BIOLOGY CLUSTER - Palm Beach Community College

Page created by Laurie Bell
BIOLOGY CLUSTER - Palm Beach Community College
Meeting Minutes
                                          BIOLOGY CLUSTER
                                            January 8, 2021

                                1pm Virtual Session – ZOOM Format

The PBSC College Affordability Task Force is interested in finding out more about faculty usage of Open
Educational Resources. Please have your Cluster discuss this topic.
Please have your cluster members provide input on the following questions related to institutional issues.
Thank you for your help. During the Cluster Meeting, we ask that members hold discussions on the three
institutional issues below.
ITEM 1. Open Educational Resources
The PBSC College Affordability Task Force is interested in finding out more about faculty usage of Open
Educational Resources. Please have your Cluster discuss this topic.
a) Discussion can include (but is not limited to) familiarity, current usage, interest in further usage, and
obstacles faced when using. Please record discussion below. b) Once discussed, the task force asks that
each faculty member takes the anonymous survey found here.
Item 1 Discussion: Past discussion of OER-related Agenda items in formal Biology Cluster meetings was
sent out to all members in advance. Records show that the Biology Cluster as a group have formally
talked about this on three occasions since 2012, with the most recent instance occurring October 2020.
Cluster members were asked if anyone was currently using an OER product in place of a commercial
textbook. One professor responded in the affirmative. Dr. Chandramohan has adopted a mix of OER
(OPENSTAX) and self-made curriculum resources for his courses.
Other faculty responded that specific OER textbooks/resources are sometimes examined and discussed by
textbook selection committees, although no such products have as yet been formally selected for cluster
adoption. Commercially produced textbooks are instead selected for cluster adoption.
The extra “maintenance” (e.g., ADA compliance, weblink corrections, copyright legality) often required
for institutions and professors to operate OER products was discussed. Offerings from OPENSTAX
OER’s were observed to be at present of better quality than other mainstream OER products (e.g.,
Bluedoor Publishing).
A warning was raised that “free online” educational resources did not necessarily equate to legally
procured and/or legally usable educational resources by accredited institutions.
Item 1 Action: Cluster faculty were notified to please complete the anonymous survey (linked above).

ITEM 2. Review and Update of Cluster Textbook Selection Process
As a Cluster, please review the Cluster’s textbook selection process and update the process to address
each of the five items contained in the District Board of Trustees policy. The textbook adoption process
should be in line with the current District Board of Trustees Policy – this policy can be found at:

The current Cluster textbook selection process is posted online at:
(Please note: To access this site, you must either be on campus to log into the intranet or connect via
Remote Desktop.)

Some items to consider:
· Cluster procedures should address each of the items in the current Board policy (items 1-5).
· If the practice is that full-time faculty can select their own materials (not including sequential courses),
please be sure that you address this within the Cluster textbook selection process. As an example, the
Speech Cluster addresses in their current process that full-time faculty can select their own materials.
Once your Cluster has updated the textbook selection process, please forward the Cluster-approved
process to the appropriate Cluster Liaison for review. If the process adheres to the District Board of
Trustees policy, the updated process will be sent to Clarisse May, Academic Coordinator in Academic
Services, to be uploaded to the Intranet.

ITEM 2 Discussion: Textbook policy-related records for the Biology Cluster from 2008 to the present
day were identified and forwarded to members in advance of the virtual meeting. The District’s textbook
policy (see above) was reviewed and discussed.
A question was asked to clarify the Cluster’s policy regarding “opting out of a textbook” as an option for
full-time faculty. For these situations, the Cluster defaults to the College’s specific language. Full time
faculty have the option to either adopt the Cluster-adopted textbook for a course, or to not adopt a
textbook at all. This only applies to full-time faculty, and only in circumstances that conform to District
Policy 6Hx-18-2.11.
Although members of the Biology Cluster are regularly kept appraised of our textbook selection policies,
those policies are not currently summarized into a single centralized statement that is available for
external readers. Rather, our policy is a continuously evolving process that is designed and intended for
internal use.
To comply with the College’s January 2021 request for the Biology Cluster to verify compliance with
District Policy 6Hx-18-2.11 and to forward that process for external College documentation, a summary
of requested policy statements will be consolidated and then submitted to the Biology Cluster Liaison.
A minor issue was raised regarding an internal policy discrepancy with how certain types of very small
(2-3 person) textbook committees are sometimes selected. Formal language addressing this issue will be
drafted and submitted to the cluster faculty remotely for approval. Existing practices are expected to be
only minimally altered.
ITEM 2 Action: A remote survey was sent out to cluster members on January 11th to complete by noon,
January 13th. Most of the cluster (13 members) completed the remote survey.
Approval of an external summary as to how the cluster broadly selects textbooks. This summary will be
forwarded to the Cluster Liaison per the College’s request.
External summary Passes with 10 YES votes, 1 NO vote, and 2 abstains

ITEM 2 Action (continued):
Approval of a proposal for ensuring that very small textbook selection committees meet the minimum
committee size.
“In cases where there are insufficient eligible full-time faculty to meet the 2-
person minimum textbook committee size (e.g., BSC 1005L), the cluster chair
will select and announce additional faculty to complete the committee.”
Proposal Passes with 12 YES votes and 1 abstain

