Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands

Page created by Johnnie Howell
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands

Volume 11, Issue 1                On the web in color:        Winter 2019

      Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
                                                         By ANDREW CHUNG

        The boys and               talk to Mrs. Azizirad
girls basketball team              about the season! See
had a great season this            page 2 for the players on
year! The Boys were un-            each roster as well.
defeated with a record
of 5-0 and the Girls’              Q: What are your aca-
team won 2 and lost 3              demic and behavioral
games. We even asked               expectations for your
a couple of questions to           players both on and off
our basketball coaches             the court?
to see what they were
thinking about this year!          Coach Reed: Players
        We’ll start with           should not have D’s or
the Q&A with Coach                 E’s in any of their clas-
Reed. Next issue we will           ses. Continued on Pg 2
                                                                              Basketball Photo Courtesy of Mr. Fitzpatrick

      Wonderful Arts Week at Lakelands Park!
                                                        By CAITLYN BURNS

                                                                                 In December,                   when they returned later
                                                                         LPMS had it’s annual                   that night, the school
                                                                         Arts Week featuring the                was completely trans-
                                                                         Bands, Orchestras, and                 formed into a museum.
                                                                         Arts classes. It is an ex-             Tons of panels were
                                                                         cellent showcase of tal-               along the walls display-
                                                                         ent, music, hard work,                 ing students art.
                                                                         and artistry.                                  There was also
                                                                                 On December 12,                some artwork set up on
                                                                         2018, Lakelands Park                   the stairs leading to the
                                                                         had it’s Arts Night.                   library, and a few other
                                                                         When students left the                 places. Everything was
                                                                         building at the end of                 instantly more colorful
                                                                         the school day, every-                 and exciting looking.
                                                                         thing looked normal, but               Continued on Page 3
Students enjoy the interactive set and the displays of art.
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER—Page 2                                                                                   NEWS

   Basketball Season Under Way (Continued)
Behaviorally, they should follow all      time they compete. You cannot         Congratulations to
the things that are discussed at          win every time, but there is no ex-
our Town Meetings, respect the            cuse for not trying your hardest      the 2019 Boys’ and
staff, their peers and follow all         every time.
school rules.
                                                                                Girls’ Teams:

Q: How do you handle the tryout           Boys Roster & Grade:                  Girls Roster & Grade
and cut process?                          Humza Azim, 8th                       Phoebe DuBois, 8th
                                          Chase Beloff, 8th                     Anne Faraone, 7th
Coach Reed: I try to have as              Peter Donnelly, 7th                   Caroline Filler, 8th
many volunteers in the gym as             Quenton Floyd, 8th                    Srinidhi Guruvayurappan, 7th
possible during tryouts to help me        Vincent Frene Jr., 8th                Julie Karasik, 8th
evaluate each candidate and we            Joshua Gordon, 8th                    Adrianna Martin, 7th
take lots of notes. Next, we will         Jonathan Heineman, 8th                Megan Moon, 7th
meet and we discuss each candi-           Kristian Hodges, 8th                  Naiya Pearce, 7th
date so we are being as fair as pos-      Donovan Hunte, 7th                    Kasey Rappaport, 7th
sible. Making cuts is the hardest         Emmanuel Johnson III, 8th             Madison Reap, 7th
thing a coach has to do.                  Bryan Jordan, 7th                     Lily Sweeney, 8th
                                          Liam Keiller ,8th                     Emily Thompson, 8th
Q: What are your best and worst           Jose Maldonado, 8th                   Sophie Thrush, 8th
memories of coaching?                     Mike Kevin Mevo, 8th                  Iyanna Walker, 8th
                                          Charlie Schwartz, 8th                 Olivia Weston, 7th
Coach Reed: The best is being Mr.
Bumgardner's assistant coach at
Seneca Valley in 2010. We went
into the State Championship
game with a 26-0 record. With
3:30 left in the third quarter were
losing by 17 points, but came back
to win the game and the state
championship! The worst was
coaching in Washington, DC City
Championship Game and blowing
a 16 point second half lead. We
lost to DeMatha 72-71.

