Page created by Carlos Curtis
DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                B R O A D B A N D   T E S T E R
data sheet: technical data subject to change.
DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                ARGUS® 260: The broadband tester                                     intec Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik mbH
                                                The new ARGUS® 260 all-in-one tester delivers improved perfor-       intec Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik mbH has been
                                                mance for testing broadband interfaces. The high-quality mul-        successfully developing products for the international telecom
                                                tifunction tester is ideally equipped for the expansion of future    markets for 30 years. Meanwhile specialized in high-quality
                                                networks.                                                            telecommunication measuring devices, we belong to the leading
                                                                                                                     suppliers of xDSL, IP and fiber optic measuring technology in
                                                Modern design and new housing concept                                Europe and beyond.
                                                Its robust design combines the requirements for a compact
                                                hand-held meter in daily field use with the performance of a         The ARGUS® product range provides a convenient solution for
                                                high-end tester. As the first ARGUS® tester with touch-screen        commissioning and troubleshooting on xDSL and Ethernet
                                                display, it enables intuitive navigation of the familiar ARGUS®      connections. Specifically designed for user requirements in
                                                menu structure. Thanks to the use of numerous graphical              daily, praxis-related operations for international network
                                                elements, the redesigned GUI makes this sophisticated                operators, service providers and installation companies.
                                                multifunction tester as easy to use as a smartphone. A new,          The ARGUS® measuring devices have already been purchased
                                                innovative internal help function supports rapid, reliable inter-    more than 100,000 times.
                                                pretation of test results.
                                                                                                                     Our customers have appreciated the quality of our products and
                                                All necessary broadband interfaces                                   services for many years. In the last 20 years alone, we have deli-
                                                The ARGUS® 260 reliably tests all broadband interfaces, from         vered more than 100,000 ARGUS® testers worldwide - many of
                                                GPON and (106 + 212 MHz) to super vectoring, Bonding,         them to international companies such as Deutsche Telekom,
                                                ADSL and VDSL accesses, in the uncompromising quality you            KPN or Austria Telecom.
                                                have come to expect. It is also equipped with a wide range of
                                                further interfaces and test functions, such as 2.5 Gigabit Ether-
                                                net, WLAN, copper, TDR, RFL, triple play and many more.
data sheet: technical data subject to change.

                                                Additional features
                                                The integrated WIFI interface enables the ARGUS® 260 to
                                                communicate with its environment directly - a PC link is no
                                                longer required.
                                                Once integrated in your job management system, the
                                                ARGUS 260® marks the advent of a new generation of broadband

DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                Specification Broadband Interfaces:
                                                General:                                                  Application, Settings + Results:
                                       Modem Simulation, FTU-R, CPE / VDSL / ADSL                 / VDSL
                                                Tester Bridge + Router              • Net Data Rate d/u [kBit/s]                  • Signal Attenuation [dB]
                                                               ITU-T G.9700/9701 Profile 106a/212a        • Attainable Data Rate d/u [kBit/s]           • Showtime no Sync [Number]
                                                               Time Division Duplexing (TDD)              • Relative Capacity d/u [%]                   • Seamless Rate Adaption (SRA)
                                                VDSL                                                      • SNR Margin /Loop Attenuation d/u [dB]       • Data Transmission Unit (DTU)
                                                               VDSL2 Modem Simulation, VTU-R, CPE
                                                Tester         VDSL2 Bridge + VDSL2 Router                • Output Power d/u [dBm]                      • INP REIN + INP SHINE [Symbols]
                                                               ITU-T G.993.2 (Profiles 8, 12, 17a, 30a)   • Interleave Delay d/u [ms]                   • Expected Throughput Rate (ETR) [kBit/s]
                                                               ITU-T G.993.2 Annex Q (Profile 35b),       • Impulse Noise Protection d/u [Symbols]      • Electrical Length @1 MHz R/C [dB]
                                                               Super Vectoring (Vplus)                    • FEC + CRC, far/near [Errors]                • EFM Statistics: Frames + Bytes
                                                               ITU-T G.993.5, G.vector (Vectoring)        • ES, SES, LOSS + UAS, far/near [sec]
                                                               ITU-T G.998.4, G.INP (Retransmission)      • Reset /Resync [Number]
                                                                                                                                                        • Vectoring Mode
                                                               ITU-T G.998.2,, 35b Bonding         • Bitswap Events d/u
                                                                                                          • Retransmission d/u (G.INP)                  • Graphical Long-time Trace in ARGUS®
                                                ADSL           ADSL Modem Simulation, ATU-R, CPE          • Vendor, far/near [Name/ Number]             ADSL
                                                Tester         ADSL Bridge + ADSL Router                  • Modem Trace                                 • Latency Mode
                                                               ITU-T G.992.1, Annex A+B (ADSL)            • Bits/SNR/QLN/Hlog/Noise Graphs
                                                               ITU-T G.992.2, Annex A (G.lite)                                                          • Graphical Long-time Trace in ARGUS®
                                                                                                          • OK /Fail Evaluation: Bitrate, CRC, FEC
                                                               ITU-T G.992.3, Annex A+B+L+M (ADSL2)
                                                                                                          • DC Voltage, UDC
                                                               ITU-T G.992.5, Annex A+B+J+M (ADSL2+)
                                                GigE           Ethernet according to IEEE 802.3           •   Link Status, Autonegotiation, far/near    • SFP: Digital Diagnostic Mode (DDM):
                                                Tester         1 x 10/100/1000 Base-T (RJ45/8P8C)         •   Auto-MDI(X) Function                       - Manufacturer Name, OUI, Item Number,
                                                               • 2.5 GBase-T (IEEE 802.3bz, NBase-T)      •   Speed (10, 100, 1000 Mbit/s)                Revision, Serial Number, Date, Coding,
                                                               1 x SFP Interface, supports:               •   Duplex Mode (full, half) / Flow Control     Medium, Speed
                                                               • 100 Base-FX/LX                           •   Polarity/Wire Pair (+/-)                   - Optical Level (Tx/Rx), ±3 dB
                                                               • 1000 Base-BX/LX/SX/ZX                    •   Pair skew/Wire Pair [ns]                   - Optical class of the OLT
                                                               • 2.5 GBase-T (IEEE 802.3bz, NBase-T)      •   Frames (Rx/Tx) [Number]                    - Optical, PWR (Tx/Rx), ±3 dB
                                                               • FTTx (PtP), Active Ethernet              •   Errors, Bytes (Rx/Tx) [Number]             - Temperature, Voltage, Current (Tx)
                                                               DDM according to SFF-8472                  •   Collisions [Number]                        - Max. Cable Length (Cu, SM, MM/OM1-4)
                                                GPON           GPON Modem Simulation, ONT, CPE            •   Link Status / Link Speed                  •   GPON Modem Trace
                                                Tester         ITU-T G.984                                •   ONT Status / OLT Tx Power                 •   Serial Number / Password Configurable
                                                               via ARGUS® GPON ONT                        •   Optical Network Unit ID (ONU ID)          •   Scan PLOAM message (ONU ID, S/N)*
                                                               • GigaBit Passive Optical Network          •   Passive Optical Network ID (PON ID,       •   SFP: Digital Diagnostic Mode (DDM)
                                                               DDM accord. to SFF-8472 (see Ethernet)         Vendor + Equipment ID / Version)          •   Optical Level (Rx), ±0.7 dB
                                                                                                                                                        •   Optical Line Attenuation in dB
                                                PON            GPON installation test                     • guided measurement sequence                 • calibrated measurement of the insertion
                                                installation   PON level check                            • target attenuation can be entered as          loss with ±0.5 dB accuracy
                                                test                                                        threshold value                             • Assistance for up to 64 fibers
                                                                                                          • automatic OK /Fail evaluation               • Evaluation PON-ID
                                                                                                          • PDF measurement protocol                    • Query of the job data
                                                                                                          • SFP parameters (s. Eth/GPON)
                                                WLAN           WLAN Access Point Mode                     • WLAN Access Point Scan                      • Access Point Mode (WLAN Router) for
                                                               WLAN Client Mode                             - Number / List Access Points                 mobile devices
                                                               IEEE 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz)                   - Number 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz Networks             - IP Tests (Data, VoIP, IPTV)
                                                               IEEE 802.11a/an/ac (5 GHz)*                  - Network/Name (SSID)                       • AP Management (save etc.)
                                                               • via WLAN USB Stick or                      - Signal Strength (RSSI) [dBm]              • Test Result Upload via Web Server,
                                                               • internal FPC Antenna                       - Signal Quality [%]                          WebDAV and FTP
data sheet: technical data subject to change.

