Page created by Claude Terry
STRATEGY 2017-2022
CRICKET IN AUSTRALIA                                                                      A NOTE
                                                                                          FROM JAMES

                                                               2 ,020 ,864
over 100,000
VOLUNTEERS                        Over 15 million broadcast
                                      reach per season

Cricket’s national digital channels                                       TOTAL                                    Dear colleagues,

                                           LIKE                           ATTENDANCE                               On behalf of Australian Cricket, I am delighted and
combined (Cricket Network) have                                                                                    excited to introduce our next five-year strategy.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Cameron French

 20 million social fans/followers                                            IN 2016-17                                                                                               CEO, Cricket Australian Capital Territory

                                                                                                                    Delighted, because this strategy represents
                                                                                                                    more than 12 months of honest, ambitious and
                                                                                                                    innovative debate by representatives from all levels              Andrew Jones

                                                                             ATTENDANCE   of cricket. At its heart, this strategy is driven by our love of the game, and              CEO, Cricket New South Wales

          10 PEOPLE                                                                       our shared belief that cricket plays an important and valuable role in
                                                                                          Australian society. Our communities are healthy when cricket is healthy.

          EVERY SECOND                                           110%                     Excited, because this strategy also provides clarity, a collective sense of                 Troy Watson

          EVERY DAY
                                                                                                                                                                                      CEO, Northern Territory Cricket
                                                                                          what it will take to make cricket Australia’s favourite sport and, most
                                                                 GROWTH                   importantly, a sport for all Australians. As the Chief Executive Officers of
          Start watching a                                                                Cricket Australia and all State and Territory associations, we look forward
          Cricket Network Video
          around the world
                                                                BBL HAS GROWN             to bringing the strategy to life.                                                           Max Walters
                                                                                                                                                                                      CEO, Queensland Cricket

                                                                SIGNIFICANTLY OVER        The challenges are many, and all of us face tough and determined
                                                                                          competitors. What I find particularly pleasing is the additional work that
                                                                THE PAST 4 SEASONS        has created How We Play, the behaviours that will underpin the manner in
                                                                                                                                                                                      Keith Bradshaw
                                                                                          which we will tackle the task ahead.                                                        CEO, South Australian Cricket Association

                                                                                          That combination, of a clear strategy and a defined approach, will ensure

                  393,735                            1,037,268
                                                                                          our success.
                                           25                                             I’m looking forward to working with you all to achieve our aspirations
                                                                                                                                                                                      Nick Cummins
                                                                                                                                                                                      CEO, Cricket Tasmania
                  Female participants
                                                     CHILDREN                             outlined in this strategy.

                  241 ,105                 %
                                           28      PLAY CRICKET THROUGH
                                                                                          Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                                                                                      Tony Dodemaide

                                                    COMPETITIONS, CLUBS
                                                                                                                                                                                      CEO, Cricket Victoria
          OVER    Multicultural participants
                                                       AND SCHOOLS
                  185 ,015                                                                James Sutherland

                                                                                                                                                                                      Christina Mvews

   PEOPLE         Indoor participants                                                     CEO, Cricket Australia                                                                      CEO, Western Australian Cricket Association

 IN CRICKET       54,346              %
                  Indigenous participants
  9% growth
                                                                                                              OUR PURPOSE                                                         OUR VISION
   in 16-17                           %
                                      32                                                                     TO INSPIRE EVERYONE                                           AUSTRALIA’S FAVOURITE SPORT
                  Participants with a disability                                                               TO LOVE CRICKET                                             – A SPORT FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS

UNRIVALLED HISTORY                                                                 HOW AUSTRALIAN
           IN AUSTRALIAN SPORT                                                                CRICKET FUNCTIONS

                                                                                              Australian Cricket is led nationally by Cricket Australia, in
                                                                                              partnership with the State and Territory Cricket Associations

                                                 We are Australia’s                           who lead and serve the many local Associations across
                                                                                              the country.
                                                                                                                                                                     We all act collectively
                                            national sport, embedded in                       On the field, we compete in domestic competitions that
                                                                                                                                                                  in the best interests of the
                                               our country’s identity.                        inspire fans and develop Australian players of the future.
                                                                                                                                                                   game we love and serve.
                                                                                              Off the field, we collaborate in all areas where it is beneficial
                                                                                              to leverage the scale of cricket nationally.
                                      Cricket is a fundamental part of Australian culture.