Q: What were your goals for this

Coach Reed: Each season my
main goal is to have my teams to
play to the best of their potential.
It is unfair for a coach, at any level,
to expect their team to win every
                                                                            Photo Credit Mr. Keiller
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 3                                                                                       NEWS

 Wonderful Arts Week (Continued from Pg 1)
         At Arts Night, there was all   Justin Bettman. Visitors could ran-    up panels and hanging up work,
types of art, not just your classic     domly pick out an activity or          to helping out at interactive ac-
painting or drawing. There were         event, like a birthday party for ex-   tivity tables, a lot was done.
theater performances by the Dra-        ample, then act it out with a few      Some students even sat at a table
ma Club, tours of the TV studio,        props on the small set and get a       by the entrance selling candy and
sculptures and lanterns, photo-         picture taken.                         sparkling cider. Students were
graphs, and so much more. There                 There was also a few arts      able to earn SSL hours for their
was so many types of art that was       classrooms, like Mr. Leach and         efforts.
probably new to a lot of people.        Ms. Hoover’s rooms which visitors               Overall, Arts Night was an
         Something really fun and       could go into, to see what stu-        eventful night. A lot of people
creative about Arts Night is that       dents do there.                        came and were able to see all of
there were a lot of interactive ac-             Another activity students      the arts rotation students hard
tivities for students and other peo-    completed at Arts Night was a          work. Hopefully all future Arts
ple visiting Arts Night. For exam-      worksheet where they had to find       Nights will be as good as this one!
ple, the TV studio tours were very      a few other students pieces and
popular, where people were taken        write what they thought about
upstairs to walk through the TV         the piece, what they wondered
studio and find out more about it.      about about the piece, and any
         Also, in the Arts hallway,     questions they had. It was a great
tables were set up with activities      way to reflect on art and compli-
for visitors to try. Another interac-   ment other students.
tive activity was a kitchen table set           Many Arts Rotation stu-
where you could take a photo in-        dents volunteered at Arts Night,       Photo of a photography student’s work
spired by Carrie Mae Weems and          myself included. From helping set      on display. By Shivani Sogol

Meet Your 2018-2019 Student Government
Association Officials! By JOHN LEWIS and MAREN LEWIS
        This year the SGA is spon-              If you have a grade level          the most money will have a
sored by Ms. Krivos. The elections      request, please talk to your repre-        donut breakfast as a prize.
took place in September for most        sentative. If you are curious about        2. The SGA is Planning Valen-
of the offices, but in October there    our financials, please talk to the         tine’s day dance in February.
was a separate election for 7th         Treasurer. If you want to see the          3. The SGA sponsored LPMS
grade Vice President. Here are the      notes from the SGA meeting,                spirit week but has been post-
officers for the 2018-2019 school       please ask the Secretary.                  poned until later in the year.
year!                                                                              4. The nomination of Student
                                        Here are some upcoming SGA                 Member of the Board (SMOB)
President: Maya Patterson               events:                                    candidates will occur on Feb
8th grade VP: Gray Nocjar                  1. Pennies for Patients is              20. You must be in high
7th grade VP: Brian Ortiz-Ortez            soon. We will be raising mon-           school to run.
6th grade VP: Cole Milla.                  ey for Leukemia and Lympho-             5. The SMOB elections will
Treasurer: Grace Milla.                    ma Society to help kids. The            occur in May.
Secretary: Alison Sweeney                  first period class that collects
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 4                                                                  NEWS/COMICS

    A Day with Mrs. Day: Interview with Our
      New Science Teacher Photo and Article By GAVIN LEE
                                        wanted to work with MS stu-        What do you hope students
                                        dents and wanted to be a re-       will always remember about
                                        source teacher so I can get to     you or your class?
                                        teach and lead the other sci-      There's always something fun
                                        ence teachers.”                    with science and there's al-
                                                                           ways something to discover.”
                                        What persuaded you to be a
                                        science teacher?                   What do you do outside of
                                        “I loved science when I was a      school?
                                        student. My 7th grade and 9th      “I spend a lot of time with my
                                        grade teachers were my favor-      family and run a great
                                        ite because they were science      amount. I love running and
                                        teachers.”                         training.”