                                                               • WEP to WPA2 Enterprise                     - MAC Address of AP                         • Configuration Download via WebDAV
                                                                                                            - Used Channel/Frequency                      and FTP
                                                                                                            - Used Protocol                             • Remote Control via VNC, Web Server
                                                                                                            - Negotiated Encryption                       - Firmware Update via FTP Download
                                                                                                            - Authentification
                                                                                                            - Group Cipher, Pairwise Cipher
                                                WLAN           • optional: ARGUS® 2G4 Scope               •   Real-time Analysis /Graphics              • Detection of
                                                                                                          •   passive (no WLAN Interference)              - Bluetooth Devices
                                                spectrum       graph. WLAN spectrum analysis for
                                                analysis       2.4 GHz for the specific WLAN trouble-     •   Channel Load                                - Motion Sensors
                                                               shooting                                   •   Graphical representation                    - Microwave Ovens
                                                                                                                                                          - Baby Phones

DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                Specifications Protocol and IP tests (Triple Play):

                                                General:                          Applications, Settings + Results:
                                                Protocol Tests                    • Configurable MAC Address                                 • Display of BRAS Information
                                                                                  • Use of Virtual Lines (VL): Maximum Flexibility as well     - AC Name, Service Name, Session ID
                                                                                    as Control and Priorization under Real Conditions by     • Display of PPP Information
                                                                                    Several VLs simultaneously                                 - PPP Packets/Bytes (Tx/Rx)
                                                                                  • One VL/Service each (Data, VoIP, IPTV, opt.)               - PPP Trace (PPP Commands, Time)
                                                                                  • VL Configurable in Profiles (20)                         • Display of IP Information
                                                                                    - IP, PPPoE via xDSL, + Eth (PPTP)                  - IPv6: Global Unicast/Link Local Address
                                                                                    - EoA, IPoA, PPPoA via ADSL                                - IPv4: Assigned IP, Gateway, DNS
                                                                                    - VPI/VCI, VLAN (Modus, ID, Prio., TPID)                 • Recording of a Data Log for Evaluation on PC
                                                                                    - PPP Profiles (Username, Password)                        (e.g. Wireshark)
                                                                                    - IP Version (IPv4, IPv6, Dual) + DHCP
                                                                                    - Automatic receiving of connection-dependent
                                                                                       dial-in data: PPP, VoIP (phone number)
                                                Data Tests                        • Memory with up to 10 IP Addresses,                       • Round Trip Time (min/max/avg) [ms]
                                                (Dowload Tester)                    (IPv4/6 Address as Number or Name)                       • Display Results Down- /Upload
                                                PC/Terminal Simulation            • Number of Pings, Pause Configurable (Ping), Packet         - Current/Total Number [Number]
                                                IP Ping Test                        Size + Fragmentation Configurable                          - Already Loaded Data [%]
                                                Traceroute Test                   • Traceroute: Max. Hops, Probes + Timeout Conf.              - Average Speed [Mbit/s]
                                                HTTP Up-/Download Test            • Down-/Upload: Server Profiles (10):                        - Loaded Bytes [MB]
                                                FTP Up-/Download Test               Server Addr., File Name/Size, Number, Number of            - Transfer Time /Remaining Time [h:min:s]
                                                FTP Server Test                     Parallel Downloads Configurable                          • Speedtest® by Ookla
                                                Webbrowser                          - FTP: Username + Password                                 - Download /Upload Speed
                                                Ookla                             • Display Results IP Ping                                    - Latency, Jitter, Packet Loss
                                                iperf                               - Display of Packets (Tx/Rx/repeated)                      - Server Selection via Server ID