NATIONAL WOMEN’S LEAGUE SINCE 1930    It is part of our vernacular and our history.           Working as a unified sport, we co-design national plans
                                                                                              and enable localised delivery of those plans to cricket
                                      In 1787 Lord’s (Marylebone Cricket Club) established    communities across each State and Territory.
                                      the laws of cricket to ensure uniformity and fairness
                                      for cricketers worldwide. We adopted these laws
                                      and still follow them today.

                                      Cricket is now played by millions of Australians.
                                      International games and domestic leagues like
                                      the Big Bash are the leading sports entertainment
                                      across the summer, and our game inspires and
                                      connects people of all backgrounds and interest.

         THE INVINCIBLES 1948

2                                                                                                                                                                                                3
AUSTRALIAN CRICKET’S ACHIEVEMENTS                                                                        RESPONDING TO A RAPIDLY CHANGING
              OVER THE PAST FIVE YEARS                                                                                 WORLD OF SPORT AND ENTERTAINMENT

           WHO IS INTERESTED IN                      CRICKET, FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH                                OUR WORLD IS CHANGING
           AUSTRALIAN CRICKET?                       • New revised junior formats for children to inspire a lifelong   • Rapidly changing media landscape and shrinking
                                                       involvement in cricket.                                           attention spans.
                                                     • Grew attendance to the men’s Big Bash League significantly      • Better facilities and support needed for grassroots

      3 5
         OF         80%                                and launched the women’s Big Bash League.
                                                     • Through cricket, women can pursue a fully professional
                                                                                                                         cricket communities and volunteers.
                                                                                                                       • New sporting powers emerging, led by China and
                                                       sporting career in our game.                                      other nations.
    AUSTRALIANS    UNDER 30       80%    56%         • Implemented independent governance and a new                    • Greater fusion of sports and entertainment, with
                                                       financial model for Australia cricket.                            live sport gaining more traction.
                                                     • Unified Australian Cricket through the                          • Fans increasingly expecting personalised experiences.
                   Australia’s most popular mobile     One Team transformation.
                  sports game 4 million downloads

                                                      Cricket Network (all CA digital platforms combined)
                                                     is the No.1 digital sports destination across summer,
                                                      and No.1 cricket destination year-round in Australia.
                                                                                                                       SPORT AND ENTERTAINMENT ARE CHANGING

                                                                                                                                             TV audiences want to watch

                                                                                                                           LIVE!             what they want, when they
                                                                                                                                             want… except for sport.
                                                                                                                                             They want to watch sport live!
     Won Men’s Ashes       Won ICC Men’s
      in 2014 (5-0)       World Cup in 2015
                                                                                                                                             Video games have become bigger
                                                                                                                                             than sports for participation

                                                                                                                       ESPORTS               Esports are challenging sports for fans

  Won ICC           Won T20         Regained                                                                                                 People are more time-constrained
Women’s World     Women’s World   Women’s Ashes
 Cup in 2013        Cup 2014         in 2015
                                                                                                                                             Gen Z (8 – early 20s) want to

      WOMEN’S TEAM NO.1 IN ALL THREE FORMATS                                                                              GEN Z              interact with the content – not
                                                                                                                                             just watch, share it or comment

4                                                                                                                                                                                      5
TO MEET THE DEMANDS                               DEVELOPING OUR
    OF THE FUTURE…                                    STRATEGY TOGETHER

             Our strategy needs to be grounded in     COLLABORATION
              GIVING THE BEST POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE     A true collaborative effort by hundreds of people over

                        TO OUR FANS, PARTICIPANTS,    the last 12 months to develop Australian Cricket’s new
                                                      five-year strategy.
                          VOLUNTEERS AND PLAYERS

                         WE WANT TO BE VISIONARY,         Every person made a valuable
                      FLEXIBLE AND COLLABORATIVE           contribution to how we are
                      while continuing to respect           going to set ourselves up
                          the tradition of cricket           for a successful future.

