Mr
quality of the air on the project.         Langston would also not be allowed to      However, once Unite publicised this
                                           be present when the independent air        latest example of union busting by
In order to reassure the workers Unite     quality monitoring results were made       CSJV, they were forced to relent and
helped to organise independent air         known.                                     allow Mr Langston to attend.

                                           6     Construction, Allied
                                               Trades and Technicians
                                                                        Winter 2020
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
Glasgow Multiplex                                                                     REGIONAL
tackling mental ill
As part of last years World Mental         about how everyone can play
Health day on Thursday 10 October,         a role in improving workplace
Unite convenor Paul Mooney helped          mental health.
to organise an event to highlight
mental health at the Multiplex             Such events are particularly
development at Glasgow University.         important as construction
                                           workers admit they suffer
Mental health first aiders were on         from high levels of mental ill
hand to give advice and assistance at      health and some construction
the event which was held in the site’s     professions have suicide rates
canteen.                                   three times the national             Workers at the Multiplex site
                                           average.                             at Glasgow University received
Multiplex supplied breakfast rolls, teas                                        information and advice on World
and coffees and workers were supplied      • Suicide preventation article on    Mental Health Day
with information and given talks            page 10-11

Colchester memorial for
construction worker held
Colchester Trades Council held a           The memorial anniversary                   Members of Mr Vanbergh’s family
memorial meeting in October to             coincided with the beginning of            were also present.
make the 25 anniversary of the death       European Health and Safety Week
of Dutch construction worker Joop          in October.                                Mr Langston said: “Each and every
Vanbergh.                                                                             construction death should be marked
                                           Speakers at the event included Kitty       and remembered. Twenty five years
Mr Vanbergh was killed while               Jong the vice president of Dutch           after Joop Vanbergh was killed his
building the Hythe Bridge bypass in        construction union FNV and Unite           family still feel that loss.”
the town.                                  regional officer Guy Langston.

Assurances given on Lincolnshire
power station jobs
Unite has secured assurances that          secured the contract to build the          has its own supply of highly skilled
local workers will be used in a            boiler and indicated they would use        and hard working trades people, so
high profile power station in north        Spanish labour.                            there is no reason why they shouldn’t
Lincolnshire.                                                                         be used.
                                           Following negotiations held by Unite
A protest was held at the Keadby site      regional official John McIntyre,           “At present, there is no reason to
near Scunthorpe in November which          agreement was secured that local           believe that the pledges we have
is being built by Seimens on behalf of     labour will be used on the site and a      received from Seimens and Babcock
energy firm SSE, as there were fears       recruitment process was imminent.          Montajes will not be honoured.
that an agreement to recruit local
labour was being flouted.                  John McIntyre said: “Unite has             “Should the situation change,
                                           secured assurances that the promises       however, Unite will do everything
The fears about local labour arose         to use local labour on the Keadby 2        in its power to ensure these
after Spanish firm Babcock Montajes        project will be kept. The local area       commitments are upheld.”

                                           7     Construction, Allied
                                               Trades and Technicians
                                                                        Winter 2020
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
           Craftworkers waiting for                 rates are above those covered in the            A two hour reduction in the
                                                    agreement.                                      working week
           pay claim response
           A pay claim has been submitted for                                                       A comprehensive joint national
                                                    For workers who are paid on the
           construction maintenance workers                                                         review of the workplace causes of
                                                    existing red book rates the claim
           employed in local authorities and                                                        stress and mental ill health
                                                    demands that these rates are
           covered by the “red book” agreement.     benchmarked and paid in line with the           A significant increase in tool
                                                    average pay rates for local authority           allowance and insurance payments
           In response to the real terms pay        craft workers.
                                                                                                    A commitment to the continuation
           cut of 22 per cent that workers on
                                                                                                    of the red book agreement.
           the agreement have suffered in the       The claim is also seeking:
           last decade, the claim is for a 10
                                                        An additional one day increase in        The employers have delayed giving a
           per cent increase for all workers
                                                        annual leave                             formal response to the pay claim until
           covered by the agreement, whose pay
                                                                                                 the new year.

           Salford housing                          This deal was especially attractive to       resolution will herald a new era of
                                                    the workers on the legacy contracts as       better employment relations with
           maintenance workers                      they maintain a final salary pension         the royal borough of Greenwich
           secure pay deal                          scheme, sick pay of six months full pay      management.”
                                                               and six months half pay and
                                                               33 days of holiday.               Negotiations set for 2020
                                                                                                 The coming year will be a key time
                                                                 Greenwich                       for Unite’s industrial agreements, with
                                                                 housing workers                 pay and conditions negotiations set for
                                                                 strike resolved                 many agreements. This includes the
                                                                                                 National Agreement for Engineering
                                                                 Over 120 housing repair         Construction Industry (NAECI),
                                                                 workers at Greenwich            the Joint Industry Board (JIB) for
                                                                 council suspended strike        electricians, the civils agreement the
                                                                 action in October following     CIJC and the heating and ventilation
                                                                 last ditch negotiations.        agreement (HVCA/BEIS).
             Salford housing workers
             agreed a pay deal                                  The dispute was about a          For the first time Unite’s pay and
                                                                new pay structure, which         conditions claims will also address
                                                    would have resulted in the workforce         mental health concerns. The already
           Over 100 workers employed by             facing a serious loss of pay.                tabled NAECI claim includes a call for
           Liberty Group on the Forviva housing
                                                                                                 mental health awareness training for
           contract on Salford council housing,     As part of the agreement which was           Unite reps.
           have secured a three year pay deal and   led by Unite regional officer Onay
           preserved their terms and conditions.    Kasab, any
           The workers overwhelmingly voted for     reduction in pay
           industrial action in the dispute over    will be minimised,
           pay and conditions.                      pay protection will
                                                    be introduced and
           Following the vote Unite regional        no changes will be
           officer Colin Carr, returned to the      implemented while
           negotiating table.                       talks continue.
                                                    The talks will also

