Page created by Betty Barber


                 part of        2018 OFSTED R ATED: GOOD
                                                                                    Hello                           4                 Childhood Studies                 45
                                                                                    Open Events 2020/21             5                 Construction                      46
                                                                                    More than a course              6                 Countryside Management            47
                                                                                    Supporting you all the way      7                 Digital and Cyber Technologies    48
                                                                                    Applying for a course           8                 Engineering                       49
                                                                                    Education explained             10                Equine and Farriery               50
                                                                                    It’s not all work: Social and   12                Floristry                         51
                                                                                    sports activities                                 Games Art and Design              52
                                                                                    Our students go far             14                Hair, Barbering and               53
                                                                                    Student awards                  16                Beauty Therapies
                                                                                    What our students say           18                Health and Social Care            54
                                                                                    Apprenticeships                 20                Hospitality & Catering            55
                                                                                    Our Warwickshire colleges       24                Motor Vehicle                     56
                                                                                    Royal Leamington Spa College    26                Music                             57
                                                                                    Rugby College                   28                Performing and Production Arts 58
                                                                                    Moreton Morrell College         30                Public Services                   59
                                                                                    Warwick Trident College         32                Re-engagement Programmes          60
                                                                                    A Levels                        34                Sport                             61
                                                                                    T Levels                        36                Supported Learning                62
                                                                                    Access to Higher Education      38                Programmes

                                                                                    Agriculture                     40                Travel and Tourism                63

                                                                                    Animal Welfare                  41                Veterinary Nursing                65

                                                                                    Applied Sciences                42                Safeguarding                      66

                                                                                    Art, Design and Media           43                Next steps                        68

                                                                                    Business and Events             44                Student application journey       70
On each subject page you will see a grid displaying the courses offered and which
college each level is offered at. The colleges are abbreviated as follows:
RLS   Royal Leamington Spa College
RUG Rugby College
TRI   Warwick Trident College
MM    Moreton Morrell College

                                                                                                                        APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 3
                                                                                                                 OUR 2020/21
We understand that the next stage in your education is important and that
there are a lot of decisions to make. Don’t worry - we’re here to help!                                          OPEN EVENTS
This guide tells you about the different courses and apprenticeships we offer as well as
how studying at a college is different from studying at school. We’ve also explained the
different course levels, what they mean and what you can do after completing them.
                                                                                                      Don’t take our word for it - come and see for yourself what we have to offer.
SO WHY STUDY WITH US?                         • Locations                                             Our Open Events are the perfect opportunity to visit our colleges, see our facilities
• Choice and freedom                            With over 150 bus routes running to our               and chat with expert tutors - whether you’re thinking about a full-time course or
  Because we have seven colleges across         colleges every day, we’re sure there                  an apprenticeship.
  Warwickshire and Worcestershire,              will be an option for you. Check out our
                                                transport route finder online or call us              Undecided about your future career choices? Talk to our Careers Advice and
  each with their own feel and specialist                                                             Guidance team who will be happy to help discuss your options.
  subjects, we can offer you a huge choice      on 0300 456 0049 and we’ll help you find
  as well as specialist expertise that you      the quickest and easiest way to get to
                                                                                                      ROYAL LEAMINGTON SPA COLLEGE                 RUGBY COLLEGE
  won’t find in school.                         college –
                                                                                                      • Tue 10 November 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm         • Tue 17 November 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm
  And, at college you’ll be treated like an                                                           • Thu 14 January 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm          • Tue 19 January 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm
                                              • Support
  adult, be able to focus on a subject you
                                                Helping you to be successful in your                  • Thu 18 March 2021, 5.30pm – 8pm            • Tue 23 March 2021, 5.30pm – 8pm
  are genuinely interested in and discover
                                                studies and beyond is something we take
  a whole new group of friends. Wherever
                                                very seriously. Turn to pages 6 and 7 to              WARWICK TRIDENT COLLEGE                      MORETON MORRELL COLLEGE
  you’re coming from, we have a course
                                                find out more.                                        • Thu 12 November 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm         • Sat 14 November 2020, 10am – 2pm
  and study route that’s right for you -
  including apprenticeships and supported                                                             • Thu 21 January 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm          • Sat 16 January 2020, 10am – 2pm
  learning programmes.                                                                                • Thu 25 March 2021, 5.30pm – 8pm            • Sat 20 March 2021, 10am – 2pm

• Results
  WCG was awarded a ‘Good’ grade by                                                                   HERE ARE THE OPEN EVENT DATES FOR OUR
  Ofsted in March 2018. Our students                                                                  COLLEGES IN WORCESTERSHIRE.
  achieved a 100% A Level pass rate*.                                                                 You can see the courses offered at these colleges at

                                                                                                      EVESHAM COLLEGE                              MALVERN HILLS COLLEGE
                                                                                                      • Thu 19 November 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm         • Tue 24 Nov 2020, 5.30pm – 7.30pm
                                                                                                      • Thu 28 January 2020, 5.30pm – 8pm          • Tue 26 January 2020, 5.30pm – 7.30pm
                                                                                                      • Wed 31 March 2021, 5.30pm – 8pm            • Tue 30 March 2021, 5.30pm – 7.30pm

                                                                                                      PERSHORE COLLEGE
                                                                                                      • Sat 21 November 2020, 10am – 1pm
                                                                                                      • Sat 23 January 2020, 10am – 1pm
                                                                                                      • Sat 27 April 2021, 5.30pm – 8pm

                                                                                                       Find out more at

4 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                         *2019 / 20 A Level results                                    APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 5
MORE THAN A COURSE                                                                                   SUPPORTING YOU ALL THE WAY
At WCG we believe education is not just about the vital qualifications and                           SAFEGUARDING                                     INCLUSION
knowledge you need to get ahead, but the essential transferable skills to                            There is a full Safeguarding Team at all         Our Inclusion Team will support you if
help you on your next steps, whatever they may be. Because of this, we offer                         WCG colleges. Students can speak to any of       you have specific learning needs or an
unique learning opportunities in a supportive, friendly environment. Here is a                       the team at any time if they have concerns.      Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
summary of what you can expect when you join us as a student:                                                                                         Specialist support is available for learners
                                                                                                     WELFARE, HEALTH                                  with dyslexia, ASD (autism spectrum
                                                                                                     AND WELLBEING                                    disorder), hearing or visual impairment,
                                 An innovative, subject specific                                     Staff at WCG are available to advise and         physical needs and emotional needs.
                             vocational qualification to enhance your                                signpost on a wide variety of issues in a        The team provide Access Arrangements
                             career prospects and / or enable you to                                 non-judgemental and open environment.            for examinations and assistive technology
                               progress to a further level of study.                                 The team have input into tutorials on relevant   to support independent learning.
                                                                                                     health and wellbeing topics. There are college   They provide support to learners
                                                                                                     counsellors to help students work through        transitioning from school and offer a
                                                                                                     issues and concerns and the college nurse        Preparation for Adulthood package.
                                         MAIN                                                        is available to residential students.            Learners’ needs are looked at on an
       Central to                        PROGRAMME                               A meaningful                                                         individual basis and support is put in
       work and                                                               industry-specific      STUDENT ACCOMMODATION                            place to help students be successful on
    life; WCG are                                                                placement to        We offer on-site student accommodation
                                                         INDUSTRY                                                                                     their course. If you require further details
    committed to        ENGLISH                                                provide you with      at three of our colleges; Royal Leamington
 help you succeed       & MATHS                          PLACEMENTS             ‘real life’ skills                                                    please contact us to discuss your individual
                                                                                                     Spa, Moreton Morrell and Pershore.               support needs.
 in these subjects,                                                            and experience
   to provide you                                                                   that will        A residential bursary can help those
                                                                                                     eligible with the cost of accommodation
      with better                                                                enhance your
     life chances                                                                employment          and a range of packages are available.
     and greater                                                                  prospects.
                                                                                                                                                      FINANCIAL SUPPORT
                              DIGITAL &                                                                              The 16-19 Bursary Fund exists to help
   achievement.               EMPLOYABILITY          TUTORIALS                                                                                        young people who face the greatest
                              SKILLS                                                                 LEARNING SUPPORT                                 barriers to continuing education or
                                                                                                     The Academic Learning Support team are           training. There are grants for transport
                                                                                                     qualified teachers who are either maths or       costs, books and equipment.
                  A bespoke programme of                An allocated Personal                        English specialists who provide help with
                                                                                                     essay writing, maths, English skills and
                online activities to gain wider      Learning Advisor to support
                skills preparing you for future       your pastoral care as well                     more at all colleges. Support is flexible
                 careers, employability and           as a wide range of tutorial                    and can be arranged to fit in around
                  working in a digital world.            themes throughout                           student timetables. We also offer ‘drop in’
                                                               the year.                             sessions for all students at lunchtimes.

