Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream

Page created by Elsie Caldwell
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
Single Touch Payroll
  Small Employers
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
Single Touch Payroll
Progress update
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
Progress update

Employers now reporting
                                        information in
                                                           employees can see their STP

 53K+ substantial employers

     61K+ small employers                              Employee Commencement
                                                        services now deployed

                          Australian Taxation Office
                                Unclassified                                             3
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
Single Touch Payroll
The approach for small employers
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
We co-designed
We consulted with a tax practitioner and industry representative group to explore practical solutions for helping small
and micro employers transition to STP - especially those with little or no digital capability.

The group targeted four needs associated with micro employers (1-4 employees) with low digital capability:

                  Low/no cost reporting solutions                                     Simplified reporting requirements
                     ($10 or less per month)                                                 (limited set of fields)

              Transitional relief by way of deferrals                                Transitional relief by way of quarterly
                       and/or exemptions                                                 reporting until 30 June 2021.
                                                        Australian Taxation Office
                                                              Unclassified                                                     5
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
Simple, low/no cost reporting solutions
The ATO called for expressions of interest from Digital Service Providers to develop appropriate low or
no cost payroll or reporting solutions.

The Criteria:

                  A low or no-cost          A simple user              ‘Minutes’ to     An easily repeatable
                 solution ($10 or less       experience              complete per pay       experience
                 per month for micro                                      event
                    employers 1-4

                   Pain free set up      Easy to access help            Secure online   Solution is provided
                                         (especially at setup)          environment     as an ‘end-to-end’
                                                                                           service to the

                     You can take a look at a product register by visiting
                                                   Australian Taxation Office                                  6
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
What we anticipate from small employers
Engagement with us about how and when an employer will implement STP.

This can be done by either:


          Starting to report now              Asking for more time         Where eligible, opting for
          (before 30 September)           (and then being ready to start    quarterly reporting.
                                                 at a later date)

         Small employers will need to start reporting or engage with us before 30
                                    September 2019.
                                             Australian Taxation Office                                 7
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
The ‘Start reporting now’ group

 This will suit employers who:
  have payroll solutions for their business and/or are
  likely to see the value of getting STP done early
 (minimal disruption and to get it out of the way)

 It’s a mix of ‘early adopters’ and the ‘first to follow’ groups.

  Key characteristics of this group:
     Already use a payroll solution which is STP-enabled now
     Alternatively, have a product which could be upgraded or
     Are comfortable with ‘digital’ or
     Are new to business and want to start out on the right foot.

                                               Australian Taxation Office   8
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
The ‘I need more time’ group
 Will comprise a mix of those who:
  don’t have payroll software
  are at the low end of digital capability or
  meet certain special conditions

 Some may only need a few more months to get things done.

 Alternatively, they may need to overcome some significant obstacles.

 Key characteristics of this group:
    May be willing to use digital reporting, but want to see more results of others before implementing
    May be a timing/mind-space issue within their business
    May have little or no digital capability and will need help in taking the next step.

                                             Australian Taxation Office
                                                   Unclassified                                            9
Single Touch Payroll for Small Employers - Viostream
The ‘Quarterly reporting’ group

  This is generally only available to a:
   micro employer with 1-4 or employees AND
   is likely to struggle with implementing STP

  STP report must be lodged by a registered agent through an STP-enabled solution (not
  ATO portals).

  Key characteristics of this group:
     Micro employers who have little or no digital capability and will rely on a their agent to provide a
      reporting solution in the medium term.

                                              Australian Taxation Office                                     10
ATO messaging in 2019-20
Our messaging in Year 1 of the small business implementation will mainly be about encouraging engagement and
making a start to implement STP.

