YEARBOOK 2021-2022


                 Affiliated with:

       District VI Retired Teachers Association
       Texas Retired Teachers Association
       National Retired Teachers Association

            TRTA Membership Goal
            100,000 + for 2021-2022

                   P.O. Box 6693
              Bryan, Texas 77805-6693

We dedicate this yearbook to our founders who organized the Bryan Retired Teachers
Association on September 17, 1971. We also wish to memorialize those dedicated deceased
members who entered larger life this past year.

                                        OUR CREED

To meet each day with faith and courage, knowing that God will be with us every step of the

To see only the good in our fellow man, allowing no thought or deed of ours to disturb or take
away from the peace of mind of other persons.

To always remember that we are channels through which God’s goodness may be fulfilled, and
to strive to be worthy of this privilege.

                 OUR HISTORY

Sixteen retired teachers met on September 17,
1971 in the Medallion Room of the Bryan Utilities
Building to organize the Bryan—College Station
Retired Teachers Association. L.C. McDonald,
president of the Texas Retired Teachers
Association, and Willie Mae McLemore,
southeast area director of the National Retired
Teachers Association assisted in the
organizational meeting.

Our name was changed to Brazos County Retired School Personnel on February 14, 1990.

District VI hosted the TRTA State Convention at the College Station Hilton Hotel and
Conference Center on April 29, 30 and May 1, 1993. BCRSP played a major role in this event.

                                      PAST PRESIDENTS

Elizabeth Weitzell     1971-1974          ************   Dina Richmond          1995-1999
Carrie Childers        Part of 1974       ************   Myron Koehler          1999-2000
Fannie Taylor          1974-1975          ************   Lloyd Thomas           2000-2001
Lila Lane              1975-1977          ************   Linda Coats            2001-2003
Marie Pearson          1977-1979          ************   Mary Sue Ribardo       2003-2007
Ollie Little           1979-1983          ************   James Warner           2009-2011
Frances Lloyd          1983-1985          ************   Dixie Tracy            2011-2013

Lillie Mae Firkin       1985-1987        ************   James Warner         2013-2015
Myron Loehler           1987-1991        ************   Carolyn Taylor       2015-2018
A.R. Denny              1991-1993        ************   Mildred David        2018-2020
Mildred Thomas          1993-1995        ************

                              SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS

       2001-2002: James Irick (Bryan); Moriah Hronek (A&M Consolidated)
       2002-2003: LaToya Portis (Bryan); Christina Molino (A&M Consolidated)
       2003-2004: Cory Davis (Bryan) ; Stephanie Pitcock (A&M Consolidated)
       2004-2005: Kristen DiLeo (Bryan); Lauren Othold (A&M Consolidated)
       2005-2006: Angelica Lara (Bryan); Lindsey Burns (A&M Consolidated)
       2006-2007: Nelda Median (Bryan); Breanna Robideaux (A&M Consolidated)
       2007-2008: Terra Hausenfluck (Bryan); Kate Gougler (A&M Consolidated)
       2008-2009: Ashley Payne (Bryan); Chrystal Rogers (A&M Consolidated)
       2009-2010: Asya Hill (Bryan); Matt Wilkins (A&M Consolidated)
       2010-2011: April Amaya (Rudder); Jasmine Richardson (A&M Consolidated)
       2011-2012: Kimberly Cessna (A&M Consolidated); Breena Thompson (Bryan HS)
       2012-2013: Jamarcus Ransom (A&M Consolidated); Jessica Barnes (Rudder HS)
       2013-2014: Hillary House (A&M Consolidated); Selena Juarez (Bryan Collegiate)
       2014-2015: Hogan Daughters (College Station HS); Melanie B. Savala (Rudder HS)
       2015-2016: Leah Lewis (College Station HS); Austin Miller (Rudder HS)
       2016-2017: Aubry Wynn (College Station HS); Alejandra Reyes-Salinas (Bryan HS)
       2017-2018: Gemma Vasquez (College Station HS); Rachel Pratt (Bryan HS)
       2018-2019: Allyson Fisher (A&M Consolidated); Brittany Landeros (Bryan HS)
       2019-2020: Jay Aleman (College Station HS)
       2020-2021: Chris Taush (College Station HS), Kaitlyn Pledger (Bryan HS),
                  Leslie Moreno (Bryan Collegiate HS), Patrick Slafko (A&M Consolidated HS)


                                 Our BCRSP stayed on course during
                                 the past year with the help of you!
                                 Despite lots of obstacles we stayed
                                 on the TRTA Express and are ready
                                 to start a new year with joy and hope.
                                 All local units faced the same
                                 challenges as we have, but our
                                 District President, Beth Ricciardi,
                                 has been a
leader holding us together and keeping us on
the TRTA tracks. Our local BCRSP still amazes
me with the number of members who always
respond to our needs with a smile and “I’ll do
that!” response.

