Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...

Page created by Curtis Barton
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
Artistic & Executive Director   “One of the city’s most ambitious cultural festivals, bringing
                                 in literary stars and intellectuals from around the world,
Candidate Package                as well as some stunning musical events… consistently
                                 surprises audiences with a smorgasbord of delights.”

                                                      — Charlie Smith, The Georgia Straight
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
The Invitation
                                                                     On behalf of the Board of Directors of Indian Summer Arts Society (ISAS), we welcome your interest
                                                                     in the role of Artistic and Executive Director.

                                                                     Indian Summer Arts Society has built a reputation for offering Vancouver some of its most exciting
                                                                     arts events through our annual Indian Summer Festival (ISF). Its thoughtful risk-taking, artistic
                                                                     excellence and social punch are punctuating characteristics of a festival designed for curious minds.
                                                                     It brings together the local context with the international, links South Asian artists from Vancouver
                                                                     and the global diaspora with Indigenous artists from the host nations.

                                                                     As our organization goes into its twelfth year, we prepare for an exciting future with new leadership.
                                                                     ISAS has been extraordinarily stewarded thus far by our founders Sirish Rao and Laura Byspalko. As
                                                                     they prepare to step down and take up new endeavours, they leave the organization with a bright
                                                                     future and strong foundation to build on. ISAS enjoys a strong local, national and international
                                                                     reputation. It is supported by a range of governmental agencies, donors and sponsors, has a vast
                                                                     network of cultural and artistic partners, and is beloved in the community. It is healthy, financially
                                                                     sound, and well poised for the future.

                                                                     We are looking for a visionary leader who is excited to design affirmative interventions in the arts
                                                                     landscape and who brings fresh thinking and ingenuity to this task. They will inspire, provide artistic
                                                                     and organizational leadership, and collaborate with an outstanding team and committed Board of
                                                                     Directors to deliver inspiring programs. We are searching for someone who will nurture and grow
                                                                     ISAS’s relationships — both institutional and individual — and who is excited by the challenge of
                                                                     finding innovative and meaningful ways to gather in this current moment.

                                                                     We believe that arts leaders can come from a variety of backgrounds and locations and actively
                                                                     welcome applications from everyone with the values, skills, attributes and experience outlined in
                                                                     this package. It is expected that the new Artistic and Executive Director will be in place to witness
“It’s more than a festival. It’s a movement.                         and celebrate the upcoming 12th edition July 7-17th under the current leadership, and take over the
                                                                     reins following that momentous occasion.
 I don’t know if something like this exists
 anywhere else. I wish New York had an                               We invite you to consider this exciting leadership opportunity and the ISAS’s unique position in the
 Indian Summer Festival.”                                            Canadian arts ecosystem.
                             — Waris Ahluwalia,
              actor and designer, ISF alumnus                        Am Johal
                                                                     Chair of the Board of Directors

                                                  The audience of Hariprasad Chaurasia, the Orpheum, ISF2018. Photo by Caleigh Mayer.
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
“An extraordinary event that encompasses not                               “For the past decade, the festival has brought
 only the foremost South Asian artists but has                              together international and local artists,
 embraced a broad and bounteous collection of                               connecting Vancouver with the world through
 other cultural traditions… It is a feast in every                          exciting work of culturally diverse artists. It
 sense of the word, a laden banquet of ideas,                               has fostered cross-cultural dialogue, reinforced
 performances, sounds and colours.”                                         the meaning of a global community, leveraged
                   — Dorothy Woodend, The Tyee                              the transformative power of the arts to inspire
                                                                            creativity, and offered hope for a more inclusive
                                                                            society and promising future.”
"Indian Summer describes itself as “a festival                                — Joy Johnson, President and Vice-Chancellor,
 for the curious mind.” The annual event has                                                          Simon Fraser University.
 pursued its mission statement with impressive
 results, presenting an eclectic roster of thinkers,
 creators and Nobel, Booker, Grammy and Oscar                              “What an incredible accomplishment, and a
 prize winners in a wide range of showcases.”                               tribute to our city.”
                — Stuart Derdeyn, Vancouver Sun                                                       — Kennedy Stewart,
                                                                                                             Mayor of the
                                                                                                        City of Vancouver
“The partnership between the Indian Summer
 Festival and the Ismaili Community has
 reinforced the value of pluralism that needs
 to exist in order for communities to thrive.
 Having the opportunity to host some of its
 programs at the Ismaili Centre has reinforced
 our aims to encourage mutual exchanges
 and understanding between diverse peoples,
 communities and faiths.”
                                   — Farouq Manji,
              Ismaili Council for British Columbia

