INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019

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INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
May 2019

INTO Northern Conference
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Vere Foster Lecture 2019
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    Anti Bullying Act
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INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

Reflections on my year as Northern Chairperson
As I hurtle though my year as Northern        and vibrant. As the year passes, I have                e outworking of this confidence was
Chairperson, I thought that it would be       seen confidence growing among our                    clearly seen at our Northern Conference
important to pause and                                      membership and this is                in Belfast in March. ere was vibrancy
reflect on the year to date.                                 having a major impact on              and a life about the Conference that we
   It has been an eye-                                      education throughout the              should all be very proud of. ose of us
opening experience                                          North now and will                    who were fortunate to be delegates at the
discovering the difficulties                                  continue to do so in                  conference will recall the many members
that our members are                                        coming years.                         that stood up at the podium to speak for
experiencing daily. e                                         is confidence comes                the first time at an INTO Conference.
background to many of                                       from strong industrial                   is bodes well for the INTO and for
these difficulties rests in                                   action that has had the               teachers throughout the North. I firmly
unreasonable                                                desired impact of both                believe that there is one simple reason
expectations leading to                                     protecting our members                we have not gone down the same road
the breakdown in                                            and sending a strong                  that led to the horrendous working
relationships.                                              message to management.                practices that teachers and school
   Fortunately, our                                         It comes from the Branch              leaders have experienced in England.
members have been                                           structure that has been               at reason is INTO. e collective
protected, to a major                                       reinvigorated and from                membership of the INTO have fought
degree, from the                                            the more recently                     for decades against the worst of the
continued onslaught of           Paddy McAllister,          qualified teachers that are            changes and cuts. e vibrancy and
change and unreasonable            Northern Chairman        becoming active in a                  confidence we are now seeing will also
expectations that are                                       manner we have not seen               protect us from the worst of the
causing; major workload issues, stress        for a number of years.                              workload excesses in the coming years.
and ill health by the ongoing industrial
action. at is why any resolution of the
industrial dispute must be directly
linked to workload as well as pay.
   Members I speak with readily                  Paddy
recognise that the monthly pay packet is      McAllister
not going as far as it once did. ey also         with
recognise that there is no point gaining         Cathy
an increase in salary, though that              Crozier,
remains a core objective of the INTO, if       outgoing
we are to return to same level of               Rep for
workload resulting in careers being cut            NC
short through ill health.                      Southern
   I have huge and growing admiration           Region
for the activists throughout the              Primary B
organisation that keep the INTO strong

       Kevin Daly, incoming Chairperson       Michelle McCrystal, NC Rep, North Eastern Primary    Noreen Kelly, NC Rep, Southern Region Primary B

                                                      PRINTOUT       2    MAY 2019
INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
INTO news

                          A review of Northern
The Northern Conference is over and                 alternative way to address the issues       formerly. We know the delegates value
once again the tone for the other                   faced not only by teachers but by the       this time which their normal working
teacher unions’ conferences has been                system as a whole and the Northern          lives have largely eroded away.
set, for where INTO leads the others                Committee will be                                             Judging by the many
follow. This year’s Northern Conference             striving to ensure they                                       happy faces, having
was energetic, purposeful and upbeat.               are all delivered on.                                         some time for
The delegates who attended mirrored                 Another key aspect of                                         themselves was just
a genuine representation of the                     these resolutions is the                                      what was needed.
growing INTO membership across the                  fact they arose directly                                      Next year’s Northern
north. The old hands were joined by a               from the memberships’                                         Conference will likely
new generation of activists who                     experiences. They are not                                     be held at a venue
brought further energy and renewed                  theoretically based but                                       outside of Belfast. The
optimism; together they reflected the               founded rather on                                             opportunities it
buoyant mood of the entire teaching                 practical, classroom                                          affords will however
profession.                                         experience, something                                         be the same. So if you
INTO activists lined up to speak to                 the Department of                                             have an issue which
conference, sharing their experiences               Education might consider                                      you think deserves an
of holding the faltering education                  employing before                                              airing or you have an
system together. Delegate after                     imposing the next big                                         idea for a motion that
delegate related how they were being                thing on the system.                                          you believe is
left to pick up the shortfalls in terms of          INTO delegates offering                                        important and would
personnel and resources which have                  solutions and willing to           Gerry Murphy,              make a positive
come about as a result of a decade of               engage in discussion               Northern Secretary         contribution to the
cuts. These representatives of teachers             kept the tone                                                 teachers’ lot; get
from across all sectors and stages                  constructive and positive.                  yourself along to your next Branch
confirmed what all involved in                      Every Northern Conference has, in           meeting and share your thoughts,
education including the administrators              addition to the work of Conference, a       make your case. It could be your idea
and civil servants already know. They               social side. The social side of             that conference adopts and passes to
showed themselves unafraid to present               Conference is in many ways just as          the Northern Committee for action,
the unpalatable truths which some                   important as it allows for the coming       next year. There are not many big
prefer to ignore and hide.                          together of friends, old and new. It        organisations that provide as swift a
A total of 28 resolutions were adopted              provides a safe place for teachers to       route to real change as the INTO, and
by Conference. These resolutions are                relax and chat to other teachers, to        you as a member are only a Branch
the pathway that INTO will follow in the            meet up with colleagues from their          meeting away from actively
year ahead. Each provides an                        college days or schools they worked in      contributing to that change.


        Area                              Branches                                                                      Mobile        INTO Email
CEC 1   District 1                        0101-0113                                 Seamus Hanna          CEC Rep           
CEC 2   District 2                        0201-0217                                Dorothy McGinley       CEC Rep       07818424080
BFC                                       -                                          Patrick McAllister   BFC Rep       07828769034
NEP     North Eastern Primary Region      0101/0102/0104/0107/0109/0111            Michelle McCrystal     INTO N Ctte   07851460682
NES     North Eastern Post-Primary Region 0101/0102/0104/0107/0109/0111            Siobhan McElhinney     INTO N Ctte   07915091871
SEP     South Eastern Primary Region      0110/0113                                  Rachel O'Hare        INTO N Ctte   07743427483
SES     South Eastern Post-Primary Region 0110/0113                                    John Kelly         INTO N Ctte   07809694954
BP      Belfast Region Primary A          0106                                     Caroline McCarthy      INTO N Ctte   07977935988
BP      Belfast Region Primary B          0105                                    Geraldine McGowan       INTO N Ctte   07717277565
BS      Belfast Region Post-Primary       0105/0106                               Caoimhin MacColaim      INTO N Ctte   07710234126
SP      Southern Region Primary A         0202/0206/0208/0217                         Marty Lavery        INTO N Ctte   07733207887
SP      Southern Region Primary B         0201/0203/0211/0214                       Noreen Kelly          INTO N Ctte   07846392235
SS      Southern Region Post-Primary      0201/0202/0203/0206/0208/0211/0214/0217     Kevin Daly          INTO N Ctte   07568528951
WP      Western Region Primary A          0209/0213/0215/0216                         Marie O'Shea        INTO N Ctte   07802891109
WP      Western Region Primary B          0207/0212                                   Moira O'Kane        INTO N Ctte   07522937888
WS      Western Region Post-Primary       0207/0209/0212/0213/0215/0216           Annmarie Conway         INTO N Ctte   07701049789

