The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS

Page created by Tyler Zimmerman
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
May 2020 Volume 66, Number 8                                                Visit ASCE-NCS on the web:

The Heights School, Arlington VA
May “Lunch” Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM

Located right on
Wilson Boulevard off                                                                       Please join us virtually on Tuesday,
of downtown Rosslyn,                                                                       May 19 at 1 PM for a modified
the new Heights                                                                            ASCE National Capital Section
school opened in time                                                                      May Lunch Meeting! The program
for the 2019–2020                                                                          will approximately consist of a
academic year and                                                                          one‑hour presentation with a webi-
enrolled 775 6th                                                                           nar format and one (1) PDH credit
through 12th grade                                                                         will be awarded. The cost will be
students in Arlington                                                                      $5 for all members, non-members,
County. Bjarke Ingels                                                                      and students. For questions, please
Group (BIG) is the                                                                         contact
architectural mas-                                                                         Please click here to register by
termind behind the                                                                         Monday, May 18. To add the event
cascading terraces and interlocking,         and working with complex structures.          to your calendar, click here.
yet floating, boxes. The building fans       Jason received his Master of Science
around a pivot point, which serves as        in Structural Engineering as well as a
the building’s core both for the structure   Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering    preconstruction through completion.
and circulation. As the structural engi-     from the University of Nebraska.            In that time, he has served in various
neer of record, Silman worked closely                                                    roles and has worked on a variety of
with the design team to preserve the         As a project manager for the structural     projects ranging from high schools to
open concept for the occupiable space        engineering of a project, he has worked     museums. Tyler recently completed
while developing a helical load path         on multiple new construction projects,      The Heights Building and is currently
around the pivot point. Early involve-       including the recently completed struc-     managing construction of the Arlington
ment from Gilbane, the construction          ture for The Heights Building, as well as   Public Schools’ New Elementary School
manager at-risk, proved successful in        renovation projects, coordinating the       at the Reed Site and the design-build
proactively planning, understanding,         scope and schedule with the agency,         Metro DC Headquarters. He received his
coordinating, and ultimately executing       architect, and other engineers in accor-    BAE in Architectural Engineering from
the design team’s vision.                    dance with the guidelines of the project.   Pennsylvania State University.
                                             Jason provides oversight in the form of
About the Speakers                           quality assurance and quality control to    During preconstruction, Tyler oversaw
                                             maintain communication and consis-          and coordinated project meetings and
Jason Myers, PE, SE, LEED AP                 tency throughout the project’s duration.    consultation, cost estimates, project
BD+C, Associate – Silman                                                                 schedules/phasing, constructability
Role: Project Manager, Structural            Tyler Swartzwelder, Project                 reviews, site logistics planning, and
Engineering                                  Executive – Gilbane Building                procurement, as well as development
                                             Company                                     of the GMP. He was responsible for the
                                             Role: Project Manager, Construction         day-to-day supervision of the procure-
                                                                                         ment process by participating in the
                                                                                         development of a bidding strategy and
                                                                                         bid package breakdown. n
Jason Myers joined Silman in 2013 as a
structural engineer and was promoted
to Associate in 2014. Jason has a strong
background in the technical design
of new construction and renovation           Tyler Swartzwelder, project executive
of existing buildings. His experience        at Gilbane Building Company, has 14
focuses on long-span steel structures,       years of industry experience, focusing
concrete structures, floor vibration,        on all aspects of project delivery from
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
President’s Corner
  While much of the DMV is                                   simultaneously be attentive         neighborhood every week – I’ve
  under stay-at-home orders,                                 to their kids at home with          been able to try food that I other-
  many of our fellow civil                                   them. We can’t see all the          wise wouldn’t.
  engineers are “essential                                   friends and family that we
  workers.” We have mem-                                     would like to.                  ■   My co-workers host a virtual happy
  bers who still go into work                                                                    hour every Friday afternoon – I’m
  everyday to make sure                                    But – and I am fully aware            normally out in the field a lot and
  people have clean water to                               of how fortunate I am – for           don’t always get to catch up with
  drink and wash with, pro-                                me, the current situation             my co-workers.
  cess waste and recycling,                                has given me opportuni-
  and maintain and construct                               ties to do things that I          I know we’ve all been told that “we’ll
  critical infrastructure. I want to thank       wouldn’t have necessarily experienced       get through this”. It’s true. We will.
  these individuals for continuing to            otherwise…                                  If there is any way that the ASCE
  do their job for the benefit of soci-                                                      community can help you, please do
  ety. I am also incredibly grateful for         ■   My 9-month old daughter started         not hesitate to reach out (president@
  other essential workers, like doctors              crawling – I was home with her to I look forward to seeing
  and nurses, grocery and pharmacy                   see it instead of her daycare.          everyone at a future event and hope
  employees, cleaning crews, and deliv-                                                      that you all continue to stay safe and
  ery personnel, among others.                   ■   I go on a family walk with my hus-      healthy!
                                                     band and two children every after-
  No one knows exactly how long the                  noon – Typically during the week I      Best,
  current health crisis will impact our              only see my family for a few hours
  society and each one of us has been                in the morning before work or in the
  impacted in different ways. Many peo-              evening after work.
  ple have lost their jobs. People have                                                      Kelly Cronin, PE
  gotten sick. Many people – including           ■   My civic association has a dif-         ASCE NCS President 2019–2020
  myself – are struggling to work and                ferent food truck come to our

Upcoming Events
  Until further notice, all in-person ASCE NCS events have been cancelled. Opportunities for virtual events will be
  announced as they are planned.