         Jul-Sep 2019                    Oct-Dec 2019                       Jan-Mar 2020           Apr-Jun 2020

   • Start reporting now          • Prompts to those with            • Prompts to those      • Prompts to those with
   • OR, ask for more               deferrals expiring in              with deferrals          deferrals expiring in
     time (via a deferral           Oct-Dec                            expiring in Jan-Mar     April-June
     request)                     • Firmer messages to               • Firmer messages to    • And to those with
   • OR, opt into quart-            those not engaging                 those not engaging      exemptions expiring
     erly reporting (if                                                or beyond deferral      on 30 June
     eligible)                                                         expiry                • Warning letters re
                                                                                               Failure to Lodge expiry
              All small employers need to either
                                                                                               to those not reporting
            start reporting or engage with the ATO                                             or covered by deferral
                       by 30 September
                                                     Australian Taxation Office                                     11
ATO messaging in 2020-21
Our messaging in Year 2 will shift towards potential application of penalties for those not engaging with the
ATO and preparing those on quarterly reporting for payday reporting.

                               First 6 months                                               Second 6 months
                                   Jul-Dec 2020                                                 Jan-Jun 2021

                    • Support for employers who                                     • Prompts to those on quarterly
                      need special help or assistance                                 reporting (until 2021) to start
                    • Failure to Lodge penalty                                        preparing for payday reporting
                      warning letters                                               • Progressive application of
                    • Progressive application of                                      penalties where warranted
                      penalties where warranted

                                                           All small employers need to be
                                                       reporting each pay day or quarterly by
                                                                      Dec 2020*

                                                                   Australian Taxation Office                           12
*Unless they have approved exceptional circumstances                     Unclassified
Timeline summary

                                                  All small employers need to either           All small employers need to be
                                                start reporting or engage with the ATO      reporting each pay day or quarterly by
                                                          by 30 September *                               Dec 2020*

                         Year 1                                          Year 2                          Year 3
                       2018-19              Small business             2019-20                         2020-21
                                            mandate begins
    Small employer                                           Small employer
    voluntary opt-in                                         reporting grows

                                                               FTL protection                    FTL protection
                                                                  in place                       winds down

                                                             Deferral window,                    Limited exemptions
                                                             including exemptions                continue
                                                               Australian Taxation Office                                     13
*Unless they have approved exceptional circumstances                 Unclassified
Support for registered agents
 In mid-May, we provided all registered agents with a list showing your clients who lodged a Payment
 summary annual report in 2017-18 and their STP status.

 We recommend you use the list to segment your clients into one of the 3 groups –
 1. The ‘start reporting’ now group
 2. The ‘I need more time’ group
 3. The ‘quarterly reporting’ group.

 Where the ATO sees high proportions of deferrals (noting that practices will have different client mixes), we will
 likely contact you to see how we can support you to get some of your clients reporting sooner.

                                                Australian Taxation Office
                                                      Unclassified                                                    14
Practice profiles
Not every agent will be the same and so lodgment profiles will vary by practice and client mix
We also want to see staggering of implementation in advance of deferral dates so that bunching of start
dates does not occur on the last possible day

                         Proportion of clients by lodgment status and practice type
          Example 1:                    Example 2:                              Example 3:                  Example 4:
          Boutique,                   Large, national                            Medium                  Small book-keeper,
     advisory based agent           accounting practice                         BAS agent                  mostly manual

 •   Payroll ready (High)       •   Payroll ready (Significant) •           Payroll ready (Low)      •   Payroll ready (Very low)
 •   More time (Low)            •   More time (Significant)     •           More time (High)         •   More time (Very high)
 •   Qtrly reporters (Very low) •   Qtrly reporters (Low)       •           Qtrly reporters (High)   •   Qtrly reporters (Low)

                              Indicative scale: Low (10-20%), Significant (35-50%), High (60-80%)

                                               Australian Taxation Office                                                15
Registered agent support package – coming soon
In late June, the ATO will release the first version of an integrated ‘Registered agent support
Based on your feedback, we will look to add to and improve v1.0 with further material in the months
that follow.

        Small business pathways –               Small employer readiness                                 Small business
           Decision tree tool                     readiness checklist                                     guide to STP

      Small employer and tax agent        FAQs                   Micro Solutions Register (as   A deferrals guide with links to the
             webinar series          (Small employer                     updated)                        deferral forms

                                             Australian Taxation Office                                                          16
Complimentary supporting materials
We are making these presentation materials available to you.

