April 11, 2021 Mercy Sunday - cloudfront.net
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signor Duncanson for Masses and Confessions during these April 11, 2021 days. Mercy Sunday Looking ahead: Dear Parishioners: First Communion Mass on Saturday, May 8 at 8:30 am. Joyful greetings of the Easter season! Confirmation Mass with Bishop John Dolan on Saturday, May 15 at 10 am. (No 8:30 am Mass; No Confessions) Mass Count: Monsignor William Elliott will be returning to Ohio around Mon 3/29 49 May 15. Please pray for his safe travel. Tue 3/30 47 Wed 3/31 67 In the Risen Christ, Thu 4/1 178 Holy Thursday Fr. Fernando Ramirez, Pastor Fri 4/2 170 Good Friday Sat 4/3 293 Vigil of Easter Sun 4/4 Easter Sunday 8:30 am 275 VIRTUAL Marriage Enrichment: This year give 10:30 am 317 your marriage the gift of a Marriage Encounter Experience in Total: 1,396 the comfort of your own home. Worldwide Marriage Encoun- This Week’s Schedule: All services INDOORS with extra ter celebrates the love you have for your spouse and helps you to seating outdoors build, expand, and deepen that relationship. Our next virtual Experience is April 9-11th. Sign up today at Mon 4/12 Mass at 8:30 AM www.wwme-sandiego.org Tue 4/13 Mass at 8:30 AM Wed 4/14. Mass at 8:30 AM Thu 4/15 Mass at 8:30 AM Fri 4/16 Mass at 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS Sat 4/17 Mass at 8:30 AM Saturday, April 10 9:00-9:30 a.m. Confessions 9:00- 9:30 AM Saturday, April 17 9:00-9:30 a.m. Sun 4/18 3rd Sunday of Easter Saturday, April 24 9:00-9:30 a.m Masses at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM The Funeral Mass for Jack Gallagher is Friday, April 23 at 10:00 am. I will be away from the parish for Easter break from April 14 -18. I appreciate the help from Monsignor Elliott and Mon- Deadline for Bulletin Articles Monday 9am. Send to: info@sttimothychurch.com. THANK YOU! for your help! St Timothy’s Sunday Pew Collection & Online Giving On-line Giving is available on our website www.sttimothychurch.com, Click on On-line giving. Great to use your credit cards for those points. Pay for St Timothy’s donations, Special Collection, Bible Studies, Rel Ed, Youth Ministry, plus donations to all fund raisers. See page in this bulletin with parish & special collections list. If you wish to setup online giving, you can set up to give weekly, monthly or yearly and it will automatically deduct at date you request. You can use debit or credit cards, and if you get points that is nice too. Funds on deposit (Building Fund) $357,820 for major repairs Because deposits go into separate accounts, it would greatly help if you would write separate checks for each donation and not lump multiple donations into one check. Many Thanks. Collection Envelopes Plate Total pew Weekly Name or # to post to Loose change no name Date Collection Online giving Grand Total 3/21 $6,197 $574 $6,771 $6,079 3/15-21 $12,850 3/28 $6,320 $965 $7,285 $3,265 3/22-28 $10,550 4/1 H Thu $615 $356 $971 4/2 G Fri $555 $155 $710 4/3-4Easter $19,300 $356 $19,656 $6,313 3/29-4/4 $25,969
Our Catechumens who will receive their sacraments Message from St. Timothy Outreach Com- and come into the Catholic Church MERCY SUNDAY. mittee - Interfaith is providing many more lunches and food for those in need during this time. Surplus fruit Christopher Fleming or any other donations would be greatly appreci- I am 29 years old, grew up in San Diego, ated. They have an organized drop-off system in place spent most of my life here, and the vast at their facility at 550 West Washington Avenue, Escon- majority of that time as a non- denominational Christian. Eventually, I dido. They will direct you to a parking spot and will re- fell out of the faith and into a prolonged move the items from your car. Contact Michael Fontes absurdist/atheist spell, where I thought 760 708-6819 majmykal@gmail.com to help coordinate that the best the world had to offer was a pickup if needed. Your donations of canned goods and good laugh with good friends. Ultimately, food are much appreciated. Drop off frozen turkeys, hams a meaningless life with pleasant distrac- and other perishable items at Interfaith. Non-perishables tions seemed less and less satisfying to in the wagon in back of church. God bless you for your me. generosity