Innovative Learning Management for the local wisdom on Herb using Local Community Resource Base

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24        International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020

                     Innovative Learning Management for the local wisdom
                        on Herb using Local Community Resource Base

                                                                                             Duanpenporn Chaipugdee1
                                                   Received April 26, 2020; Revised May 18, 2020; Accepted June 29 2020

               The purposes of this research are; 1) To study local wisdom on herbs of Chaiyaphum province 2) to pre-
     pare learning lesson related to local herbs 3) to disseminate and promote local wisdom and local herbs, learning
     sources of herbs in Chaiyaphum province using the qualitative research method, The main informants of the re-
     search consist of 9 people, namely village philosophers living in Sai Ngam and Ban Na Si Nuan villages in Na Siao
     Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province. Tools used in the research are interview forms and field record
     form. Data derived from the interview are analyzed using content analysis protocol.
               Findings in this research reveal that: 1) In the study of local wisdom on the herb of 90 types in Chaiyaphum
     province , plants with the most medicinal properties include; Dracaena angustifolia Roxb (ต้นคอนหมา), Cryptolepis
     dubia (เถาเอ็นอ่อน),Caper tree peels (เปลือกบก), Phlai herb (ว่านไพล), Camphor Tree  leaves (ใบหนาด),Turmeric (ขมิ้น
     ชัน), Croton persimilis root (รากเปล้าใหญ่),  Bergamot peels (เปลือกมะกรูด), used to cure tendon, tendon stretch, back
     stiff, tendon pain, ligament pain. To use, make it into a hot compress ball. 2) Preparation of lessons about the
     development of local knowledge by creating a CD of Medicinal Plant Database and Medicinal Plant Documents
     consisting of photos, medicinal plant name, scientific name, cultivation, properties, and herbs application to be
     used for learning in communities, schools and for interested people. 3) In the dissemination of local wisdom and
     innovation of local herbs as a source for learning herbs in Chaiyaphum Province to disseminate knowledge to ben-
     efit those interested and can be used as a source for learning herbs, the community can learn how to use herbs
     as food and medicine which will help to participate in preserving herbs for sustainability.

     Keywords: Innovative Learning Packages, Local herb wisdom, Community resource base
     The importance of the problem                                Development Plan 2017-2021 for agricultural develop-
               Thailand's 20-year Research and Innovation         ment has created and transferred academic knowledge,
     Strategy (2017 - 2036) aims at creating basic knowledge      science, technology and innovation and local wisdom
     and understanding of Thai wisdom and Local knowledge         in participatory agriculture to support the utilization of
     in living with quality of life to recognize self-reliance,   biological resource bases, respond to the quality of life
     and health care (20-year Research and innovation Strat-      of people and the environment of the country includ-
     egy 2017 - 2036, 2017, pages 68 - 69). National Master       ing supporting the development of sustainable agricul-
     Plan on Thai Herb Development No. 1, 2017 - 2021 de-         ture through the participation process. In the study of
     fines the strategy in developing Thai herbs, health pro-     alternatives and the determination for the process of
     motion, and disease prevention in the community. The         study, research, development, and mechanisms for the
     Local Government Organization has a plan to promote          community to be aware of health and natural products
     the uses of health herbs wisdom and primary care in          that safe for both personal and environmental, the me-
     integrating with local medicine wisdom promoting local       dicinal plant is one option that is commonly used as
     herbs for health care and disease prevention (Ministry       food. The wisdom of Thai medicinal plants has always
     of Public Health. (2017). National Economic and Social       been with Thai people since ancient times until now
         Faculty of Education Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University, Chaiyaphum 36240 Thailand
International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020                 25

