Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention in Management of Postpartum Depression

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The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (January 2018) Vol. 70 (12), Page 2157-2161

        Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention in Management of
                           Postpartum Depression
                             Abdulrahman Abdulkhaliq Abdullah Alshehri (1),
                          Husam Mohsen bin Alhasel (2), Hiba Salah Abdelgadir(3)
                1-Faculty of Medicine, Albaha University, 2- Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies,
                                    3- Family Medicine, UMST University
        Corresponding author: Abdulrahman Abdulkhaliq Abdullah Alshehri, Email: a.a.a.z.1412@hotmail.com
Background: In order to prevent postpartum depression many primary preventive programs were done.
Psychological interventions are thought to be effective in decreasing the incidence of postnatal depression. This
study aimed to evaluate the effect of Psychotherapy in treatment of postpartum depression.
Methods: An electronic search was obtained in MEDLINE and EMBASE databases with search terms such as
psychology, postpartum, depression, intervention, effectiveness. The primary search resulted in 128 studies
which have been screened for eligibility. After exclusion of irrelevant, duplicated and review studies, 11 studies
were included in the review as they met the inclusion criteria.
Results: Psychotherapy decrease the likelihood of postpartum depression and decrease postpartum depressive
symptoms, increased awareness, depression reduction, general improvement and psychological health and
prevention of postpartum depression, improve depression, functioning and anxiety. Training for health visitors’
intervention was found to be cost-effective in reducing the proportion of women at risk. It was only noted that
there was no outcome difference between behavioral approach and person-centered approach groups. Health
visitor raining was noted to have preventive effect for depression.
Conclusions: There is evidence to recommend that interventions carried in pregnancy can be effective in
preventing postnatal depression. Interventions are mainly effective when grounded on psychological treatments
and provided to women suffering from antenatal depression.
Keywords: Psychology, Postpartum, Depression, Intervention, Effectiveness.

INTRODUCTION                                                    therapy (12, 13). In order to prevent PPD many primary
      Postpartum depression (PPD) also known as                 preventive programs were done. Psychological
postnatal depression, is a mood disorder that can occur         interventions are thought to be effective in decreasing
in women associated with childbirth (during the six             the incidence of postnatal depression (5). Many studies
weeks of the puerperium) (1). Symptoms of PPD                   were conducted aiming to evaluate the effect of
include anxiety, irritability, guilt, feelings of extreme       Psychotherapy in treatment of PPD (14). Interestingly, it
sadness, exhaustion, sleep disorders and somatic                was noted that postpartum interventions to prevent and
symptoms that affect the mother, children and the               treat PPD were more effective than interventions that
whole family (1, 2). PPD is a global phenomenon that            done in the prenatal and antenatal periods (15).
affect large number of women every year. In 2013                      The aim of the present systematic review is to
about 8.5% –11% of women were diagnosed with                    assess all randomized control trials that studied the
depression during pregnancy (3). The exact cause of             effectiveness of psychological intervention in
PPD is unknown, but it thought that combination of              management of postpartum depression to review the
physical and emotional factors which play an                    type of the psychological interventions and to examine
important role in its etiology (1, 4). PPD has many risk        its effects on patients’ outcome. This review will
factors such as lack of partner support, single marital         provide evidence-based data that can help doctors to
status, recent stressful life events, low levels of social      improve their patients’ outcome by applying the best
support and few number of children. In addition, the            evidence treatment modalities.
previous major depression is considered a risk factor
to develop postnatal attack of depression (5-8). Many
                                                                An electronic search was obtained in MEDLINE and
studies found that mothers who were satisfied with
                                                                EMBASE databases with search terms such as
their families are less likely to develop PPD, and the
                                                                psychology, postpartum, depression, intervention,
vice versa (9-11). Both counseling and medications are
                                                                effectiveness. The primary search resulted in 128
used in the treatment of PPD. selective serotonin
                                                                studies which have been screened for eligibility. After
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is a drug of choice in the
                                                                exclusion of irrelevant, duplicated and review studies,
treatment of PPD. Many types of counseling and
                                                                11 studies were included in the review as they met the
psychological therapy were used in treatment of PPD
                                                                inclusion criteria. Included studies aimed to assess the
such as; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT),
                                                                effectiveness of psychological interventions in
interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) and psychodynamic