Newsletter                                                              National Capital Section
Maria Raggousis, Editor                                                Officers (2019–2020)               Norine Walker, Director
                                                                       Kelly Cronin, President            Elizabeth Wheeler, Director
September 2020 Issue Deadline: August 15, 2020
                                                                       Mike Venezia, Vice President       Lisa Anderson, Director
To Submit Articles:                            Vic Crawford, Treasurer            Tricia Wolfbauer, Director
                                                                       Jameelah Ingram, Secretary         Shainur Ahsan, Reston Branch
NCS eNewsletter Archives: go to and view along                                           President
                                                                       Emily Dean, Past President
the sidebar.
                                                                       Brian Barna, Previous Past         Committee Chairs
Address Changes: Call 1-800-548-ASCE, e-mail,          President                          Please refer to the NCS website for
visit, or write: ASCE – Membership, 1801 Alexander Bell   Maria Raggousis, Newsletter        a current list of NCS committees
                                                                       Editor                             and chairs.
Drive, Reston, VA 20191. Include your membership number.
                                                                       Joe Whartenby, YMF President

2 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                         
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
Region 2 Director’s Report
Jack A. Raudenbush, P.E., F.ASCE, your                                                   Hurricane Agnes, but remained open
Region 2 Director is a member of the                                                     as a widely used pedestrian bridge and
Central Pennsylvania Section. Jack will                                                  recreational amenity.
be representing you at the next Board
meeting in Reston, Virginia, on July                                                     On January 20, 1996 two spans of the
10–11, 2020.                                                                             West Channel bridge were lifted by
                                                                                         an ice jam during a flood and carried
We have all heard and read about                                                         downstream where it became temporar-
COVID-19 over the past few months.                                                       ily lodged beneath the Market Street
ASCE has been proactive since this                                                       Bridge.
novel virus was realized here in the US
and has instituted multiple webinars,                                                    Shout-Out to – Loujin Daher, P.E.,
communicated with civil engineers,                                                       M. ASCE – The Central PA Section
elected officials, and governing bodies                                                  just gained an excellent member on
and continues to offer a multitude of                                                    its Board. Ms. Daher was recently
support programs to our members to                                                       appointed Vice President of the Section
specifically help with this life chang-                                                  and she adds another young member
ing event. While more information is                                                     to its vibrant leadership. She gradu-
being shared everyday by ASCE, we                                                        ated from Bucknell University with a
currently have several references that                                                   Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
are helpful:                                                                             where she was awarded the Jack Kent
                                                                                         Cooke full tuition scholarship. Five years
Thursday’s at 3 – weekly webinar                                                         ago, she graduated and began working
roundtable discussing current and rel-                                                   for Gannett Fleming, Inc., in Camp Hill,
evant topics affecting ASCE members.          iron truss bridges produced by the         PA. Her current responsibilities include
And COVID-19 Virtual Resources. Go to:        Phoenix Bridge Company.                    directing and managing field explora-                                                   tion, conducting engineering analyses
virtual-events                                Civil engineer Samuel Reeves founded       on earthen structures, and perform-
                                              the Phoenix Bridge Company. Wendell        ing technical calculations needed for
Plot Points Podcast – thru the                Bollman, inventor of the Bollman Truss,    engineering projects. Loujin has been a
month of April, COVID-19 Community            created the company’s Phoenix col-         member of ASCE since 2015. She is also
Calls are available as daily podcasts.        umn – a circular compression mem-          a Connected Women Ambassador, and
Go to:             ber assembled from flanged, rolled         Sergeant at Arms of Gannett Fleming
asce-plot-points/                             wrought-iron segments. The superstruc-     Toastmasters Club.
                                              tures of these bridges were completely
Visit an ASCE designed historic               prefabricated of wrought iron in the       Loujin says that she will take advan-
site. These sites illustrate the creativity   company’s plant at Elizabethtown,          tage of the opportunities within ASCE
and innovative spirit of civil engineers.     Pennsylvania.                              to build her network, build leadership
Visit to                                                  skills, advance civil engineering and
find sites near you. Share photos of your     The Phoenix Bridge Company prided          serve the public good. Thank you to
travels with me and I will post in Region     itself on its ability to deliver written   Loujin for her enthusiastic participation
2 correspondence and on our Region’s          estimates based on the answers to five     in this great organization!
social media pages.                           questions, each regarding span, width,
                                              and clearance. As such, the company        I look forward to seeing you at ASCE
The Walnut Street Bridge,                     was a major force in the explosive         events.
Harrisburg, PA. When completed in             expansion of the transportation infra-
1890, it’s fifteen truss spans with an        structure in the United States.            Jack A. Raudenbush, P.E., F.ASCE
overall length of 2820 feet, the Walnut                                                  Director, Region 2
Street Bridge was the finest and largest      The bridge was closed to vehicular traf-
example of the standardized wrought           fic in 1972 as a result of floods during   717.944.0883

