BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age

Page created by Jeffery Obrien
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age

 FESTIVALIreland’s national celebration of
         the arts and creativity as we age

                                     MAY 2022
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
SUPPORTERS              PAGE 2   WELCOME                                                                     PAGE 3

Core Funders                     Letter from the Bealtaine Festival
                                 Artistic Director, Dr. Tara Byrne
                                 Welcome back to our first in-person Bealtaine since 2019!
Grant Aided by                   Bealtaine has always been                 the contribution of the
                                 a celebration of life, but                LGBTQIA+ community to
                                 in 2022 our events take                   social and club culture in
                                 on a particular meaning                   Ireland, the Irish language,
Partners & Supporters
                                 as we meet each other                     women and representation
                                 once more in person and                   and communities of
                                 across the country with a                 dissent. We’re also tackling
                                 renewed sense of our in(ter)              issues such as models
                                 dependence, the Bealtaine                 of care, intersectional
                                 Festival theme until 2023                 identities, intergenerational
                                 (see the beautiful essay from             relationships, climate crisis,
                                 Theo Dorgan on             cultural politics, and a
                                 2022 also marks our                       more balanced programme
                                 most diverse festival ever,               in terms of gender
                                 with more communities                     representation. Finally, we
                                 taking part across different              offer you a blended festival
                                 generations, identities,                  of both in person and online
                                 and cultures. The festival                activity, so you can decide
                                 is also addressing a wide                 how you wish to engage
                                 range of themes, from                     with us. Enjoy the festival!

                                   Dr Tara Byrne: Arts Programme Manager and Bealtaine Festival Artistic Director
                                   Edel Doran: Arts Programme Assistant Manager and Bealtaine Festival Producer
                                   (maternity cover)
                                   Eva Griffin: Arts Programme Administrator
                                   Bridget Deevy: Arts Programme Assistant Manager and Bealtaine
Broadcast Partner
                                   Festival Producer (on maternity leave)
                                   Monica Flynn, Cormac Kinsella and Veronica Dyas:
                                   Bealtaine 2022 Festival Curators
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
FILM                                                                             PAGE 4    FILM                                                                        PAGE 5

                                                                                                                                                                                Photo: Luca Truffarelli
                                                                                           Up Up Up presents

“Where do all the old gays go?”                                                            Mad, Bad and                               Anima Fatima
Experiences of the Older LGBTQIA+                                                          Dangerous:                                  ONLINE FILM SCREENING

Community in Ireland                                                                       a celebration of                           Mon 9 – Sun 15 May
                                                                                           ‘difficult’ women                          Free
                                                                                                                           Anima Fatima is a series
                                                                                            ONLINE FILM SCREENING & DISCUSSION
The Irish Film Institute, Dublin 2
Wed 25 May, 2pm (Including Post Show Discussion chaired by Bill Hughes)                    Repeat of Series One:           of short art films made
€5.50                                                                                      Sun 1–Tue 31 May                by Philip Connaughton
                                                                                           Premiere of Series 2 Episode 1:
This Age & Opportunity/              of joys and sorrows that                              Mon 16 May, 6pm                 and Luca Truffarelli, in
Bealtaine commissioned               continue to shape their                               Premiere of Series 2 Episode 2: collaboration with eight
                                                                                           Tue 17 May, 6pm                 women from Fatima Groups
documentary short film,              lives from love to hope,                              Online Discussion:
directed by Cathy Dunne              health and concerns for the                           Wed 18 May, 6pm                 United. ‘Anima’ is the Latin
and produced by Maggie               safeguarding of their future,                         Free                            term for soul and this work
Ryan, provides an intimate           as well as the never ending                           A documentary series of         represents these strong,
exploration of the older             possibility of accepting and                          interviews between influential creative individuals, who
LGBTQIA+ community living            becoming your true self                               women over 70 created by        together form part of the
in Ireland. The contributors         regardless of your age.                               Emma O’Grady. Reshowing         vibrant fabric of Dublin 8.
speak openly and honestly            This event is presented in partnership with the       of Series One (featuring Lelia These  works were developed as the culmination of
                                                                                                                           a summer project in 2021 called Dance Uncovered,
                                     Irish Film Institute.
about what resonates with                                                                  Doolan, Margaretta D’Arcy,      developed through the Project Potential Programme,
                                                                                                                           and commissioned by Project Arts Centre.
                                     Commissioned by Age & Opportunity. The film was
them, not only from their            principally funded by the Department of Children,     Bernadette McAliskey) and
                                     Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth through
past but their future. What          the 2020 LGBTI+ Community Services Funding Call       the premiere of two new
                                     Scheme B, with support from The Arts Council.
transpired was the capturing                                                               episodes.
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
LITERATURE                                                                  PAGE 6     GENRES
                                                                                       LITERATURE                                                                     PAGE 7