                                                             PRINTOUT      3   MAY 2019
INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

  Make Your Voice Heard
            INTO Northern Conference, Clayton Hotel Belfast
                                              Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd March 2019

                                    RESOLUTIONS PASSED
INTO Northern Conference 2019 was held on Friday 1 and                   Secretary Designate. Other speakers included: Joe Killeen,
Saturday 2 March 2019 in the Clayton Hotel, Belfast.                     INTO President, Gerry Murphy, INTO Northern Secretary,
  The Right Honourable, Cllr Deirdre Hargey, Lord Mayor of               Sheila Nunan, INTO General Secretary, and Noel Ward, INTO
Belfast welcomed guests and delegates to the city of Belfast.            General Treasurer.
  Kevin Daly, Vice-Chair INTO Northern Committee, called on                The conference went into private session for the election
Patrick McAllister, INTO Northern Committee Chairperson, to              of Tellers and standing orders report. Delegates went on to
make his chairperson’s address to the conference.                        discuss a wide range of confidence motions.
  Patrick McAllister, INTO Northern Committee Chairperson,
introduced the first guest speaker: John Boyle, INTO General             For photos see

Resolution 1                                   their continued support in relation to              of inspection;
Conference:                                    non-cooperation in relation to ETI.             [e] Calls on Northern Committee to work
[a] Demands that the employing                 Conference condemns the negative                    to ensure that normal inspection
    authorities and DE move immediately        comments made by the Chief Inspector in             notifications will be maintained on
    to restore teacher salaries to the real    relation to the ongoing union action and            cessation of industrial action and that
    term levels they were at prior to the      the lack of any response from the ETI to            schools will not be inspected ‘without
    financial crash of the late noughties;     the NITC inspections mythbusting                    further notice’ as threatened in ETI
[b] Instructs the Northern Committee to        document 'ETI, Perception and Reality’ in           reports.
    continue to campaign to achieve            October 2016. Conference calls on
    salary restoration in concert with our     Northern Committee to:                          Resolution 3
    sister unions on the NITC;                 [a] Reaffirm the decision taken by INTO in        Conference condemns the
[c] Directs the Northern Committee to              relation to its lack of confidence in the   implementation of significant change to
    work towards having the teachers’ pay          Chief Inspector;                            the provision of SEN education being
    scales extended beyond the salary          [b] Continue to work through NITC to            rolled out by DE and employing
    plateauing that occurs after a teacher         pursue an agreed pre-inspection             authorities without proper and
    who chooses not to seek additional             document detailing the minimum              meaningful consultation with education
    management responsibilities reaches            required documentation to support           partners. Conference calls on Northern
    UPS3 on the Main Professional Grade;           the inspection process;                     Committee to challenge the change and
[d] Further instructs the Northern             [c] Reaffirm its commitment to continue           support teachers and all pupils including
    Committee to continue working                  non-cooperation with ETI until the          the most vulnerable in education by:
    towards persuadingthe political parties        current industrial dispute is settled.      [a] Calling for due process to be followed
    to bring about an increase in the level    [d] Calls on Northern Committee to                  by DE and the employing authorities
    of funding for education overall.              intensify publicity of this action              before any changes to SEN provision
                                                   among members and the general                   are delivered to schools;
Resolution 2                                       public, in order to support members         [b] Instructing members clearly to not
Conference commends INTO members for               whose schools are issued with a notice          comply with SEN changes not signed

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INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
INTO news

    off by a Minister;
[c] Demanding DE and EA publish all
    research, rationale and process which
    has informed their proposed changes
    in relation to statementing and
[d] Working with the other Education
    Unions on a joint campaign relating to
    Special Education.

Resolution 4
[a] Is aware of the increasing workload
    teachers are being asked to undertake;
[b] Calls on Northern Committee to
    produce an audit of the average
    number of additional hours of work
    carried out each week outside directed
    time hours;
[c] Calls on the Department of Education         work with the wider trade union            of communities, schools and principals.
    to publicly recognise and                    movement to resist any further cuts
    acknowledge the additional unpaid            across the education system;               Resolution 7
    work undertaken by teachers;             [e] Instructs the Northern Committee to        Conference notes with concern the
[d] Calls on the Employing Authorities to        work with the wider trade union            increased pace within Area Planning
    recognise the importance of the              movement and other interested              which has impacted upon current and
    Workload Agreement and a teacher’s           parties to develop an alternative vision   future employment and career
    right to follow it and a Board of            for education which regardless of the      progression of teachers and which
    Governor’s duty to implement it.             Committee's work will inform the           negatively impacts on local communities
                                                 trade unions in their dealings with the    and services. Conference further notes
Resolution 5                                     education administrators going             the lack of proper consultation with
Conference:                                      forward.                                   INTO/NITC in relation to Area Planning.
[a] Welcomes the NI Affairs Select                                                           Conference calls on Northern Committee
    Committee investigation into the         Resolution 6                                   to work with the Employing Authority to
    funding of the NI Education System;      Conference notes with concern the              seek an urgent review of the Area
[b] Commits the INTO to playing a            increasing pressures associated with the       Planning process to ensure that the needs
    constructive and positive role should    role of the teaching principal.                of local communities are best served by
    the work of the Committee lead to a         Conference further notes the                the process and that the jobs of
    fuller and more wide ranging review of   difficulties which arise in the                  education workers are protected where
    the education system as a whole in NI;   management of this dual role and the           possible.
[c] Demands the EANI cease its efforts to     untenable position this puts many
    bring about further efficiencies across    principals in. Conference calls on the         Resolution 8
    the system until the Stormont            Northern Committee to actively engage          Conference notes with concern the
    Executive and Assembly are restored      with the employing authorities in              inadequate support given to teachers in
    so as to provide for a proper level of   developing practical and workable              the early years of their career. Conference
    public scrutiny to EANI;                 models of school leadership which allow        notes the concerns of many young
[d] Directs the Northern Committee to        for flexible approaches to meet the needs      teachers who feel that current induction
                                                                                                                                          Photographs © Kevin Cooper Photoline