ITEM 3. Recommendations about the mix of course offerings
a) As the Academic Deans and Associate Deans plan for the Summer and Fall 2021 course schedules,
what recommendations do you have about the “mix” of course offerings in your discipline?
b) Would you like to see more face-to-face classes? Yes or No: The Cluster did not view this as an
appropriate binary yes/no question to answer (see below)
Please discuss with the faculty in your Cluster and summarize the conversation below.
ITEM 3 Discussion:
Unless the regional-area COVID-19 cases and deaths come down to “acceptable levels”, the College
should NOT be opening up more face-to-face classes. The College should not risk students, staff and
faculty to infections/illness any more than it currently is with existing operations.
The cluster was highly supportive in that the College maintain its existing COVID-19 safety protocols
regarding remote classes and restricted campus access. Some faculty have already lost friends and/or
family members to COVID-19 infections.
There was prolonged discussion about current enrollments, current challenges and opportunities with
student learning needs, classroom safety, and the overall status and short-term forecasts of the COVID-19
pandemic health crisis.
ITEM 3 Action: No specific votes or actions were submitted by the Cluster in response to this agenda

ITEM 4. Other. A message was relayed from Dr. Mercer that most of Professor Rozenna Carr’s Spring
courses will now require a substitute professor.

Meeting Adjourn: 2:35pm


TEXTBOOK ADOPTIONS for the Academic Year – current.
Yellow highlights indicate the new selections to be voted upon at NEXT year’s spring 2021 meeting.

BSC1005 - “What is Life? A Guide to Biology”, 4th edition.
Author: Phelan.                       Publisher: W.H. Freeman
First year adopted: 2018-2019

BSC1005L - “Thinking about Biology, an Introductory Lab Manual”, 5th edition. – customized for PBSC
Author: Bres & Weisshaar.              Publisher: Pearson
First year adopted: 2017-2018 (reauthorized for 2020-2021)

BSC1010/1011 – “Campbell Biology”, 12th edition.
Authors: Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Orr.          Publisher: Pearson
Note: Check with your publisher’s rep if your campus wants to also order the soft cover version separately for Bio 1
and Bio 2.      First year adopted: 2020-2021

BSC1010L – “Experiments in General Biology 1”, 3rd edition.
Author: Hartman.                       Publisher: Hayden-McNeil
First year adopted: 2014-2015 (reauthorized 2020-2021)

BCS1011L - “Biology Laboratory Manual”, 1st edition., custom PBSC edition
Authors: Vodopich & Moore.           Publisher: McGraw-Hill
First year adopted: 2018-2019

BSC 1311 - “Marine Biology”, 11th edition
Authors: Castro, Huber.        Publisher: McGraw-Hill
First year adopted: 2020-2021

BSC2085/86 – “Visual Anatomy & Physiology”, 3rd edition
Author: Martini, Ober, Nath, Bartholomew, Petti.       Publisher: Pearson
First year adopted: 2017-2018 (reauthorized 2020-2021)

BSC2085/86Labs – “Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual” 2nd edition. – customized for PBSC
Author: Sarikas.                               Publisher: Pearson
First year adopted: 2017-2018 (reauthorized 2020-2021)

BSC2421 – “Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology”, 7th edition.
Author: Wilson & Walker.             Publisher: Cambridge University Press
First year adopted: 2018-2019

EVR1001 (BSC1050 previously) - “Visualizing Environmental Science”, 5th edition.
Authors: Hassenzahl, Hager, Berg.              Publisher: Wiley
First year adopted: 2017-2018 (reauthorized 2020-2021)

MCB2010 – “Microbiology: An Introduction” , 13th edition.
Author: Tortora, Funke & Case.   Publisher: Pearson
First year adopted: 2019-2020

MCB2010L – “Microbiology Laboratory Theory & Application – customized for PBSC”
Author: Leboffe & Pierce.   Publisher: Morton
First year adopted: 2019-2020

Attendance (* indicates absence; ** indicates sabbatical or away on college business)

Last Name         First Name/ Init     Title   Discipline                              Campus      MS

Ammons            Archie W             Dr.     Biology                                 BR           44
Aviles            Hernan               Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
Carrasco          Emilio               Dr,     Biology                                 LW           56
Gharti-Chhetri    Gokarna              Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
Chandramohan      Sankaranarayana      Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
Christensen       Cheryl               Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
Clementz          Mark                 Dr.     Biology/Bio Tech                        PBG          45
Fairbanks         Tod                  Dr.     Biology/ Horticulture                   PBG          45
Filina            Joshua               Prof.   Biology/Env                             BR           44
Gorgevska         Alexandra            Dr.     Bio Tech & Chemistry                    PBG          45
Kachlany          Matthew              Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
King              Nathaniel            Prof.   Biology                                 PBG          45
Liang             Lee                  Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
Miles             Jessica              Dr.     Environmental Science                   PBG          45

*Royer            Steven               Prof.   Biology                                 LW           56
Rudayeva          Yelena               Dr.     Biology                                 LW           56
Stashenko         Vetaley              Dr.     Biology                                 BG           43
**Schmidt         Sung Ji K            Dr.     Biology                                 PBG          45
Volpe             Stefania             Prof.   Biology                                 BR           44
Walker            Candace              Prof.   Biology/Env                             BG           43

Submitted by:

Archie Ammons, Scribe

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