3 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                  
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
Dr. Z’s Corner

  To optimize, or not to Optimize, that is the
  Question for the Construction Industry
  As stated by the famous mathemati-          The added value created by improved          development of AECI is expected to be
  cian and astronomer Leonhard Euler:         productivity and production of near-         severe. More specifically, a hypothetical
  “Nothing happens in the universe not        optimal solutions establish the need for     scenario of 10% average material usage
  relying on the rules of maximum or          algorithmic aid in structural design. The    reduction is achieved on 5% of the proj-
  minimum.” The use of the mathemati-         added value is generated by reducing         ect volume of AECI, the cost reduction
  cal term of optimization can be identi-     design cost and time while increasing        translates to USD 15.0 billion for 2016;
  fied to the era of great mathematicians,    responsible material usage, eco-friend-      while the environmental benefit trans-
  physicists and astronomers like Cauchy,     liness and construction cost efficiency      lates to 6.0 million metric tons of CO2
  Lagrange, Kepler and Newton while           of projects. Numerical optimization is       reduction, equal to the annual emission
  minimization was presented a lot prior      the means of transportation from a far-      of cities like Pittsburgh, Paris, Milan or
  by Euclid. Notwithstanding these early      optimal design to a near-optimal one         Athens.
  advancements, engineers discovered          with respect to predefined parameters,
                                                                                           Worth noticing are the pioneering
  the value of optimization not before        restrictions and goals.
                                                                                           steps in the field of structural engineer-
  1950 when research innovation on
                                              Optimization in the                          ing design optimization performed
  optimization algorithms was supported
                                              engineering profession                       by OptiStructure, a startup recently
  by computing power. Nevertheless, civil
                                              Since the 1960’s many research studies       established in London UK, that aims to
  engineers remain skeptical in incorpo-
                                              on applied structural design optimiza-       institute value engineering revolution
  rating optimization in their professional
                                              tion have been published, where struc-       in AECI via structural design optimi-
                                              tural design optimization was effective      zation. OptiStructure optimization
  Trial and error vs optimization             in various problems. However, civil          services have recently been applied
  The first production-worthy light           engineers (especially structural engi-       to a 535 meters high-rise reinforced
  globe was the outcome of a long and         neers) seem susceptible to applying          concrete building, to be constructed in
  repetitive trial-and-error procedure by     optimization-based design procedures.        the Persian Gulf area. The environmen-
  Thomas Edison for identifying the opti-     Nevertheless, mechanical and aero-           tal benefit achieved by the optimized
  mal material. While Edison had limited      space engineers have already adopted         design delivered corresponds to 12.7%
  knowledge on material properties as         optimization into their profession           and 11.2% reduction on GHG CO2
  electrical resistance and conductance,      practice. For instance, in the automotive    emissions and energy consumption,
  modern engineers present remarkable         industry, BMW has adopted optimiza-          respectively; while cost reduction of 8%
  technical experience and knowledge          tion procedures in the development of        was achieved that corresponds to USD
  that empowers them to deliver high-         new diesel engines. While in the aero-       6.8 million.
  quality designs based on their exper-       nautic industry, Airbus used a design
                                                                                           Construction technology leaders are
  tise. Designs’ weaknesses are detected      optimization approach for developing
                                                                                           preparing for a massive storm of inno-
  via testing and are corrected through       the wings of the aircraft A380.
                                                                                           vation as the AECI moves to a digital
  experience-based make-it-and-break-it
                                              First steps of optimization in               era. As optimization represents a pillar
                                              AECI, what is the benefit                    of digitizing construction and BIM tech-
  Advancements in available comput-           Aiming to identify the benefits of           nology, we expect that structural engi-
  ing hardware technology and software        adopting optimization-based struc-           neering will undergo a lot of changes
  enabled the development of numerical        tural engineering by the Architectural,      in the near future. OptiStructure since
  prototypes of designs, used for perfor-     Engineering & Construction Industry          its inception has been present in
  mance assessment prior to construc-         (AECI), it is important to underline that:   Singapore, Indonesia, India, United
  tion while time and cost efficiency of      (i) The Building Sector (BS) is the higher   Arab Emirates, Greece, UK, Mexico and
  the trial and error phase was improved.     contributor to global greenhouse gas         the USA looking constantly to expand
  It is worth pointing out that there exist   (GHG) emissions (30% of GHG emis-            its reach and impact. If you are inter-
  two constraints that restrict further       sions) while it also consumes almost         ested in partnering with OptiStructure,
  efficiency improvement. The first one       40% of global energy, 25% of global          please do not hesitate to contact me
  is the significant workload demand for      water, 40% of global resources, (ii) BS      at or
  interpretation of design cycles of the      estimated worth is around 10% of the         via our LinkedIn page at https://www.
  trial and error approach. The second        global GDP (USD 7.5 trillion) with more,
  factor concerns the balance between         than 120 million people employed,            and
  project complexity and uniqueness           whereas (iii) AECI is expected to            nikos-lagaros-086323/ anytime. We are
  versus human intuition. The physical        expand by 85% to USD 15.5 trillion           constantly looking for new partners.
  limitations of the human brain in com-      worldwide in 2030, with U.S., China
                                                                                           About the Author
  binatoratorial calculations have been       and India accounting for almost 60%
                                                                                           Prof. Nikos D. Lagaros is
  exceeded by the computational abilities     of this growth. With respect to the
                                                                                           the Dean of the School
  of available hardware technology. The       above issues, the question for AECI
                                                                                           of Civil Engineering at
  inventive solutions of engineers are        is: “To optimize, or not to optimize?”.
                                                                                           the National Technical
  limited by time and cost but could be       The answer to this question is straight-
                                                                                           University of Athens
  assisted in achieving near-optimal          forward, definitely Yes; if AECI adopts
                                                                                           (NTUA), Greece and advi-
  design solutions in an algorithmic          design optimization principles the
                                                                                           sor at OptiStructure.
  manner.                                     environmental impact and economic