Thirty-Two Words                           Standing on the
for Field: Lost                            Shoulders of
Words of the                               Giants 2022
Irish Landscape                             IN PERSON READING/DISCUSSION
Manchán Magan in                           Merrion Square, Dublin 2
conversation with                          Wed 25 May, 6pm €10/12
                                                                                       Writing 1922                       1922 was a very turbulent
Marian Richardson                Poets Colm Tóibín and                                                                    year in Ireland with the
                                                                                       IN PERSON PERFORMED READING
 ONLINE INTERVIEW                Padraig Regan feature in this                                                            foundation of the Free
                                                                                       The National Library of Ireland,
Mon 23 May, 3pm                  Bealtaine-originated event,                           Dublin 2                           State but also the starting of
€5                               which celebrates the links                            Sat 14 May, 3pm                    the Civil War. In this event
                                 between writers of different                          Free, Booking Essential            we’ll hear readings from
The richness of a language                                                             Limited capacity – Event will be
closely tied to the natural      generations. In the event,                            recorded and made available        literary works published
landscape offered our            the two poets will read from                                                             that fateful year, including
ancestors a more magical way and discuss their own and                                 Readings from the                  letters from Irish nationalist
of seeing the world. Before      each other’s work, while                              collections of the                 Roger Casement. Join us
we cast old words aside, in      reflecting on their writing.                          National Library by Cathy          for a glimpse into books,
Thirty-Two Words for Field       This event is in partnership with the International   Belton & David Herlihy.            letters and articles selected
                                 Literature Festival, Dublin.
Manchán Magan meditates                                                                Presented and narrated             from the National Library’s
on these words – and the                                                               by Doireann Ní Bhríain.            collections.
nuances of a way of life that is                                                                                          This event is presented in partnership with the
                                                                                                                          National Library of Ireland.
disappearing with them.
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
LITERATURE                                                                PAGE 8   GENRES
                                                                                   MUSIC                                                                                         PAGE 9

The Bealtaine Book Club aims
to honour and promote an Irish
                                                 Bealtaine Book Club
writer with a distinguished                      ONLINE INTERVIEW
and lengthy career who has                       Thu 26 May, 3pm
made a significant contribution                  Pay What You Feel
to literature. It also aims to
encourage older readers and                      The Bealtaine Festival, in
writers and to create a greater                  association with The Irish
understanding of issues
impacting on older age.                          Writers Centre, presents the
This is presented in association with City and   Bealtaine Book Club author
County Library Association
                                                 2022, Peter Cunningham.
                                                 Peter will be in conversation
                                                 with fellow author Sue Leonard    Dawn and                                           Bealtaine Voices
                                                 about Freedom Is A Land I         Dusk Chorus                                        with Mike
                                                 Cannot See, as well as his
                                                 writing career to date.
                                                                                    IN PERSON & ONLINE CONCERT                        Hanrahan
                                                                                   Dawn Chorus Sun 1 May, 5:30am,                      IN PERSON CONCERT
                                                                                   Blackrock, Co. Galway
                                                 Bealtaine                         Dusk Chorus Sun 29 May, 9:30pm,
                                                                                   The Spanish Arch, Co. Galway
                                                                                                                                      Ennis Courthouse Grounds
                                                                                                                                      Co. Clare
                                                 Writers’ Group                    Free                                               Mon 2 May, 3pm
                                                 ONLINE READING
                                                                                   Led by Keara Sheeran, the                          Come and join us for this
                                                 Thu 26 May, 1pm
                                                 Free                              “IGNITED” Choir, will come                         family-friendly event with
                                                 Join the Bealtaine Writers        together to give a wonderful                       singer, musician, producer
                                                 Group as they read a selection    one-hour Dawn Chorus. At                           and proud Ennis man Mike
                                                 of poetry inspired by Freedom     9:30pm, the Galway Sings                           Hanrahan of Stockton’s
                                                 Is A Land I Cannot See.           Project led by Peter Mannion                       Wing. With local choirs Mike
                                                 Bealtaine Writers are a group     will perform a stunning Dusk                       will be leading this free
                                                 of mainly older women and         Chorus.                                            community event for all
                                                 men who meet monthly to           See for a full list               generations to join in and
                                                                                   of in person and online Chorus                     sing along
                                                 write and review work in          performances.
                                                 progress, mainly poetry.          This event is presented in partnership with Sing
                                                                                                                                      This event is developed in partnership with Clare
                                                                                                                                      County Council and Creative Ireland.
                                                                                   Ireland and Galway City Council.
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
MUSIC / PERFORMANCE                                    PAGE 10   MUSIC		                           PERFORMING ARTS                              PAGE 11
Photo: Gary Doyle

