Thursday 3 September 2020 6:00pm Council Chamber 37 Ayr Street Ohakune
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WAIMARINO-WAIOURU COMMUNITY BOARD NOTICE OF MEETING A MEETING OF WAIMARINO-WAIOURU COMMUNITY BOARD WILL BE HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, 37 AYR STREET, OHAKUNE ON THURSDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2020, AT 6:00PM Members Chairperson: John (Luigi) Hotter Board Members: Allan Whale Cynthia Dowsett Councillors: Rabbit Nottage Vivienne Hoeta Councillors (non-voting): Ben Goddard Elijah Pue Mayor (non-voting): Don Cameron Clive Manley CHIEF EXECUTIVE
Roles and Powers of Community Boards The Community Board has already been delegated the task of co-ordinating rural reserves and hall committees. It also has a major input into the development of Council’s Long Term Plan. The Community Board’s prime objective is to be the interface between Council and the ratepayers and public of the Ward. Role of Community Boards The role of a Community Board is to (Section 52 Local Government Act 2002 [LGA]): (a) Represent and act as an advocate for the interests of the community. (b) Consider and report on all matters referred to it by the territorial authority, or any other matter of interest or concern to the community board. (c) Maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial authority within the community. (d) Prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the community. (e) Communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the community. (f) Undertake any other responsibilities that are delegated to it by the territorial authority. Powers of Community Boards A Community Board shall perform such functions and duties and exercise such powers as are delegated to it by Council from time to time. Powers of Community Boards (Section 53 – LGA): 1 A community board has the powers that are: (a) Delegated to it by the relevant territorial authority in accordance with Clause 43 of Schedule 7 of the LGA. (b) Prescribed by the Order in Council constituting its community. 2 The powers of a Community Board prescribed by Order in Council expire at the close of six years after the Order comes into force. 3 Despite subsection (1), a community board may not: (a) Acquire, hold or dispose of property. (b) Appoint, suspend or remove staff. Powers Delegated to the Community Board by Council • The co-ordination of rural reserves and hall committees. • To allocate the approved budget for the following activities in the area: Footpaths programme; Parks and Reserves discretionary spend; Public information signage. • To approve: Temporary road closures for events (subject to administrative imperatives); Street names; Parades, collections and special uses of the roads; Changes to speed restrictions on local roads (subject to NZTA rules); Road closures.
WAIMARINO-WAIOURU COMMUNITY BOARD ORDER PAPER A MEETING OF WAIMARINO-WAIOURU COMMUNITY BOARD WILL BE HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, 37 AYR STREET, OHAKUNE ON THURSDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2020, AT 6.00PM PUBLIC BUSINESS Page 1 Apologies 2 Declarations of Interest: Notification from Elected Members of: 2.1 Any interests that may create a conflict with their role as an elected member relating to the items of business for this meeting; and 2.2 Any interests in items in which they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest as provided for in the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968 3 Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement 5 of Standing Orders 4 Confirmation of Minutes: 6 August 2020 6 - 10 5 Long Term Plan 2021-2031 Progress Report 11 - 12 6 Capital Works and Members Request for Information 13 - 26 PUBLIC EXCLUDED BUSINESS 7 Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of 27 Board Business
5 Report to: Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board Meeting Date: 3 September 2020 Subject: Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing Orders Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this Report is to enable the Board to temporarily suspend Standing Orders in their entirety to allow Members and the Public to address the Board. Significance and Engagement 2.1 There is nothing in this Report that triggers the Significance and Engagement Policy. Public Forum Guidelines 3.1 The Community Board has adopted the following Public Forum Guidelines: (a) Five minutes speaking time will apply to each speaker or group. (b) Members of the public wishing to speak must advise the Community Board of the reasons and subject he/she wishes to address the Board a minimum of two clear working days prior to the meeting. (c) The Chair may refuse applications which are repetitious or offensive and may terminate a speaker in progress where the subject matter is disrespectful or offensive. (d) There are not to be criticisms of individual Board members or individual staff members. (e) The Public Forums are designed for people to speak about matters of interest to them to the Community Board. It is not intended that people should be questioning Board members on these occasions. However, Board members may ask questions of speakers to clarify their statements. Suggested Resolution(s) 1 That the Report on Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing Orders be received. 2 That, pursuant to Section 27(4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Board temporarily suspends Standing Orders in their entirety to allow Members and the public to address the Board. The Board received addresses as follows: RESOLVED That, pursuant to Section 27(4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Board reinstates Standing Orders in their entirety for consideration of the agenda. Liana Mua GOVERNANCE OFFICER
Unconfirmed 6 Unconfirmed WAIMARINO-WAIOURU COMMUNITY BOARD MINUTES A MEETING OF WAIMARINO-WAIOURU COMMUNITY BOARD HELD AT THE RAETIHI CHAMBERS, 44 SEDDON STREET, RAETIHI ON THURSDAY 6 AUGUST 2020, AT 6.00PM PUBLIC BUSINESS Present Board Members: John (Luigi) Hotter Cynthia Dowsett Allan Whale Councillors: Vivienne Hoeta Rabbit Nottage Councillors: Ben Goddard (Non-voting) Elijah Pue Mayor: Don Cameron (Non-voting) Staff: Pauline Welch Group Manager, Customer Services Warren Furner Economic Development Manager Stuart Watson Projects, Environmental Services Liana Mua Governance Officer In attendance: Trevor Carswell Alistair Barber Daniel Schlumpf 1 Apologies No apologies were received. 2 Declarations of Interest Councillor Nottage declared an interest in items 6 and 8.