although nowadays has been developed with technol-            ple (Chaiyaphum Farmers Council, 2017). From the re-
ogy to be innovative and into various herbal products         sult of research on the inheritance and transfer process
but the transfer of knowledge of local wisdom, knowl-         of folk medicine wisdom leading into the health care
edge transfer will make learners understand, be able to       of people in Ban Sai Ngam Village No. 3 and Village No.
bring into practice. Local wisdom transfers knowledge         12, Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum
to learners automatically without learning from the in-       Province, the results reveal that for the community way
stitute, but it will use the Socialization Process method     of life, the folk healers have a tied relationship with
created by imitating and remembering to inherit with-         the community forests. There has been herb collecting
in the family and it deploys demonstration as transfer        activity since the year of 1950, with knowledgable doc-
method to make an example, explaining every step to           tors who have local wisdom in using herbs to cure the
learners to understand and then bring into real practice.     diseases. For methods in the inheritance of knowledge
Demonstrate and put into practice, practice repeated-         and local wisdom in using herbs, there are folk healers
ly until becoming proficient because the work that will       in the province that transfer knowledge to public health
be used for a living must be actual work that can be          volunteers while there is Miang Khing (wrapped in leave
utilized. Learners or target groups that receive wisdom       ginger) , a recipe containing ingredients like Black Galin-
knowledge transferred from knowledgeable people               gale (กระชายดำ�), Long pepper (ดีปลี), Toon Caladium (หัว
have a belief in keeping a promise for the ancestor to        ทูน), Ginger (กระทือ), Phlai (Bengal root ว่านไพล), dried
cover up the secret in the technology is not properly         chilies, Crataeva (กุ่ม) Peels, Pipe Tamarind (มะขามเปียก),
developed (Ratana Bua Son (1992). Teaching and learn-         Brown sugar (น้ำ�ตาลทรายแดง),Odized salt (เกลือไอโอดีน),
ing innovation of modern teachers in order to improve         Elephant garlic (กระเทียมโทน)which is the ancient formu-
the skills of learners in the 21st century currently has      las from Ban Anu Ban transferred to the new generation
created teaching materials and developed into teaching        alongside the Sai Ngam village (Monthan Penporn Chai-
and learning innovation to provide learners with import-      pakdee, 2020)
ant and necessary skills for learners in the 21st century               Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University has introduced
to meet the goals of national curriculum according to         the King's Philosophy for the local development in ac-
National Education Plan 2017-2036 which link to nation-       cordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy for
al strategies with the goal in developing the potential of    self-reliance for the dissemination of local herbs to be
people of all ages and the creation of a learning society     a community learning center in Chaiyaphum province.
for all types of innovation that are transferred while pro-   With a research fund from the National Research Coun-
viding examples at actual locations to help readers to        cil of Thailand 2018 on the succession process of folk
understand clearly.                                           medicine wisdom leading to the health care of the vil-
          Chaiyaphum Province has natural resources           lagers in Ban Sai Ngam Village No. 3 and Village No. 12,
and the environment with 50% forest area, which is a          Na Siao Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Prov-
local herbal forest called "Phu Laen Kha". It's a natural     ince. It, therefore, has been extended to the research
asset suitable for the growth of herbs. There are know-       on the learning innovation for knowledge of local herbs
able people or local sages, folk doctors in the province      from the resource base of the community focusing on
who have the experience, herbal wisdom that has been          people to use a source of learning herbs for medicine
registered and granted for professional rights for a total    and herbal food and preserving the environment and
of 36 people. The strategy of Chaiyaphum Province is,         herbs in the community for the sustainability
therefore to propel for the innovation of community
herbs to carry on the preservation of Thai wisdom about       Research Objectives
herbs to be recognized and to be used for planting,                  1. To study local wisdom on herbs in Chaiya-
food and medicine processing for quality of life of peo-      phum Province
26      International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020

