AQUATIC RECREATION WA - LIWA Aquatics Official eNewsletter
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AQUATIC RECREATION WA "Maintaining the Aquatic Recreation Network" September 2021 LIWA Aquatics Official eNewsletter Spring Edition Like us on Follow us on Proudly supported by Facebook Twitter
AQUATIC RECREATION WA Our Purpose To support the aquatic recreation industry. Our Vision To advocate for the betterment of the aquatic recreation industry and to promote more and diverse innovative opportunities for professional development. LIWA Aquatics Membership: If you are working in the Aquatic Recreation Industry in Western Australia, you must be accredited by LIWA Aquatics to ensure your compliance to the Western Australian Health Department Code of Practice. Membership Benefits include: Reduced fees at Professional Development Sessions Industry Accreditation Aquatic Recreation WA eNewsletter Member only access areas on Website Industry Representation & Advocacy Further benefits can be found at the LIWA Aquatics Website LIWA Aquatics would like to thank the following industry partners/supporters Department of Local Government, Sport and Contents Cultural Industries Royal Life Saving Society Water Corporation Annual State Conference 2021 LIWA Aquatics is always on the look out for news and Recognition content, If you have some interesting news about yourself, your facility or the aquatic recreation industry AGM please email us at Upcoming event LIWA Aquatics AGM Regional WA Seminar (Toodyay) Who's who at LIWA Aquatics All care will be taken, however, the publisher assumes no responsibility for safety of artworks, photographs or editorial contributions. Copyright LIWA Aquatics 2021
Annual State Conference & Trade Show 2021 RESET, REFOCUS, RESTART 255 delegates from all over Western Australia returned to face to face networking with industry colleagues and Trade Exhibitors for the 51st Annual State Conference and Trade Show in Fremantle on 16th & 17th August 2021. The event was officially opened by Hon Dr. Tony Buti, ALM, Member of Armadale, Minister for Finance; Lands; Sport and Recreation; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests. Mike House Day 1 kicked off with Keynote Speaker Mike House who provided delegates with an insight of how to "Thrive and Adapt" in both our Hon Dr Tony Buti personal and professional lives. The Trade Show saw 27 companies exhibit this year with 6 companies unfortunately needing to pull out due to COVID border restrictions. The Trade Exhibitors where able to network and do business with the delegates at each break throughout the event. Putting faces to names, answering questions, providing advice and creating new contacts in the industry. We thank all the trade exhibitors for their continued support. 2021 LIWA Trade Show
Annual State Conference & Trade Show 2021 The event saw a variety of presentations from Change Management and Coaching with Team Buffalo, latest emergency care changes in response to COVID from the Australian Resuscitation Council, WA Police, Department of Health, Water Corporation, Dept of Education and also Swimming WA updates. Justin Scarr CEO RLSSA video conferenced in from NSW for the Water Safety Strategy 2030, RLSS also presented on Industry Reports & GSPO updates, we even had a Snake and Reptile Awareness session. Certainly there was something for everyone. This years social function also saw some changes to a more relaxed and casual event with delegates continuing the networking on the first night at a private function with live music, food platters and drinks. Full event photos can be viewed here:
RECOGNITION INDUSTRY SERVICE AWARDS As part of our Strategic Plan, LIWA understands the importance of recognising and highlighting industry members, facilities, partners and key stakeholders for their support and committment to the aquatic recreation industry. At this years conference numerous members were recognised for their years of service to the industry. 10 Year Service Award 20 Year Service Award 30 Year Service Award Alex Gamble Corey Hollow Dale Morrissy Atot Amoly Peter Pesci Wendy Cole Jade Clarke Trenton Smith Jessica Devereux Allannah Stammers Phillipa Ellis Stephanie Miles Jason Farrell Jenny Spriggs Kenny Morton Frank Yates Heidi Norwood Peter Tonkin Sandra Reardon Graeme Rulyancich Krystal Haines *Members who where not in attendance at this years conference will be contacted and issued their certfiicate via email shortly. WATERWISE ENDORSEMENT & RECOGNITION LIWA is a partner of the Waterwise Program This year the Water Corporation provided a presentation to delegates and also presented ensorsement certficates to the following Aquatic Centres on becoming Waterwise. Aqua Jetty -City of Rockingham Armadale Aquatic Centre - City of Armadale Belmont Oasis - City of Belmont Rockingham Aquatic Centre - City of Rockingham Roebourne Aquatic Centre - City of Karratha The following Centres were also highlighted as being endorsed for over 5 years Beatty Park Aquatic Centre - City of Vincent Bilgoman Aquatic Centre - Shire of Mundaring Koorda Swimming Pool - Shire of Koorda Bold Park Aquatic - Town of Cambridge LeisureFit - Booragoon City of Melville CanningtonLeisureplex- City of Canning Leisurepark - Balga City of Stirling Claremont Pool - Town of Claremont Riverton Leisureplex - City of Canning Craigie Leisure Centre - City of Joondalup Swan Active Beechboro - City of Swan Goldfields Oasis - City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre - City of Stirling Congratulations to all facilities participating in our Waterwise programs and leading the way in conservation of water and sustainability.
