Ashburton Elementary School - Montgomery County Public Schools

Page created by Brian Wheeler
Ashburton Elementary School - Montgomery County Public Schools
Ashburton Elementary School
6314 Lone Oak Drive, Bethesda, MD 20817 * 240-740-1300

                                          PRINCIPAL’S NEWS
                                                  May 2018
Dear Ashburton Parents/Guardians,
It is already May and we looking forward to spring weather and the many activities this month! There is
still plenty of time left in the school year and plenty to be accomplished! Our 4th grade chorus students will
perform in concert this month. Our fifth graders are going to end the school year with a lot of fun activities,
which includes the North Bethesda Middle School visit, patrol picnic, and the departing class picture this
month; June has even more excitement with our celebration for fifth graders sponsored by the PTA,
promotion and the clap-out. The snow and weather
days that kept us home from school over the winter           Calendar Updates
have impacted the calendar; the new end of school
date is June 15th for students which is an early release     May 1 – May 25- PARCC testing for grades 3-5
day. Please check the dates on the calendar in the box, See chart below for exact dates for each grade
the Google calendar and the website.
                                                           May 3- gr 5 Departing class picture
The second week of May is National Teacher
                                                           May 10 & 11- Moms and Muffins (A-L on the 10th,
Appreciation Week. Ashburton is filled with
                                                           M-Z on the 11th)
exemplary teachers who are dedicated to ensuring
that each and every child who walks through our            May 17 - Spring Chorus Concert, 7:00 p.m.
doors each morning has the very best learning
                                                           May 19 - PTA’s Spring Fling
opportunity. As an example of their awesomeness,
two of our special education staff are being               May 21- Dine Out with Ashburton at Smashburger
recognized by the Montgomery County Council of
                                                           May 25- Veterans Visit for Memorial Day, 8:45
PTAs for their outstanding work on behalf of our           a.m.
students with disabilities- Mackie Miller and Kristin
Moreno. Congratulations to them. Thank you to the          May 28 - Holiday- Memorial Day, No School
PTA for overseeing the nomination and to the parents       May 30 - Field Day Grade PEP-2
for their testimonials. Also as awesome, Mrs. Burrell
and Ms. Rillera oversaw Ashburton’s recertification        May 31 - Field Day Grades 3-5
as a Maryland Green School. A tremendous amount            June 8 – Grade 5 PTA Celebration
of work went into this project and we look forward to
continuing the focus on earth-friendly school              June 12 - 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 7:00 p.m.
operations and education!                                  Walter Johnson High School Auditorium

Our students are getting excited for the SPRING            June 14 - Awards Assembly-Grades 3-5
FLING event coming up on May 19th! We hope you             June 14- PEP Last Day of School
are able to attend the Spring Fling, rain or shine,
which is coordinated by a fabulous team of parents –       June 15 - K-5 Last Day of School, Early Dismissal
Jill Washecka, Leena Shepherd, Marilyn Santiago,           12:35 p.m.
Nakia Harper and Alicia Burgos. The class baskets          June 26 - Report Cards Mailed from Central Office
Ashburton Elementary School - Montgomery County Public Schools
are being organized and there are many wonderful donations from families and businesses for the silent
auction coming in. I will again take shift in the dunk tank and am very much looking forward to plunging
into the icy water in support of our amazing PTA! Our kids have incredible accuracy so I plan on spending
most of my time in the water! Hopefully the weather is warmer than last year!
Though the weather thinks that it is still late Fall, we hope that you and your family are enjoying the
beginning of Spring! I look forward to seeing you at the many events this May and June.


                                                    Greg Mullenholz, Principal

News & Notes
 A most welcome appreciation thought is to write a letter for a teacher’s file; it’s long-lasting, calorie free,
 and really means a lot to the staff member. A huge thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered
 to bring treats for the staff during teacher appreciation week- we do enjoy the thoughtful and generous
 ways that you show appreciation. The variety of food, flowers, and other treats is always delightful.