6 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                         APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 7
You can apply for a course at any time but there’s a couple of things that will                WHAT IS A FULL-TIME COURSE?
help you make the right decision.                                                              Each subject and course will be different but generally full-time courses consist of up to
                                                                                               three full days in college, providing you with the time outside of lessons to do independent
CHOOSING THE RIGHT COURSE                                                                      study or an industry placement.
Choosing the right course can be daunting but think about what you enjoy and what
inspires you. Consider the style of teaching that you are best suited to. Once you’ve seen a   APPLY ONLINE
subject area that interests you, read more information about each course on our website.       Applying for a course online couldn’t be easier. Simply find the course using our search
You can work out which level of course may be best for you by looking at the table             and then click ‘Apply’. You will need to provide:
on page 11.                                                                                    • Date of birth
You can ask any questions by calling 0300 456 0049, enquiring online or emailing               • Home address                                                                                 • Predicted / achieved grades

• ADVICE                                                                                       • Your email address (one that you use frequently)
  If you are unsure about which subject or course to choose, we offer high quality,            • Your contact number and / or home number (if you have one)
  free and independent careers advice at every college.                                        • Your parent’s / next of kin’s / guardian’s emergency contact email
  Our Careers Advice and Guidance team are happy to talk you through all your                    address and telephone number
  options confidentially and impartially. You can also make an appointment for                 • Your current school / college (if you are in education)
  a time that’s convenient. Call 0300 456 0048 or email                       • Name and address of employer (if you are employed)
• VISIT                                                                                        By creating an account you will be able to track your application.
  We’d love you to come and see our colleges, so that you are confident that you are making
  the right decision. You’ll find our open event dates in this guide and online at             DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN APPLY FOR MORE THAN ONE COURSE?                                                                         Speak to us for more information.
                                                                                               When you apply online, our system will remember your details should you wish to apply for a
                                                                                               different course in the future.

8 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                  APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 9
EDUCATION EXPLAINED                                                                          LEVEL         QUALIFICATION                       ENTRY REQUIREMENTS           PROGRESSION

                                                                                             ENTRY         Vocational Entry Level              You don’t need any formal    • Level 1 course
                                                                                                                                               qualifications to enrol on   • Supported Internship
                                                                                                                                               these courses.
BTECs, A Levels, T Levels,                   apprenticeships ranging from Entry Level                                                                                       • Traineeship

Apprenticeships, Levels 1, 2 and 3...        up to Level 3 and beyond, we’re sure we
what do they all mean? It can be a           have something for you.
                                                                                             LEVEL 1       Foundation Learning Level 1         • Entry Level 3 Literacy     • Level 2 course
daunting process deciding what to            In this guide you will find lists of all our                                                        and Numeracy               • Employment
do after school when there are so            courses and the available levels. On the                                                          • GCSEs grade 1 – 2          • Intermediate Apprenticeship
many options.                                right is a table to show you the different
The most important thing is working          qualifications you can achieve, the general
                                                                                             LEVEL 2       • Level 2 Certificate               Typically you will need      • Level 3 course
out what is right for you – which may be     grades you need for each level and what                         (Equivalent to 1 GCSE 9 – 4)      to have:                     • Employment
staying on at school or it could be coming   they can lead to... but don’t worry if you’re                 • Level 2 Diploma                   • 4 GCSEs Grade 3            • Advanced Apprenticeship
to college. We want to help you reach your   still not sure. Our expert tutors can                           (Equivalent to 2 GCSEs 9 – 4)       including English
                                             help you decide on the exact course and                       • Level 2 Extended Diploma            and maths
full potential in the subject(s) you feel
                                                                                                             (Equivalent to 4 GCSEs 9 – 4)     or
passionate about - the ones that make you    level you should take depending on your
                                                                                                           • Intermediate Apprenticeship       • Level 1 qualification in
feel really excited to start your career.    predicted grades and your aspirations. All                      (Level 2)                           a relevant subject
With a huge range of A Levels, T Levels,     you need to do is pick the subject area you                   These certificates and diplomas
BTECs and other full-time courses and        like and apply or come along to one of our                    are often referred to by awarding
                                             Open Events to find out more.                                 body name such as BTEC,
                                                                                                           City & Guilds, etc.

                                                                                             LEVEL 3       • T Levels                          Typically you will need      • Employment
                                                                                                           • A Levels                          to have:                     • University / college
                                                                                                           • Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma        • 4/5 GCSEs Grade 9-4          (Bachelor’s or Foundation
                                                                                                             (Equivalent to 1 A Level)           including maths and          degree)
                                                                                                           • Level 3 Diploma                     English                    • Higher Apprenticeship
                                                                                                             (Equivalent to 2 A Levels)        or
                                                                                                           • Level 3 Extended Diploma          • Level 2 qualification
                                                                                                             (Equivalent to 3 A Levels)          with a Merit profile
                                                                                                           • Advanced Apprenticeship             and GCSE English
                                                                                                             (Equivalent to 3 A Levels)          and maths Grade 4 or
                                                                                                           The diplomas are often referred       above
                                                                                                           to as BTEC qualifications, or by
                                                                                                           awarding body name such as
                                                                                                           CACHE, City & Guilds, etc.

                                                                                             LEVEL 4 & 5   • Foundation and Higher             Typically you will need      • University / college
                                                                                                             National Diploma                  to have:                       (Bachelor’s degree)
                                                                                                           • Foundation degree                 • Full Level 3               • Degree Apprenticeship
                                                                                                           • Higher Apprenticeship             or                           • Employment

                                                                                                                                               • A Levels / T Levels

                                                                                             LEVEL 6       Bachelor’s degree                   Typically you will need      • Post graduate education
                                                                                                                                               to have:                     • Employment
                                                                                                                                               • Full Level 3
                                                                                                                                               • A Levels / T Level

10 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                     APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 11
Whichever college you choose, you’ll find lots of opportunities to get involved
in new activities and make new friends. Being a large and diverse college
group, there are all kinds of other events for you to enjoy such as exhibitions,
performances, fairs, visiting speakers and much more.

