App Domain Names and Progressive Web Apps are Transforming the Legal Industry

Page created by Gloria Stanley
App Domain Names and Progressive Web Apps are Transforming the Legal Industry

                                                                                                               Engineer Ben McIlwain, .app is “the world’s
                                                                                                               first entirely secure, all-HTTPS, open top-level
        .app Domain Names and                                                                                  domain.”7 It is an excellent TLD choice for
                                                                                                               attorneys, offering better user experience
        Progressive Web Apps are                                                                               opportunities and private, secure attorney–client

     Transforming the Legal Industry                                                                               Google explains: “A key benefit of the
                                                                                                               .app domain is that security is built in, for
                                                                                                               both you and your users. The big difference is
                                        BY R B T E W K SBU RY
                                                                                                               that HTTPS is required to connect to all .app
                                                                                                               websites, helping protect against ad malware,
                                                                                                               tracking injection by ISPs, and spying on open
                                                                                                               WiFi networks. Because .app is the first TLD
                                                                                                               with enforced security available for general

             wo technologies you’ve probably               that fully embrace mobile. Secure top-level         registration, it’s helping move the web to an
             never heard of are transforming the           domains like .app, along with progressive web       HTTPS-everywhere future in a big way.”8
             web and how we use it. Google’s new           apps, are replacing traditional websites and            In February 2015, Google paid a then
             top-level domain, .app, provides              native mobile applications. This is where the       record-setting $25,001,000 to the Internet
peerless security and speed by default. In                 web is heading next.                                Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
combination, progressive web apps are the most                                                                 (ICANN)9 for the registry rights to the .app
significant advance in mobile web technology               .app Domain Names                                   TLD.10 The company launched .app at Google
since Apple’s release of the iPhone in 2007.               There are more than 1,500 top-level domains         I/O 2018.11
     On March 26, 2018 Google began rolling                (TLDs) available for registration.4 The most            Domain Name Wire posted on May 7, 2018
out its mobile-first index, saying it has “started         common TLDs include .com, .net, and .org.           that “GoDaddy VP Paul Nicks confirmed to
migrating sites that follow the best practices for         There are country code TLDs like .us for the        DNW that .App is its biggest new top level
mobile-first indexing.”1 Google’s estimated share          United States, restricted TLDs like .gov for the    domain launch to date in terms of pre-orders
of the global search engine market is 77.7%.2 It           U.S. Government, and several attorney-related       at the registrar. Every day of early access has
is also the largest recipient of online advertising        TLDs, including .abogado, .associates, .attorney,   beaten the same day of other new TLD early
dollars, with an estimated 37% share—$42                   .law, .lawyer, and .legal.                          access periods, and it has more pre-orders than
billion—of the total online ad spend in 2018.3                 Now there’s .app, 5 a new unrestricted          any other domain.”12 More than 250,000 .app
     Law firms that lack a mobile-first web strat-         TLD backed and managed by Google.6 According        domains were registered in the first month of
egy are at a competitive disadvantage to firms             to Google Tech Lead and Senior Software             availability.13

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App Domain Names and Progressive Web Apps are Transforming the Legal Industry
Domain names are not purchased. Rather,
                                                      Platform Features                           Progressive                Mobile          Responsive
they are registered from registrars who either        and Capabilities                            Web Apps                   Apps             Websites
own the rights to a specific TLD or acquire those
rights from the owner. Think of registrars like       Progressive—works with
                                                                                                                                x                  x
retailers. These retailers get their TLDs from        every browser
wholesalers called registries. The registries
                                                      Responsive—fits any device                                                                  x
acquire their rights directly from ICANN.
    As with other TLD extensions like .com or         App like—looks and
                                                                                                                                x                 
.lawyer, your desired .app domain name may            acts like a mobile app
already be registered. Do not wait. Even if you
                                                      Fresh—always up-to-date                                                                     x
have no intention of building a progressive web
app anytime soon, it’s a good idea to secure          Safe—forces HTTPS encryption                                              x                  x
your .app domains now. New domain names
                                                      Discoverable—search engines
can be registered at Google,14 GoDaddy,15 Do-                                                                                                     x
                                                      can find it
nuts, 16 Hexonet, 17 and most other domain
registrars. Domain name registration fees vary        Re-engageable—
                                                                                                                                x                 
by registrar, so it pays to shop around.              send push notifications

