BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC

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BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
Pearson Edexcel

Enabling your
future career
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT                                                                              BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT

                                               Welcome to the new                                     Larne Football Club are currently the only
                                                                                                      full-time senior club in Northern Ireland, and this
                                               Pearson Edexcel BTEC                                   partnership gives the club the opportunity to

                                               Level 3 Extended Diploma                               become the first full-time academy in Northern
                                                                                                      Ireland at Under 18. Your training will mirror that
                                               in Sport, delivered by Larne                           of our first teams, incorporating tactical and
                                                                                                      technical sessions into your timetable as well
                                               Football Club in partnership                           as strength and conditioning, nutrition and
                                               with Liverpool Football
                                                                                                      recovery. Practical sessions will be relatable
                                                                                                      to your academic modules to increase your
                                               College in association with                            understanding and learning through your training
                                               Steven Gerrard.                                        and playing. Our first team coaches will be heavily
                                                                                                      involved in delivering your training
                                               Our combined BTEC and football model gives             sessions improving our pathways to our first
                                               young footballers the chance to train as full          team and beyond.
                                               time athletes within Larne Football Club, training
                                               each day as a team and playing at the weekends         Liverpool Football College are committed to
                                               for our U18/U20 squads, while also studying            ensure that every person who enrols on and
                                               to achieve the equivalent of 3 A Levels /              completes our BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
                                               168 UCAS points.                                       maintains the commitment throughout the course
                                                                                                      and graduates with the academic credibility

                                               Our model is tried and tested with success in the      to pursue a career in sport right across the
                                               professional academy set ups across England,           world. We present each student with impressive
                                               and is now available right here in Northern            placement opportunities through our key partners
                                               Ireland within Larne FC. Every player who enrols for   based worldwide. The world of sport has many
                                               our course will have aspirations to be a               opportunities for you, the Liverpool Football
                                               full-time professional footballer. Our course          College is the leader in signposting students
                                               provides players with the platform to train            towards the best opportunities there are for young
                                               everyday with top coaches to give their talent         people. (See our success stories page
                                               every chance to succeed in the professional            for more information)
                                               game. For those who don’t make the grade,
                                               we ensure that they have a career in sport and         Our Larne Football Club and the Liverpool
                                               many different career pathways available to            Football College partnership will give our students
                                               move towards as an alternative.                        the best preparation and the best opportunities
                                                                                                      to ensure that they are on the path to success
                                                                                                      when they leave.

                                                                                                      Success is when
                                                                                                      preparation meets

                                                                                                      (L. Annaeus Seneca)

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BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT                                                                                                                                                  BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT

     WHAT YOUR                                                                                                      BTEC LEVEL 3
     DAY WILL                                                                                                       EXTENDED DIPLOMA
     LOOK LIKE                                                                                                      IN SPORT