From freshers’ fairs to fundraising for charity, nights
out to daytrips, there’s loads to get involved in at
college outside of the classroom – all thanks to your
Students’ Union (SU).
The SU is managed by students who are elected by you
to make sure your voice is heard. You’ll become a member
the moment you enrol on a course, so you can enjoy the benefits
straight away. You can even run for election and develop stand-
out leadership skills while you’re at college.

Rugby, Moreton Morrell, and Royal Leamington Spa colleges
all have sports and fitness facilities which students can use.
For more information see
For residential students at Moreton Morrell College and
Royal Leamington Spa College, our Sports and Social
Co-ordinators organise exciting opportunities for getting
involved in sport and physical activities, volunteering and
coaching to help you develop skills for life, make new friends
and enjoy your time at college.


Look how many of our students went directly into employment or further
and higher education*:                                                            HEALTH AND
                                                                                  SOCIAL CARE AND
  ANIMAL                                     AGRICULTURE                          EARLY YEARS
  WELFARE &                                  & COUNTRYSIDE
  NURSING                                                                                                     94%             CONSTRUCTION

94%                                     100%
                                                                                                  MOTOR VEHICLE
  HORTICULTURE                                                                    ENGINEERING                                            SPORT AND
                                        96%                                                                       97%                     SERVICES

                                     HAIR &
                                     BEAUTY             92%                       CREATIVE ARTS
14 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                        *2018 WCG leavers destination data    APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 15
                                                                         for learners aged 16-18.
STUDENT AWARDS                                                                                  Rugby College Student of the Year:
                                                                                                Katie - Level 3 Early Years
Each year our exceptional students are celebrated for their achievements.                       Katie received the award after completing the Children’s
In June 2020 a total of 133 learners studying at WCG colleges were recognised                   Play, Learning and Development course at Rugby College.
for their hard work, dedication and attainment throughout the 2019/20                           She initially won the Outstanding Achievement award for
academic year. Certificates were presented to all students who were put                         Early Years and was put forward by her tutors for the Rugby
forward by teaching teams for the categories of Commitment to Learning,                         College Student of the Year award – with a panel awarding
Outstanding Achievement and Student of the Year.                                                her the overall prize.
                                                                                                She is planning to attend the University of Northampton to
                                                                                                study Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, with plans
AWARD WINNERS 2020                                                                              to complete a teaching conversion course afterwards.
Royal Leamington Spa College Student of the Year:                                               Katie said: “I feel very proud and honoured that I’ve been recognised by my teachers for
Oliver - Level 3 Digital and Cyber Technologies                                                 my hard work and dedication. I was shocked too, especially to win two awards. I love
Oliver won the top prize at Royal Leamington Spa                                                working with children, I think they’re absolutely amazing. I had a really good experience
College where he completed a two-year extended                                                  at Rugby College. I made loads of friends and the tutors were really supportive and they
diploma in Computing. Alongside winning the overall                                             worked hard to make sure I was in the best position to get to                university.”
college prize, he was also named as Digital and Cyber
Technologies Student of the Year by his tutors.
He has now received an offer to attend Oxford Brookes University                                Moreton Morrell College Student of the Year:
to study Computer Science and will be the first member of his immediate                         Todd - Level 1 Land-based Studies
family to attend university.                                                                    Todd won the overall prize at Moreton Morrell College as
Oliver said: “I was very happy when I heard I won the award but to be honest I didn’t           well as the Land-Based Studies Student of the Year.
actually believe it for a bit! My family is proud of me and the award is already on the         He is now hoping to progress to a Level 2 Diploma in
mantelpiece. Computing has always been a passion of mine and is something I’d really like       Agriculture at Moreton Morrell College as he looks forward to
to get into for a job. I saw that the college had a good course and so I decided to travel to   a career in estate management.
Leamington. I enjoyed helping my course mates to improve too.”
                                                                                                Todd said: “I was quite surprised and pleased to win the awards.
                                                                                                It’s made me and my family quite proud. I had done a Level 1 Diploma in
                                                                                                Animal Care and then moved on to Land-Based Studies. The course was quite practical
Warwick Trident College Student of the Year:                                                    so you could get your hands dirty and experience things that you are learning about
Ali - Level 3 Engineering                                                                       which was great. I even learnt to drive a tractor! The tutors were very helpful and made
Ali completed a two-year Engineering course at Warwick Trident                                  the lessons interesting. I am hoping to go on to a Level Two Diploma in Agriculture and in
College, which boasts state-of-the-art engineering workshops                                    the future, would like to manage an estate.”
and laboratories, as well as motor vehicle facilities.
He is now looking to continue studying engineering at university
and pursue a career in aerospace automation in the future.
Ali said: “Engineering has been my passion from a young age and
I want to take it forward and follow it as a career. My final year
project was a robotic arm. It was a small scale robotic arm which
I built completely from scratch using different aspects of engineering. I enjoyed my time
at the college and made some good friends. The tutors helped me to achieve my goals
too and it was a good experience.”                                                                Student Awards winners 2019

16 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 17

I wanted a complete change of career and                                                                         I enjoyed the freedom to personalise
decided to change office work for farm work.                                                                          my studies and areas the course
I wanted to learn as much as possible about                                                                     offered, therefore I could focus on the
the world of farming, and I knew Moreton                                                                             areas I wanted to do and in what I
Morrell offered a good course locally that                                                                       enjoyed. For example, I enjoyed very
meant I wouldn’t have to move away from home.                                                                     much doing Logic Programming and
The best thing about my course has been learning about the                                                                decided to study this further.
latest farming practises and technologies, which will put me at a
                                                                                                                            The lecturers at college make the
great advantage in my career. The support and encouragement from my tutors has
                                                                                                                  experience of studying there so enjoyable. I
been fantastic. They have always believed in me and pushed me to achieve the best
                                                                                                                 have decided to do Electronic Engineering at
grade I possibly can. They are also extremely knowledgeable, helping to expand
                                                                                                                University with the objective of specialising in
my learning beyond what is required of the course. I am moving to Bridgwater to
                                                                                                                              Machine Learning technologies.
attend University Centre Somerset in 2020 to study a BSc degree in Agricultural
Management. I also hope to set up my own business whilst I am down there.                                                  Rodrigo, Level 3 Engineering at Rugby College

Annelie, Level 3 Agriculture at Moreton Morrell College

I chose this course as I would like                                                                                  Last year I decided on a career
to work with children, especially                                                                                    change. Farriery is something
those with learning difficulties                                                                                I’ve always been interested in; this
as I would like to help those with                                                                              course was a great chance to start
similar needs to my own. The                                                                              down that path. Having not worked with
Leamington Spa campus is local                                                                      horses for a few years, the horse management
with excellent facilities and amazing                                                                   element along with the forging certificate
staff. The tutors, including the support                                                           seemed a brilliant way to gain more experience.
staff have made the course interesting
                                                                                    The teaching has been great on this course. Tutors have also assisted with
and engaging.                                                                        suggestions on people to contact for work experience and apprenticeship
As a deaf / hard of hearing student, all of the staff have supported me by                  opportunities. The facilities have been great; the forge and equine
ensuring they understand my specific needs. I am planning to continue my                  centre provide a great environment to learn in. I am now seeking an
studies at WCG onto the next level.                                                       apprenticeship to continue my development in the farriery industry.
                                                                                                                Joshua, Farrier Access Course at Moreton Morrell College
Elise, Level 2 Childhood Studies at Royal Leamington Spa College