How wonderful it will be to meet again and
enjoy each other’s company! We realize there
are necessary measures to follow to stay safe,
but we can do that and still meet, conduct
business, and have fun. Many of you
participated this year through ZOOM meetings,
but for some that might have been out of your
comfort zone. Let me tell you that it’s very
simple and casual from the comfort of your
home. Let’s hope our year does not require that
because we are so ready to get back to the Hilton
and enjoy good food, fun, fellowship, and excellent programs.

We look forward to continuing our support of our organization, our
goals, and our community. It has been my pleasure and joy to serve
you. I pray that I will be the only BCRSP President to refer to her term
as the “The Covid Term.” We have proven that we can survive anything
together because of our hearts and minds keeping our spirit alive.

Blessings to you,

Sheila Fields
BCRSP President 2021-2022

1. Recruit, retain, and renew membership for

2. Provide meaningful meetings that educate, enlighten, and
   entertain members.

3. Keep members informed of the Legislative process
  affecting retirees and current educators including TRS
  Care, WEP, GPO, and TRS Defined Benefits.

4. Encourage members to continue supporting Brazos Food
   Bank, Scholarships, Texas Retired Teachers Foundation,
   and Children’s Book Project.

5. Encourage high levels of BCRSP community volunteerism.

6. Maintain an open line of communication with members
   through emails, phone calls, newsletters, and Zoom online
   meetings when necessary.

                  Help Us Reach These Goals!


                              2021-2022 Officers
President                                Sheila Fields
Immediate Past President                 Mildred Davis
1st Vice-President - Membership          Frances Maloney
2nd Vice-President – Public Relations    Betty Lou Allison
Treasurer                                Suzanne Phelps
Secretary                                Betty Rabe
Parliamentarian                          Claire Lillie
Historian                                Mary (Kitty) Biehn
Chaplain                                 Sue Williams

                        2021-2022 Committee Chairs

Legislative                             James Warner
Info and Protective Services            Linda Warner
Community Volunteer Services            Patsy Bolch
Retirement Education                    Shirley Jones
Health Care                             Shirley Eaton/Carolyn Taylor
Member Benefits                         Carolyn Taylor
TRTF Representative                     Mary Sue Ribardo
Technology                              Sharon Ogden
Greeters                                Charles Whitley, Carolyn Taylor
Reservations/Name Tags                  Mary Ann Gaylord
Phone/Email                             Dale Schafer
Scholarships                            Sheila Fields
Children’s Book Project                 Carolyn Parson
Yearbook                                Sharon Ogden, Sheila Fields
Newsletter                              Sharon Ogden, Sheila Fields
Door Prizes                             LaVerne Young-Hawkins


September 22   “Welcome Back to the BCRSP Family”
                   Celebrate our reunion and enjoy entertainment by
                        “The Piano Man”
                   Michael Rugh, Texas A&M PhD ED student

October 20     “Traveling Texas With Rusty Surrett”
               and a TRTA Foundation Update”
                   Rusty Surrett, KTBX News 3 Anchorman
                   Mary Sue Ribardo, BCRSP/TRTF Chair

November 17    “Life In WWII POW Camp Hearne”
                   Melissa Freeman, Program Director at Camp Hearne

December 15    “Celebrate Giving”
                   Enjoy Christmas music while we dine. Members are
                   asked to bring hygiene items to be shared with a
                   group in need.

January 19     “Finders/Keepers!!”
                   Geocaching in Bryan/College Station

February 23    “Living, Laughing and Loving Life”
                   Entertainment and sharing by
                   M.A. Sterling, Managing Artistic Director
                   Brazos Valley TROUPE

March 23                   “Did You Know THAT About Texas History?”
                                 Jonathan Failor, Superintendent
                                 Republic of Texas Complex
                                 Washington on the Brazos

April 27                   “Coming Up Roses!”
                                 Joseph Johnson, Gardens’ Manager
                                 Texas A&M Leach Teaching Gardens

May 25                     “Presenting Our Shining Scholarship Recipients”
                                 Recipients, Parents and Superintendents from
                                 Bryan/College Station High Schools

                             Other BCRSP/TRTA Events:

October 6    District VI Fall Convention              May 5        District VI Spring
             Huntsville, Texas                                     Leadership Training
                                                                   Huntsville, Texas
April 11-13 TRTA State Conference
            Austin, Texas

                                              MEETING SCHEDULE

Meeting dates: Meetings are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
However, to conform to venue and holiday schedules in October, November, December,
and January meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of these four months.
Meetings are held at the Hilton College Station & Conference Center, 801 University Drive East,
College Station. Please note the meeting dates on the Programs and Events above.

General format: We will gather for our social time at 11:15. A two-sided buffet will begin at
11:30. A program and short business meeting follows the meal. We encourage more socializing
after the meeting.