                                                                                     An Evening with    Mapping
                                                                                     Colm Mac Con       the Archive
                                                                                     Iomaire and Guests with Dr. Emma Penney
                                                                                                                       and Sophie Meehan
                                                                                     IN PERSON CONCERT
                                                                                     Kilmuckridge Memorial Hall,        ONLINE DISCUSSION
                                                                                     Co. Wexford                       Fri 20 May, 7pm
                                                                                     Thu 5 May, 7:30 pm                Free
                    Love Song Part 1:               With a choir of performers
                                                                                     Dublin born, Wexford based
                                                                                                                       The Working-Class Writing
                                                    and guest singers,                                                 Archive is a website and
                    Communities of                  accompanied by musicians         Colm Mac Con Iomaire              collection which brings
                    Dissent – Silver                onstage, Seán Millar will        is a well-known violinist,        together writing by working
                    Stars and Beyond                perform and contextualise        composer, film-score              class writers and groups in
                                                    a curated song-cycle of          arranger, and a founding          Dublin that has never been
                    IN PERSON LIVE/STAGE SHOW
                                                    pieces from his decades          member of hugely successful       catalogued or archived
                    The Abbey Theatre, Dublin 1
                    Sun 8 May, 8pm                  long engagement with             Irish bands The Frames and        before. In conversation with
                    €10/€15/€20 Booking Essential   communities going through        Kíla. Colm has spent over two     curators Dr. Emma Penney
                    In partnership with the         profound change. Including       decades touring the world         and poet Sophie Meehan,
                    Abbey Theatre, Bealtaine        works from the seminal           and has released three solo       this event will explore the
                    Festival presents LOVE          Silver Stars right up to his     albums to critical acclaim.       mapping of this unique
                    SONG Part I: Communities        most recent orchestral           This will be a very special and   archive and share some of
                    of Dissent – Silver Stars and   work Sometimes The Signal        intimate concert with Colm        the preserved work.
                    beyond.                         Jumps.                           supported by the talented         This event is in partnership with Poetry Ireland.
                                                                                     Irish brother duo Basciville.
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
                            GENRES                                                                        PAGE 12                                                                                                   PERFORMING ARTS                                       VISUAL ART                              PAGE 13
Photo: Emilia Krysztofiak

                                                                                                                        Photo: Luca Truffarelli

                                                                                                                                                  Shaun Dunn photo: Wolf James | Jessica Kennedy photo: Ted Jones
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Ballad of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a Care Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In Conversation with
                            Tell Me This Now                   No Love Lost                                                                                                                                         Commissioned Artists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           IN PERSON EVENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          McKenna Gallery
                            IN PERSON PERFORMANCE              by Dylan Tighe                                                                                                                                       Shaun Dunne and                                       Riverbank Arts Centre, Co. Kildare
                            Dunamaise Arts Centre, Co. Laois                                                                                                                                                                                                              30 April–28 May
                            Sat 7 May, 2pm
                                                                IN PERSON LISTENING & DISCUSSION
                                                               The Cobblestone Backroom,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jessica Kennedy                                       Opening Hours 11am to 4pm Daily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Launch Event: Sat 7 May, 5pm
                                                               Dublin 7                                                                                                                                              ONLINE DISCUSSION                                    Free
                            In Tell Me This Now,               Fri 13 May, 8pm                                                                                                                                      Fri 27 May, 7pm                                       This visual art and audio
                            Mountrath Youth Theatre            Free, Booking Essential                                                                                                                              Free, Booking Essential                               installation by John Conway,
                            and Mountrath Golden Years         A listening event of                                                                                                                                 Artists Shaun Dunne                                   translated from his innovative
                            Club will come together for        a radio play by Dylan                                                                                                                                and Jessica Kennedy                                   theatre work of the same
                            an afternoon of storytelling       Tighe, followed by panel                                                                                                                             are developing a new                                  name, arose out of his Age
                            to see what we can all             discussion. No Love Lost                                                                                                                             collaborative film project                            & Opportunity Residency in
                            learn from each other. Led         is inspired by the film Fear                                                                                                                         exploring care within the                             2019. The Ballad of a Care
                            by theatre director and            Eats The Soul by Rainer                                                                                                                              family. Working to blend                              Centre weaves together
                            facilitator Louise White, the      Werner Fassbinder (1974),                                                                                                                            testimony with movement,                              real-life stories of older
                            groups will find playful ways      and explores racism through                                                                                                                          the artists will share                                men and women to form a
                            to stage their experiences         the prism of a love story                                                                                                                            some insight into their                               new narrative as a unique
                            and ask: ‘What happens             between a young Traveller                                                                                                                            collaborative process and                             listening and viewing
                            when we blur the generation        man and an older woman                                                                                                                               their upcoming work for                               experience in the McKenna
                            gap with tea, biscuits, fizzy      from Dublin 4.                                                                                                                                       Bealtaine Festival in 2023.                           Gallery.
                            colas and our stories?’            A co-production between RTÉ Drama On One and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Commissioned by Bealtaine Festival through the Arts   Supported by Riverbank Arts Centre and Kildare
                                                               Dylan Tighe, supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Council of Ireland’s Commissioning Award.             County Council Arts Service.
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
VISUAL ARTS                                                                   PAGE 14     VISUAL ARTS                                                                                       PAGE 15