'Immigrant Lessons' perform at the Imperial, ISF2019. Photo by Nick Siu.
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
A Festival for the Curious Mind
Indian Summer Arts Society (ISAS) was incorporated as a             Widely acknowledged as the pre-eminent presenter of
BC registered not-for-profit in 2011 and became a CRA-              South Asian arts and ideas in Canada, ISAS believes in the
registered charity in 2014. ISAS was co-founded by Sirish           transformative power of the arts to build bridges and foster
Rao and Laura Byspalko (who currently serve as the Artistic         dialogue. Each year, we present provocative arts events
Director and Managing Director, respectively).                      that feature some of the finest artists and visionaries from
                                                                    Canada, South Asia and beyond. From novelists to emcees,
Our signature event remains our annual Indian Summer                community visionaries to movie stars, ISAS presents
Festival. Beginning as a cultural bridge between Canada             emerging artists as well as Nobel, Booker, Grammy and
and India, the festival has since grown to serve as a meeting       Oscar prizewinners on its stages. Our offering now extends
place for many more cultures. It has seen a programmatic            beyond the festival to year-round programming, and a
evolution from an expression of diasporic South Asian               ‘Culture Lab’ which offers local artists funds, resources
identity in British Columbia to its current shape as a festival     and mentorship to provide crucial arts-based
that takes a decidedly pluralistic approach, welcoming and          solutions for pressing societal issues.
exploring issues that lie at the intersections of multiple
communities, through a South Asian lens.

                                                                                                                                                            Arundhati Roy, ISF+ 2019. Photo by Caleigh Mayer.

                       Mandate & Mission
                       We believe that arts organizations like ours have multiple     OUR VISION                                                OUR CORE VALUES
                       critical roles in creating a robust societal fabric, and
                       in combating prejudice and racism. Culturally diverse          An inclusive, diverse, and culturally rich society that   • Curiosity and collaboration
                       perspectives foster innovation, resilience, empathy            values the transformative power of the arts.
                       and cultural wellbeing. To us these are not abstract                                                                     • Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility
                       concepts; the outcome of our work is the wellbeing and         OUR MISSION
                       cooperation of the community at a systemic level.                                                                        • Excellence & Innovation
                                                                                      We offer multi-arts experiences of exceptional caliber,
                                                                                      thoughtfully curated through a South Asian lens. We       • Playfulness
                                                                                      connect rich and complex pasts with the emerging
                                                                                      future, delighting audiences while provoking necessary    • Diversity in ideas and humans
                                                                                      dialogue and debate.
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
The ISF team, 2020. Photo by Caleigh Mayer.

Who We Are
ISAS TEAM                                                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS                    COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                                                      & MEDIA RELATIONS
Sirish Rao Co-Founder & Artistic Director                       Am Johal Chair
Laura Byspalko Co-Founder & Managing Director                   Angie Osachoff Vice Chair              Fawnz Creative
Laura June Albert Development & Community Initiatives Manager   Vishal Hiralal Treasurer
Pawan Deol Festival Producer                                    Meena Dhillon Secretary                WEBSITE
Anya Rawla Festival Administrator & Office Coordinator          Neeta Soni Director
Rob Eccles Communications Designer                              Abhishaek Rawal Director               Kipling Media
Ciara Gunning Accounting & Payroll Manager                      Sambriddhi Nepal Director
                                                                Anna Ling Kaye Director               TECHNICAL SUPPORT
                                                                James Wright Director
                                                                                                      Tech Butlers Ltd.
                                                                2021 ADVISORY COUNCIL