Dues: Annual dues are $50.00. (State - $35, Local - $15) Dues are for active and associate
members. Dues may be mailed to: BCRSP, P. O. Box 6693, Bryan, TX 77805.

National dues are @12.50 and are paid directly to: AARP/NRTA Division, 3200 E. Carson St., Lakewood, CA
90712. (Optional to join NRTA.) The local year is from July 1 to June 30th. Dues are payable beginning in the
spring for the coming year.

                                                         THIS IS IMPORTANT!
                                                       LUNCHEON RESERVATIONS

                                      Reservations: Members should *RSVP*
for lunch reservations by 8:30 p.m. the Sunday evening *before* the scheduled
meeting. To do this, email Mary Ann Gaylord at rgrayann@aol.com.
It is very important that we have an accurate count for the luncheon. We ask that
you honor your reservation. *Please* help us with this. A reservation email will
be sent to all members prior to each monthly meeting.

Guests: Previous members cannot attend meetings as guests. They must rejoin
TRTA/BCRSP to attend meetings. Prospective members attending a meeting shall
have guest status for one month only, then they must join TRTA/BCRSP as an
active or associate member to continue attending meetings.


     Membership dues (275 X $15)                                  $4125
     Miscellaneous (yearbook sponsors)                               400
     TRTA incentive - possible                                       200
     District VI rebates - possible                                  200
                                                  TOTAL           $4925

     Printing/copies                                              $ 800
     Guest meals (20 X $20)                                          400
     Delegate expenses at convention                               2000
     Postage, including mailbox                                      250
     Memorials to scholarship fund @ $25                             300
     Door prizes (5 per meeting for 9 months X $5)                   450
     District VI meetings, including door prizes                     200
     Committees (per chair request)                                  525
                                                  TOTAL           $4925

      TRTA state dues (200 X $35)                 $7000
      Brazos Food Bank                             1000
      Children’s Book Project                       200
      TRTF donations                                500
      Meeting meals (600 X $20)                    12,000

            CD balance on 6/30/21                         $1158.23 (matured 7/28/2021)
                                                          Transferred to savings

              Savings account balance (7/31/21)           $6524.07
              Ongoing donations, memorials                $2000.00

             Scholarships (4 @ $1000)                     $4000

Provide your name, address, and telephone number with e-mail contacts.

                              U. S. CONGRESS

  Both senators maintain Texas offices, the nearest are in Austin and Houston,
  see their respective Web pages.

  Senator: Senator Ted Cruz
  D.C. Addr: 404 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510-4304, D.C. Tel:
  202-224-5922 Web page/send e-mail: http://cruz.senate.gov/contact.html

  Senator: Senator John Cornyn
  D.C. Addr: 517 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510, D.C. Tel: 202-224-2934
  Web page/send e-mail: http://cornyn.senate.gov/index.asp?f=contact&lid=1

  Representative: Representative Pete Sessions (Dist. 17 -- Brazos + parts of 10 other
  Counties) D.C. Addr: 2204 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 Tel: 202-
  225-6105 Web page/send e-mail: https://sessions.house.gov/
  Local Addr: 2700 Earl Rudder Fwy S Highway 6 Suite 4500 College Station, TX 77845
  Local Tel: (979) 431-6340.

                           STATE LEGISLATORS
                                 TEXAS SENATE
  State Senator: Senator Charles Schwertner (District 5 -- Brazos and 13 other
  counties)Capitol Addr: P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711 Capitol Tel:
  (512) 463-0105 Web page/send e-mail:
  Local Addr: 3000 Briarcrest Dr., Suite 202, Bryan TX 77802 Local Tel: (979) 776-0222

                   TEXAS HOUSE (one of the following)
  Representative: Representative Kyle Kacal (District 12 -- Brazos County - part)
  Capitol Addr: Room E2.420, P. O. Box 2910, Austin, TX 78768 Capitol Tel: (512) 463-
  0412 Web page/send e-mail: http://www.house.state.tx.us/members/dist12
  Local Addr: 3000 Briarcrest Dr., Suite 203, Bryan, TX 77802 Local Tel: (979) 774-7276

  Representative: Representative John Raney (District 14--Brazos – part)
  Capitol Addr: Room E2.706 P.O. Box 2910, Austin, TX 78768, Capitol Tel: (512) 463-
  0698 Web page/send e-mail: http://www.house.state.tx.us/members/dist14 or
  District Addr: 4103 S Texas Ave., Ste. 103, Bryan, TX 77802 Local Tel: (979) 260-5040


                      TRTA E-MAIL List:

“TRTA members interested in e-mail updates on issues pertaining to
pension, health insurance, Social Security, and other hot topics should
sign up for Inside Line. This e-mail update is written by Tim Lee, TRTA
Executive Director, and offers fact and opinion on the issues facing
current and future education retirees.” [from the webpage]

TRTA has an e-mail legislative newsletter. Subscribe to get the latest
updates. Subscribe at: http://www.trta.org/insidelinesignup.cfm/

Our TRTA State Legislative Committee representative for District VI,
District VI Legislative Committee Chair and BCRSP Legislative Chair is
Dr. James Warner at jbwarner@suddenlink.net.

