Blues Foundation Bedford 10K - Sunday 26th June 2022 Detailed Race Information - Active Training World

Page created by Zachary Ortiz
Blues Foundation Bedford 10K - Sunday 26th June 2022 Detailed Race Information - Active Training World
Detailed Race Information
Blues Foundation
Bedford 10K
Sunday 26th June 2022
Blues Foundation Bedford 10K - Sunday 26th June 2022 Detailed Race Information - Active Training World
Dear Competitor,
Welcome to the first official Blues Foundation 10k. We hope you enjoy the
event. Included in this pack is some useful information to help the event run
smoothly for you.

Blues Foundation is the charity arm of Bedford Blues Rugby club, and they work
across the County and beyond to inspire the community through the values of
Rugby for the advancement and promotion of positive and informed lifestyle
choices. They run a number of outreach programmes and teaching programmes
that benefit a great number of people. If you would like to learn more about this
amazing charity that we have partnered with, please take a look at their website

Summary Event Info
EVENT VILLAGE ADDRESS:                    It is vital that we know exactly who is
Russell Park, The Embankment,             attending this event so you must not
Bedford, MK40 3RH                         give your race number to any other
                                          person if you can’t attend for any
08:30am Registration opens                reason.
                                          It is important that you are fit to
09:30 The race will start                 participate and have not
10.00 First participant across the        experienced any Covid-19
finish                                    symptoms in the days leading up to
                                          the event.
11.00 Final participant expected          If so, you must withdraw, and
12.00 Event close                         contact
Wave times

If your training has gone
better/worse than expected, you are
welcome to change wave time on
the day to suit
Blues Foundation Bedford 10K - Sunday 26th June 2022 Detailed Race Information - Active Training World
Venue:                                   Taxi
EVENT VILLAGE ADDRESS:                   Taxis will be able to collect and drop
                                         you close to the start on race day
Russell Park, The Embankment,            but they won’t be able to drop off /
                                         collect on the Embankment between
Bedford, MK40 3RH
                                         the hours of 8am - 1.00pm Local taxi
                                         company contacts: Anglia Cars: +44
Getting there                            1234 320032 Bedford Taxis Fastline:
There will be hundreds of runners        +44 1234 811811 A1 Cars: +44 1234
and supporters heading to Russell        364444
Park for the Bedford 10K. Please plan
your journey in advance. There will      Getting dropped off
be a road closure in effect on The
                                         There are no drop offs in Russell
Embankment on the day of the
                                         Park. We recommend that you are
event between Longholme Way &
                                         dropped off at Aspects Leisure Park
Bushmead Avenue. Please factor
                                         (MK41 9LN) and walk in. This will be a
this into your travel plans
                                         perfect warm up for your race
Follow ATW signage towards the           Changing and toilets
race HQ
                                         There will be toilets in the event
Parking                                  village for you to use. There are no
                                         changing facilities provided
Aspects Leisure Park, Newnham Ave,
Bedford, MK41 9LN (Parking
restrictions may apply, check local
area instructions)                       It is really useful to spend the money
Train                                    on the correct running wear;
                                         weather related conditions such as
Bedford train station is on the          Hyperthermia and Hypothermia can
Midland Main Line from London St         occur if the right precautions are not
Pancras to the East Midlands. The        taken. Overheating and heatstroke is
train station is located 0.5miles from   the most common medical issue at
Bedford Bus station and the town         running events. Ensure you check
centre.                                  the weather and dress accordingly.
                                         Don’t overdress at 0700 and expect
                                         it to stay that cold all day.
Blues Foundation Bedford 10K - Sunday 26th June 2022 Detailed Race Information - Active Training World
Registration                              available for you to download via the
                                          Active Training World Facebook
Opens: 08:30am
                                          page. If you do not wish to have their
Please leave plenty of time to
                                          photo taken for any reason, please
register and prepare your transition
                                          collect a wristband at registration
                                          and wear it during the race. If you
At registration you will be required to   wish for any of the published photos
give the name you used to sign up to      to be removed, just let us know.
the event online.
Inside you will find your race number
The number must be worn visible on        Bag Drop
your front.                               There is a bag drop facility at the
Additional safety pins will be            event. Please do not leave valuables
available at registration if required.    in there and no sharp objects/leaky
                                          food/drinks. Participants leave their
                                          possessions entirely at their own risk.
Spectators                                Your race number will be attached
We welcome spectators to attend           to your bag – please keep your bib
and cheer you on.                         until you have collected your