4 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                     
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
Civil Engineering and You

  Setting the stage: Calumet “K” by Merwin-Webster
  by Ranjit S. Sahai, PE, F.ASCE
  Calumet “K” inspires me to leap over
  seemingly unsurmountable hurdles.
  The novel was published in 1901. It is
  the story of Charlie Bannon, a con-
  struction manager, who knows what
  it takes to get things done in time, and
  proceeds to do so against all odds – be
  it a lack of transportation, corruption,
  insubordination, or other unforeseen
  events. Charlie is the epitome of an
  efficacious, thinking, problem solving
  mind – a portrayal so rare in modern

  The project
  Calumet “K” is a grain elevator that
  must be built by the midnight of
  December 31, if the grain trading com-
  pany that commissioned it is to avoid
  ruin. (The color illustration of the grain
  elevator above was cropped from an
  image on the cover of the novel repub-
  lished in the 1960s.)                        transportation. Concrete reinforced        About the author
                                               with twisted steel reinforcing bars is     of this article
  The location                                 gaining traction for the construction of   Ranjit, a Past President (2013–14) of
  Calumet is a small town in the south-        major structures such as skyscrapers       ASCE-NCS, is a principal and founder
  ern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.            and bridges. US stock market crashes       of RAM Corporation, a firm serving
  Ledyard, Michigan, a town North East         for the first time in 1901.                State DOTs with a focus on traffic
  of Calumet and a major material sup-                                                    engineering design,
  plier for the project is a day ride away     What’s to come                             stormwater facility
  by railroad.                                 Starting with the September issue of       inspections, and IT solu-
                                               this newsletter, this article provides     tions for engineering
  Historical backdrop                          a front row seat, spanning several         workflows.
  US Steel becomes the first billion-          issues, to the story of the construction
  dollar corporation in 1901. Railroads        of Calumet “K,” and Charlie’s indomi-
  are the dominant mode of surface             table spirit.

ASCE-NCS Newsletter Patrons

5 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                  
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
FGIA transitions Summer Conference to virtual event
Schaumburg, Illinois (April 21, 2020) –                                                 afternoon, with plenty of breaks in
The Fenestration and Glazing Industry                                                   between.
Alliance (FGIA) will hold its Summer
Conference virtually due to the spread                                                  “While the format has changed, the
of COVID-19 and requests by govern-                                                     quality level will be what participants
ment leadership to shelter-in-place. This                                               have come to expect from FGIA,” said
event, previously intended to be held in                                                Yglesias.
Chicago, will be hosted on Zoom for the
convenience of participants. The event                                                  Despite the platform change, network-
dates remain largely unchanged with                                                     ing will still be a part of the conference,
the conference taking place Tues., June                                                 as it is with in-person events.
23 through Thurs., June 25. Registration
for the virtual Summer Conference will                                                  “We know those who come to our world
open the week of May 4.                                                                 class in-person events love doing so
                                                                                        for the networking,” said Yglesias. “To
“FGIA will provide the same high-qual-                                                  meet this need, FGIA will be host-
ity industry content that participants                                                  ing optional ‘happy hours’ following
have come to expect from our events,        of Fame NFL player for the Chicago          Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s content.
only in an online format,” said Janice      Bears, will address the importance of       Meet up in a themed ‘room’ online with
Yglesias, FGIA Executive Director.          leadership and adapting to change.          up to 10 other participants and enjoy
“There will be one track, making it         An overview of the most recent FGIA         moderator-led discussions of topics you
easy to connect to the event and know       market study, now in development, also      care about most or elect to join a social
you will be in the right ‘room’ for the     will be given including forecasts for the   ‘room’ for general conversation and
sessions.”                                  U.S. fenestration market. Discussions       catching up.”
                                            on COVID-19’s impact on the industry
As the event gets closer, FGIA staff will   also will take place including lessons      For more information about FGIA and its
announce a blended slate of associa-        learned, financial relief packages and      activities, visit
tion business sessions, as well as panel    forecasting of what is to come.
discussions, speakers and other content                                                 Your trusted industry resource, setting
of most value to those in the industry in   Three or four meeting sessions will be      the standards for fenestration and
these unusual times. Keynote speaker        hosted each day beginning at 10 a.m.        glazing. n
Dan “Danimal” Hampton, a retired Hall       Central time and concluding in the late