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INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

and EPD structures do not provide             Resolution 11                                 Committee to engage with all relevant
practical support for them in their first     Conference condemns the continued use         stakeholders to put an end to academic
years. Conference calls for Northern          of results at GCSE and equivalent             selection.
Committee to lobby the Department to:         qualifications, and at A-Level and
[a] Increase levels of support and            equivalent qualifications, as the principle
    assistance and establish a better         indicator of a ‘successful school’.
    framework of support for beginner            Conference notes with concern the
    teachers;                                 range of problems associated for pupils,
[b] Establish, in consultation with           schools and staff arising from the use of
    beginner teachers and teaching            such a crude approach to determining
    unions, a programme of support and        how such a school is’. Conference also
    other training that is fit for purpose;   notes with concern the additional
[c] Ensure that funding is ringfenced and     pressure this approach places on
    enough time provided for beginner         teachers, subject leaders/heads of
    teachers to avail of additional support   department, principals and vice-
    that they require.                        principals. Conference calls on Northern
                                              Committee to:
Resolution 9                                  [a] Continue to raise this matter with DENI
Conference condemns the ending of the             and the employing authorities and
Investing in the Teaching Workforce               with these parties seek an end to the
Scheme. Conference notes the benefits of          use of GCSE and A-Level grades as the
the scheme for INTO members and the               principle measure of success in the
cost-saving impact for the Department of          post-primary sector;
Education. Conference calls on Northern       [b] Campaign with other relevant
Committee to:                                     stakeholders for greater recognition of
[a] Lobby the Department of Education,            pass grades at GCSE and A-Level other
    the employing authorities, government         than A*- C by employers and FE
    ministers and all other relevant              colleges in order to facilitate young
    departments for the continuance and           people's entry to training and
    extension of the scheme;                      employment;
[b] Request from the Department of            [c] At the time of publication of league
    Education, full details of the cost           tables to publicly respond by
    savings / efficacy of the scheme;               condemning the use of data as the
[c] Publicise the positive impacts of the         sole means to define the worth of
    scheme.                                       schools.

Resolution 10                                 Resolution 12
Conference calls on Northern Committee        Conference notes with concern the
to resist any attempts by EA to introduce     number of primary schools who continue
the Personal Education Plan model until it    to engage with transfer tests and
is workload proofed and is deemed             encouraging staff to prepare students for
manageable by the JWP of TNC.                 these. Conference calls on Northern

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INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
INTO news

Resolution 13                              as ‘sick leave’. Conference notes the           of Ireland's DES with a view to
Conference:                                devastating impact of workplace violence        identifying areas where closer
• Notes the reported increasing instance   and/or physical and verbal abuse on             cooperation across the border on
  of mental health issues among pupils     members, and by extension on their              professional matters and educational
  and the consequential detrimental        family and work colleagues. Conference          services can be achieved in the
  effects on their school experience, as    calls on Northern Committee to:                 interests of the workers in both
  well as that of their peers.             [a] Challenge this practice with the            systems and the young people of the
• Further notes with concern the               Department of Education and                 entire island;
  demands being placed on teachers             employing authorities;                  [b] Instructs the Northern Committee to
  coping with these issues and the         [b] Seek the implementation of a new            begin lobbying the local political
  implications for classroom                   category of leave, which reflects           parties for support for such an
  management. Calls on Northern                absence due to work-based injury or         enhanced level of cross border
  Committee to demand that support             physical or verbal attack;                  cooperation in education;
  systems are put in place, whereby        [c] Seek an agreement with the              [c] Directs the Northern Committee to
  children have access to the support,         Department of Education and                 continue working in concert with the
  counselling and/or therapy which is          employing authorities that such leave       CEC to further promote the idea of
  best suited to their needs.                  should not be accrued or considered         increased cross border cooperation in
                                               alongside general sick leave.               education through the ongoing
Resolution 14                                                                              lobbying efforts undertaken regularly
Conference condemns the current            Resolution 15                                   by INTO members in the Republic of
practice by Department of Education and    Conference:                                     Ireland.
employing authorities of recording time    [a] Calls on DE to engage more actively
off following a workplace-based assault         with their colleagues in the Republic   Resolution 16
                                                                                       Tacaíonn an Chomhdháil leis an fheachtas
                                                                                       chun reachtaíocht teanga a achtú don
                                                                                       Ghaeilge atá ar chomhchéim leis an
                                                                                       reachtaíocht teanga sa Bhreatáin Bheag
                                                                                       agus in Albain. Treoraíonn Comhdháil
                                                                                       Thuaidh an Choiste Thuaidh, tionchar an
                                                                                       reachtaíochta seo ar an earnáil oideachais a
                                                                                       Conference supports the campaign to
                                                                                       enact Irish language legislation similar to
                                                                                       the language legislation in Wales and
                                                                                       Scotland. Conference instructs the
                                                                                       Northern Committee to investigate the
                                                                                       impact this legislation would have on the
                                                                                       Education sector.

                                                                                       Resolution 17
                                                                                       Conference notes with concern, certain
                                                                                       aspects of the Bullying Act 2016, the

                                                   PRINTOUT     7   MAY 2019
INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

recent training given by EA and the               pupils suffering physical and mental        despite the Review of SEN not having
potential impact the Act will have on             health problems arising from the           taken place. Conference calls on Northern
teacher workload.                                 process of selection.                      Committee to work with members and
   Conference calls on Northern                                                              interested professional bodies (teaching
Committee to:                                  Resolution 19                                 colleges, Children's Law Society, NICCY,
[a] Actively engage with NITC and other        Conference notes the disparity in the         Equalities Commission, SENAC et al) to
    relevant bodies to investigate the legal   remuneration of teaching principals in        determine the impact of these changes in
    implications of the Bullying Act 2016      small schools in comparison to their          the classroom, and where necessary to
    for teachers, principals and school        administrative colleagues. Conference         challenge and work to reverse those that
    governors.                                 calls on Northern Committee to work           negatively impact on pupils.
[b] Campaign for a review of the               with the employing authorities to ensure
    aforementioned Act.                        that teaching principals are paid at a rate   Resolution 21
                                               commensurate with the role they carry         Conference notes with concern the ever-
Resolution 18                                  out, rather than determined by the school     increasing workload for SEN co-ordinators
Northern Conference calls on the               intake.                                       in both primary and post-primary schools.
Northern Committee to develop a rights-                                                      Conference calls upon Northern
based campaign in partnership with the         Resolution 20                                 Committee to work with the Education
Participation and Practice of Rights           Conference notes with concern the             Authority and other relevant stakeholders
Project to:                                    changes to provision already being            to devise clear guidance on time allocation
[a] Challenge the disparity between FSME       implemented by DE and the Education           for current SENCOs within all sectors.
    and non-FSME pupil uptake to               Authority for pupils with SEN including
    grammar schools;                           challenging behaviour,                        Resolution 22
[b] Campaign the Department of                 mild/moderate/specific learning               Conference notes the issues in relation to
    Education to address the issue of          difficulties and undiagnosed conditions         the lack of support for teachers and
                                                                                             principals in primary and post-primary
                                                                                             schools working collaboratively to ensure
                                                                                             pupils have a positive experience when
                                                                                             moving from primary to post-primary
                                                                                             school. Conference calls on Northern
                                                                                             Committee, through NITC, to work with
                                                                                             relevant authorities to develop
                                                                                             appropriate training for teachers to
                                                                                             thereby ensuring greater collaboration
                                                                                             between teachers in primary and key
                                                                                             stage 3 to help to ensure a more positive
                                                                                             experience of transition from primary to
                                                                                             post-primary school.

