APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida

Page created by Ethel Jensen
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida



  APRIL 9TH, 2022
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida


   02   ABOUT US
   05   WINNERS
   07   AWARDS
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida

         All-Release Fishing Tournament

            AUCTION                                                                                       FAMILY FUN
                                                         PRIZES                                    Not interested in fishing?
  Bid on Silent Auction Items
      There is something for everyone!
                                              OVER $2,000 IN CASH                                      Register for just the after party!
                                                                                                      Food and family fun including an
                                                    PRIZES!                                           inflatable slide and face painting!
                                             Categories: Snook, Redfish, Trout

                                         15th Annual Tournament Info:

                                         Adult Angler $80.00, Youth Angler $25.00
                                         After party only: Adults $15.00, Kids Ages 6-12 $5.oo, Kids 5 & under FREE

                                            Tournament Registration includes: Captains Meeting, Tournament, and After-party! The
                                            tournament will feature cash awards for adult anglers, awards and prizes for youth fishing anglers,
                                            raffles, auction, and after-tournament awards celebration!
                                            Fishing Area: All of intercoastal Tampa Bay, inside of Egmont Key
                                            Fishing Time: Saturday, April 9th from 6:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. After-party to follow 1:00- 4:00 p.m.
                                            at SPYC Marina
                                            In the event that the 9th is rained out, your entry fee will become a tax-deductible donation to CSF
                                            Marine studies.

Register now!
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida

Marine Studies at Canterbury
School of Florida
Founded in 1968 as a co-educational,      Each year, the Marine Studies department hosts a
non-profit college-preparatory day        family-friendly Catch and Release Fishing Tournament
school, Canterbury School of Florida is   fundraiser to help support the Marine Studies
a community of diverse individuals        program and conservation efforts that benefit our
sharing a common goal – to educate        local Tampa Bay environment, some of which include
the whole child.                          marsh grass restoration, dolphin research, SCUBA
                                          program, coastal cleanups, green infrastructure, and
Canterbury's Mission: Canterbury          marine science education.
School of Florida educates and
nurtures the whole child in mind,         This year, our goal is to improve our technology and
body, and spirit in preparation for       outdoor facilities to bring state of the art science
college and an honorable life as a        outdoors! We would like to increase accessibility to
responsible steward of our world.         our campus STEAM Garden area by installing shade
                                          sails and a sitting area, a classroom set of wireless
Marine Studies at Canterbury is a         field microscopes, and Vernier hands-on data
school-wide program for students in       collection technologies, as well as create funds for
PK3 - Grade 12, focusing on all aspects   student program scholarships! Today's experiences
of marine science and environmental       create tomorrows leaders!
education. We are proud to be the very
first Cousteau Divers partner school in
the world!

                                           ABOUT US
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida


   Tournament info:
      The tournament will feature cash awards for adult anglers, awards and
      prizes for youth fishing anglers, raffles, online auction, and a virtual after-
      tournament awards celebration.

   Fishing Area
       All of Tampa Bay, inside of Egmont Key

   Fishing Time
       Saturday, April 9, 2022 from 6:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
       In the event that the 9th is rained out, your entry fee will become a tax-
       deductible donation to CSF Marine studies.

   Tournament Awards/After Party
      1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at St. Petersburg Yacht Club Marina on Snell Isle, 1305
      Snell Isle Blvd. NE
      Parking for Awards/After Party: Available down side streets. Please be
      courteous and respect all street rules.

   Catch and Release
      The goal of this catch-and-release tournament is to release fish as quickly as
      possible with as little injury to the fish as possible. To meet this goal, please
      work as quickly and as carefully as you can to remove the hook, take a
      photo, and return the fish to the water as soon as possible. Please try to
      handle fish with wet hands to avoid damage to the fish’s slime layer. Before
      releasing the fish in the water, try to gently force water over its gills to help
      revive it. Studies have shown that fish have a good chance of survival if steps
      are taken to ensure a fast and healthy release.

