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MAJOR TRENDS 1. Competition on the European Gas Market LNG as Russian Pipeline Gas Main Competitor 2. Role of the Long-Term Contracts Rational for Long-Term Contract: Security of Supply and Demand plus the Superior Trading Opportunities 3. Evolution of Pricing Mechanisms From Oil Indexation to Hub Pricing Extreme Price Volatility 2
EU GAS MARKET HEALTH METRICS (ACER*), 2019 Number of 550% 440% 330% 220% 110% 0% sources Over the last 10 years EU made the Be-Lux NL NO QA OT 7 enormous progress in competition - RSI, % enhancement on its natural gas market. - HHI - Threshold Spain AL USA QA OT 11 Competition has strengthened both in terms values France NO RU NL OT 12 of increased number of sources of supply Netherlands NO D.P. RU OT 9 and the single supplier’s role reduction. Only Italy RU AL QA OT 13 5 countries out of 22 surveyed by ACER Greece RU TR AL OT 9 have less than three suppliers. Residual United Kingdom D.P. NO QA OT 12 supplies index (RSI) is close to the EU Target Poland RU D.P. DE OT 7 with the exception for several East and Croatia RU D.P. AT 3 Germany RU NO NL OT 7 Central European countries. In 2018 Lithuania NO RU USA 3 Gazprom took legally binding commitments Ireland UK D.P. 2 to address the EU Commission's concerns Portugal NG USA AL OT 5 over its dominant position in these counties. Hungary RU AT D.P. 4 Austria RU DE D.P. 3 ACER Gas Target Model Slovenia AT RU D.P. 3 DK-SW D.P. DE 2 Metric Threshold values Romania D.P. HU RU 4 Estonia RU LT 2 HHI HHI ≤ 2000 Bulgaria RU GR D.P. 4 RSI RSI ≥ 110% Latvia RU LT 2 Finland RU 1 Number of sources Q≥3 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% *The European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators 3 Source: ACER Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring the Internal Electricity and Gas Markets in 2019
CONCENTRATION OF THE SUPPLIES TO EUROPE (HHI INDEX) SUPPLIES TO EUROPE FROM THE THIRD COUNTIES SUPPLIES TO EUROPE INCLUDING INTERNAL PRODUCERS Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) is a HHI i* 4241 4147 3335 3120 HHI t** 1919 1948 1745 1702 measure of the size of the suppliers and 100% 100% an indicator of the amount of competition Others 6,9% 6,4% 5,7% Others 7,2% 14,6% 14,2% 14,9% 14,0% 2,2% 2,4% 3,6% 90% among them. 90% 2,7% Russia 6,1% 3,5% 3,4% 4,0% 4,0% 6,9% Azerbaijan 2,1% 4,4% 4,5% 80% 4,2% 4,0% 5,1% 4,1% 4,7% HHI points to ‘moderate concentration’ of 7,7% 7,2% 5,7% 5,6% Netherlands 70% 8,6% 8,4% 5,4% 5,6% the European gas market when all the Nigeria 80% 6,5% 6,6% 5,1% 7,8% 60% 7,9% 7,6% suppliers are taken into consideration. USA 7,3% 7,9% Russia 70% 15,9% 14,9% 8,9% 50% European gas market still remains in ‘high 9,2% 23,5% 22,7% Qatar 40% 20,8% 22,0% concentration’ zone when domestic USA 60% 10,8% supplier are taken out. However, HHI 10,9% Algeria (incl. LNG) 30% index slashed nearly 1000 points over the Qatar 20% 50% 62,4% 61,9% UK 33,9% 35,1% 33,4% 31,8% last 4 years and approaches ‘moderate 55,2% 52,8% Algeria (incl. LNG) 10% concentration” terrain due to the LNG Norway 40% 0% inflow. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2017 2018 2019 2020 Gazprom Gazprom With a declining indigenous production LNG will become a main competitor to HHI threshold values European Commission U.S. Department of Justice and FTC Gazprom. Low concentration HHI < 1000 HHI < 1500 Introduction of carbon tax on the imported gas puts LNG in a less Moderate concentration 1000 < HHI < 2000 1500 < HHI < 2500 advantageous position in comparison High concentration 2000 < HHI
LESSONS FROM 2020 • LNG spot deliveries are extremely price sensitive. 20% When prices on the European 18% gas market dropped to below $2/mbtu most LNG suppliers 16% 14% 12% were unable to return their cash 10% costs. 8% • Being a low-cost producer, 6% 4% 2% Gazprom was only moderately 0% affected by a prices meltdown January February March April May June July August September October November December and managed to uphold deliveries when flows of flexible LNG left Europe and created gas deficit in H2 2020. PJSC Gazprom LNG Source: IHS, Gazprom 5