           Management then offered a three          include bringing
           year pay deal of pay increases tied to   back more council
           the consumer price index (CPI) and       work in-house.
           the guarantee that workers on legacy
           contracts would preserve their terms                                                 Solidarity in Greenwich
                                                    Onay Kasab said:
           and conditions.                                                                      has preserved pay rates
                                                    We hope this

                                                    8      Construction, Allied
                                                         Trades and Technicians
                                                                                  Winter 2020
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
Unions key to                                                                           INTERNATIONAL

            ending kafala                                                                           NEWS
            system in Qatar
                                                               recently agreed that the kafala      will come into effect. When a ruling is
                                                               system, which bound migrant          made by the labour dispute resolution
                                                               construction workers to their        committee, the unpaid wages will
                                                               employer and prevented them          be paid from the funds and then the
                                                               leaving the country without the      money will be later secured from the
                                                               employer’s permission will no        employer, ensuring workers are paid

                                                                                                                                              Isles Yacht Club
                                                               longer apply.                        more quickly.

                                                               In future, workers covered by        The BWI, with support from Unite,

                                                               the labour code will no longer       has been undertaking extensive work
                                                               require an exit permit to leave      and support in Qatar for many years,
          Trade unions are significantly                       the country.                         since the high death rates and the
          improving working conditions                                                              shocking conditions that migrant
          in Qatar                                      In a further positive advance, a Labour     workers were enduring in the country
                                                        dispute resolution committee has            emerged.
            The Building and Woodworkers                been established which will examine
            International (BWI) , the global            employment issues and should                Through the BWI’s actions site safety
            federation of construction unions,          provide a response within three weeks.      has improved, living conditions have
            has secured a significant victory in        However as the BWI is aware this            got better and some rudimentary
            its battle for trade union rights and       will still result in backlogs, it is also   workers’ committees have been
            decent treatment of construction            seeking the establishment of a ‘quick       established in a country where trade
            workers in Qatar.                           justice’ system to ensure these matters     unions are still in theory illegal.
                                                        are dealt with promptly.
            As part of the BWI’s lobbying,                                                          Trade unions are significantly
            which is linked to Qatar hosting the        As a further positive from early 2019 ,     improving working conditions in
            2022 football World Cup, it was             a workers’ support and insurance fund       Qatar.

            Unite assists in Paris Olympics
            Unite has been assisting sister unions in   The presentation highlighted Unite’s        Unite’s
            France prepare for the Paris Olympics       approach to industrial relations,           presentation was
            in 2024 to ensure that workers are          which included the need for direct          part of a wider
            fairly treated and that lessons learned     employment, health and safety and           Building and
            from the London Games in 2012 are           protection for migrant workers.             Woodworkers
            not lost.                                                                               International
                                                        Partly as a result of the positive role     initiative to ensure
            Last autumn Unite development officer       played by the unions the London             that workers
            Steve Craig made a presentation to the      Olympics were the safest on record.         building the
            French construction unions.                                                             facilities for mega
                                                        Steve Craig said: “Unite’s presentation     sporting events
            The presentation focused on the             drew on our experience and lessons          (World Cups,
            joint working between UK unions             we have learnt during the London            Olympics etc) are
            and the Olympic Delivery Authority          Olympics. Unite’s approach will help        well paid with

            (ODA) which led to the signing of           inform the approach of the French           proper union
            the memorandum of understanding             unions and provided demonstrable            recognition.
            and other agreements which framed           evidence of the ‘added value’ unions
            the industrial relations on the London      bring to the development of global              Unite is providing assistance
            games.                                      mega sporting events.”                          to ensure that workers on the
                                                                                                        forthcoming Paris Olympics
                                                                                                        are well treated

                                                        9     Construction, Allied
                                                            Trades and Technicians
                                                                                     Winter 2020
UNITE tackling the challenges - buildingWORKER - Unite the union
SUICIDE PREVENTION 		                                                                                                                  BY R