in helping others in need. Slowly, but more and more surely, the more I looked into the meaning of things, and what things I believed and would never throw away and how these things need a founder and a safeguarder, the less of a fight I was willing to make Prayer Quilts for those who are ill are available. against God , and the more I wanted to let go of my pride and Call the office and tell Elizabeth you would like a quilt. It will understand Him. And the more I realized that I wanted to be be placed in the office front entry with a card. Give us the name certain, the more I realized that I had to come to God through and condition of the person to be prayed for and our parishion- the Catholic Church. Factoids: I work for Poway School Dis- ers will pray for them though they cannot sign the card or tie trict as a bus aide. I read a lot and forget just as much. the quilt. You take it to them for comfort and consolation in their time of need. info@sttimothychurch.com. Steve Gipson 42 years old. Land surveyor/engineering Have you changed your phone number or technician. I moved from Phoenix AZ to Escondido in November 2020. I began address? Please let the office know. Thanks. attending Mass in March of 2019 after I info@sttimothychurch.com. had spent 3 years reading the Bible. I grew up in a Jehovah’s Witness family and had become an atheist in 2010. I noticed the social and moral decline in the world and realized that it presented a IN THE HOSPITAL? Need a Catholic threat to human survival. After having priest? Please contact the Hospital Chaplain’s Of- taken many college courses in various subjects, I began to real- fice. This is the only way to get a priest that has been set ize the Bible contained the answers to life’s tough questions up by the Diocese. and that it was meant to guide all mankind in their walk of life. An acquaintance of mine took me to Mass, where I experienced peace I had never felt before. I came to the conclusion that if Jesus returned that day, and he were to choose a church to be in charge of all of his belongings, he would choose the church Special Mass for Racial Healing. Bishop McElroy that is saving the most souls from their inherited bad tenden- invites all faithful to unite with the Asian and Pacific Islander cies. The Catholic Church has the most members and is the communities at a special Mass to pray for the universal recogni- most balanced of the Christian churches. So I decided I would tion of the dignity of every man and woman as children of God, join the Catholic Church. Since then, I have faced many obsta- and to emerge from deep racial divisions stronger as one people. cles, including the pandemic, homelessness and illness, but The outdoor special Mass will be Thursday, April have managed to stick with it. 15, at 6:30 p.m., at Good Shepherd Parish. Please bring your own chairs, physically distance and wear masks. The Mass also will be live-streamed at www.sdcatholic.org/ April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month. solidarity This annual observance is dedicated to raising awareness and preventing child abuse. One in four children have experienced abuse or neglect at some point in their lives. Children who ex- perience abuse or neglect can suffer from physical, psychologi- Please keep all victim/survivors of abuse in your prayers cal, and behavioral issues. A National Institute of Justice study this month, especially those harmed within the church and found that abused or neglected children are 59% more likely to those abused as children. be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit a violent crime. Individuals and parishes are encouraged to rededicate Reporting Sexual Abuse. Complaints about sexual themselves to being supportive of families, play an active role abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish or Catholic in preventing child abuse and neglect, and to promote child and school employee or volunteer can be made by contacting Mary family well-being. Acosta, 858-490-8353 or at misconduct@sdcatholic.org.