                                                ARGUS® Real Speed                   - Checksum Error [Number]                                • iperf v2 /3
                                                                                    - Error Packets [Number]                                   - Client /Server Mode
                                                                                  • Display Results Traceroute                                 - TCP Throughput Down- /Upload
                                                                                    - Current Hop + Probe / List of Hops
                                                                                                                                                 - ARGUS® against ARGUS®
                                                                                    - Response Time of Hops [s]
                                                                                    - IP Address of Current Hops                             • ARGUS® Real Speed
                                                                                                                                               - Evaluation according to RFC 6349
                                                VoIP Tests (VoIP Tester)          • Configuration in VoIP Profiles (20):                     • Duration of Connection [h:min:s]
                                                IP Telephone Simulation             SIP Username, Password, Registrar Server, Out-           • MOS Plain Text Evaluation, According to E Model
                                                Testing of VoIP Connections         bound Proxy/SBC, Domain, Listen + Remote Port,             R Factor, ITU-T G. 107 (current/avg),
                                                incl. Acoustics (dif. Codecs)       Authentification, Caller ID, User Agent, Qualify, Pro-     MOS (current/avg/min/max/ideal)
                                                MOS Evaluation (ITU-T P.800)        cess of Registration                                     • Statistics: RTP Packets (Tx/Rx),
                                                Call Generator (up to 30 Calls)   • Phone Settings: RTP Port Area, Silence Detection,        • Error Counter: RTP Drop, RTP Error
                                                                                    Jitterbuffer, Codecs, DTMF                               • RTP Jitter Rx (current/avg/min/max)
                                                                                  • STUN Server                                              • Lost RTP Packets (avg/min/max)
                                                                                  • MOS Threshold for OK/Fail Evaluation                     • RTCP Contents:
                                                                                  • VoIP QoS, Layer 3 Diffserv: RTP/SIP: ToS, DSCP             - RTP Jitter far (current/avg/min/max) [ms]
                                                                                  • VoIP QoS, Layer 2 VLAN Prio.: RTP/SIP: VLAN Prio.          - Lost RTP Packets of Remote Side
                                                                                  • Codecs: G.726 (16/24/32/40), G.729 (A/B),                  - Network Delay (current/avg/min/max) [ms]
                                                                                    G.711 (a-law/μ-law), G.722                                 - Display of Registration Details: SIP Codes,
                                                                                  • Display of Own Number, Number of Called Person               Registrar IP, Proxy, URI
                                                                                                                                             • Simulation (VoIP NT)
                                                IPTV Tests (IPTV Tester)          • Configuration in IPTV Profiles (3):                      • RTP/UDP Packet Loss Rate [%]
data sheet: technical data subject to change.

                                                IPTV Device Simulation              Editable Channel List (up to 250 Channels),              • Delay [ms] + Delay Factor [ms]
                                                IPTV STB Simulation                 Multicast IP + Port, Channel Name, IGMP version          • Media Loss Rate (MLR) [%]
                                                (Set-top Box)                     • Thresholds for IPTV OK/Fail-Evaluation: IGMP             • IP Address of Channel + Port
                                                OK/Fail Evaluation                  Latency, Sync Error, PCR Jitter, Error Indication, CC    • IGMP Latency (Activation Time) [ms]
                                                IPTV Channel Scan                   Errors, CC Error Rate, Audio + Video Bytes, RTP Jit-     • For Correlation: xDSL CRC Counters
                                                                                    ter, RTP Sequence Error, Current + Total RTP Loss        • RTP Errors, RTP Sequence Errors
                                                IPTV Monitor (IPTV passive)
                                                                                    Rate                                                     • MPEG Bitrate + Packets (min/max/…), Bytes
                                                                                  • Different VLs for IGMP + RTP                               (current/min/max/...), PCR Jitter (current/min/max/
                                                                                  • Scan Profiles (3) Configurable: max. Zapping Time          avg) [ms], CC Errors + Error Rate (current/max) [%],
                                                                                  • Display of Selected IPTV Channel, Test Duration,           Error Sync + Indication
                                                                                    current Bitrate, OK or Fail                              • Codecs and PIDs (Packet Identifier)
                                                                                  • Packets Loss (current/min/max/avg) [Number]              • Channel Zapping Time (min/max/avg) [ms]

DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                Specifications Ethernet and Fiber Tests:
                                                General:                Applications, Settings + Results:
                                                Ethernet Cable Tests • Ethernet Port LED Flash                                     • Port LED Flash with Timing
                                                Network Scan            • Auto Mode (manual, autom.)                               • Display of Detected Services, e. g. Mail, Print, Web, File,
                                                                        • Network Address + Net Mask Configurable                    Database and many more
                                                                        • Client Information: IP + Open Ports, MAC, Computer       • Display of DHCP Discovery, Gateway, DHCP + DNS
                                                                          Name, NetBIOS Name                                         Server, Net Mask, No. of Detected Clients/Subnet
                                                                                                                                   • Number of Open Ports/Clients
                                                ARGUS OPM               • Optical Power Meter in SFP form factor                   •       Live display of the level
                                                Optical Power Meter     • Powerful InGaAs Photo Diode                              •       Storage of the measurement in measurement protocols
                                                                        • Optical Level Measurement with wavelengths from          •       Output in QR code
                                                                          850, 1300, 1310, 1490, 1550, 1610, 1650 nm               •       Robust and protected by use in SFP slot
                                                                        • Measuring range:                                         •       Optional Calibration at 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm (-20 dBm),
                                                                          -60 dBm up to +6 dBm, ± 0.25 dB                                  20 °C
                                                Optical Fault Finder    • simple fault finder                                      • distance to every event
                                                                        • detects different types of optical faults                • robust and protected by use in SFP slot
                                                                        • up to 15 event with one test
                                                Fiber Inspection Tool •     USB Microscope for the ARGUS                           •       min. Particle Size 0.5 μm
                                                Video Microscope      •     optical Fiber Inspection                               •       Defects: Core, Cladding, Adhesive, Contact
                                                                      •     manual Focusing with separate key                      •       Scratches: Core, Cladding, Adhesive, Contact
                                                                      •     optional: Autofocus                                    •       different Tips /Adapters included in scope of delivery
                                                                      •     digital Zoom                                           •       PC, UPC, APC
                                                                      •     Pass /Fail evaluation according to IEC 61300-3-35      •       Single Mode /Multi Mode

                                                Specifications ISDN:
                                                 General:                       Applications, Settings + Results:
                                                 BRI S Interface                •   BRI S TE Mode, Terminal device simulation          •    Display L1, L2 and L3 of B Channel Status
                                                 ITU-T I.430                    •   Autom. Detection of Connection Configuration       •    incoming /outgoing Call
                                                 BRI S Terminal                 •   L2 Mode: automatic, P-P, P-MP                      •    Display of Call Parameters
                                                 BRI S Telephone                •   Test Availability of B Channels                    •    own Acoustics
                                                 BRI S TE Simulation            •   BRI S Level and Voltage Evaluation                 •    Connection: Call (Single/Block Dial)
                                                                                •   Protocol: DSS1

                                                Specifications POTS:
                                                 General:                       Applications, Settings + Results:
                                                 POTS Tester                    •   Fully-fledged POTS Butt Set, POTS Phone            • Voltage Measurement + Display Polarity when Hook-on
                                                 Analogue Tester                •   POTS Terminal Equipment (TE)                         and Hook-off
                                                 POTS Butt Set                  •   Analogue Phone w/ DTMF + Pulse Dial                • CLIP + Caller-ID according to ETS 300 659/778
                                                 POTS Terminal Simulation       •   Incl. Fully-fledged Analogue Acoustics             • Supports FSK + Display of Caller ID
                                                 POTS Monitor                   •   High-impedance Listening on POTS                   • FLASH Function (40 up to 1000 ms)
                                                                                •   Configurable DTMF Signal Level
data sheet: technical data subject to change.

DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                Specifications Cable Multimeter:
                                                                                         Measuring Range                                     Resolution                                     Accuracy
                                                DC Voltage; UDC (U=):                    • 0 V to 9.99 V                                     • 0.01 V                                       • ± (0.5 % + 2 digits)
                                                                                         • 10 V to 200 V                                     • 0.1 V                                        • ± (0.5 % + 2 digits)
                                                AC Voltage; UAC (U~):                    • 0 V to 9.99 V                                     • 0.01 V                                       • ± (2 % + 2 digits)
                                                                                         • 10 V to 200 V                                     • 0.1 V                                        • ± (1.5 % + 2 digits)
                                                                                         Frequency: 10 Hz to 200 Hz; 0.2 Hz; ±(1.5 % + 2 digits), sinus
                                                Capacitive Symmetry                      • 10 nF to 4 μF                                     • 0.01 nF                                      • 0.1 % of the capacity against ground
                                                Balance; CSym:                           Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 17 V DC or 17 V AC (with a load 200 kΩ).

                                                Capacitance; C:                          • 0.01 nF to 9.99 nF                                • 0.01 nF                                      • ± (4 % + 4 digits)
                                                                                         • 10 nF to 99.99 nF                                 • 0.01 nF                                      • ± (4 % + 4 digits)
                                                                                         • 100 nF to 999.9 nF                                • 0.1 nF                                       • ± (3 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 1 μF to 8 μF                                      • 1 nF                                         • ± (3 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 17 V DC or 17 V AC (with a load 200 kΩ). Measured by film capacitors.

                                                Isolation Resistance                     • 0.1 kΩ to 99.9 kΩ                                 • 0.1 kΩ                                       • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                (105 V, max. 2 mA); Iso:                 • 100 kΩ to 999 kΩ                                  • 1 kΩ                                         • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 1 MΩ to 9.99 MΩ                                   • 10 kΩ                                        • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 10 MΩ to 99.9 MΩ                                  • 100 kΩ                                       • ± (5 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 100 MΩ to 1 GΩ                                    • 100 kΩ                                       • ± (5 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 5 V DC or 30 V AC (with a load 200 kΩ).

                                                Isolation Resistance                     • 0.1 kΩ to 99.9 kΩ                                 • 0.1 kΩ                                       • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                (8 V, max. 9 mA); Iso:                   • 100 kΩ to 999 kΩ                                  • 1 kΩ                                         • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 1 MΩ to 9.99 MΩ                                   • 10 kΩ                                        • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 10 MΩ to 40 MΩ                                    • 100 kΩ                                       • ± (5 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 5 V DC or 30 V AC (with a load 200 kΩ).

                                                Resistive Symmetry Balance; • 10 Ω to 5 kΩ                                      • 0.1 Ω                                                     • 0.2 % of Rs ± 0.2 Ω
                                                RSym:                       Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 30 V DC or 30 V AC (with a load 200 kΩ).

                                                Loop Resistance; R:                      • 1 Ω to 999.9 Ω                                    • 0.1 Ω                                        • ± (1 % + 3 digits)
                                                                                         • 1 kΩ to 9.999 kΩ                                  • 1Ω                                           • ± (1 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 10 kΩ to 99.99 kΩ                                 • 10 Ω                                         • ± (1 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 100 kΩ to 999.9 kΩ                                • 100 Ω                                        • ± (1 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 1 MΩ to 9.999 MΩ                                  • 1 kΩ                                         • ± (2 % + 1 digit)
                                                                                         • 10 MΩ to 40 MΩ                                    • 10 kΩ                                        • ± (5 % + 1 digit)
                                                DC Current; IDC (I=):                    • 0 mA to 150 mA                                    • 0.1 mA                                       • ± (2.5 % + 3 digits)
                                                Unbalance @ 1 MHz; LCL:                  • 0 dB to 55 dB                                    • 0.1 dB                                        • ± 1.5 dB
                                                                                         • 55.1 dB to 65 dB                                  • 0.1 dB                                       • ± 3 dB
                                                                                         The length of the test leads can influence the accuracy of the measurement.
                                                                                         Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 3 V DC or 3 V AC. At an internal resistance of the source of 1 MΩ it will be measured up to 3.5 V DC / AC.