                                                      Brandable—add icon
Mobile Applications                                                                                                             x                 
                                                      to user’s home screen
Mobile apps are designed and optimized to
run on mobile devices, including smartphones,         Linkable—share
                                                                                                                                                  x
tablets, and watches. The web and our mobile          applications via URL
devices have changed dramatically since Apple
                                                      Independent of Apple App Store                                                              x
launched the iPhone nearly a dozen years ago.
Today, more people access and search the web          Independent of Google Play                                                                  x
through mobile devices than through desktop
                                                      Download onto device
computers.18                                                                                                                                      x
                                                      is not required
    Google is by far the dominant force in mobile
technology today. The company’s mobile op-            Installation on device
                                                                                                                                                  x
erating system, Android, powers 60% to 65% of         is not required
mobile devices in the United States and at least
                                                      Works offline—network
85% of the world market.19 All of these mobile                                                                                  x                  x
                                                      not always required
devices have Google accounts. By comparison,
Apple’s share of the smartphone market is             Cost-effective
                                                                                                                                                  x
approximately 13% in the United States and            development process
11.9% worldwide.20                                    Fast development time—
    There are many attorney-related mobile apps                                                                                                   x
                                                      quick to market
in Apple’s App Store21 and on Google Play.22 Most
law firms, however, have not yet embraced native      Can be paired with a
                                                                                                                                                  x
                                                      .app domain name
apps for mobile marketing or for enhanced,
secure attorney–client communication and
    Firms that have created mobile apps almost      sometimes overwhelm even the most talented           user-engagement capabilities and are often
always have firm websites as well. This mobile      technical teams.                                     constructed using content management systems
marketing strategy is inefficient, expensive                                                             like WordPress, which was released in May 2003.
to develop, and difficult to maintain. Mobile       Progressive Web Apps                                 There’s a better way—and that’s progressive
apps require separate builds for each platform:     Many law firms have opted instead for building       web apps (PWAs).
Android, iOS, and the web. Updating content,        and maintaining mobile responsive websites,              PWAs leverage the benefits of open web
finding and fixing bugs, releasing new fea-         a web design concept first introduced by Audi.       standards and modern web browsers to provide
tures and updates, and managing servers can         com in 2001.23 Websites like these offer limited     users with a rich mobile experience. According to

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     Google Maps,                                         Google, “PWAs are experiences that combine           opportunities. Traditional websites and native
                                                          the best of the web and the best of apps. They       mobile apps simply can’t compete.
     Insta­gram,                                          are useful to users from the very first visit in a
     Pinterest,                                           browser tab, no install required. As the user        A version of this article first appeared in Law
                                                          progressively builds a relationship with the app     Technology Today, www.lawtechnologytoday.
     Starbucks, Uber,                                     over time, it becomes more and more powerful.        org/2018/10/app-domain-names-and-pro-

     Forbes, and The                                      It loads quickly, even on flaky networks, sends
                                                          relevant push notifications, has an icon on the
                                                                                                               gressive-web-apps. It is reprinted here with
     Washington                                           home screen, and loads as a top-level, full-screen