Outreach Ministries is Looking for Volunteers Job Opening: Day/Night Childcare Worker The Outreach Ministry is a small group of parishioners who & Teacher's Assistant. actively support both parishioners and non-parishioners with Join our team at The Refuge, a Catholic residential therapeutic financial and other assistance to meet basic needs for shelter, program for 12-17 year old female victims of sex trafficking in food, clothing and other needs. Often this is acting with or as Escondido. We are looking for energetic, patient, and loving liaison with local charities but may involve direct assistance people to join our daytime or nighttime staff as we work to pro- through the parish to those who come to us for help. Some- vide a safe, loving, healing environment for our clients. Quali- times it is a visit and one time financial assistance but can fications: Must have a Bachelor’s Degree. To apply please visit involve establishing a long term relationship for aid. If you www.childrenoftheimmaculateheart.org/careers Read our Faith have a desire to get involved in a more personal way with Statement to better understand our employee expectations be- those in our community who need help, this may be your op- fore applying. Please take the time to seriously reflect on portunity to make a difference. Please contact Michael Teves whether or not you will be able to uphold the expectations. 760-708-6819 majmykal@gmail.com or Ardith Burrows at ardie.burrows@gmail.com. Want to register in the parish? Registration cards are available on the back Usher tables or parish office or INTERFAITH FOOD & MORE! Interfaith does a email info@sttimothychurch.com and one will be sent wonderful job in filling the needs of the poor and homeless with you. YOUR support. They always need donations of jellies, & peanut butter (LARGE JARS) to help make sandwich lunches for those in need. Items much in demand fresh fruits, vegetables and es- pecially MEAT! If it needs refrigeration deliver directly to In- Be alert for all kinds of scams either emails terfaith at the corner of Washington and Quince Sts, Esc. 760- or phone calls purporting to be from Fr Fer- 489-6380. Thank you for helping those in need. Special lists nando or any priest. It is a scam and they want of urgently needed foods & other items are available your money. on the Food wagon in back of church. Saints of the Day— Learn more by going to Parkinson’s Support Group will have the monthly ZOOM meeting on Tuesdays, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Contact Carol www.mycatholiclife. Maher at 760-749-8234 hcmaher@cox.net if you are new to the North County Parkinson’s Support Group in order to receive Priests for Life, activating the church to end abor- information to join the Zoom meeting. tion. For more information go to www.EndAbortion.US. Interfaith Vehicle Donation Program. Your tax deducti- ble donation will support Interfaith’s programs that help people Looking for a Memory Care facility? This site can help in crisis regain their stability, return to the workforce & live self you find a facility near you but you need to check the facility -sufficient, productive lives. Donate today! 1-877-448-3123. out for their quality of care yourself. www.memorycarefacilities.net. Pregnant & in need? Optionline.org 24 hour live chat Culture of Life Family Services –helps uninsured and underserved women in the midst of unplanned pregnancies. To schedule a free ultrasound, call (760) 741-1224 or visit www.COLFS.org for more information on other medical services - Miscarriage Support & Post Abortion Support. Abortion Pill Reversal: Regr et taking the abor tion pill? Call or text the APR Helpline at 1-877-558-0333. COLFS Clinic Website: www.COLFS.org COLFS Ministry Website: www.friendsofcolfs.org *COLFS Escondido (760) 741-1224 Alternative’s Medical Clinic: ultr asound, pr egnancy test, and mobile unit. https://amc-ca.com/ 760-741-9796. Birth Choice’s Women’s Mobile Clinic: We are making ultrasounds and pregnancy tests more accessible than ever by going di- rectly to these women. Call for an appointment 760-744-1313, www.birthchoice.net. Urgent needs see birthchoice.net/needs. In a crisis pregnancy & need a safe place to stay? Need resources & education to help you get back on your feet? Call Lamb of God Maternity Home, 760-715-6463. Hurting from an abortion? Rachel's Hope After Abor tion Healing/Abor tion Recover y. (men & women) h ps://rachelshopehealingministry.com/