18 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                        APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 19
Get fantastic on-the-job experience with an apprenticeship.                                ALL APPRENTICESHIPS HAVE AN
With an apprenticeship you can earn while you learn. They are the ideal way to develop     EQUIVALENT EDUCATION LEVEL:
knowledge, skills and behaviours within the workplace while undertaking study. You will    • Intermediate - equivalent to five GCSE passes
                                                                                                                                                                        We have
combine industry training with college, gaining experience and qualifications. You will
need an employer to take part in an apprenticeship but we can help you with that.
                                                                                           • Advanced - equivalent to three A Level passes
                                                                                           • Higher - can lead to NVQ Level 4 and above,
                                                                                              or a Foundation degree
WHAT AREAS DO APPRENTICESHIPS COVER?                                                                                                                        TRAINING WITH US
Pretty much anything! The majority of our apprenticeships are in technical subjects, but                                                                     AT A N Y O N E T I M E
we cover lots of other subjects too.
                                                                                           WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS
                                                                                           • Work alongside experienced staff
• Accounting                  • Dental Nursing              • Human Resources
                                                                                           • Earn a wage and get holiday pay                                        Working with
• Adult Care                  • Early Years Education       • IT
• Agriculture                 • Electrotechnical            • Land-based
                                                                                           • Develop transferable skills that can be
                                                                                             used across a range of industries
• Animal Care &               • Engineering                   Service Engineering
                                                                                           • Enhance future career prospects
  Veterinary Nursing          • Equine & Farriery           • Marketing                                                                                         ACROSS THE
                                                                                           • Build your confidence                                             MIDLANDS AND
• Bricklaying                 • Events                      • Motor Vehicle
                                                                                           • Degree apprenticeship progression opportunities                    N AT I O N A L LY
• Business Administration     • Hair                        • Plumbing
• Carpentry & Joinery         • Horticulture                • Team Leading                 WHO CAN APPLY?
• Customer Service            • Hospitality                 • Welding                      Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age
                                                                                           of 16. There is no upper age limit for an apprentice.
                                                                                                                                                              O U T S TA N D I N G
You will work towards an employer-led Apprenticeship Standard. Dependent                   Apprenticeships can be completed by someone who has
on the discipline and sector this could include a range of qualifications such as          joined an organisation specifically as an apprentice,
                                                                                                                                                              S U C C E S S R AT E
an NVQ, a Technical Certificate and Functional Skills.                                     or by an existing employee.
                                                                                                                                                             8% ABOVE
                                                                                             HOW TO APPLY                                                        national average*
                                                                                             Visit our website for more information on all of the
                                                                                             apprenticeships we offer and also to see our live
                                                                                             vacancies. You can register your interest in a particular
                                                                                             apprenticeship or apply for a job straight away if there’s
                                                                                             a suitable vacancy. We are constantly adding new
                                                                                             vacancies so don’t be disappointed if there isn’t one for
                                                                                             you; get in contact and we’ll be able to help!

20 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                                         *2018 / 19               21
                                                                                                                                                          apprenticeship results
WHAT DO THE APPRENTICES SAY?                                                                             WHAT DO THE EMPLOYERS SAY?
Beth completed an apprenticeship in advanced manufacturing,
engineering and design with Jaguar Land Rover and studied at
Warwick Trident College.                                                                                                                       We take on apprentices because we’ve got
                                                                                                                                                a lot of knowledge within Ricardo and we
                                                                                                                                                need to make sure we pass that on to the
                                                                                                                                                            next generation of engineers.
Beth said: “I’d never really considered an
                                                                                                                                                         Our apprentices from WCG have developed
apprenticeship but I had a leaflet come through
                                                                                                                                                               through the company and are now in
for the ‘Young Women in the Know’ scheme,
                                                                                                                                                             prominent positions, i.e. team leaders
and I was really interested from there. I’m
                                                                                                                                                                     and manufacturing engineers.
in a better position than a lot of people
my age now. I was quite shy at school                                                                                                                             John Walker, Head of Manufacturing at Ricardo
and being thrown into the world of work
definitely helped me to come out of my
shell. I’ve learned all the skills associated
with manufacturing and design, but doing an
apprenticeship has definitely helped me to
                                                                                                         We are committed to nurturing talent,
improve as a person as well.”
                                                                                                         and we have had 17 apprentices since 2010.
Beth - Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering and Design Apprentice with Jaguar Land Rover
                                                                                                         For us, it is about imparting knowledge and skills to
                                                                                                         those who haven’t worked yet, or are re-training, and
                                                                                                         supporting them as part of the organisation.
                           Josh is studying a Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship                            Anne Doughty, HR Manager, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

                                    in Architectural Joinery at Moreton Morrell
                              College, and was recognised by a member of the
                                              City of London Livery Companies.
                                 He was invited to the official residence of the Lord Mayor of
                                  London prior to the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, to be
                                    presented with the annual prize of £500 awarded by the
                                   Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers, which is one
                                             of the trade guilds known as livery companies.

                              Josh said: “I really enjoy my work and combining that with
                   studying has been great for me. The tutors are very helpful, and keen
              to put us forward for competitions and awards to demonstrate our skills.”
                                              Josh – Architectural Joinery Apprentice with OFW Joinery

22 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                             APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 23

                                                                                            • Moreton Morrell College      • Royal Leamington Spa College
                                                                                            • Rugby College                • Warwick Trident College

                                  M42                                                       • Moreton Morrell College
                                                                                            • Royal Leamington Spa College
                                                                     M69       Birmingham   TRAVEL LINKS
                                                                                            • Leamington Spa direct train links to
                                                                                              Birmingham (30 mins), Manchester (2 hours 15 mins),
                                                                                              London (1 hour 20 mins) and Oxford (40 mins)
                                                                               M6           • Birmingham Airport – 30 mins by train or car
                                                                                            • Heathrow Airport – 1½ hours by car
                                                                                    Rugby   • Rugby – direct train links to Birmingham (40 mins), London (from 1 hour)

                                                                                            POINTS OF INTEREST & THINGS TO DO
                                                  Leamington Spa                            • Warwick Castle                      • Shakespeare’s Birthplace

                                                                                            • Anne Hathaway’s Cottage             • British Motor Museum
                                                                                            • Jephson Gardens                     • Ricoh Arena, Coventry

                   Warwickshire                                                             • Experience an eclectic mix of local crafts, artists, traders and entertainers
                                                                                              at the annual two-day Peace Festival in the heart of Leamington Spa.
                                                                                              One not to be missed!
                                                                                            • Watch a play at one of three theatres in Stratford-upon-Avon. Shows are
                                                                                              broadcast live around the world, and you might even see someone you
                                                                                              recognise on stage
                                                                                            • Be wowed by the turrets of Warwick Castle where you can see a jousting
                                                                                              contest come to life, or explore the castle’s history within the depths of
                                                                                              their dungeon
                                                                                            • Visit the world-class destination of Ricoh Arena.
                                                                                              An array of sporting events, including rugby
                                                                                              and football, awaits. Plus, you can expect to see some of
                                                                                              the world’s biggest entertainment acts performing

24 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                     APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 25
Royal Leamington Spa College has a really modern feel and we’re sure
you’ll be impressed. The facilities are excellent and the social life is, too
– you’ll make so many friends and of course you’re very close to town
for shopping and going out.

• We’re well connected with lots of buses to bring you
  from home and transport you to our other colleges
  if you need that.