Web Page: http://www.trta.org

313 E 12th St. Suite 200
Austin, TX 78701-1957
1-800-880-1650 (office)
Legislator Hotline: 1-888-674-3788 (toll-free to Texas Legislators)

Web Page:   www.trs.state.tx.us

1000 Red River
Austin, TX 78701- 2698

TRS Health & Insurance Benefits Eligibility and Enrollment:

Standard Medical Coverage : https://www.trs.texas.gov/Pages/trs-care2021.aspx

TRS Care Medicare Advantage: https://retiree.uhc.com/trs-carema

Pharmacy Benefits (CVS Caremark) 1-844-345-4577

   BCRSP                                          Website: http://localunits/bcrsp
   P. O. Box 6693
   Bryan, TX 77805-6693

President                     Sheila Fields                atredrobin@msn.com

1st Vice President            Frances Maloney              famaloney@gmail.com

2nd Vice President            Betty Lou Allison            bettylouallison@yahoo.net

Secretary                     Betty Rabe                   bettyrabe@aol.com

Treasurer                     Suzanne Phelps               snphelps@suddenlink.net

                           TRTA District 6 Leadership Team

District Officers/Chairs                   Position
Beth Ricciardi                             District President
Bobbie Morrison                            District First Vice President
Judy Thomas                                District Second Vice President
Kay Kane                                   District Treasurer
Mildred Davis                              District Secretary
Pat Harper                                 District Parliamentarian
Johnie Walker                              District Historian
Beth Ricciardi                             District Technology
James Warner                               District Legislative Chair
Davis Allen                                District Foundation Liaison
Bill Murray                                District Informative/Protective
Elaine Eakin                               District Retirement Education
Nancy Oertli                               District Member Benefits
Juanice Knight                             District Local Support
Bobbie Morrison                            District Membership
Janet Emmons                               District Health Care
Jackie Morrow                              District Community/Volunteer Services

                            313 E 12th St. Suite 220   Website: info@trtf.org
                            Austin, TX 78701                    help@trtf.org

                            1-800-880-1650 or 512-476-1622

What is the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation?

The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation (TRTF) is the philanthropic arm of the
Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA). Founded in 1988, the Foundation’s
original purpose was to raise funds to build the home office for TRTA in Austin.
After the successful completion of the TRTA building, the Foundation was
incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. A brief history of the
Foundation may be found in this training packet or at

What is the mission of TRTF?
The Texas Retired Teachers Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to
provide resources for retired TRS annuitants, as well as active and beginning

What are TRTF’s charitable programs?
TRTF supports three charitable programs: beginning teacher scholarships
(previously student scholarships), classroom assistance grants, “A Helping Hand,”
and our educational program, the Legacy Campaign. These programs enable TRTF
to support retired, current, and future educators.

TRTF also supports the Lehr-Pritchard Endowment Fund to raise revenue for the
long-term financial support of “A Helping Hand.”

TRTF also began a Disaster Relief Program in the summer of 2017 after the
devastation caused to multiple Texas counties and cities by Hurricane Harvey.
TRTF plans to continue to utilize the Disaster Relief program to aid with other
potential natural disasters in Texas that may occur in the future.

Beginning Teacher Scholarships are awarded to recent college graduates who are
about to begin teaching for the very first time. All recipients must be relatives of a
TRTA member. Classroom Assistance Grants are awarded to public school
teachers who demonstrate a daily commitment to public education and Texas
children through the creation of programs, events or other learning platforms. “A
Helping Hand” provides public education retirees with financial assistance for a
onetime special need or short-term hardship. Recipients include anyone who is
eligible to receive an annuity from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. The
Legacy Campaign provides factual resources about defined benefit retirement

plans, and supports a positive image of public education and current and retired
school personnel in Texas.

Does the Foundation need donations?

Yes. In order to support TRTF’s programs, donations are needed. If every member
of TRTA donated just $1.00, TRTF would raise an astounding $97,000! We make a
significant difference in the lives of many students, educators and retirees thanks
to the generosity of TRTA members.

How can I make a donation to the Foundation?
Please send a check or money order to the Texas Retired Teachers Foundation, 313
E. 12th St. Ste. 220, Austin, TX 78701. All donations are tax-deductible and will be
acknowledged by the Foundation office. Donors may designate funds for any of the
Foundation’s charitable programs or Lehr-Pritchard Endowment Fund, and may
give a gift in memory or honor of a loved one. Recipients of memorials and
honorariums may be notified of the donation if the donor provides the name and
mailing address of the recipient to the TRTF office along with their donation.