   Have you met our new 7th and         What do you think about            Do you have any pets or chil-
   8th grade Science teacher and        LPMS so far?                       dren (even though they’re
   team leader? Here are some           I think everybody is really nice   the same.)
   fun facts about Mrs. Sarah           and it’s a great place to be!”     “I have a 3 yr old dog, nine yr
   Day.                                                                    old daughter, and an 11 yr old
                                        How many schools did you           boy”
   Why did you pick being a             teach in?
   teacher here at LPMS?                “I taught in 6 schools, LPMS is    What are your hobbies?
                                        my 6th one.”                       “Running, hiking, watching
   “I chose to come here because I                                         movies, and cooking.”

TWO BAGELS                           COMIC By HAIKA MASAWE
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER—Page 5                                                                   NEWS

In Step with the New
     STEM Club!
Photo and Interview By

What do you do in STEM Club?

“In STEM Club we come up with many ideas
to help in the real world.”
-Valentina Tamayo, 7th Grade

Why did you join STEM club?

“I joined because I love to be with my best
friend, Isabella. I also joined because I love
math and science. I love to design and make             Upcoming Calendar:
different things.”
-Zoya Vesal, 6th Grade                                 No School and Half Days
                                                             By ANDREW CHUNG
What do you like about it?
                                                       February 18th- Presidents Day -
“I like how we get to use our brains instead of                School Closed
tech. I also like how we help other people and
solve problems.”                                           March 1st - Early Release
-Natalie R. Khan, 7th Grade
                                                            April 3rd - Early Release
Why did you create the STEM Club?
                                                       April 17th ~ 22nd Spring Break -
“To provide an opportunity for students to                      School Closed
discover aspects of STEM.”
-Mr. Leach, Sponsor                                 May 27th Memorial Day - School Closed

Can students still join?                           June 5 - School Closed (Teacher Work Day)

“At this point, we are limiting further partici-        June 13th Last Day of School -
pation.”                                                        Early Release
-Mr. Leach, Sponsor
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 6                                                                          FEATURES

        Magical “Mary Poppins” Performance
                                                By SAMANTHA KOTOK

         On November 9, 10, and             said that the show was well per-
11th, Kat Second Stage brought              formed.
the magical world of Mary Poppins                   It was a kid-friendly show,
to the stage of Black Rock Center           but people of all ages enjoyed it.
for the Arts in Germantown, MD.             Before the performance started,
         Many Lakelands Park’s              there was a pre-show, which set
own students were in the show,              the mood for the people watch-
including Caroline Axley (Cook),            ing. Mary Poppins didn't take
Hailey Baker (Ensemble), Giorgia            place in 2018, so the show and pre
Dallasta (Ensemble), Fiona                  -show took the audience back in
Feingold (Ensemble), Samantha               time.
Kotok (Constable), John Lewis                       John Lewis, who played
(Bert), Maren Lewis (Mrs. Banks),           the role of Bert said that it was
Hayden Polsky (Mr. Banks), and              amazing to be in the cast, and the
Melissa Szwed (Chimney                      creative team was helpful and fun
Sweep).                                     to work with. KAT will be per-
         Mrs. Tippets stated that           forming Shrek the Musical in May,
the show was impressive, enter-             so don’t forget to go see it!
taining, and magical. She also said                 Mary Poppins was a whim-
that the show flew by as it didn’t          sical and fun experience! Remem-
feel as long as an hour and a half.         ber, anything can happen if you
Many people in the audience also            let it.