               2. To create a lesson about the development Research Methods
     of local wisdom on herbs                                            1. Plan to collect data, create tools for data
               3. To disseminate local wisdom on herbs, and collection according to objectives
     herb learning center in Chaiyaphum province                         2. Study the concepts, theories related to me-
                                                                dicinal plants from various documents and from individ-
     Expected Benefits                                          uals
               1. To obtain information about local wisdom               The researcher searches for knowledge from
     on herbs in Chaiyaphum province where management relevant research documents, books, academic doc-
     in the production and development of medicinal plant uments and news from the website and from experi-
     network in Chaiyaphum province are fully implemented enced persons, study topics of medicinal plants used
               2. To obtain the practical guidelines in the in the treatment of diseases from Thai herbal textbook,
     management of learning resources with community research results on Thai traditional medication, and var-
     participation in continuously driving the activities which ious research reports about medicinal plants.
     result in the development of strong communities and a 1. Population and samples
     sustainable environment.                                            1.1. To study and survey of data in the area,
               3. The community has continued to create the researcher has chosen to study the use of herbs,
     awareness in the community to recognize and preserve herbs used to treat diseases in the garden areas of Baan
     the importance of local herbs in the community.            Sai Ngam Herb, Ban Na Si Nuan, Na Siao Sub-district,
                                                                Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province which are sourc-
     Research Extent                                            es of over 90 medicinal plants in an area of 9 rai. The
               1. Areas of study include Sai Ngam Village, Ban researcher meets with Phra Kru Kittithamworakhun, a
     Na Si Nuan, Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiya- monk dean of Na Siao Sub-district an abbot of Wat Pa
     phum Province                                              Phatthanatham temple at Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang
               2. Sample population used in the study and District Chaiyaphum province, the grower and the plant-
     providing information are folk philosopher on herbs in er who takes care of the herb garden in Pa Phatthan-
     Sai Ngam Ban Na Si Nuan Village, Na Siao Sub-district, atham Temple to clarify the purpose of the study to
     Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province                       understand and to request in exploring and studying
               3. The research period is January 2019 - De- the use of herbs for the treatment of diseases, as well
     cember 2019                                                as various herbs in the herb garden of Wat Pa Phat-
                                                                thanatham Temple and Sai Ngam Community. The re-

     Figure 1. Research Conceptual Framework
International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020                27

searcher requests permission from the village headman,                2) In-depth interview about herbs information
community leader, village health volunteer to interview      based on the main questions according to the needs
the local philosophers and folk healers at Ban Sai Ngam,     and convenience of the informants
Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Prov-               3) Observation, the researcher uses the princi-
ince to collect research data. The researcher used the       ple of participatory observation to help find and eval-
research methods as follows                                  uate information during the interview and records the
          1.2 Interview with the local philosopher and       required data later.
folk healers 3 times 9 persons at Sai Ngam village, Na                4) Field records, the researcher use both short-
Siao Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province.      hand lecturing and tape recording methods during the
1.3 Interview with individuals or a group of people who      interview. After that, the researcher transcribes the tape
use the Baan Sai Ngam Herb garden, about the study of        and collects and organizes all recorded data every time
various knowledge of herbs in the community, natural         after the interview to record all the events occurred and
planting sources, uses of herbs as food and medicine,        then verify and update to be correct and complete.
properties of each type of herbal, the method in using       4. Procedures for field data collection in the field
herbs for food and treating diseases. The interviews are              4.1 Community preparation, the research-
conducted 3 times with 9 people.                             er goes to study in the area full time. The researcher
2. Research tools                                            arranges the interview at home or depending on the
          In this study, the researcher conducts qualita-    convenience of samples. To become familiar with the
tive research. The tools used in this study are :            samples for qualitative data collecting, the informants
          1. The survey form, to survey of medicinal         can perceive value and the benefits of research.
plants grown in Wat Pa Phattham Temple, Ban Na Si                     4.2 Observation, it’s the methodology to an-
Nuan and Ban Sai Ngam, Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang          alyze or find out the relationship of the incident with
District, Chaiyaphum Province to collect data of name,       other things in which the researcher uses participant
type, properties, and parts of medicinal plants              observation as an observation methodology where the
          2. The interview form, an interview with Pra Kru   researcher does not involve in the event to be inter-
Kittitham Worakhun, a monk dean of Na Siao District          viewed. The researcher follows the interview with the
and is the abbot of Wat Na Siao Subdistrict, Mueang          informants according to the questions that the research-
District, Chaiyaphum Province.                               er creates.
          3. Medicinal plant database record form to                  4.3 Data collecting by in-depth interview uses
disseminate knowledge about the herbs in Sai Ngam            interview guidelines as follows
villages and herbs in Pa Phatthatham Temple, Na Siao                            4.3.1 The first in-depth interview, the
Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province.          researcher starts by talking about general topics in order
          4. Interview forms about the use of herbs for      to create a friendly atmosphere in the form of person
treating diseases of the herb gardens in Sai Ngam vil-       to person conversation rather than an official interview.
lage and herbs in Pa Phatthana Tham Temple, Na Siao          The researcher behaves on the basis of good manners
Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province.          and punctuality being a good listener, sensitive to both
3. Data Collection                                           the emotional reaction and to a matter of information,
          In this research, the researcher collects data     accepts the behavior that the sample group is express-
covering all the contents according to the studied issues    ing, not much sticking with the sequence of the question
as follows;                                                  while linking to the issue using conversation. Researcher
          1) Study documents, articles, books, and relat-    exchanges with the samples for opinion, belief, life ex-
ed research from academic experts to be used as re-          periences which are subjective using broad questions
search guidelines                                            to open issues with the sample group as open-ended
28      International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020