Donations may be made over the phone using a credit card by calling
1.800.880.1650 and asking for Sarah Richardson. Donations may also be made
through the TRTF website www.trtf.org/donate.

                                “A Helping Hand” Assistance Program
                                Additional Information
                                Applications may be completed by the grant
                                seeker, or a concerned citizen, friend, or family
                                member of the grant seeker.

                                Available to retirees already receiving their TRS
                                benefits and their beneficiaries, as well as anyone
                                eligible for a TRS benefit who is not yet retired.
                                Membership in TRTA is not required.

                               For purpose of emergency need: short-term
financial hardship caused by unexpected or extenuating circumstances.
Applications are accepted throughout the year.

BCRSP Texas Retired Teachers Foundation Representative:

                               Mary Sue Ribardo

Entertainment Benefits
Dallas Zoo Online Discount Tickets Program • https://zootickets.dallaszoo.com
You are now able to buy discounted tickets for the Dallas Zoo with the added convenience of printing your
admission tickets from your computer and presenting them at the entrance turnstiles bypassing ticket booth
lines. Purchasing admission tickets has never been easier https://zootickets.dallaszoo.com!

Travel Benefits
Avis Rent–A–Car • 1.800.331.1212 • www.avis.com/AvisWeb/html/bridge/go.ex?D404600

For personal and/or business rentals, ask for the best rate and mention discount # (AWD) D404600 to receive up to
25 percent off the rental. To reserve online www.avis.com/AvisWeb/html/bridge/go.ex?D404600 or call

Budget Rent–A–Car • 1.800.527.0700 • www.budgetcarrental.com/budget/assoc/index.html?X885500

For personal and/or business rentals in making reservations, ask for the best rate and mention Budget Customer
Discount# (BCD) X885500 to receive up to 25 percent off the rental. To reserve
online www.budgetcarrental.com/budget/assoc/index.html?X885500 or call 1.800.527.0700.

Enterprise Rent–A–Car • 1.800.736.8227 • www.enterprise.com

Enterprise Rent-A-Car is offering 10% discount to members when car is rented from an airport location and 5%
discount when car is rented from non-airport location. Call Enterprise at 1.800.736.8227 for reservations or visit
Enterprise Rent-A-Car. To receive your discount, mention this code: 65TRTA, online www.enterprise.com use
code: 65TRTA & enter corporate code: TEX on second page.

Security Benefits
Acadian On Call • 1.800.259.1234 • www.acadianoncall.com

Summon help at the touch of a button for any emergency! Choose the package of your choice and begin to
experience the safety, security and peace of mind offered by Acadian On Call’s Emergency Medical Certified
Dispatchers. Use or mention the promotion code “TRTA” and receive free shipping! Established 1971, Acadian
provides medical alert systems to over 19,000 subscribers nationwide and ranks in the top 10 medical alert
companies in the U.S. You may call 1.800.259.1234 or visit www.acadianoncall.com to learn more.

Lodging Benefits
Drury Inn & Suites • 1.800.378.7946 • www.druryhotels.com

TRTA members receive 5% discount off Drury’s corporate rates at the more than 100 Drury Inn & Suites in
nineteen states (discounts are not available when hotels are on “peak status”). Amenities include a hot breakfast of
scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits & gravy, Belgian waffles & more, one hour of free long distance per room per
night, evening beverages and snacks from 5:30-7 p.m. and high-speed internet access in every room & wireless

lobby. To make reservations, call 1.800.378.7946 and provide Corporate ID #311435 or
visit www.druryhotels.com and use BizTrip Corporate ID #311435.

Insurance Benefits
Dental Insurance
For existing dental policyholders: 1.800.258.7041
For first-time enrollments in a TRTA group dental policy: 1.800.322.0201

Vision Insurance
For existing vision policyholders: 1.800.258.7041

Educators Professional Liability Insurance • 1.800.880.1650
John A. Barclay Agency, Inc. offers insurance for qualified TRTA members returning to the classroom. Members
must be receiving a W2 from a public school district or public college/university and be employed as either as a
substitute teacher or in a full–time professional capacity other than administration (subject to the exclusions of the
policy). The $1,000,000 policy is available for an annual charge of $39.


                                                  ARTICLE I: NAME
    The name of this organization shall be the BRAZOS COUNTY RETIRED SCHOOL PERSONNEL, hereafter referred to
    as the Brazos County RSP or the BCRSP.