                                                                Aradhana Seth
                                                                Deepa Mehta
                                                                Jas Sandhu
                                                                Mandeep Dhaliwal
                                                                Michael Stevenson
                                                                Pankaj Agarwal
                                                                Prem Gill
                                                                Ratana Stephens
                                                                Sukesh Kumar
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
“The idea of going through a generational
 transfer is an opportunity, a juicy place
 that can be taken advantage of. It’s the
                                                                               The Current Moment
 transition for a community where we have
 the founders with us to speak to what might                                   Any moment of generational transition holds with it both excitement and unique challenges.
                                                                               As an organization, ISAS sees this as an opportunity to demonstrate what an intentional
 come ahead, what is next, what we are                                         transfer of leadership can look like. We have a highly engaged Board and team, and outgoing
 going to co-create.”                                                          founders who are prepared to help with knowledge transfer while creating the space for new
                                                                               leadership to forge new directions. This is also a particular moment for all arts organizations
                 — Khari Wendell McClelland                                    around the world, as the pandemic has demanded agility and innovation, as the very nature of
                                                                               art making and art experiences shift. It is important to nurture local communities and creative
                                                                               ecosystems — at the same time we are afforded ways of connecting with international artists
                                                                               and communities through online and hybrid events.

                                                                               Some key situational considerations for ISAS are:

                                                                               • Organizational resilience in the wake of COVID

                                                                               • Financial stability and probity, in tandem with a healthy reserve fund

                                                                               • Experienced and committed complement of permanent, full-time staff

                                                                               • Engaged Board of Directors, backed by expertise and an ever-improving governance structure

                                                                               • Exemplary artistic network and prestigious history of presentations

                                     Sejal, ISF2020. Photo by Caleigh Mayer.   • Diverse set of sponsors, community partners, contributors and supporters

                                                                               • Relationships with public funders at all three levels

                                                                               • Treasured brand and favoured market position

                                                                               • Co-founders’ commitment to transfer knowledge and ensure the organization thrives

                                                                               • Exhaustive Governance and Policy Manual and forward looking Strategic Plan (2021-2023)
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
Facts & Figures                                                                   For nine years, we saw steady annual growth, balanced across four distinct revenue
                                                                                  sources. Then, due to the pandemic and the massive hit to live event ticket sales
2019 figures are provided as they offer an illustration of a typical festival.    models worldwide, our ticket revenue stream dropped steeply in 2020 and 2021.
2021 figures can be found in the most recent Annual Report                        Fortunately, Indian Summer could offset these temporary losses with support from
                                                                                  COVID programs and wage subsidies, which enabled Indian Summer to retain
• 11 day festival                                                                 staff, pay artists, engage audiences and carry out our mandate. Given the state
                                                                                  of uncertainty during this period, Indian Summer has fared remarkably well. Our
• 169 artists from 31 cities                                                      approach has been active, optimistic and cautious, and we remain committed as ever
                                                                                  to nurturing multiple revenue sources.
• 30 events                                                                                                                                  Annual Revenues of $850k

• 13 venues                                                                            MIXED REVENUE SOURCES 2019
• 7000+ attendees                                                                   Donations
                                                                                      10%                                                MIXED REVENUE SOURCES 2021
• 396,000 engaged through multi-month public art projects and free outdoor hubs                                   Grants &
                                                                                                                 Foundations                   Donations                                 Earned Income
• 216 volunteers                                                                  Earned Income                     46%                          8%                                           3%
• 142 earned media mentions                                                                       Sponsorships
                                                                                                      23%                                                      Grants &
                                                                                                                                    Sponsorships              Foundations
                                                                                                                                        23%                      39%
                                                                                                                                                COVID Support

                                                                                                                            'Dancing Masks', a public art project featuring Kwakwaka'wakw artist Maynard Johnny Jr. and
                                                                                                                             Mumbai-based artist Kanika Sethi, from the PAUSE pavilion, ISF2019. Photo by Syed Mustafa.
“Indian Summer Festival has created expansive space for us artists to be able
 to share our stories, be in community and reimagine the way we create art.”
                                 — Alyssa Amarshi, dancer and ISF alumna
Artistic & Executive Director Candidate Package - Indian Summer ...
Candidate Profile                                                                                       As the successful candidate, you are someone who possesses the
                                                                                                        following attributes:

                                                                                                        ADAPTABILITY: Demonstrates a willingness to be flexible, versatile
                                                                                                        and/or tolerant in a changing work environment while maintaining
The AED’s passion and vision results in exciting, unique artistic experiences that delight
                                                                                                        effectiveness and efficiency.
audiences in Metro Vancouver (and through online programming, Canada, and the
world). The genre-straddling and provocative programming that is the hallmark of ISF is
                                                                                                        BEHAVES ETHICALLY: Understands ethical behaviour and business
at the heart of the organization’s artistic leadership as steered by the AED.
                                                                                                        practices and ensures that own behaviour and the behaviour of others
                                                                                                        is consistent with these standards and aligns with the values of the
The AED maintains and strengthens the reputation of ISAS as a renowned cultural
institution and fosters engagement, collaboration, and artistic dialogue among exciting
and thoughtful artists in Canada, South Asia and the world. The AED strives to grow
                                                                                                        BUILDS RELATIONSHIPS: Establishes and maintains positive working
ISF’s artistic vision, scope and scale bringing fresh thinking, and experience in cultural
                                                                                                        relationships with others, both internally and externally, to achieve the
programming and innovative leadership to the role. The AED works to build a legacy for
                                                                                                        goals of the organization.
ISF by nurturing the growth and success of local artists and the local cultural landscape.
                                                                                                        COMMUNICATES EFFECTIVELY: Speaks, listens, and writes in a
The AED is a relationship builder who nurtures the Society’s wide-ranging and
                                                                                                        clear, thorough, and timely manner using appropriate and effective
committed network of stakeholders who view the Society as a treasured and significant
                                                                                                        communication tools and techniques.
cultural entity.
                                                                                                        INNOVATIVE THINKER: Develops new and unique ways to improve
The AED reports to a voluntary Board of Directors, is responsible for the overall success
                                                                                                        operations of the organization and to create new opportunities.
of ISF and fulfilling ISAS’s mission and vision and is supported by a committed and
collaborative managerial team.
                                                                                                        COLLABORATES: Builds partnerships and works collaboratively with
                                                                                                        internal and external stakeholders to meet shared objectives

                                            MEMBERSHIP                                                  FOSTERS TEAMWORK: Works cooperatively and effectively with
                                                                                                        others to set goals, resolve problems, and make decisions that enhance
                                 GOVERNANCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                          organizational effectiveness.

                    ARTISTIC / EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                ADVISORY COUNCIL
                                                                                                        DRIVES ENGAGEMENT: Creates a climate where others are
                                                                                                        motivated to do their best to help the organization achieve its
                                 FESTIVAL             COMMUNICATIONS                OPERATIONS
                                PRODUCER                 MANAGER                     MANAGER*
 INITIATIVES MANAGER                                                                                    MANAGES COMPLEXITY: Makes sense of complex, high quantity,
                                                                                                        and sometimes contradictory information to effectively solve problems.
                                                                              & OFFICE
                                                                                            & PAYROLL
                                                                                                        PLANS AND ALIGNS: Determine strategies to move the organization
                                                                                                        forward. Set goals, creates, and implements actions plans, and
                                                                                                        evaluates the process and results.

                                                                                                        trends and conditions in the environment, and the vision and values of
                                                                                                        the organization.
Role & Key Responsibilities
    LEADERSHIP                                                                                                                                 “As both artist and attendee, it
                                                                                                                                                truly is a feast for the senses, for
    • Provides overall direction and leadership for the organization and serves
                                                                                                                                                the mind, heart and spirit. I feel
    as advisor on all aspects of the organization’s operations and activities.
                                                                                                                                                lifted, reflected and engaged when
    • Collaborates with the Board of Directors to shape and execute the                                                                         it's ISF time. Through ISF, I have
    vision and strategic plan that guides ISAS.                                                                                                 found some of the most meaningful,
                                                                                                                                                long term collaborations with
    • Enables team members to deliver on organizational goals, maintaining                                                                      phenomenal artists from around
    a progressive and collaborative work culture despite challenging external                                                                   the globe.”
    conditions.                                                                                                                                                           —Ruby Singh,
                                                                                                                                                               musician, ISF alumnus

    • Creates a coherent festival experience that has a recognizable and
    distinctive Indian Summer Festival flavour.
                                                                                     PIQSIQ and Ruby Singh, ISF2020. Photo by Caleigh Mayer.
    • Develops a clear curatorial framework for each Festival edition and
    works closely with the Festival Producer to design events that are
    delivered in line with the curatorial vision and delight audiences, while        FUNDRAISING, OPERATIONAL &
    keeping fiscal and production feasibility in mind.                               FINANCIAL PLANNING, HUMAN RESOURCES