     It’s important that you see              DAY S       T I M E TA B L E            DESCRIPTION                   Level:
                                                                                                                                                    BTEC and football model gives young
     what a typical week might                Monday      9:30am – 12.30pm:           Out of Possession /           Pearson Edexcel BTEC Level 3    footballers the chance to train as full time
     look like on our course. Your                        Academics                   Transition to Attack          Extended Diploma in Sport       athletes within Larne Football Club, training
     weekly timetable will include 4
     days of teaching and practical
                                                          12.30pm – 1.15pm:
                                                                                      Warm up
                                                                                                                                                    each day as a team and playing at the
     sessions, with day 5 being your                      1.15pm – 1.30pm:            session
                                                                                                                    New 2019 QCF specification      weekends for our U18/U20 squads, while
     gameday. Coaching blocks will                        Activation/Mobilisation
                                                                                      Possession / tactical                                         also studying to achieve the equivalent of
     extend over 3 days, and the                                                                                    A level equivalent:
     module outlines are explained
                                                          1.30pm – 3pm:
                                                                                      SSG (4v4’s / 5v5’s / 6v6’s)   The qualification is the        3 A Levels / up to 168 UCAS points.
     in more detail in the course info                                                                              equivalent to 3 A-Level and
     section.                                             3Pm – 4pm:                                                carries up to 168 UCAS points   Entry Requirements
                                                          Strength and conditioning                                                                 To study this qualification, a minimum of five GCSEs (or equivalent) at
     We manage the classroom                  Tuesday     9:30am – 12.30pm:           In Possession /                                               Grades A to C are required. A grade C or above in GCSE PE or a Pass
     and practical sessions within                        Academics                   Transition to Defend                                          in BTEC First Diploma Sport is desired, but not essential.
     the one facility which ensures                       12.30pm – 1.15pm:           Warm up
     that as much time as possible                        Lunch                                                                                     Course units
                                                                                      Physical/technical                                            First Year Units                       Second Year Units
     is spent in both the classroom                       1.15pm – 1.30pm:            session
     and on the training pitch.                           Activation/Mobilisation
                                                                                                                                                    • Sports Development                   • Applied Coaching skills
                                                                                      Possession / tactical                                         • Sports Nutrition                     • Rules and Regs
     *on occasions your timetable
                                                          1.30pm – 3pm:                                                                             • Developing Coaching skills           • Practical Sports Application
     may change in order to                                                           SSG (4v4’s / 5v5’s / 6v6’s)
     accommodate games.                                                                                                                             • Sports Injuries                      • Ethical issues in Sport
                                                          3pm – 4pm:                                                                                • Fitness testing                      • Organising Events
                                                          Strength and conditioning                                                                 • Health, Well-being and Fitness       • Careers in Sport
                                              Wednesday   9:30am – 12.30pm:           Out of Possession /
                                                          Academics                   Transition to Attack                                          Pathways
                                                          12.30pm – 1.15pm:           Warm up                                                       1. University: University of Ulster, Stranmillis and Liverpool Hope are
                                                          Lunch                                                                                        our main university destinations. Sports Science, Sports Coaching
                                                          1.15pm – 1.30pm:            session                                                          and Sports Studies are the three main choices of degrees each year.
                                                          Activation/Mobilisation                                                                      Once you have completed your BTEC Level 3 you have the option to
                                                                                      Possession / tactical
                                                                                                                                                       study towards non-sport related degrees.
                                                          1.30pm – 3pm:
                                                                                      SSG (8v8’s / 9v9’s)
                                                                                                                                                    2. College: Foundation degrees in sports, exercise and fitness in
                                                          3pm – 4pm:
                                                                                                                                                       Belfast Met and Liverpool Hope Uni.
                                                          Strength and conditioning

                                              Thursday    9.30am – 11am:              In Possession /                                               3. Global coaching pathways: Each year our graduates have the
                                                          Pitch                       Transition to Defend                                             opportunity to take up both short (9 weeks) and long term (12
                                                          11am – 12noon:              Warm up                                                          months) contracts with our global coaching partners in America,
                                                          Lunch                                                                                        Canada, Sri Lanka and Qatar.
                                                                                      Physical/technical session
                                                          12noon – 3pm:
                                                                                      Possession / tactical                                         4. Playing Scholarship: We provide the foundation for a full time playing
04                                                                                    Games (11v11)                                                    and studying pathway in America through our scholarship programme.             05
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT                                                             BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT

                                              SOME OF OUR
                                              SUCCESS STORIES

                           IF YOU’RE          Dan (Liverpool)
                                              Was a keen footballer who grew up just a stones
                                              throw from Anfield Stadium, home of football

                                              giants, Liverpool FC.

                                              He joined the programme with aspirations of
                                              taking his playing ability to the next level but was
                                              also focused on adding coaching qualifications

                                              and experience to his CV. Now aged 22,
                                              football has taken Dan around the world and
                                              he is currently employed by Stoke City based in
                                              Shanghai, China.

                           YOU LOVE.
                                              Rhys Jones (Flintshire)
                                              Applied for a place on the programme whilst playing
                                              in the Youth Team at Welsh side, Airbus UK FC.

                                              Rhys’ goal was to play first team football and
                                              he was keen to combine this with his passion for
                                              business. Since graduating from Chester
                                              University, he and a team mate have set up a
                                              private coaching company called Champion

                           PAY OF F.
                                              Sports Elite, who coach the next generation of
                                              upcoming players.

                                              Tejan (Sierra Leone)
                                              Is a talented player whose progress continues
                                              to be monitored by scouts across Europe,
                                              following excellent displays in the 2017 Dallas Cup
                                              winning squad.

                                              Since graduating from the programme, Tejan is
                                              currently playing for UD San Pedro in Spain where
                                              he is also completing a university degree. His
                                              future aspirations are to become a professional
                                              football player.