     Post are just                                        experience.”24
                                                               Google Maps,25 Instagram,26 Pinterest,27                   Russell Baird “RB” Tewksbury is
     a few popular                                        Starbucks,28 Uber,29 Forbes30 and The Washington                president of MarketWorks LLC, an
                                                                                                                          attorney marketing and legal technol-
                                                          Post 31 are just a few of the brands that have em-
     brands that have                                     braced PWAs. Each of these PWA deployments
                                                                                                                          ogy management company—goforit.
                                                                                                                          com. His professional certifications
     embraced PWAs.                                       has experienced dramatic, positive results.          from Google include AdWords Advanced Search,
                                                                                                               Advertising Fundamentals, Mobile Advertising,
                                                          Likewise, firms that use PWAs as part of their
     Each of these                                        mobile-first marketing strategy can enjoy a
                                                                                                               Video Advertising Advanced, AdWords Advanced
                                                                                                               Display, and Google Analytics. He is the creator
     PWA deployments                                      significant competitive advantage.                   and host of Cybersecurity Fundamentals for
                                                                                                               Law Firms and Attorneys, a series of CLE events
     has experienced                                      Conclusion
                                                                                                               conducted over live web meetings and interactive
                                                                                                               webinars. He is also a U.S. Merchant Marine
     dramatic, positive                                   A well-built progressive web app, combined with      Officer–U.S. Coast Guard Licensed Master Captain.
                                                          a premium .app domain, is a winning web-mar-         Coordinating Editor: Joel Jacobson, joel@
     results.                                             keting strategy for law firms and attorneys. PWAs
                                                          provide a unique opportunity for attorneys
                                                          to connect and engage with their clients and
                                                          the public, while .app TLDs offer more secure        Copyright ©2019 RB Tewksbury. All copyrights,
                                                                                                               trademarks, trade names, service marks, and
                                                          attorney–client communications, enhanced             registered trademarks are the property of their
                                                          browser speed, and better user experience            respective owners.

1. https://webmasters.googleblog.                               2014),
com/2018/03/rolling-out-mobile-first-indexing.            pays-25-million-for-app-domain.                      ios-vs-windows-phone-vs-blackberry.
html.                                                     11.                         20. Lomas, “Huawei Bags Apple’s 2nd place
2.              watch?v=kBkX30Cj7Bw&                spot in global smartphone sales” (Aug.
market-share.aspx.                                        12.           2018),
3. Spangler, “Amazon on Track to Be No.                   app-continues-to-soar-sets-records-at-               huawei-bags-apples-2nd-place-spot-in-global-
3 in U.S. Digital Ad Revenue but Still Way                godaddy.                                             smartphone-sales-gartner.
Behind Google, Facebook” (Sept. 19, 2018),                13. Baker, “Google Engineer Ben McIlwain on          21.                    Why HSTS Could Be a Perfect Fit for .Brands          22.
amazon-us-digital-ad-revenue-google-                      Security” (June 18, 2018), http://www.circleid.      search?q=attorney%20apps&c=apps.
facebook-1202947923.                                      com/posts/20180618_google_engineer_                  23.
4.               mcilwain_on_why_hsts_a_perfect_fit_for_dot_
                                                                                                               24. LePage, “Your First Progressive Web
domain.txt.                                               brands.
5.                                       14.                                 fundamentals/codelabs/your-first-pwapp.
6.                           15.                         25.
7. Introducing .app domain names and how                  16.            26.
to secure them (Google I/O ‘18), https://www.             premium-domains.
                                                                                                               27.                          17.
8. “Introducing .app, a more secure home                  18. Gibbs, “Mobile web browsing overtakes
for apps on the web” (May 1, 2018), https://                                                                   29.
                                                          desktop for the first time,” The Guardian                        (Nov. 2, 2016), https://www.theguardian.             30.
introducing-app-more-secure-home-for.html.                com/technology/2016/nov/02/mobile-web-               31.
9.                                 browsing-desktop-smartphones-tablets.                wp/2016/05/19/the-washington-post-
10. Allemann, “Google pays $25 million                    19. Smith, “Strategy Analytics: 85% of phones        introduces-new-progressive-web-app-
for .App domain” (Feb. 26, 2015), https://                shipped last quarter run Android” (July 31,          experience/?utm_term=.5f39ae344bb0.

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