                                                                                             Resolution 23
                                                                                             Conference commends INTO for the
                                                                                             continued strength of support for
                                                                                             Industrial Action from teachers and
                                                                                             school leaders. Conference calls on

                                                       PRINTOUT     8   MAY 2019
INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
INTO news

                                                                                              the student bodies in each campus to
                                                                                              inform trainee teachers about the
                                                                                              importance of joining the INTO;
                                                                                          [b] Provide Rep training for elected union
                                                                                              leaders in each campus to inspire
                                                                                              them to take on these roles and
                                                                                              responsibilities when they find
                                                                                          [c] Offer access to Conferences and
                                                                                              Branch meetings to allow trainee
                                                                                              teachers to appreciate the inner
                                                                                              workings of our union prior to

                                                                                          Resolution 27
                                                                                          Conference calls on Northern Committee
                                                                                          to establish a youth committee which will
                                                                                          meet twice annually in order to:
Northern Committee to continue to work       number of teachers who feel vulnerable       [a] Discuss issues and concerns that are
through the NITC in finding ways to re-      at their place of work due to the amount         pertinent to newer members of the
evaluate and normalize working patterns      of informal access provided to parents           teaching workforce;
so that teachers and school leaders can      and other visitors throughout the school     [b] Encourage increased participation
achieve a better work/life balance.          day in the name of ‘Open Door’ policies.         amongst younger members of the
                                             Conference further notes the number of           union in branch meetings and school
Resolution 24                                teachers and education workers who               representatives;
Conference commends INTO in informing        have reported being the subject of abuse     [c] Encourage younger teachers to
members about their rights and               due to such access. Conference calls on          participate in committees at both
protections in the event of an assault.      Northern Committee to work with the              Branch and District levels;
Conference demands that the continued        relevant education authorities to ensure a   [d] Encourage active participation at INTO
increase in assaults in schools is           safe and secure working environment for          Conferences and Congress.
acknowledged by the DE and employing         all education workers in schools.
authorities and that correct procedures of                                                Resolution 28
reporting, risk assessment and resourcing    Resolution 26                                Conference commends the work being
are implemented in schools and that          Conference calls on Northern Committee       carried out at Branch and District level to
school management use all procedures         to actively seek to develop a union          increase member participation.
available to them to ensure this trend is    branch within the two largest teaching       Conference instructs Northern
reversed.                                    colleges: St Mary’s and Stranmillis          Committee to support Branch Officers in
                                             University Colleges. Conference calls on     their efforts to ensure all members are
Resolution 25                                Northern Committee to:                       represented at school, Branch and District
Conference notes with concern the            [a] Establish a working group amongst        levels.

                                                     PRINTOUT    9   MAY 2019
INTO Northern Conference Vere Foster Lecture 2019 Anti Bullying Act - May 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

SEN –the Perfect Storm
Our education system is under serious            of them this will impact on their physical    Project identified a new group of children
threat. The health of our teaching and           health & learning. We must meet these         whose brain functioning is configured in
non-teaching staff is suffering under the          children’s educational needs – they are       a different way to that previously
strain. The educational budget crisis            vibrant young people who are valued but       understood by educators of children with
continues to deepen, schools are in              we also must understand where they are        disabilities and for that we must create a
financial crisis, the profile of our pupils is   at. In an education system that is focused    responsive pedagogy. Ultimately in our
changing, CPD for teachers has collapsed         on academic achievement it is failing to      classrooms we are trying to provide a
to ‘online’ training, politicians are using      understand the needs of so many               purposeful education to the children and
the teacher as the gate keeper for               children. Consider just the simple            young people in front of us without an
society’s issues and the Education               research that tells us that the brain has     accurate diagnosis of need. The children
Authority NI is driving a ‘transformation’ of    not formed the part that deals with           are changing, teaching is changing but is
special education which is confused, lacks       numeracy before 26 weeks and the              policy keeping up?
research, transparency and most                  impact will still be prevalent for babies         The current transformation of special
importantly funding. Add to this the lack        born before 33 weeks. The child will either   education is being led by the SEND Act
of ministerial presence and direction from       be educated with the knowledge that           (2016). The SEND Act followed a review by
the Department of Education and the              numeracy needs an individual approach         Warnock of education since The Warnock
Education Authority to implement                 or they will have an education that           Report (1978). The Warnock report had
change by stealth before Policy change           highlights their failure right through. A     identified that 20% of the school
(how many of you have been talking               simple ‘google’ of pre-term birth &           population could have a SEN and
about PLPs, reduced stages – all part of a       numeracy identifies a wealth of research      identified 2% might need support over
Code of Practice that has not even been          that should be informing our curriculum       and above what a mainstream school
printed for consultation). We could              and teaching resources.                       could provide. In 2012 the Minister at the
despair that this perfect storm is                  The devastating impact of attachment       time presented to the Education
negatively impacting on a generation of          for some children, trauma, emotional          Committee a review of SEN & Inclusion.
pupils and teachers or we could start            neglect, impact of parent depression or       Since then we have seen a roll out of
doing something about it.                        abandonment and even the parenting by         plans, consultations and policy change by
                                                 ipads, smart phones. Bonds are not being      stealth to cram and squeeze the children
What can be done?                                made, emotional resilience is not being       we know to fit the 20% - 2% model and it
• There needs to be a recognition of the         formed, relationships are failing and these   doesn’t fit! What do I feel the motivation
   changing complexity of the children           children arrive in our classrooms not         is? Money, a lack of research and a denial
   and young people we are teaching by           ready or able to form the relationships       about the real needs of children and
   the education system as a whole.              that are so important to emotional and        society.
• Evolving SEN policy in the North of            educational development.                          In 2016 New Regulations for SEN were
   Ireland needs to review the risks &              Finally, and significantly in the North    delivered for consultation – responses
   threats to SEN Education and look to          we are in denial about the impact of          expressed significant concerns but our
   the research that is leading the way in       Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. In          consultations are not weighted. The
   other education systems.                      England ASD sits at approximately 2%,         response of a Union representing over
• A way forward worth fighting for needs         over the last 10 years FASD has seen a        7000 teachers, or a director representing
   to be clearly identified and coordinated      dramatic increase (a combination maybe        the Health Trust, or Education lead in a
   by those supporting education.                of better diagnosis and increased abuse       Teaching college counts the same as 1
Our classrooms are changing – children           of alcohol) overtaking ASD diagnosis to       individual and as a result grave educated
and young people are presenting us with          3%. In NI we have no figures for FASD but     concerns are being discounted. The
needs which require us as teachers to            our ASD statistic sits at approximately       Regulations have not reached final
review how we are teaching, what we are          5% – and yet no one writing policy is         publication.
teaching and why we are teaching on a            asking any questions about why is our             In 2018 we started to see a strong trend
more and more individual basis.                  ASD figure so high and why do we not          forming in the delivery of change in SEN
   It’s a simple phrase to say 21st century      have figures for FASD when we know            without finalised regulations and no
issues but it simply is true. Partly it is       there is recognised research in the South     indication of the new Code of Practice. A
because we know more, thanks to                  and in GB.                                    PLP which is a data driven exercise is
research which has opened up our                    Combine all of this and you find some      being drip fed out despite amended
understanding eg. sensory impairments,           of the most complex children we are           versions still being produced – it is not
ASD, ADHD, rare syndromes. Another               teaching in our special schools and           child or parent friendly and therefore not
significant impact has been the advances         increasingly in our mainstream schools –      fit for purpose. The phrase ‘Primary need’
in medical intervention; babies are              the child who has a mixed bag of              became part of the vocabulary we were
surviving pre-term birth at earlier and          everything. The Complex Learning              hearing. As teachers we are told to
earlier stages and for a significant number      Difficulties and Disabilities Research          identify the primary need, again for data