                                                ARTICLE II: PURPOSE
Section 1 - The purposes of the Brazos County RSP shall be:
1. To promote the preservation and maintenance of the Teacher Retirement System of the Texas Pension Trust Fund for
    purposes as established in Article XVI, Section 67 of the Constitution of the State of Texas.
2. To work with the Texas Legislature and United States Congress to protect, promote, and defend the interests of Teacher
    Retirement System of Texas members.
Section 2 – The objectives of the Brazos County RSP shall be:
1. To afford opportunities for united action in solving problems related to the needs of retired school personnel.
2. To encourage retired school personnel to use their talents, training, and experience in furthering the educational,
    social, and civic growth of the community, state, and nation.
3. To foster good fellowship among retired school personnel.

                                             ARTICLE III: AFFILIATION
The Brazos County RSP shall be AFFILIATED WITH District VI RTA and the Texas Retired Teachers Association.

                            ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP, FISCAL YEAR, AND DUES
The membership of BCRSP shall be of two types: active and associate.
   1. Anyone who is an annuitant of a Teacher Retirement System (Texas and other state retirement systems) may be come
      an active member of BCRSP upon payment of both TRTA and BCRSP dues.

2.     Anyone who is not an annuitant of a Teacher Retirement System who is interested in the furtherance of the education
       profession and desires to promote the well being of education retirees may become an associate member of BCRSP
       upon payment of both TRTA and BCRSP dues. Associate members shall have all the rights and privileges of
       membership, except the right to vote and to hold office.
3.     The fiscal year shall begin July 1 and close June 30.
4.     The annual local dues shall be determined by the Executive Board each year.

                                       ARTICLE V: OFFICERS AND DUTIES
 1.    The elected officers shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary,
       and Treasurer.
 2.    The President shall appoint the following officers: Parliamentarian, Historian, and Chaplain.
 3.    The President shall preside at all general, called and Executive Board meetings; appoint the appropriate
       officers and three members of an Audit Committee to conduct an audit at the end of the two year term of
       office of the President and the Treasurer; appoint chairs of committees listed in Article VI (as applicable);
       administer TRTA Awards Program; serve as ex officio member of all committees (except the Nominating
       Committee); represent BCRSP at state, district, and community functions; and call Executive Board and
       meetings as needed.
 4.    The First Vice-President shall serve in the absence of the President and serve as the chair of the
       Membership Committee.
 5.    The Second Vice-President shall chair the Public Relations Committee, Programs Committee, and
       Children’s Book Project.
 6.    The Secretary shall record and keep a permanent file of minutes of general and Executive Board minutes
       and have charge of such correspondence as delegated by the President or by the Executive Board.
 7.    The Treasurer shall receive and deposit funds, keep an account of all receipts and expenditures, provide a
       Treasurer’s report at meetings, pay bills as authorized, chair the Budget Committee, and submit TRTA and
       District VI dues as instructed.
 8.    The Parliamentarian shall be familiar with local, district, and state bylaws, be knowledgeable of Robert’s
       Rules of Order, Newly Revised and chair the Bylaws Committee.
 9.    The Historian shall be responsible for recording the history of BCRSP in a scrapbook and supplying pages
       for the district scrapbook.
 10.   The Chaplain shall give the invocation at BCRSP meetings.
 11.   The Immediate Past President shall serve as an advisor to the Executive Board and chair the Nominating

 1.     Elections shall be held every two years (odd- numbered years) in the month of November.
 2.     Officers and committee chairs shall assume their duties on July 1 and serve for two years
 3.     A vacancy occurring in the office of President shall be filled by the elective officers in the following order: First
        Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
 4.     A vacancy occurring in any other office shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Executive Board.

                                      ARTICLE VII: COMMITTEES
 The committees of BCRSP shall be three kinds: standing, special, and elected.
 1. The 4 required standing committees shall be Membership, Public Relations, Legislative and Community
    Volunteer Services. Other standing committees are Executive, Budget, Bylaws, Informative and Protective
    Services, Retirement Education, Health Care, Member Benefits, TRT Foundation Liaison, Technology
    Contact, and Local Unit Support.
 2. The special committees shall be Greeter/Nametags, Phone/Email, Scholarships, Yearbook/Newsletter, Door
    Prizes, Audit, and others as needed.
 3. A Nominating Committee of three active members shall be elected in May before the election in
    November. The immediate past president shall be the fourth member and shall serve as chair of the

     1. Membership on the Executive Board shall be composed of the elected and appointed officers, the
        immediate past president, and committee chairs.
     2. The Executive Board shall transact business of BCRSP membership between general meetings, subject to
        the Bylaws and instructions from BCRSP membership. Actions of the Board shall be reported to the
     3. The Executive Board shall study the proposed budget presented by the Budget Committee and present it to
        the general membership for approval in September.
     4. The Executive Board shall consider the Program Committee’s recommendations and approve programs
        for regular meetings.