Mass Intentions & Feast Days Pray for our Military Around the World 'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as 4/9 Fri 8:30am SI Carol Cope they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless 9:00am– 9:55am Adoration acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen’ Michael 4/10 Sat 8:30am 1) SI Dr Joseph Valent AND John G. Beltejar, Lt. Gene Benito, Sgt Mark Burleston, Brick Christensen, Cody, Robert Lee Churchill, Sgt. Jacob N. 2) Lourdes Rebuyon † FR Dean, Jose Dominguez, USMC, Brian Farci, Ben & Josh Gor- Confession 9:00-9:30a.m. czynski, Jacob, Maj. Justin Knox, Sgt. Lon Lo, Trevor Lute- 4/11 Second Sunday of Easter man USN, Ian Nartker, Gabriel Neill, Airborne, Aaron Palo- 4/11 Sun 8:30am 1) Nancy M Allen † AND mino, Josh Ramey, Kevin Sandoval, Joseph Brandon Shaney, 2) Jack Gallagher † FR Sgt Donavan Saucedo, Philip Singleton, Jacob David Vance, Sgt Marty D Vest MP, Navy Sp Force Jake Windle, Pfc 10:00am 1) Parish Intentions AND Thomas Zornes. Drop names in the collection basket or email 2) Venancia Barretto † FR to church. Please let us know when they return. 4/12 Mon 8:30am 1) SI Bridget Ross AND Military prayer square 4x4 available. This squar e is 2) Ann Coffey † prayed over by multiple people asking for their safety. Call Ruth for details 760-738-1869. 4/13 St Martin I, Pope & Martyr 4/13 Tue 8:30am SI Letty Nagle 4/14 St Martin I, Pope/Martyr 4/14 Wed 8:30am Joe Menotti † ME 4/15 Thu 8:30am SI Mimi & Ed Holtz ME 4/16 Fri 8:30am 1) SI Lettie Nagle AND Prayers are requested for: All families in 2) Antonio Jariel † MD pain & need, Linda B, Jim Butkis, James Cano, Kay Carey, Walter Conley, Christina, Christy, Al Col- 4/17 Sat 8:30am Parish Intentions MD lingbourne, Carol Cope, Jeannette Copeland, Ed & Confession 9:00-9:30a.m. Anne Dowd, John/Frances Depner, Sarah Fernan- 4/18 Third Sunday of Easter dez, Jack † & Rosemary Gallagher, Joan Godfrey, 4/18 Sun 8:30am 1) Tom Elliott † AND Greta, Sumiko Holman, Holy Souls in Purgatory, 2) Jack Gallagher † ME Angie Lerma, Peggy Lewis, Charlotte Louth, Olivia, Renee, 10:30am 1) Helen Pirkl † AND Marian Nespeca, Albert Nienhaus, Joyce O’Donnell, Justin & 2) Repose of the Souls of Leonila, Erin Panlasigui, Micky Pasulka, Betty Peishel, Bob Rez- Juanito & Dolores Teves † MD nichek, Ryan, Betty Tritschler, Neal & Marie Wysocki, Paul Yancey. Please let us know when to remove someone who has 4/19 Mon 8:30am Jose Beloro † recovered. 4/20 Tue 8:30am Rudy Klopfer † 4/21 St Anselm, Bishop/Doctor of Church 4/21 Wed 8:30am Doug Hof † 4/22 Thu 8:30am Doug Hof † ME 4/23 St George, Martyr; St Adalbert, Bishop/Martyr Armenian Mass, 3rd Sunday 3:30pm at St Tim- 4/23 Fri 8:30am Gene Young † othy’s. All are welcome to St Anthony Armenian Catholic 4/24 St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest/Martyr Mission. Find us on Facebook. More info Fred (619) 665-1662. 4/24 Sat 8:30am SI McGowan Family FR Confession 9:00-9:30a.m. 4/25 Fourth Sunday of Easter 4/25 Sun 8:30am Robert & Diane Munday † FR 10:30am Parish Intentions FR Rosaries available for 1st Communion Chil- 4/26 Mon 8;30am Rudy Klopfer † dren Our rosary makers group has made rosaries for those 4/27 Tue 8:30am 1) Peter Mandagie † AND children making their First Communion. They will be availa- 2) Lisa Kubota † ble at no charge and may be picked up in the office after 4/28 St Peter Chanel, Priest/Martyr; St Louis Gri- April 1st. Please call to r eser ve your child’s rosary. Laura gnion de Montfort, Priest Kubota 760-703-8707 or Ellen Gallego 760-415-5355. 4/28 Wed 8:30am Pat Ono † ME 4/29 St Catherine of Siena, Virgin/Doctor of Church 4/29 Thu 8:30am Carmen Reyes † ME 4/30 St Pius V, Pope 4/30 Fri 8:30am Russell Campbell † Masses on TV— EWTN Mass at 4pm, 9am. 9pm and 5/1 St Joseph the Worker Rosary 6:30pm every day. Channel 370 DirecTV, Channel 5/1 Sat 8:30am SI Sister Regina 151 on Cox, and 562 AT&T. EWTN Program brochures avail- Confession 9:00-9:30a.m. able on Usher tables. www.ewtnmissionaries.com. 5/2 Fifth Sunday of Easter 5/2 Sun 8:30am 1) Bob Kistner † AND 2) Jack Gallagher 10:30am Parish Intentions Need counseling or help? Go to the SD Diocesan Priest saying Mass: MD=Msgr Duncanson, ME=Msgr Elliott, FR=Fr Ramirez. SI = Special Intentions, † means RIP Mental Health Ministry Network: eTherapyFinder.com/osm.