                                                         PRINTOUT    10   MAY 2019
INTO news

driven purposes despite research             in school. Mental Health is becoming a              of manipulating results through
identifying a new complex need and           significant issue in all schools, including         misinterpretation and disregarding the
comorbidity. I’d love someone to tell me     special schools, for our                                            weight of responses from
the primary need of a 15 year old young      pupils and now for our                                              for example: Children’s
woman with Downs Syndrome, SLD, ASD,         staff as they struggle in a                                          Law Centre, NICCY,
ADHD, VI, anxiety and mental health          system that is not fit to                                           Teaching Unions.
issues. Her day in school needs to have a    meet their needs.                                                   • Research into SEN in
purpose and often that purpose is to help    Challenging behaviour is                                            NI. The Children’s
her find some happiness & calm in all the    increasing in all our                                               Commissioner is
confusion.                                   classroom with levels of                                            reviewing the provision &
                                             violence reaching higher                                            achievement of children
This brings me to maybe the most             severity and frequency.                                             with SEN as members of
destructive and recent SEN change in            The Chief Inspector of                                           our schools and society
the North of Ireland, the great move to      the ETI in her most recent                                          throughout the
make us fit the 20%-2% – the blanket         report highlighted the                                              education system.
removal of medical conditions from the       significant increase in                                             Teachers must be a part
SEN register. Data analysts have taken       numbers of nursery                                                  of this research
over a system. In November 2018              children being suspended                                            contributing the
schools were instructed to run two           – and again no one seems                                            successes and failures -
reports off SIMs, their SEN register &        to be asking why. I can                                             how are mainstream
Medical Register. On 3rd January 2019        probably describe to you the Caroline McCarthy, schools currently coping
all medical conditions were removed          needs of that child.                   Northern Committee        with pupils with increasing
from the SEN register. One school                                                                             needs already in their
reports a 40% reduction in their SEN         Inclusion is a powerful word, can be a              schools? What finance, support,
Register, a significant number of which      divisive word and a word I believe is               training, resourcing etc do they identify
need re-entered and all need reviewed.       being misunderstood, misused and                    as essential and do they currently have
1 days cover per 100 pupils on the SEN       misguided by the EA in their current                it?
register was allocated to make these         plans for Special Education. Inclusion is        • Research into the prevalence of
changes (3 min 20 seconds per pupil).        not wearing the same jumper, going in               complex needs in Belfast. Research into
Has SIMs dictated the path of SEN?           the same front door and then behind                 specialist schools -v- ‘one size fits all’
                                             separate doors. Inclusion is about                  super school. An assessment of ‘super’
The EA Development Proposal for ‘Future      being a valued and expressive member                schools already established in NI.
Provision for Children in the Early Years    of your school community where needs             • A long term plan that looks to
with Special Educational Needs’, states      are identified, staff & whole school                 changing SEN provision based on
that only the most complex of needs will     training delivered, resourced and                   research, close effective working using
be met in Special Schools, without           teaching and learning has the greatest              the knowledge and experience of the
defining what complex needs are. Special     chance of success.                                  school communities, child focused
Schools are planned to lose their                                                                bodies (NICCY, Children’s Law Centre,
specialism under the false guise of equity   A Way Forward:                                      SENAC etc), The Trust as well as the EA
of provision. Separate schools provided      • As individuals respond to consultations           & DE, with a clear financial plan and
for specific needs MLD, physical                – make sure that the impact of                   aimed to impact positively throughout
difficulties with associated learning             proposed policy change on the                    our society as we move into the future,
needs, specific learning needs, SLD,            teaching and learning in our schools is          reassuring. All this while building trust
PMLD, SEBD, has been abandoned by the           clearly fed back to DE or EANI.                  with schools, parents and pupils (a tall
EA (during the absence of a functioning      • To delay the process until such a time            order but worth a try).
government). Under the premise of               as we have an Education Committee
equality of access, all other pupils will       who can question the EA position, a           Many children need places in smaller
either be placed in mainstream classes or       Minister to take responsibility to sign       classes, specialist support classes, special
mainstream attached LSCs. (interestingly        off any redesign of Special Education          schools and the numbers are increasing
LSCs are most often identified for our          and clarity as to the best way forward        year on year. It’s a simple fact. Our
children with ASD – what about the other        to provide an education for all.              Education employing authorities need to
needs?) Our mainstream schools are not       • Unions and Stakeholders demand an              be asking why this is so and meeting the
resourced or financed to meet this need.        independent review into the current           need, that’s what makes us a better
   Teaching and non-teaching staff are           practice with consultations. A                society. We as teachers and parents also
shouting out letting us know these              consultation should be a robust               need to be asking why this is so, that’s
changes are not benefiting any children         process replacing the current approach        what makes us better human beings.