      May include up to four registered anglers (including the captain).
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida

                            All participants must complete the Canterbury Assumption of the Risk
                            Waiver of Liability and attend the captains meeting to participate.
                            If you are over 16 years of age, you will need either a Florida
                            recreational saltwater fishing license or a shoreline license, depending
                            on whether you are fishing from a boat or land. Licenses can be
                            purchased at fishing shops or online at:
                            Please practice safe boating at all times.
                            All federal, state, and local rules must be followed including permitted
                            practices: fishing from boat, kayak, land or dock.
                            All fish must be caught with handheld rods and reels. No electric reels,
                            gigs, spears, or netting will be allowed.
                            Please stay away from restricted areas such as the Skyway Bridge
                            pilings, Weedon Island power plant, MacDill Air Force Base, etc. There
                            are stiff penalties for boating in a restricted area.

                         For questions on tournament day, please email
                         canterburycup@canterburyflorida.org or call
                          Audrey Mitchell at 727- 521-5922
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida



    $600 and Canterbury Cup Trophy to the
    team with the greatest combined length of
    the largest Snook, Trout, and Redfish

    1st Place – $300                              WINNERS
    2nd Place – $200
    3rd Place – $100                               Winners
                                                      Canterbury Cup winners will be
                                                      determined by the total number of
                                                      inches of the longest Snook, Redfish, and
    1st Place – $300
    2nd Place – $200
                                                      In the event of a tie, a second Snook will
    3rd Place – $100
                                                      be used as a tie-breaker.
                                                      Please note: Canterbury Cup winners will
 LONGEST REDFISH                                      not be eligible to win the Longest Snook,
    1st Place – $300                                  Redfish, and Trout awards.
    2nd Place – $200                                  Top Snook, Redfish, Trout, and Mackerel
    3rd Place – $100                                  (18 years old and younger) awards will be
                                                      determined by the length of the longest
 JUNIOR ANGLER (11 – 18 years old)                    fish of the targeted species, and, in the
    The greatest combined length of the largest       event of a tie, a second fish from that
    Snook, Trout, and Redfish, Non-cash award         species will be used as a tie-breaker.

 YOUTH ANGLER (Ages 10 and under)
   The greatest combined length of the largest
   Snook, Trout, and Redfish, Non-cash award
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida



   Please use a mobile device to take a picture of each fish caught by you or your team. Cameras
   will not be provided. Using the provided Canterbury measuring board, take a picture showing
   the entire fish (head to tail) against the board with pinched fork per Florida regulations. Please
   take a focused and accurate picture as quickly as you can and release the fish.
   Email submissions to canterburycup@canterburyflorida.org
     Send one email per photo entry.
     Please use the tournament indicator, the Canterbury Cup poker chip, in all of your photos. The
     chips will be available in your captains bags. The chip color will be announced the morning of
     the tournament and sent to the team captains’ email address.
     Include the following information in the email:
          Team/Captain's name in the subject line
          Photo of the fish
          Tournament indicator (Canterbury Cup poker chip, color announced morning of event)
          Angler’s first and last name
          Fish species
          Fish length (rounded to the nearest ¼ inch)
          Time caught

   You must check in at tournament headquarters even if you email your photo entries.
      Your photos and the official Canterbury measuring board MUST be turned in on
      Saturday from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in order to qualify for awards. Time stamp and GPS
      location data from photos may be analyzed by the judges for all submission types.
      Resolution of any disputes or rules violations will be determined by the judges at the
      time of the incident. Judges will not be participating in the contest.
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida


Award Announcement:
   Awards will be announced once all submissions have been collected and totaled
   around 3:00 pm at the after party event.
   The official Canterbury measuring board MUST be turned in order to qualify to
   retrieve awards. Timestamp and GPS location data from photos may be analyzed by
   the judges for all submission types. Resolution of any disputes or rules violations will
   be determined by the judges at the time of the incident. Judges will not be
   participating in the contest.
   There will be a silent auction and raffle prizes that will be available through our
   online auction website.
   Pick up prizes will be available immediately after prize announcements.
APRIL 9TH, 2022 - Canterbury School of Florida



Interested in becoming an event
sponsor? Scan the QR code to go
to the sponsorship page! All
donation of goods are tax

Interested in volunteering at the
Please email:
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