Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies

Page created by Rodney Hubbard
Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
International Conference on

Zoology and Microbiology
                                                            September 18-19, 2017 Toronto, Canada

                                                                                      Applied Zoology 2017

Theme: “Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology”
Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
Dear Colleagues,
 Allied Academies welcomes you to attend International Conference on Applied Zoology during September 18-19, 2017 at
Toronto, Canada with the theme “Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology” This international
meet (Zoology and Microbiology 2017) anticipates hundreds of delegates including keynote speakers, Oral presentations by
renowned speakers and poster presentations by students besides delegates around the world. This conference perhaps a giant
event that creates an ideal platform to share expertise addressing current technologies involved in Zoology and Microbiology.
People from around the world are looking forward to build an balanced natural world and they are doing well with their research
on different kind of species, microbes and how they evolved and diversified among the world and some of them were extinct
and some of them are ready to extinct, which makes researchers to think and take care of world animals and the research
on microbes. So we take an initiation to collaborate with different societies, gather zoologists, Microbiologist, entomologists,
researchers, conservation scientists, microbial scientists from around the world at a single stage to discuss on the diversity of
species, microbial evolution and it’s relation with surrounding environment and also makes a strategy to create safe world.

Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
Market Analysis
 This statistic represents the revenue of Animal Industries in Canada Between 2009-2016.The International Federation for Animal
Health in 2011 conducted a benchmarking survey on the Canadian Animal Health Industry. Canadian animal market shares
approximately 3% of the global market. According to the 2009 market report on animal health product, globally the sale is 18.6
billion whereas the Canada sales were over $540 million. Interestingly, North America sales were 6.1 billion.

 In 2016, the Industrial Statistics of the Canadian Animals revenue market is $2 billion. Animal Science Industry of Marine Harvest
Revenue is $4 billion with an annual growth of 3.5% from 2011, more than 90.0% of establishments in the industry of Canada are
sea fisheries.

 International Trade Value of World retail fur sales is totally $35.8 billion in 2013, of this the fur exports contributed $467 million
to Canadian. International trade exports of pelts and fur apparel exceeds $816 million in 2013. Canadian fur trade contributes
nearly $1 billion to the Canadian economy annually. According to Fur Institute of Canada, Annual income value in pelt scales of
Canadian trappers and fur farm owners earn more than $320 million. Canadian most important fur markets are USA, China, Hong
Kong, Europe (Italy, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Greece).

  Global Animal Health Care Market was valued at USD 27.8bilion in 2013 and is predicted to reach USD 41.9 billion by 2019.
It is predicted to expand at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 7.10% from 2014-2019.The Global Animal Genetics Market Is
Projected to Reach USD 5.50 Billion by 2021, at a Growth Rate of 8.4% from 2016 to 2021.The global veterinary vaccines market
is poised to reach USD 7.68 Billion by 2021 from USD 5.81 Billion in 2016, at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2016 to 2021.The veterinary
diagnostics market witnessed healthy growth during the last decade and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.6% between 2016
and 2021 to reach 6.71 Billion by 2021.

 North America is the largest regional segment for veterinary diagnostics owing to the well-established animal healthcare market

Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
Market Analysis
 Market Report of Canadian Import of Dairy Products 2015:   Market Report of Canadian Export of Dairy Products 2015:

 Top 10 honey-exporting countries, 2014:                    Top 10 honey-importing countries, 2014:

Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
Conference Sessions
All honorable authors, researchers, scientists and students are encouraged to contribute and help the shape of the conference through submissions
of their posters & research abstracts. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished of conceptual, research oriented,
experimental or theoretical work in all areas of Applied Zoology are warmly invited for presentations at the conference. The conference memorial
contributions of abstracts and posters that address themes & future aspects of the conference related sessions.
Animal Conservation                                Soil Zoology                                       Animal Biotechnology
Veterinary Microbiology                            Comparative Zoology                                Environmental Microbiology
Cell Biology                                       Entomology                                         Medical Microbiology
Molecular Biology                                  Aqua Gamete                                        Applied Microbial Techniques
Biodiversity                                       Advanced Instruments and Techniques in Zoology
Animal Science                                     and Microbiology
Evolutionary Developmental Biology                 Regeneration in Zoology

 Youth Forum
Young Researchers can also participate in this elite conference

Young Investigators (e.g. Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral fellows, Trainees, Junior faculty) are the focus of this event.
Participants should be below the age of 33 years.
Opportunity for young researchers to learn about the research areas of their peers to increase their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers

The forum will provide an opportunity for collegial interaction with other speakers and established celebrative across the globe.
Young Researcher Award will be given to the best presentation by the organizing committee member.