Tackling suic
Have you ever wondered what the              only around a third of suicides have had
biggest cause of death in men is?            contact with mental health services in
                                             the year before their death.
It’s not heart disease, cancer or even
road traffic accidents, but suicide - over   Suicide is a hidden concern, as over
6,000 people took their own life last        half of people who die by suicide are
year and 75 per cent were male.              unknown to health services. There is a
                                             need to educate people into identifying
Men under 50 are particularly                the signs and signpost of those at risk to       Talking about feelings is
vulnerable and if they work in the           appropriate services.                            difficult but it may save
construction industry they are three                                                          someone’s life
times more likely to die from suicide        To achieve this there is a need for a
than the average male in the UK.             cultural change, and we need to get
                                                                                               By asking someone how they are it
                                             people talking again about how they
                                                                                               gives that person permission to talk
So why is this happening?                    are feeling – never more so than in
                                                                                               about how they are feeling
                                             industries like construction which is
It’s an industry dominated by men, shift     male dominated and often populated by             Asking someone about suicide will
work and working away from home and          those in middle age.                              not make them think, or act on it.
perhaps the culture is not to discuss                                                          In general terms they have already
emotions.                                    Getting people to talk to                         contemplated that, but having a
                                                                                               friend expressing concern may be
How many times have you met a friend         each other                                        the thing that shows people do care
or workmate and asked, or been asked:        The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA)                   and life is worth living.
“Alright mate, haven’t seen you for          believes a key part of tackling this
ages, how are you doing?”                    problem is getting everyone to talk to         The best teams in sport communicate
                                             each other. They believe:                      during the match (their working day) to
Usually the reply is: “I’m fine”                                                            know where they are and what’s going
                                                  As work colleagues you generally
What if the answer was: “Mate,                                                              on around them.
                                                  have a better understanding of how
I’m feeling really down. My wife is
                                                  the pressures of the job can affect
constantly on at me to get these jobs                                                       Are you able to ‘SEE’ the signs your
                                                  you, and the people you work with
done in the house, and I’m absolutely                                                       mate is giving out?
shattered. I just can’t cope with it any          In the skilled labour industry the
more and I just need a way out.”                  rates of suicide are high due to the      Do you understand what he’s trying to
                                                  pressures of the job, but also the free   ‘SAY’ and can you ‘SIGNPOST’ that
Would you know what to                            access to the means via materials,        pass to bring him the greatest glory in
                                                  heavy machinery or high open areas.       winning the game?
Suicide is often seen as a problem that      Talking about suicide is difficult, but        Or do you think that pass (conversation)
affects only people with mental health       here’s some guidance to approaching            is too difficult to make and you let him
problems, specifically depression. Yet       that conversation:                             run alone and offside?

                                             10      Construction, Allied
                                                   Trades and Technicians
                                                                            Winter 2020

cide on sites

                                                                                                    Talking and listening to
                                                                                                    what people say can reveal
                                                                                                    if they have a problem

         What are the signs?                              Allow for periods of silence, it             You could support them in either
                                                          maybe that the person is gathering           of these options by attending
         Seeing the signs that someone is
                                                          their thoughts                               and helping to explain what is
         potentially becoming a greater risk of
         suicide, can be obvious, like:                   Don’t judge that person’s thoughts,
                                                          feelings or emotions
            Turning up for work late, regularly                                                     If the person has a plan then the
                                                          Try to avoid asking questions with a      concern does become greater and you
            Being off sick, on more occasions
                                                          ‘Yes/No’ answer                           will need to alert professional staff.
            than before
                                                                                                    You will need to direct the person to
                                                          Clarify you have understood what’s
            Not getting involved in the banter                                                      the local accident and emergency A&E
                                                          been said, but don’t interrupt.
                                                                                                    department and accompanying them
            Isolating themselves from the group.
                                                                                                    will ensure professional help is delivered
                                                     How can you help?                              appropriately, and the professionals
         Just because some, or all, of these signs
                                                     If you do find time to talk, and there are     understand what is happening.
         are present it doesn’t mean that person
         is suicidal. There may be other things      issues raised that cause concern, there
                                                     are things you can still do that could         Not everyone will be suicidal, even
         going on in their life that you don’t
                                                     help that person, such as:                     if they do show some of the signs
         know about, unless you ask.
                                                                                                    mentioned above, but having that talk
                                                          Asking if they have a plan will
                                                                                                    may contribute to their safety.
         If you do notice any of these or other           indicate how serious the likelihood
         behaviours that may be considered                of suicide is
                                                                                                    You may never know that you have
         unusual, there are a few things you
                                                          If there is no plan for how they          saved someone’s life, but it’s far better
         could do:
                                                          intend to take their life and they just   not to know if you did, than to not
            Find a good time and place to talk,           have had thoughts you can signpost        know them ever again.
            like in the van or on a tea break             them to local support
            Try not to talk about yourself                                                          For further information go to is https://
                                                          This could by getting them to
                                                          contact their GP for an appointment

                                                     11      Construction, Allied
                                                           Trades and Technicians
                                                                                    Winter 2020
a high risk of

       unitetheunion1    @unitetheunion
workers have
                   Make sure your friends
                   and workmates are OK

                   Don’t be afraid to ask how
                   someone really is

                   A short conversation could
                   save someone’s life

            For more information go to

  @unitetheunion    Unitetheunion
MULTINATIONALS 		                                                                             BY STEPHEN JAMES