 UPCOMING MOVIE RELEASES!                                                      By SHIVANI SOGOL

        Movie                                                 Release Date
        Avengers Endgame                                      April 26, 2019
        Captain Marvel                                        March 8, 2019
        Aladdin                                               May 24, 2019
        Toy Story 4                                           June 21, 2019
        The Lion King                                         July 19, 2019
        Star Wars: Episode IX                                 December 20, 2019

        Dumbo                                                 March 29, 2019
        Spider-Man: Far From Home                             July 5, 2019
        The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part                     February 8, 2019
        Frozen 2                                              November 22, 2019
        How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World            February 22, 2019
        The Secret Life of Pets 2                             June 7, 2019
        The Kid Who Would Be King,                            January 25, 2019
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 7                                                                                 FEATURES

               Coincidence or Not?
     Shocking Similarities Between Presidents
                                      By Sophia Shin and Melissa Szwed

        President’s Day is                                                          thinking, “that’s totally nor-
coming up on February 18!                                                           mal.” But what’s not normal
President’s Day often falls                                                         however, is that President
on Washington’s birthday                                                            Lincoln’s secretary was
and is celebrated on the 3rd                                                        named Kennedy, and Presi-
Monday of every February.                                                           dent Kennedy’s secretary was
George Washington was the                                                           named Lincoln. Weird, right?
1st president of the United                                                                Moving on to the as-
States and we use this day                                                          sassination. Both presidents
to honor and celebrate his achievements.                  were shot in the head and both their assassinators
        We also often celebrate Abraham Lincoln           were southerners. Lincoln was shot in a theater
and Thomas Jefferson as well as other Presidents.         called “Ford’s Theatre”, and Kennedy was shot in a
To celebrate this day at school, here are some inter-     Lincoln, car made by Ford. After John Wilkes Booth
esting coincidences between two great presidents,         shot Lincoln in the theater, he ran to a warehouse
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.                      to hide. John F. Kennedy was shot from a ware-
        John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln have          house and his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald went to
always been known as normal and devoted presi-            hide in a theater.
dents, until now. Both presidents are different, from              John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lin-
being in controversial political parties to having sep-   coln was born in 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald, who
arate styles, but with a little bit of research, these    assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939, once
two men couldn’t be more alike.                           again, 100 years later! Both assassins had 15 letters
        Lincoln was the 16th president of the United      in their name and were known by three names.
States. During the Civil War, he fought to free the                The presidents after Lincoln and Kennedy
slaves of the south. Lincoln was known as the             both had the last name Johnson. Andrew Johnson,
“Saviour of Freedom,” and this title was brought up-      the president after Lincoln was born in 1808, and
on him because he freed many slaves of the crucial        100 years later, in 1908, the president after Kenne-
hardships of slavery.                                     dy, Lyndon B. Johnson was born. Moving along, a
        100 years later, John Fitzgerald Kennedy,         week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe,
became the 35th president of the United States of         Maryland and one week before Kennedy was shot,
America. He negotiated the Nuclear Test-Ban Trea-         he was with the famous actress, Marilyn Monroe.
ty. He also initiated the “Alliance for Progress.” Both   In all of this, there is but one thought.
presidents were very successful through their presi-               Were these events, coincidences or not?
dential term. Unfortunately, these two, great presi-      Was it all planned? But, in the end, just remember,
dents were assassinated. These two presidents             nothing is a coincidence. As John F. Kennedy once
changed history greatly in the USA.                       said, “Things do not happen. Things are made to
        Lincoln and Kennedy carry a tremendous            happen.”
amount of similarities. President Lincoln became
president in 1860, exactly 100 years later, President     Read more from our sources:
Kennedy was elected to office in 1960. You might
think that this is just a coincidence, but there’s
        Both president’s had a secretary. I bet you’re
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands

Open Gym Returns!                                       By SARAH CHOWDHURY

Ding Ding Ding! The bell has rung.                                                 Ryan: It's fun.
Students scramble to get out of          Q: Why did you decide to form
school. The second bell rung, kids       this club?                                Q: Is there any-
are gone, although there are some        Ms. Deandreis: “I love basketball         thing you don’t like?
students who run towards the             and I used to play when I was little      Ryan: No.
main gym. As they enter, they            so I figured out that if the children
grab a basketball and start shoot-       can play, they would have fun. I do       Q: Why should someone join?
ing toward the hoops. We inter-          some coaching so that is why.”            Ryan: Because you can play bas-
viewed Ms. Deandreis, the creator                                                  ketball.
of the club and three students.          Our first student was Chris White,
                                         a 8th Grader.                             The last student we interviewed
Q: What can people do in open                                                      was Adam Abdulkadir, a seventh
gym?                                     Q: What do you like about this            grader.
Ms. Deandreis: They can shoot            club?
around, play different styles of         Chris: I like that we could play bas-     Interviewer: Is there anything
basketball.                              ketball, relax with friends, and          you don’t like?
                                         have fun.                                 Adam: It needs to be longer.
Q: Do you give lessons to peo-
ple?                                     Q: Is there anything you don’t            Interviewer: Why should some-
Ms. Deandreis: No lessons.               like?                                     one join?
                                         Chris: No.                                Adam: Then they can learn from
Q: What is your expectations for                                                   other people.
everyone?                                Q: Why should someone join?
Ms. Deandreis: Have fun, relax,          Chris: Because it's fun and you can       Open Gym is a nice club for peo-
play basketball.                         meet new people.                          ple who would like to relax and
                                                                                   have fun with practicing their
Q: What do they need to do or            Another student is Ryan Baik, an-         basketball with their friends or
have in order to attend?                 other eighth grader.                      learn new styles of Basketball. It
Ms. Deandreis: Just sign up on the       Q: What do you like about this            is returning now that the official
day of open gym.                         club?                                     season is over!

                 The Falcon Follies                                         By HAILEY BAKER
                                With only one performance of the Falcon Follies, all of the actors, actresses, and crew
                       members brought their all to the stage on November 16, 2018, to put on an amazing perfor-
                       mance of several different skits, monologues, and a student-written one-act play.
                                There was also an improv game called “Dr. Know-It-All” that some of the students
                       performed, while also engaging with the audience. The Falcon Follies was mostly student-
                       driven, even with former Drama Club members (now in highschool) helping direct the differ-
                       ent skits/plays.
                       Some of the scenes were even student written, including “I Am Not Small” by Summer Allen“,
Laughs Without Love” by Desiree Glascoe and Raihana, “Trapped in an Elevator” by Meister Johnson, “Gods and He-
roes” by John Lewis, “How to Get Boys to Like You” by Maren Lewis, and “New Kid” by Isabella Morano.
        Congratulations to everyone who was a part of The Falcon Follies! We’re looking forward to seeing The Lion
King on May 16th, 17th, and 18th!
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands

Activity Buses Should NOT                             SNOW DAY         By SARAH CHOWDHURY
be Cancelled on Wednes-
                                                       G T J T J C E S G L      F   S A N T J J
                                                       A N L F T B N Q Y S      W   L F K B F R
                                                       S Y I G I O P G U O      S   M F K M O R
                                                       H L V D W R O F L F      E   T X M L O T
                                                       S X G B D T E L W D      O   S J X V L Q
                                                       W R A W S E A P H B      B   Y V C D G N
                                                       C L O K D M L Z L U      S   N F B F I D
                                                       L N B L H H Q S Z A      V   Z B D T V I
         We need activity buses on Wednes-
days! Activity buses were canceled on most             S I T S J K N I L W      C   D L L I W N
Wednesdays earlier this year. Activity buses are
now only available on some Wednesdays where            N T R W T P R Z W T      W   E I R L S E
sports competitions occur, as said on the LPMS         D A C V E T I N T R      O   F Z U Q Q B
2018-2019 After School Activities Packet.
         Newspaper Club, luckily, was able to          M V T D M C Q L W J      C   W Z P K J C
adapt and Mrs. Tippets changed their meetings
                                                       X U O M A S H O T B      L   C A Y I D W
from Wednesdays to Thursdays. Drama Club
was also negatively impacted by the change.            F W M Y W Q I C N L      X   Z R J Q M A
Students now have to arrange their own trans-
portation if they want to participate.                 H H C H O C O L A T      E   L D K O L J
         However, one after-school activity, Jazz
                                                       S Q N O J G C R P T      A   V R Q Q N A
Band, was not able to change their meeting
day. I am a member of Jazz Band so I know first        J H K E N A V N C R      S   K C E Y O H
-hand how much it has been affected by this
change. Mr. Stuart asked members of Jazz
Band if they were available for it to be held on      WORDS TO FIND:
Thursdays instead of Wednesdays to accom-             BLIZZARD
modate bus-riders. Many people weren’t avail-
able Thursdays, so Mr. Stuart had to keep the
meeting day on Wednesdays. As a result, Jazz          MARSHMALLOWS
Band was severely affected by the activity bus        SNOWBALL
change, losing several of its members.                HOT
         I believe that the activity bus schedule
shouldn’t have been changed. I think it is unfair
the buses still run on Wednesdays for some            SLEDDING
sports competitions but not for art-related ac-       FIREPLACE
tivities, such as Jazz Band. I believe each activi-   IGLOO
ty should have been taken into account when
making the decision and how it would be
affected.                   Photo by Sophia Shin
Brilliant Basketball Season at Lakelands
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 10                                                                              REVIEWS

