Assessing Deal Value Transaction value advice

Page created by Duane Nichols
Assessing Deal Value Transaction value advice
Deal Value
Transaction value advice
Assessing Deal Value Transaction value advice
Improving Deal
                                                         Recent economic uncertainty has yielded
                                                         excellent opportunities for buyers and sellers to
                                                         find value in the deal market. But transactions
                                                         carry risks, therefore our valuation specialists
                                                         help you improve deal success. Detached from
                                                         deal financing and not being incentivised by
                                                         whether a deal closes or not means our interests
                                                         are properly aligned with your ultimate objective:
                                                         the creation of shareholder value.

                                                         Do you have the tools to answer
                                                         these questions?

                                                         • What will my equity returns be?
                                                         • Have I taken an integrated approach to valuation
                                                           that considers the industry specific, potential
                                                           synergy, tax and accounting impacts on value?
                                                         • Does my deal model capture the risks and
                                                           opportunities impacting the business?
                                                         • How do I convert due diligence findings into
                                                         • Have the methodology, assumptions and
                                                           integrity of my deal model been independently
                                                         • Will my Board or non-executive directors need
                                                           an independent, unbiased view?
                                                         • Are my deal advisors appropriately focused on
                                                           value, in balance with sourcing or financing the
                                                         • Is there a gap between intrinsic value and market
                                                           value of the business?
                                                         • How does value transfer in a joint venture impact
                                                           ownership structure?
                                                         • Do controlling rights carry a premium?
                                                         • What are the values of puts and calls on the
We help our clients in:
•   Mergers & acquisitions
•   Joint ventures
•   Disposals
•   IPOs
                             We help our clients to gain independent, objective insights on value to
                             help management negotiate a better price on deals. This could be through
                             enhanced diligence to review your deal models, advice on your bid strategy
                             and helping you assess the price throughout the diligence process. It can
                             be used whether the deal model is developed by you, by your lead advisor
                             or by PwC.
Assessing Deal Value Transaction value advice
Assess the gap between market and intrinsic value and
better connect diligence to valuation
M&A studies indicate that many                                                            • Identifying mathematical, design, and/
acquisitions fail to generate value        A logical component of                           or methodology errors in models
for buyers, yet surveys suggest deal       diligence
makers believe the opposite is true.                                                      • Exploring upside and downside cash
Best practice in valuation can help        Due diligence exercises share the                flow scenarios, including probabilities
mitigate the risks of mispricing a         common goals of uncovering risks and             of each and consideration of complex
transaction and improve the odds of        maximizing realization of returns. As a          options as necessary
deal success.                              component of diligence, value diligence        • Improving the connectivity of all
                                           helps meet these goals by exploring the          diligence findings to value
                                           gap between market value (what must be
Value perspectives                         paid to close a transaction) and intrinsic     • Analyzing required returns based on
                                           value (what something is really worth).          the components of systematic risk
What is a target business worth? That      Deal success requires buyers to be on          • Sensitizing value output to changes in
question should be answered from the       the right side of the intrinsic/market value     key value drivers
perspective of “value to whom?”.           relationship—it is the fundamental
There is no such thing as intrinsic value.                                                Value diligence explores these areas and
                                           equation of “buy low, sell high.”
Rather, there is value in the hands of one                                                others to sharply define the gap between
operator, or value in the hands of other    Value diligence helps clients improve         market and intrinsic value. And value
operators. Failure to consider the value of their valuation process by:                   diligence evaluates the amount and
a target business from the perspective of                                                 timing of expected value creation from
                                            • Uncovering how misaligned interests         synergies, which facilitates post-close
different potential operators is a common
                                              caused by natural bias can impact deal      synergy tracking.
trap for companies involved in

Examples of how our work can be tailored to your needs

Value diligence                              Deal valuations                                Deal structure modelling

Challenge the risk of bias or                PwC prepares deal models to add                Objective assessment of how deal
inaccuracies and convert diligence           rigour and an objective view to                structure and financing impact value
findings to value                            pricing negotiations
                                                                                            • Analyse financing requirements
• Analyse key industry value drivers         • Assess value of target to current              and ability to service
  relative to historical and peer              owners and to different bidders              • Quantify stakeholder returns
  observations to improve upside             • Independently review the                       under various deal structures,
  and downside scenario forecasting            estimates of synergies, including              including tax implications
• Assess business and market risks             quantification of risk-adjusted              • Assess impact that price, deal
  in cash flows or discount rate               synergies                                      financing, purchase accounting,
• Analyse country risk factors               • Increase transparency of intrinsic             tax structure, and other
• Review the deal model in terms of            versus market value gap                        considerations may have on
  logic and accuracy, application of         • Provide fairness opinions to                   earnings per share
  valuation methodologies, and other           support fiduciary responsibilities           • Provide pro-forma financial
  factors                                      of Board members                               statement analysis, including
• Provide a deeper understanding of          • Quantify risks from due diligence              income statement, balance sheet,
  market multiples based on relative           and adjust value as new                        and cash flow statement
  profitability, growth, and risk              information emerges throughout               • Analyse the economic value
• Address “deal killers” and mitigate          the deal process                               added (EVA) per year based on
  risks through purchase agreement           • Provide a value range to support               deal model to track value realised
  terms and closing mechanisms                 your negotiations                              post-integration
                                                                                            • Analyse structuring of contingent
                                                                                              consideration to align buyer and
                                                                                              seller interests and value
Assessing Deal Value Transaction value advice

                 Sorin Petre, CFA
                 Head of Valuation and Strategy
                 Phone: +40 21 225 3629

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