The use of standard headphones is
not permitted. However, we do
recommend earphones with bone
conduction technology. It is
important that you can hear what is
happening around you, and
marshal’s instructions

We will have an official
photographer at the event. The
pictures of all the races will be made
Blues Foundation Bedford 10K - Sunday 26th June 2022 Detailed Race Information - Active Training World
Medical Info
                                           should be avoided for a few days
Running is a fun and easy way to stay      prior to the event and not taken whilst
healthy, however your health is our        training. Stimulants of any kind should
paramount concern. This is why we          not be used. Again, for any questions,
have put this section in your              please consult your GP.
instructions to ensure you have a fun
and enjoyable race.                        Feeling Unwell?
                                           If you wake up and feel under the
Current Health                             weather, whilst we cannot stop you
Many people run everyday without           from taking part, it is important to
issue but it is important that you talk    listen to your body and consider if you
to your doctor before taking part in a     should take part. If you already have
competitive sport like this weekend, if    diarrhoea and vomiting it is strongly
you have current ongoing health            recommended you do not take part! If
concerns. Running can aggravate            you feel yourself getting confused or
ongoing conditions like Asthma,            too hot, or very weak, this may be a
Diabetes or Heart Problems.                sign of heat stroke and you must stop
                                           immediately and get help from one of
Medication and Painkillers                 the medical team. Heat stroke is a
                                           very serious condition. Those that
You should also be very careful to         suffer severe consequences are those
avoid NSAID medications whilst             that don’t listen to their body saying
training and running or cycling. Drugs     stop
such as larger doses of aspirin,           Summary
Voltarol (diclofenac), ibuprofen (e.g      Please take care and listen to your
Nurofen) and naproxen can cause            body Make sure you train properly,
kidney problems when combined with         following a good training plan well
high intensity exercise, and in very       ahead of Race Day Consult your GP if
rare cases can affect bowel function.      you have any medical problems or
This also applies to the use of creams     are taking medications. If you are
for pain relief such as Voltarol and       feeling unwell before the race, DO NOT
Ibuleve. If pain relief is required,       run If you become unwell during the
please use paracetamol instead.            race, stop and seek medical advice at
Please discuss running the event with      the nearest first aid station Avoid
your GP if you take any of these           taking NSAID medications / painkillers
medications regularly. Finally, drugs to   on race day Drink sensibly during the
dry up runny noses, which contain          race and do not take too much or too
drugs such as pseudoephedrine or           few fluids Consult the manufacturers
oxymetazoline, can increase your           advice on consuming energy drinks or
blood pressure and interfere with the      gels If you feel unwell after the race,
heart’s electrical circuitry and so        seek advice
Route Map

The route can be found online at
There is a bar underneath the map that shows the elevation and distance,
as well as placing a dot on the map so you can follow the route along
your result immediately at: All Races
Water                                       (

Water will be available at the finish       The chip data requires WIFI access
line, but please bring your own for on      and occasionally we have to load
the course, there are no water              this data in manually after the event
stations on the 10k route                   if the connection is lost. If you have a
                                            query on your chip time, please wait
                                            until the evening of the event before
                                            raising the query.
Hydration                                   A full set of results will be available
Ensure you plan the fluid intake you        on the results page after the event
require; drinking too much or too
little are both as dangerous. Take
the time to work out how much fluid
you have required during your               Final word
training. Ensure if using supplements       For some of you, this may be your
that you follow and read the
                                            first competitive event for quite
manufacture guidance. (Please
don’t take them on the day if never         some time.
taken before)                               We hope you are excited to be a
                                            part of this occasion, and at the risk
Prizegiving                                 of sounding boring……please do your
                                            very best to keep safe throughout
There will be a podium prizegiving
                                            the whole time you are at the event.
performed once the top3 male and
                                            Have fun!
female finishers.
Results are calculated by
ActiveTrainingWorld’s timing partner,
EventChipTiming. Your time will be
uploaded to their website within
seconds of you crossing the finish
line. There will be no ticket printer for
times at the event, but you can find
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