Guidelines for Events and Street Parties for The Royal Wedding 2018 - Portsmouth City Council Cultural Services

Page created by Derrick Robertson
Guidelines for The Royal Wedding, Saturday 19 th May 2018:
page 2

Portsmouth City Council Cultural Services

Guidelines for Events and
Street Parties for The
Royal Wedding 2018
Guidelines for The Royal Wedding, Saturday 19 th May 2018:
 page 3
The following information includes guidelines and requirements that Portsmouth
City Council requires organisers of street parties to follow and to agree to abide
by. In addition, you must complete, sign and return an Application for an Event
for The Royal Wedding 2018, Saturday 19th May form.

                                                             closed you need to take into account the time required
1. Insurance                                                 to set up all equipment etc.
In accordance with health & safety legislation, all          If when closing your road there are vehicles parked within
events must be covered by Public Liability Insurance         the area for the street party please be aware that you
(minimum sum insured of five million pounds).                do not have permission to move these and they
Bouncy castles and similar attractions will require          should remain within the closure at the owner’s risk.
separate Public Liability Insurance (minimum sum             Please ensure that access is kept clear for any
insured of five million pounds) obtained from the            disabled parking bays so associated vehicles are able
operator/owner of the attraction. In addition, you must      to move on the day if necessary.
ensure that all inflatables are PIPA registered and
tested, that they are set up and managed by the
company providing them throughout your event and             3. Consulting other
must be put in a position in your street that allows
emergency access at all times during your party (see
section 4 below).                                            You must make sure that as many people as possible
Outside contractors such as caterers and entertainers        are aware of the date and time of your party. An
will also need their own public liability insurance, again   example copy of a residents letter is included in the
a minimum sum insured of five million pounds.                Application for an Event for The Royal Wedding 2018,
                                                             Saturday 19th May form. A similar letter must be sent
As a street party coordinator, you are responsible for
                                                             to all residents who might be affected in your road
arranging insurance to cover the event and
                                                             and neighbouring roads, making sure those who do
obtaining proof of the Public Liability Insurance for any
                                                             not wish to take part are still kept regularly informed,
contractors which must be available for inspection at the
                                                             particularly where access and parking is concerned.
event if requested by a Portsmouth City Council officer.
                                                             A copy of your letter must be submitted to Portsmouth
                                                             City Council, along with your application form, as
2. Closing your road                                         written evidence that you have consulted with other
                                                             residents. You also need to advise if any objections
The venue you select for a street party should not be
                                                             have been made.
a road that forms any part of the strategic network
or a bus route. However the road closures are the
responsibility of the local authority and all
applications for road closures must be agreed and
                                                             4. In the event of an
approved by the Traffic Authority.                                   emergency
The minimum requirement is that at least one ‘road           As the organiser you must appoint one person to
closed’ sign must be erected and that the Statutory On
                                                             coordinate any necessary action in the event of an
Street Notices be displayed. Once approved the
                                                             emergency (i.e. to ensure that the road closed signs,
notices will be provided by Portsmouth City Council.         any barriers and cones are open to allow access for
However, barrier(s) may be required at each point            emergency vehicles).
of closure. In which case, suitable mobile barriers          Should the Emergency Services need access to your
and cones should be erected, where necessary, to             street, they will require a width of at least 3.7m for
close your road to traffic while still allowing easy         emergency vehicles. So you must ensure that the
access for emergency vehicles. Also, each barrier            position of tables and chairs and other equipment
must be supervised and maintained at all times by            allows sufficient space for access by any emergency
a clearly identifiable person under your authority           vehicles. You must also ensure that any hydrants are
and control.                                                 easily accessible.
There will be no charge for the first 50 street party
road closures to be applied for.
When applying for the timings for your road to be
Guidelines for The Royal Wedding, Saturday 19 th May 2018:
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5. Use of barbecues                                          Supplying their own
                                                             This is by far the simplest method and is not dissimilar
The following minimum requirements must be
                                                             to having a party at your home where guests may
undertaken but are subject to any further measures
                                                             bring their own drink. A premises licence is not
that may be appropriate:
                                                             required as long as no sale takes place.
• Use only manufactured barbecues (i.e. not home-
  made with bricks etc).                                     Selling intoxicating liquor
• A Fire Extinguisher must be available for each barbecue.   If you wish to sell alcohol at your event, you will
• The area must be supervised at all times.                  need to apply for a Temporary Event Notice, if your
• The barbecue area must be cordoned off.                    event will not exceed 499 people on site at any one
                                                             time. You will need to apply for a Premises Licence
                                                             if you want to sell alcohol to 500 or more people. For
