Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia

Page created by Travis Weaver
Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia
Immersive Small Group Journeys
 Immersive Small Group Journeys

           2020 / 2021

Australia • New Zealand
Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1   Number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           night stays
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Daintree                                                         Sightseeing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          National                                                         stops
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Palm Cove
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alice                                       Great Barrier
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Springs                                       Reef Cruise
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1                         CAIRNS
                                                                                                                                                                                          Ayers  1
                                                                                                                                                                                          Rock 2   Kings Canyon
                                                                                                                                                                                           Uluru–Kata Tjuta
                                                                                                                                                                                            National Park

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2 Auckland

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hunter Valley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1                                       Rotorua 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mountains 1           1 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sydney                                      2
Palm Cove, Cairns                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wellington

Australia & New Zealand Expedition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fiordland

      22 DAYS                     CAIRNS            QUEENSTOWN                ANFLY

Cairns Daintree Great Barrier Reef Alice Springs Kings Canyon Uluru Kata Tjuta                                                                    unique insights into what life is like in an    Walpa Gorge, tracing the cultural significance
                                                                                                                                                  isolated Australian town. Spending some         of Kata Tjuta’s ancient rocky domes. Spend
Sydney Blue Mountains Hunter Valley Auckland Rotorua Wellington Queenstown                                                                        time at the School of the Air and Royal         the rest of the afternoon at the base of
                                                                                                                                                  Flying Doctor Service, learn how these          Uluru’s red slopes, embracing the timeless
                                                                                                                                                  services provide a much-needed medical          stories of the Anangu whose rock art you’ll
! "#$% &' "(& )*%#" +&,-"*.%/0 &' %1.+ -#",*#$ 2%#,"3 #-4 #-+.%-" *.",#$/ #-4 "*#4.".&-/ 5 3&,*/ "& %61$&*% &- "7./                               lifeline to remote Australian communities.      have an opportunity to see before visiting
                                                                                                                                                      Join your Alice Springs family hosts        the Mutitjulu Waterhole, home to the
"&,* '*&8 "7% &+%#-/ "& "7% &,"2#+9 &' !,/"*#$.# #-4 #+*&// "7% $%-)"7 #-4 2*%#4"7 &' :%( ;%#$#-4< =82*#+% "7%                                    this evening for a Local Dining Experience      Anangu’s wanampi, an ancestral water
/&17./".+#".&- &' "7% +.".%/ #-4 /&,$',$ %61#-/% &' "7%.* /",--.-) ,-"#8%4 $#-4/+#1%/<                                                            barbecue dinner around a campfire, as the       snake. Afterwards, meet the magical stars
                                                                                                                                                  Milky Way lights up the sky. Hotel: Crowne      of the Southern Hemisphere this evening at
                                                                                                                                                  Plaza Alice Springs Lasseters. B DE             the sensational Sounds of Silence Dinner. B DE
                                                                                                                                                  Day 5 Alice Springs –                           Day 8 Uluru – Sydney
                                                                                                                                                  Kings Canyon                                    Witness a mesmerising sunrise over
                                                                                                                                                      This morning’s journey takes you            Uluru – perfectly viewed from the dune
                HIGHLIGHTS                                                                                                                        through the West MacDonnell Ranges and          viewing area. Afterwards, kick back and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kings Canyon
                                                                                                                                                  along the 4WD Mereenie Loop Road, past          enjoy laidback Aussie vibes before your
  Discover                                                                                                                                        Tylers Lookout and Gosses Bluff. Take a         flight to Sydney. Consider    an optional
                                                                                                                                                  walk through Angkerle (Standley Chasm),         experience scenic helicopter flight over
  • Uluru (Ayers Rock) and Kata Tjuta (the Olgas)                                                                                                 created over millions of years, and continue    Uluru and Kata Tjuta, learn the art of
  • Spectacular Sydney Harbour and beaches                                                                                                        to your destination, Kings Canyon, where        Aboriginal dot painting or simply relax
                                                                                                                                                  you can stroll along the shady creek bed        with a good book. This afternoon, soulful
  • Great Barrier Reef                                                                                                                            at the foot of the towering sandstone           Uluru gives way to cosmopolitan Sydney.
  • Doubtful Sound in Fiordland National Park            Great Barrier Reef                           Sydney Sailing                              cliffs of the canyon. Hotel: Kings Canyon       Hotel: The Langham, Sydney. B
                                                                                                                                                  Resort, Deluxe Spa Rooms. B L DW                Day 9 Sydney – Blue Mountains
  • Beautiful Lake Rotorua
                                                                                                                                                  Day 6 Kings Canyon – Uluru                      !"# $"%&&#'%() "*# +, -"# .+'/0 1#'%-2)#
                                                        Day 1 Welcome to Cairns                       Learn how to hunt for elusive mud crabs
  • New Zealand ‘Adventure Capital’ Queenstown                                                                                                    Rise with the birds and embark on the           /%$-#0 3/*# 4+*(-2%($ 52-%+(2/ 62'7
                                                        ! "#$% "&'()%& *) *+& ,#*&"#- (.*- )/         before enjoying lunch under the leafy
                                                                                                                                                  exhilarating 6km Rim Walk at Kings              8#97+($ ,'+& 2,2' 2$ :+* #&82'7 +( 2 02:
  Explore                                               0$)1.(#' 2)$*+ 34&&56'#57 8 *+& '#45(+        canopies of mahogany and oak. B L
                                                                                                                                                  Canyon past the domes of the Lost City,         +, 0%$9+;#': -+ #
Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia

     Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown

     Australia & New Zealand Expedition

                                 Day 11 Hunter Valley – Sydney                 Day 15 Auckland – Rotorua                       time to fly to Queenstown, New Zealand’s        Canyon. For a more sedate encounter
                                     The wind in your sails, it’s time to          Your leisurely discovery of New             adrenalin capital. On arrival, journey to the   with the adrenalin capital, visit one of
                                 kick-start your afternoon on famous           Zealand’s North Island continues as you         gold-rush village of Arrowtown. Enjoy an        the nearby wineries to sample award-
                                 Sydney Harbour. Prime your sea legs and       follow the Waikato River to the home            orientation tour of Queenstown. Hotel:          winning vintages. As your final day ends,
                                 join your sailing crew on board a luxury      of Lance and Bridgette O’Sullivan, for a        Heritage Queenstown, 3 nights. B                spend the evening enjoying a Celebration
                                 yacht. Take the helm, work the grinders       traditional country-style lunch.        Visit   Day 20 Doubtful Sound                           Dinner with wine with your Journey
                                 or simply kick back as you sail past the      the Tamaki Māori Village for insights into                                                      Director and new found friends. B CD
                                                                                                                                  Journey deep into the heart of Fiordland
                                 billowing sails of the Sydney Opera House,    the local rituals and traditions and then                                                       Day 22 Farewell from Queenstown
                                                                                                                               National Park. From the silence of the
                                 Harbour Bridge and small secluded             indulge in the mouthwatering flavours
                                                                                                                               ‘Sounds’ to the ancient rainforests,            For now, all that’s left to say is a fond
                                 coves surrounded by multi-million dollar      of a Hangi Local Dining Experience.
                                                                                                                               the beauty and vastness will leave you          farewell as your journey comes to an end
                                 waterfront homes. An evening at leisure       Hotel: Pullman Rotorua, 2 nights. B DE
                                                                                                                               speechless. Your day begins in Manapouri,       after breakfast. B
                                 follows your exhilarating day on the water.   Day 16 Rotorua Journey Select                   where you’ll embark on a cruise across
                                 Hotel: The Langham, Sydney, 2 nights. B
                                                                                  Embark on one of the Journey Select          Lake Manapouri. In Doubtful Sound, take to
                                 Day 12 Sydney Sightseeing                     sightseeing experiences today to explore        the waters of this glistening fiord. B L DW
     The Red Barn
                                 !"# $%&'#() *+,+(,& -. */0)#/ 1#23-4#         the sacred lands and Māori traditions of        Day 21 Queenstown Journey Select
                                 you this morning as you stroll along          Rotorua. Indulge in the Polynesian Spa’s
                                                                                                                                  Today indulge your adventurous side
                                 the coastal walk. No trip to Sydney would     healing waters, tread in the footsteps
                                                                                                                               on one of the Journey Select sightseeing
                                 be complete without a visit to                of Bilbo Baggins in the fantasy-land of
                                                                                                                               experiences. Enjoy a guided walk through a
                                 '"# 53-)53 */0)#/ 67#(% 8-+&# .-(             Hobbiton or take the native forest zipline
                                                                                                                               native beech forest or embark on a minibus