Employment Clearinghouse
  Now Hiring: You can find the list of      The NCS provides the Employment             employers. If you have ­questions,
  companies hiring during the COVID-19      Clearinghouse as a free service to          are seeking employment or would
  pandemic at          its membership. The Clearinghouse           like to post a position please contact
  19DCjobs. If your company is hiring       allows members to post short notices        the newsletter editor and visit our
  civil engineers in the Washington, DC     for available positions or candidates       jobs page.
  area and is not currently on the list,    seeking employment. All employers
  email                 listed herein are equal opportunity

ASCE-NCS Newsletter Patrons

                                                                                                              continued on page 6

6 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                  
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
ASCE-NCS Committee and Branch News and Updates
Education Committee –                      health of all and looking forward to        areas, low marsh plants are transition-
Collegiate                                 hopefully resume in-person classes in       ing inland as high marsh plants die off
By Jameelah M. Ingram, P.E., M. ASCE       the fall.                                   due to more frequent inundation. When
Encouraging Words from ASCE                                                            these ecosystems are damaged, we
NCS Student Chapter Presidents.            The ASCE NCS Education Committee            lose more than an important source
The National Capital Section is usu-       also looks forward to the time where        of biodiversity. Coastal ecosystems
ally teeming with students and their       we can gather in-person, as an ASCE         act as a barrier during storm events by
absence is recognizable. As the world      community once more. Until then, ASCE       dampening storm surge and providing
works to overcome the coronavirus,         Collaborate, is an excellent tool for       a place for wave breaking. As a result,
students at colleges and universities      professional and student members to         there is a strong interest in maintaining
will be completing their semesters         remain connected.                           or expanding these ecosystems as an
from a distance. Despite these recent                                                  alternative to traditional gray coastal
challenges, the ASCE NCS Education         ASCE NCS Geo-Institute                      protective infrastructure. In the future,
Committee believes that students, our      Announces Winner of 2020 Student            geotechnical engineers could expand
future engineers, are both nimble and      Essay Contest                               their practice by collaborating with
determined! Two students from the          (News provided for the Education            coastal ecologists to implement green
National Capital Section shared encour-    Committee section by Shana M. Carroll,      or green-gray systems of coastal protec-
aging updates below:                       PE, LEED BD+C, President of ASCE NCS        tive infrastructure.”
Bryan Minarczyk, President at the          The ASCE NCS Geo-Institute hosted           “There is a strong interest in cutting
Catholic University of America ASCE        a student essay contest. The topic for      back on carbon emissions in order to
Student Chapter (CUA ASCE), wrote:         this year was “What is your vision of       reduce atmospheric warming and ocean
                                           the future of geotechnical engi-            acidification. Today, the geotechni-
After receiving the news from the          neering?” ASCE NCS GI is happy              cal practice relies on Portland cement
University, I returned home to New         to announce that Abby Burke from            concrete as a construction material for
York where I am continuing with online     Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State    foundations, dams, ground improve-
classes and interning remotely. While      University has been                         ment, and other applications. However,
both have been an adjustment, it is        selected with the best                      concrete production is an extremely
amazing to see how resilient everyone      essay. She will receive                     carbon-intensive process: about 410
is in adapting under the given circum-     the prize of USD 1,000                      kg of CO2 are emitted per cubic meter
stances. Faculty members remain com-       and free attendance for                     of concrete produced. To address this
mitted to student success and look for     the Annual Geotechnical                     problem, geotechnical engineers could
innovative ways to engage students via     Symposium in 2021.                          take the lead in developing and imple-
online office hours, group projects, and   Please take a moment to                     menting more sustainable construction
presentations. Though the means and        read her essay and background below         materials.”
methods have changed, I am confident       and give her some cheers.
that I am still being challenged and                                                   “Geotechnical engineers of the future
receiving a great education.               Abby Burke received her undergradu-         will need to understand how environ-
                                           ate degree in civil engineering from        mental conditions are changing so that
Lobna Youssef, Co-President at the         the University of Kentucky and is cur-      they can be leaders in developing resil-
George Washington University ASCE          rently pursuing her master’s degree in      ient, sustainable communities.” – Abby
Student Chapter (GW ASCE), expressed       geotechnical engineering at Virginia        Burke 2020.
the following:                             Tech. Her graduate research is funded
                                           by the Center for Geotechnical Practice     Corporate Relations Committee
Transitioning to online classes has been   and Research and focuses on potential       By Lynn Mayo, RePicture Engineering
a strange and new experience. The CEE      impact and opportunities within geo-        Looking for a new job under normal
Department at George Washington has        technical practice resulting from climate   conditions can be stressful. Looking for
been very accommodating and flexible       change. In her free time, Abby enjoys       a new job during the COVID-19 shut-
with this transition to online classes,    hiking and backpacking in the Blue          down creates many new challenges.
trying their best to keep their students   Ridge Mountains. Abby intends to start
engaged while maintaining the caliber      a career in geotechnical consulting after   As many of you know, there are several
of our education. Our Dean, John Lach,     graduating in December 2020.                companies that planned to hire staff in
has been sending frequent updates                                                      March that have now put all hiring on
about new academic policies to help        Her essay highlighted how the effects of    hold, until the impacts of COVID-19 are
ease this transition, as well as holding   climate change can provide opportuni-       better known. However, some compa-
town hall meetings to allow students       ties for geotechnical engineering.          nies are going forward with their hiring
to voice their concerns. Although it is                                                process during COVID-19.
disappointing not to see my classmates     “Global change processes are also
every day, the sense of camaraderie and    impacting ecosystem health, espe-           Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to
community is still extremely present.      cially in coastal regions experiencing      know which companies are suspend-
We are hoping for the safety and good      rapid seal level rise. In many coastal      ing hiring and which are going forward
                                                                                                            continued on page 8