• Our construction, plumbing and electrical
  installation workshops are bespoke and we have a
  great fabrication and welding workshop.

• Our STEM Centre has Nao robots, 3D printers and
  the latest VR kit for testing our games designs.

• We have a small gig venue on site where our music
  students put on live shows.

• Our students stage fashion shows, art exhibitions
  and special effects make up displays through the
  year and there are hair and beauty salons here too.

• Eat with your friends at the Bistro or Refectory or
  relax on the grass at the nearby park.

• Focus on a subject you really enjoy and get treated
  like an independent adult learner.

• A Levels                                     • Hair, beauty and barbering
• T Levels                                     • Health and social care
• Applied sciences                             • Hotel, tourism and
• Art, design and media                          destination management
• Business                                     • Music
• Childhood studies                            • Production arts
• Digital and cyber technologies               • Re-engagement programmes
• Construction                                 • Supported learning programmes
• Events management                            • Apprenticeships

• Games art and design

26 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                         *2019 / 20 A Level results
Rugby College is a modern college which has a great learning atmosphere
because of its mix of curriculum including acting, engineering, hairstyling and
construction as well as lots of other subjects.
• Our modern campus has an on-site sports hall,
  gym and all-weather pitch. We also have a nursery,
  restaurant, shop and library.
• There is lots of parking and we’re well connected to
  buses and Rugby train station (only a five minute walk).
• Regular shows from our Performing Arts students are
  worth seeing as well as the end of year theatre festival.
• You can play pool in the Students’ Union or take a
  short walk down to Elliott’s Field for some shopping
  and there’s a Cineworld, McDonald’s and other well
  known brands nearby.
• Extensive engineering facilities with a wide range of
  technology in our Power Academy as well as motor
  vehicle workshops.
• Fantastic facilities for brickwork, carpentry
  and plumbing.
• Hair and beauty students have four salons to work in
  and there’s a 150 seat theatre for performances or gigs.
• State-of-the-art catering facilities including fully
  equipped training kitchens and a commercial kitchen
  serving the restaurant, which is open to the public.

WHAT’S ON OFFER                                   • Health and social care
• A Levels                                        • Hospitality and catering
• Art and design                                  • Motor vehicle
• Business                                        • Performing arts
• Childhood studies                               • Public services
• Construction                                    • Sport
• Digital and cyber technologies                  • Re-engagement programmes
• Engineering                                     • Supported learning programmes
• Events management                               • Travel and tourism

• Hair, beauty and barbering                      • Apprenticeships

Moreton Morrell College is a stunning place to study and to live.
It has 750 acres of countryside - giving our land-based students a
fantastic ‘real life’ learning environment.
• We have a working commercial livestock and arable farm
  enterprise with a large beef herd and sheep flock. You’ll
  get the chance to help out at lambing and have lots of
  hands-on time on the farm.
• We have stabling for over 100 horses so you can
  bring your horse with you while you study, plus
  we have a state-of-the-art purpose-built farriery
  teaching centre alongside two blacksmithing forges.
• Our new Sports Hall and all weather pitches
  can be used by Sports students or student teams.
  Our Football Academy in partnership with
  Leamington FC opens up great new opportunities
  for budding footballers and coaches.
• The Equine Centre is a great place to develop your
  competition skills while you study. There is a full annual
  calendar of equine events and we are proud to host
  British Eventing horse trials at Moreton Morrell.
• Our extensive Animal Centre includes a hundred
  species of animals including exotics, reptiles and
  mammals. Popular animals such as meerkats,
  coatis and porcupines are all part of the centre’s
  attraction. A well established partnership with
  the Blue Cross and Cats Protection includes a
  superb on-site cattery.
• Bespoke construction workshops include extensive
  carpentry and bricklaying learning spaces.

WHAT’S ON OFFER                                • Equine and farriery
• Agriculture (including agricultural          • Football Academies
  engineering)                                 • Floristry
• Animal welfare                               • Sport and fitness
• Blacksmithing                                • Supported learning courses
• Construction                                 • Veterinary nursing
• Countryside management                       • Apprenticeships

Warwick Trident College is unashamedly dedicated to engineering and motor
vehicle study, with a highly professional atmosphere as well as excellent
facilities. If you’re focused on a future in engineering or motor vehicle, this
college is one of our two centres in Warwickshire specialising in
these professions.
• First class laboratory and practical
  engineering workshops.

• Advanced machining centre and
  robotic facilities.

• Comprehensive vehicle engineering facilities
  with 1000m2 of workshops, fitted with the latest
  industry test equipment and a separate 400kw
  rolling road.

• Vehicle diagnostic equipment including 4-wheel
  alignment systems, brake and suspension
  testers, management systems analysers and
  450hp chassis dynamometers.

• A wide range of training vehicles, including
  Range Rover and Jaguar.

• There’s an on-site refectory and pool table
  as well as a library.

• Our motorsport team often take students
  to external events and help them take
  part in competitions.

• Engineering students enjoy the
  opportunity to undertake visits to national
  and international companies as well as to
  events that will enhance their learning.

• Engineering
• Motor vehicle
• Apprenticeships

We’re very proud of our A Level
students who work extremely
hard and gain excellent results –
they achieved a 100% pass rate                                                                                                       I’m really pleased. I was expecting
in August 2020*.                                                                                                                              A, B, B and was surprised
We provide students with an adult                                                                                                                 about the A in English.
learning environment where
they have the independence to
                                                                                                                                           I’m really happy. Part of the reason I
take control of their studies                                                                                                               went to Rugby College was because
which sets them up for                                                                                                                    of the accessibility. It was a challenge
success at university and                                                                                                                      starting A Levels in a wheelchair
the working world.                                                                                                                                because I had just had surgery
                                                                                                                                        and was in cast for 12 weeks. They were
Our high-quality resources at
                                                                                                                                                   really good with accessibility.
Royal Leamington Spa College
and Rugby College include                                                                           Lillie, 18 - achieved AAB in English Language and Literature, Sociology and Criminology
expansive libraries, dedicated study                                                                             and secured a place to study Primary Teaching at Northampton University.
areas, friendly tutors and all of the
leisure facilities you’d expect at
college. Our personalised study
programmes mean there’s truly
something for everyone.