                                                     PRINTOUT     11   MAY 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

Findings of the NIC ICTU Education Trade Union Group survey

Schools are unique working                    should be of grave concern to everyone         the aftermath of such incidents. Added
environments, where the relationships         involved in education.                         to this is the detrimental effect on the
between the parent and the teacher has           Assaults on teachers, both physical and     education of young people due to
the potential to create an excellent          verbal, are all too common in our schools.     teacher absence as a result of assaults.
working environment for all; teachers,        Teachers and classroom assistants from            e rise of violent and disruptive
pupils and all other workers.                 the earliest years in school have continued    behaviour in schools must be examined
   However, that same relationship can        to work in situations where they are           in the context of the budget cuts that are
cause major issues within schools.            unsure of what they will                                        happening in all our
   On ursday 21 March 2019 the NIC-          experience when they                                            schools.
ICTU Education Trade Union Group              arrive at work.                                                    Due to budgetary
released the findings of a major survey of        e support received                                          considerations, and the
teachers and support staff from nine           by teachers and other                                           lack of support available
education unions affiliated to the ICTU.        workers in schools, when                                        through Children and
e survey was in response to concerns         they report assaults, is                                        Young People’s Strategic
raised by members of these individual         often extremely limited,                                        Partnership (CYPSP),
unions in relation to levels of violence in   and in some instances,                                          schools are losing the
schools.                                      school management lay                                           specialist support that
   e survey found that:                      the blame on the staff                                           they had in the past to
                                              member. is can lead to                                         work with vulnerable
• 1 in 3 education workers experience
                                              under-reporting of                                              younger people. Any
  PHYSICAL abuse annually
                                              incidents to                                                    reduction in teaching
• 1 in 5 receive physical abuse ONCE a
                                              management, either                                              numbers inevitably
                                              because they feel that to                                       causes a rise in class sizes,
• 83% have been VERBALLY abused in
                                              do so undermines them                                           and there are not enough
  the classroom
                                              as professionals, or                                            resources being put into
• 45% of verbal abusers are PARENTS                                             Mark McTaggart,
                                              because, when they have                                         supporting pupils with
                                                                             Assistant Northern Secretary
For some education workers the level of       asked for the issue to be                                       specific additional
abuse is even starker:                        addressed in the past, management have         educational needs.
                                              not given an adequate response. Such              It is now incumbent on the managing
• 88% of Special Education teachers
                                              under-reporting inevitably heightens the       authorities and the Department of
  have received verbal or physical abuse
                                              risk of more serious assaults in future.       Education to work, as a matter of
• 95% of support staff, such as
                                                 Particularly alarming is the rise in the    priority, to ensure that every worker in
  classroom assistants, have been
                                              number of teachers who, following              the sector can attend their place of work,
                                              assaults, are forced to be absent from         without fear of assault, and to provide
What the survey findings highlights is         work, and as a result the subsequent           the necessary resources to allow all in
the glaring reality for teachers and          effect it has on both the physical and          schools to get on with the core business
education workers across the north. e        mental wellbeing of teachers and school        of schools in educating the young people
issue of assaults becoming commonplace        leaders and their families in dealing with     in this society.

                     Vere Foster Lecture 2019
                    200th Anniversary of the birth of Vere Foster
                        and marking 100 Years of the UTU
                          Friday 17 May 2019 2pm – 5pm
                   INTO Offices, 23 -24 College Gardens, Belfast
   The event will examine the legacy of Vere Foster (in particular his role in organising teachers)
   for both INTO and UTU, the developments which gave rise to the establishment of the Ulster
   Teachers’ Union in the context of the political tensions on the island of Ireland a century ago,
   and the broader role of the labour movement in the campaigns for home rule/independence
   and the opposing campaign to maintain the union with Britain.

                                                      PRINTOUT     12   MAY 2019
INTO news

Say No to Drugs and Nappies
More often than not, teachers and               undergarments or take responsibility for         make this sort of arrangement then the
educators in general, find that they are        the administration of any medicines. To          following procedure should operate:
expected to fulfil a ‘loco parentis’ role not   do so may leave teachers vulnerable to           • The smallest possible dose of required
only by the management of the school but        accusation and if medicines are                     medicine should be brought to the
by parents themselves. Lately INTO has          administered incorrectly this could have a          school, preferably by the parent and
received a number of queries in relation to     damaging effect on the child and perhaps             this should have clear written
changing children’s diapers, incontinence       distress for a practicing teacher; moreover         instructions along with the name of the
pants and administering medicine.               they could find themselves named in a               pupil and emergency parental contact
   Of course teachers must be prepared to       legal claim for negligence.                         number. Medicines should not be
react to an emergency in a sympathetic             If a child has long-term problems for            carried to school in glass containers.
manner, for example if a child has had an       instance diabetes, asthma                                          • Medicines should be
unexpected accident which has resulted          or epilepsy a school has a                                         centrally stored away
in them either soiling themselves or            duty of accommodation                                              from pupils in a locked
emergency medication is needed.                 so that all pupils can have                                        cupboard. Access to this
However, while teachers realise that they       equal access to their                                              stored medicines must be
have a professional duty of care for all of     education. However, this                                           through prior
the children they teach during the              then must be managed in                                            arrangement. Certain
working day, either on or off campus, this       a manner that all                                                  medicines such as
does not mean that there is a statutory         arrangements are clearly                                           inhalers must be readily
requirement upon teachers to be                 understood so that                                                 accessible at all times of
responsible for either changing a child’s       medicines can be                                                   the school day.
undergarments or the administration of          administered. Parents                                              Arrangements for
medicines. In emergencies teachers              should be encouraged to                                            medicines is extremely
should do no more than is obviously             provide the maximum                                                important if children are
necessary and appropriate to relieve            standard of assistance and                                         leaving school for an off
extreme distress or prevent further or          support.                                                           campus visit. How these
otherwise irreparable harm. Qualified              There are no agreed                                             arrangements are
medical attention should always be              arrangements to allow                Tommy McGlone,                managed is a matter for
sought in emergencies.                          teachers to either change                Senior Official            the principal’s
   INTO recommends that teachers do not         children’s clothing or                                            professional judgement
change children’s                               administer medicine. No teacher can be              or employing authority guidelines.
                                                        directed to do so and any teacher        • Medicines that are self-administered
                                                           being instructed in this manner          should, if possible, have adult
                                                             should contact their Northern          supervision. This can be the principal or
                                                              Committee rep or Northern             some other adult acting under the
                                                              Office.                                 principal’s authority. It is advisable that
                                                                 Parents should be                  a written log is kept at the school
                                                               encouraged to make                   noting the pupil’s name, date and time
                                                               arrangements to come to              of the administration.
                                                               school or be at home for
                                                               periods when children require     Remember: No teacher can be
                                                              medication that has not been       directed to administer medicine or
                                                            arranged as self-medication.         change a child’s clothing and any
                                                          This is reasonable but it does         teacher being instructed in this
                                                        require clear and precise planning       manner should contact their
                                                       and cooperation between school            Northern Committee rep or
                                                     and parent. Where it is not possible to     Northern Office.

