Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

Page created by Eva Smith
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Bellevue School District                      BELLEVUE SCHOOL DISTRICT
                                              Fall Planning 2020
School Start Family Forum
August 26, 2020

Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
                                                RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

• Your school day           • Activities and Athletics

• Childcare                 • Student Support

• Early Learning            • Logistics
                               - Nutrition
• Advanced Learning            - Technology
                               - COVID-19
                               - Where to go for help
• Special Education

• Multi-Language Learners
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Elementary Schedule – Remote and Virtual
                             RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
SAMPLE Secondary Schedule – Remote and Virtual
                                                               RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

                                    *Period 8 provides time for students, educators, parents to participate in
                                    training and/or efforts related to topics such as:
                                    ❖ Equity                                ❖   Mental health strategies
                                    ❖ Technology and use of platforms       ❖   Assessment
    Green shaded   = Synchronous
                                    ❖ Social emotional learning             ❖   Community building
    Peach shaded   = Asynchronous                                           ❖   And more!
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

      Temporary Remote                                    Hybrid
✓ Monitor health guidelines regularly   ✓ Combination of remote and in-person
                                        ✓ Some students attend in-person daily
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
                                                    RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

• Elementary: Attendance will be taken daily by classroom and recorded in
• Secondary: Attendance will be taken daily by period and recorded in Synergy
• For reporting of absences during September, our focus will be on connecting
  and engaging with families to ensure student participation
• Beginning October 5, our current practice of reporting absences to families
  and excusing absences for valid reason will resume.
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Grading and Assessment
                                                                    RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

What’s Familiar                                    What’s New

Elementary:                                        • Classroom assessment will be aligned to
• Progress reports twice per year                    learning standards
• Grades reported using a 1-4 scale                • Students will be provided with multiple
• Comments provided                                  opportunities to demonstrate learning
• Parent conferences in October                    • Students will be able to re-take and/or re-
                                                     do summative assessments
Secondary:                                         • Late work used to assess student learning will
• Progress reports quarterly                         be fully recognized to demonstrate proficiency
• Grades reporting using A-F letter designations
• Comments provided
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Grading and Assessment
                                                                       RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

What’s Familiar                                       What’s New
                                                      A shift to proficiency-based grading based on learning
Policy 2420: Grading and Progress Reporting           standards. An Advisory Team will be formed to
                                                      support the implementation of a grading system that
Procedure 2420P: Grading and Progress Reporting       results in grades that are:

Best Practices in Assessment, Grading and Reporting       • mathematically accurate,
2420P-Exhibit A                                           • resistant to bias, and;
                                                          • motivational for students

                                                      A plan will be developed by May 2021 with
                                                      implementation beginning in September 2021
Bellevue School District School Start Family Forum - August 26, 2020 - RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
                                                                                                  RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

             1                                     2                         3
Spots will be prioritized for    Space will be limited to 600   Bellevue School District staff
children of essential workers.   spots kindergarten through     will support your child in
Examples include healthcare      5th grade students at three    accessing their online
workers, first responders and    locations:                     learning environment with
educators.                       •Ea s tgate                    their teacher at assigned class
                                 •Pha ntom La ke                times.
Kindergarten and Early Learners
                                                           RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

• Kindergarten teachers are reaching out to families
  to schedule Family Connection Meetings which will
  occur on September 3rd, 4th, or 8th.

• These one-on-one family connection meetings will
  give families and teachers a chance to get to know
  each other and connect about individual student
  and family needs.

• Teachers will give more detailed information about
  their schedules, discuss flexibility, and expectations
  for online learning.
Advanced Learning

                    Eligibility will occur

                    Services will be provided
Special Education
                                                 RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

Family Forum Focused on Students Receiving Support through an IEP or 504 Plan
Elementary Specialists
                               RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

                    • Elementary students will participate
                      in live specialist time in the morning
                      and small group and/or asynchronous
                      time with specialists in the afternoon.
                    • Time will be scheduled in 20-minute
                    • Specialists include art, music, physical
                      education, library and band/orchestra
                      (5th grade)
School Supplies
                           RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

                  • Schools are working with their
                    community to get necessary
                    materials such as novels,
                    workbooks, instruments, etc. to
                  • Schools will not charge for essential
                    school supplies but may have some
                    basic supply lists.
                  • Look for communication from your
                    student’s school regarding plans for
                    supply distribution and needs.
Dual Language and Language Immersion
                                              RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

• Priority: Offer BOTH Virtual and
  Hybrid/Temporary Remote Options in
  Spanish and Mandarin
• Challenge: Staff both Virtual and Hybrid
  when we get to Hybrid (with K-2 full-
  time at 1:16).
• Proposal: Hybrid A/B Schedule for
  grades K-5 at Jing Mei and Puesta del Sol
  (family feedback welcomed)
Multi-Language Learners (MLL)
                                                                            RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
Students Receiving English Language Services:
• Multi-Language Learner Facilitators will provide on-line co-teaching, small
  group and 1:1 support.
• Science content videos using the science kits have been created to help support
  high impact language strategies.
• Culturally responsive books and National Geographic supplemental content
  have been purchased for secondary students with a focus on oral language
  development and to affirm racial and linguistic identity.
• Professional development provided to teachers at all levels on oral language,
  writing, and formative assessment during remote learning.
Family Engagement:
• Two virtual MLL parent events for elementary and secondary families are
  planned for this fall. Families will receive information within the next two
• Family connection, support, and engagement will be ongoing throughout the
• English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) is underway and will continue
  through September for new incoming MLL students. The ELPA is provided in-
  person following the CDC guidelines of health and safety.
Lab Courses                                            RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