Skanska’s tainted
Skanska is one of the best known names       The charge sheet
in the UK construction industry.             against Skanska in
                                             the UK is very long.
The multinational, company whose             It was discovered in
headquarters are in Sweden presents          2009 that Skanska
itself as a progressive, green and ethical   was a leading member
company.                                     of the Consulting
                                             Association, which
Skanska’s mission statement claims           blacklisted over 3,000
that its standards are based on United       construction workers.
Nations (UN) Declaration of Human
Rights, the conventions of the UN’s          It was later discovered                       Skanska is guilty of union
International Labour Organisation            that Skanska was
                                                                                           busting on its HS2 site at
(ILO) and the UN’s Guiding Principles        making            more
on Business and Human Rights.                blacklisting checks than any other
                                                                                           Euston in London
                                             blacklister and between 1996 and 2009
Skanska claims: “We are proud of             the company spent £216,000 on ruining       concerns including: wages, undeclared
the ethical business practices that we       the lives of construction workers.          (illegal) labour and health and safety
have established …We cannot accept                                                       after several deaths on its sites.
unethical behaviour.”                        Skanska claimed that it had learnt
                                             its lesson and cleaned up its act but a     This followed earlier protests by
                                             leopard does not easily change its spots.   the International Union of Painters
                                             On the Crossrail project it has become      and Allied Trades of North America
                                             increasingly evident that at the very       (IUPAT), who protested over £2 million
                                             least Skanska was guilty of extreme         in unpaid wages.
                                             vetting to prevent trade unionists who
                                             had raised legitimate safety concerns       The union delegation included members
                                             from being re-employed on the project.      of Byggnads the Swedish construction
                                                                                         union. The delegation who had a copy
                                             While currently on HS2 Skanska              of Skanska’s BWI framework agreement
                                             together with the joint venture partner     with them, were initially granted access
                                             Costain are guilty of union busting.        to the site before them being forced to
  Members of the                             They are defying clear agreements made      leave. The union delegation were locked
  international delegation                   by HS2 to allow union’s access to their     out and the workforce locked in.
  who sought access to                       site at Euston.
                                                                                         Further investigations revealed that
  Skanska’s Nashville site
                                             It is not just in the UK that Skanska is    while Skanska were happy to allow
                                             guilty of poor behaviour.                   undocumented workers on its site to
As part of its shiny exterior Skanska,                                                   work, if one of these workers experienced
signed a global framework agreement          Skanska is a major player in the United     a workplace accident, the company then
with the Building and Woodworkers            States and the construction unions there    washed their hands of them and refused
International (BWI), which should            are stepping up their campaign against      to even pay their medical expenses.
ensure fair treatment of workers and         Skanska.
recognition of unions around the world.                                                  Going forward Unite is looking
However, like many of Skanska’s              Last autumn a delegation of                 to expand the co-ordinated global
commitments, outside of its native           international trade unionists visited       campaign, especially in Sweden to put
Sweden, what the company says and            Skanska’s Fifth and Broadway project        pressure on Skanska to abide by its own
what it does are entirely different.         in Nashville Tennessee, to investigate      rules.

                                             14     Construction, Allied
                                                  Trades and Technicians
                                                                           Winter 2020
PENSIONS                      		                                                                   BY BARCKLEY SUMNER

One of the major failings of the             Even worse many self-employed                         can legally delay a worker paying into
construction industry is after a lifetime    construction workers and particularly                 a pension scheme for the first three
of physical work, many construction          those who have been paid cash in hand                 months of employment.
workers are left in poverty in retirement    or had spells working abroad may
due to a lack of a pension.                  have holes in their national insurance                With many engagements being short,
                                             contributions (NICS), which could                     this means it is simply not worth opting
Like many problems in construction it        affect their entitlement to a state                   into a scheme as once contributions start
is one the industry has failed to resolve.   pension. You currently need to have                   to be made the worker moves jobs and
                                             made NICS for 35 years in order to                    the whole qualifying period is restarted.
Which is why Unite welcomed the              receive the full state pension.                       Unite assistant general secretary Gail
introduction of the auto-enrolment                                                                 Cartmail said: “These figures show the
pensions regime.                             A further problem with take up affects                government’s auto enrolment pension
                                             workers who are forced to work under                  policies are failing construction workers.
 For the first time, unless a worker         an umbrella company. One of the                       Resulting in hundreds of thousands
chooses to ‘opt out’ they were obliged       perversities of an umbrella company is                facing poverty in retirement.
to have a workplace pension and their        that for national insurance purposes the
employer had to make set contributions.      worker is treated as both the employer                “Rather than tackle the factors which
                                             and the employee.                                     make it difficult or impossible for
However like most things in                                                                        construction workers to save for a
construction the solution to construction    The same applies to auto-enrolment. A                 pension,    successive   Conservative
worker poverty in retirement, has not        worker signed up to auto-enrolment has                governments ignored the problem.
been easily resolved.                        to pay eight per cent of their eligible
                                             earnings (five per cent employees                     “Until rampant casualisation and bogus
Figures obtained by Unite, from a            contributions and three per cent                      self-employment are tackled, workers
Freedom of Information request to the        employers contributions). Given the other             are not going to be eligible or prepared
Department of Work and Pensions, has         excessive deductions they face, pension               to register for a workplace pension.”
revealed that just 23 per cent of blue       contributions become unaffordable to
collar construction workers are paying       many umbrella company victims.                          Construction workers
into a workplace pension.
                                                                                                     are facing many
                                             The final problem is that under the
                                                                                                     obstacles in saving for
There are 1.5 million construction           auto-enrolment rules an employer
workers in manual trades and just                                                                    retirement
349,000 are paying into a pension.
                                             Getty Images

While, the number of workers making
pension contributions has increased
the vast majority are still making no
provision for their retirement.

The reasons for the poor take up is
clear. The auto-enrolment regime only
applies to workers, the self-employed
are excluded.

With rampant bogus self-employment,
these workers are instantly denied
access to auto-enrolment and yet again
employers’ evade their responsibilities.