        The ULTIMATE Smash Bros. Review
                                             By MATTHEW LANGA
        Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the latest         collectible known as stickers, which increased a
installment in the popular fighting game franchise,      fighter’s stats when equipped, while paying hom-
Super Smash Bros. The game was released on De-           age to characters who didn’t quite make it on the
cember 7th, 2018, for the Nintendo Switch. Ulti-         playable roster.
mate features a wealth of new modes, stages, char-               Ultimate has something in its place, known
acters, music tracks, and other cool features.           as World of Light, which can be accessed through
New Characters                                           the Spirits tab. Spirits themselves are the forms of
        For many players, the excitement of a new        non-fighter characters after their bodies mysteri-
Smash Bros. game is in the form of the characters it     ously vanished, due to a strange being of light
introduces, as well as the ones it cuts out. Over        known as Galeem. Spirits act in basically the same
time, throughout the series, characters had to be        way stickers do, but with a wider variety and more
cut for varying reasons. Solid Snake, for example,       story significance.
was removed due to copyright issues. The Ice                     World of Light is a little bit like Super Smash
Climbers, on the other hand, were removed due to         Bros. for Wii U’s Smash Tour a board game, with
hardware limitations.                                    inspiration from SSE and Classic mode all at once.
        Whatever the reason may be for getting rid       You explore a giant map with your starting charac-
of a character in the past, Ultimate’s tagline is        ter, Kirby, as he tries to save the fighters whose
‘Everyone is Here!’, due to the fact that each fighter   bodies were stolen by Galeem. A replica of each
in the series’ history has made a return.                fighter’s body is possessed by a spirit, giving the
        Ultimate also features a good amount of          fighter distinct abilities.
new characters, which are: The Inklings from the
Splatoon series, Princess Daisy and Piranha Plant        VS. Mode
from the Super Mario series, Ridley and Dark                     Although this game has several single player
Samus from the Metroid series, Simon and Richter         options besides World of Light, the most important
Belmont from the Castlevania series, Isabelle from       aspect of any Smash Bros. game is the VS. mode.
the Animal Crossing series, Chrom from the Fire          Ultimate has a variety of options for just about eve-
Emblem series, King K. Rool from the Donkey Kong         ryone. 2-8 player battles, 103 available stages, rule
series, and Ken Masters from the Street Fighter se-      customization, 74 fighters, 59 assist trophies, 55
ries.                                                    Poké ball Pokémon, and many more options to
        Unlocking characters is different this time      make the experience that much better. The con-
around: Classic Mode (for specific characters), VS.      trols are also very good, even when using a single
Mode (If you just want to unlock all characters          joycon.
quickly), and the all new story mode, World of
Light. The primary unlocking methods force players       The verdict
to experience new characters and play styles, but                I have played Ultimate for a combined total
for those who really just don’t care, VS. mode is        of around 8 hours, which is enough to form an opin-
available.                                               ion on it. I really enjoyed the World of Light, though
                                                         the fact that 2 player mode isn’t an option in it is
Spirits and the World of Light                           kind of a let down. The Subspace Emissary had 2
        Super Smash Bros. Brawl had a story mode         players, and it was released a decade ago. The multi
known as the SubSpace Emissary. The mode fea-            -player mode, on the other hand, is nearly flawless.
tured platforming stages and about an hour’s worth       My overall rating for this game is 9.2/10.
of pre-rendered cutscenes to boot. SSE also had a
THE FALCON FLIER—Page 11                                                                  REVIEWS/OPINIONS