                                                                                          Flikkers –

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Flikkers mid 80’s logo, designer Michael Carmody
                                                                                          Come As
                                                                                          You Were
                                                                                          A series of events
                                                                                          remembering and
                                                                                          celebrating the
                                                                                          Flikkers Disco era
                                                                                          at the Hirschfeld Centre
                                                                                          and the generation
Land Workings:                      the iconic site of Corlea
                                                                                          who were there.                                        Subversive Signs
                                    Trackway during Spring
From the land and                   2022. The presentation                                Flikkers invites older                                  IN PERSON DISCUSSION
to return there                     which will also take place                            LGBTQ+ people to                                       Gallery of Photography, Dublin 2.
a new work by artist                on this evocative site, points                        dance and celebrate this                               Thurs 12 May, 1:15pm
Nigel Rolfe                         poetically to our deep                                seminal period of social                               Free, Booking Essential

Curated and produced by Francis     connections with the land:                            and cultural activism in                               Journalist, activist and
Fay, LIVESTOCK presented            past, present and future.                             Ireland. Flikkers is the Age                           former Flikkers DJ Tonie
by Bealtaine Festival 2022 in                                                             & Opportunity, Bealtaine                               Walsh, in conversation with
                                    How does the land hold
partnership with Creative Ireland                                                         Festival Commission for                                Brendan Maher researcher
Longford as part of the Longford    us, shape us and define
                                    our horizon? As an artist                             2022 supported by the Arts                             and curator of the LGBTQ+
Live & Local programme.
Site hosts OPW                      within the frame of Bealtaine                         Council and Dublin City                                strand of PROTEST! Drawing
 IN PERSON EVENT                    Festival Nigel’s work also                            Council.                                               on Tonie’s cherished and
Corlea Trackway Visitor Centre,     raises questions about                                Curated & produced by artist Francis Fay               rare vinyl collection, the
                                                                                          and activist Tonie Walsh.
Longford                            strength, resilience and                              Project Advisors Tonie Walsh and Julianne O’Malley.    two will discuss the coded
Sat 14 May, 9pm                                                                           Curatorial Support Monica Flynn (Visual Art Curator,
                                    vulnerability, in this age of                         Bealtaine Festival)                                    language and visuals of
Outdoor audio visual installation
Free, Booking Essential             uncertainty. Please join us                                                                                  album artwork and club
                                    for this striking experience                                                                                 flyers from the 1980’s queer
Join us for the premier of
                                    of Nigel Rolfe’s work.                                                                                       music scene.
Nigel Rolfe’s new audio
                                                                                                                                                 This event is presented in association with the
visual work made on                 Supported by the Arts Council and Creative Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                 Gallery of Photography.
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
VISUAL ARTS                                                                   PAGE 16                                                                                                                           VISUAL ARTS                                                                                      PAGE 17

                                                                                        Flikkers Ball Oct 1987, photographs Thomas A. O’Shea

                                                                                                                                               Flikkers Ball Revellers, Oct 1987, photograph Thomas A. O’Shea
                                     Fabulous Flikkers
                                      IN PERSON EXHIBITION
                                     105 Outhouse, Capel St, Dublin 7
                                     Launch Thu 12 May, 6pm.
                                     Runs 13 – 28 May
                                     (Mon–Fri 12–6pm)

                                     An exhibition at the                                                                                                                                                       Flikkers: The                                         Queer Spaces,
                                     Outhouse of club
                                     ephemera and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Flashback Ball                                        Queer Utopias
                                     photographs drawing                                                                                                                                                         IN PERSON PERFORMANCE & CLUB                          IN PERSON & ONLINE PANEL DISCUSSION