                                                                   There are no agreed arrangements to
                                                                   allow teachers to either change
                                                                   children’s clothing or administer
                                                        PRINTOUT     13   MAY 2019
Nuacht CMÉ

Addressing Bullying in Schools Act
    (Northern Ireland) 2016
          s this article goes to press, the        (1) On the premises of the school          for pupils. is is impossible to facilitate
          rollout of training to schools               during the school day:                 in our schools and when first
          continues and are aimed to be            (2) While travelling to and from the       considering the “travelling to and from
completed by June 2019 with the                        school during the school term:         school,” requirement, someone should
intended Commencement Order date as                (3) While the pupil is in the lawful       have thought of asking teachers and
2nd September 2019 for the 2019-20                     control or charge of a member of       their unions.
academic year.                                         the staff of the school: or                Another issue identified in this Act is
   ere is no doubt that addressing                (4) While the pupil is receiving           the power to address cyber-bullying.
bullying in schools is a very important                educational provision arranged         With most schools restricting the use of
issue as all schools are dealing with                  on behalf of the                                       mobile phones by pupils
various bullying incidents day and daily.              school and                                             during the school day, this
Surely an Act specifically focused on                   provided                                               obviously points to the
addressing bullying would be welcomed                  elsewhere than                                         potential bullying taking
by principals, teachers, parents and                   on the premises                                        place outside the school
pupils alike. I am sorry to report that                of the school.                                         day. So, are schools now
this Act has not been embraced by the                                                                         responsible for a possible
education community.                           3. e Duty of Board of                                         bullying text or post by a
   e act should actually be renamed              Governors to keep a                                         pupil sent after the end of
as Recording Bullying in Schools Act              record of incidents of                                      the school day?
because it doesn’t provide for any                bullying that occur

answers on how to eliminate the culture           (1) On the premises of                                                   hat initially
of bullying in our schools but does                   the school during                                                    looked as an
provide guidance on what needs to be                  the school day:                                                      Act which
in place, such as policies, recording             (2) While travelling to                                      would go some way to
incidents and training.                               and from the school                                      addressing bullying in
   It is also unfortunate to report that the          during the school                                        schools is now seen to be
teaching unions were not involved in the              term:                         Paul Groogan,              a recording tool with
consultative process prior to this Act’s          (3) While the pupil is           Trade Union Official         massive workload and legal
approval and that teachers are now faced              in the lawful control                                   implications for schools.
with the implementation of legislation in             or charge of a member of the staff          Had the teaching unions through NITC
law.                                                  of the school: or                       been properly involved in the initial
   The Act requires 3 core legal                  (4) While the pupil is receiving            consultation process the issues highlighted
obligations for schools:                              educational provision arranged on       would not have arisen. Unfortunately,
1. Definition of “bullying,” which                     behalf of the school and provided       because the Act has been passed in law,
   includes (but is not limited to) the               elsewhere than on the premises of       schools have a legal duty to implement it.
   repeated use of                                    the school.                                INTO have already started the process
   (a) any verbal, written or electronic                                                      to address the issues raised by this Anti-

       communication                                      n closer examination it appears     Bullying Act. A sub-committee of NITC
   (b) any other act, or                                  the Act has changed the             has met with the Department of
   (c) any combination of those,                          international definition of          Education to raise the concerns of our
By a pupil or group of pupils against          bullying which is generally recognized as      members and a consultative paper is to
another pupil or group of pupils, with the     incidents repeated over time by including      be presented to DE regarding the issues
intention of causing physical or emotional     the (but is not limited to) clause. is        raised. is may well stall the
harm to that pupil or group of pupils.         means that in effect every incident of          implementation date, but the simple fact
                                               potential bullying, as one-off incidents,       is that to change this legislation we need
2. e Duty of Board of Governors to            would have to be recorded. Something           the Stormont Executive back up and
   secure measures to prevent bullying         totally unmanageable in our schools.           running so we can lobby our politicians
   and they must                                  e other stand out issue for schools        and get this Act altered.
   (a) Ensure that policies designed to        is the responsibility of the school in            So, with upcoming local elections
       prevent bullying involving a            preventing bullying of a pupil, “While         coming up, take the time to speak to the
       registered pupil at the school are      travelling to or from school during the        politicians on the doorstep and make
       pursued at the school:                  school term.” How are schools supposed         sure to inform them of the need to make
   (b)Determine the measures to be             to manage the prevention of bullying in        changes to the Addressing Bullying in
       taken at the school with a view to      this instance? It was suggested at some        Schools Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 and
       preventing bullying involving a         training course that some schools have         the need to properly fund our education
       registered pupil at the school –        posted teachers along the route home           system.

