Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club

Page created by Mildred Jenkins
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
Clydesdale Cricket Club

      Western Province
           Cricket Club
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
Commercial experience...

          Protecting the
          things you value
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
                                                  A T C H
            MATCH #1 at Wally Wilson Oval, Western Province TO B E
                                                M            E A MED
            16.00 (14.00 GMT)
                                                    - S T R
            FULTON’S FLYERS v Langa Cricket Club
December    19.00 OPENING CEREMONY at Newlands Cricket Ground
Sunday 10 No Game for Fulton’s Flyers: probable visit to Table Mountain
December 17.00 (15.00 GMT) Charity Match at Wally Wilson Oval
 Monday   MATCH #2 at YMCA Oval, Western Province CC
          14.20 (12.20 GMT)
          FULTON’S FLYERS v Tech Republic
 Tuesday MATCH #3 at Gary Kirsten Oval, Western Province CC
          12.00 (10.00 GMT)
          FULTON’S FLYERS v The 2nd XI
Wed 13 Dec OFFICIAL DAY OFF for all teams
Thursday    MATCH #4 at Western Province Cricket Club
                                                     M  P  IO N SHIP
            EITHER Last 16 in Championship KO competition
            OR Last 16 in Plate KO competition
                                                LIV E - S T
December    FULTON’S FLYERS v A N Other team TBA
 Friday     If progress from previous day…
                                                          P  IO N S HIP
                                                CH   AM
            MATCH #5 at Western Province Cricket   Club
   15                                            LI V E - S T
            Quarter-final in Championship or Plate competitionR
December    FULTON’S FLYERS v A N Other team TBA
Saturday    If progress from previous day…
                                                            P IO N S HIP
            MATCHES #6/7 at Western Province C    HAM EAMED
                                                Cricket  Club
            Semi-Finals and Finals in Championship or          R
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club

Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club

               Wally Wilson


       Gary Kirsten

Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
PATRICK BARBOUR, age 25, led Fulton’s Flyers to the Scottish

Championships in 2016, securing a place in these World Championships.
Acutely aware of the game situation as it develops over-by-over, he
opens the batting and breaks partnerships with his slow turners. This
year, he completed a round-the-world solo adventure in three months.
ARUN KRISHNA, also 25, born in India, has just qualified as a doctor. He is

a world traveller - and a reliable LMS all-rounder. A regular member of
the Clydesdale Cricket Club 1st XI this past season, in one LMS game in
2016, he recorded a personal ton (after the rest of the team had
collapsed)! His performances are positively surgical…
ANDREW SCOBIE, 26, is an accountant, a sporting all-rounder - a reliable

hockey goal-keeper and last season’s first-choice wicket-keeper for
Clydesdale’s 1st XI. A hard-hitting orthodox batsman and, when not
keeping, an outstanding fielder who holds - nearly - all his catches.
Occasionally, he likes to show he can bowl a bit as well.
SHERYAR AWAN, 22, has just qualified in accountancy at the University

of Aberdeen, with an imaginative approach to life and this particular
Championship. A regular Clydesdale 2nd XI opener, he is an inventive
batsman with attitude, ideally suited to the wacky LMS rules, and a useful
medium-paced bowler.
CALUM DRUMMOND, 21, was born in South Africa with a British

passport, and a Scottish father who is a keen follower of cricket. A
Clydesdale regular in his second-year at Loughborough, Calum made his
debut in the university’s first-team squad in 2016, contributing with ball
and bat, and has racked up 10 LMS appearances in two years.
BILLY PIRZADA, 25, a cheerful chappie, full of enthusiasm, a late
developer, but ambitious for success. A fast bowler, not always on target,

and a deceptively practical batsman with plenty of power, he took two
magnificent running catches in the LMS demo game in Glasgow in April -
including that of Herschelle Gibbs!
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
GORDON MUNRO, 30, has been an estate agent with a top Glasgow firm,

but is currently taking a sabbatical. An international Scotland hockey
prospect in his teens/early 20s, he returned to cricket through LMS in
2016. An enterprising if unorthodox batsman and an athletic fielder who
should never be underestimated.
KASIM FARID, 31, was the first Scottish-born Asian to captain Scotland at
any level, when he led the team that played in the U19 World Cup in 2004.