                           WE WANT TO BE A LEADER
                           IN EMBRACING DIVERSITY
                     In particular, being the sport
                    of choice for women and girls
                                                                                                                         OVER                       WE RAN
                               We want to have a                                                                8,000 FANS                    26 WORKSHOPS WITH
                      DEEPLY ENGAGED WORKFORCE                                                                  WERE SURVEYED                 400 EMPLOYEES
                                                                                                                  and asked a series of         across Australian Cricket –
                                                                                                               questions about their vision   Cricket Australia and the state
                                                                                                                 for the future of cricket      and territory associations
                    WE WANT THE WORLD T20 TO BE
                  THE BIGGEST CRICKET EVENT EVER                  MORE THAN                                              OVER                            OVER
                         including a full house for             600 EMPLOYEES                                   200 PEOPLE                    50 EMPLOYEES
                                the women’s final               8,000 FANS                                      CAME TOGETHER                 IN 7 WORKING GROUPS
                                                              current and past players,                          listened to experts, and         further developed our
                                                             and coaches contributed to                        each other at the Australian    aspirations and activities to
                                                           developing the five year strategy                    Cricket Conference 2016        complete the new strategy

6                                                                                                                                                                               7
AUSTRALIAN CRICKET STRATEGY                                                                                             HOW WE PLAY
                                                                                                                       Be real, smash the boundaries,
                                                                                                                           make every ball count,
    2017-2022                                                                                                                stronger together

                               OUR PURPOSE                                                   OUR VISION
                               To inspire everyone                                     Australia’s Favourite Sport
                                  to love cricket                                      – a Sport for all Australians

                                                           PARTICIPANTS                                                    ELITE PLAYERS
          FANS                                            AND VOLUNTEERS                                                     AND TEAMS
        No.1 for fans                                      No. 1 for participation                                          No. 1 in all formats

      We will give fans                                    We will create the best                                        We will deliver the best
     what they want and                                   participation experiences                                        High Performance
      grow the Big Bash                                    to grow junior cricket                                          system for players

                          We will be the leading sport for women and girls

                          We will promote cricket to inspire love for the game

                          We will use technology to deliver great experiences for fans, participants and volunteers

                          We will maximise long-term sustainable revenue to drive investment in the game

                                                      WE WILL SUPPORT OUR STRATEGY BY:
                          Transforming how we                     Attracting and                   Using the World T20 in 2020 as
                          lead, serve and unite the               developing great                 a springboard for cricket before,
                          cricket community                       people                           during and after the event

8                                                                                                                                                       9
                  LEVEL – STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                              REACHING THE
                                                                                                                                                                     NEXT LEVEL

                                                                                                                           IGNITING THE COUNTRY              HOME ASHES REINFORCE
                                                                                                                               WITH CRICKET                   EVERYONE’S LOVE FOR
                                                                                                                                                               CRICKET AHEAD OF
                                                                                                                                                               AN IMPENDING NEW
                                                                                                                                                              STRATEGIC DIRECTION
                                                                                                    ENTERING NEW             MEN’S WORLD T20 IS                   FOR CRICKET
                                                                                                      HORIZONS              THE BIGGEST CRICKET
                                                                                                                              EVENT EVER AND IS
                                                                                                                             A SPRINGBOARD FOR
                                                             INCREASING OUR                       SUCCESS HOME
                                                                                                                            GRASSROOTS CRICKET
                                                                                                                              AND THE BIG BASH                         FY22
                                                               MOMENTUM                         AND AWAY IN WORLD
                                                                                              EVENTS AND THE ASHES
                                                                                               INSPIRES MILLIONS TO
                                                                                                                                                             • Home Ashes Series.

                           SETTING UP                                                             LOVE THE GAME                                              • Half of the GMD field force
                                                                                                                                                               are women.
        THEME             FOR SUCCESS
                                                                LIVE THE                                                                                     • All States and Territories have
                                                              NEW STRATEGY                                                                                     elite facilities.