Unconfirmed 7 Unconfirmed 3 Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing Orders The Board Temporarily suspended Standing Orders in their entirety to allow Members and the public to address the Board. RESOLVED Moved: Whale Seconded: Cr Hoeta 1 That the Report on Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing Orders be received. 2 That pursuant to section 21(4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Board temporarily suspends Standing Orders in their entirety to allow Members and the public to address the Community Board. Received addresses as follows: • Geoff Anderson: o Updated members on the Raetihi Promotions Charitable Trust. o Commended Warren Furner’s efforts in securing funding for the Raetihi Information Centre and thanked the Mayor and Councilor Goddard. o Expressed his enthusiasm in contributing to the Long Term Plan and receiving a report on the Raetihi Swimming Pool and Security Cameras. o Spoke about the Christmas parade and encouraged volunteers to come forward. • Daniel Schlumpf: o Presented the Petition for Reducing Speed limit to 50KM for the Mangawhero River Road to members. • Cr Goddard: o Updated members on the recent meeting held in Waiouru with Bruce Francis where they flew a drone to identify a safe passage crossing on SH1. • Mayor Cameron: o Updated members on the reinstatement of the Northern Explorer which will be heavily subsidized. • Cr Nottage: o Expressed his concerns around rubbish remaining on the roads as Envirowaste do not pick anything up once it falls from their trucks. o Requested information on street sweeping and the levels of service for drain clearing. RESOLVED Moved: Whale Seconded: Dowsett That, pursuant to Section 27 (4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Board reinstates Standing Orders in their entirety for consideration of the Agenda.
Unconfirmed 8 Unconfirmed 4 Deputation: Trevor Carswell and Victoria Main, Club Targa Incorporated Trevor Carswell from Club Targa Incorporated dialed in to speak about the Silver Fern Rally and answer any queries and or concerns that members had. RESOLVED Moved: Whale Seconded: Cr Hoeta That the report on Deputation: Trevor Carswell and Victoria Main, Club Targa Incorporated be received. 5 Confirmation of Minutes: 2 July 2020 RESOLVED Moved: Dowsett Seconded: Whale That the minutes dated 2 July 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record. 6 Ohakune to Raetihi Walk and Cycle Way Proposal Members considered a report seeking their endorsement of the Ohakune 2000 proposed Walk & Cycle Way Ohakune-Raetihi, to enable it to be submitted to Council as a part of the Long Term Plan 2021-2031. It was agreed that key interest groups such as Raetihi Promotions Charitable Trust, Uenuku and Ngāti Rangi should be consulted before the proposal is taken any further. RESOLVED Moved: Dowsett Seconded: Cr Hoeta 1 That the report on Ohakune to Raetihi Walk and Cycle Way Proposal be received. RESOLVED Moved: Cr Hoeta Seconded: Dowsett 2 That the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board supports this plan in principle, subject to further detailed design and landowner consent.
Unconfirmed 9 Unconfirmed 7 Ohakune Mardi Gras 2020: Proposed Road closure update Members received a report on the progress of the proposed Road Closure application for the Ohakune Mardi Gras 2020. Alistair Barber from Audiology was in attendance to answer any questions or queries members had. RESOLVED Moved: Dowsett Seconded: Whale That the report on Ohakune Mardi Gras 2020 – Proposed Road closure update be received. 8 Annual Tree Programme South 2020/21 Members were informed of planned tree work in Raetihi and Ohakune for the 2020/21 financial year and worked their way through the tree programme with staff. RESOLVED Moved: Whale Seconded: Dowsett 1 That the Report on Annual Tree Programme South 2020/21 be received. RESOLVED Moved: Whale Seconded: Dowsett 2 That the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board approves the 2020/21 planned tree work for Raetihi and Ohakune, as amended, including Christie Park as discussed, pending documentation from Council. 9 Waimarino-Waiouru Citizens Award 2020 Members received a report informing them on the process for receiving nominations from organisations and individuals for selecting a citizen whom has made an outstanding contribution to the general well-being of the area. RESOLVED Moved: Dowsett Seconded: Whale That the report on the Waimarino-Waiouru Citizens Award be received.