     questions.                                                  mation of the same topic but different individuals to
     		                 4.3.2 The researcher records the con-    acquire different information and for evaluating if the
     versation during the interview, summarizes important        data that has changed or not. If checking and receiving
     issues that have been interviewed for informants to ver-    the same information every time, it means that the in-
     ify for accuracy, arranges an appointment for the next      formation acquired is reliable. However, if the acquired
     interview, gathers and categorizes information received     information conflicts, the researcher will repeat the in-
     from interviews, simultaneously transcribes the record-     terview to collect further information and verify with
     ed interview and analyze the data to understand the         other informants again.
     content of the interview while looking for definitions               2) Source and place, by interviewing the same
     that are not clear and some issues that are still missing   informants in different locations, such as interviewing
     to ask the next sample group                                the local philosopher and observing the similarities and
      		                4.3.3 The Duration of the interview is   differences of the data, if the information obtained is
     30-45 minutes. Each session, the number of times used       the same, it is considered accurate
     for the interviews is between 2-3 times by mainly taking             3) Checking the same data but at different
     into account the suitability and completeness of data       times, such as morning, afternoon, or evening. It some-
     derived from the in-depth interview each day, 1 inter-      times may require defining the interval between the
     view per day. The second in-depth interview is approx-      sessions.
     imately 4-5 days from the first interview. This depends
     on the convenience of each time appointment but not         Data Analysis
     for more than 15 days. The second interview will be an                Data analysis is performed simultaneously with
     interview based on additional questions to gather the       data collection. Qualitative data analysis is conducted
     information that may be missing from the 1st interview.     using Content Analysis consists of 3 analysis principles
     After the interview, the interview content will be re-      (Mile and Huberman, 1994) including data organizing,
     viewed so that the sample informants will be informed       data display, and conclusion, interpretation, and ver-
     for information from the 1st interview to add or edit       ification of the research results in order to obtain the
     further information if needed                               ideas about local wisdom on medicinal plants. The in-
      		                4.3.4 Time and place of interview will   formation obtained from the in-depth interview relative
     depend on the convenience of the sample informants          to the questionnaire is collected and organized into cat-
     which is usually at homes of the samples where follow-      egories, summarized, analyzed, and used for discussion
     ing up of interview can be possible                         according to the process of qualitative data analysis.
      		                4.3.5 The interview will be completed
     once all the information required is sufficient and the     Results
     researcher expresses the appreciation for the coopera-              1. In the study of local wisdom on herbs of Sai
     tion of the sample groups for shared valuable experi-       Ngam Village and Na Si Nuan Village, Na Siao Subdistrict,
     ences.                                                      Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province from the survey
     4.4 Data Validation Checks                                  and sampling of medicinal plant species derived from
               The researcher uses methods in checking the       Wat Pa Phattham, Ban Na Si Nuan Around Sai Ngam
     reliability of the data using the following methods.        homes, consisting of 90 species, the results reveal that
     		                 4.1.1 Data validation is conducted       for herbs in the area used as medicine for external use
     every time the data is studied. The researcher uses a       as hot herbal compress ball the most commonly used
     qualitative data validation method called the triangular    herbs (Table 1).
     inspection from the data source as follows                          In using dried ginger for cuisine as leave-
               1) Individual sources, by examining the infor-    wrapped ginger, it is found to be very nutritious which
International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020                  29