                                             15               Construction, Allied
                                                            Trades and Technicians
                                                                                     Winter 2020

Looking after
1       HEART AGE
      The British Heart Foundation
(BHF) have partnered with NHS
Choices to help you find out your heart
age, so help you understand your risk
of having a heart attack or stroke. This
tool works if you’re over 40, and will
give you an idea of your heart health
and what you can do to improve it. We
would recommend that anyone over 40
attends an NHS Health Check at their
GP. For the best advice on how to look
after your heart visit.

                                                                                                                                     Getty Images
       KNOW YOUR BLOOD                        Your heart health is
 2     PRESSURE                               in your own hands
      High blood pressure is known
as the ‘silent killer’ – although it        work away from home, or have long                  KNOW YOUR FAMILY
doesn’t have many symptoms, it causes       commutes which leave you feeling            6      HISTORY
thousands of heart attacks and strokes      exhausted. Loneliness can encourage               A family history of heart disease
every year. It’s a good idea to know your   unhealthy habits like eating fast food      and stroke can put you at greater risk
blood pressure level, so speak to your      and smoking, all which contribute to        of developing these conditions. Many
GP or pharmacy, who should be able to       heart disease and stroke risk. If you’re    people who go to hospital with heart
measure it and offer advice.                feeling lonely or isolated, your GP         attack and stroke, say they never
                                            can help. It might help to join a local     thought they were at risk despite
       STOP SMOKING                         community group or volunteer in your        having close relatives affected by the
3       Our hearts and blood vessels are    free time.                                  conditions. If you have a family history
      the hidden victims of smoking.                                                    of heart and circulatory diseases, speak
Stopping smoking is the single best                 KEEP CALM                           to your GP. If these conditions run in
thing you can do for your heart health.      5      Feeling stressed all the time can   your family, it’s even more important
If you want to quit, get in touch with             put you at greater risk of a heart   that you lead a healthy lifestyle to lower
local stop smoking services. They’ll           attack. Stress makes you more likely     your risk of heart disease.
provide support and advice, boosting        to turn to unhealthy habits which make
your chances of success. You can also ask   you feel better in the short term, such             KNOW THE SYMPTOMS
your doctor or pharmacist about nicotine    as smoking, eating food that’s high         7      OF A HEART ATTACK
replacement therapy (NRT) or medicines      in fat and sugar, drinking alcohol and            Some people who have a heart
that can help you quit. E-cigarettes can    avoiding exercise. If you suffer with       attack say it came out of the blue.
be also be used in the short term, as a     stress, try to find activities that calm    That’s why it’s critical to know the
step-down tool to help you quit.            you down. This could include going for      symptoms so that you can act quickly
                                            a walk and getting fresh air, listening     if one happens.
      TACKLE LONELINESS                     to music, practising mindfulness or
4      Social isolation affects many        meditation, speaking to friends or          The most common signs of a heart
    thousands of people across the          family. You can also speak to your GP       attack are chest pain or discomfort that
UK. It can be hard to avoid when you        about strategies to help.                   suddenly occurs and doesn’t go away.

                                            16     Construction, Allied
                                                 Trades and Technicians
                                                                          Winter 2020

r your heart
 It might feel like pressure, squeezing or     health. Phytochemicals are antioxidants       to know you are at risk. If an aneurysm
 heaviness in your chest. Or you may have      (natural chemicals that are thought           becomes large, it can sometimes cause a
 pain spread to your left and right arm or     to protect against harmful substances         pulsating feeling in your abdomen, or
 to your neck, jaw, back or stomach.           called free radicals), and diets rich in      persistent back pain.
                                               foods that contain these, such as fruits
 Feeling sick, sweaty, light-headed or short   and vegetables, are associated with           Symptoms can include:
 of breath can be common symptoms. Less        lower levels of heart disease.
                                                                                                A sudden onset of severe pain across
 common symptoms include a sudden
                                                                                                the chest, often felt in the back or
 feeling of anxiety, similar to a panic        Your heart health is in your own hands.
                                                                                                between the shoulder blades
 attack, or excessive coughing.
                                               Aortic aneurysms and                             Pain in the jaw, face, abdomen, back
 Pain levels will vary from person to                                                           or lower extremities
 person, last for different amounts of time    screening
                                                                                                Feeling cold, clammy and sweaty
 and may appear gradually or suddenly.         An aneurysm is when a blood vessel
 The worst thing you can do is to ignore       swells to an abnormal size, just like a          Fainting and shortness of breath.
 the pain and try to ‘walk it off’. If you     balloon blowing up. If this swelling
 think you could be having a heart attack,     bursts, it can be fatal – especially if the   The main risk factors for developing
 call 999 immediately. It is a medical         aneurysm is in the aorta – the main           an aortic aneurysm are smoking, a
 emergency so it is essential you get seen     artery that sends blood from your heart       family history of aneurysms, high blood
 by doctor or paramedic quickly.               to the rest of your body.                     pressure and high cholesterol.