 Please see the attached schedule for your child’s grade level. If at all possible, please avoid making
 appointments on a day that your child will test. If your child is ill, please keep them at home and we will
 arrange for them to makeup the missed test portion. For your planning purposes: the tests for literacy last
 about 90 minutes and the math tests about 120 minutes. Children cannot enter the classroom once testing
 has started so it is important that all children come to school on time.

 It is that time of year when we begin to create next year’s classes! Our goal is to create balanced,
 heterogeneous classes in which students and teachers can be happy and productive. We seek to achieve
 balance in terms of gender, level of academic achievement, racial/ethnic groups, leaders and followers,
 learning rates, work/study skills, behavioral issues, and special needs. We value the input of parents in
 this process, so please take a few moments to complete and return the Parent Survey about your child
 that we will send home this week. We use your comments and input from these surveys; however, please
 do not request a teacher by name.

 If your child will attend North Bethesda Middle School or another MCPS school next year, please note
 that any funds in the cafeteria account will roll over to the new school. Accounts at Ashburton hold over
 money until the next year.

 Children who have medication at school will get a reminder letter next month to pick up medicine by
 the end of the school year. You will also receive new forms for next year.
Ashburton Elementary School - Montgomery County Public Schools
PARCC Testing Schedule-

Please note these dates and make every effort to have students in school on time. Encourage them to
be well rested and have a good breakfast.

                Literacy                               Math
 Grade 3        May 1, May 9                           May 11, May 15
 Grade 4        May 4                                  May 7, May 21
 Grade 5        May 9, May 10, May 16                  May 14, May 16

Our Muffins with Mom celebration (Moms with the last name A-L will come with their children
on May 10th and those with N-Z will come on May 11th). Last year was the first one and it was a
very well attended event.

Don’t            Miss           the           Gaithersburg               Book              Festival
Montgomery County Public Schools is proud to be a partner in the 2018 Gaithersburg Book
Festival on Saturday, May 19, on the grounds of Gaithersburg City Hall, 31 South Summit Avenue
in Gaithersburg. The book festival has a great lineup of authors and activities for children of all
ages. Several members of the MCPS community will be conducting readings at the festival and
there will be many programs, workshops, and activities in the Children’s Village that are designed
to   promote interest       in   reading   and writing.       For more         information,    visit Our own Mr. Roth will read from his Beep and Bob books at 2:15
PEP Newsletter May 2018                     appropriate clothes and shoes. Students should
                                                    also continue to bring a healthy dry snack to
For the next several weeks, children will           school daily. We are looking forward to all of
investigate nature with our May theme,              the exciting events this month!
“Nature All Around Us.” This theme covers
many of our favorite science topics, such as
plants and how they grow, the sun and the
moon, and weather and the seasons. Take
advantage of all that nature has to offer to help
                                                                       Dear First Grade Families,
your child learn about the world around us.
Important Date:

       There is no school May 28th                          We can’t believe it’s May already!
        (Memorial Day)                              We look forward to another great month of
                                                    learning. In May we are going on our fourth
                                                    and final field trip of the year to Imagination
                                                    Stage in Bethesda, Maryland on May 9th.
                                                    We will leave Ashburton promptly at 9:30,
                                                    and return to school by 12:30, in time for
                                                    Recess and Lunch. We will eat when we get
  May Happenings in Kindergarten                    back to school, so cafeteria lunch will be
                                                    available. We are excited for this field trip
                                                    since it connects so well with our literacy
                                                    We will be conducting M-class testing
                                                    during the month of May during our reading
                                                    block. In math students will start learning
                                                    about geometry. They will identify and
May is a fun month in kindergarten! On May          describe attributes of 2D and 3D shapes.
22nd, students will participate in a Young          Students will also use geoboards, pattern
Author’s Conference. Hena Khan, author of           blocks, and tangrams to compose shapes.
many children’s books, will be visiting and         In social studies we will continue our
giving a presentation. On May 23rd, students        economics unit by learning about economic
will be going on a field trip to the College Park   choices. We will also be learning about
Aviation Museum. Please look out for more           technology and jobs. In science we will be
information from your child’s teacher. Field        learning about electricity and clean energy!
Day will be on May 30th. As the weather gets
warmer, please help make sure your child wears
We can’t wait for Spring Fling and hope to           budget to “adopt a pet”. Additionally, see if
see many of you there! Thank you for your            your 3rd grader can talk to you about the
continued collaboration.                             differences between myths, folktales, fables,
                The First Grade Team                 and legends. We look forward to creating
                                                     our own fables soon. Please continue
                                                     practicing your math multiplication facts on
       Second Grade Town News                        a daily basis as these provide the foundation
                                                     for all subsequent math skills this year and
         Fourth quarter is in full swing and our
                                                     the coming years! Happy May!
days are filled with exciting projects and
lessons. In science, the students are excitedly
                                                                   News 4 You
watching caterpillars go through their life cycle.
This has brought a lot of excitement to our
days! In reading and writing, we are working on      Wow! With just over a month of school left,
a poetry unit soon to be followed by work with       we are still trying to figure out how this year
nonfiction texts. We will spend a lot of time        has flown by so fast! Our last field trip is to
learning about important leaders of the past         St. Mary’s City on Wednesday, May 16th. If
and present in reading, social studies and           you have not already completed and
writing. Throughout fourth quarter we will be        returned the permission slip to school,
focusing on examples of how leaders use effort,      please do so by the due date Wednesday,
motivation and persistence to reach their goals.     May 9th! Our chorus students will be
Talk with your child about ways you have shown       participating in their spring chorus concert
effort and persistence to reach your own goals,      later this month. The evening chorus
and what motivated you to reach them. As
                                                     performance will be at 7pm on Thursday,
                                                     May 17th. Please mark your calendars!
always, feel free to contact your child’s teacher
                                                     Students will be starting their last research
with any questions or concerns. Have a great
                                                     project for the school year in writing. They
                                                     will choose a topic to research, develop
    Third Grade Newsletter: May                      research questions, and use a variety of
                                                     sources to gather information. As always, it
Welcome Springtime! As May rolled                    is imperative that students are studying their
around, we began the PARCC assessment.               basic facts and working towards mastering
Please check with your child’s teacher to            all multiplication and division basic facts.
ensure your 3rd grader will not be absent on         Math concepts will continue to become
testing days. We recommend having a good             more challenging, and the fifth grade
night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast and               curriculum assumes all students have
                                                     mastered their basic facts. We are so proud
positive energy on testing days! We are
                                                     of all of the hard work and effort that our
excited to start a unit in math on measuring
                                                     fourth graders have put forth all year!
volume and mass. We will compare
measurements in the world around us. Did                    Thank you,
you know students will be able to help you
with your budgeting after the month of                      Mrs. Brenner, Ms. Cline, Ms. Greco,
May?  Students will learn the importance
of making financially responsible decisions
and get an opportunity to create their own
Mrs. Keane, Ms. Mullins, Mrs.               The focus will shift again when they begin
        Weaver, and Mrs. Wloszczowski               working with coordinate planes and graphing
                                                    ordered pairs. The students will graph points
                                                    and use ordered pairs to draw geometric figures
          FIFTH GRADE NEWS                          with given attributes. After that, the students
          READING                                   will work on generating numerical patterns
                                                    using rules and analyzing the patterns.
            Students are finishing up our non-
            fiction unit bats this week. We will    The compacted math students have begun
            be reading a Junior Great Books story   working with geometric figures and will
            and working on analyzing the story      continue with plane geometry before moving to
over a number of days this month. In addition,      working with three dimensional objects and