Speaker’s PPT
You may submit your presentation to any of our onsite organizers on the day of your talk. If your presentation is not compatible with our laptops, then
you may also use your own laptop.

Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
Program at glance
Day 1 / September 18, 2017                                                                  Day 2/ September 19, 2017
                             Time                             Session                                     Time                             Session
Evening		 Morning

                      08:00 - 09:00       Registration /Reception                                 Time                 Session
                      09:00 - 09:15       Inaugural Address                                       09:00 - 10:00        Keynote/P lenary Talk no: 2
                      09:15 - 10:45       Keynote/Plenary Talk no: 1                              10:00 - 10:15        Coffee/Tea Break
                      10:45 - 10:50       Group Photo                                             10:15 - 13:00        Sessions
                      10:50 - 11.00       Coffee/Tea Break                                        13:00 - 13:30        Lunch Break
                      11:00 - 13:00       Sessions                                                13:30 - 15:30        Sessions
                      13:00 - 13:30       Lunch Break                                             15:30 - 15:45        Coffee/Tea Break
                      13:30 - 15:30       Sessions                                                15:45 - 17:30        Sessions
                      15:30 - 15:45       Coffee/Tea Break
                      15:45 - 17:30       Sessions

  Unique Features of Zoology and Microbiology 2017
  •                 The Career Guidance Workshops to the Graduates, Doctorates and Post-Doctoral Fellows
  •                 Accepted Abstracts will be published in the respective journals and will be labelled with a Digital Object
                    Identification Number (DOI) provided by Cross Ref (Free abstract publishing).
  •                 Lifetime Speaker and Abstract pages created and indexed in Google on your name, would get worldwide
                    acknowledgment to your profile and Research.
  •                 Group of attendees from the same lab/institute/university (or) anyone who wish to attend the conference
                    will be eligible for discounts.
  •                 For Students Best Poster and Young Researcher Award.

Zoology and Microbiology - Theme: "Explore and Exploit the Novel Techniques in Zoology and Microbiology" - Allied Academies
  Toronto, located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, is the largest of Canada’s
sparkling urban centres. It is the capital of Ontario and the country’s largest city,
is home to an energetic mix of tourist attractions, from museums and galleries
to the world famous CN Tower and, just off shore, Toronto Islands. It is the main
hub of the nations, financial, industrial, commercial and cultural life. It also offers a
sparkling Entertainment District, having a dynamic and the latest musicals and other
performing arts. Toronto has a great attraction for Zoo and is home for over 5,000
animals representing over 460 distinct species.
  Toronto is Canada’s financial and business capital and is rated as one of the top four
global cities with economic reports (Cities of Opportunities Report, PwC, 2014), and
has topped the North American Cities of the future foreign direct investment behind
only New York, Toronto is a divergent, sparkling, diverse, rising city that provides the
ideal business platform for companies looking for a competitive edge. Shopping sites
in Toronto includes the, Queen West, the Entertainment District, the Financial District,
Yorkville neighbourhood and the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood, Harbour front.
The Eaton Centre is Toronto’s most popular tourist attraction with over 52 million
                                                                                                                                       Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport
visitors annually.                                                                                                                        970 Dixon Road, Rexdale Toronto,
                                                                                                                                            ON M9W 1J9, Toronto, Canada

                                                                                  Mail us to know more!
                                         For Abstract Submission Guidelines | For Reserving your slot | Proposals | Registration | Posters | Accommodations
                                                                                No doubt you have lots of queries...
                                                                                      Why not get in touch..!
                                                                  Drop us your query with details and we will call you right away

                       For Queries                                         For Exhibition & Sponsorship
             Contact: Program Coordinator                                        Contact: Manager                                                                      Hosted by
    Email: zoologyconference@alliedconferences.org               Email: zoologyconference@alliedconferences.org                                                  Allied Academies Ltd
         zoologyconference@alliedconferences.com                                                                                                                 40 Bloomsbury Way
                                                                                                                                                                 Lower Ground Floor
               Office Ph: +1 828-214-3944                                   Office Ph: +1 828-214-3944
                                                                                                                                                               London United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                              WC1A, Ph: 1-800-858-2189
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