                                     from donations by those                                                                                                                                                    Friday 20 May                                         Project Arts Centre, Dublin 2 with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tea Dance, DJ Sets & Record Sale                      live stream via GCN TV Fri 13 May,
                                     who attended Flikkers,                                                                                                                                                     6–9pm, The People’s Pavilion,                         6–7.30 pm
                                     alongside material from                                                                                                                                                    IMMA (Free, booking essential)                        Free, booking required for
                                     the personal archive of                                                                                                                                                    Club Event, DJs & Live Performance                    in person event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                10:00pm to late, The Cellar Bar, The                  Chaired by Hannah
                                     journalist, activist and DJ                                                                                                                                                Church, Mary St, D1. (€10)
                                     Tonie Walsh.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tiernan visual artist and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                These live events are a                               Assistant Editor GCN
                                     This exhibition is presented in partnership with
                                     Outhouse                                                                                                                                                                   tribute to the 1980s LGBTQ+                           with contributors: David
                                                                                                                                                                                                                dance scene in Dublin,                                Carroll PhD Scholar; Orla
                                                                                                                                                                                                                inviting older LGTBQ+                                 Egan, Cork LGBT Archive;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                people to celebrate with                              Prof. Maurice Devlin, NUI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                DJs from the Flikkers disco                           Maynooth; Luiz Wellington
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Hirschfeld Centre era.                            and Eileen Leahy, TCD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Featuring: Tonie Walsh,                               The panel will discuss the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gerry Moore, Brendan
Flikkers: Come As You Were                                                                                                                                                                                      O’Byrne DJs and Queens of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      importance of vibrant spaces
SCREENING OCTOBER 1 ON INTERNATIONAL DAY OF OLDER PERSONS                                                                                                                                                                                                             such as Flikkers and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                comedy The Wild Geeze.                                community-led social spaces
Flikkers: Come As You Were, a film by artist-filmmaker                                                                                                                                                          Flikkers: The Flashback Ball events presented in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      within the history of LGBTQ+
Julianne O’Malley, commissioned by Age & Opportunity,                                                                                                                                                           association with hosts IMMA and The Cellar Bar, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Church, Mary St. Funded by the Arts Council and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      activism and socialisation.
Bealtaine Festival 2022 and created in collaboration with                                                                                                                                                       Dublin City Council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      This discussion is presented in association with
patrons of Flikkers Disco (1979–1987).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Project Arts Centre and GCN
BEALTAINE FESTIVAL Ireland's national celebration of the arts and creativity as we age
VISUAL ARTS                                PAGE 18   GENRES
                                                     VISUAL ARTS                      WORKSHOP                                PAGE 19

                                                     Fingal Arts, Tyrone              Writing Workshops
                                                     Guthrie Centre                   for Emerging
                                                     and Bealtaine                    Writers with
                                                     Festival Residency               Catherine Dunne
                                                     Resident Artists In       ONLINE WORKSHOP
                                                     Conversation with Tyrone Tues 3, 10, 17 & 24 May, 2–4pm
                                                     Guthrie Centre Director  €20
Roots and Shoots                                     Dr. Eimear O’Connor      During these four weekly
                      Please see
is an exciting        to see what online and         ONLINE DISCUSSION                classes with Catherine
nationwide            in person events are in        Sat 28 May, 12pm                 Dunne, you will focus
programme of          store with IMMA, the Butler    Free, Booking Essential          on developing a writing
                                                                                      practice, building characters,
Visual Arts events    Gallery, the Chester Beatty    Festival Resident Artists
                                                                                      structuring and editing your
                      Library, Uillinn: West Cork    will be in conversation
taking place          Arts Centre, the Laois         with Tyrone Guthrie Centre       work, and exploring your
as part of the        Arthouse, Roscommon            Director Dr. Eimear O’Connor.    own style. Together you’ll
Bealtaine Festival    County Council, The Dock       The artists will discuss their   identify the elements of style
                                                                                      that resonate with you as an
and in partnership    and Wexford Arts Centre.       work and current projects
                                                                                      individual as you examine
                                                     and interests.
with Ireland’s                                                                        how to make a compelling
leading visual arts                                                                   narrative.
organisations.                                                                        The workshops are presented in partnership with The
                                                                                      Irish Writers Centre
GENRES                                                                         PAGE 20   WORKSHOP                      CIVIL SOCIETY & POLITICS         PAGE 21