contains the following ingredients;                                      2. Create lessons for the community about
          1) The main ingredient includes 3 portion gin-        local wisdom development for Sai Ngam Village, Na
ger, but if cooked for a lactating woman, add small fried       Siao Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province
ginger 1 portion.                                               with information on medicinal plants, photos, scientific
          2) Secondary ingredients are Black Galingale          names, medicinal properties, and parts of herbs used,
(กระชายดำ�), Long pepper (ดีปลี), Toon(Caladium (หัวทูน) 1      and propagation for the benefit of visitors while focusing
part for each. Other parts include Ginger (กระทือ), Phlai       on the importance of the propagation of herbs in the
(Bengal root ว่านไพล) ½ part for each                           community.
          3) The flavor enhancers to add are dried chil-                 3. In the dissemination knowledge and local
ies, Crataeva (กุ่ม) Peels, Pipe Tamarind (มะขามเปียก),         knowledge for learning resources, the local knowledge
Brown sugar (น้ำ�ตาลทรายแดง),Odized salt (เกลือไอโอดีน),        center is established to disseminate local wisdom in
Elephant garlic (กระเทียมโทน)                                   Chaiyaphum province. The learning center consists of
          4) Side dishes include Piper Lolot (ชะพลู) Star       CD-ROM of medicinal plants database, medicinal plant
Gooseberry leaves (ใบมะยม), Raw Bananas (กล้วยดิบ)              documentation

Table 1. The most commonly used herbs.

  Common          Scientific                  Properties                 Parts of herbs that are used      Propagation
   Name            Name
- Khon Mah Dracaena              Drink to Cure diabetes                  - Mild leaves and flowers      -Cultivation using
ต้นคอนหมา    angustifolia                                                - Use the whole trunk for      seed
                Roxb.                                                    boiling with water             -Leaving to root
- ต้นกุ่มบก Sa- Crataeva         Thai medicine formula use:              Mild leaves and flowers can    Propagated by
cred barnar, magna               - Root, intense flavor to relieve       be fermented giving a sour     seeds, leaving the
Caper tree, (Lour.) DC.[1]       stomach aches, nourishing the           taste.                         cuttings to root,
Sacred garlic or Crateva         element                                 Nutritional values per 100     and grafting
pear, Temple religiosa           - Leaves taste bitter and fragrant,     grams provide energy 88
plant           Ham.[2] or       improve sweat excretion, antipyret-     kilocalories carbohydrate
กุ่มบก          Crateva reli-    ic and laxative properties, expel       15.7 grams, in 3.4 grams of
                giosa G.Forst.   the parasite, cure tendon pain, and     protein, 4.9 grams of fiber,
                                 rheumatoid arthritis. Leaves are        1.3 grams of fat, 73.4 grams
                                 used for massaging                      of water, Vitamin A 6,083
                                 - The bark is used as an antidote for   international units, Vitamin
                                 the skin.                               B1 0.08 mg., Vitamin B2 0.25
                                 - The flower tastes minty, cure eye,    mg., Vitamin B3 1.5 mg.,
                                 and throat sore                         Vitamin C 5 mg., Calcium 124
                                 - The fruit tastes bitter, cure fever   mg, Iron 5.3 mg., Phosphorus
                                 - The bark tastes intense flavor        20 mg.
                                 to cure hiccups, improve fart and
                                 sweat excretion, cure the wasting
                                 disease. The bark of the trunk is
                                 heated with steaming hot to use to
                                 relieve pain.
                                 - The seed is used for boiling and
                                 drinking to help relieve aches.
30      International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020

     Table 1. (Contrinue)

