Are you buying this? - A guide to donation dos and don'ts - St Richard's Hospice

Page created by Derek Gibbs
Are you buying this? - A guide to donation dos and don'ts - St Richard's Hospice
Are you
  buying this?

A guide to donation dos and don’ts
       Reg. Charity No. 515668 | Reg. Company No. 01850502
Are you buying this? - A guide to donation dos and don'ts - St Richard's Hospice
Please be aware: due to coronavirus the way we accept
        donations has changed. Before donating your items, please visit      Clothing, shoes and accessories for the latest guidance. Thank you.

                                                                             Our fantastic staff and volunteers will steam clothing before it is displayed in
We want your donation to count                                               store, but we cannot wash items before sale.

We rely on the generosity of             We recycle as many unwanted         In 2019/20, at least 625,560 items of clothing and shoes were donated to us in
                                                                             an unsaleable condition.
our community donating much-             items as possible, to minimise
needed items to sell in our 19           the amount going to landfill.                                                                    Clean
shops across Worcestershire.                                                                                                              Untorn
                                         But - for those items we cannot
                                                                                                                                          Quality jewellery
Without this important support,          recycle or sell to rag merchants,
we couldn’t have raised the              we must foot the bill.
£731,547 net towards the                                                                                                                  Dirty
overall running costs of St              You can help make a difference
Richard’s Hospice in 2019/20.            by only donating quality items to
                                         our shops. Ask yourself, would                                                                   Stained
We are always in need of good-           you expect a friend to buy this?                                                                 Branded uniforms
quality donations and are so                                                                                                              Musty or smoky-smelling
grateful for the goods we receive.       Take a look at our guide
                                         to donation
But, we are facing a significant
and growing problem affecting                                                Bric-a-brac
the whole charity shop sector –
disposing of unsaleable donations.             Dos                           At least 25,455 items of bric-a-brac were donated in too poor condition to
In 2019/20, more than a million                                              be sold in 2019/20. We are very grateful to everyone who wraps and packages
                                                                             their bric-a-brac before donating it to us.
donated items were in too poor
condition to be sold in our shops.              &
This equates to more than twice
the number of quality items sold.                                                                                                         Clean
                                             Don’ts                                                                                       Unbroken
Disposal of these dirty, torn,
incomplete and broken items                                                                                                               Old and interesting items
comes with a hefty price tag.
In 2019/20 it cost us at least            – and make your donation
£22,950 to dispose of items we           count for hospice care.                                                                          Broken or chipped
could not sell, or recycle. We think                                                                                                      Promotional items
you’ll agree, this problem is rubbish.   Thank you.
Furniture                                                                                     Books
                                                                                              At least 371,100 books were donated in an unsaleable condition during 2019/20.
                                                                With fire labels attached
                                                                Good quality exercise                                                                           Undamaged
                                                                equipment                                                                                       All pages intact
                                                                                                                                                                Rare and vintage
                                                                Single armchairs,                                                                               books are accepted,
                                                                formerly part of a suite                                                                        even if not in
                                                                                                                                                                pristine condition
                                                                Glass TV stands
                                                                Large teak wall units
                                                                                                                                                                Torn or missing
                                                                Cots                                                                                            pages, ripped spines
                                                                Old/ discoloured                                                                                Stained or crumpled
                                                                garden furniture

Electricals                                                                                    Toys
We were donated more than 5,615 electrical items which we could not sell during 2019/20.
                                                                                                                                                                 With CE label
                                                                In good working order
                                                                                                                                                                 Complete (all
                                                                With CE label attached                                                                           pieces included)

                                                                Dirty                                                                                            Dirty
                                                                Broken                                                                                           Ripped or with
                                                                Televisions with large back                                                                      parts missing
                                                                compartments                                                                                     Missing CE label
                                                                With No CE label attached                                                                        Faded

