Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala

Page created by Jean Floyd
Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
16th Annual Imagine...Gala

    Friday, April 28, 2023
at the Italian Cultural Centre
    An in-person event benefitting
PALS Autism School and Adult Programs

Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
 			Your Partnership with Us
 For the past 16 years, the PALS Autism Society’s Imagine... Gala has been
 one of Vancouver’s most highly anticipated annual charitable fundraising
                                                                                       Target Audience
 events. Sponsors, donors and guests have helped to raise a cumulative             • Business Professionals
 $4.7 million to improve the lives of children and adults living with autism         • Community Leaders
 and neuro-developmental disorders. Due to the uncertainty of pandemic           • Philanthropic Supporters
 restrictions, PALS held our third virtual Gala on Thursday April 7th, 2022.
 That night the generosity of our sponsors, donors and supporters online
 helped us raise more than $320,000, which has been used to continue and
 enhance the individualized learning and therapeutic programs our children, adolescents and
 young adults received this past year.

 2022 will be remembered as a year that tested everyone’s flexibility in both our school and
 adult programs. The staff diligently followed ever-changing health and safety protocols,
 and the students handled every step forward (and backward) with relative ease. We were
 fortunate to see the return of many familiar activities such as community engagement and
 field trips, and we have loved welcoming back visitors into our buildings, such as therapists,
 volunteers, and donors. Both programs were able to ensure all students and young adults
 had uninterrupted access to our exceptional educational, vocational, and life skills programs.

 During last year’s online gala a heart-warming video transported guests into PALS school
 offering them a glimpse of the impact PALS program has on our students and their families
 (click here to watch).

 At our 16th annual Imagine…Gala, which coincides with World Autism Awareness month,
 we will celebrate the achievements of PALS students and PASS young adults challenged by
 autism and acknowledge those who make it possible for us to offer our specialized programs.
 We are excited to welcome back Auctioneer Free Lee and we look forward to announcing
 a beloved Vancouver personality as Gala Emcee. We hope you will consider becoming a
 valued sponsor of the 2023 PALS Imagine… Gala dinner and auction on Friday, April 28th
 at the Italian Cultural Centre of Vancouver.

 We look forward to wowing a sell-out crowd of 400 business professionals, philanthropists
 and supporters at “Andiamo!” An Evening in Capri. In the process of delivering an
 unforgettable guest experience, we will highlight our sponsors and express our gratitude
 for the difference they make in the lives of children and young adults with autism and their
 families. Please contact Katy Harandi at 604.612.9922 or if you
 have any additional questions or would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

 With kindest regards,

 2023 Imagine… Gala Committee

101 Third Street                                          T 604.251.PALS (7257) F 604.251.1627
New Westminster, BC V3L 2P9                     
Registered Charity Number 84393 9760 RR0001
Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
Benefits of Sponsorship
As a sponsor of Imagine… Gala you:                      Your Partnership with PALS and PASS is a
                                                        good investment because:

  Enhance your community and philanthropic
  profile with 3 months of pre-event marketing via         Autism is the fastest growing and most
  social media and email blasts.                           commonly diagnosed disorder in Canada.
                                                           1 in 66 children will be diagnosed with autism.
                                                           There is no known cure or cause.
  Receive recognition of your support (business
  name and logo) to 2000+ invitees and prospective         Caring for an individual with autism will cost
  supporters who will receive electronic invitations.      $2.4-$3.2 million over their lifetime.
                                                           Specialized, individualized learning programs
                                                           provide best long-term outcomes.
  Align with a proven organizational leader
  recognized for excellence in autism education            Canadians value organizations and businesses
  and programming.                                         that demonstrate inclusion, respect, and
                                                           compassion for all members of society.

                                                           You can make a significant impact to improve
  Will participate with other proud sponsors to            the lives of children and families in our
  help us raise $400,000.                                  community who are living with autism.
Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
Sponsorship Opportunities                                                                     16th Annual Imagine...Gala
                                                                                              ANDIAMO! An Evening in Capri
Please review the list below or feel free to contact Katy Harandi, Gala Chair                 April 28, 2023
( to inquire about customized sponsorship options.

          SPONSORSHIP                PRESENTING DIAMOND PLATINUM SAPPHIRE                     GOLD        SILVER      BRONZE
Cash Contribution                      $20,000        $15,000       $10,000     $7,500        $5,000       $2,500      $1,250
Complimentary Seats                       20            16            12          10            8            4
                                         3 Red          2 Red      2 Red      2 Red      1 Red
# of Complimentary Wine Bottles                                                                            1 Red
                                        3 White        2 White    2 White    2 White    1 White
at Your Table                                                                                             1 White
                                      2 Prosecco     2 Prosecco 2 Prosecco 2 Prosecco 1 Prosecco
Podium Opportunity
(i.e., 2-min Speech or Video)            
Opportunity for Cheque
Presentation at Event                    
Opportunity for Cheque
Presentation at PALS or PASS                                                               
Business Logo in Evening
Programme                                                                                                         
Advertisement in Evening              Full Page
                                                     Full Page      ¾ Page      ¾ Page       ½ Page       ¼ Page
Programme                            Back Cover
Recognition by Emcee at Podium
during Opening Remarks                                                                                 
Business Logo on Jumbo Screens
during Opening Remarks                                                                                            
Business Logo will Appear on
Electronic Invite Emailed to 2000+
Prospective Society Supporters
                                                                                                                  