Minister of Word Schedule Handmade gifts available from our Rosary Makers. For anyone interested in handmade religious arti- Date Fri 8:30am Sat 8:30 am Sun 8:30am cles for gifts (rosaries, bracelets, car mirror hangers, special 10:30am chaplets) for Mother ’s Day, Fathers Day or First Communion, they may be special ordered by calling Laura Kubota 760-703- 4/9,10,11 I Saba R Temprendola M Fontes 8707 or Ellen Gallego 760-415-5355. These will be charged J Vitale according to the price of materials used. Call and arrange an P Beveridge appointment to see what materials are available. J Depew 4/16,17,18 A Beveridge J Ellerbrock M Holibonich L Profeta D Zautckie Easter Flowers R Willis Donated in Honor of or Memory of … Mrs Dorothy Aeling Ed Aeling 4/23,24,25 K Kennedy M Montijo F Schmitz Rosana Baird Lourdes Rebuyon M Kalpakgian M/M David Budvarson Dr & Mrs Guerrieri M Sutherlin M/M Domingo Cano Jimmy Ray Cano, Parents & B Baker Siblings of Domingo/Mary Cano M/M Michael Clannin Bisi, Clannin, Von Hoene, Tysz Coordinator Pat Mulloy (760) 644-2934, pmulloyrvt@gmail.com Families Mr James Cassidy Frank Cassidy, Jeanette Cassidy,\ Leo Alegre, Rufina Alegre Mrs Jeannette Copeland Don Copeland, Olivia Mayers, James Mayers, Irene Blay MUSIC MINISTRY SCHEDULE M/M John Ellerbrock Robert & Diane Munday M/M Casimiro Estrellado Sarah Eugenio, Jan Estrellado Date Sat 8:30am Sun 8:30 am 10:30am M/M John Ferber Ferber & Dufek Families 4/9 1st Friday/ B Clannin Mrs Rosemary Gallagher Jack Gallagher Adoration Ms Benilda Gonzales My Father Alberto Gonzales Ms Monica Grage Kitty & Cap Grage 4/11 Divine Mercy F Depner J Coscarart Ms Nancy Hodges Frank G Hodges Sunday M/M Michael Holibonich Dolores Danielson, Ben Holibonich, 4/18 J Weiler K McCormick Steve Holibonich, Quider Holibonich 4/25 J Swoboda J Butkis M/M John Mladenik Eriberto J Flores, Departed Flores Family, Departed Gonzalez Family, Departed Mladenik Family, Music Ministry, Dr. Joseph Valent 760-630-6693 Elvira Floresa valent3000@sbcglobal.net M/M Albert Nienhaus Living & Deceased Nienhaus & Nartker Families M/M Frederick Pua Eladio & Prciosa Francia, Nena & Pedro Olaya, Concepcion Inoval, Ricardo Francia, Luis Pua Usher Schedule Mrs Merlo Rhinehart Rhinehart & Seglie Families M/M Michael Russo M/M VT Russo, M/M RE Hurley, Date Sun 8:30am Sun 10:30 am Mr FT Hurley, Msgr FF Hurd M/M Tejnarain Singh Ryan & Claire Singh, Shannie Singh, Peter Persaud, Cecelia Persaud, Kasran Singh M/M Thomas Tacey Ann Nelson M/M Frank Tooker Deceased Members of Burner & Usher coordinator: Joe Pojunis,760-807-6182 Tooker Families jpojunis1@cox.net M/M Larry Tritschler Tritschler & Caraein Families Easter Flower Donations M/M Rolando Bondoc, M/M Theodore Briski, Mr Louis Covi- ello, M/M John Ferber, M/M Phil Froloff, M/M Robert Gor- If you want a Catholic funeral, let your kids don, Michael Halloran, Michael Hendel, Emilie Higgins, Ms know now! Things can happen so fast and your family needs to Nancy Hodges, M/M Gordon Kubota, Scot Luzi, M/M Hector know what you want them to do. Be sure to have in writing Mercado, M/M Harold Meziere, Ms Rita Normand, Janet Nye, your health & funeral directives & instructions. It is sad to Nancy O’Donnell, M/M Larry Piland, Mrs Ruth Waldsmith, see occasions where there is no Catholic service. Mr Ron Weidemann, M/M David Woelke, St Timothy’s Bereavement Ministry will meet with you and plan for a Funeral/Memorial Mass. Call Katie To pre-plan your funeral call Katie Mitchell. 760-739-5918.