                                                NEXT @ 1 MHz; NEXT:                      • 0 dB to 65 dB                                     • 0.1 dB                                       • ± 1 dB
data sheet: technical data subject to change.

                                                                                         Dielectric strength for external voltage up to 3 V DC or 3 V AC. At an internal resistance of the source of 1 MΩ it will be measured up to 3.5 V DC / AC.

                                                RFL                                      • Display of:                                       • Measuring ranges:                            • Accuracy Rx at Lx/L = 0.1
                                                Resistance troubleshooting                 - Resistance to error (Rx),                         - Loop resistance (Rs):                        - Rs = 2000 Ω: ± 0.3 % ± 0.05 Ω
                                                                                             distance to error                                   10..9999 Ω                                   - Rs = 200 Ω: ± 1.0 % ± 0.06 Ω
                                                                                           - Resistance from fault to short-                   - Fault resistance (Rfault):
                                                                                             circuit (Ry)                                        0..20 MΩ
                                                                                           - Loop resistance (Rs),
                                                                                             cable length
                                                                                           - Fault resistance (Rfault)
                                                Remote Kit Control                       • Use ARGUS to control different Remote Kits to switch the Line on the remote side, e.g. TX916
                                                                                            - Short-circuit                                     - Loop
                                                                                            - Exchange connect                                  - Tone mode
                                                                                            - Open circuit                                      - switch 2 ports simultaneously
                                                Other Functions:                         • Autotest                                          • Fast cable check                             • Signature detection (e.g. PPA)
                                                Reference Conditions                     • Temperature: 23 °C ± 5 °C                                                                        • Frequency of measurement type:
                                                (calibration):                           • Relative humidity: 50 % ± 20 % relative humidity, non-condensing                                   50 Hz ± 5 Hz, sinus

DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                Specifications Copper Tests
                                                General:                     Applications, Settings + Results:
                                                TDR Test                     • Determination of the Loop Length                      •   Res.: 0.025 % of Measurement Range; Accuracy: ±2 %
                                                Time Domain Reflectometer    • For Identification and Detection of Shorts, Opens,    •   Graphical Display of Reflection Course
                                                                               Impedance Mismatches, Bridged Taps/Stubs,             •   Configureable gain: -26 dB up to +44 dB
                                                                               Moisture, Loading Coils, Loose Contacts and more      •   Config. Pulse: 5 ns up to 3.2 μs, Pulse Height: 5 V and 20 V
                                                                             • Pre-configured List of Cable Types, Velocity of       •   Dynamic range: 60 dB / Amplification Level
                                                                               Propagation (VoP): 30 % (45 m/μs) up to 99.9 %        •   Zoom + Cursor for a Detailed Analysis
                                                                               (149.7 m/μs), Line Resistance, Mutual Capacitance     •   Save + Set of Reference Curve
                                                                             • Measurement Range: 3.5 up to 6000 m                   •   Start/Stop Function (Realtime Mode)
                                                Line Scope                   • Monitoring in Time/Frequency Domain on all Types      • For Identification and Detection of different Access Types
                                                DSL Spectrum Analysis          of Lines for Telecommunications and on active         • Graphical Display of FFT [dBm/Hz] and of Time
                                                DSL Oscilloscope               Lines with up to 200 VDC and 40 Vpp                     (Oscilloscope)
                                                RF Current Clamp             • Modem Finder, via Handshake Tones                     • Config. X-Axis: FFT or Time [μs]
                                                                             • Frequency Range: 20 kHz up to 35 MHz                  • Autom. Trigger in Time Domain
                                                                             • Resolution: 67 Hz up to 8.625 kHz or 0.025 % of       • Zoom + Cursor for a Detailed Analysis
                                                                               Measurement Range, Accuracy: ±2 dB                    • Save + Set of Reference Curve
                                                                             • High-impedance or Line Termination:                   • Start/Stop and Peak Hold Function)
                                                                               - Input Impedance: 3.6 kΩ,
DATA SHEET | 05/2021