Business Logo will Appear on PALS
Gala Auction Website for 10 days
Prior to and During Event
                                      Placement                                                                    
Business Logo to Remain on PALS
and PASS Websites from April to
Dec 2023
                                                                                                                  
                                                                                            1 post with
                                                       2 solo
                                                                  1 solo post 1 solo post     all Gold
                                                      posts +
                                     3 solo posts                   + other     + other      sponsors     Included    Included
Sponsors will be recognized                            other
                                     + other posts                   posts       posts        + other      in posts    in posts
through PALS and PASS Social                           posts
                                       including                   including   including       posts       with all    with all
Media.                                               including
                                     all sponsors                      all         all       including    sponsors    sponsors
                                                                   sponsors    sponsors          all
Business Name Recognition in
Both PALS and PASS 2023 Annual
                                                                                                                  
Your Custom Idea – Let us know
what you have in mind and we will
do what we can to make it happen!
                                                                                           

101 Third Street                                                T 604.251.PALS (7257) F 604.251.1627
New Westminster, BC V3L 2P9                           
Registered Charity Number 84393 9760 RR0001
Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
16th Annual Imagine...Gala

More Opportunities                                                                             ANDIAMO! An Evening in Capri
                                                                                               April 28, 2023

                            Reception      Reception    Reception      Evening      Evening                          Photo
     SPONSORSHIP                                                                            Givewaways
                            Cocktails      Appetizers Entertainment Entertainment Programme                          Station
 Cash Contribution            $1,500        $1,500        $1,500           $1,500          $1,500        $1,500       $1,500
 Advertisement in
 Evening Programme                                                                                               
 Business Name on
 Signage                                                                                                           
 Business Name on
 Labels                                                                                                   
 Business Logo in
 Evening Programme                                                                                               
 Business Logo on
 Jumbo Screens during
 Opening Remarks
                                                                                                                 
 Business Logo will
 Appear on Electronic
 Invitation Emailed
 to 2000+ Prospective
                                                                                                                 
 Society Supporters
 Business Logo will
 Appear on PALS Gala
 Auction Website for 10
 days Prior to and During
                                                                                                                 
 Business Logo to
 Remain on PALS and
 PASS Website from April                                                                                         
 to Dec 2023
 Sponsors will be                          Included                                                                  Included
                            Included in                 Included in      Included in     Included in Included in
 recognized through                         in posts                                                                  in posts
                             posts with                posts with all   posts with all    posts with   posts with
 PALS and PASS Social                       with all                                                                  with all
                            all sponsors                 sponsors         sponsors       all sponsors all sponsors
 Media.                                    sponsors                                                                  sponsors
 Business Name
 Recognition in Both
 PALS and PASS 2023                                                                                              
 Annual Reports

Click HERE to complete sponsorship registration.
Afterwards, a member of the PALS Gala Executive Committee will be in touch to
obtain your company’s logo, social media handles, and brand guidelines.
Don’t delay – the first opportunity for sponsor recognition is February 1st when we
will be emailing the invitation to our 2000 supporters!

101 Third Street                                              T 604.251.PALS (7257) F 604.251.1627
New Westminster, BC V3L 2P9                         
Registered Charity Number 84393 9760 RR0001
Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
About PALS Autism Society & PALS Adult Services Society
                                        • PALS Autism Society is a registered Canadian charity established in 2006
                                          by dedicated mothers who recognized the need to create a specialized
                                          school for children with autism.

                                        • PALS School Program was the first specialized, independent, brick and
                                          mortar school in BC offering year-round education to children with autism
                                          ages 5 to 19 years, including a Before and After School Care program.
                                          Designated as a Special Education School by the BC Ministry of Education,
                                          the School uses the Applied Behavioural Analysis methodology and
                                          maintains high staff to student ratios.

                                        • In 2010, the PALS Adult Program became the 1st autism specific adult
                                          program in BC offering employment training, job coaching, life skills, and
                                          speech and language therapy. As of September 1, 2020 the adult program
                                          is now operated by PALS Adult Services Society (PASS), an independent,
                                          newly incorporated Society with its own registered charity designation.

                                        • The adult program provides a continuum of learning for students 19 years
                                          or older who need more individualized instruction to improve their
                                          life skills for greater independence and increase their employment
                                          opportunities in the community.

                                        • The PASS Social Enterprise offers participants paid employment while
                                          teaching workplace skills. You can view PASS Marketplace product listings
                                          available for sale here:

About Autism
• Autism is a lifelong neurological disorder requiring     • 33% of individuals with autism are non-verbal.
  continuous care and support. Currently there is no
  known cause or cure for autism.                          • An estimated 50,000 teens with autism become adults
                                                             – and lose school-based autism services each year.*
• It is the fastest growing, most commonly diagnosed
  neurological disorder in Canada marked by:               • Autism is called a spectrum disorder (ASD) because
  > Impairment in communication                              severity of impairment presents differently in every
  > Impairment in reciprocal social interaction              individual.
  > Presence of repetitive and unusual patterns of
     behaviours, interests and activities.                 • ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis) is the science that
                                                             studies how environmental changes affect behaviour.
• 1 in 66 children are now diagnosed as having the           Research shows ABA is an effective intervention for
  autism spectrum disorder with diagnoses increasing         individuals with autism.
  100% over the past 10 years. Autism is 5 x more likely
  in boys than girls.                                                                              *Autism Speaks Canada
Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala Friday, April 28, 2023 at the Italian Cultural Centre - 16th Annual Imagine...Gala
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