                                                       PRINTOUT    14   MAY 2019
INTO news

     Global Solidarity in the Union
  Movement, the Classroom and Beyond
As an affiliate of the Irish Congress of                including being at the front line of           regimes more often than not return to
Trade Unions, INTO delegates members to               welcoming and educating newcomer               Ireland as more committed and dedicated
attend various committees including the               students with ever decreasing resources,       activists here, having seen in action,
NIC-ICTU Global Solidarity (GS)                       it is essential that we continue to look       among other things, the efficacy of
Committee. The remit of the GS                        outwards and act progressively,                grassroots organising and education from
Committee is to promote education and                 supporting the struggles of those for          the ground up.
awareness of relevant global issues to                whom organising a teachers union can              For further information keep an eye on
Trade Union members and to consider                   mean the threat of prison or death in          the INTO NI Website and circulars for
and advise the NIC-ICTU Committee and                 places like Bahrain or Colombia. As such       details of any upcoming Global Solidarity
affiliates on various international matters.            INTO is always well                                             events. In terms of
At a more basic level it should operate as            represented at the Global                                       classroom delivery of
a ‘hub’ for affiliates to share and to learn            Solidarity meetings,                                            Global Solidarity the INTO
from one another’s solidarity efforts and              protests, summer school                                         ROI site has details of the
to agree ways to support ICTU policy in               and various events                                              island wide ‘Global
supporting trade union rights                         throughout the year.                                            Citizenship School’ with
internationally.                                          Global Solidarity is not                                    ready-made lesson plans
   Standing items on the NIC-ICTU GS                  about charity or aid work,                                      available to use by
Committee agenda include Colombia,                    although it can involve                                         teachers north and south
Cuba, Palestine, Amnesty International                these. It is a two way                                          of the border. The INTO
and ‘Just Transition’. Other recent                   process of learning from                                        nationally also operates a
developments include the adoption, in                 the struggles of others to                                      Solidarity Fund which
Belfast, of the ‘City of Sanctuary’                   better inform our own                                           supports education
campaign to promote the rights of                     efforts at home and,                                             projects and also
refugees and asylum seekers and to                    where possible, to                                              individual INTO members
campaign for more welcoming                           contribute to those                                             to travel abroad to
businesses, schools and facilities for those          struggles with solidarity                                       volunteer with NGO’s,
who find themselves in Ireland having                 campaigns and activities.              Kevin Daly,              charities and recognised
fled persecution, war or privation                    For example, INTO                  Incoming Chairperson         Trade Union Groups. All
elsewhere.                                            activists who have                                              members have the right to
   While INTO members face serious                    travelled abroad to teach or to witness        apply to this fund and details can be
challenges in their own workplaces,                   unions organising under oppressive             found on the INTO ROI site.

NI Teachers’ Pension Scheme (NITPS) Annual Benefit Statement explained
All teachers should have received their Annual        entered/will enter the new scheme on 1 April 2015      remain the same from that day on. The amount of
Benefit Statement (ABS) from the DE Teachers’         or sometime in the intervening years up to 1 Feb       money in the CARE column should continue to
Pension Branch by the end of March 2019. THIS IS      2022. The details are contained in the DE Pension      increase in relation to the work you do.
AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT SO PLEASE PUT IT IN A           Factsheet 1 on the INTO website, https://www.              Question – Do I get an automatic Lump Sum
SAFE PLACE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE!                          with my pension?
    There have been some recent queries from          ChangestotheNITPSFrom1April2015/PlanningYour               Answer - In the 80ths scheme there is an automatic
teachers in relation to their ABS of pension          Retirement_DEFactsheet1_Changes1Apr2015.pdf            tax free lump sum which is 3 times the pension in
entitlement.                                             The day you enter the CARE scheme you cease to      the 80ths scheme. There is also an additional
    Question – Why does my reckonable service not     accrue pension benefits in years and days.             optional tax free lump sum with this scheme.
show my total reckonable service in teaching in NI?   Therefore, the number of years and days in the             In the 60ths scheme and the CARE scheme there
    Answer – Your pension benefits are calculated     column under the 80th or 60th schemes will             is only an optional tax free lump sum.
under two or maybe three different schemes:
80ths/60ths or CARE schemes.                                                                        ABS EXAMPLE
• Pension accrued in the 80ths or 60th schemes         Your Pension Benefits                                    80th              60th               CARE
    are in years and days reckonable service.
                                                       Reckonable Service                                   1OYrs 178Dys         Yrs Dys              N/A
• Pension accrued in the CARE (Career Average)
    scheme is in £s and pence.                         Gross Annual pension (including Pensions Increase)    £5,307.47              £              £1,916.21
A new pension scheme was introduced on 1 April         Automatic Tax Free Lump Sum (Yes/No)                       Yes
2015 for all teachers in NI and depending on your
                                                       Automatic Tax Free Lump Sum amount                   £15,922.41
age at 1 April 2012, (if you were less than 50) you

                                                               PRINTOUT        15   MAY 2019
INTO news

                              Lessons from Auschwitz
The Holocaust Educational Trust                crematorium, we saw the rooms of            the people who lived and died there. It
( is a charity which            suitcases and shoes. The guide was very     was strangely still and quiet and while no-
organises visits to Auschwitz each year to     thorough in explaining the experiences of   one became upset or distressed, it was a
educate young people about the                                                             sombre visit.
experiences of people in the                                                                  The most powerful moment came
Concentration Camps of Nazi Germany.                                                       when the group heard from a Rabbi. He
The Trust invites two students (usually A-       It was strangely still                    spoke not only of the Jews, but of the
Level) from each school, and after an                                                      other groups who were imprisoned and
application process, the students take              and quiet and                          killed – the Trade Unionists, the Socialists,
part in an Induction meeting, followed by                                                  the gay men and women and others. This
a one day visit to Poland, and then a                while no-one                          showed the real purpose of the visit – the
follow-up seminar and a project for                                                        Holocaust survivors will soon no longer
delivery in their schools. Teachers can            became upset or                         be with us, so the young people must
apply to accompany the students and this                                                   become the new defenders of their
year I was fortunate to be selected.              distressed, it was a                     memories. The young people were
   It was an excellent experience, and very                                                encouraged to stand up to prejudice, to
well organised. The Induction meeting                sombre visit.                         speak out for those who are abused, to
included a talk from a Holocaust survivor,                                                 defend their rights and the rights of
which was a powerful and thought                                                           others. When we all lit a candle and
provoking moment. To hear at first hand                                                    placed it on the memorial, we were not
the memories and feelings of someone                                                       just remembering all of those who had
who went through the period before and                                                     died, we were pledging to work to ensure
during the occupation of Poland brought                                                    it would not be forgotten, and to make
the human side of what was a vast,                                                         sure it could not happen again.
industrial slaughter into focus.                                                              The Trust invites schools to take part
   After a very early start (Aldergrove at                                                 each year and I would recommend this
4.30am), the students and teachers spent                                                   project to all colleagues. My students
a full day visiting Poland. We went to a                                                   learned a lot from the whole experience
small town which was the site of the first                                                 and are currently working on a project
Auschwitz Camp, then went on to the                                                        which they will deliver to junior school
purpose built second site. We walked                                                       classes. They are already carrying on the
through the famous gates and under the                                                     work of the Trust.
iconic sign of ‘Work shall set you free’, we
stood in the gas chamber and                                                               BRIAN ADAMS, Ballyclare Secondary School

                                                       PRINTOUT   17   MAY 2019
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