Brand guide v2.1 fall 2021 - The Sweet Potato

Page created by Connie Carrillo
Brand guide v2.1 fall 2021 - The Sweet Potato
guide        v2.1

 fall 2021
Brand guide v2.1 fall 2021 - The Sweet Potato
logo & tagline


Brand guide v2.1 fall 2021 - The Sweet Potato
logo & tagline

clear space
A logo that breathes looks balanced. Be sure to
leave a minimum space around it untouched by
other graphical elements, as indicated by the E’s
from the logo.
logo & tagline

black and white knockout
logo & tagline

do’s and don’ts

                                        Changing the colours

                                        Adding effects (e.g.
                                        heavy or unnecessary
                                        drop shadows)
    Removing tagline where
    visually appropriate or preferred

                                        Placing on a busy

                                        Reducing opacity

core colours                                                           secondary colours                            accent colours

sweet potato orange                            sweet potato brown      sunshine                                     cashew
RGB    229, 86, 37*                            CMYK   45, 71, 83, 59   CMYK   4, 2, 41, 0                           CMYK   5, 8, 12, 0
PMS    166 C                                   RGB    79, 46, 27       RGB    247, 238, 170                         RGB    240, 230, 219
HEX    #E55625                                 PMS    4625 C           PMS    0131 C                                PMS    P 39-9 C (60%)
                                               HEX    #4F2E1B          HEX    #F7EEAA                               HEX    #F0E6DB
*Do not use interchangeably (i.e. converting
RBG value to CMYK via Adobe interface)

                                                                       blueberry                                    mustard
                                                                       CMYK   96, 67, 15, 2                         CMYK   4, 40, 87, 0
                                                                       RGB    0, 92, 151                            RGB    239, 164, 62
                                                                       PMS    7691 C                                PMS    804 C
                                                                       HEX    #005C97                               HEX    #EFA43E

                                                                                                                    CMYK   49, 0, 93, 0
                                                                                                                    RGB    141, 198, 74
                                                                                                                    PMS    360 C
sweet potato orange                                                    summer sky             cool blue             HEX    #8DC64A
CMYK calibrated                                                        CMYK   36, 0, 8, 0     CMYK   61, 1, 9, 0
CMYK   0, 76, 100, 0*                                                  RGB    154, 219, 232   RGB    78, 195, 224
                                                                       PMS    304 C           PMS    637 C
*Do not use interchangeably (i.e. converting                           HEX    #9ADBE8         HEX    #4EC3E0        swiss chard
RBG value to CMYK via Adobe interface)
                                                                                                                    CMYK   80, 7, 100, 0
                                                                                                                    RGB    41, 166, 74
                                                                                                                    PMS    347 C
                                                                                                                    HEX    #29A64A

suggested colour combinations

bourton base
Our primary display typeface is modern with a subtle
industrial feel. It’s bold and welcoming and goes well with
everything! Useful for headlines and typographic art.
For typographic art, Bourton can be customized and
embellished in endless ways, such as adding strokes, typing
on a curved path, warping, skewing, or layering.

display spacing                      display spacing            body spacing
for print                            for web                    for print
Tracking: -25                        letter-spacing: -0.01em;   Tracking: -25
Leading: ~105% of typeface size      line-height: 1.1em;        Leading: ~125% of typeface size
(e.g. 38 pt type, 40 pt leading)                                (e.g. 16 pt type, 20 pt leading)

garlic scapes                                                   Celery potato scallion
                                                                pluots raisins horseradish
                                                                spinach carrot swiss chard.

Hanley Pro Script Alt                                       A B C D E F G H IJ K L M
A script typeface with a floral and vintage feel. With
its lower legibility, Hanley is best suited as a subtle     N O P QR S T U V W X Y Z
accent in small amounts, such as for a word or two in
campaign art for a bit of variation. It is also well
suited for artisanal products and wintry content, such      vwxyz?!.,”’;:
as locally sourced butter or a hot cider recipe.

display spacing                          display spacing
for print                                for web
Tracking: 0
Leading: ~110% of typeface size
(e.g. 38 pt type, 42 pt leading)
                                         letter-spacing: normal;
                                         line-height: 1.1em;          cider

ed’s market regular slant
An all-caps bold marker typeface with a retro attitude
reminiscent of 1960s/70s grocers and markets. Used in
the flyer and demo posters for special features stickers
                                                          M N O P Q R ST U V
and in-store deals signs. Apply very sparingly for
headlines and call-outs only where appropriate.
                                                          W X Y Z ? ! . ,” ’ ; :

display spacing
for print                                                       s w e Et
Tracking: 25
Leading: ~110% of typeface size
(e.g. 32 pt type, 35 pt leading)

ed’s market main script                          A B C D E F GH I J K L M
A handwritten typeface with a retro attitude
reminiscent of 1960s/70s grocers and markets.    NOPQRST UVWXYZ
Used in the flyer and demo posters for puns and
call-outs. Apply very sparingly for headlines
and call-outs only where appropriate.            vwxyz?!.,”’;:

display spacing                                  *a note about apostrophes
for print                                        and hyphens
Tracking: 0                                      Ed’s Market Main Script‘s apostrophes and hyphens have
Leading: ~100% of typeface size                  a vertical position that is too high. In graphics software
(e.g. 36 pt type, 36 pt leading)                 they require a baseline shift of -2.

Lettuce turnip
   the beet!

Nunito bold                                     ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
A warm and inviting sans-serif typeface for
body text. Use for paragraphs exceeding 3
lines or text that does not require emphasis.   abcdefghijklmnop
                                                qrstuv wxyz?!.,”’;:

spacing for print                               Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive
                                                cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water
Tracking: 0
                                                spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus
Leading: ~160% of typeface size
                                                winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert
(e.g. 19pt leading for 12pt type)
                                                raisin horseradish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root
                                                water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot
spacing for web                                 green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion
                                                chickpea gram corn pea. Brussels sprout.
letter-spacing: normal;
line-height: 1.6em;

Nunito extrabold                    ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
A heavier weight useful for
subheadings and emphasis.
                                    qrstuv wxyz?!.,”’;:

spacing for print                   Turnip Greens Yarrow Ricebean
Tracking: 0                         Rutabaga Endive Cauliflower Sea
Leading: ~140% of typeface size     Lettuce Kohlrabi Amaranth Spinach
(e.g. 23pt leading for 16pt type)

spacing for web
letter-spacing: normal;
line-height: 1.4em;

Nunito semibold                           ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
A lighter weight for fine print or other   OPQRSTUVWXYZ
text that requires de-emphasis.
                                          rstuv wxyz?!.,”’;:

spacing for print                         Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga
                                          endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi.
Tracking: 0
Leading: ~125% of typeface size
(e.g. 15pt leading for 12pt type)

spacing for web
letter-spacing: normal;
line-height: 1.25em;
visual accents

Place a subtle starburst behind a product
to give it a pop. Works best with
Sunshine or Cashew background colours.
Note that all product photos used should
be free of drop shadows whenever

expression lines
A few fanned out lines – either solid or broken      wild
– add a bit of subtle movement and whimsy         blueberries
without distracting from the main focus.

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