Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ...

Page created by Dennis Dixon
Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ...
Strategic Report                   Corporate Governance           Financial Statements                                                                41

Board of Directors

The Board and its committees are considered
to have an appropriate balance of skills,
experience, independence and knowledge
to enable them to discharge their respective
duties and responsibilities effectively.

Paul Smith                                       Stephen Karle                                    Graeme Campbell
Chief Executive                                  Chairman and                                     Chief Financial
Officer                                          Non-Executive Director                           Officer

Date of appointment                              Date of appointment                              Date of appointment
20 January 2015                                  20 January 2015                                  1 January 2021

Background and career                            Background and career                            Background and career
Paul has experience in mobile payment            Stephen is a Director of Karle & McCleery        Graeme was previously the Chief Financial
technology as Managing Director of EZ-Pay        Limited, a strategic advisory and executive      Officer of BrightHouse (a trading name of
Limited, a pre-paid MasterCard organisation.     coaching business operating across and           Caversham Finance Limited) which provided
Beginning his career in the global software      beyond the financial services sector. For four   rent-to-own and cash lending services to the UK
market, he later joined Phones4U in 1998,        years to 2015 he served as Chairman of BCRS      consumer market. Graeme became the CFO of
where he became MD and was an integral           Business Loans Limited, an SME lending           BrightHouse in 2018. He joined BrightHouse in
member of the management team until the          company supporting regional business growth.     2011 and held a number of roles including
firm’s sale for £1.4bn in 2006. On 1 May 2018,   He is a former CEO of West Bromwich Building     Director of Finance as well as Strategy and
Paul was appointed a member of the FCA’s         Society and a (non-practising) solicitor.        Digital Director, and Chief Information Officer,
Smaller Business Practitioner Panel to           Areas of expertise                               during which he spearheaded the financial, IT
represent the consumer credit sector, and on     Stephen’s financial services sector experience   and emerging digital strategy of the business.
1 March 2021 he was appointed as a Board         includes executive, general management and       Prior to this, he held senior finance roles at
Director of the Consumer Credit Trade            board roles. He represents Morses Club PLC on    Virgin Media and Thresher Group.
Association.                                     the Executive Committee of the Consumer          Areas of expertise
Areas of expertise                               Credit Association.                              Graeme brings a wealth of highly relevant
Paul has been responsible for growing the                                                         sector and financial experience, along with
Company organically and by acquisition. His                                                       broader digital and commercial skills, which will
expertise in software and technology has been                                                     be invaluable to Morses Club as the Company
invaluable in driving efficiencies while                                                          develops.
maintaining excellent customer service levels.
Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ...

     Board of Directors continued

     Gary Marshall                                        Sir Nigel Knowles                                    Joanne Lake
     Chief Operating                                      Senior Independent                                   Independent Non-Executive
     Officer                                              Director                                             Director

     Date of appointment                                  Date of appointment                                  Date of appointment
     22 July 2019 as COO.                                 14 April 2016                                        14 April 2016
     1 May 2021 as Executive Director

     Background and career                                Background and career                                Background and career
     Since joining the Company, Gary has been             Sir Nigel is a solicitor and CEO of global legal     Joanne is a Chartered Accountant and a
     responsible for leading the integration and          business DWF Group PLC.                              Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities
     development of the digital business, Shelby          Sir Nigel is the former Global Co-Chairman and       & Investment, and of the ICAEW, and is a
     Finance Limited, including the delivery of new       Senior Partner of DLA Piper, having served as        member of the ICAEW’s Corporate Finance
     platforms which can effectively meet customer        Global Co-CEO and Managing Partner for               Faculty. With over 30 years’ experience in
     demand as the business grows. Gary has also          nearly 20 years. He is credited with DLA Piper’s     accountancy and investment banking, Joanne
     taken on overall responsibility for the Group’s IT   remarkable growth, leading the firm through          has worked at Panmure Gordon, Evolution
     and Change functions.                                a series of mergers and taking the firm from         Securities, Williams de Broe and Price
     Prior to joining the Company, Gary was Interim       its regional origins to the global firm that it      Waterhouse. She is Chairman of wealth
     COO of Sainsbury’s Bank, a role he held              is today.                                            management and employee benefits
     for almost two years, with a focus on IT,                                                                 specialists Mattioli Woods PLC, Deputy
                                                          He received a knighthood in 2009 in
     information security, call centres, operations                                                            Chairman of main market listed Henry Boot
                                                          recognition of his services to the legal industry.
     and business change. Prior to this, he held                                                               PLC, and a Non-Executive Director of Gateley
                                                          Legal Business awarded Sir Nigel a ‘Lifetime         (Holdings) PLC and Honeycomb Investment
     various roles at Aviva plc, including Interim        Achievement Award’ in 2015 and he was given
     COO of Aviva Ireland and Interim Managing                                                                 Trust PLC.
                                                          the Financial News’ ‘Editor’s Choice’ award for
     Director of Aviva Life & Pensions Ireland where                                                           Areas of expertise
                                                          lifetime achievement in 2016. Sir Nigel is special
     he quickly digitised the business, turning it                                                             Joanne’s financial services experience
                                                          advisor on international trade and investment
     around to become the fastest growing insurer                                                              includes board level roles focusing on
                                                          to the City of Sheffield’s Mayor, Dan Jarvis, and
     in Ireland.                                                                                               strategy and governance, as well as lead
                                                          served as the High Sheriff of Greater London
     Areas of expertise                                                                                        advisory corporate finance roles on listings,
                                                          from 2016 to 2017. Until recently Sir Nigel was
     Gary has wide-ranging financial services                                                                  other public market transactions and
                                                          on the Council of The Prince’s Trust.
     experience, having worked at senior levels in                                                             continuing obligations.
                                                          Areas of expertise
     organisations including Egg plc, GE Capital,         Sir Nigel has immense experience of building
     Aon Ltd, Santander Plc, Vertex, Anglo Irish          and leading a worldwide regulated services
     Bank and Northern Rock. He has extensive             business.
     expertise in both developing and delivering
     digitised product offerings, with significant
     customer-focused experience often in
     challenging regulatory and market conditions.