    • Delivers a program that provokes, engages, and entertains a broad              • Supports Development Manager in grant writing especially with regard
    cross-section of audiences, while also showcasing thought-leading,               to articulating strategic direction, artistic vision and programming.
    pioneering work that is vital to ISF’s position as a festival exemplifying the
    highest level of cultural innovation.                                            • Develops and maintains relationships with key top-level patrons,
                                                                                     sponsors and funders, and is supported by the Development Manager to
    • Envisions and oversees creative models for multi-year developmental            manage these key relationships.
    partnerships with other arts organizations locally, nationally, and
    internationally.                                                                 • Leads and oversees the development of the annual budget in
                                                                                     collaboration with the Operations Manager and other members of the
                                                                                     management team and ensures the organization reaches financial targets
    MEDIA/COMMUNICATIONS                                                             and goals.

    • Plays a lead role as ambassador and advocate for ISF in public relations,      • Hires and conducts annual performance reviews of management team
    while playing the roles of spokesperson to media, MC, host to audiences,         (Development Manager, Festival Producer, Communications Manager,
    funders, patrons, politicians, sponsors.                                         Operations Manager).

    • Represents ISAS at arts and culture events and conferences and
    speaks at appropriate media and industry engagements as an effective
Essential skills:
Experience & Competencies
   • Experience in senior management role in a non-profit arts organization.

   • Knowledge of leadership and management principles as they relate to
   non-profit/ voluntary organizations.

   • Knowledge of all federal and provincial legislation applicable to
   voluntary sector organizations.

   • Knowledge of current community challenges and opportunities relating
   to the mission of the organization.

   • Skilled people leader with the ability to coach, mentor and build
   effective teams.

   • Strong visionary & innovative thinker who sees ahead to future possibilities.                                                           'Nepathya' performs at the Chan Centre, ISF2018. Photo by Nick Siu.

   • Strong financial acumen and with ability to interpret and apply understanding
   of key financial indicators to make sound organizational decisions.

   • Experience in managing projects to ensure they are completed within
                                                                                     Desirable Criteria
   budget and deadline.
                                                                                     • Holds a highly developed emotional intelligence and is
   • Proven record as a successful fundraiser with knowledge of funding              compassionate, patient, and kind; has a sense of humor, models
   opportunities available within the sector.                                        collaborative working styles.

   • Ability to paint a compelling picture of the vision and strategy that           • Possesses strong cultural literacy in South Asian art practices and
   motivates others to action.                                                       disciplines and familiarity with a broad range of artists from South Asia
                                                                                     and the diaspora.
   • Expert level communicator with experience in developing and
   delivering multi-mode communications.                                             • Has entrepreneurial spirit, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.

   • Ability to work collaboratively with all sectors of the community, the          • Is attuned to the work and nurture required to maintain a wide network
   Board of Directors and staff.                                                     of relationships.

   • Relevant undergraduate degree or relevant experience.                           • Exists in service of joyful gathering and radical hospitality, especially in
                                                                                     difficult times. They will delight in catalyzing curiosity and artistic expression,
                                                                                     and connecting local communities to each other and the world.
Squamish leader Khelsilem leads a walking tour of Seʼnákw
                                                                                                                        – (Vanier Park), ISF2019. Photo by Syed Mustafa.

Remuneration                                                      TERMS/CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT

A competitive compensation package will be offered, complete      • Some evenings and weekends work is required
with salary (between $80,000 - $95,000) and competitive
benefits package.                                                 • Travel to local and international venues and sites

                                                                  • Access to a vehicle

How to Apply                                                      • Proof of vaccination

                                                                  • Ability to work remotely
Please apply by email with your cover letter and resume by no
later than 4pm on March 11, 2022.

Submit the completed application to:

Indian Summer festival is committed to building and
maintaining an inclusive work environment that reflects
the diversity of the audiences we serve. We encourage
applications from all qualified candidates and equity seeking
groups, including from racialized persons/persons of colour,
Indigenous persons, and persons with disabilities.

We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those
being considered for interviews will be contacted.
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