                                  ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS AND QUORUM
Section 1 – The meetings of BCRSP shall be of two kinds: regular and special.
    1. BCRSP shall hold regular meetings once a month from September through May.
    2. Special meetings shall be called by the President or at the request of a majority of the Executive Board.
Section 2 - A quorum shall be defined as follows:
    1. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be a majority of members present.
    2. The quorum for an Executive Board meeting shall be ten (10) members of who four (4) shall be officers.
    3. A quorum for committee meetings shall be a majority of the committee’s membership.

                                              ARTICLE X: POLICIES
    1.   The budget must reserve ten percent (10%) of anticipated revenues for a contingency fund.
    2.   Once a budget is approved, the Treasurer is authorized to disburse any budgeted item without Executive
         Board approval. Any non-budgeted item and/or contingency fund item must be authorized by the
         Executive Board prior to payment.
    3.   BCRSP officers and committee chairs shall follow suggested duties as stated in TRTA Training Guides as
         deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.
    4.   The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the authority on all questions of
         procedures not specified in the bylaws.
    5.   Previous members cannot attend meetings as guests (must rejoin BCRSP) and others attending meetings
         shall have guest status for only one month (must join BCRSP as active or associate members).
    6.   New members who join in January may pay current year TRTA/BCRSP dues or join February through
         May and pay TRTA dues for the following year plus pay half of local dues for the current year. If paying
         TRTA dues for the following year, the new member must pay BCRSP dues for the new fiscal year that
         begins July 1. (May be a guest in January and join in February.)
    7.   Members who make reservations to attend regular meetings and fail to attend, owe the committed amount
         to BCRSP.

                                    ARTICLE XI: MERGER AND DISSOLUTION
Section 1 - Merger. The local unit shall not enter into any merger requiring affiliation with any union or
Section 2 - Dissolutions. Dissolution or voluntary disaffiliation of the local unit shall comply with the
   1. Notice of the proposed dissolution or voluntary disaffiliation of the local unit shall be given to TRTA at
         least thirty (30) days in advance of action being taken.
   2.    Provision shall be made for the satisfaction of all liabilities of the local unit, and ;
   3.    Upon the dissolution or voluntary disaffiliation, assets shall be conveyed to the new local unit at the time it
         is chartered. If no new local unit is organized within twelve (12) months, the assets will be conveyed to

1. The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote if members were provided with the proposed
   amendment/s/ one month prior to the meeting.
2. The bylaws may be amended by a nine-tenths vote if members have not been given prior notice

 Bylaws were adopted by the general membership on November 11, 1987. Revisions were made in the following years:
1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2004, 2005, 2010 and 2017. These Bylaws were created by the Executive Board and
adopted by the general membership on September 27, 2017.

BCRSP Sponsors

Proudly Supporting
  Brazos County
  Retired School
  Personnel Unit

    Sheila Fields

Proudly Supporting
  Brazos County
  Retired School
  Personnel Unit

Barry and Mildred Davis

Shirley Jones

Proud ly Supp orting
  Braz os County
  Retired School
  Personnel Unit

Stand proud that we
school pe rsonnel are
touching lives forever;
influencing our na tion’s
students, families, a nd
communit ies a s lead ers.
It is our privilege t o be
called to serve.
1 Cor. 12:28, and Eph. 4:11-13

      Elizabeth Wh itley

                                 God Bless America!
                                   Honor and respect
                                    our active milit ary
                                 and vet era ns of every
                                  branch, and our first
                                  responders in e very
                                 fie ld for their courage
                                 and c ommitment. Pray
                                   for their p rote ction
                                   and p erse verance .

                                      Charles Whitley

Sharon and David O gden

                         Proud ly Supp orting
                           Braz os Retired
                           School County
                           Personnel Unit

Mary Sue Ribardo

 Proud ly Supp orting
Braz os County Retired
School Personnel Unit


BCRSP ZOOM Directions**
Be sure you have the latest edition of Zoom installed on your computer, laptop, phone or iPad.

                                             Logging On
Click on the link in the email that is in the Zoom
invitation that has been sent to you.

The email will contain the link and a password.
You may or may not need the password
depending on how the Zoom host has set up the

                                 The Zoom app
                                 should open and
                                 you will
                                 eventually see a
                                 screen that tells
                                 you to wait until
                                 you are allowed in
                                 the meeting.

                                    Video and Audio Options
Your video/audio may be on when you join the meeting. If not, once you join the meeting you can
turn on your video/audio. Sometimes it asks and gives you options to do this in a pop up window.
Other times it may not.

If it doesn’t, then you can turn on your video/audio in the top right hand corner of your personal
Zoom window. Your personal window will have your name on it or the name of the device you are
using or a picture of yourself if you have uploaded one.

Look for 3 white dots. Click on those and a drop down menu will give you the option of Muting,
                                           Unmuting, Video, etc.