Other                                                                                         Fake Goods
     ew duvets and pillows,                   Videos                                              e have trained staff and volunteers to identify genuine designer items
    unwrapped in packaging                     Cassettes                                          and will not be able to re-sell counterfeit goods in our stores.
donations from our generous
    June 2020: Due to the                         supporters. However, as we have
    coronavirus pandemic,                         a limited number of staff and                   Make your donation                   Quality donations
    the way we accept                             volunteers to process items, only               go the extra mile                    - quality care
    donations has changed.                        a small number of stores will be
                                                  initially accepting donations.                  If you are a UK taxpayer, you can    In 2019/20 running costs for
How to donate                                                                                     help raise extra money for           St Richard’s Hospice stood at
to our shops                                      Please do not leave goods on the
                                                                                                  St Richard’s by allowing us to       £9.4 million. The NHS funds
                                                  doorsteps of our shops, as they are
                                                  likely to become damaged – making               claim Gift Aid on your donation!     22% of our costs, but it is down
We are following essential infection
control guidelines to protect staff,              them unsaleable. Before donating                                                     to our fantastic community
                                                                                                  With your permission, we can use     to help us fund the rest.
volunteers, customers and donors.                 your items, please check our website
These include isolating items for        for the             the proceeds from the sale of your
72 hours before they can be                       latest guidance.                                donated goods to treat them as a     With your help, we can
safely processed by our team.                                                                     Gift Aid donation to the hospice.    continue our care to patients,
We anticipate a large volume of                   Thank you.                                                                           their loved ones and bereaved
                                                                                                  Currently, for every £1 qualifying   people – ensuring we are there
                                                                                                  donation received – we can           when they need us most.
Furniture collections                                                                             claim 25p in repayment from
You can arrange to have items of furniture collected from home. Please email a                    HM Revenue and Customs.              Thanks to our wonderful
photo and description of the item to including your                                                        supporters donating quality
                                                                                                  We have more than 35,000             items for sale in our shops,
full name, address, postcode, and telephone number. Don’t forget to add your                      donors signed-up for shops
Gift Aid number, if you’ve signed up. A member of the team will be in touch                                                            we raised £731,547 net for
                                                                                                  Gift Aid and raised more than        St Richard’s Hospice in 2019/20.
to discuss and arrange collection. When the item is due to be collected, please                   £172,000 for the hospice in
leave it in an accessible place outside your home (for example in a garage).                      2019/20 through this scheme.         Your support is incredibly
A number of our shops specialise in certain items.                                                                                     important to us here at St
                                                                                                  Find out more on our website         Richard’s Hospice. Thank you.
• Bridalwear: Mealcheapen Street, Worcester                                            
• Bookshops/book departments: Malvern Link, Tewkesbury, St Swithins
   Street, Worcester, Kidderminster, Droitwich, Evesham, Upton, Bewdley,                                                                “Through the worst days
   and Stourport
                                                                                                                                        of our lives they held
• Designer fashion: Déjà vu Dress Agency, Malvern, Snowdrops, Broadway                                         £                       our hands and gently
• Furniture: Evesham High Street, Worcester Lowesmoor, Malvern                                                                         guided us through
   Department Store, Kidderminster
                                                                                                                                        every step. Words can’t
• Vintage: Evesham High Street
                                                                                                                                        express my gratitude
                                                                                                                                        to all at St Richard’s.”
 You can find the location of your nearest shop on our website
 Please be aware due to coronavirus, we are staggering the re-opening of our shops across
 Worcestershire. Before you visit, check for the latest information
 on which stores are open.
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Please be aware: due to coronavirus, we are staggering the re-opening of our shops across Worcestershire.
 Before you visit, check for the latest information on which stores are open.

1/ Bewdley                                              1b Court Road, Barnard’s Green, WR14 3BS
    50-60 Load Street, DY12 2AP                          Déjà vu dress agency, 8 Bell Vue Terrace, WR14 4PZ
2/ Broadway                                           8/ Pershore
    15 The Green, WR12 7AA                                 Units 3 & 4 Billings House, WR10 1EY
3/ Bromsgrove                                         9/ Stourport
    2 Mill Lane, B61 8AG                                   29 High Street, DY13 8BE
4/ Droitwich                                          10/ Tewkesbury
    3/4 Gurney’s Lane, WR9 8EL                              Fashion - 33 High Street, GL20 5BB
5/ Evesham                                                 Book and Media Store - 35 High
    11 High Street, WR11 4DA                                Street, GL20 5BB

6/ Kidderminster                                      11/ Upton upon Severn
    17/18 High Street, DY10 2DJ                             20 High Street, WR8 0HB

7/ Malvern                                            12/ Worcester
    Bookshop and Media Store -                              39/41 Lowesmoor, WR1 2RS
   116 Worcester Road, Malvern Link, WR14 1SS               7 Mealcheapen Street, WR1 2DH
   Department Store - 233 Worcester Road,                   7 St John’s, WR2 5AE
   Malvern Link, WR14 1SY                                   13/14 St Swithin’s Street, WR1 2PS

         To find out more and to watch video tours of each shop, visit
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