Music Courses:
   • Focus on music literacy and fundamentals as well as developing students’ skills
     at using music technology platforms.
   • Singing or playing wind instruments will continue only in the remote segments
     of the hybrid model until deemed feasible by health officials.
   • Some classes such as orchestra and guitar will be able to play in class with
     physical distancing when we return in person.
Career and Technical Education Courses:
   • Several technologies to support learning in a remote environment (virtual labs,
     robotics kits, new software, etc.)
   • Online study modules provided for industry certification.
Science Courses:
   • Simulations and computer modeling connected with the curricula.
   • Optional activities for students to do at home or in their local environment.
   • Interactive video platform for science labs. Students will be able to take
     measurements, create data tables, do multiple trials, interpret data and draw
Activities and Athletics
                                                         RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

Find Updated Information on the
BSD Athletics and Activities Department

➢ Go to
➢ Go to Departments along the top of the screen
➢ Choose Athletics and Activities

                 information is
               available on school
Counselor Support
                            RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

                Email the
                                 If unable to connect
                                 with the counselor,
                                   e-mail a building
Counselor Support
                                                                    RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

Find Resources on the
BSD Counseling Program Website
           ➢ Go to
           ➢ Go to Services
                                                   Urgent concern
              along the top of
                                                     about your
              the screen                                                           Call 911
           ➢ Choose Counseling
                                                   mental health,
                                                    safety and/or

Additional info is available on school websites.
Student Support
                              RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

        Realigning Resources in
         Support of Students
                                                    RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

                                                    Meals2Go Locations & Times
                                                    •   Enatai Elementary 3:30-4:30 pm
                                                    •   Highland Middle School 4:30-5:30 pm
                                                    •   Newport Heights Elementary 3:30-4:30 pm
                                                    •   Odle Middle School 4:30-5:30 pm
                                                    •   Sammamish High School 4:00-5:00 pm
                                                    •   Tillicum Middle School 3:30-4:30 pm
                                                    •   Tyee Middle School 4:00-5:00 pm

Meals accessed through the Meals2Go program will be charged to a student’s
school meal account based on the child’s eligibility for free, reduced-price or paid
meals ( just like the traditional school year). Due to a change in federal regulations,
Nutrition Services is no longer able to continue the practice of offering free meals to
any child.
                                                        RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

Get Help with Technology
Online                                              In-Person at Tech Centers
                                                    (starting August 31)
•   Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
                                                    •   Monday, Wednesday,
•   Parents email                 Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
•   Students email           •   Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
                                                         Tech Center at Sammamish High School
Phone                                                    100 140th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98005
•   Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.        Tech Center at Newport High School
•   Parents and students call (425) 456-4321             4333 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006
                         RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

                     • Testing
                     • Return to School after
                       Positive Results
                     • Training
When will we transition to in-person?
                                                      RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

        High Risk > 75 cases/100K/14 days
        Education: Strongly recommend distance learning with limited in-person learning in small groups or
        cohorts of students
        Extracurricular: Strongly recommend canceling or postponing all in-person extra-curricular activities

        Medium Risk 25-75 cases/100K/14 days
        Education: Recommend distance learning with expanding in-person learning to elementary students.
        Over time add hybrid in-person for middle and high school students.
        Extracurricular: Strongly recommend canceling or postponing all in-person extra-curricular activities

        Low Risk
                                                         RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER
How can we help                     Who to call                      Contact Info
Technology Questions and Concerns   Tech Support                     Phone: (425)456-4321
Basic Needs                         Family Connection Centers        Sammamish HS: (253)263-9016
                                    (English and Spanish)            Lake Hills Elem.: (425)389-7545
                                                                     Stevenson Elem: (425)456-6005
                                    Essential Resources              (425)456-4470
                                    (English, Spanish and Chinese)
Mental Health Services              Counseling Hotline               (425)456-4445
Meals2Go                            Nutrition Services               (425)456-4507
General Information                                                  (425)456-4000
                                                                     Let’s Talk Button
                                                               RISING TO THE CHALLENGE TOGETHER

We recommend first talking with                                            Board of Directors
teachers/staff members close to the
concern to promote direct, open and                            Superintendent
respectful conversations so problems
and concerns can be worked out                   Deputy Superintendent
                              Executive Director of Schools

                     Asst. Principal/Principal
                                                                    Start closest to the situation with the person who
        Teacher/Staff Member                                        most likely has the most information. If additional
                                                                    people are needed to reach a resolution, then move
                                                                    up the chain of communication.
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