                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Peter Kindersley
                                                                                                                            BEALTAINE DISCUSSION SERIES 2022
                                                                                                                            Perspectives on
Writing Workshops Ballads and                                                            Jigmap – Mixed                     Home: Voices
for Beginners with Beyond                                                                Media Collage                      from Nomadic
Mary O’Donnell     ONLINE MUSIC WORKSHOP                                                 Workshop                           Communities
 ONLINE WORKSHOP                                      Mon 2, 9 & 16 May, 2pm             ONLINE VISUAL ARTS WORKSHOP
                                                      €15                                                                   ONLINE DISCUSSION
Tues 3, 10, 17 & 24 May, 2–4pm                                                           Thu 5, 12 & 19 May, 11am–12:15pm
€20                             This Bealtaine, why not join                             €15                                Thu 5 May, 3pm
                                                                                                                            Pay What You Feel, Booking Essential
During these four weekly        singer songwriter Ger Wolfe                              Join artist Claire Halpin
                                for a series of three online                                                                This discussion will
classes taught by Mary                                                                   for these mixed media
                                workshops exploring the                                                                     explore meanings and
O’Donnell, a working                                                                     workshops to explore image,
                                world of popular ballads and                                                                understandings of home,
dynamic for each writer in                                                               picture, collage, painting
                                                                                                                            locatedness and belonging
the group will be established beyond? Come along and                                     and composition. Over three
                                sing your heart out in this                                                                 for older people from
to instil a few effective                                                                workshops, participants
                                                                                                                            different cultures. The
working habits that enthuse online singing session while                                 will experiment using found
                                                                                                                            discussion, which is chaired
rather than inhibit. Within the at the same time learning                                printed materials in different
                                                                                                                            by Professor Kieran Walsh
group, you will discuss craft, the background to some                                    ways – transforming,
                                favourites from the deep                                                                    from NUIG, will feature Irish
technique, have a look at                                                                reversing, cutting, repeating,
                                well of song.                                                                               writer Michael Harding,
different styles of writing,                                                             layering and drawing and
                                                                                                                            (Australia-based) visual artist
and try to discover what                                                                 painting to create their own
                                                                                                                            Fiona Foley and Traveller
works for you as a writer.                                                               artworks.
                                                                                                                            Primary Health Care Worker
The workshops are presented in partnership with The
Irish Writers Centre                                                                                                        Missy Collins.
CIVIL SOCIETY & POLITICS                                           PAGE 22    CIVIL SOCIETY & POLITICS                                                                        PAGE 23

This is my                             The Cultures                           Perspectives on                                        Restorying Ageing
Beautiful House:                       of Ageing:                             Digital Access                                         Webinar
Culture, Dignity                       Demographics of                         ONLINE DISCUSSION                                      ONLINE DISCUSSION

and Future Models                      Understanding                          Fri 20 May, 11am–12.30pm
                                                                              Pay What You Feel, Booking Essential
                                                                                                                                     Tue 24 May, 2pm
                                                                                                                                     Free, Booking Essential
of Home Care                           Ageing                                 Although the recent                                    The ‘Restorying Ageing:
ONLINE DISCUSSION                      ONLINE DISCUSSION                      pandemic has accelerated                               Older Women and Life
Thu 12 May, 3pm                        Thu 19 May, 3pm                        and widened the use                                    Writing’ project, presented
Pay What You Feel, Booking Essential   Pay What You Feel, Booking Essential
                                                                              of digital technologies                                by Age & Opportunity and
In light of the social and struc-      Chaired by Professor                   across generations, many                               NUI Galway, will culminate in
tural deficits of long-term care       of Medical Gerontology                 older people are finding                               a one-day webinar bringing
revealed by the pandemic,              at Trinity Institute of                it increasingly difficult to                           together researchers,
as well as the forthcoming             Neurosciences, Des O’Neill,            access essential goods and                             cultural stakeholders,
Professional Homecare Bill             this conversation will look            services due to a lack of                              and the public. Through
(2020), this discussion will           at how our age, where                  access to the internet and/                            panel discussions and
take a cultural look at how            we live and how we are                 or technical skills, as well as                        presentations, this event will
we can develop and support             raised, determines our                 badly designed technology.                             acknowledge and explore
more creative, personal, and           norms and values around                This conversation aims                                 the diversity of women’s
enabling models of home                ageing. Panellists include             to inform and provoke                                  experiences as they grow
care in Ireland. Professor             Professor of the Sociology             discussion about rethinking                            older, experiences which
Eamon O’Shea (NUIG) will               of Ageing at University                digital access and digital                             are often stereotyped in
chair the event, which will fea-       College London, Paul Higgs,            literacy amongst older                                 literature and culture.
ture the Head of Standards             Professor in Contemporary              people. Four speakers from                             This project is conducted by Dr Michaela Schrage-
at the Health Information &            British History at King’s              the UK and Ireland will talk
                                                                                                                                     Frueh (NUI Galway) and Dr Margaret O‘Neill (NUI
                                                                                                                                     Galway), in partnership with Age & Opportunity and
Standards Directorate HIQA,            College London, Patricia               about their own creative
                                                                                                                                     with funding from the Irish Research Council.