       Common           Scientific                Properties                Parts of herbs that are used        Propagation
        Name             Name
     - Bergamot       Citrus hystrix Bergamot is high in antioxidants,      1. The bark helps relieve         - Seeds in the
     มะกรูด           DC.            help to strengthen the immune          stroke, dizziness. Used as a      mature bergamot
                                     system to be healthy and resistant     heart tonic by using a slice of   fruit
                                     to disease improving appetite          fresh kaffir lime peels about     - Grafting
                                                                            1 curry spoon of curry. Add
                                                                            camphor or a handful of
                                                                            borneol, brew with boiling
                                                                            water, leave to soak, and
                                                                            then drink the boiled water
                                                                            1-2 times.
     -Phlai, Cassu-   Zingiber        Relieve inflammation, cure sprains,   - Leaves help to relieve pain Seeds or rhizomes
     munar ginger,    montanum        swelling and bruising while it can    or fever.                     or rhizomes of the
     Bengal root      (J.Koenig)      help to alleviate aching              - Roots help to relieve       underground trunk.
     ว่านไพล          Link ex A.Di-                                         nosebleeds. But the most      Parts of the rhi-
                      etr.                                                  important and valuable part   zome as the stem
                                                                            is the mature rhizome         for planting.
                                                                                                          Planting in the soil
                                                                                                          is not flooded, not
                                                                                                          near a source of
                                                                                                          toxic substances.
     - Ngai Cam-      Blumea          Relieve body aches and dizziness - Roots are carminative result- An outdoor plant
     phor Tree,       balsamifera     and it helps increase blood circula- ing in good blood flow.        species that often
     Camphor          (L.) DC.        tion nourishing the skin             Improve excretion and cure     grows in wide
     Tree                                                                  diarrhea.                      areas, fields, or val-
     หนาด                                                                  Relieve swelling, joint pains, leys in general
                                                                           bruises.                       Propagated by
                                                                           Relieve aches after childbirth seeds or fruits.
                                                                           -Leaves nourish the body
                                                                           resulting in good blood flow
                                                                           Relieve swelling, bruises, and
                                                                           Relieve joint and bone pains.
                                                                           Cure eczema
                                                                           having carminative properties
                                                                           curing stomach aches.
                                                                           De-worm the parasite. Relieve
                                                                           the fever, headache, asthma.
                                                                           stop the bleeding. Increase
                                                                           sweat excretion and expecto-
                                                                           rate. Cure hemorrhoids
                                                                           -Stems help improve expec-
International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020                    31

Table 1. (Contrinue)

  Common           Scientific                 Properties                 Parts of herbs that are used        Propagation
   Name             Name
- Thick-         Croton crassi-   Help pain relief. The root helps   Roots can be processed by            By seeds. Found
leaved           folius Geisel-   to cure colic, flatulence, stomach pounding to make a com-              mostly in the
croton, Thick    er ( Science     ache, and abdominal distension     press ball to relieve pain           northeast region.
leaf croton      Synonym          which can be cured by using boiled                                      Grow in all soil
รากคังคี         Name: Cro-       roots with drinking water.                                              conditions, medi-
                 ton chinensis                                                                            um humidity under
                 Benth.)                                                                                  full-day sunlight.

- Turmeric        Curcuma         Apply to blisters on the scalp. Use    - Turmeric powder can be        Seedling in a plant-
ขมิ้นชัน          longa L.        mature rhizome a size of 1 thumb.      applied to the area of pock,    ing hole covered
                                  Wash, clean, grind and add a little    ulcers from insect bites.       with the soil of
                                  alum and moistened coconut oil         - Mature dried rhizomes,        5 - 10 cm thick.
                                  sufficiently for use as an external    ground into fine powder to      Or bringing the
                                  medicine                               apply to the area of the rash.  seed to cultivate
                                                                         /- Dried rhizome ground into    before planting by
                                                                         powder, simmer with vege-       exposing to dry in
                                                                         table oil making oil to apply   the shade covered
                                                                         fresh wounds                    with decomposed
                                                                                                         manure for about
                                                                                                         20 days.
                                                                                                         The seed will
                                                                                                         sprout up. There-
                                                                                                         fore, brought to
                                                                                                         plant in the plot
- Croton per- Croton          Cure diarrhea nourishing blood.            - Bark and leaves are used to Propagation by
similis root oblongifolius Relieve pain and hepatitis Relieve            relieve diarrhea, nourishing tissue culture
รากเปล้าใหญ่            Roxb. joint pain and muscle aches.               blood.                          method (Research
                                                                         - Boiled water of the bark is of Duangporn Ang
                                                                         used for fever relief, curing Sumalee)
                                                                         hepatitis, joint pain, and
                                                                         muscle aches
- Dried ginger Zingiber           Where the dried ginger is used as a    Dried ginger rhizome is used Dried ginger rhi-
ขิงแห้ง         officinale        component of traditional medicine      as an ingredient in 5 other     zome
                Roscoe.           includes Na Wa Kot cordial, Wisam-     formulas: haematinic drug
                                  phaya Yai medicine, clove pills, Fai   (ยาเลือดงาม),
                                  Palaikulp medicine, and diuretics      Blood tonic drugs (ยาบำ�รุง
                                  drug in the herbal drug list from      โลหิต) Benjakul (BJK) drug (ยา
                                  the Main National Drug Information     เบญจกูล)
                                  announced on 7 August 2013             gastric juice pills (ยาปลูก
                                                                         ไฟธาตุ) , Yar Tree Phikat medi-
                                                                         cine  (ยาตรีพิกัด)
32      International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020