                                                                                                                           • Men’s World T20 in Australia.
                                                                                                                                                             • The Women’s Big Bash League is
                                                                                                                           • Both Big Bash competitions
                                                                                                                                                               the leading women’s league in
                                                                                                                             experience rapidly growing
                          ALIGN OUR                                                                                          viewership and attendance.
                                                                                                                                                               the world.

                       ACTIVITIES TO THE                                                                                   • Overwhelming demand from
                        NEW STRATEGY
                                                                                              • Junior pathway is
       AGENDA                                                                                   fully integrated.
                                                                                                                             kids to play cricket in light
                                                                                                                             of the World T20.
                                                                                              • Away Ashes series.
                                                                                              • Junior cricketers in all
                                                                                                competitions are playing

                                                        • New funding agreements in
                                                                                                revised formats.
                                                          place for States and Territories.
                                                                                              • Women’s World T20
                                                        • Increased resourcing for
                                                                                                in Australia.
                                                          grassroots cricket.
                                                        • Use data to provide personalised
                   • Embed the new strategy
                                                          digital experiences for the
                     and ‘how we play’ across
                                                          cricket community.
                     Australian Cricket.
                                                        • Women’s World T20 in
     ACTIVITIES    • Gender pay equity achieved for
                                                          West Indies.
                     the first time in World Cricket.
                   • Deliver a successful expanded
                     men’s Big Bash League.
                   • Launch new and innovative
                     grassroots apps.
                   • Key media rights and
                     commercial deals are finalised.

10                                                                                                                                                                                               11
                                                                                                                                       BE NO.1 FOR                                  BE NO.1 FOR                                     BE NO.1 IN ALL
                                                                                                                                          FANS                                     PARTICIPATION                                   ELITE FORMATS

     GIVE FANS WHAT THEY WANT AND                                   CREATE THE BEST PARTICIPATION                                      DELIVER THE BEST HIGH-                                             BE THE LEADING SPORT FOR
     GROW THE BIG BASH                                              EXPERIENCES TO GROW JUNIOR CRICKET                                 PERFORMANCE SYSTEM FOR PLAYERS                                     WOMEN AND GIRLS

     • Schedule compelling cricket when fans want to watch          • Cricket is in every school, is a trusted partner of the          • Prepare adaptable, resilient and competitive male and            • Achieve gender equity across Australian Cricket.
       it (from October to March), offering formats for all fans,     education sector, and inspires every child to have a               female elite players and teams.                                  • Accelerate opportunities for women in all areas and levels
       including Test cricket, ODIs, T20Is and Big Bash.              lifelong love of cricket.                                        • Transform into the best high-performance model in                  of our game.
     • Grow the Big Bash with more games and globally               • Play fun formats in quality facilities that excite and delight     Australian sport, with ground-breaking use of technology.        • Grow female participation sustainably, and make sure
       recognised brands.                                             children at all levels.                                          • Develop the leading talent pathway with a paradigm shift           women and girls find cricket clubs welcoming and
     • Continue to develop the WBBL so it is the leading women’s    • Make every club a fun and safe place for children.                 in alignment to the T20 format.                                    enjoyable places to be.
       league in the world.                                         • Grassroots cricket welcomes people of all cultures               • Entice and retain talented athletes at every level.              • Be a viable professional career for female talented
     • Develop stronger domestic competitions that prepare            and backgrounds, reflecting the diversity of the                 • Our people will be the best in Australian sport – players,         athletes, who will be supported by an expansive and
       players for the challenges of international and                Australian population.                                             officials, coaches, curators and all involved in the game.         structured pathway.
       Big Bash competitions.                                       • Better support schools, clubs, associations and volunteers.                                                                         • Grow women’s elite cricket, with the World T20 the
                                                                                                                                       • Innovatively develop and maximise the use of elite
     • Provide fan-friendly content into overseas growth markets.   • Grow the number of Australians who feel connected with             training and playing facilities across Australian Cricket, and     largest women’s sports event seen in Australia,
     • Collaborate with the ICC to ensure that every men’s and        and passionately support the Big Bash clubs and                    prioritise player safety and wellbeing.                            while remaining number one in all formats.
       women’s international game means more to fans,                 Australian teams.                                                                                                                   • Deepen cricket’s fan base by entertaining
       and increase the quality and sustainability of                                                                                                                                                       women and girls, including through the
       international cricket.                                                                                                                                                                               BBL and international men’s cricket.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       13
                                                                                                                                      BE NO.1 FOR                                BE NO.1 FOR        BE NO.1 IN ALL
                                                                                                                                         FANS                                   PARTICIPATION      ELITE FORMATS