In addition to what we’ve shared in today’s webcast, the materials will include extra information, slides
and content such as:

     ATO messaging – what we will be saying to whom and when

     Practice profiling

     Links to important resources.

                                            Australian Taxation Office
                                                  Unclassified                                       17
Single Touch Payroll
Quarterly reporting concession
Quarterly reporting – clearing a few things up

 • CAN NOT be lodged on the BAS or                                       • Must have between 1-4 employees
   through ATO portals                                                     on the day of application.
 • Must be lodged through an STP-                                        • If employee numbers increase, the
   enabled solution                                                        concession remains in place until
                                                                           30 June 2021

                                                 Apply before
                                              30 September 2019

  • Available for micro employers who are                                • Agents need to apply by using:
    reliant on their registered agent.                                     online tool for single client requests or
  • Available until 30 June 2021.                                        • Registered agent bulk request form for
  • STP report must be lodged by a                                         multiple clients
                                            Australian Taxation Office
    registered agent                              Unclassified                                                   19
Quarterly reporting for seasonal or intermittent employers

  Seasonal or intermittent employers may have no employees for most of the year and have an
                 increase in their employee numbers due to a seasonal workforce
                               (for example shearing or fruit picking)

 Seasonal employers will be able to report quarterly and then notify us if they have no further
                        requirement to report for the rest of the year.

                    More on information on eligibility and how to apply is coming soon.
                                           Australian Taxation Office
                                                 Unclassified                                20
Single Touch Payroll
Closely held payee concession
Reporting closely held payees
    We will support small employers with closely held payees to transition to STP by:

•   Exemption for closely held payees for                                           •   Quarterly pay event period for closely held
    2019-20 financial year                                                              payees.
•   Closely held payee reporting will need
    to commence 1 July 2020.

                                                 Arms-length employees need to be
                                                    reported each pay day from
                                                           1 July 2019.
•   Extended finalisation due date                                                  •   We hosted topic based webinar closely held
    (the due date of the income tax return for                                          payees
    the closely held payees).                                                       •   To view the recording - > news,
                                                                                        events and resources.
                                                       Australian Taxation Office
                                                             Unclassified                                                   22
Single Touch Payroll
Online deferrals and exemptions
Online deferrals and exemptions – single client requests
 To access the tool:
                Online services for agents – select Business then STP deferrals and exemptions
                Tax or BAS Agent Portal – select Client's employer obligations then STP deferrals and exemptions.

                                                                           •   Most deferral requests will receive a response in real time
                                                                           •   Exemption requests will require evidence to be submitted
                                                                           •   We will contact you/your client if we need more information.
                                                                Australian Taxation Office
Registered agents bulk request form
 If you are a registered tax or BAS agent and you:
 • will not be ready to report or
 • need to submit a deferral request or quarterly reporting concession application on behalf of multiple clients (bulk request) you need to use
     this form - attach the form via a mail message.

                                                  Australian Taxation Office                                                            25
Please note – there’s a 28 day service standard         Unclassified
Available options in the online tool – single client requests

             Transitional deferral                     Need additional time to start STP reporting

                                                       Already reporting in STP – but the employer is unable to report for a period of time due to extenuating
             Operational deferral                      circumstances

                                                       Unable to regularly report every pay day - for example the employer regularly experiences internet
             Recurring                                 connectivity issues which means we might receive the report a couple of days after pay day

                                                       An exemption for reporting for one or more financial years – for example the employer is in an area with
  X          Exemption                                 no internet connectivity

                                                       Already reporting in STP and the employer ceases to have a withholding obligation or might be registered
  X          No requirement to report                  for PAYGW but has no employees for a period of time

 Q           Small business quarterly reporting        This is how to apply for the quarterly reporting concession – available to registered agents only

 Tax Ready
             Finalisation declaration deferral         If an employer needs more time at the end of the financial year to make the finalisation declaration