     Discussion                                                              15. Heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora crispa):
               Results in the study of the innovative learning     inhibit aphthous ulcer and immunodeficiency symp-
     of local wisdom from the community resource base in           toms, purify blood. Chew to eat for internodes of 1 fin-
     Na Si Nuan Village, Sai Ngam Village, Na Siao Sub-district,   ger per day
     Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province are discussed as                   16. Cryptolepis Dubia: Relief disabled tendons
     follows:                                                      and nourish tendons
               1. According to the study of species and prop-                17. Derris Scandens; relief fever in women
     erties of medicinal plants in Na Si Nuan Village, Ban Sai               18. Chaya (spinach): nourish the four elements;
     Ngam, Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum       Ceylon Spinach and Morning glory help nourishing eye-
     Province by surveying, collecting specimens of medici-        sight
     nal plants with taking pictures and collecting important                19. Indian cork (millingtonia hortensis) tree:
     details related to herbs in the Na Si Nuan Village, Ban       Cure asthma and allergy symptoms
     Sai Ngam, Na Siao Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiya-                20. D. longissima Schum: Help nourishing milk
     phum Province, the results indicate that herbs in the         and blood; stalks cure Hemorrhoids, allergy, and asthma
     area that people use for the treatment of diseases and        symptoms
     nourishing the body include the following herbal sam-                   21. Fa thalai chon (Andrographis paniculata);
     ples                                                          cure sinusitis and d tonsillitis symptoms
               1. Roselle, properties: mild fruit can be eaten               22. Long Pepper; carminative properties:
     for parasitic excretion                                       Diamnel flower (Oldenlandia corymbosa); diuretic
               2. Black Sugarcane: Relieve leg pain, use as di-    properties, heal colic symptoms in the stomach.These
     uretic                                                        22 medicinal plants are in accordance with the Thai-
               3. Dung Etok (passiflora lye, passion fruit): Re-   land Institute of Scientific and Technological Research.
     lieve leg pain                                                (2015) which find these plants are edible and can be
               4.Gymnanthemum extensum (bitterleaf tree):          used as medicine. 23. Dried ginger can be processed
     Bitter taste, cure fever                                      into leaf-wrapped ginger. Herbal food products contain-
               5. Sweet Basil: carminative properties, nourish     ing the following ingredients; Dried ginger, Black Galin-
     the wind element                                              gale (กระชายดำ�), Long pepper (ดีปลี), Toon(Caladium (หัว
               6. Citronella grass: Diuretic properties            ทูน), Wild (Bitter) ginger (กระทือ), Phlai (Bengal root ว่าน
               7. Pak Waan BanTree (sauropus androgynus):          ไพล), Crataeva (กุ่ม) peels, Pipe Tamarind (มะขามเปียก),
     can be eaten at all times                                     Brown sugar (น้ำ�ตาลทรายแดง), Odized salt (เกลือไอโอดีน),
               8.Pea Eggplant: Cure the diabetes                   Elephant garlic (กระเทียมโทน), Piper Lolot  (ชะพลู), Star
               9.Plai (zingiber cassumunar): carminative prop-     Gooseberry leaves (ใบมะยม), Raw Bananas (กล้วยดิบ),
     erties                                                        will be the cuisine that contains herbal ingredients with
               10.Galangal: carminative properties                 carminative, properties that help expel wind-dampness,
               11. Ginger, Lesser Galangal: deodorize the fishy    relieve colic syndrome, nourish the milk of women after
     smell                                                         childbirth. In the use of dried ginger as herbs, it can be
               12. Agasta Flower (Vegetable Hummingbird):          chosen based on the understanding and convenience
     mild leaf help cure a seasonal Influenza, the peels cure      that the plant can be found in the locality. This is con-
     mouth ulcer                                                   sistent with Samittinan, T. (2001) who found that dried
               13. Karen Chili: carminative properties, enhance    ginger is used as a component in traditional medicine in
     digestion, cure napping, nausea, vomiting, dizziness          the traditional home medicine, such as Ya Hom Naowa
               14. Carambola, lemon; reduce blood fat, dis-        Kot   Kot cordial (ยาหอมเนาวโกฐ), Ya Wisumphaya Yai
     solve fat, and blood clots. Help cleansing                    medicine (ยาวิสัมพยาใหญ่),  Clove pills (ยาประสะกานพลู).
International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020                33