Unconfirmed 10 Unconfirmed 10 Capital Works and Members’ Requests for Information Members considered a report on Capital Works and Members’ Requests for Information. Relevant staff spoke to the report and answered members’ questions around a number of items. • It was agreed that Managers would be asked to remove any items that have been completed and to include specific completion dates. • R4 - Ruapehu Road Rail Overbridge – landowners will be sent a reminder letter around the weight restrictions. • Members have requested an update to O3 - Security Cameras. • A request was made for investigation/information on the heavy truck parking in Waiouru and a possible dedicated truck park area working with NZ Rail. • A request was made for investigation/information on the rubbish at the BP Truck Stop and back streets of Waiouru. RESOLVED Moved: Whale Seconded: Dowsett That the Report on Capital Works and Members Requests for Information be received. 11 Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Committee Business It was agreed that there was no need to enter into Public-Excluded Business and therefore this item was not taken. There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 8:14PM. Dated at Ohakune this 3rd day of September 2020. John Hotter CHAIRPERSON
11 Report to: Waimarino – Waiouru Community Board Meeting Date: 03 September 2020 Subject: Long Term Plan 2021-31 Progress Report Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to update the Waimarino - Waiouru Community Board (WWCB) on the progress of the Long Term Plan 2021-31. Significance and Engagement, Social Impact 2.1 SIGNIFICANCE This report does not trigger the Significance and Engagement Policy. 2.2 SOCIAL IMPACT This report does not trigger the Social Policy. Background 3.1 Every three years Council reviews its Long Term Plan (LTP), as per the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). 3.2 Reviewing the LTP every three years gives Council the opportunity to review their strategic direction and to assess whether they are satisfied with the current direction or if change is needed. 3.3. It also provides the same opportunity to Councils community members to give feedback on the direction of the district, and in particular their communities. Discussion 4.1 Council staff have been working on developing the LTP and other planning documents as part of the process, e.g. Asset Management Plans (AMPs) and reviewing financial policies. 4.2 Currently, council staff have been holding workshops with elected members and community board members to discuss the core business functions of Council and to decide the strategic direction elected members would like to focus on. 4.3 Pre-engagement with community members has also been taking place via public meetings and online. This is an opportunity for community members to give feedback, possible projects and ideas on what they would like to see council focus on in their communities. Community members are encouraged to provide feedback with any idea, big or small. 4.3.1 This pre engagement feedback will be collated and submitted to elected members for consideration. 4.4 Once workshops are completed, council staff will collate all the information to create first AMPs, reviewed financial policies, the LTP and the Infrastructure and Financial Strategies.
12 4.4.1 Through this process Council will also identify the key issues, ideas or projects that will need to be incorporated into the consultation document. 4.4.2 The above documents mentioned in 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 will all be collated and adopted through Council for formal consultation. Other strategies or policies may also need to be created for consultation. 4.5 Community board members are able to give feedback and input at the workshops. 4.5.1 WWCB will be presented with the pre-engagement information that is related to their communities. 4.5.2 WWCB is able to submit to the pre-engagement phase of the process on behalf of its communities as well as the formal consultation process. 4.6 WWCB will be informed and kept updated on the progress of the LTP. Suggested Resolution(s) That the Long Term Plan Progress report be received. Candice McNaught TEAM LEADER POLICY Email address for point of contact:
13 Report to: Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board Meeting Date: 3 September 2020 Subject: Capital Works and Members' Requests for Information Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this Report is to provide an update on the planned capital works and other items of interest in the Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board area in 2020/21. Significance and Engagement 2.1 This report does not trigger the Significance and Engagement Policy. Discussion 3.1 WORKS 3.1.1 The list is a combination of contracted items and other items that Members have displayed an interest in. Other items can be added to the list on request. 3.2 ROADING Subject Action taken Target Completion R1 Mangateitei Design underway, Kiwi Rail approval in principle has June 2022 Railway Over been received. Land owner agreement achieved for Bridge proposed alignment. We applied to do this work under the Low cost low risk category in the 2018/21 Block. NZ Transport Agency advised in late June 2018 that the project did not receive funding in the Block, but that we have the option to reallocate our existing LCLR budget for it. We re-inspected the bridge and found it is suitable for work to be deferred until 21/22. Any opportunity to advance the project using unspent funding elsewhere in our NZTA region will be pursued, but this has a low likelihood of success. In the meantime, Kiwirail permission to work around the lines is being sought through a Grant of Right application. This was submitted in October 2019 and we are actively chasing it up. This has been included in the Crown Infrastructure Fund Shovel ready application. R2 Pavement Rimu Street seal extension: Earthworks for Rimu June 2021 Rehabilitation Street seal extension will be carried out in this financial year, after being deferred from 2019/20.