Youth Ministry/Confirmation Coordinator of Youth Ministry (HS/JH), Pia Kayo (760) 489-1200 Email: StTimothyYouth@gmail.com, www.sttimothyyouth.com. We are currently seeking adult volunteers to serve as Small Group Leaders (you will work in pairs) and Assistant Confirmation Preparation Teachers. We will walk with you via once-a-month leadership gatherings, and all necessary training will be provided. Prerequisites for these roles are as follows: you must be a practicing Catholic living in line with Church teaching, be 21 years of age or older, have a regular prayer life, love Jesus, and have the desire to walk with youth as they ex- plore a deeper relationship with God. We ask that you commit to spending just two hours a week with your group of young people and to praying for them daily. Interested? Contact Pia at sttimothyyouth@gmail.com to set a time to talk more about this ministry and your place on the team. High School L.I.F.E. youth gr oup meets vir tually via Google Meet every Sunday, 6:00-8:00pm. Please contact the Youth Ministry office at StTimothyYouth@gmail.com for the meeting link. All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to participate as we pray together, play games, dive into topics relevant to today's teens, and study Scripture. Have your Bible handy! Small Group for high school teens every Wednesday, 7-8pm via Google Meet. Please contact the Youth Ministry office for the session link and more information. sttimo- thyyouth@gmail.com. Free copies of Southern Cross available on Usher tables This outstanding Catholic newspaper is well worth reading, great articles. Fr. Chuck Fuld, who says Mass for Dating in Today’s Digital World. Safe Place us on occasion, is the editor & has an article too. Subscribe Community Outreach Team invites parents, guardians, teens, online at: www.thesoutherncross. and tweens to a free presentation on Dating in Today’s Digital World: Pitfalls for Teens & Parents at Ascension Parish (11292 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego 92124) on Wednesday, April 21 at 7:00-8:30pm, outdoor with masks and so- ROSEMARY-DUFF FLORIST cial distancing practices. Such topics as healthy r elation- 101 W. Second Ave, Esc, CA 92025 ships, digital dangers, teen dating violence, risk factors, and (760) 743-2902 or (760) 745-1191 how to access help and resources will all be addressed. Present- ers include Diane Doherty, supervising Deputy City Attorney in the Domestic Violence & Sex Crimes Unit and Jani Sepanik, Domestic Violence Education & Prevention Manager at the Community Resource Center. To reserve your place, please RSVP by April 12 with Angela Elfman The Diocesan Celebration – A Pentecost For All (angela.elfman@san.rr.c... or 858-775-4828). People. Bishop McElroy invites all faithful to come together for this special Pentecost celebration as we re-energize our mis- sion to love and serve all of mankind in God’s name. Bishop McElroy with Auxiliary Bishops John Dolan and Ramón Bejarano and clergy will concelebrate this annual Mass EWTN Program brochures available on Usher tables. with the diverse communities and cultures of the diocese, invok- Also more information available at: ing the Holy Spirit to renew us by building unity, justice and www.ewtnmissionaries.com. mercy in the Body of Christ. Everyone is welcome to this extraordinary celebration of our universal Catholic family. This event will be held at Good Shepherd Church Got religious items you don’t know what to do on Saturday, May 22, beginning with a Call to Worship at with? Drop them off at St Timothy’s in Sacristy or office, just 10 a.m. and Mass at 11. It will be an outdoor event – physical mark: for Elizabeth. Whether you got them in the mail or some- distancing and masks are required. The event will be live- one who recently died, we take it all. streamed at www.sdcatholic.org/pentecost2021.
Religious Ed. 1st-8th during pandemic. The religious REMIND YOUR Family to NOTIFY your Parish if education program usually runs from after Labor Day in Sep- you become ill or move. Fr equently our par ishioner s just tember to Memorial Day in May. As of this writing, it is not “drop off the radar.” We miss you and wonder what happened possible to conduct in-person religious instruction. That may to you but have no one to contact info@sttimothychurch.com. change at any time. In the meantime, all religious education Remind them to call for anointing with the Sacrament of the will be homeschool. For the past two years we have been using Sick or a visit from Father. 760-489-1200. a lectionary-based weekly handout format curriculum called “Gospel Weeklies.” This can be the ideal basis for homeschool religious ed. with an easy transition back to in-person instruc- tion. Parents are requested to register their children as usual. Parents will be furnished with an approximately two-month supply of Gospel Weekly handouts and more when these run Diocesan Collections out. There will be a $20.00 per child materials fee, which can Envelopes placed in regular collection be waived in cases of hardship. In addition, parents are encour- April 2 Good Friday Collection aged to use the “Magnifikid” worship aid that the church fur- June 27 Peter’s Pence nishes. Other curricula for homeschooling may be used. Please Summer months Mission collection TBD discuss this with the Director of Religious