          Sai Ngam villagers have processed products         the requirement for knowledge about medicinal plants
from dried ginger into "Miang Khing" ( leave-wrapped         of students, non-formal and informal education centers
ginger) sold at 160 baht per kilogram. According to          in Kaeng Khro District Chaiyaphum province is at the
Duanpenporn Chaiphakdee (2019), it is found that herb-       highest level.
al wisdom can help to process food products generating
income for the community.                                    Suggestions
          2. Create lessons for the community about lo-                1. Knowledge about the properties of herbs
cal wisdom development for Sai Ngam Village, Na Siao         should be provided through online media and websites
Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province with       for lifelong learning.
information on the name of medicinal plants, photos,                   2. Booklets to educate the public about health
scientific names, family names which are in line with        care for every family should be publicized.
the research of Kamonchat Klom-Im (2017) where infor-                  3. Planting, caring for community herbs, and
mation related to herb name, photos, scientific names,       preservation of the nearby community environment
parts of herbs used and properties are used to create        should be publicized.
community lessons for visitors and learners of Thai tra-     Suggestions for future research
ditional medicine have applied for plant propagation                   1. The conservation of rare or endangered me-
and herb preserving for sustainability. This is consistent   dicinal plant varieties used for the treatment of diseases
with Pornchulee Archa Amrung and (2018) which          should be studied.
find that digital media of herbal products can be linked               2. Research and development of learning
to technology as a business center for herbs.                courses on local medicinal plants in the form of par-
          3. In the dissemination knowledge and local        ticipatory action research should be conducted while
knowledge for learning resources, the local knowledge        school encourages teachers, students and the commu-
center is established at Na Siao Subdistrict Health Pro-     nity with local knowledgeable people to participate in
motion Hospital to disseminate local wisdom in Chai-         the learning and teaching activities.
yaphum province. This learning center consists of CD-                  3. Process of knowledge transfer on herbs for
ROM of medicinal plants database and medicinal plant         cultivation and natural herb resource inherited from
documentation which is in line with the research of          local ancestors should be conducted to create knowl-
Kanitkan Pankaew et al. (2017) which find that the lo-       edge about the sources of herbs in natural forests as a
cal wisdom learning center consists of the posters of        heritage of natural resources and for sustainable envi-
local wisdom from different ethnic groups, learning ma-      ronmental conservation
terials, booklets and CD with information about local                  4. Knowledge should be provided by organizing
wisdom for schools to be distributed to the youth in         the training for community members to learn the pro-
the area. This is consistent with Juljerm Suriwong (2016).   cessing of local herbal products to create extra careers
and Duenpenporn Chaipakdee (2016) which find that            for families and the community.
34      International Jounal of Science and Innovative Technology Volume3 Issue1 January - June 2020

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