                                                             These type of Christmas sugar cookies are really
     Winter Baking Recipes                                   fun to make, and can be done as a fun activity
                    By CAITLYN BURNS                         with family or friends. Decorating will probably
                                                             be the most fun part! Also, these cookies don’t
 Here are some of the best recipes to make this winter       have to be decorated in just a Christmas theme,
                season, or whenever!                         they can be decorated in celebration of any holi-
                                                             day! The recipe can be found on Live Well Bake
           1) Snowflake Cupcakes                             Often and are called “Soft Christmas Cut Out Sug-
           These snowflake cupcakes are great for any        ar Cookies”.
           holiday party and a perfect treat for any time
           in the winter. It looks complicated to frost
           and decorate, but you could just put on a                The “Mr.Grinch”
           light blue frosting with the snowflake like in
the picture, and it’ll look really nice! You can find the               Review
recipe on the Glorious Treats’ website.                                     By EVAN BURGESS

2) Gingerbread Cookies                                                In the movie, Mr. Grinch could be many
Gingerbread cookies are a classic                            suggestions on what truly is he. Is he a monster,
winter dessert and one that many                             a wild beast, or a normal person? The Grinch is an
people find delicious. Homemade                              interesting spectacle especially his sort which we
gingerbread cookies are an amazing                           truly no one will ever know. But they did just
treat for a holiday party or when you stay inside on a       make a new Grinch movie which is overall pretty
cold day. You can find the recipe on the Allrecipes’ web-    good. Not as good as the one from 1966 in my
site, they’re called “Gingerbread Cookies ll”.               opinion.
                                                                      The Grinch from 1966 had everything a
3) Spiral Cookies                                            Christmas movie needs. A villain and a young in-
                    These cookies aren’t the normal sug-     nocent girl. At the end, the Grinch was to love
                    ar cookies you would usually think       Christmas as a clean cheerful ending. The new
                    of, but are just as good. These are      movie is totally different from the last movie. I
                    very colorful, with the classic red      personally didn’t like the film as much as I would
                    and green Christmas colors, and in       like to. I felt they should have kept more parts of
                    an interesting swirl shape, too. How-    the old program. Instead of changing the tech-
ever, you can make them in any colors! You don’t need        nology for a wild animal. For example the Heli
to be good at icing cookies to make these. You can find      Drone he flew to capture a wild beast.
this recipe on Yellowblissroad and they’re called                     The positive qualities in the new motion
“Christmas Cookie Pinwheels”.                                picture is how they made the movie clearer to
                                                             younger audiences. They made the motion pic-
4) Crinkle Cookies                                           ture much easier to understand. I feel like there
You may not have heard of crinkle                            was much more humor and jokes that were ap-
cookies before, but they're delicious.                       pealing to younger audiences. There were many
They can come in many flavors and col-                       types of hilarious comedy. For example when the
ors. They’re easier to bake than you                         snowman hits the Grinch in the face
                                                             and when the Grinch is smacked with
think! Again, it’s okay if you’re not
                                                             his drone.
good at icing cookies, you don’t need
                                                                      Overall, the Grinch motion
to with crinkle cookies! You can find this recipe on The
                                                             picture was excellent. The movie is
Suburban Mom.
                                                             amusing and a little bitter but all
                                                             over amazing. When you get the
5) Sugar Cookies
                                                             time you should see the film!
This is another sugar cookie recipe, but a different kind.
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 12                                                                         OPINIONS