14 Subject Action taken Target Completion Ohakune Mountain Road RP 13km: The hairpin February grade realignment on Ohakune Mountain Road has 2021 been completed with a temporary seal, due to Covid- Level 4. This will be completed permanently when the weather allows between December 2020 and February 2021. R3 Wilding Council will be carrying out some tree removal with the June 2021 Vegetation Worker redeployment funding approved from the Provincial Development Unit throughout the District. R4 Ruapehu Deferred till 2021/22. Funding will be applied for in the June 2022 Road Rail next Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency Overbridge funding block. It was included in our Crown Infrastructure Fund shovel ready application. Bridge is being regularly inspected. As per requested at August meeting, a letter drop is being carried out to remind landowners of the current weight restriction. R5 Matahiwi 16 T GVM suspension requires upgrading for Atihau On Hold Bridge forest harvest. Investigation beginning to secure advanced funding for the project as a regional improvement project. Awaiting funding approval from NZ Transport Agency. Funding not approved by NZ Transport Agency in late June 2019. Project on hold while alternative funding sources are sought. Negotiation between NZTA and Atihau now progressed as part of SH 4 realignment options. This project has been included in the Crown Infrastructure Fund shovel ready project application. R6 Minor Clyde’s Access and Makino Road intersection and June 2021 Improvements bridge approach to be sealed over summer. R7 Crossing Following on from the drone flight over State Highway Meeting – points, State 1, four potential crossing points were identified. These September Highway 1, have been forwarded to Waka Kotahi for 2020 Waiouru consideration. The meeting with the Safety Manager will take place later in September. Initial feedback is that two sites would be the ideal number. The lockdowns are affecting income for Waka Kotahi as road user charges and petrol tax income have dropped significantly. This has meant that the Low Cost low risk programme is reduced significantly, affecting this work. R8 Speed limits – Ohakune Consultation Waiouru and Extension of 50km/hr speed limit on SH49 east of for Waiouru – Ohakune Ohakune to the Carrot Park is high on Waka Kotahi’s likely to be priority list. early in 2021 Waiouru Waiouru speed limit on State Highway 1 through the town area is also high on Waka Kotahi’s priority list and is likely to be put out for consultation early next year. R9 Pipiriki Speed Item requested by members at July meeting. Speed September bump counters have been in place and we are awaiting a 2020 report recommending a course of action.
15 Subject Action taken Target Completion R10 Waiouru Member’s request to consider providing for trucks that Funding Truck Parking park in Waiouru off Rangipo Street. Officers are request – considering the idea of including this as a project in the June 2021. Long Term Plan 2021/31, with investigation funding in 2021/22. Project would likely need to be funded with a partner. 3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL Subject Action taken Target Completion E1 Flood Modelling Horizons Regional Council have commenced their meeting June 2021 River Works with key stakeholders. Council and Horizons have agreed to have a regular meeting around drainage issues to look at opportunities to collate our responses. Two such meetings have been held between Council. Awaiting response from Horizons. Waters Manager has a site meeting with Horizons 22 June 2020. E2 Government RDC has submitted an application to the new Government June 2021 Freshwater Freshwater Improvement Fund for the upgrade of Ohakune Improvement and Raetihi Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs), and Fund for support of the Whangaehu Catchment Accord (a group established to protect and enhance the Whangaehu water catchment). RDC is one of many applicants from around the country. The catchment was successful at getting some funding through the Regional Council. The Nga Wai Ora O Te Whangaehu Freshwater Improvement project will cost $1.68 million, with $590,000 secured Freshwater Improvement Funding from MFE over three years: for 60 km fencing to prevent stock access, riparian planting of 12,000 native plants, five fish pass repairs and 10 community-led restoration projects. Horizons have signed with the government to uplift the money and spend it over the next three years. The Government agreement requires a governance group and Mayor Don Cameron is council’s representative on this group. The quality of the project was very high and they had some ambitious goals. The governance group met and allocated funding to community groups against their criteria. The first governance reports have been submitted to MFE and expected targets have been met. Ruapehu continues to co-ordinate the wider Whangaehu Catchment group and are gathering information around works being undertaken in the catchment. A Governance meeting which covered the actions against targets for Riparian fencing, planting, fish pass improvements and community projects. Projects goal appear to be on track. The work programmed has been split across three years so there remain opportunities for more work across all the categories so please spread the word to those who might wish to participate. In general the works programme is being delivered to budget. E3 Visitor Council has sought funding for a feasibility study of a joint June 2021 Infrastructure wastewater treatment plant between Ohakune and Raetihi Funding with Land passage. This will provide for the increasing environmental requirements being signalled by the Government. The feasibility study funding has been accepted by Government. At this stage, funding has been allocated for GHD to undertake a feasibility study for a combined WWTP for Raetihi and Ohakune.