Dear Member, Over the past 6 months we have been working on a review of the Institute’s Constitution. Our revised Constitution is clearer in its drafting whilst not altering the basic structure of the Institute. The proposed Constitution will be presented to members for adoption by way of Special Resolution at the Annual General Meeting on 30 September 2021 at Royal Life Saving 12 McGillivray Rd Mt Claremont of via Zoom. However, we are keen to get any comments or questions in relation to our revised Constitution before then, so they can be considered before we give formal notice of the Special Resolution. A copy of the proposed Constitution is available on the LIWA Website here together with a table which explains the changes along with the reasoning for the changes. We would welcome any questions or comments on the proposed Constitution as soon as possible. You can provide your comments and seek more information by email to LIWA Aquatics or Dr. Lianne Cretney-Barnes from Board Connexions whom we commissioned to review and provide consutlation for the proposed changes. 0438 934 177 or email We look forward to presenting our new Constitution for your consideration at our AGM in September. Register for AGM attendance either in person or via Zoom here
Is your Membership Fee Due? A lot of members expired yesterday 31st August 2021. LIWA Membership fee renewals are important to keep up to date, as it is linked to your Accreditation. Log into your account to check and/or renew your membership. Remember to put down your employer billing details if LIWA is billing your employer. A seperate invoice will then be sent to them for payment. If YOU are paying, then please pay within 7 days of renewing your membership. either via Bank Deposit or by Credit Card (Paypal - no paypal account required) Please get in contact with LIWA if you require a payment plan to be setup. Log into your account here
30 September 2021 Venue: Royal Life Saving WA 12 McGillivray Rd, Mt Claremont 6pm - 8pm In Person or via Zoom RSVP here OCTOBER 2021 Regional WA Aquatic Recreation Seminar (Toodyay) 13th October 2021 Register online at LIWA Aquatics Website (Events)
Who's who at LIWA Aquatics PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE OFFICER Nick Wilkinson Steve Good City of Canning LIWA Aquatics Phone: 0408 958 565 Phone: (08) 9383 8238 Email: Mobile: 0402 015 593 Email: VICE-PRESIDENT Chris Blankley Shire of Mundaring Phone: (08) 9299 6597 LIWA Aquatics Email: PO Box 726, Hillarys WA 6923 T: (08) 9383 8238 TREASURER M: +61 402 015 593 Dale Morrissy E: City of Vincent W: Phone: (08) 9276 6080 Email: BOARD MEMBERS Peter Leaversuch Royal Life Saving Society WA Phone: (08) 9383 8200 Email: Social Media Sarahjayne Whiteley City of Cockburn Phone: 0404 160 430 Email: Grace Darby City of Joondalup Phone: (08) 9400 4600 Email: Wendy Cole City of Mandurah Phone: (08) 9550 3608 Email: Ryan Scally Phone: 0439 511 518 Email:
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