                              Let the Feast Begin!
                              Photos and Article By Grace Milla
                                                       start to sit down you can smell the perfect oven
                                                       cooked turkey from the kitchen and all the other
                                                       amazing dishes.
                                                                My favorite part of dinner is when we all are
                                                       eating and bring up what we have all been doing
                                                       that day and weird topics that makes us laugh
                                                       and smile.
                                                                Afterwards we have a HUGE dessert and my
                                                       favorite dessert is frozen yogurt. The crunchy yo-
                                                       gurt is sweet and tangy with delicious raspberries
                                                       and the sweet and creamy whipping cream.
                                                                While we are eating dessert we get out
                                                       board games and put on Miracle on 34th street and
                                                       other Christmas movies. My favorite board games
        The holidays can have a lot of meanings. For   are Splendor and Ticket To Ride.
some people it’s all about eating, family, or even              Typically every year we end up staying up
just to going to a local restaurant. But at my house   until around 12:30 A.M. and when my brother and I
Thanksgiving means all those things (except the        go to bed we put on 1 of our favorite christmas
restaurant part).                                      movie, Elf. When I wake up the next morning all I
        The night before Thanksgiving my brother,      can think of is how great this Thanksgiving has
mom, and I took off school and worked to help pre-     been and every year it gets so much better. I hope
pare the big meal for Thanksgiving. So on Thanks-      everyone had a magical Thanksgiving and holiday
giving day we could lounge around, watch the           season!
Thanksgiving day parade and enjoy breakfast. In-
stead of spending Thanksgiving day sweating over
a hot stove we hung out with family, did fun turkey
crafts and watched movies.
        Thanksgiving dinner is AMAZING!! As you
THE FALCON FLIER—Page 13                        CONTEST

                           Advertisement by SHIVANI SOGAL
THE FALCON FLIER— Page 14                                                                     GAMES

  Winter Theme Word Scramble!                                  Would You Rather?
                 By ANDREW CHUNG

See if you can unscramble the words below!
                                                                Holiday Edition!
                                                                    By JENNIFER MANDERSCHEID
Stumped? See the word choice at the bottom for
help.                                                            Read the
                                                             questions below
_ i n _ _ r = iWnret                                         and only choose
                                                             one! Feel free to
S _ o _ _ a _ = mSonanw                                         play with a
                                                              friend and ex-
N _ S _ _ _ o _ = oN holcSo                                   plain your an-
________ = noSw
                                                          1. Wear mittens or gloves?
________ = ecI
                                                          2. Stay inside or outside?
___________ = fistG                                       3. Have permanent winter or permanent
___________ = ailH                                           summer?
                                                          4. Have winter or spring break?
___________ = suShlu
                                                          5. Build a snowman or have a snowball
___________ = piSpeloyr                                      fight?
___________ = IelcI                                       6. Give presents or receive them?
                                                          7. Live near the beach or in a very snowy
___________ = dlCo
___________ = rmaW                                        8. Go to the north or south pole?
______________ = dBzrizlad                                9. Have a cool summer or a warm win-
_______________________ = crleFlaiep
                                                          10.Drink eggnog or hot chocolate?
________________________ = rnePstes                       11.Get hit by a hundred snowballs or
_______________________ = otH htcoeaCleol                    have a snowman fall on top of you?
                                                          12.Sled down a hill backward or spin-
Word Choice: Cold, Presents, Snow, Fireplace, Gifts, No
School, Hail, Warm, Winter, Slush, Slippery, Warm, Hot       ning?
Chocolate, Ice, Snowman, Icicle.
1) Next to 100G copy room
2) Next to room 104
3) On quotes to live by board near the gym
4) Above Honor roll board in the main hallway
5) Above flags in the atrium
6) Above the main gym entrance
         Look around the school to see if you can find where these photos were taken!
                                            By SOPHIA SHIN
GAMES                                                               THE FALCON FLIER—Page 15

                   Lakelands Park Middle School
                         1200 Main Street
                     Gaithersburg, MD 20878
                      Falcon Newspaper Staff:
Hailey Baker           Phebe Koundinya*          Jessica Perez Reinoso
Caitlyn Burns          Matthew Langa             Sophia Shin*
Evan Burgess           Gavin Lee*                Shivani Sogal*
Sarah Chowdhury*       John Lewis                Melissa Szwed*
Andrew Chung**         Maren Lewis               Abby Wilmoth
Kimberly Guillen       Noah Martinez             Ilan Yun
Amberlee Hsu           Haika Masawe              *Copy Editors
Afeef Khan             Grace Milla*              Sponsor and Layout:
Samantha Kotok         Jennifer Manderscheid**   Mrs. Kirsten Tippets
                                                 © February 2019
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