16 Subject Action taken Target Completion E4 Ohakune Water Council is seeking new money to fund increase in capacity June 2021 Intake which is out for public consultation. Also Council has applied to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund for the funding part of the plant. Council has secured funding and has consulted with the Community as part of the requirements. The first stage of planning for the upgrade of the Ohakune Water Treatment Plant has commenced with GHD drawing up a procurement plan. Veolia to develop and design. A site visit to the Ohakune raw water intake site was planned for 30 April with Iwi representatives however this has been changed to an online meeting. Construction has not started. Site visit this month (May 2020) to Ohakune Water Intake with Council, Iwi and GHD. Adhering to social distancing guidelines with group size restricted to 10, no shared food and separate vehicles. Comments made in the Environmental Assessment indicate the design and location of the raw water line requires further understanding of the significance that Tongariro National Park is a world heritage site. Next Project Steering Group meeting scheduled for 4 August with progress report #2 due to MBIE on 31 August. E5 New Zealand The New Zealand Defence Force in Waiouru is also June 2021 Defence Force working toward a new Water Safety Plan and Council has been invited to assess its risk matrix development, providing input around the Waiouru township reticulation works. Council attended a meeting in December to further the water safety plan and discuss general works between the organisations. High-level discussions around levels of service for the whole community of Waiouru (public and army) were held. NZDF are in the process of seeking a new resource consent for the abstraction of water. Council is providing assistance with this process. Pattle Delamore Partners are working with NZ Defence Force on upgrades to the water supply network and water treatment plant at the Waiouru Military Base. The work is in the preliminary design stage and includes a second outflow from the base water treatment plant to the township that increase redundancy and security of supply. A replacement water meter to be installed on the outflow of the WTP. The NZDF also intend to upgrade their WWTP. 3.4 COMMUNITY PROPERTY Subject Action taken Target Completion C1 Re-pile Soil test shows that re-piling will require much deeper July 2022 Ohakune foundations than existing, work will now consist of subfloor Railway bracing and fireplace removal or strengthening in line with Station earthquake assessment recommendations. Awaiting advice from Heritage New Zealand. Cost to do the work is more than the budget, report to go to Council to make a decision on the work required. Further information is being sought regarding work required to bring building up to 34% New Building Standards (NBS) or 67% NBS to inform report. A proposal by AECOM for a detailed seismic investigation to be carried out on the Railway Building has been received for consideration. It is proposed to seek feedback from the community on the future of the building due to the indicative high cost of remedial work and seek a
17 Subject Action taken Target Completion recommendation to Council from the Board at its August meeting. A report will be presented at the August WWCB meeting for a recommendation to Council as to whether the Community Board wish to see the building upgraded to meet new building standards as defined by the Building Act. The community has been made aware of the issues facing the Ohakune Railway Station Building on Council Facebook page. Report went to Council on 12 September to request funds be spent on detailed seismic assessment. Council resolved to seek approval from Heritage NZ for the permanent removal of the chimneys. Letter to Heritage NZ has been sent. A detailed seismic assessment was also approved to be undertaken. This will be requested once a response from Heritage NZ is received around the chimneys. Heritage NZ has responded with a recommendation for the chimneys to remain and be strengthened. Council will now arrange for a detailed seismic assessment to be undertaken. Engineering firm to undertake site inspection before end of November. Engineering staff from Miyamoto International NZ Ltd have inspected the site and are in the process of undertaking a Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA). DSA report received from Miyamoto. Some points to be clarified before progressing further. Awaiting clarification from Miyomoto. Response received from Miyomoto and Council considering information and next step. Miyomoto proceeding with estimate of costs for concept strengthening design. Quote received for detailed design however will await costs for strengthening before proceeding. Strengthening estimate received and being taken to management to consider next steps. Following Miyomoto checking status of platform canopy connections and piles in the first week of September a report will be prepared to update WWCB. Miyomoto has reported that the existing connections between the platform canopy and main building are satisfactory however may require some minor maintenance. The building piles, in their opinion, do not require any replacement however connections do need to be put in place between the piles and the bearers. Council awaits an updated strengthening price estimate based on the above observations. Advised that cost for connection of piles will have minimal effect on strengthening price estimate. Report to be provided at future meeting to update WWCB on findings. Miyamoto have submitted revised DSA and updated strengthening price estimate. Working through final queries with Miyamoto with aim to have report to WWCB in June. The DSA has been passed on to Heritage NZ for comment. Communication to KiwiRail has requested whether they will contribute to costs of strengthening the rail platform canopy, which is owned by them. Miyamoto have been asked for costs for an alternative option to lightweight replicas to complete information on strengthening options for the chimneys. Council has delayed the report to WWCB until these parties have responded. Heritage NZ has recommended Council engage the services of a Conservation Architect to work with Miyamoto on a suitable method for strengthening the chimneys. A Conservation Architect has been contacted and a cost estimate to get to
