Biogas on the rise A decade of rapid growth in Canada - Change of heart - DMT Clear Gas Solutions

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Biogas on the rise A decade of rapid growth in Canada - Change of heart - DMT Clear Gas Solutions
Volume 12 • Issue 5

                  Biogas on the rise
               A decade of rapid growth in Canada

                   Change of heart
                  Winning over biomass sceptics

                 Regional focus: Canada
Biogas on the rise A decade of rapid growth in Canada - Change of heart - DMT Clear Gas Solutions
contents Bioenergy

         Issue 5 • Volume 12
                                              2      Comment
    September/October 2021

     Woodcote Media Limited
                                              3      News
         Marshall House
       124 Middleton Road,                    16 Plant update
       Surrey SM4 6RW, UK                   18 Biogas
                                                     A new decade of rapid growth for Canadian biogas
          Peter Patterson
     Tel: +44 (0)208 648 7082                 20 Trading                          Industry insight: biomass trading

       Dawn Stephens-Borg                     22 Regional focus
     Tel: +44 (0)208 687 4183                        Canadian election gives bioenergy a chance to shine

              EDITOR                          26 Biogas
            Paul Warner                              Poo power: an exciting co-operative biogas project has entered operation
     Tel: +44 (0)208 687 4126                        in Ontario

      INTERNATIONAL SALES                     28 Wood pellets
            MANAGER                                  Wasted effort: avoiding pellet degradation in production
           George Doyle
     Tel: +44 (0)203 551 5752                  30 Product focus
                                                     Introducing ARMATEC’s Arma Mix HYBRID
          Matt Weidner                        31 Pellets
         +1 610 486 6525                             MÜNCH-Edelstahl and Vecoplan Midwest’s partnership offers pellet
                                                     solutions to the North American market
            Alison Balmer                     32 RNG
      Tel: +44 (0)1673 876143                        Canada’s agricultural and dairy market with DMT Clear Gas Solutions

                                              34 Interview
      £170/$270/€225 for
        6 issues per year.                           In conversation with David Palumbo of EQTEC
        Contact: Lisa Lee
    Tel: +44 (0)20 8687 4160                  36 Membranes
    Fax: +44 (0)20 8687 4130                         UBE manufactures membranes to optimise biogas upgrading into RNG

                                              38 Opinion
                                                     What can the biomass industry do to win over sceptics?

       Follow us on Twitter: @BioenergyInfo   42 Biomass
                                                     Forest sector helps British Columbia take action on climate change
       Join the discussion on the
       Bioenergy Insight LinkedIn page
                                              44 Agitators
   No part of this publication may
       be reproduced or stored                       How SAVECO’s agitators helped a residual material recycling centre in
   in any form by any mechanical,                    Northern Germany improve its energy efficiency
      electronic, photocopying,
 recording or other means without
  the prior written consent of the
                                              46 Accident investigation
 publisher. Whilst the information                   First-person sleuthing – destroyed gas holder roof
                                                                                                                                                                        SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

  and articles in Bioenergy Insight                                                                                                                                     Volume 12 • Issue 5

   are published in good faith and
                                                                                                                                                                                          Biogas on the rise
    every effort is made to check                                                                                                                                                      A decade of rapid growth in Canada

   accuracy, readers should verify                                                                                                                                                         Change of heart
                                                                                                                                                                                          Winning over biomass sceptics

  facts and statements direct with
  official sources before acting on
 them as the publisher can accept
  no responsibility in this respect.
    Any opinions expressed in this
 magazine should not be construed
      as those of the publisher.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Regional focus: Canada
                                              Bioenergy Insight (ISSN No: 2046-2476, USPS No: 756) is published six times a year by Woodcote Media Ltd, and
            ISSN 2046-2476                    distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft PA. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA
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Bioenergy Insight                                                                                                                                      September/October 2021 • 1
Biogas on the rise A decade of rapid growth in Canada - Change of heart - DMT Clear Gas Solutions
Bioenergy RNG

Industry insight with DMT Clear Gas Solutions

Canada’s agricultural
and dairy market
          oday’s Canadian
          biogas and renewable
          natural gas (RNG)
          market holds much
          promise. Since 2010,
Canada has accumulated
12 RNG projects with 16%
of the total biogas and RNG
projects using agricultural
feedstock1. With the country
only tapping into 13% of its
biogas potential, by far the
biggest growth opportunity
is in the agricultural sector,
where crop residues and
animal manure make up two-
thirds of the country’s easily
available biogas resources.

