Bronson RISE Evaluation Framework

Page created by Manuel Salazar
Bronson RISE
Evaluation Framework

2020 | prepared by

in collaboration with
INTRODUCTION                                         VALUES
    Bronson RISE (Real Inclusion by Seniors              Values ground our work, guide our relationships with each other, and our decision-making
    Everywhere) exists to reduce senior’s isolation,     processes. Our values continue to evolve as we deepen our collaboration. Currently, our core
    particularly in vulnerable populations. It is a 5    values have been articulated as:
    year, $2.1M project funded by Employment
    and Social Development Canada intended to
    establish and sustain a cohesive collective
    impact initiative that will measurably increase                      Placemaking/
    the social inclusion of culturally diverse seniors              Indigenous Placemaking
    for those who are, or who may be at-risk of,                                                                  and Diversity
    isolation in Ottawa and its surrounding area.
    As a collective impact initiative, Bronson RISE
    is working on behalf of the Bronson Centre,                                7 Grandfather Teachings:
    and in partnership with Bronson Center Hub                               Love, Respect, Bravery, Truth,
    organizations and Ottawa senior-focused                                       Honesty, Humility,
    organizations to:                                                                and Wisdom                                          Accessibility
    • Reduce ageism in the not-for-profit sector
    • Increase engagement & decision-making
       of seniors through an intergenerational
      spectrum of arts, cultural and social
      activities.                                                                                DOCUMENT OVERVIEW
    • Increase the social entrepreneurship                                                       This document provides a framework for evaluating the
      and innovation capacity of participating                                                   activities and outcomes of Bronson RISE, including:
                                                                                                 Theory of Change ................................................................ 2
    • Improve access to information and
      raise awareness through creative digital                                                   Evaluation ............................................................................. 3
      strategies, technologies and on-line                                                          Purpose .............................................................................. 3
      cooperation.                                                                                  Questions ........................................................................... 3
    Activities to date have included outreach and                                                   Outcomes & Indicators ................................................... 4
    engagement of partner organization as well as
                                                                                                    Proposed Methods .......................................................... 5
    initial program offerings. In March 2019, the
    global COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting                                                   Recommendations for Using the Framework . ............. 6
    shut down has meant that Bronson RISE has                                                    Program Tracking Template .............................................. 7
    had to rethink its approach and arts, cultural
    and social activities for engaging seniors.

    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
2020 | prepared by   in collaboration with

                                            BRONSON RISE THEORY OF CHANGE                                                               

                                              Increase social inclusion for seniors, in particular
                                                 those who are or may be at-risk of isolation

                                     The power/potential of a
                                                                                                             Additional and more diverse
                              multi-generational, accessible, inclusive
                                                                                                          opportunities for social inclusion of
                                approach to reducing isolation and
                                                                                                              seniors are being created.
                               ageism is increasingly demonstrated.

            Collaboration between Bronson                                                                                   Bronson Centre tenant organizations
                                                                  More people 55+ are creating, leading
            Centre tenant organizations and                                                                                 and project partners have increased
                                                                    and participating in meaningful
            with project partners on shared                                                                                 their capacity (quantity and quality)
                                                                      activities and experiences.
                activities has increased                                                                                       to engage with isolated seniors.

                                                                          There is a supportive environment             Bronson Centre tenant organizations
                                                                           for creativity, learning, risk-taking              and project partners are
                There are more in-person                                          and social enterprise.                    connecting with each other.
               and virtual opportunities for
              networking and collaboration
                                                                         Organizations are creating and                        There are opportunities
                                                                    collaborating on training opportunities                     for collective learning
                                                                       to strengthen organizational skills                    on how to engage seniors.

            Common, collectively                                    Evaluation framework                                      Data collection and analysis
           supported resources are
           in place and being used
                                                                          Digital Strategy                            Develop audience and outreach strategies

    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
                                                         To pressure test and evolve the Theory of Change, evaluation questions are both developmental
                                                         and outcomes focused.
    The purpose of the evaluation is to:
    →	Test the theory of change, identifying
                                                         DEVELOPMENTAL QUESTIONS
       strengths and needs for refinement over
       time                                                 1. W
                                                                hat assumptions have we made in our core strategies of our theory of change?
                                                               Are these assumptions holding true? Where are we being challenged?
    →	Assess process and relationship
       development to support the activation of             2. In what ways and to what extent are we demonstrating our values through our
       collective impact                                        engagement of stakeholders and activation of our program activities?

    →	Capture early and emerging outcomes                  3. In what ways and to what extent are seniors involved at every step of our work?
       associated with implementing key strategies              Where can we demonstrate their engagement and influence over decision-making?
       and activities                                       4. W
                                                                here are we doing well? What conditions facilitate collaboration and movement
    →	Characterize the role and contribution of               forward? What new capacities and assets are emerging? What more is needed?
       Bronson RISE                                         5. W
                                                                here are we not getting the traction we expect? Where are we falling short?
    →	Capture key learnings and insights about                What is holding us back? Where do we need to course correct?
       what it takes to achieve the desired impact          6. H
                                                                ow do our stakeholders experience their relationships with us?
       over time                                               What value are we bringing?
    Realizing the opportunity to support greater
    social inclusion for seniors is a long-term
    commitment, and we would expect the                  OUTCOME QUESTIONS
    strategies and activities of the collective impact
    initiative to change over time. The evaluation          1. In what ways and to what extent are we seeing evidence of success and positive impact?
    questions and approach outlined below are a             2. To what extent are we achieving our outcomes?
    starting point as Bronson RISE activates the
                                                            3. Have there been any unintended consequences of our work?
    theory of change over the next year. As the
    initiative evolves, so to should the evaluation           a. Is there equitable participation and experience of positive outcomes? Are there ways
    framework to update the questions that need                  in which we have unintentionally reinforced exclusion and barriers to participation?
    to be answered and the methods for doing so.