LONG-TERM CONTRACTS RETAIN THEIR DOMINANT POSITION IN EUROPE Term versus Spot Sales in LNG Trading • Third Energy Package gave suppliers a formal opportunity to export the entire volume of gas on a spot basis. However, this opportunity remained unclaimed. And this is not just a matter of the “heritage” of the previously concluded legacy LTCs, which, by the way, could be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties. Parameters of the global portfolio of pipeline contracts • LTCs facilitate development of the 50 Duration of entering into force contracts 30 European forward and futures 40 and weighted average contract length in world portfolio 28 markets by providing them with backup physical liquidity. 30 26 Monetization of LTCs is a specific years bcm 20 24 feature of the European forward/ 10 22 futures market that has a distinct physical nature, not a financial 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 20 nature like in the United States. < 10 years 10 - 20 years 20 years and more Weighted average length (world portfolio) Source: IHS Waterborne, Cedigaz 6
LONG-TERM CONTRACTS RECEIVED ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FROM TRADING Rational for long-term S&P contracts Assumes long-term offtake obligations taking into account the prospective market needs. Reselling significant gas volumes on the Buyer/importer domestic market only on a short-term basis is impossible. Contract Security of demand duration affects the efficiency of trading operations. Is interested in guaranteed sales for long-term planning and long- Seller/exporter term borrowing. Choice between term and spot deliveries depends on the Buyer/importer availability of gas in the market. Security of supply The LTC reduces the risks of supply interruptions. The exporter Seller/exporter assumes obligations taking into account the long-term capabilities of this resource base. Source: Compiled by the author 7
FROM PRICING BASED ON GAS-ON-SUBSTITUTE TO GAS-ON-GAS COMPETITION EUROPE PRICE FORMATION 2005 TO 2019 • Europe is the region where the most significant changes in price formation mechanisms have taken place. • In the total consumption there has been a broadly continuous move from oil- indexation to pricing based on gas-on-gas competition since 2005. • Share of oil-indexation in Europe dropped from 78% in 2005 to 22% in 2019. Source: Wholesale Gas Price Survey 2020 Edition/ A Global Review of Price Formation Mechanisms 2005 to 2019, June 2020 8
PRICE FORMATION MECHANISMS IN GAS IMPORTS TO EUROPE GAS IMPORTS TO GAS IMPORTS TO THE EUROPEAN FAR ABROAD THE EU-27 + UK 4,1% 0,0% 100% 3,4% 0,0% 5,6% 4,3% 7,2% 9,0% 12,3% 10,1% 26,3% 80% 30,7% 44,4% 34,1% 58,9% 48,9% 54,3% 61,3% 55,9% 73,9% 60% 40% 68,1% 60,3% 53,6% 51,4% 46,8% 41,1% 20% 38,5% 34,1% 35,3% 26,1% 0% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Oil-indexed Hub-indexed** Fixed price * Norway considered as internal supplier ** From 2020 г. includes quasi-oil indexation and fixed price based on year-ahead forwards Sources: IEA, IHS Markit, Gazprom Export estimates 9
CORRELATION OF GAS HUB PRICES WITH OIL PRICES IS STILL STRONG Correlation between Year-Ahead Price on TTF and Oil indexes Y-A Mid Price - Y-A Mid Price - Y-A Mid Price - Y-A Mid Price - R-coefficient Brent Brent 3-monthMA Brent 6-monthMA Brent 9-monthMA Why, despite significant shift 2010-2013 88% 90% 87% 86% away from oil indexation, natural 2014-2015 91% 89% 89% 93% gas prices retain strong 2016-2018 82% 89% 89% 84% 2019-2021 84% 77% 67% 56% correlation with oil prices? 2010-2021 91% 92% 91% 90% Oil-indexation departed from the LTCs but inter-fuel competition cannot cease to exist Although oil-indexation has lost its dominance, inter-fuel competition still plays an important role in pricing but setting up a price corridor for natural gas between oil products and coal on an energy parity basis* *For discussion see: Komlev S. Foundations of Natural Gas Price Formation/ Misunderstandings Jeopardizing the Future of the Industry. Anthem Press. NY. 2020 11
HYPER VOLATILITY OF DAY-AHEAD AND MONTH-AHEAD PRICES Uncomfortable questions remain*. Average Deviation of TTF Forward Prices from the TTF Day- Ahead Price Index • Why integration of regional gas market does not lead to the formation of one price similar to global benchmarks typical for other commodities? • What makes prompt prices so volatile? • What is behind the diversion of the forward prices with different longevity? Source: Bloomberg *For discussion see: Komlev S. Foundations of Natural Gas Price Formation. Misunderstandings Jeopardizing the Future of the Industry. Anthem Press. NY. 2020. 12
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