Growth in the dairy RNG industry
                                   With more than 150 biogas and RNG systems worldwide, DMT understands Canada’s potential and will continue to
                                   develop its RNG market
As a major technology supplier
for Canada, DMT has been              A standardised approach                 Canada? For one, most of the                the use of clean technologies
actively developing the            immediately benefited                      anaerobic digesters thus far                and fuels, and create jobs
agricultural RNG market for        DMT’s presence in the dairy                are on mid-size dairy farms                 in a diversified economy.
some time now. This past           RNG industry both in the                   (approximately 250 milking                  It will do so by obligating
summer, DMT replaced a water       US and Canada, because                     cows) that co-digest dairy                  liquid fuel suppliers to
wash system with its membrane      it offers versatility and                  manure with off-farm organic                reduce the amount of carbon
separation technology for          wide application to dairy                  waste. With the average                     created in the production
a mid-size dairy farmer in         farms, regardless of size.                 Canadian dairy farm holding                 of their fuels. Thus, these
British Columbia (BC) that         For dairy farmers or project               89 milking cows, limited                    regulations will provide an
wanted to focus more on            developers, this model is a                farm size makes it difficult                incentive to develop RNG
farming and less on operating      huge incentive as one can                  for these projects to achieve               projects that would otherwise
a RNG facility. Later this year,   be online quicker, selling                 feasibility for RNG production2.            struggle to compete in
DMT will complete another          RNG sooner, and generating                 Additionally, other factors                 today’s energy markets.
biogas upgrading system for a      immediate revenue. For                     known very well in the biogas               According to Environment
large dairy farm in Ontario.       example, the BC dairy                      industry to hold back RNG                   and Climate Change Canada’s
  So how does a country with       farmer was able to complete                projects in general, such as                estimates, the liquid-class
only 12 RNG projects suddenly      installation, commissioning,               distance to the natural gas                 CFS will reduce greenhouse
get two RNG projects within        and start-up, using only DMT               pipeline, feedstock ratio,                  gas emissions by more than
a year? Essentially, the           remote support, with this                  and price of RNG, have                      20 million tons in 2030 —
groundwork was already laid.       ‘plug and play’ model. This                also affected the market’s                  equivalent to taking 5 million
By working on projects in the      was not initially planned                  potential — but not for long.               cars off the road each year3.
US, DMT reduced lead times,        but proved effective to                      The RNG industry eagerly                     Furthermore, Canada’s
perfecting a standardised,         maintain project timelines                 awaits the finalisation of                  Minister of Agriculture and
pre-engineered model.              during the pandemic.                       Canada’s Clean Fuels Standard               Agri-Food announced in March
Additionally, the development                                                 (CFS) later this year. Coming               funding of up to $116,800
of its extensive network of        Canada’s potential                         into regulatory effect in                   (€78,400) for the Canadian
local vendors and partners in                                                 December 2022, the goal                     Biogas Association (CBA)
the last six years has improved    What’s held back the                       of the CFS programme is to                  to accelerate sustainable
project execution overall.         agricultural biogas sector in              reduce emissions, accelerate                agricultural development4. If

xx • September/October 2021                                                                                                             Bioenergy Insight
RNG Bioenergy
                                                                                                                           probability of producing RNG
                                                                                                                           in a financially viable way5.
                                                                                                                           DMT has installed several
                                                                                                                           dairy RNG facilities in the US
                                                                                                                           using this cluster model. l

                                                                                                                           1. Canadian Biogas Association.
                                                                                                                              Canadian 2020 Biogas Market
                                                                                                                              Report. April 2021
                                                                                                                           2. Dairy Farmers of Canada. “How
                                                                                                                              many cows are on Canadian dairy
                                                                                                                              farms-sizes. January 2019
                                                                                                                           3. “What is the clean fuel standard?.”
A mid-size dairy farm in British Columbia replaces a water wash system with DMT’s Carborex® MS, a membrane separation         fuel-regulations/clean-fuel-
system, to extract CO2 from the methane (CH4) stream                                                                          standard/about.html. July 2021
                                                                                                                           4. Global Ag Media. “Canada green-
                                                                                                                              lights new resources for farmers
Canadian policy mimics the                  effect, Canada will continue                In a cluster, multiple farms          who want to discover biogas.”
US Renewable Fuel Standard,                 to rely on a combination of                 contribute feedstock to a   
dairy farms will offer low                  exporting RNG to the US and                 centralised anaerobic digester        for-farmers-who-want-to-
carbon intensity scores and                 utility incentive programmes.               facility. A study conducted           discover-biogas. March 2021
increased RNG prices. These                    Regarding small-scale                    by the CBA found a high RNG        5. Canadian Biogas Association.
                                                                                                                              “Agricultural Renewable
revenue opportunities create                dairy farming, a model to                   price, 50-50 feedstock of             Natural Gas (RNG) Resource
a strong business case and                  overcome the scale-related                  manure and off-farm organics,         Clustering Study.” April 2021
incentivise all projects, small             economic barriers that                      or an average cluster of
                                                                                                                          For more information:
or large in scale. But until                project developers encounter                four dairy farms spark            Visit:
the new regulations take                    is the adoption of clusters.                farm clusters with a high         Author: Missy Lee, Marketing Manager

Bioenergy Insight                                                                                                       September/October 2021 • xx
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