6. Fireworks and                                             an application form or further information, please
                                                             contact 023 9283 4607,
        bonfires                                    or
Please note that under NO circumstances will it be
permissible to have any bonfires or fireworks of any         Under the Licensing Act, SALE does not just mean an
nature at your street party.                                 exchange of money for goods. It can include such
                                                             arrangements as ‘buy a ticket to the function, get
                                                             free drink’, ‘selling raffle tickets with alcoholic drinks
7. Wet weather                                               as prizes’ or any other scheme whereby intoxicating
                                                             liquor is provided as part of the transaction.
The Road Closure Order relates to the date of your
event, it is not transferable in the event of inclement
                                                             Drinking responsibly
weather. You are advised, if possible, to make alternative
arrangements in case of wet or inclement weather.            The Safer Portsmouth Partnership promotes responsible
                                                             drinking to people who live in, work in, or visit the city.
                                                             As part of this campaign, Portsmouth City Council has
8. Street decorations                                        introduced a city-wide Designated Public Places Order
                                                             that became effective on 15 August 2005. The order is
If you intend to decorate your street with flags and         not a ban on drinking alcohol in public.
bunting, you are required to adhere to the following
                                                             Please refer to the ‘Drinking Responsibly in
                                                             Portsmouth’ leaflet, which we can provide.
• No bunting to be strung from telegraph poles.
• No bunting to be strung across the road from
  lampposts.                                                 10. Fundraising for your
• Any bunting must be at least 14.9 feet (4.5 metres)
  from the ground and must be of an easily breakable                  event
  nature.                                                    If it is proposed to raise funds for your event by a
                                                             house to house collection, this includes collections
                                                             amongst neighbours for provisions for the party a
9. Intoxicating liquor                                       House to House collection licence will be required.
If you anticipate that intoxicating liquor will be           This can be obtained by contacting 023 9283 4572
consumed at your street party, there are basically two       or
methods by which it may be provided, either people
attending supply their own or someone may sell it.           Street collections for charity at your
                                                             If you want to collect money or sell articles in any
                                                             street or public place within Portsmouth, for the
                                                             benefit of charitable or other purposes, then you
                                                             must have a street collection permit issued to you by
                                                             Portsmouth City Council.
                                                             An application form can be obtained by contacting
                                                             023 9283 4607 or
Guidelines for The Royal Wedding, Saturday 19 th May 2018:
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Raffles                                                   existing contract and at the scheduled time.
The following rules apply:                                If the organisers have any paid contractor or catering
• All tickets must be sold at the location during the     concession the existing trade waste arrangements in
  event, and the result made public while the event       respect of commercial waste will apply and a relevant
  takes place. No ticket sales can take place before      contractor appointed to dispose.
  the day of the party.
• You can vary the price of tickets, i.e. discounted
  price for buying more tickets.                          For your event or street party to be approved you must
• No more than £500 can be spent on prizes (but           submit a signed and completed Application for an
  other prizes may be donated to the lottery)             Event for The Royal Wedding 2018, Saturday 19th
• Whole proceeds (i.e. monies raised from ticket sales    May form, which is obtainable by contacting:
  after deducting prizes) must not be used for private    Events Office
  gain.                                                   Floor 5, Core 3-4
• Do not let persons under 16 handle tickets.             Civic Offices
• Sell tickets from behind a table and let people come    Guildhall Square
  up to the ticket seller and not vice versa.
• Do not offer alcohol as prizes (see section 9 above)
                                                          PO1 2AD
• The promoters of the raffle may not deduct more
                                                          Phone: 023 9284 1400
  than £100 from the proceeds in respect of the
  expenses incurred in organising the raffle, such as
  the cost of printing tickets, hire of equipment and
  so on.                                        
• The raffle cannot involve a rollover of prizes from
  one raffle to another
If you abide by these rules then no licence is needed
from the Council.

11. Noise
Your attention is drawn to the Control of Pollution
Act 1974 which states that no loudspeaker or PA
shall be used after the hours of 9.00pm. It would
be appreciated that any music played during your
street party is kept at a reasonable level to avoid any
annoyance to the neighbours in your neighbouring
streets that may not be joining in your party. Any
request or instruction made by a Police Officer or
Environmental Protection Officer to reduce your noise
levels or to cease playing music must be complied with.

12. Litter
Each organiser will be responsible for clearing of all
waste and equipment from the street at the end of the
event. As the event is a community event organised by
residents and attended by residents within the street,
the waste on this occasion will be treated as household
waste. The house holders will therefore have to take
the waste home with them and it will be collected on
the normal day when waste is collected for their home.
The cleaning of the street will be covered by the
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