                           Received: 20/12/2017                DOI: 10.12816/0045045
                           Accepted: 30/12/2017
Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention…

       management of postpartum depression. The data were                 Many types of psychological therapy were used in
       extracted from included studies in data collection             treatment of the included patients. Cognitive-
       forms demonstrated in table 1.                                 behavioral therapy (CBT) was used in 4 studies. Other
                                                                      interventions include psychotherapy and relaxation
       RESULTS                                                        training. Cognitive behavioral approach (CBA) and
           Out of the 11 included studies, nine studies were          person-centered approach (PCA) were also used as
       randomized controls trials (RCT), one pilot study and          well as training for health visitors (HVs) plus either
       one experimental trial. The total number of patients           cognitive behavioral approach (CBA) or person-
       were 18607 women. Age of the women varies as were              centered approach (PCA) sessions in treatment of
       reported in 6 studies, with minimum age of 20 to a             included women. Many other types of psychological
       maximum age of 37.                                             treatment were used such as; educational workshops,
           Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)                informational support, encouragement to exercise and
       scores was used to measure the outcome of PPD in all           to look for social support to exercise, telephone
       included studies. One study used in addition EPDS,             support sessions, psychological treatment sessions,
       the work and social adjustment scale, generalized              discharge education on postnatal depression and group
       Anxiety Disorder-7, postnatal bonding questionnaire            interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT-G).
       and social provisions scale. Another study added state-            Regarding the effectiveness of psychological
       trait anxiety inventory (STAI), clinical outcomes in           intervention in management of postpartum depression,
       routine evaluation - outcome measure (CORE-OM)                 this the reviewed studies concluded that;
       score, 12-item short form health survey (SF-12) and            psychotherapy decrease the likelihood of PPD and
       parenting stress index short form (PSI-SF) scores in           decrease postpartum depressive symptoms, increased
       addition to EPDS to evaluate their patient’s outcome.          awareness, depression reduction, general improvement
       Hamilton depression rating scale (HAM-D) and the               and psychological health and prevention of PPD,
       beck depression Inventory (BDI) were used too.                 improve depression, functioning and anxiety. Training
           Regarding the aggravating factors of PPD studies           for health visitors (HVs) intervention was found to be
       reported that risk factors of PPD include; single              cost-effective in reducing the proportion of women at
       women, lack of support from partner, financial                 risk. It was only noted that there was no outcome
       difficulties,   assisted     reproduction,     unplanned       difference between the CBA and the PCA groups.
       pregnancy and history of previous unfavorable                  Health visitor (HV) training was noted to have
       obstetric outcome. Financial status, spouse’s job and          preventive          effect       for        depression.
       type of delivery (Caesarean section delivery) were
       other risk factors that reported by the included studies.

Table (1): The effectiveness of the different psychotherapy approaches in treatment of post-partum depression
                                         Mothers                                                  Type of
                  Study        Sample                     Outcome           Aggravating                          Effectiveness of
   Study                                   Age                                                  psychological
                  design         size                     measure             factors                            the intervention
                                        (Mean age)                                              intervention
                                                                           Single women,
                                                                           difficulties,                            Reduce the
                                                                                             Psychotherapy, and
                  A                                                        lack of support                          likelihood
                                                     Edinburgh Postnatal                     cognitive-
 Kozinszky randomized                                                      from partner,                        of PPD and reduce
                               1,719       26 ±4     Depression Scale                        behavioral therapy
  et al.(16) controlled                                                    unplanned                                postpartum
                                                     (EPDS) scores                           and relaxation
              trial (RCT)                                                  pregnancy,                               depressive
                                                                           and assisted                             symptoms
                                                                                                                  The intervention
                                                                                                                  lead to increased
                                                                           Financial status,                      awareness,
  Moshki          Pre-post                          Edinburgh Postnatal
                                                                           spouse’s          Educational          depression
   et al.       experimental    230                 Depression Scale
     (17)                               28 +/- 6.39                        job, and          workshops            reduction, and
                   design                           (EPDS) scores
                                                                            type of delivery                      psychological
                                                                                                                  health and
                                                                                                                  prevention of PPD
                 A                                                                                                Reduction in
                                                                                             Cognitive behavioral
                prospective                          Edinburgh Postnatal                                          depressive
  Morrell                                                                                    approach (CBA) and
                cluster        4084                  Depression Scale             Not                             symptoms at six
  et al. (18)                             Not                                                person centered
                randomized                           (EPDS) scores              reported                          months
                                        reported                                             approach (PCA)
                 trial                                                                                            postpartum