         SWAP SUPPLEMENTS FOR                  Usually, aneurysms grow slowly, at            Men over the age of 65 are most at risk,
  8 A HEALTHY DIET                             around 1-2mm per year. If an aneurysm         and that’s why all men are invited for
       Supplements are no replacement          grows too large, the risk of bursting         screening during the year they turn
 for a healthy diet. Rather than taking        increases.                                    65. The screening involves a quick,
 supplements to reduce your risk of                                                          harmless ultrasound and helps those
 having a heart attack or stroke, try          These swellings can usually be treated        with an aneurysm get the earliest
 focussing on eating a healthy, balanced,      with surgery or a stent, but only if they     possible treatment.
 Mediterranean-style diet. This includes       are found. Most aneurysms do not cause
 white and oily fish, along with plenty        obvious symptoms, which makes it hard
 of fruit, vegetables and pulses, lentils,                                                     At 65 all men should be
 nuts, seeds, unsaturated oils and                                                             screened to rule out an
 wholegrains.                                                                                  aortic aneurysm
         GET MOVING
  9       Many people think the only
       exercise worth doing is spending
 hours in the gym. But research shows
 even small things count, and as little
 as 10 minutes extra exercise each day
 carries benefits. That makes it important
 to weave in physical activity wherever
 you can. Take the stairs instead of the
 escalator, park a few streets away from
 work, or get off the bus a few stops early.

                                                                                                                                        Getty Images

          Studies show the chemicals
      which give fruit and vegetables
   their colour may be beneficial to heart

                                               17     Construction, Allied
                                                    Trades and Technicians
                                                                             Winter 2020

Unite held its sector conferences in Brighton in November.
The biennial event is important as it establishes the policies
that the sector will follow for the next two years.
Motions discussed at the conference included:
Campaign for fair work                       Seconding the motion another delegate       It has graded time serviced skilled
                                             added: “We can’t afford to lose this        craft workers on the same pay rates as
The motion raised the ongoing
                                             battle” and he sent a message to Costain    workers who have not completed an
problems at Euston where the Costain/
                                             and Skanska. “You think you are big         apprenticeship and undertake craft

                                                                                                                                     Mark Thomas
Skanska Joint Venture (CSJV) is
                                             and powerful but you are not as big as      assistant roles.
engaged in union busting by preventing
Unite’s officials accessing the site and
                                                                                         Conwell warned that if implemented
speaking to workers. Despite the client
HS2, agreeing an initial framework           Site access                                 45 per cent of workers at the council
                                                                                         would lose pay. In a consultative ballot
agreement (IFA) with unions, giving          Following the CSJV controversy the          94 per cent of members had rejected the
the right of access. The motion set out      motion set out that all construction        proposals.
the union’s stall across the multi-billion   agreements must ensure officials are
pound project.                               guaranteed access to sites and this must    Seconding the motion, Lewis
                                             specify access to canteens and welfare      Phillipson who also works at Newcastle
The motion was overwhelmingly carried        facilities during workers’ break time.      council, said: “Apprentices don’t have
and committed the Unite construction         There should be no compromise on this       the easiest lives and a plumber is a four
sector to campaign to use all means          matter.                                     year apprenticeship. “At the end of your
necessary to:
                                                                                         time you would be on the same rate as a
   Ensure full compliance with the HS2
                                             Construction charter                        craft assistant.”
   IFA                                       The conference agreed a motion
                                             which called for better understanding       Social housing
   Establish enhanced agreements on all      of construction charters. Regional
   projects                                  secretaries will arrange briefings          organisation
   Ensure all workers are directly           between regional officers and the           accountability
   employed on a PAYE basis                  construction regional industrial sector     The North West brought forward a
                                             committee (RISC) to ensure the charters     motion about the lack of democratic
   Require all agreements to have an
                                             are complied with.                          involvement on the board of social
   anti-blacklisting clause
                                                                                         housing organisations.
   Ensure that appropriate facilities are    National Job evaluation
   provided to Unite reps                                                                Where the people taking decisions are
                                             The North East, Yorrshire and
   Guarantee Unite officers access to        Humberside region brought forward a         not connected with the local community
   workers during their break time.          motion to derecognise the national job      and chief executives can receive salaries
                                             evaluation scheme.                          up to £500,000.
Moving the motion a delegate from
London and Eastern said: “Skanska            Moving the motion Steve Conwell             The motion which was carried, called
was one of the companies involved in         Unite’s convenor at Newcastle City          on the sector to mount a campaign
blacklisting they are probably doing it      Council explained how the “job              to have real accountability reinstated
again and that is why they don’t want us     evaluation process was forced upon us       through having elected representatives
on their site”.                              and it is not fit for purpose.”             on boards.

                                             18     Construction, Allied
                                                  Trades and Technicians
                                                                           Winter 2020