7 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                               
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
with hiring. Based on my review of
hundreds of job postings on dozens
of company websites, it appears that
many companies, especially smaller and
mid-sized companies, have not updated
their job postings since the COVID-19
stay-at-home orders. Some local civil
engineering company websites have job
postings that are several years old!

Therefore, I’ve created a list of compa-
nies that are still hiring civil engineers   From Ariana White, Vice President
in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and
Maryland. The list includes companies
that have posted a new job opening
on their website since April 2 (after the
area’s stay-at-home orders). In addition,                                                From Joseph Whartenby, President
the list includes companies that have
notified me that they are still hiring.

You can find the list of companies hir-
ing during the COVID-19 pandemic at If your
company is hiring civil engineers in the
Washington, DC area and is not cur-
rently on the list, email us at jobs@ and we’ll add your com-
pany. Also, please let us know if a com-
pany should no longer be on the list for
hiring during the COVID-19 pandemic.         From Amanda Frosztega, Co-Social Chair      From Sarah Shay, Secretary

During this challenging time, there          Stay Connected! Check out photos            person who registers at each office will
is reason to be hopeful for those of         and stay up-to-date with YMF events         be responsible to send in a completed
us in the civil engineering industry.        by visiting the new YMF Facebook            sign-in sheet within 1 hour of seminar
According to the ASCE national web-          page (ASCE National Capital Section         ending for participants to receive their
site, the CARES Act recently signed into     Younger Members Forum), following us        PDH credit. Click here to register. Dial in
law in response to COVID-19 includes         on Twitter (@asce_ncs_YMF), connect-        instructions will be sent one week prior
$25 billion for transit grants, $1 billion   ing with us on LinkedIn (ASCE National      to the webinar.
for Amtrak, $10 billion for the Airport      Capital YMF), and following us on
Improvement Program, $56 million for         Instagram (@asce_ncs_ymf)                   Emergency Rock Slide Stabilization
the Essential Air Service and a provision                                                with Shear Pins: Design,
that unlocks the Harbor Maintenance          Get Involved! Are you interested in         Construction, the Media
Trust Fund which helps ports that need       getting involved with more Younger          The presentation will cover the emer-
dredging work.                               Members activities? Do you have ideas       gency response to stabilize a massive
                                             for social events or volunteering activi-   rock slide in Central Pennsylvania that
Hopefully all companies will soon be         ties? The NCS Younger Members Group         was endangering a shopping plaza, a
back to normal hiring practices. In the      is always looking for new members! Let      gas line, and electrical utilities located at
meantime, let’s come together and            us know if you are not already on our       its toe (see picture below). The presen-
help each other by sharing available job     mailing list! If you would like to become   tation will cover the design and con-
opportunities.                               more active with the YMF or would like      struction of the remediation using shear
                                             more information on our events, please      pins (uncased micropiles). The project
                                             email the YMF President.                    received significant media attention due
                                                                                         to the eminent threat it represented.
                                             Geo-Institute – National                                          continued on page 9
                                             Capital Chapter
Younger Members Forum                        By Shana Carroll
By Sarah Shay, YMF Secretary/Newsletter      Please be advised the March 19th
Monthly Happy Hour. The YMF hopes            luncheon has been cancelled due to
that all ASCE-NCS members and their          the coronavirus pandemic. If you have
loved ones are staying safe and healthy      already registered and paid, refunds
this month! To celebrate the shift from      have been processed.
office work environments to mostly
working from home, the YMF Executive         This presentation has been rescheduled
Board has shared some of their new           to May 13th (12pm – 1pm) as a webinar.
home office setups!                          The cost is $30 per connection. The