18 Subject Action taken Target Completion the detailed design phase provided. Contact has been established with KiwiRail. Architect has completed a review of the station building and now working with Miyomoto on a strengthening concept in line with the heritage values for the building. Site visit arranged for beginning of August. Site visit by Miyomoto has found spiral chimney strengthened following fire in 2006 does not meet earthquake standards and therefore will require further strengthening work. Variation provided to Council for additional cost for this work. C2 Raetihi Contact is being made with all known interest groups with July 2023 Revitalisation a request for information on projects that have either been Project identified but yet to be funded and progressed, or that have been started. This will provide a better understanding of who is doing what and where assistance from Council/Community Board can be delivered to support these community initiatives. C3 Ohakune Budget of $30,000 for either seed funding for bigger July 2025 Swimming community project or an upgrade of existing facilities. Pool Ablutions Report to be brought to WWCB in future months. WWCB Block approved use of budget as seed funding for larger upgrade to Ohakune pool complex on 7 March 2019. Decisions for what this will include awaiting outcome of Ohakune town assessment. Ohakune 2000 Inc. meeting with Council mid- June to engage in Town Assessment. Council contracted pool operators, Community Leisure Management (CLM), have offered to meet with both Ohakune and Raetihi community representatives and develop concept plan for both pools. CLM met on site with both Raetihi and Ohakune community groups and are in the process of putting together a feasibility plan for development of both pools. CLM are making good progress with the development of proposals for the future of the Ohakune & Raetihi pools. There has been extensive consultation with interests in both towns including community, business and iwi groups as well as the immediate neighbours in Ohakune. Some clear ideas about the future of each facility have been developed, which now need to be aligned with other proposals, (in Raetihi), and expressed in concept form. Elements of a draft feasibility have been prepared, but preliminary design and costing work is required to complete this. Lines Company replacement of old power meter has highlighted issue with safety of wiring in switchboard. Electrical quote being sought to replace switchboard. C4 Parapara Budget available of $10,000 to be allocated by WWCB after July 2021 Road Reserve discussions with community. Raetihi Promotions Development presented WWCB with a project proposal for using available funding for a cultural gateway entrance to the Makotuku Walkway. The proposal was approved subject to a plan being provided to WWCB for funding required to complete the project. Seeking further information from Raetihi Promotions to inform report to enable final decision prior to end of financial year. Council has agreed to carry over funds to next financial year to enable more time for further funding to be found and proposal to be confirmed. C5 Tangiwai Budget of $15,000 for the ongoing development of the July 2023 Reserve reserve, as required by the Tangiwai Committee. A series Development of meetings have been held to discuss landscape designs.
19 Subject Action taken Target Completion C6 Park Ave There is an opportunity to develop a stormwater retention July 2021 Reserve area on the Park Avenue Reserve area. This will be developed in conjunction with HRC flood evaluation works, stormwater models and engagement of what the community wish to see around stormwater. A report will then be brought to Community Board and Council. Council has requested information from Horizons on this project. C7 Raetihi Site meeting held on 17 July 2019 to go over complaints July 2021 Holiday Park and outstanding issues from the construction. List of issues Ablution Block being worked through by staff. Fortnightly meetings set to progress number of actions being addressed. Plumber and Builder engaged to address number of smaller issues around door handles and taps. The taps in the public toilets have been changed to timer taps to ensure taps are not left running using the hot water and causing additional expense. Toilet consumable units in the Holiday Park ablution block have been fastened to the wall with screws to ensure they remain in place. Having the gas setup made compliant has been prioritised and a quote has been received to undertake this work. Quote accepted for reinstatement of electricity to caravan sites, installation of heating in shower cubicles and to fit time to control heating unit in drying room. Electrical work completed and working well. Pipework for water supply to building has been upgraded to larger diameter which has improved water pressure considerably. Guests have been very complimentary. Gas has been signed off as being compliant by Envirohaz. Arrangements being made with supplier to install one 120kg and one 45kg gas cylinder for insitu filling. Gas cylinders for insitu filling are installed and in use. Stormwater disposal, landscaping and upgrade to car parks will be carried out in next financial year due to significant cost. Remaining to be completed are stormwater disposal works, landscaping and upgrade of the car park area and addressing an issue with the drying room door which was hung incorrectly. The suppliers and building contractor are in discussion as to who is responsible for fixing this. The stormwater and car park works have been delayed until next financial year due to the significant cost. A contractor has been scheduled to undertake Stormwater works around the new Ablution Block. C8 Recycling Bins Staff have been working in background to source external July 2020 funding for recycling bins through the Glass Packaging Completed Forum (Love NZ) and solar compacting bins from the Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF). Both applications have been successful for bins which will be installed throughout the District. Installation of bins will be taking place over the coming months with final locations to be determined (one of which will be located in the Makotuku Reserve near the new BBQ area). The community needs to advise the Community Property Team where there is a perceived requirement for additional bins in their community. The decisions are made based on advice from the litter collection contractor. Side by side recycling bins have arrived and scheduled for installation at Pitt St Reserve and outside Angel Louise café on Seddon St, Raetihi. Contract received from TIF for signing for solar compacting bins. These to be installed outside I-Site, the Junction, Goldfinch Street (outside New World) & at the Carrot Park in