     PROMOTE CRICKET BETTER TO                                        USE TECHNOLOGY TO DELIVER                                       MAXIMISE LONG-TERM SUSTAINABLE
     INSPIRE EVERYONE’S LOVE                                          GREAT EXPERIENCES FOR FANS,                                     REVENUE TO DRIVE INVESTMENT IN
     FOR THE GAME                                                     PARTICIPANTS AND VOLUNTEERS                                     THE GAME

     • Cricket has a modern, positive and progressive voice in        • Seamless and engaging technology is available throughout      • Significantly grow media, digital and commercial revenue
       Australian sport and around the world.                           the community, allowing cricket to be played anywhere,          and develop more socially responsible partnerships.
     • Storytelling makes cricket the highest profile and preferred     any time, by anyone.                                          • Increase revenue from international markets through
       sport for children, parents and grassroots communities.        • Tailor and deliver exciting digital experiences across all      innovative content, new partnerships and by reaching
     • Our stories are relevant for women and girls, reflecting a       customer touchpoints.                                           more of the global cricket family.
       gender equal sport.                                            • Develop the number one cricket digital network                • Unlock the rapidly growing commercial markets for
     • Cricket has the most inclusive and compelling stories,           in the world.                                                   women’s cricket.
       making our elite players the most recognised and               • Deliver enhanced at-match experiences that are                • Create the strongest partnerships with government to
       respected Australian athletes.                                   personalised to customers’ needs, driving higher                maximise federal, state and local government investment
     • Australian Cricket has a clear identity that connects and        engagement and increased attendance.                            in the cricket community.
       inspires employees, who are empowered and harnessed as         • Transform match viewing to deliver highly engaging,           • Expand our operations to strategically create new long-
       sport’s best storytellers.                                       customised experiences wherever our fans are.                   term revenue streams in sport and entertainment.
                                                                      • Cricket has the best digital sports games in Australia that
                                                                        attract new cricket fans and drive deeper engagement
                                                                        with existing fans.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
HOW WE PLAY                                 What we aspire to achieve is one thing, but how we
                                                 play to achieve it, is equally important.

         Over 400 people
        across Australian
     Cricket collaboratively
     developed a shared set
      of behaviours for all
         of us to live by.

     As part of Australian Cricket, we commit
     to being real, smashing the boundaries,
     making every ball count and being
     stronger together.

     How We Play will inspire everyone to love
     cricket and become Australia’s favourite
     sport – a sport for all Australians.

16                                                                                                    17
     By Achieving our aspirations…

                                                    ARE EXCITED AND INSPIRED TO KEEP
                                                     LEARNING AND PLAYING THE GAME

               WOMEN AND GIRLS                                                               FANS                  ELITE PLAYERS
                  LOVE CRICKET AS MUCH                                                 ARE THRILLED, ENJOYING     FEEL AT THE TOP OF THEIR GAME
                    AS MEN AND BOYS                                                     MORE CRICKET THE WAY    WITH THE BEST HIGH-PERFORMANCE
                                                                                       THEY WANT TO WATCH IT        SYSTEM IN WORLD CRICKET

                          VOLUNTEERS                                                                                EMPLOYEES
                        FEEL VALUED AND SUPPORTED                                                                  LOVE WHAT THEY DO AND
                         BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE                                                                  THEIR ROLE IN OUR SPORT

18                                                                                                                                                19


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