 Applied Law (BTEC)                                 Yes                      Yes

 Applied Science (BTEC)
 - equivalent to three A Levels

 Business Studies                                   Yes

 Criminology                                        Yes                      Yes

 Economics                                          Yes

 English Literature                                 Yes                      Yes

 Psychology                                         Yes                      Yes

 Sociology                                          Yes                      Yes

34 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                      *2019 / 20 A Level results                       APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 35
T Levels are a brand new qualification                                                      HOW ARE T LEVELS GRADED?                    UCAS points will only be allocated to the
designed to give you a head start towards                                                   Once you complete your T Level, there       overall T Level grade, so you must achieve
the future you want. The 2-year T Level                                                     are several options that are available to   at least an overall pass grade to receive
qualification brings classroom and work                                                     you. These include moving into full-time    UCAS points.
placement together on a course designed                                                     employment, an apprenticeship or
                                                                                                                                        WHEN AND HOW CAN I APPLY?
alongside employers and businesses.                                                         higher education.
                                                                                                                                        You can apply for a September start at any
Your T Level will help you to your next step - whether this is straight                     To help T Level students get into higher    time throughout the year. Find the course
into your chosen career, an apprenticeship or a degree.                                     education, UCAS tariff points have been     on our website at and
                                                                                            allocated to T Levels, which means they     simply click ‘Apply now’ which will take you
WHAT ARE T LEVELS?                               WILL THEY BE RECOGNISED                    will be equivalent to three A Levels.       to our online application form.
T Levels are a new qualification designed        BY EMPLOYERS?
to give you a head start towards the             T Levels are designed with businesses
future you want. They follow GCSEs and           and employers, to make sure you have
are equivalent to three A Levels. The            the skills and knowledge they are
2-year qualification brings classroom and        looking for in an employee.
work placement together, on a course
designed with employers and businesses.          WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO
T Levels give you the opportunity to
                                                 I NEED TO APPLY?                                                                                  EQUIVALENT TO
                                                 You will need a minimum of five GCSEs
experience an industry while you
                                                 at grades 4-9 including Maths and                                                         THREE A LEVELS
continue your studies, with the
opportunity to specialise later.
                                                 English at grade 4.                           LEVEL 3
While gaining practical experience,
you also achieve the qualifications
needed to move into a higher level of
study, if you choose to later.
                                                                                                                                                          DAYS IN
                                                                                                                                           45             PLACEMENT
An industry placement lasts around
45 days, undertaken as a block or as
individual days.                                                                                                       WORK
The specific length of the placement
and when it will take place will differ
depending on your T Level.

 Digital Support Services T Level
                                                                        LEVEL 2   LEVEL 3

 Digital Support Services Transition Programme                            RLS


If you don’t have the traditional                                    study for a degree. Students study in a
qualifications to get onto a                                         supportive environment with other
degree programme, you can                                            adult learners.
take a different route.                                              We offer a range of industry-specific
Access to HE (Higher Education) diplomas                             courses so that you can start working
are one-year full-time courses that                                  towards your chosen career straight away.
prepare students aged 19 years plus to                               Visit for more info.


  COURSE                                                                       LOCATION

  Access to HE – Art and Design                                                Malvern Hills College

  Access to HE – Business and Accounting                                       Royal Leamington Spa & Rugby College

  Access to HE – Digital Security and Technology                               Royal Leamington Spa

  Access to HE – Engineering                                                   Rugby College

                                                                               Royal Leamington Spa, Rugby,
  Access to HE – Health Professions
                                                                               Malvern Hills and Evesham colleges

  Access to HE – Midwifery                                                     Royal Leamington Spa & Rugby College

  Access to HE – Nursing                                                       Royal Leamington Spa & Rugby College

  Access to HE – Science                                                       Royal Leamington Spa College

  Access to HE – Social Science                                                Rugby College

  Access to HE – Social Science and Humanities                                 Royal Leamington Spa College
                                                                                                                           I applied to go to University after my A Levels but missed
Please note these courses are only available to students aged 19 years plus.                                           out by one grade so I took a year out before doing this course.
                                                                                                                        I didn’t enjoy the sixth form I was at so I decided not to retake
                                                                                                                         my A Levels and when I found out universities accepted this
                                                                                                                         course I decided to enrol. It’s a lot more intensive workload
                                                                                                                       but I feel like access is teaching you how to study at university,
                                                                                                                              with research and study skills as part of the course.
                                                                                                                      I’ve got my place at University of Northampton to do midwifery - I’m so pleased
                                                                                                                        to have finally got there. I was on the phone to my mum and we were both in
                                                                                                                                tears - they know how long it’s taken to get me to this point.
38 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                     Sarah – Access to HE Diploma in Social Science and Health
AGRICULTURE                                                                                                     ANIMAL WELFARE

Agriculture is more than just                           Our students will have full access to our
farming; one of the world’s biggest                     working farm including:
businesses, there are over 200                          • Commercial sheep and beef enterprises
different career areas available.                       • Forage and arable crops
                                                                                                                Working with animals is an                                   fish to exotics including coatis, meerkats,
You will be trained in all practical areas              • Farm mechanisation, tools
                                                                                                                incredibly rewarding career.                                 porcupines, raccoon dogs and marmosets.
of farming and will leave equipped with                   and machinery
knowledge in science, technology and                                                                            Our Animal Centre is the perfect place to                    You may also benefit from learning on a
                                                        • O
                                                           ngoing farm trials with
innovation as well as business, which                                                                           develop your animal welfare and practical                    fully working farm giving you access to
                                                          agriculture businesses
is highly sought after by employers.                                                                            skills with a wide range of resident                         work with commercial livestock such as
                                                        • E xtensive areas of natural habitat                  animals such as rabbits, reptiles and                        cattle and sheep.
                                                        • E
                                                           xcellent links with employers to
                                                          provide additional work experience
                                                                                                                 SUBJECT                                                                     LEVEL 1    LEVEL 2     LEVEL 3
                                                                                                                 Animal Care                                                                   MM         MM
 SUBJECT                                                                     LEVEL 1    LEVEL 2     LEVEL 3      Animal Management (Zoological Science, Exotics and Conservation)                                      MM

 Agriculture                                                                              MM           MM        Animal Management (Companion Care, Farm Parks and Rescue)                                             MM

 Blacksmithing and Metalworking                                                                        MM

 Land-based Studies                                                            MM
                                                                                                                  DID YOU                                  CAREER STATS*
                                                                                                                  KNOW?                                     No. of Jobs in Sector = 2,095 (2019)
  DID YOU                            CAREER
                                     CAREER STATS
                                            STATS*                                                                Moreton Morrell                           % Change 2020-25 = +0.3% (West Midlands)
  KNOW?                               No. of
                                          of Jobs
                                             Jobs in
                                                  in Sector
                                                     Sector =
                                                            = 6,167
                                                              6,167 (2019)
                                                                    (2019)                                        College hosts a large
                                      No.                                                                                                                   Median Hourly Wage = £9.19
  Agriculture                         % Change
                                        Change 2020-25
                                                2020-25 = = +1.1%
                                                            +1.1%                                                 Animal Welfare Centre
                                      %                                                                                                                     Annual Job Openings = 102 (avg per year)
  students have                       Median                                                                      with animals such
            have                      Median Hourly
                                              Hourly Wage
                                                      Wage == £9.78
  the oppurtunity
       oppurtunity                    Annual                                                                      as coatis, meerkats,                     TYPICAL CAREERS
                                      Annual Job
                                             Job Openings
                                                 Openings =
                                                          = 321
                                                            321 (avg
                                                                (avg per
                                                                     per year)
  to learn
     learn on
           on our
              our                                                                                                 porcupines, raccoon                  • Animal care services             • Managers and
  230  hectacre
  230 hectare                        TYPICAL CAREERS
                                     TYPICAL CAREERS                                                              dogs, marmosets,                     • Veterinary nurses and              proprietors
  commercial farm.                                                                                                                                                                          in forestry, fishing and
               farm.              ••Conservation
                                     Conservation professional
                                                  professional   ••Landscaper
                                                                   Landscaper                                     pygmy hedgehogs,                       physiotherapists
                                   • Farm   manager              ••Livestock                                      tortoise, spiders,                                                        related services
                                  • Farm manager                   Livestock manager
                                                                             manager                                                                   • Managers and proprietors
                                                                                                                  insects, snakes and so                 in agriculture and
                                     Field agronomist
                                                                                           *EMSI Analyst data                                                                                              *EMSI Analyst data
                                                                                       and forecast 2020-2025     much more.                             horticulture                                  and forecast 2020-2025

40 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                                          APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 41
APPLIED SCIENCES                                                                                                   ART, DESIGN & MEDIA