20 Subject Action taken Target Completion Ohakune, at Tangiwai Memorial Site & outside the public toilets in Waiouru (replacing the existing one which is leased). TIF solar compacting bins to be installed in March following delivery. Delivery of bins into New Zealand has been delayed and a variation lodged with MBIE for a new completion date of the end of April. Bins have arrived in Auckland and await lifting of COVID- 19 restrictions so that they can be delivered to the Ruapehu District for installation. The bins have been delivered to Taumarunui and work to install them will be scheduled with a contractor. Bins installed at Carrot Park, Clyde Street, Ohakune CBD, Tangiwai and Waiouru. Contractor scheduled to complete installation of final bin on Mangawhero Terrace. Installation of bin on Mangawhero Terrace completed. C9 Accessible New funding allocation for 2019/20 of 21,420. Report to be June 2020 Walkway provided. Report requesting decision for allocation of funds Completed provided at this meeting. WWCB has approved $17,000 be allocated to Raetihi Promotions to complete the concreting of the Makotuku Walkway. Ohakune 2000 Inc. has been allocated $4,000 to complete the pathway to the picnic plaza. Further funding of approximately $16,000 to cover the cost of building the causeway (required following the installation of the footbridge) and connecting the footbridge to the existing footpath on State Highway 49 will be allocated to Ohakune 2000 Inc. from funds available for footpaths through the Roading Team. Council invoiced and funds to be paid to Ohakune 2000 Inc. this month. Raetihi Inc. awaiting completion of work by contractor who will invoice Council directly. One invoice received by Raetihi Inc. Continuation of walkway awaiting removal of conifer trees alongside Raetihi swimming pool to be carried out by PowerCo Lines Co. Scheduled for end of January. Treescape have removed conifers and left mulch for use on Makotuku Walkway. Removal of conifers means that work to complete walkway exit onto SH49 can now be scheduled with contractor. COVID-19 restrictions have delayed progress on completion of the walkway. Approx 30m of walkway from SH4 across the edge of reserve where the pool is situated remains to be excavated and concreted. Awaiting contractor to become available for excavation before concreting can be started. Fence panels at the Raetihi swimming pool have been removed and the walkway excavated to the State Highway ready for concrete to be poured in the coming weeks. Removal of the fence panels means that the outdoor grass area of the pool will not be secure from the general public when the doors at the North end of the pool are opened, however this will be remedied through rerouting of the fence in future. Art panels of native birds, funded by the Creative Art Grant, have been erected along the walkway. Work to complete footpath through swimming pool area to State Highway has been delayed by weather. Footpath through swimming pool area completed thus 2019/20 budget allocated has been exhausted. Any further work to accessible pathways will require an application to the 2020/21 Accessible Walkway budget for the South of the District.
21 Subject Action taken Target Completion C10 Ohakune New project 2019/20. Report to WWCB meeting held 1 October 2020 Cemetery August 2019. Resolved to create extension at top of hill Extension near existing cemetery. Consulted with both Ngāti Rangi and Uenuku with approval received. Earthworks completed. Farm fence, knee-breaker fencing and landscaping underway. The farm fence has been completed and the knee breaker posts are in place and now require iron rope to complete. Installation of two berms and a concrete path are underway. COVID-19 restrictions have delayed progress on completion of the cemetery extension. Awaiting new financial year for budget to complete installation of wire rope on fencing, excavate and pour concrete berms and path. Contractor quoting to complete wire rope fencing, concrete berms and create footpath. C11 Raetihi New project 2019/20. Locations for a new site are being July 2020 Cemetery explored and expected to have some direction by July Extension 2020. Suitability of use of section of Reserve alongside existing cemetery on State Highway being investigated. C12 Ruatiti Domain New project 2019/20 (budget $81,600). Site visit to be December Toilet Upgrade arranged for November 2019. Site confirmed. Awaiting 2021 plans of cycleway toilets to compare with other options. Quotes have been received. C13 Waiouru New project 2019/20, need to discuss with community: 2020 Playground location, budget ($30,600) and timeframes. Meeting to be arranged with representatives of community to discuss site (during May). Meeting for input from community held 23 July. C14 Raetihi Added by request of WWCB. CLM are developing a July 2025 swimming pool proposal for the future of the Raetihi pool and a draft feasibility study is in the process of being prepared. Quote sought to fence off outdoor area of pool which has been opened up to enable the Makotuku Walkway to be completed. R14 Ohakune Safety for walkers exiting Mangawhero Walkway onto Old September C15 Junction Station Road is an issue, along with vehicle speeds 2020 heading towards the Junction – site visit held on 26 May 2020. Issue moved to Community Property section. Decision made to realign the entrance to the walkway to allow for safer crossing. Staff to work with the Walkway Committee to complete the work. Sightlines at Railway Row – vegetation has been removed, however could come back another few metres to further improve sightlines. C16 Accessible Proposals requested from Ohakune Inc and Raetihi June 2021 Walkway Promotions for use of funds for report to WWCB 1 Oct 2020/21 Meeting. C17 Ohakune $10,000 available in 2020/21 Financial year. June 2021 Drinking Fountains C18 Seal Ohakune Quote being sought to seal driveway of Moore Street June 2021 Flats Driveway Flats.