Abdulrahman Alshehri et al.

                                             Mothers                                                    Type of
                    Study          Sample                      Outcome            Aggravating                               Effectiveness of
   Study                                       Age                                                    psychological
                    design           size                      measure              factors                                 the intervention
                                            (Mean age)                                                intervention
                                                          Edinburgh Postnatal
                A randomized                                                                       Informational           Lower postpartum
  Heh SS                                      Not         Depression Scale             Not
                controlled trial    500                                                            support                 depression in the
  et al.(19)                                reported      (EPDS) scores              reported
                    (RCT)                                                                                                   controlled group
                                                                                       Not         Encouragement to        Lower mean
                                                          Edinburgh Postnatal
   Daley        A randomized        146                                              reported      exercise and to seek EPDS scores than
                                            31.7±5.3      Depression Scale
  et al.(20)    controlled trial                                                                   out social support   those randomized
                                                                                                   to exercise          to usual care only
                                                          Edinburgh Postnatal
                                                          Depression Scale
                                                          (EPDS), Generalized
                                                          Anxiety Disorder-7,
 O'Mahen A randomized                         Not         Work and Social              Not         Telephone support
                                    249                                                                                       anxiety and
  et al.(21) controlled trial               reported      Adjustment Scale,          reported      sessions
                                                          Postnatal Bonding
                                                          Questionnaire, and
                                                          Social Provisions
 Mirabella A randomized                       Not         Edinburgh Postnatal          Not         Psychological               Significant
 et al. (22) controlled trial               reported      Depression Scale           reported      treatment sessions        improvements
                                                                                                                           group were less
                                                                                                                           likely to have
                                                          Edinburgh Postnatal                                              high depression
Shiao-Ming A randomized                                                                Not         education on
                                    200      20 -35       Depression Scale                                                 scores when
  et al.(23) controlled trial                                                        reported      postnatal
                                                          (EPDS)                                                           compared to the
                                                                                                                           control group at
                                                                                                                           three months
                                                                                                                           HV intervention
                                                                                                                           was highly likely
                                                                                                   Training for health
                                                                                                                           to be cost-
                                                                                                   visitors (HVs),
                                                                                                                           effective and
                                                                                                                           reducing the
                                                                                                   either cognitive
                                                          Edinburgh Postnatal                                              proportion of at-
  Morrell       A randomized        7649      Not                                                  behavioral
                                                          Depression Scale         Not reported                            risk women.
  et al. (24)        trial                  reported                                               approach (CBA) or
                                                          (EPDS)                                                           There was no
                                                                                                                           difference in
                                                                                                   approach (PCA)
                                                                                                   sessions for eligible
                                                                                                                           between the CBA
                                                                                                                           and the PCA
                                                          Edinburgh Postnatal
                                                          Depression Scale
                                                          (EPDS), Clinical
                                                          Outcomes in            Living alone,     Health visitor (HV)
                                                          Routine Evaluation -   previous          training, and
                 A                                        Outcome Measure        postnatal         cognitive
                                                                                                                           preventive effect
                 prospective                              (CORE-OM) score,       depression        behavioral or
  Brugha                                                                                                                   for depression in
                 cluster     2241            31.4 +/- 5   State-Trait Anxiety    (PND), the        person-centered
  et al.(25)                                                                                                               women who
                 randomized                               Inventory (STAI),      presence of one   principles.
                                                                                                                           screen negative
                 trial                                    12-item Short Form     or more adverse
                                                                                                                           for depression
                                                          Health Survey (SF-     life events
                                                          12) and Parenting
                                                          Stress Index Short
                                                          Form (PSI-SF)

Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention…

                                       Mothers                                                  Type of
                Study        Sample                     Outcome            Aggravating                           Effectiveness of
Study                                    Age                                                  psychological
                design         size                     measure              factors                             the intervention
                                      (Mean age)                                              intervention
                                                   Hamilton Depression
                                                   Rating Scale (HAM-
                                                   D),                                            Group
                                                                                                                Improve symptom
                                                   The Beck                                    interpersonal
 Reay                                                                   Not                                     severity for women
             A pilot study     31     31.8 +/- 6.2 Depression Inventory                       psychotherapy
et al.(26)                                                              reported                                suffering from
                                                   (BDI),                                        (IPT-G)
                                                                                                                postnatal depression
                                                   Edinburgh Postnatal
                                                   Scale (EPDS)

      DISCUSSION                                                       lack of partner support are important risk factors
          Psychotherapy is thought to be effective in                      , because pregnancy and delivery are important
      treatment of postpartum depression (5). This meta-               periods in the women’s life in which they need
      analysis combined the outcomes of 11 RCTs that                   special care. Absence of partner or lack of support
      included 18607 women with PPD. The review                        during this period is thought to have an important
      revealed that psychological interventions are                    implication in the psychological wellbeing in the
      effective in prevention and treatment of PPD.                    antenatal and postnatal periods. Other important
          All included studies used Edinburgh Postnatal                risk factor was financial problems, as it causes a lot
      Depression Scale (EPDS) scores to diagnose and                   of stress. Surprisingly, unplanned pregnancy,
      measure the outcome of PPD treatment (16-26). This               caesarean section delivery and history of previous
      means that the results are comparable and can be                 unfavorable obstetric outcome were found to be a
      generalized. Some studies used additional scales                 leading cause to PPD (16, 17). As it is known,
      such as postnatal bonding questionnaire and social               pregnancy is a special period, lack of support,
      provisions scale (21), state-trait anxiety inventory             unwanted or unplanned pregnancy and bad past
      (STAI), clinical outcomes in routine evaluation -                obstetric history can be precipitating factors for
      outcome measure (CORE-OM) score, 12-item short                   PPD. Fortunately, all these risk factors are
      form health survey (SF-12), parenting stress index               preventable. Manipulation of these risk factors may
      short form (PSI-SF) scores (25), Hamilton                        decrease the possibility of developing PPD over
      depression rating scale (HAM-D) and the beck                     many different ways.
      depression Inventory (BDI (26).
          Compared with the usual methods of treatment             CONCLUSION
      or the pharmacological treatment alone,                          In conclusion, there is evidence to recommend
      psychological interventions are associated with               that interventions carried in pregnancy can be
      reduction in the symptoms of PPD and outcome                  effective in preventing postnatal depression.
      improvement (16). Moreover, it also found to have             Interventions are mainly effective when grounded
      some preventive effects when it used in educational           on psychological treatments and provided to
      workshops in prenatal and postnatal periods (17).             women suffering from antenatal depression.
      Prevention of PPD was also noted after using both             Prevention of precipitating factors is important and
      health visitor (HV) training and cognitive                    needed to decrease incidence of PPD. There is
      behavioral therapy (25).                                      evidence suggesting that interventions that
          Educational workshops added an important                  emphasis on relationships problems may be
      effect as it increased the awareness of PPD (17).             beneficial. Further studies on prevention of PPD
      Psychological interventions have a positive effect            may be needed.
      in reduction of PPD till six months of follow up (24).
      Longer duration of follow up maybe needed to                     REFERENCES
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