                                                                                           Construction delegates
 Moving the motion Ged Cooney                Agreement on climate                          at sector conference
 reminded the conference that at “Grenfell
 there was little or no democratic
                                                                                         South East, said: “I am a painter and
 involvement” and by bringing back           The liveliest debate was on a motion        I can’t work in those conditions as my
 democratic accountability it would give     about the Construction Industry Joint       products don’t work.”
 residents “some form of protection”.        Council (CIJC) agreement to make it fit     The motion was narrowly defeated
                                             for the 21st century. The motion called
                                             for an agreed hourly rate for working
 Highways maintenance                        in the rain, extra breaks for extreme
                                                                                         Guest speakers
 The conference carried a motion which       weather and better quality PPE.             Delegates received several contributions
 recognised that in some areas Unite was                                                 from guest speakers. Coen Van Der
 well organised in highways maintenance      Moving the motion John Dodds                Veer gave fraternal greetings and
 contracts while in others this was not      from the South West explained that          provided an update on the work of
 the case.                                   he had worked for 28 years as a steel       the global federation of construction
                                             fixer and was regularly forced to work      unions the Building and Woodworkers
 The motion called for a joined up           in the rain, within an hour he will         International (BWI).
 network so that workers in these            be soaked through and that despite
 sectors can organise to increase pay and    not working in the same weather             Unite national health and safety advisor
 conditions.                                 “company managers have better               Rob Miguel spoke about exposure to
                                             personal protective equipment(PPE)”.        asbestos and prostate cancer.
 Lee Hughes from the North West said:        He added that it was essential
 “Workers are suffering on a daily basis,    “workers are not compromised at the         The star of the show was veteran Left-
 I know of a highway operative who           workplace.”                                 wing professor of accounting Prem Sikka
 worked 14 days straight.”                                                               who used the examples of the collapse
                                             While all delegates were supportive of      of Carillion and Interserve’s recent fall
 Delegates called on a combine to cherry     the intention behind the motion some        into administration to show all that was
 pick the best bits of all the existing      including scaffolders and bricklayers       wrong with the UK’s financial system
 agreements to create a model agreement.     pointed out that to require them to         and then described policies to promote
 Unite Executive council member Jamie        work in the rain would compromise           a radical overhaul of existing laws to
 Bramwell said: “We need to tackle all       their safety or the quality of their        better protect workers from corporate
 the employers in one hit.”                  work. Tracey Whittle from the               greed which could cost jobs.

                                             19     Construction, Allied
                                                  Trades and Technicians
                                                                           Winter 2020
TAX ADVICE                                                                 BY ROBERT PARKER, RIFT UNION LIAISON

RIFT Resolutions:
Beat the New Year Blues with a Tax Refund
New Year’s resolutions: we all break
them - and it hardly ever matters. After                                                              Now is the time for
all, you are only cheating yourself. If                                                               construction workers to make
there is one type of resolution that can                                                              a resolution to claim your tax
make a real-world difference, though, it’s                                                            refund in 2020
the financial kind. Here are a few simple
commitments that can make for a much
happier, more prosperous 2020.

Set realistic saving goals
and stick to them
It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just saving
£50 a month can be a real boost to
your finances. Knowing what you can
reasonably save on a regular basis is
half the battle. You can even make
things easier by setting up an automatic
monthly transfer into your savings
account, or using a savings goals app.

Ease up on the plastic

                                                                                                                                       Getty Images
Credit cards are some of the most
expensive debts you can run up so make
sure you are clearing them each month
if you can.
                                             and could end up with an unexpected            them it turns out they were owed
Keep your receipts                           bill at the end of the tax year.               money.
If you are buying anything work related                                                     Always check. It only takes a few
– public transport tickets, food, tools,     Consider your impulse buys
                                                                                            minutes and with average annual
personal protective equipment (PPE),         No one is saying you can’t buy that            refunds in the building game come
etc make sure you keep your receipts so      sudden “must-have” treat. Just take a          to £953 if you are on the books or
you’ve got the evidence to claim your        moment to think about whether this is          over £2,000 if you are paid via the
expenses back.                               the best deal. Shop around a bit first. That   Construction Industry Scheme (CIS), it
                                             goes for energy providers, too. Switch         is money you want back in your wallet.
Think twice about unexpected bonuses.        when the deals are better elsewhere.
When you’ve got unexpected extra                                                            If you haven’t claimed before we can
cash, save a chunk of it and enjoy the       Make sure you claim your                       help you claim for the past four years
rest. You’ll be better off for it and you
won’t be depriving yourself.                 tax refund every year                          at once. Talk to us and we will help you
                                                                                            get what is yours. Remember, you are
                                             Whatever other resolutions you make            always better off with RIFT.
If you suddenly start getting more           for 2020, always check if you are due
in your take home pay than you’re            a tax refund. We are finding too many          Contact us on 01233 653974 and
expecting, check your tax code, or even      people are still leaving their cash            remember to quote your UNITE
better give us a call and we’ll do it for    sitting at HMRC because they either            membership number for our
you. If your tax code has been mistakenly    don’t know they can claim every year           discounted rates or visit
changed by an employer or HMRC you           or assume they won’t be eligible               RIFTrefunds.co.uk/UNITE
will be paying the wrong amount of tax       again. When we have checked for

                                             20     Construction, Allied
                                                  Trades and Technicians
                                                                           Winter 2020
LEGAL			                                                             BY ROBERT LEMON, PERSONAL INJURY SOLICITOR UNITE

for accident victems
                                             Getty Images
A great deal of progress has been made
in reducing fatalities in the construction
industry but dangers still remain.