22 3.5 OTHER ITEMS Subject Action Taken Target Completion O1 Future of Actions over June have been finalising food waste bin and Work ongoing Taumarunui compostable liner purchasing. Target delivery is liners in to prepare for Landfill August with bins now scheduled for first week in landfill closure September after which roll out to householders on October 2020 kerbside collection. Still awaiting to hear from funding application for hot composting unit from Ministry of Environment but preparations for construction in progress. Information on changes in service being prepared for brochure distribution and communication through all channels over August and September. New contracts on track to commence 5 October with closure of landfill 4 October. Information on new services will be in an information brochure to be dropped in all letterboxes mid September. O2 Ore Ore Slip In November 2017, Whanganui District Council was Ongoing contacted by a local landholder about a slip threatening to block the Mangawhero River at Matahiwi. A webcam was installed by Horizons so real-time monitoring could occur. Horizons installed a low flow-monitoring device at the Matahiwi Track bridge so if the slip was to come down the monitoring device would trigger. The device automatically warns Council, police, upstream and downstream property owners via cell or landline. The major threat would be the YMCA camp downstream and plans are in place for the camp. It is now a wait and see situation. This has slowly failed but is letting water through. The state highway 4 slip is monitored separately through NZTA. O3 Security The CCTV project Phase 1 was completed the first week Ongoing Cameras in December 2019 and went live. Systems were upgraded in BP, TCD and iSite. Also a new monitoring PC was installed at the Ohakune Police station. We are still waiting on a quote for Phase 2 to be completed and submitted. This also requires a quote for the power supply to the Northern and Southern entrances from a power installation company. Staff have followed up with supplier. The IT manager has been into contact with Alpine Security and is compiling a report on the current system for consideration on any upgrade requirements. Further information has been attached to this report. O4 Proposed Preparing for roll out of communications and community 2025 Raetihi engagement and consultation. Community Hub Suggested Resolution(s) That the Report on Capital Works and Members’ Requests for Information be received. Clive Manley CHIEF EXECUTIVE
Attachment 23 Raetihi Public CCTV Background The Raetihi Community raised funds and engaged with the NZ Police for guidance on the placement of town CCTV cameras. At the request of the Councilors, it was agreed that Ruapehu District Council (RDC) would take over management of the system. Subsequently Stuart Campbell, RDC’s IT manager has engaged with Alpine Security and the Police to investigate the current setup and state of the cameras. This is with the view of Councilors assessing the current setup and discussing if there is a requirement to add extra cameras, reposition these or upgrade the current solution. Below are the current cameras and their locations.
Attachment 24
Attachment 25
Attachment 26
27 Report to: Waimarino-Waiouru Community Board Meeting Date: 3 September 2020 Subject: Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Board Business Purpose of Report 1.1 Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 gives the Board the right by resolution to exclude the public from the whole or any part of the proceedings of any meeting on one or more of the grounds contained within that Section. Significance and Engagement 2.1 Nothing in this report triggers the Significance and Engagement Policy. Suggested Resolutions 1 That the report on Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Board Business be received. 2 That the public is excluded from the following part of the proceedings of the meeting. 3 That the general subject of each matter to be discussed while the public is excluded, the reason for passing the resolution in relation to each matter and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: Ground(s) General Subject of under each matter to be Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter S48(1) for considered passing this resolution C1: Update: Enable any local authority holding the information to carry on, without Waimarino prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and Resthome industrial negotiations). To maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank expressions of opinions by, or C3: Confidential between, or to members of or officers or employees of any local Briefing authority, or any persons to whom Section 2(5) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 applies, in the course of their duty. To protect the privacy of natural persons. C2: Confirmation of The reason(s) for excluding the public is/are recorded in the Public 48(1)(a) Public Excluded Business Minutes of the meeting. Minutes: 2 July 2020 This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982 as the case may require are listed above. Liana Mua GOVERNANCE OFFICER
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