                                                Standard Package:
                                                Basic device incl. Gigabit-Ethernet interface (10/100/1000 Base-T), ADSL (Annex A+L+M) + VDSL2 (up to profile 35b), Bridge/router mode, Wi-Fi-
                                                Management, IP+Download package (IP ping, traceroute test, HTTP/FTP download, FTP upload/server, Speedtest® by Ookla), Line scope, Network
                                                scan, Web browser, Cloud services, Lithium-Ion battery pack, Mains adaptor, Shock absorbing rubber jacket, Carrying case, 2 wire cable + xDSL
                                                adaptor, Micro USB cable, Carrying strap, Hand strap and English manual
                                                Additional Options:
                                                • ADSL Annex B+J Enhancement                                                                                                   Order number: 026008
                                                • VDSL2 Bonding Enhancement (up to Profile 35b)                        requires Art.No.: 026045, incl. Bonding Cable           Order number: 026050
                                                • Enhancement (Profile 106a and 212a)                                                                                   Order number: 026045
                                                • Time Domain Reflektometer (TDR)                                      up to 6 km                                              Order number: 026040
                                                • Copper Package (Cable Multimeter/DMM)                                incl. banana cable red/black + green                    Order number: 026010
                                                • RFL Option                                                           requires Art.No.: 026010                                Order number: 026055
                                                • ARGUS Active Probe II (high impedance probe for Line Scope)                                                                  Order number: 015091
                                                • ARGUS RF Current Clamp                                                                                                       Order number: 000265
                                                • Optical Light Source (OLS)                                                                                                   Order number: 000280
                                                • 2,5 Gigabit Ethernet Interface                                       10/100/1000/2.5 GigE via RJ45 and SFP                   Order number: 020035
                                                • GPON Option                                                          incl. ARGUS GPON ONT SFP, incl. SC/LC-APC patch cable   Order number: 026076
                                                • GPON Option, calibrated                                              incl. Art.No.: 026076                                   Order number: 026077
                                                                                                                       + initial calibration of the level masurement
                                                • PON Installation Test                                                incl. Art.No.: 026077                                   Order number: 026078
                                                • OPM Option                                                           incl. ARGUS Optical Power Meter (SFP), type 6006        Order number: 026080
                                                • Optical Fault Finder Option                                          w/o OFF SFP (000275)                                    Order number: 026083
                                                • Fiber Inspection Option                                              w/o Fiber Inspection Tool                               Order number: 026094
                                                • Wi-Fi Test Interface                                                 w/o Wi-Fi USB stick (000250)                            Order number: 026059
                                                • ARGUS 2G4 Scope (2.4 GHz Spectrum Analysis)                          incl. USB 2G4 Scope stick                               Order number: 000240
                                                • VoIP Option                                                          incl. MOS value, Call generator, NT Sim., SIP trunk     Order number: 026060
                                                • IPTV Option                                                          incl. IPTV STB mode, IPTV passive, channel scan         Order number: 026065
                                                • Entertain Package                                                    incl. VoIP and IPTV Option                              Order number: 026067
                                                • ARGUS Real Speed                                                     RFC 6349, incl. iPerf v2/ v3                            Order number: 026056
                                                • iPerf v2/ v3                                                         Client/ Server                                          Order number: 026068
                                                • ISDN BRI S/T TE Interface                                            requires Art.No.: 026045                                Order number: 026016
                                                • POTS Option                                                          POTS                                                    Order number: 026070
                                                • SFP Support                                                          supports various SFP types                              Order number: 026042
                                                * We would be glad to provide further details and information about additional accessories on request.
data sheet: technical data subject to change.

                                                Rahmedestraße 90
                                                D-58507 Lüdenscheid

                                                Tel: +49 2351 9070-0
                                                Fax: +49 2351 9070-70


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