Niamh O Rourke, Actor Liam             Thane and Senior Lecturer              approach to widening digital
Burke, and Director of Cre-            in Music Therapy at the                access and the potential
ate, the National Develop-             World Academy of Music                 offered by the internet.
ment Agency for collabora-             and Dance, University of               This event is presented in partnership with Luminate
tive arts, Ailbhe Murphy.              Limerick, Dr. Hilary Moss.             (Scotland), Gwanwyn (Wales) & Age of Creativity
                                                                              (England) festivals.
GENRES                        PAGE 24   CALENDAR                                                                   PAGE 25

                                        DATE      WEEK 1                                                  TIME        PAGE
                                        1/5/22    Mad, Bad and Dangerous:                                 throughout 5
                                                  a celebration of ‘difficult’ women                      May
                                        1/5/22    Ballad of a Care Centre (11am-4pm daily)                throughout 13
                                                                                                          May until
                                        1/5/22    Dawn Chorus                                             5:30am      11
                                        2/5/22    Roots & Shoots: Creative Conversations, Roscommon       throughout 18
                                                  Co. Council                                             May
                                        2/5/22    Ballads & Beyond- Ger Wolfe Music Workshop 1 of 3       2pm         20
                                        2/5/22    Bealtaine Voices with Mike Hanrahan- Clare              3pm         9
                                        3/5/22    Bealtaine@IMMA Online as part of Roots & Shoots -       2pm         18
                                                  Armchair Azure
                                        3/5/22    Beginners Writing Workshop with Mary O’Donnell          2pm         20
                                        3/5/22    Emerging Writing Workshop with Catherine Dunne          2pm         19
                                        4/5/22    Roots & Shoots: Writing Your Story with                 11am        18
                                                  Pauline Clooney at the Laois Arthouse
                                        4/5/22    Bealtaine@IMMA - Exloring the Green Cube at IMMA,       2pm         18
                                                  Biodiversity Walking Tour
                                        5/5/22    Jigmap – Mixed Media Collage Workshop- Claire Halpin    11am        21
                                                  Visual Workshop
                                        5/5/22    Roots & Shoots: Feltmaking Workshops with artist        2pm         18
                                                  Maria McGarry at the Laois Arthouse
                                        5/5/22    DISCUSSION SERIES: Nomadic Perspectives on Home:        3pm         21
                                                  Voices from Nomadic Communities
                                        5/5/22    An Evening with Colm Mac Con Iomaire and Guests         7:30pm      11
                                        7/5/22    Tell Me This Now by Louise White at Dunamaise Arts      2pm         12
                                        7/5/22    Ballad of a Care Centre Launch                          5pm         13

 RTÉ supports more than                 8/5/22    LOVE SONG Part I Seán Millar                            8pm         10

 120 arts events nationwide
                                        DATE      WEEK 2                                                  TIME        PAGE
                                        9/5/22    Anima Fatima                                            until May 15 5

 every year.                            9/5/22
                                                  Ballads & Beyond - Ger Wolfe Music Workshop 2 of 3
                                                  Beginners Writing Workshop with Mary O’Donnell
                                        10/5/22   Emerging Writing Workshop with Catherine Dunne          2pm         19
                                        11/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Writing Your Story with Pauline Clooney 11am        18
CALENDAR                                                                   PAGE 26   CALENDAR                                                                        PAGE 27

11/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Kilkenny Biodiversity in Sillohouette   2pm         18     19/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Bennie Reilly artist in conversation with   11am         18
          with Paul Bokslag                                                                    University of the Third Age
11/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Chester Beatty Botanical Treasures      2pm         18     19/5/22   DISCUSSION SERIES: The Cultures of Ageing:                  3pm          22
          with Yanny Peters                                                                    Demographics of Understanding Ageing
12/5/22   Jigmap – Mixed Media Collage Workshop-                  11am        21     20/5/22   Perspectives On Digital Access                              11am         23
          Claire Halpin Visual Workshop                                              20/5/22   Mapping the Archive                                         7pm          9
12/5/22   Bealtaine@IMMA Talking Art Online                       11am        18               with Dr. Emma Penney & Sophie Meehan
12/5/22   Flikkers: Subversive Signs                              1:15pm      15     20/5/22   National Arts in Nursing Homes Day                          see
12/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Feltmaking Workshops with artist        2pm         18                                                                           event
          Maria McGarry at the Laois Arthouse
                                                                                     20/5/22   Flikkers: The Flashback Ball Warm Up: Tea Dance, DJ         6pm          17
12/5/22   DISCUSSION SERIES: This is my Beautiful House:          3pm         22               Set & Record Sale
          Culture, Dignity and Future Models of Home Care
                                                                                     20/5/22   Flikkers: The Flashback Ball                                10pm         17
12/5/22   Flikkers: Fabulous Flikkers                             7pm          16
                                                                  until May 28       DATE      WEEK 4                                                      TIME         PAGE