     Morses Club Annual Report & Accounts 2021
Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ...
Strategic Report                  Corporate Governance                 Financial Statements                                                                43

Sheryl Lawrence                         Michael Yeates                             Andy Thomson                              Peter Ward
Independent Non-Executive               Independent Non-Executive                  Non-Executive                             Non-Executive
Director                                Director                                   Director                                  Director

Date of appointment                     Date of appointment                        Date of appointment                       Date of Appointment
1 May 2021                              1 May 2021                                 1 March 2009 (Non-Exec Finance            1 March 2015
                                                                                   Director), 1 March 2016 (CFO)
                                                                                   Interim CFO from 17 March 2020 to
                                                                                   31 December 2020. Non-Executive
                                                                                   Director from 1 January 2021

Background and career                   Background and career                      Background and career                     Background and career
Sheryl is a Chartered Accountant        Michael is a career banker and has         After graduating from Warwick             Peter is the Co-Founder of RCapital
(FCA), and holds an LLM from the        over 40 years’ experience in the           University (accounting and financial      Partners LLP and retired as an
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies     financial services industry, serving in    analysis) and qualifying as a             active Partner in 2016. In 2001 he
and an MBA from London Business         the building society, retail bank and      Chartered Management Accountant           co-founded his own corporate
School. She has held senior executive   investment bank sectors. He has            at Cadbury Schweppes and Tesco,           advisory business, Three V Corporate
roles at Barclays, Lloyds Bank,         extensive executive, board and             Andy held a variety of senior finance     Venturing LLP, to provide fundraising
Santander, Coventry Building Society,   NED experience.                            roles in SMEs where he has been the       and interim management services.
Nationwide Building Society and         Throughout his career he has been          most senior finance professional          He had previously held senior
Provident Financial Group. Sheryl       heavily involved in business               continuously since 1996. Involved in      management positions within the UK
began her banking career at NatWest     transformation as both an employed         the RCapital acquisition of Morses        commercial and banking division of
Bank in 1996, after 11 years of         executive and then as an independent       Club in March 2009, he remained on        Royal Bank of Scotland Group for
multi-sector experience with Coopers    board consultant advising 40 or so         the Board as a Non-Executive              23 years.
& Lybrand (now PwC).                    boards. He has international and           Director with responsibility for          Areas of expertise
Sheryl has been an Independent          cross-industry experience and has          financial management. Andy led the        Peter has extensive experience of
Non-Executive Director of RCI Bank      been involved in policy development for    finance function during the acquisition   working with management teams
UK since January 2019, where she is     HM Government. Earlier, Michael spent      and integration of Shopacheck             across a broad range of
Chair of the Board Audit Committee      17 years at Cheltenham & Gloucester        Financial Services in 2014/15, before     business sectors.
and Chair of the Nomination and         Plc, culminating in the position of        his appointment as full-time CFO
Remuneration Committee.                 General Manager, helping to grow C&G       in 2016.
Areas of expertise                      from the 16th largest building society     On 1 July 2019, Andy retired from his
Sheryl has extensive experience         into a Global 100 bank and the UK’s        role as CFO and remained on the
of designing, integrating, and          third largest lender.                      Board as a Non-Executive Director.
embedding governance, risk and          Areas of expertise                         On 17 March 2020, Andy took on the
compliance into the culture,            Michael brings extensive experience        position as Interim CFO before
commercial strategies and operations    of the retail banking sector. He is a      returning to the role of Non-Executive
at banks, building societies and        change leader with a career track          Director on 1 January 2021.
consumer lending firms.                 record of leading significant business     Areas of expertise
                                        transformations who has consistently       Andy’s analytical skills, expert
                                        driven double-digit revenue growth         knowledge of the sector and
                                        and profitability. One of his personal     independent-mindedness are key to
                                        objectives is to make financial services   providing continuity and protecting
                                        accessible to a wider, less well served,   shareholder interests.
                                        sector of society.
Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ... Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ... Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ... Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ... Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ... Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ... Board of Directors The Board and its committees are considered to have an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge to ...
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