                                             Muting: When the meeting is “official” it is polite to
                                             make sure you are muted unless you want to speak.
                                             That way the meeting is not interrupted by the sounds of
                                             your TV, significant other or children wandering into
                                             your session.

The meeting organizer can Mute All and may do that during parts of the session. You will still have
to ability to unmute yourself when needed.

Video: You can Start Video/Stop Video from this drop down menu also.
Sometimes you may have to leave the meeting for a few moments. You may need coffee or water…
Your dog needs to go outside… Someone has to ask a question…
You can turn your camera on or off with the Start/Stop Video button. Your screen name or profile
photo will remind everyone that you are still participating. During the “off” time, you can still listen
to the meeting.

Renaming: If all you see is iPhone, iPad, MeMa’s computer, etc. when you click on the Rename
link, then you may want to rename yourself so that others know who is attending the meeting. Click
on Rename and change the name.

There is a Zoom menu bar at the bottom of the screen. It is another place where you can Mute and
Unmute and Start and Stop Video. There is a microphone icon and a video camera icon. If they
have a line through them, it means the video/audio is off. You can turn it on by clicking on the icon.

This tool bar may or may not be displayed all the time. To see it, move the cursor over the bottom
of the Zoom window.

         Zoom Screen Views
On the main Zoom screen you also have
the option of how you view the people in
your meeting.

When you first join the meeting, it will
show your Zoom face screen as a large
block and the others in the meeting in
smaller blocks placed along the top or on
the side of the main screen. That is called
Speaker View. Speaker View shows
whoever is talking at the time in the
larger block.

                          You can click on the Viewing options in the upper right hand corner of
                          your screen and switch to Gallery View. That will show you and the
others in a series of small blocks.

For large groups, Gallery View is best. In Gallery View you should
be able to see 12+ squares at a time depending on your monitor.

The square of the person speaking in Gallery View will have a yellow band around it when they are

If you can’t see everyone that you know is participating in the meeting, you can scroll to the left or
right on your laptop, computer, phone or iPad screen to see another screen that will show the other
participants. The number of squares you see will depend on your computer, laptop, iPad or phone

There is also an option in View in the upper right hand corner of the screen called Full Screen.
That will expand your screen to fill your entire computer or phone screen. You can exit it at
anytime and go back to the original Zoom screen.

Other Views: If you are using an iPad or phone you
can turn your phone vertically or horizontally to
change how others view you on their Zoom screen.

If you click on Participants, you can see who is
currently in the meeting. The participant’s list
appears on the right side. You can also rename
yourself here:
    • Rename: Hover over your name. Click
        More and choose Rename to change your
        screen name displayed to other participants.

Chat with everyone in the meeting or just one individual. This control allows you to comment
without interrupting by expressing a thought or a question for discussion. Usually, the host will
monitor these messages. Click Chat on the bottom control bar to open up the Chat window to:
   • Type your message in the Text box at the bottom of the panel. Press Enter to send.
   • View chat messages.

                                   Exiting The Zoom Session
You can exit the Zoom meeting at any time by clicking on the Leave button found in the lower right
hand corner of the Zoom screen. Only the meeting organizer can end the meeting for everyone.

First Time Users Guide to Zoom Videoconference Meetings
                   iPhone & iPad Users
               1. Go to your app store
               and download the Zoom
               Cloud App.

               2. Once downloaded,
               open the app. You can
               choose to make an
               account by selecting
               “Sign Up’, but it is not
               necessary for you to
               have an account in order
               to participate in the call.

               3. Select the blue “Join
               Meeting” button once it
               is time for the call.

               4. Enter the “Meeting ID”. That number will be in the email
               invitation sent to you from the Host.

               5. Click the blue “Join” button. Please make sure to not change
               the “Join Options”
               below the blue button.
               It is important that you
               connect to audio and

6. If your iPhone or iPad asks you to allow “Zoom” access
to your camera and/or microphone, click YES.

7. You will see a “Video Preview Screen” next. Make
sure your face is fully in the frame and click “Join with
Video” when you are ready.

8. Now you are in the “Waiting Room”. The meeting
host will then accept your request to join the meeting.

                          Now you are in the meeting!
9. Make sure your video and audio are both connected. Your video picture will
be in the upper right hand corner of your screen. At first, you may need to click
“Join Audio” in the lower left hand corner. Select the first option to dial in
through the Internet.

10. If your audio is already connected, you will see a microphone in the lower
left hand corner. Red means you are muted and no one will be able to hear noise
                                            from your end. If you want to turn
                                            off your video, press the “stop video”

To see everyone at once, swipe to the right to switch to gallery view. This
should display several participants’ faces at once.

**The content in this handout includes information from TRTA District 6, Zoom online instruction and information created
by Sharon Ogden, BCRSP Tech Chair.

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