Education. To re- October 24 Mission Sunday quest an emailed registration form, please email kev- November 21 National Needs in@sttimothychurch.com December 12 Religious Retirement Funeral for Jack Gallagher, April 23, 10:00am. With a Father’s Heart: Reflection on St. Joseph Come celebrate the Year of St. Joseph! In preparation for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, all are invited to a reflection offered by Auxiliary Bishop Ramón Bejarano on Tuesday, March 16th from 10 – 11 am via Zoom. Click here to register or call 858- 490-8234 for more information. Need counseling or help? Go to the SD Diocesan Mental Health Ministry Network: eTherapyFinder.com/osm. Year of St Joseph, 12/8/20—12/8/21. In re- calling the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal church, Pope Francis has proclaimed a Don’t get our emails or the parish bulletin? If you “Year of Saint Joseph” and has written an Apostolic Letter would like parish updates and the bulletin, please send us an entitled Patric corde (With a Father’s Heart”). In the letter he email and we will add you to our list. highlights many aspects of St Joseph's life and how God used info@sttimothychurch.com. him to achieve His purpose, and the Pope is convinced that God wants to use us too. Pope Francis offers us an interesting challenge: he sug- gests we should ask “whether we ourselves are protecting Je- Got Hearing Aides, Glucose testers, BP ma- sus and Mary, for they are also mysteriously entrusted to our chines, new medical supplies you don’t use? . own responsibility, care and safekeeping”; Jesus entered the Drop off in office or Sacristy, attn. Eliz. God bless you. world in a state of great vulnerability and Joseph had to de- fend, protect and care for him; we are called to do the same. The child Jesus is often the “poor, needy, suffering or dying person, and every stranger that we come across”. If we re- Weekly bulletin available in printed copies, on our spond positively to this challenge, we are continuing Joseph’s website (www.sttimothychurch.com) or by email. To request mission. inclusions on our weekly email, just send a request to: And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you info@sttimothychurch.com. did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matt. 25 v 40. Need Help? Call Outreach. Bill Swihart, 858- Memorare to St Joseph 518-8025. Food, grocery shopping, etc. Remember, most pure spouse of Mary ever Virgin, my loving protec- tor Saint Joseph, that never has it been heard that anyone who in- voked your protection or besought your aid was not consoled. In this confidence I come before you; I fervently recommend myself to you. Despise not my prayer, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS! deign to hear it. Amen. St Joseph, Protector of the Church, pray for us. They need you now more than ever! St Joseph, Model of workers, pray for us. St Joseph, Guide of happy families, pray for us. St Joseph, Patron of a holy death, pray for us.
Diocese of San Diego & Special Collections February ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL. (Mandatory Diocesan Support) Mandated by the American Bishops (goes directly to these places not to our parish) Lenten Collection (4th Sunday Lent) Catholic Relief Services, Church in Africa, Church in Latin America including Diocese of Tijuana Mexicali. Church in the Holy Land (Good Friday) Peter’s Pence Mission of the Holy Father 4th Sun June) Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA 1st of J uly Mission Sunday (next to last Sunday of October) Propagation of the Faith National Needs (Sunday before Thanksgiving) Black/Indian Missions, Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catho- lic Communication Campaign, Catholic Home Missions, Cath- olic University of America. Religious Retirement Fund (2nd Sun December) Missionary Cooperative Plan Appeal by or appr oved by the Diocesan Office for the Missions (In summer.) We must remit special collections to the Diocese 3 WEEKS after the date of the collection. 2021 Annual Catholic Prayer Chain People who pray for those sick & in need. Appeal has begun. Our goal this To add a name, email: brideofchrist4him@gmail.com or call year is again $59,000. Thank you 760-214-1221. for your support in helping us make For name in bulletin: email: info@sttimothychurch.com. this goal. You can make your contribution online at giv- ing.sdcatholic.org or by filling out & returning the ACA bro- chure envelope with your pledge payment. Extra brochures are also available on the Usher tables and in the office. God bless Set up ONLINE GIVING, Get points you for your generosity. Please be aware, that this on your credit card? Go to our parish website $59,000 is mandatory support, when we don’t bring www.sttimothychurch.com and click on this GREEN in our full goal, it is deducted from our parish in- online giving button. Set up your come. We were short last year, please help us meet own account, using either bank or our goal this year. credit card (great if you want points). You can donate or pay for everything in our parish and more. See parish funds below and Special Col- lections. Thank you for your support! Baptisms: (Infant to 6 yrs) Baptisms scheduled after following completed: (1) Registered & active parishioners for Collections at St Timothy at least 3 months. (2) Attend