06                                            to see more success stories…                                                                       07
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT                                                                                                                                              BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT


     Team building & Networking                           Global Coaches Conference
     First year students from across England, Northern    Our GCC is available to all students who like the
     Ireland and Wales will enjoy a 1-night stay at       idea of working abroad. Each year we select a
     our Liverpool Head Quarters. This team building      different venue in the UK to welcome employers
     experience is a great way to get to know your new    from countries such as USA, Canada, Finland, Sri
     classmates and you can enjoy activities including    Lanka, Qatar and China. Whether you are looking
     water-sports, free running and mixed martial arts.   for a summer in the States to a year in Doha, we
                                                          have opportunities for you.
     Our state-of-the-art building plays host to many
     guest speakers throughout the year so HQ could
     be a place you become very familiar with.
                                                          Guest Speakers                                         Elite Study Visits                                  Rewards trips
                                                          Meeting a professional sports star or personality is   The UK is fortunate to have some world-class        Hard work isn’t optional, it is expected. But if you
                                                          an exciting opportunity for most people. We take       training facilities. Our students can learn from    commit yourself to your studies, each term
                                                          this on to the next level with our guest speaker       gaining behind-the-scenes access to the             you and your classmates will be able to enjoy
                                                          series. Each month, our students can enjoy             following: Premier League football academies, St    rewards trips. New for the 2020/21 academic year;
                                                          intimate Q&A’s with sports leaders from athletes,      George’s Park, England Institute of Sport and the   students will have the chance to study in Tenerife
                                                          to psychologists, and coaches to TV presenters.        Manchester Velodrome, to name but a few.            for 2 weeks and train with some of the islands top
                                                          Make a good impression and you could have a                                                                football clubs.
                                                          famous name on your CV or UCAS application.
                                                                                                                 Compete in Dallas
                                                                                                                 The Dr Pepper Dallas Cup is an invitation only
                                                                                                                                                                     Tour Madrid
                                                                                                                 international youth football tournament. Venues
                                                                                                                                                                     If you are considering coaching abroad at the end
                                                                                                                 including the Cotton Bowl and Toyota Stadium
                                                                                                                                                                     of your 2-year course, our advice would be to try
                                                                                                                 play host to fixtures and the Liverpool Football
                                                                                                                                                                     our 4-day tour of Madrid first. This unforgettable
                                                                                                                 College representative squad has won the
                                                                                                                                                                     trip will give you the chance to volunteer with
                                                                                                                 tournament on several occasions. This could be
                                                                                                                                                                     Spanish children, train alongside Spanish
                                                                                                                 an opportunity which is available to you if you
                                                                                                                                                                     National coaches and enjoy a live La Liga fixture,
                                                                                                                 perform both on the pitch and in the classroom.
                                                                                                                                                                     plus much more.

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BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT                                                                 BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT

     HOW TO                                   EXPERT
     APPLY?                                   SUPPORT

     Does this course sound                                         Our new BTEC course is a creative combination of academics and
                                                                    football training. It’s specifically designed to give talented young

     like the opportunity you                                       footballers the environment needed to try and pursue a full time
                                                                    footballing career, while ensuring they have an education to fall

     have been waiting for?
                                                                    back on. Our commitment to the academic side of the course is
                                                                    equally as strong as our commitment to the football. Our training
                                                                    model will mirror that of our full-time first team. We feel strongly
                                                                    that this increased contact time with professional coaches will
     If you are interested in finding out                           give our most talented players the very best opportunity to make
     more about this course, or you would                           it to the top echelons of the professional game, whereas our
                                                                    academic program will ensure these young athletes have the same
     like to apply then please contact:                             opportunity to pursue a career outside of football.

                                              Tiernan Lynch         Our partnership with the Steven Gerrard Academy will provide our
     T: +44151 294 3229 ext.1                 First Team Manager    students with many different pathway opportunities to pursue a
     M: 077 4565 1453                         Larne Football Club   full-time career in the sports industry outside of playing. For young
     E:                                 sports students we are committed to ensure that everyone who
                                                                    graduates from this course leaves with high potential to be a
                                                                    success in whatever field they choose to pursue.

                                                                    We are absolutely delighted to be entering a partnership with
                                                                    Larne FC where we will be giving the young players at the club
                                                                    unparalleled opportunities in the world of sport. The infrastructure
                                                                    in place at the club both on and off the pitch will ensure that
                                                                    the players are exposed to professional playing and academic
                                                                    standards that will enable them to benefit from a variety of life
                                                                    changing pathways both home and abroad upon completion of
                                                                    the programme.

                                                                    From the first time we stepped foot in Inver Park and met with Niall,
                                                                    Tiernan, Kenny and Gary we were blown away by the plans and
                                                                    vision that the club has in place. Our expertise in education and
                                              Emmett Clerkin        global pathways dovetailed with the professional full time set up
                                              Head of Education     at Larne FC will ensure success for every young person who walks
                                                                    through the door and we are really looking forward to September.

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BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
If you are interested in finding
out more about this course,
or you would like to apply then
please contact:

Emmett Clerkin
T: +44151 294 3229 ext.1
M: 077 4565 1453
BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED DIPLOMA IN SPORT - Enabling your future career - Pearson Edexcel - Larne FC
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