                                                                                                                   The creative industries continue to                              with spaces to meet the creative needs of
                                                                                                                   grow and make a vital contribution                               our students and our courses encompass
                                                                                                                   to the UK’s economy. In a rapidly                                many different practises from Fine Art
                                                                                                                   changing employment marketplace,                                 to Fashion, 3D Design to Games Art,
                                                                                                                   the creative sector is one of the few                            Photography to Film and Television.
                                                                                                                   areas at little risk of automation.                              Along with our links with University of
                                                                                                                   Our Royal Leamington Spa and Rugby                               the Arts London, these courses make
                                                                                                                   colleges offer facilities in a vast range                        WCG the perfect place to begin your
                                                                                                                   of creative subjects, such as dedicated                          career in the arts.
These exciting programmes which                                each unit of study you will investigate             studios and state-of-the-art equipment.
focus on forensic and criminal                                 how each subject relates to your chosen             The School of Arts building is designed
investigation or biomedical science                            pathway on this course.
are ideal for students who want                                Extended Diplomas are a technical
to work in the fascinating areas of                            alternative to academic study such as                SUBJECT                                                                     LEVEL 1   LEVEL 2    LEVEL 3      LEVEL 4

medical and forensic science.                                  A Levels. These courses give an insight              Art and Design                                                               RLS      RLS & RUG RLS & RUG

You will learn about the principles and                        into two evolving industries which have              Art and Design (Foundation Diploma)                                                             RLS & RUG RLS & RUG

practicalities of working in a scientific                      great career prospects and are highly                Creative Media Production / Film and Television Production                              RLS         RLS

setting and the practical application of                       valued by universities.                              Furniture Making and 3D Design                                                          RLS

biology, physics and chemistry. Through                                                                             Furniture Making and Design                                                                         RLS

                                                                                                                    Fashion and Clothing                                                                                RLS

                                                                                                                    Games Art and Design                                                                                RLS
 SUBJECT                                                                                                LEVEL 3     Visual Communication (Graphic Design, Interactive Media, and Photography)                           RLS
 Applied Science (Biomedical Science / Forensic and Criminal Investigation)                               RLS       3D Design                                                                                           RLS

  DID YOU                                 CAREER STATS*                                                              DID YOU                                      CAREER STATS*
  KNOW?                                    No. of Jobs in Sector = 28,809 (2019)                                     KNOW?                                         No. of Jobs in Sector = 9,690 (2019)
  Royal Leamington                         % Change 2020-25 = +2.4%                                                  Each year our annual                          % Change 2020-25 = +2.4%
  Spa College has                          Median Hourly Wage = £19.60                                               end of year shows                             Median Hourly Wage = £15.89
  state-of-the-art                         Annual Job Openings = 1,245 (avg per year)                                presented by all school                       Annual Job Openings = 405 (avg per year)
  new science labs                                                                                                   of arts students
  full of the latest                      TYPICAL CAREERS                                                            showcase the best in                         TYPICAL CAREERS
  gadgets including:                 • Nurses                                 • Biological scientists                art, design and craft.                  • Product, clothing and                   • Printers
  Apple TV linked up                 • Medical practioners                      and biochemists                                                                related designers                       • Arts officers, producers
  to iPad technology,                • Engineering porfessionals              • Research and                                                                 • Photographers, audio-                     and directors
  interactive                        • Police officers                          development managers                                                           visual and broadcasting
  whiteboards and 3D                   (up to sergeant)                                                                                                        equipment operators
                                                                                              *EMSI Analyst data                                                                                                        *EMSI Analyst data
  television screens.                • Lab technicians                                    and forecast 2020-2025                                             • Graphic designers                                    and forecast 2020-2025

42 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                                                APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 43
BUSINESS & EVENTS MANAGEMENT                                                                                    CHILDHOOD STUDIES

Business and Events Management                            works in a modern way using
                                                                                                                Working in childcare and                                   environment and resources that support
are fast-changing and continuously                        collaborative learning with Google
                                                          packages. Our course is designed to                   development is hugely                                      curriculum delivery. Work placement is
growing areas, offering a wealth of                                                                                                                                        an integral part of the course structure
                                                          help you to progress on to university,                rewarding - helping children to
career opportunities.                                                                                                                                                      and a dedicated Placement Team
                                                          employment or an apprenticeship.                      develop physically, emotionally,
Whether it’s running your own business,                                                                         intellectually and socially.                               supports students in this area.
or making a business run smoothly, our                    Events students will benefit from industry
                                                                                                                The sector provides many different career                  Our courses will provide you with the
professional and experienced staff will                   placements with local hotels, tourist
                                                                                                                paths, such as teacher, private nanny,                     knowledge, experience and qualifications
support you to develop your skills to                     attractions and restaurants. They will
                                                                                                                au pair, children’s representative, nursery                you need to progress to the next stage,
make sure you really are the best in the                  then have the option to progress onto
                                                                                                                worker or teaching assistant.                              whether this is working in the sector or
business! The Business department                         an apprenticeship.
                                                                                                                                                                           moving on to further study at college
                                                                                                                We have dedicated teaching rooms
                                                                                                                                                                           or university.
                                                                                                                fully equipped to replicate a nursery
 SUBJECT                                                                    LEVEL 1     LEVEL 2     LEVEL 3

 Business                                                                  RLS & RUG               RLS & RUG

 Business and Digital Technologies                                                     RLS & RUG                 SUBJECT                                                                    LEVEL 1     LEVEL 2      LEVEL 3

 Events Management                                                                                     RLS       Childhood and Health Studies                                              RLS & RUG

                                                                                                                 Childhood Studies (Early Years Educator)                                              RLS & RUG RLS & RUG

  CAREERS                               CAREER STATS*
  ADVICE &                                                                                                        APPRENTICESHIPS                              CAREER STATS*
                                         No. of Jobs in Sector = 66,294 (2019)
  GUIDANCE                               % Change 2020-25 = +2.1%                                                 Get fantastic on-the-job                      No. of Jobs in Sector = 4,779 (2019)
  Speak to our expert                    Median Hourly Wage = £18.62                                              experience. See pages                         % Change 2020-25 = +2.1% (West Midlands)
  team for impartial                     Annual Job Openings = 3,137 (avg per year)                               20 – 23 for full details on                   Median Hourly Wage = £9.40
  careers advice                                                                                                  how to apply.                                 Annual Job Openings = 239 (avg per year)
  and guidance.                         TYPICAL CAREERS                                                           Visit
                                     • Managers / directors            • Business / financial project                                                          TYPICAL CAREERS
  0300 456 0048                                                                                                   apprenticeships
                                       in retail, wholesale and          management professionals                                                           • Nursery nurses              • Playworkers                     financial positions                                                                                                    and assistants
                                                                       • Vocational / industrial                                                                                          • Child and early
                                     • Production managers and           trainers and instructors                                                           • Youth and                     years officers
                                       directors in manufacturing      • Marketing / sales directors                                                          community workers
                                     • Human resources and                                 *EMSI Analyst data
                                                                                                                                                            • Childminders and                             *EMSI Analyst data
                                       industrial relations officers                   and forecast 2020-2025                                                 related occupations                      and forecast 2020-2025

44 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                                            APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 45
CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                        COUNTRYSIDE