students will begin reading novels. We will be      creatively determining what they can calculate
working on answering text specific questions        from the dimensions, literally and figuratively
using fiction texts. Students also will be          thinking inside and outside the box. We shall
analyzing plays and examining figurative            “wrap” this mini-unit up by applying nets
language.                                           around solid figures to measure the solids’ face
                                                    edges and then, by determining and applying
WRITING                                             the formula, find the surface areas of prisms.
The students are finishing up their Career          From geometry, the students briefly will shift to
Inquiry Projects this month. Thank you to all       working with multi-digit numbers and decimals
the parents who sat for interviews or facilitated   using the standard algorithms to fluently
interviews! We will be creating informative         perform operations with those numbers. To add
brochures to advertise for our chosen careers       to the challenge, students will be using the
and will be inviting the fourth graders to our      operations with multi-step word problems.
Career Fair this month. We will finish May by
writing Personal Narratives. Students will be       After the calculations practice, they will begin
working on how to write a mini memoir in            working with data and statistics, differentiating
class. At home, you can help your 5th grader by     statistical and non-statistical types of questions,
discussing an important time in his or her life     exploring variability in terms of the context, the
where he or she demonstrated effort,                statistical question being asked, measures of
motivation or persistence to reach a goal.          center and spread, and the display of the data.
                                                    The students will be displaying numerical data
MATH                                                in plots on a number line, histograms, and box
                                                    plots and both describing and summarizing
The fifth grade math students are shifting their
                                                    numerical data sets by identifying clusters,
focus from performing decimal operations to
                                                    peaks, gaps, symmetry, skew, and outliers
applying understandings of how to perform the
                                                    considering the context in which the data were
operations to measurement, specifically within
                                                    collected. (Any intriguing graphs you spot in
the metric system. They also will work with the
                                                    newspapers or magazines might provide
customary system, which lacks the metric
                                                    interesting fodder for discussion of the origins,
system’s convenient multiples of 10
                                                    display, and meaning of the data display.)
relationships. With both systems of measure,
they will be identifying and using the              SCIENCE
relationships among units of measure in order
to convert units and solve multi-step problems.
The students have been differentiating between       able to recognize the signs and signals that your
inherited traits and learned behaviors and           child may be experiencing undue stress.
developing a foundational understanding of
                                                     Some signs and signals may include:
genetics. In this unit, how technological
developments have increased human                           Recurring headaches, tummy aches, or
understanding of genetics and the applications               neck pain
of those understandings. We shall switch                    Increased irritability, sadness, panic, or
science and social                                           anger
studies groups mid-                                         Trouble relaxing or sleeping
month and begin                                             Withdrawal from activities
the study with cells                                        Excessive energy or restlessness
with the second                                             Reverting to less mature behaviors
group.                                                      Nervous habits such as thumb sucking
                                                             or hair twisting
SOCIAL STUDIES                                              Trouble getting along with peers
The financial literacy work has provided the
students with a base for understanding               Just like adults, there are ways that we can help
markets, both face-to face markets and virtual       children cope with stress. Some ways to help
ones, various job benefits and trade-off and the     alleviate stress in children are:
path to becoming an entrepreneur. They will be
examining how people develop long and short                 Listening-ask the child what is bothering
term personal financial goals. Finally, we’ll be             then and how they feel
discussing the considerations that go into                  Encouragement-Help children to find
making decisions about spending, saving and                  something they are good at and tell
investing and how people also make decisions                 them how proud you are of them
about borrowing and using credit. They will be              Honesty and Openness-Encourage
                                                             children to express their feelings openly
identifying the risks and benefits of borrowing,
                                                            Consistency-Try to be consistent with
as well as those of investing, prior to switching
                                                             morning and afternoon routines
back to science.
                                                            Physical exercise-Exercise can help burn
From the Counselors:                                         off stressful feelings
                                                            Humor-Help the child to see the funny
Happy Spring! We can’t believe how quickly                   side of things
this year has been flying by! May has been                  Quiet-Allow for quiet and rest time
designated Mental Health Month by Mental                    Journaling-Encourage the child to write
Health America, so we thought this would be a                or draw things that are bothering them
good month to address identifying stress. We
often have parents ask us how they can help          The theme for Mental Health Month this year is
their child deal with all the stress of the fast     Fitness 4 Mind4 Body and focuses on the mind
paced society that we live in today. Children        body connection and how behavioral health
can experience stress just as adults do, but         and wellness are affected by diet, nutrition,
often it goes unrecognized. What may cause           sleep, stress, exercise, and positive life changes.
stress for one child may not be a stressful          Feel free to check out this website to learn
situation for another child. It is important to be   more:
As always, if your child is experiencing stress or
any other difficult situations, please do not
hesitate to contact us at and .
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