8 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                   
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
The positive and negative aspects of                                                     a 6 week guided online course with
the media’s role in the project will be                                                  online, on-demand videos and activities.
About the speaker: Sebastian Lobo-
Guerrero Ph.D., P.E., is a Project                                                       The course launched Monday, April 27,
Manager/AAP laboratory man-                                                              but registration will stay open through
ager at American Geotechnical and                                                        May 9 (two weeks into the 6 week
Environmental Services. (A.G.E.S.) at                                                    course). The videos and activities are
                 the Pittsburgh, Pa.,                                                    released weekly and are on-demand,
                 headquarters. He has                                                    so anyone joining through May 9 will
                 more than 18 years of                                                   be able to catch up with the others.
                 experience in geotech-    Shaft on April 8 on line and grade. A         The course requires about 2 hours per
                 nical engineering and     phenomenal feat of surveying com-             week, again, on demand to fit into your
                 has authored more than    ing off a 150 ft. baseline and advanc-        schedule.
                 60 technical papers       ing 16,000 ft without any intermediate
                 published in scientific   shafts to check line. It is an impressive     This course is ASCE’s first course to
journals, geotechnical magazines, and      feat that the crews continued to work         address “making the case” for infra-
conference proceedings worldwide. He       to get the job done with the current          structure: it follows our extensive
was a co-author (and instructor) of the    pandemic situation and we are happy to        efforts to recognize and promote
Delaware Department of Transportation      report that the crew is healthy.              sustainability in the industry. ASCE
2016 LRFD Bridge Design Manual. He                                                       recognizes the leading role civil engi-
is a former chair of the Pittsburgh G-I    EWRI Committee                                neers have in planning, designing,
chapter, and a former Director of the      By Ken Klewicki                               building, and ensuring a sustainable
ASCE Pittsburgh Section. He is also a      The EWRI NCS chapter is planning on           future by providing the bridge between
member of the DFI Tiebacks and Soil        hosting a monthly webinar series begin-       science and society. In this role, engi-
Nailing Committee, and the chair for the   ning in late May or early June. Watch         neers actively promote and participate
DFI-45 National Conference in National     your emails for further details or contact    in multidisciplinary teams with other
Harbor MD 2020.                            Ken Klewicki at Klewicki_Joseph@              professionals, such as ecologists,
                                  or 571-277-4920 for more              economists, and sociologists, and work
Construction Committee                     information.                                  with communities to effectively address
By Ivan Carrasco                                                                         the issues and challenges of sustainable
Shane Yanagisawa, Project Director-        Sustainability Committee                      development. The knowledge gained
Salini-Impregilo/Healy JV informed that    by Alex Rosenheim                             throughout this course will enable you
the Northeast Boundary Tunnel Boring       ASCE’s new course “Making the Case            to secure support for sustainable think-
Machine holed through at the W Street      for Sustainable Infrastructure” is            ing and resilient infrastructure. n

A Telecommuter’s Guide to Work-Life Balance
By Shana Carroll

Do you telecommute? I often talk to        on their daily commute. While working
young professionals who want to have       from home may seem easier, balanc-
a more flexible work schedule. In one      ing your personal life with a “9 to 5”
recent study, 75% of millennials polled    schedule can actually be more difficult
by Deloitte would like to work from        than if you report to a traditional office
home more. There are different reasons     building.
workers want to report from a home
office. Some people believe they are       If you love your work, and become
more productive when working from          adept at telecommuting, you are likely
home. Others desire a more flexible        to find it difficult to leave work at the
schedule, or to save time and money        “office,” when you should be spending
                                           time with friends or family. It is easy to
                                           work extra hours in the evening, or on        or preparing spreadsheets. While this is
                                           weekends, when your office is so acces-       great for my company and my business
                                           sible. For example, I work with engi-         relationships, the relationships in my
                                           neers, estimators, and project managers       personal life suffer.
                                           within my company and many different
                                           types of external clients every day. I love   One of the widely known benefits to
                                           my work and enjoy helping people solve        working from home is the ability to bet-
                                           their problems. I want to be a respon-        ter balance work and family. However,
                                           sive team player so much that I often         just like working from a traditional
                                           find myself sitting at the kitchen table      office, your work-life balance can be
                                           after dinner with a laptop, writing emails                         continued on page 10

9 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                 
The Heights School, Arlington VA - May "Lunch" Meeting, May 19th at 1 PM - ASCE-NCS
A Telecommuter’s Guide to Work-Life Balance
continued from page 9