13/5/22   Flikkers: Queer Spaces, Queer Utopias                   12pm        17     23/5/22   Thirty-Two Words for Field: Manchán Magan in                3pm          6
                                                                                               conversation with Marian Richardson
13/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Fresh Insights from the Field           1:30pm      18
                                                                                     24/5/22   Beginners Writing Workshop with Mary O’Donnell              2pm          20
13/5/22   No Love Lost                                            8pm         12
                                                                                     24/5/22   Emerging Writing Workshop with Catherine Dunne              2pm          19
14/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Women, Ageing and Art                   11am        18
                                                                                     24/5/22   Restorying Ageing Webinar                                   2pm          23
14/5/22   Roots & Shoots: Build Your Own Horizon                  12pm        18
                                                                                     25/5/22   Roots & Shoots:                                             11am         18
14/5/22   Writing 1922                                            3pm         7                Writing Your Story with Pauline Clooney
14/5/22   Land Workings: From the land and to return there        9pm         14     25/5/22   “Where do all the old gays go?” Experiences of the          2pm          4
DATE      WEEK 3                                                  TIME        PAGE             Older LGBTQIA+ Community in Ireland
16/5/22   Ballads & Beyond - Ger Wolfe Music Workshop 3 of 3      2pm         20     25/5/22   Standing on the Shoulders of Giants:                        6pm          6
                                                                                               Colm Tóibín with Padraig Regan
16/5/22   Mad, Bad & Dangerous Season 2 Episode 1                 6pm         5
                                                                                     26/5/22   Bealtaine@IMMA as part of Roots & Shoots, Talking Art       11am         18
17/5/22   Bealtaine@IMMA as part of Roots & Shoots -              11am        18
          Azure, Dementia Inclusive Tour                                             26/5/22   Bealtaine Writers’ Group                                    1pm          8
17/5/22   Beginners Writing Workshop with Mary O’Donnell          2pm         20     26/5/22   Bealtaine Book Club Interview with                          3pm          8
                                                                                               Peter Cunningham and Sue Leonard
17/5/22   Emerging Writing Workshop with Catherine Dunne          2pm         19
                                                                                     27/5/22   In Conversation with Commissioned Artists Shaun             7pm          13
17/5/22   Mad, Bad & Dangerous Season 2 Episode 2                 6pm         5
                                                                                               Dunne & Jessica Kennedy
18/5/22   Roots & Shoots:                                         11am        18
                                                                                     5/28/22   Fingal Arts, Bealtaine Festival Tyrone Guthrie Artist Talks 12pm         19
          Writing Your Story with Pauline Clooney
                                                                                     29/5/22   Dusk Chorus                                                 9:30 pm      11
18/5/22   Bealtaine@IMMA - Exloring the Green Cube at IMMA,       2pm         18
          Biodiversity Walking Tour                                                  31/5/22   Bealtaine@IMMA Online as part of Roots & Shoots -           2pm          18
                                                                                               Armchair Azure
18/5/22   Mad, Bad & Dangerous- Online Discussion                 6pm         5
                                                                                               Bealtaine Hero                                              see
19/5/22   Jigmap – Mixed Media Collage Workshop-                  11am        21                                                                           individual
          Claire Halpin Visual Workshop                                                                                                                    event
Looking for arts events year-round?
Want to celebrate the arts as we
age beyond Bealtaine? This summer
we’ll launch our Arts Events Listings
on Register your
own events and check out what’s
happening in your area.

All details listed were accurate at time of going
to print, please see for up to
date information, booking information and the
full Bealtaine programme of events.
T. +353 (0)1 805 7709

Age & Opportunity Registered Office Marino
Institute of Education, Griffith Avenue, Dublin,
DO9K 4P6
A company limited by guarantee, not having
a share capital.
Registered in Ireland No. 284318.
Charity No: CHY 12365.
Registered Charity No: RCN 20036010.

Age & Opportunity Arts is funded by
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