If you’re a practical, hands-on person                       Our students have been successful in
and you’re interested in how things                          both regional and national SkillBuild
are put together, or you are interested                      competitions, coming away with
in construction management, our                              top awards.
courses could be for you.                                    You may choose to go straight into
We have fantastic workshop facilities and                    employment after your course or                        Managing the countryside involves                          over 250 hectares of estate, including
experienced tutors who have invaluable                       undertake further study or move onto                   balancing the needs of rural                               14 hectares of woodland, our countryside
industry experience, which will help                         an apprenticeship programme.                           industries such as agriculture and                         students have different habitats to
you get the best start in your career.                                                                              forestry with the needs of wildlife,                       observe, monitor and improve, as well
                                                                                                                    and access to the countryside for                          as the opportunity to create new ones.
                                                                                                                    leisure and recreation.                                    There are many career opportunities
 SUBJECT                                                    ENTRY     LEVEL 1   LEVEL 2     LEVEL 3     LEVEL 4     Moreton Morrell College’s estate offers                    in conservation, ecology, game and
 Foundation Skills - Multi-Skills                         RUG & MM                                                  students a range of working and natural                    wildlife management or in managing
                                                                     RLS, RUG                                       habitats to practice new skills amongst                    our rural resources.
 Foundation Construction Skills
                                                                      & MM
                                                                                                                    woodland, grassland and wetland. With
 Electrical Installation                                             RLS & RUG RLS & RUG RLS & RUG

 Plumbing                                                            RLS & RUG RLS & RUG RLS & RUG

 Construction and the Built Environment                                                    RLS & RUG       RUG       SUBJECT                                                                     ENTRY      LEVEL 1    LEVEL 3
 Brickwork                                                           RUG & MM RUG & MM RUG & MM                      Countryside Skills                                                            MM
 Site Carpentry                                                                 RUG & MM       MM                    Land-based Studies                                                                       MM
 Carpentry and Joinery                                               RUG & MM                                        Wildlife and Countryside Management (Conservation and
                                                                                                                     Wildlife Management)

                                                                                                                     Countryside Management (Games and Estates)                                                          MM
  DID YOU                                 CAREER STATS*
  KNOW?                                   No. of Jobs in Sector = 25,144 (2019)
                                                                                                                      DID YOU                                     CAREER STATS*
  Brickwork                               % Change 2020-25 = +1.8%
  students teamed
                                                                                                                      KNOW?                                       No. of Jobs in Sector = 834 (2019)
                                          Median Hourly Wage = £13.67
  up with a regional                                                                                                  Harvest mice are the                        % Change 2020-25 = +2.9%
                                          Annual Job Openings = 1,081 (avg per year)
  construction                                                                                                        only British mammal                         Median Hourly Wage = £16.76
  company, Deeley                         TYPICAL CAREERS                                                             to have a prehensile                        Annual Job Openings = 34 (avg per year)
  Construction, to                  • Fork-lift truck drivers             • Plumbers and heating and                  tail, which enables
  get real-life, on                 • Electricians / electrical fitters     ventilating engineers                     them to grasp plant                         TYPICAL CAREERS
  the job experience                • Construction production             • Carpenters and joiners                    stems as they move                  • Conservation Manager
  in Ryton-on-                        managers and directors              • Chartered surveyors                       through vegetation.                 • Countryside Officer
  Dunsmore.                         • Elementary construction                                                                                             • Gamekeeper
                                                                                               *EMSI Analyst data                                                                                            *EMSI Analyst data
                                      occupations                                          and forecast 2020-2025                                         • Park Ranger                                  and forecast 2020-2025

46 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                                             APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 47
DIGITAL & CYBER TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                  ENGINEERING

Our courses in Digital and Cyber                            of the Business or Technology sector              Engineering affects every aspect of                                                   The strength of our engineering
Technologies are designed to get                            you would like to continue your study.            our lives from vehicles to buildings                                                  programmes lies in our state-of-the-art
you into a career in one of the                             You can progress on to Level 3 in your            and the technology we use.                                                            facilities, success rates and extensive
most vibrant and successful                                 preferred area. We offer courses that allow                                                                                             industry links – including internationally-
                                                                                                              Engineers design, manufacture
employment sectors in the UK.                               you to specialise in creative computing,                                                                                                renowned companies such as Cummins,
                                                                                                              and test across many fields, such as
                                                            programming, software design, games                                                                                                     Alstom, GE Energy, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar
The Digital and Cyber industry contributes                                                                    mechanical, electrical, production and
                                                            development, interactive media production,                                                                                              Land Rover, Aston Martin, Mercedes and
£71 billion to the UK economy and has                                                                         civil engineering. Our courses allow you to
                                                            networking, computer hardware and the                                                                                                   rail companies.
a job market growing at four times the                                                                        follow any of these routes into any industry
                                                            brand new cybersecurity pathway.
national rate. On the Level 2 course, you                                                                     and are delivered by professionally trained                                           Our students progress to highly respected
will have the opportunity to develop a wide                 We have excellent facilities and courses          engineers who have in-depth knowledge                                                 universities, employment and sought
range of Business and Digital Technology                    which are delivered by expert staff who           and experience, using industry standard                                               after apprenticeship programmes.
skills enabling you to choose which area                    will support you into the exciting world of       software and equipment.
                                                            digital and cyber technologies.

                                                                                                                SUBJECT                                                                                                          LEVEL 2    LEVEL 3     LEVEL 4
 SUBJECT                                                                              LEVEL 2     LEVEL 3
                                                                                                                Engineering                                                                                                     RUG & TRI RUG & TRI      RUG
 Business and Digital Technologies                                                   RLS & RUG
                                                                                                                Engineering Enhanced Level 3            *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RUG & TRI
 Digital Information Technology                                                                  RLS & RUG
                                                                                                                Electric Vehicle Technology                                                                                                    TRI
 Digital Support Services T Level - see page 36 for                                                 RLS
                                                                                                              *Subject to existing qualifications, Level 3 students have an option to study A Level Maths as an additional qualification.
 Digital Support Services Transition Programme                                          RLS

                                                                                                                  DID YOU                                           CAREER STATS*
  DID YOU                                CAREER STATS*                                                            KNOW?                                              No. of Jobs in Sector = 27,051 (2019)
  KNOW?                                   No. of Jobs in Sector = 2,273 (2019)                                    Warwick Trident                                    % Change 2020-25 = +2.6% (for West Midlands)
  Our students can                        % Change 2020-25 = +1.6%                                                College hosts                                      Median Hourly Wage = £16.13
  access IT facilities                    Median Hourly Wage = £18.84                                             first class                                        Annual Job Openings = 1,044 (avg per year)
  with industry                           Annual Job Openings = 80 (avg per year)                                 laboratory
  standard                                                                                                        and practical                                     TYPICAL CAREERS
  software and                           TYPICAL CAREERS                                                          engineering                                • Vehicle technicians,          • Mechanical engineers
  design suites in                  • Computer consultancy             • Security specialist                      workshops                                    mechanics and electricians • Engineering technicians
  order to assist                     activities                       • Computer programming                     including advanced                         • Metal working production      • Production and process /
  with testing                      • Other information                  activities                               machining centre                             and maintenance fitters         quality control and planning
  and real-world                      technology and computer                                                     and robotic                                • Design / development engineers engineers
                                                                                         *EMSI Analyst data                                                                                                       *EMSI Analyst data
  procedures.                         service activities                             and forecast 2020-2025       facilities.                                • Engineering professionals                      and forecast 2020-2025

48 BE CHALLENGED | BE INSPIRED | BE EXTRAORDINARY                                                                                                                          APPLY TODAY | 0300 456 0049 | | 49
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