A dogged batsman and scheming off-spinner, he still plays regularly for
Clydesdale’s 1st XI - so did his two older brothers, while 15-year-old
Arman is also keen on the game.
OWAIN TAYLOR, 18, has just returned from a post-school three-month
solo trip to the USA. For Clydesdale, he plays regularly in the 2nd XI, and is
a lively all-rounder, great runner between the wickets, and fantastic
fielder. His cheerful character keeps us all happy, and he’s an awesome
quizzer, whether general knowledge or sport.
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
This Glasgow-based online TV production and digital services company
    was founded in 2011 with cricket’s needs in mind. Now, we have
 covered 30 different sports, at venues all over the world, and continue
      to champion those that are routinely ignored by mainstream
   broadcasters. Working with established social media platforms, we
   often deliver huge audiences for our clients and are proud to have
played our part in promoting Last Man Stands over the past three years.

For the LMS World Championships 2017 in Cape Town,
 QTV Sports is live-streaming all 29 matches from the
Wally Wilson Oval. Follow coverage on Facebook and at


  As the oldest team sports club in Scotland’s largest city,
 Clydesdale and its Members have been pleased to support
  FULTON’S FLYERS and wish them every success in the
       2017 Last Man Stands World Championships.
   Clydesdale has been the host venue for Fulton’s Flyers.
Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
MIKE STANGER, 75, the Tour Manager for
                                               the Fulton’s Flyers squad in Cape Town, was
                                               born in East London, South Africa, when his
                                               mother was evacuated from Cairo during
                                               World War II. He has played cricket since the

                                               age of 9, and has often had to step in to
                                               make up the LMS team numbers when
                                               players dropped out at short notice. He is a
                                               qualified cricket coach whose son Ian, now
                                               living in Australia, won 122 caps for Scotland,
                                               including four in the 1999 World Cup.

Fulton’s Flyers are so-called because their    STEVE TAYLOR, 56, is the Fulton’s Flyers
principal sponsor is the HF (Hugh Fulton)      Team and Match Manager for this Tour - a
Group, the electrical and                              Welshman. He, too, is a qualified
plumbing services company                              cricket coach, who has steered
based in the Pollokshields area                        Clydesdale Cricket Club’s U13s to
of Glasgow, where our hosts,
Clydesdale Cricket Club (logo
shield, right), are located.
  The name also suited the 2016
                                                       the top of their Western Union
                                                       league in most of the last 10
                                                       years. He has also played LMS for
                                                       the Flyers, and his son, Owain, is
squad, because their usual                             one of the squad of players for
captain was PE teacher Neil Fulton,                    the World Championships.
whose school commitments have pre-
empted any part in this year’s LMS             SAM DENNIS, 18, is the Tour Manager’s
activities in what was a rain-ruined season.   grandson, and fills the role of Coaching
  FF, created last season, won the inaugural   Assistant to the squad. At age 16, he
LMS West of Scotland League, then won
the 2016 Scottish Championships. This gave
them the opportunity this year to represent
Scotland at the LMS World Championships
                                               qualified as a Level 1 Football Association
                                               coach, and has his sights set on pursuing
                                               this as a career choice when he leaves
                                               school. He has played cricket, but quickly
in Cape Town. They will be competitive.        recognised he lacks his uncle’s skills.

Clydesdale Cricket Club Western Province Cricket Club
Newlands Cricket Stadium

Day 1 - Saturday 9 December - Pool Matches followed by
19.00 (17.00 GMT) World Championships Opening Ceremony
Cocktail Evening at the Newlands International Cricket Ground
(Dress: Jeans and LMS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2017 POLO shirts)

             If you think you’re beaten, then you are.
            If you think you dare not, then you don’t.
     If you’d like to win, but think you can’t, then it’s almost
                         certain you won’t.

  Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man.
                       But, sooner or later…

Western Province Cricket Club
                                              Wally Wilson Oval

Day 2 - Sunday 10 December - Pool Matches followed by
17.00 (15.00 GMT) Gary Kirsten Foundation Charity Match
at the Wally Wilson Oval, Western Province CC
Day 3 - Monday 11 December - Pool Matches
Day 4 - Tuesday 12 December - Pool Matches
Day 5 - Wednesday 13 December - Rest or Rain catch-up Day
Day 6 - Thursday 14 December - Last 16 knockout matches
(Championship and Plate competitions)
Day 7 - Friday 15 December - Quarter-Final matches
(Championship and Plate competitions)
Day 8 - Saturday 16 December - Semi-Final matches (morning)
14.20 (12.20 GMT) Plate Final at the Wally Wilson Oval
17.00 (15.00 GMT) Championship Final at the Wally Wilson Oval
Cape Town
Football Stadium
V & A Waterfront

      City Lodge Hotel

We wish fulton’s flyers all the best
 Come back World Champions - like us!
V & A Waterfront
This is the fifth overseas cricket tour I    Most of our LMS squad are, or have
have organised for Scottish teams. It is          been, players at Clydesdale, the
the third to South Africa… which is           oldest team sports club in Glasgow
maybe not too surprising as I was born       and the third oldest top cricket club
here during World War II. But it was 60       in Scotland. When we became LMS
years before my first return visit in 2002        Scottish champions in 2016 (our
with the best of the West of Scot-                  first season of existence in the
land U19 youngsters in tow. In                          LMS firmament), nearly all of
2003 I returned with the best                            these guys were regular 2nd
U18s from my Glasgow club,                                XI players. In season 2017,
Clydesdale.                                                much ravaged by rain, all
   The first tour was to India                          but two appeared regularly
in 1995, after former Aberdeenshire             for our club’s top team. For LMS -
professional Kailash Gattani, who                and me - that seems to me to be a
somehow managed to bring his Star                 compliment, and a justification.
Club of top U19 Indian cricketers                    But, at age 75, this will be the
(such as Sachin Tendulkar and                      last cricket tour that I organise.
Rahul Dravid) to the UK each year,               It’s time for others to take over,
challenged us to reciprocate. Our                    hopefully having seen how to
captain for that U21 West of Scot-                make it work - and what fun it is.
land tour was Craig Wright, later a                     One other bit of fun on this
most successful Scotland captain.                   occasion is the squad’s playing
   Every tour is different. The last                     kit, illustrated here. It’s my
tour I organised was the least                        choice and fault entirely, but
successful - to Sydney and Bris-                          I hope it takes a trick with
bane in 2005 - because it rained,                       the help of QTV Sports, the
persistently, in both places. Yet                      Glasgow-based live-streaming
that team included Kasim Farid,                       company that’s covering these
who is one of our LMS squad for                        games online. It reminds me
these World Championships and                          of the huge success in 2002 of
was Scotland’s captain in the                               Scottish cricket’s original
U19 World Cup. Another was                              blue-and-white saltire shirt,
Richie Berrington, born in South                         which became a best seller
Africa but raised in Scotland,                         to fans - that’s football fans,
who is now Scotland’s most                             not cricket! So watch out for
prolific international batsman.                          another unlikely impact on
Why he has not been picked up                          the haute couture of Scottish
by one of the English counties                          sport - the LMS tartan-and-
continues to be a mystery.                                             saltire trousers!
The players and coaches who are travelling
to cape town for the last man stands world
championships acknowledge with thanks the
  generous travel grants received from

       IAN ANDERSON and many other members of
     AMMAR ASHRAF (East Renfrewshire Cricket Club)
               (Scotland internationalists)
      JOE SIMPSON (Scottish Hockey internationalist)
               JULIAN TAYLOR (Shanghai)
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