                                                  Australian Taxation Office
Single Touch Payroll
Getting ready – practical tips
Preparing to lodge
There are a few steps to take as you prepare to start lodging :

                             STP role                                             Cloud based software
                     Make sure you are linked to                                   Notify us of your unique
                    report on your client’s behalf                                   software ID (SSID)

                                     Bulk request forms available:

                                                     Australian Taxation Office                               28
Authority to lodge
If your client engages you to submit their STP report on their behalf you need to have the appropriate
 •   Per submission
 •   Has to be in writing or confirmation/tick-box
 •   Appropriate delegation has to be in place (internal process)
 •   Standing authority will not suffice *unless eligible for STP engagement authority
 •   Validation against Registered Agent Number

 STP Engagement Authority
 If the above is too onerous, one option would be to consider the STP Engagement Authority
 •     You can have an annual agreement with your client
 •     Subject to eligibility criteria
                                                Australian Taxation Office                      29
Single Touch Payroll
Panel discussion
Single Touch Payroll
Tax Time 2019
How will EOFY be different?
If employers normally reconcile at year end, they can still do that
Instead of providing a payment summary and lodging a Payment summary annual report, employers need
to submit a ‘Finalisation Declaration’ through an STP-enabled solution
If you commenced reporting this year, the due date for finalisation is 31 July.

                                            Tax Ready


                                                               Employee can view their
          Employer submits                                    information in ATO Online                                 ATO make information
      finalisation declaration to                                services via myGov                                       available in pre-fill
                the ATO

   Employers will need to provide a payment summary for any payments not reported through Single Touch Payroll i.e. employee share scheme.
                                                               Australian Taxation Office                                                          32
Example – income statement
Tax agents acting on behalf individuals will also have access to the income statement.
Menu path – Client in focus > Lodgments > Client Reports >Pre-generated reports – STP –View income statements

                                                                                                    YearYear to date
                                                                                                         to date
                                                                                            Income statement will display as “Year
                                                                                              to date” during the financial year

                                                                                                     tax ready
                                                                                                         tax ready
                                                                                              Income statement will change to
                                                                                                  “Not tax ready” on 1 July

                                                                              Expand for              Tax ready
                                                                              more detail

                                     Tax ready
                                                                                                Income statement will change to
                                                                                            “Tax ready” once the employer has made
                                                                                                   the finalisation declaration.
                                                 Australian Taxation Office
Amending after finalisation
There may be situations when an employer is required to make an amendment after finalisation.

                                                                                       Tax ready
                00                                      00                                00
 Where the need for an amendment is       After the EOFY, amendments to
                                                                            Employees income statement will be
 identified, the employer has 14 days   employee payroll information must
      to report the amendment.           be reported via an update event.

     If the employee hasn’t lodged      If the employee has lodged their     If the employee has lodged their
             their tax return:           tax return and the amendment         tax return and the amendment
    their income statement will be              results in a refund:         results in additional tax payable:
   updated in ATO Online with new         we will amend the return and         we will contact the employee.
         “Tax ready” information.                issue the refund.

                                          Australian Taxation Office                                              34
Pre-fill reports
Below is a sample of a pre-fill report

                                         Australian Taxation Office   35
Pre-fill reports

                                                                            Unfinalised data
                                                                            won’t be mapped
                                                                             to an ITR label

          INB STP finalised income statement

                                               Australian Taxation Office            36
Tax time 2019 messaging
          Tax                   Employers               Employees              Payroll software                Industry
      Professionals                                                               providers                  Associations


 Email or              ATO              ATO             Newsletters                           Webinars and       myGov inbox
  letter              website          social                                                    video            messages

                                                Australian Taxation Office                                                     37
Single Touch Payroll
Resources and more information
Factsheets are available at – News, events and resources

                                           Australian Taxation Office     39
Where to find out more

      Topic based


                              Speak with          Speak with professional
                             your provider             associations

                     Australian Taxation Office                             40
You can also read