negatively affected. Two recommenda-          task I had an idea for, and then started     cross it off some list? Soon after, you
tions to maintain a work-life balance         gardening earlier in the day.                realize you’ve spent too many hours
are to use a separate physical space for                                                   working and something slipped in your
your home office, and use timers for          Set timers for your work:                    home life. The result is that you become
your work.                                    Even if you are able to abide by the         more vigilant with your time, for a short
                                              boundary you set between your office         while, and within a few weeks, you find
Divide your office from                       and the rest of your home, you will          the cycle repeats. Rather than continue
the rest of your house:                       likely find yourself putting in extra        this way, schedule your time and use
If you have a room dedicated as your          hours when you work from a home              accountability tools to be sure you stick
office, and only work when you are            office. A 2010 study by Brigham Young        to the schedule. For example, if you
in that space, it will be easier to “turn     University claims that telecommuters         have a report you’d like to review, set a
off” when you need to. Consider the           can work, on average, 19 more hours          stopwatch for the anticipated amount
doorway to your office to be a bound-         (as compared to employees who work           of time you need. Once the timer ends,
ary. Once you’ve set this boundary,           at an office daily) before a work/life       stop working. I prefer to use the timer
it becomes easier to leave work at            conflict occurs. However, these conflicts    function on my iPhone. However, if you
the office and focus on other aspects         still occur and if you don’t set limits on   are easily distracted by having your
of your life. This isn’t to say that you      your work time, they can cause havoc in      phone nearby, try a virtual timer. One
should never work outside of your             your life.                                   that I like is the Tomato Timer, which
typical work hours. On the contrary,                                                       solely operates in 25 minute increments
because your brain is not wired to gen-       One study has shown that if you are          based on the Pomodoro method of
erate great ideas only during the work        happy with your job on a day-to-day          time management. Another option is to
day, you may find that you want to send       basis, you are more productive. While        use a friend or family member as your
an email or work on a project on a week-      an increase in number of hours worked        accountability tool. You can schedule
end. When this happens, simply walk to        was not analyzed in this study, it is        an activity with them so that you have
your office and complete the task. If, like   intuitive that the more you like your job    no choice but to put your work down,
me, you allow yourself to work in differ-     the more hours you want to put in. This      or you can let them know that you
ent parts of the house, you run the risk      can be a dangerous position, however,        would like to be interrupted in X min-
of getting caught up in work and spend-       as the more hours you spend working,         utes and ask that they call at that time.
ing more time than you allotted. Last         the less time you have for family and        Remember, there will always be “one
weekend, for example, my goal was to          home life. For many of us, the problem       more thing” that you can, and probably
spend Saturday morning gardening. As I        is that we love what we do for a living so   want to, finish; to keep a work-life bal-
brewed the morning’s coffee, however, I       much that we get caught up in the task       ance, set a timer and abide by it.
had an idea about how to make a project       we are working on and time seems to
design better so I opened the laptop,         fast-forward.                                When you work from a home office,
and started working. Three hours later,                                                    it can be easy to neglect your home
there I was sitting on the couch working        Time flies never to be recalled.           life. Two ways you can help avoid this
through a company presentation (that                                      – Virgil         unbalance are to use a separate physi-
had nothing to do with the initial reason                                                  cal space for your home office, and use
I turned on the computer) instead of          How often have you finished working on       timers for your work. By keeping this
working on my garden. In comparison, if       one thing, and then, instead of turning      balance, you will go to sleep knowing
I had walked to my office to do the work,     off the computer, you start working on       that you’ve given adequate care and
I likely would have completed the single      something else because you want to           attention to all aspects of your life. n

10 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                                  
Updates from National ASCE
Updated: April 29, 2020 at 11:52 a.m. EDT

In response to the global outbreak          committee meetings, conferences and        information will be updated as events
of the coronavirus (COVID-19), ASCE         events. In addition to urging that busi-   warrant – always with the health and
is committed to reducing the risk of        ness be conducted via teleconference or    safety of our event attendees, exhibitors
adverse health impacts to the thou-         videoconference whenever possible, we      and staff as our top priority. n
sands of ASCE members, guests and           have reviewed and updated our event
staff that participate in numerous ASCE     policies and procedures. The following

 Impact of Coronavirus on Scheduled National ASCE Programs
 Event                                             Schedule Date                             Status
 Jack E. Leisch Fellowship                         2020–2021                                 Cancelled
 ASCE Week Orlando                                 March 22–27, 2020                         Cancelled
 Offshore Technology Conference Asia               March 24–27, 2020                         Postponed | August 17–19, 2020
 Younger Member Leadership
                                                   March 27–29, 2020                         Cancelled
 Symposia Alumni Summit
 All ASCE Student Conferences and
                                                   Multiple Dates in April 2020              Cancelled
 Society-Wide Final Competitions
 Continuing Education Seminars                     Multiple Dates in April and May 2020      Cancelled
 AEI FORUM                                         April 1–3, 2020                           Cancelled
 AEI International Student Design Competition      April 2, 2020                             Virtual Offering | April 2, 2020
 SEI Structures Congress                           April 5–8, 2020                           Virtual Offering | April 7, 2020
 Earth & Space Conference                          April 20–23, 2020                         Cancelled
 ASCE OTC Hall of Fame Gala                        May 5, 2020                               Cancelled
 EWRI Congress                                     May 17–21, 2020                           Cancelled
 Watershed Management Congress                     May 20–21, 2020                           Cancelled
 EMI/PMC Conference                                May 26–29, 2020                           Postponed | May 25–28, 2021
 ASCE International Conference on
                                                   May 26–29, 2020                           Cancelled
 Transportation & Development
 UESI Surveying & Geomatics Conference             May 31–June 2, 2020                       Postponed | TBD, 2021
 National Concrete Canoe Competition               June 13–15, 2020                          Cancelled
 LTPP Data Analysis Contest                        July 1, 2020                              Postponed | September 1, 2020

11 | ASCE-NCS eNewsletter: May 2020                                                               
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