                                 % 9:;  ?.'#(1%(0&@ '-%&' A     Day 17 Rotorua – Wellington
                                 at a Celebration B5))#( %' 3"#. ;#'#(
                                                                               Come face-to-face with New Zealand’s
                                 C524-(#D& 53-)53 Bennelong Restaurant
                                                                               indigenous creatures within the
                                 under the sails
                                                                               lush surrounds of Rainbow Springs
                                 -. '"# */0)#/ 67#(% 8-+&#> B CD
                                                                               Nature Park.     Encounter the local
                                 Day 13 Sydney – Auckland                      Māori community at Whakawerawera
                                 !"# $%&'(')) *+ *,' -%&.+/& 0"*1 %2 1+/&      Living Village and see New Zealand’s
                                 '3"4 #"24+5'&1 +$ 6/2*&%)"%72 8%*/&%)         largest geyser before you board
                                 splendour and spiritual soul comes to %8      your flight to Wellington. Hotel:
     Hobbiton, Matamata          '8# %8# (')4+9' *+ :'( ;'%)%8#< (,'8          Sofitel Wellington, 2 nights. B
                                 1+/ =1 *+ 6/4>)%8#< 1+/& ?%*'(%1 to the       Day 18 Wellington
                                 North Island. Spend time at leisure
                                                                               A foodie extravaganza awaits this
                                 .'$+&' 9''*"8? 1+/& :'( ;'%)%8# ?/"#'
                                                                               morning as you join a local guide to
                                 %8# $'))+( *&%5'))'&2 $+& % @')4+9'
                                                                               sample the delicious gourmet delights
                                 A'4'3*"+8 %8# #"88'&B
                                                                               shared over fascinating stories of
                                 !"#$%& '"(#$% )*+,%-./0 1 .234#56 7 89
                                                                               Wellington. Embrace your inner hipster, as
                                 Day 14 Auckland                               you discover the charming Victorian
                                 Soak up Auckland’s intoxicating charm         architecture and savour the city’s coffee
                                 this morning as you embark on a               culture. Explore New Zealand’s fascinating
                                 city sightseeing tour. Then travel by         culture, nature, heritage and art at Te Papa
                                 ferry to Waiheke Island for a culinary        Museum of New Zealand, joining a guide
                                 extravaganza of bold reds. Continue           who will reveal the stories behind the                                                                                                      CONTACT US TODAY FOR THE
                                 your love affair with Waiheke at Casita       exhibitions. B DW                                                                                                                            BEST PRICES AND SERVICES
                                 Miro, savouring delicious Mediterranean       Day 19 Wellington – Queenstown
                                 flavours. Today’s final stop is at Mudbrick                                                                                                                                                       EMAIL US
                                                                               Discover the urban eco-sanctuary of
                                 Vineyard where you’ll enjoy spectacular
     Tamaki Māori Village                                                      Zealandia, admiring the extraordinary
                                 views of the Hauraki Gulf. B L                                                                 Wellington                                                                                     OR PHONE US NOW
                                                                               efforts of conservationists. Then it’s                                                                                                                                                                                                             +64 92814481
Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia Immersive Small Group Journeys - First Light Travel | Australia
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