Recent figures have shown that
accidents actually increased last year
and the true figures will be far higher
than official figures as it is a sector
where many accidents are unreported,
especially those involving the falsely
self-employed, who fear that pursuing a
legal claim will result in dismissal.
                                                            Construction workers are fully
It is vital that everyone who does suffer                   protected when members of Unite
an injury makes sure it is recorded and
if possible a legal case for compensation
is taken. Often the only way to ensure       The case was complex as it involved three              evidence demonstrated the symptoms
contractors improve safety is to hit them    companies being potentially at fault, the              were partially as a result of using
in the pocket financially.                   member’s employer, the plasterboard                    vibrating tools but there were other
                                             contractor and the company responsible                 possible factors. Despite the medical
If you pursue a personal injury claim        for site safety.                                       evidence not being straightforward a
for an accident inside or outside of                                                                claim was made and compensation of
work through Unite Legal Services            All of the companies blamed each other                 £5,000 was secured.
you receive free representations and         as well as blaming the member.
100 per cent of the compensation                                                                    Scaffolder’s site injury
awarded. A high street solicitor will        After the member contacted Unite Legal
charge a fee and/or take a cut of your       Services, detailed investigations were                 A member from the North West
compensation.                                pursued. The defendants made an initial                was employed as a scaffolder. Whilst
                                             offer of £75,000 which was rejected and                dismantling scaffolding on site a 13 foot
In 2019 Unite Legal Services secured         following the submission of supportive                 section fell on him, striking the side of
hundreds of thousands of pounds              expert medical evidence the member                     his face and knocking him to the ground.
compensation for a large number of           received compensation of £120,000.
members in the construction sector who                                                              He sustained cuts, bruising and swelling
                                                                                                    to his face, concussions and headaches.
had suffered injury inside and outside of    White finger victim wins
the workplace.
                                             compensation                                           It was discovered that the scaffolding
                                             A member in Wales had worked for                       had been inadequately secured.
Pipe fitter suffers knee
                                             the same engineering and welding
injury                                       company since 1992. They regularly                     The member contacted Unite Legal
A pipe fitter in the North West suffered     used vibrating tools and equipment.                    Services and the employer admitted
a serious injury when they were leaning      From 2013 they started to develop                      liability. An initial offer of compensation
through an access hatch and a stack of       symptoms affecting their hands, fingers                was rejected but the case was successfully
unsecured plasterboards fell on them         and thumbs which was thought to be a                   completed in less than 12 months with
trapping their leg.                          result of hand Arm Vibration Syndrome                  the member being awarded £5,500.
                                             (known as HAVS or ‘white finger’).
The member required surgery on their                                                                If you have suffered a workplace
left knee and was left with permanent        The member eventually contacted                        injury or illness call Unite Legal
instability and discomfort.                  Unite Legal Services and expert medical                Services for free on 0800 709 007.

                                             21                Construction, Allied
                                                             Trades and Technicians
                                                                                      Winter 2020

This page is a counterpoint to the mainstream media and
reviews important pieces of work for Unite members.
Books                                                                       Film
The Silence of the Girls                                                    Sorry We Missed You
by Pat Barker
                                                                            Ken Loach’s new film Sorry We Missed You confronts the
                           As a child I was fascinated by the               viewer with the depressing reality of being caught in the
                           Greek myths and in particular                    grinding poverty of low paid insecure work.
                           the tales about the siege of Troy
                           and the infamous horse. They are                 The facts and figures – zero hours contracts quintupling
                           stories I still find bewitching.                 since 2010, the gig economy doubling in five years to five
                            It is probably why I found Pat                  million, more than a fifth of working households in poverty
                            Barker’s The Silence of the Girls so            – are shocking.
                                                                            But Sorry We Missed You smashes through the numbers like a
                                                                            gut punch by providing a first person view of what it is like
                           In the Silence of the Girls                      to exist in a world devoid of employment security, working
                           Achilles is a ruthless killing                   rights or a guaranteed wage.
                           machine not a hero

                              In a nutshell it is a partial                 The film follows Newcastle delivery driver Ricky, who is
                               retelling of the siege from                  supposedly self-employed, Ricky does not have time to stop
                               the perspective of Briseis,                  driving to eat or use the toilet – forcing him to carry an
                        who begins the story as a queen of                  empty water bottle for emergencies – because he is being
Lyrnessus a city allied to Troy. After it is sacked by the                  tracked by a handheld scanner and will be fined if he doesn’t
Greeks she becomes the sex slave to Achilles, the mightiest                 make the deliveries in time.
of the Greek warriors.
                                                                            If Ricky gets sick, he has to find someone else to drive his
The opening sequence as Lyrnessus is stomred by the                         round or his wages will be docked by £200.
Greeks is an incredible piece of evocative writing.
Those high standards are maintained throughout the                                                                      Sorry We Missed You
novel as Briseis, rails against her slavery but also ensures                                                            strikes at the heart of
she does what is necessary to survive.                                                                                  the gig economy

The recasting of Achilles from the traditional role of a
heroic figure to a vicious unrelenting killing machine,                                                                  The painful
who misses his mother, is one of the most interesting                                                                    closeup shots
twists in the book.                                                                                                      of Ricky
This is an absolute first class book, which really makes                                                                 trying to
you think about the forgotten victims of war, who are                                                                    fulfil his work
usually women.                                                                                                           commitments
                                                                            are accompanied by equally disturbing footage of the daily
Stephen James                                                               toils Ricky’s wife Abby goes through as a home care worker.

                                                                            Just as distressing are the scenes of the couple’s home life
                                                                            as they struggle to bring up their two kids while working
Your Recommendations                                                        every hour god sends to put food on the table.
Unite members are encouraged to send ideas for future
recommendations. We will cover film, television, DVDs
and books. The only stipulation is a recommendation needs                   What makes Sorry We Missed You so upsetting is the
to be easily available. If you would like to write your own                 knowledge that many thousands of families are living similar
reviews please do but keep your contributions to 250 words.                 stories to Ricky and Abby’s everyday.
Send recommendations and reviews to barckley.sumner@
unitetheunion.org                                                           Ryan Fletcher

                                            22       Construction, Allied
                                                   Trades and Technicians
                                                                               Winter 2020
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