    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
    In answering these evaluation questions,

    Success will look like:                 We will pay attention to:

    Engagement of diverse seniors           Reach, including events and participants; including key demographics
                                            (age, gender, ethnic/racial identity)

    People 55+ are creating, leading        # of activities led by people 55+
    and participating meaningful
    activities and experiences              % of leaders to report positive, supported experience, including experience of our values in action

                                            % of participants to report positive engagement experiences

    An increase in networking and           # of new connections and relationships developed internally and externally
    collaboration among stakeholder
    organizations that supports             % to report new opportunities to collaborate and focus of the collaboration
    learning, risk-taking and social        % to report positive outcomes associated with greater collaboration
                                            % of stakeholders to report positive experience (e.g. depth and quality) of relationships, including experience

                                            % of stakeholders to report greater capacity for risk-taking and social enterprise

    Experience of social inclusion and      # of seniors to report making new connections and friendships
    lessened risk of isolation
                                            % of seniors who report experience of new opportunity to be involved and feelings of being included

    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
    Data collection methods for the evaluation will include:

    Method                                  Rationale                             Questions Answered*   Timing

    Output and Activity tracking            To capture what events and            DE 4, 5               Ongoing
                                            activities occur, who leads and
                                                                                  OE 1
                                            who participates, and how many

    Network Map                             To capture extent to which            DE 1, 3-5             Baseline (summer 2020)
                                            stakeholder organizations are
                                                                                  OE 1                  Project midpoint (2022)
                                            developing connections and
                                            relationships                                               Project completion (2024)

    Organization Survey                     To check in with partners on their    DE 1, 2, 4-6          Annually
                                            experiences, identify opportunities
                                                                                  OE 1-3
                                            and need for adaptations, and
                                            capture any emerging outcomes

    Senior Survey (including tool for       To capture seniors about their        DE 1-5                Variable, following completion of
    measuring inclusion/isolation)          experiences participating in                                program activities or at events
                                                                                  OE 1-3
                                            activities and capture outcomes

    Key Informant interviews and/or         To dive deeper on experience        DE 1-6                  Yearly
    Focus Groups                            and impact for collaborating
                                                                                OE 1-3
                                            organizations/project partners; and
                                            from participating seniors

    Sensemaking                             To use evaluation data to reflect     DE 1-6                In bi-annual evaluation cycles
                                            on progress and make course                                 (e.g. December and June
                                                                                  OE 1-3
                                            corrections as needed                                       of each year)

    * DE = Developmental Evaluation Questions; OE = Outcomes Evaluation Questions
    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
    Our best advice for activating this Evaluation Framework is to:
    •   Assign activation to an internal lead
        It is easy for evaluation and data collection to fall off the side of one’s
        desk. A staff lead or co-leads can keep it top of mind and support the
        consistency and quality of data collection.                                       Bringing in these
    •   Make it safe to learn                                                         practices to implement
        It is unrealistic to expect that one will get everything right from the
        start. Allow for prototyping new ways of working and for creating                  this framework
        opportunities to figure out what works and what doesn’t. Check in on               will support its
        process and progress early an often.
                                                                                       overall usefulness and
        Take an iterative approach to your theory of change
        A theory of change reflects your best understanding within a moment
                                                                                         value in furthering
        in time. As you activate your strategies, put your hypotheses to              outcomes and achieving
        the test, ask the hard questions and check in on your assumptions.
        Your theory of change needs to evolve along with your deepening
                                                                                        longer-term impact.
        understanding and learning of what it takes to do the work.

    •   Make time for reflection and processing
        The busyness of day to day work can get in the way of reflecting and
        learning. Be intentional about creating the space for reflecting on
        evaluation findings and insights, and for connecting the dots between
        results and what those mean for your work.

    •   Adapt as you go
        Identifying as early as possible where things are not working, and
        adjusting where needed, will better position you to achieve your targets
        and outcomes. Use the outcomes from your reflection to make course
        corrections in your strategies as needed.

    •   Engage partners and stakeholders in sensemaking and learning
        We can all get comfortable with our own assumptions. Bringing in
        outside perspectives can surface new insights, validate conclusions,
        deepen understandings and build buy-in for moving forward.

    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
    Complete this template to keep track of each Bronson RISE project, the relevant evaluation tools and timelines

                                                                Person Responsible            Evaluation Tools       Dates for
    Program Name                            Program Lead
                                                                for Data Collection           to be Used             Data Collection

    Bronson RISE: Evaluation Framework
    prepared by Openly |
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