Sunday Mass & live exemplary Christian lives as a model for the child to be baptized. (3) Par- Building Fund blue: 2nd Collection, 1st full weekend of every month. Future Building expansion & repairs ents attend a Baptism Preparation Seminar, held last Wednes- Flower Envelopes pink: Flowers and special holy day decorations day of month. Call par ish to schedule. (4) Sponsor s need to Outreach yellow: enables us to help the needy attend a Baptism class & have a letter from their parish stating YM Fund green: For our Youth Ministry Program they are active members, attended a Baptism class and are Sunday Envelopes: Operating Fund (pays the bills) qualified to be godparents. Holydays/Feasts: 1/1 Mary, Mother of God, Ash Wednesday, Easter Sun- Sponsors for Baptism & Confirmation need to be at day, Assumption of Mary, All Saints, Immaculate Conception, Christmas. least 16 yrs old, have received the sacraments of Baptism/ Novenas: May-Mother’s Day Novena, June-Father’s Day Novena, 11/2 All Confirmation/First Communion, and if married, in a Souls Novena. Catholic marriage. If you do not r egister in a par ish & Donations to other Parish Ministeries: Prayer Quilt Ministry, Rosary Ministry, Healing Masses. contribute regularly (no matter how small), they will not have Special Collections These are needs mandated by the US Bishops. a record of your attendance & cannot provide a letter. This is These collections are sent directly to the Diocese. These funds do not go to your responsibility. our parish. See separate box. Baptisms are scheduled after all require- Thank you for using your envelopes, writing separate checks for the differ- ent funds, not taping your envelope shut or wadding up your bills. It makes ments are fulfilled and paperwork in. counting the collection so much easier.
Diocesan Young Adult Activities RELIGIOUS EDUCATION For 18-39 yrs old. Patrick Rivera, Director of Young Director of Catechetical Ministry Adult Ministries, 858-490-8260, yamsd@sdcatholic.org. Kevin Kennedy (760) 489-0482 Young Catholic Professionals. Want to know Kevin@sttimothychurch.com about this Ministry? Check out the web-site Religious Education for Children www.youngcatholicprofessionals.org/ Grades K-8, RCIC, RCIA & Adult Education Sunday morning 9:30-10:20 North County Young Adult Meetup Mondays 4:00-5:15 Fridays 4-5pm Monthly meetups to share food, drinks & ideas for our Small Church Communities young adult ministry. Join with other No. County Young Please remember that religious education of children (and Adults looking to meet other Christ-minded individuals to adults) is ongoing and not simply a preparation for receiv- celebrate our Catholic identity through faith, fellowship ing Sacraments. & fun. Young Adults 18-35 (bring a friend), Fr ee child care can be arranged with prior notice. Join Flocknote to get the latest news about No. County Young Adult Meetups and Events. Www.flocknote/sttimothyyouth or text STYM to 84567. Sttimothysyoungadults @gmail.com. Catholic Widows and Widowers of NC Newslet- ter is available on our back Usher tables. Our purpose is sup- port by fostering friendships through religious & social activi- ties. You are invited to attend our various social activities as a widow or widower. Because of covid we cannot meet at this Embark on a Journey to Freedom and Sexual In- time but check our newsletter for vir tual classes available. tegrity! If you or someone you know struggles with sexual More info, our parish rep: Ruth Waldsmith, 760-489-0579, purity or pornography addiction, help is here. With Restor- www.cwwnc.com. ing God's Foundation, you can reorder your life, your per- son and your identity as the person God created you to be Restoring God’s Foundation, a 35 part program that guides you from the bondage of pornography and sexual sin to freedom and the man God created you to be. “Mankind will not have peace until it turns Restoring God’s Foundation, is an intensely rich Catholic sexual with trust to My Mercy. Adore in the integrity program for men. Take part in either a Zoom live group or an Independent Study format. Restoring God’s Foun- Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is dation addresses the roots of the addiction resulting in not only full of mercy.” “I want Adoration to freedom from sexual sin but freedom from so many other false take place...for the intentions of implor- self beliefs that steal the inner peace that God intends for you. ing Mercy for the world.” Visit our course website for more information on both versions Jesus told St Maria Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament including detailed course description and testimonies. (Divine Mercy Diary, 300, 1372 & 1070) www.roadtopurity.com
How to choose a Catholic College The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College recommends 21 colleges for their strong Catholic identity plus 8 unique, online and inter- Pornography is an epidemic in our society. See small national programs. In addition to full profiles, the Guide in- pamphlets on Usher tables for help. “5 Keys to Freedom” & cludes a foreword by Fr Benedict Groeschel & a series of es- “So, What’s wrong with Porn anyway? says to help families find a Catholic college. The entire Guide is available as a free online resource at www.TheNewmanGuide.com
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