The sinking of the Costa concordia

Page created by Judy Campbell
The sinking of the Costa concordia
        the sinking of the Costa concordia

You and your family are            A true nightmare
vacationing aboard the Costa                                           could it
                                   The catastrophe happened on
Concordia. The huge, modern                                            happen here?
                                   January 13 at 9:30 p.m., just
cruise ship is sailing along                                           Ports on Canada’s Pacific
                                   two-and-a-half hours after the
the coast of Italy. You are just                                       and Atlantic coasts are major
                                   $450-million vessel had set sail
finishing supper in the dining                                         destinations for cruise lines.
                                   from a port near Rome.              Up to 230 cruise ships stop in
room. The food is amazing, and
                                   About 300 metres off the Italian    Vancouver alone every year. They
everyone is having a wonderful
                                   island of Giglio, the ship hit      bring an average of one million
time.                                                                  passengers. But experts say a
                                   rocks. The impact ripped a
Suddenly, the lights go out                                            Costa Concordia-style disaster is
                                   50-metre gash in the vessel’s
and you are knocked down                                               unlikely to happen here. Why?
                                   hull. As water began pouring
by a powerful jolt. Then the                                           Because government agencies
                                   in, the captain desperately tried   oversee our coastal waters. They
100,000-tonne ship starts to       to steer the liner to Giglio’s      require that all large vessels
tip sideways. Your holiday has     port, but it was too late. Within   within three kilometres of shore
turned into a nightmare.           minutes, the vessel was sinking     take on specially-trained pilots to
The script for an adventure        and passengers were panicking.      help them get safely through our
movie? Guess again. For the                                            waterways.
                                   At the magic show in the ship’s
4,229 passengers and crew on       theatre, the magician himself
board the Italian vessel, this     disappeared. Hallways turned        “It was just the most frightening
scary scenario was real.           upside down. Frantic passengers     and unbelievably horrific
                                   crawled blindly through             experience of our lives,” said
“In a moment, everything was
                                   broken glass in the dark. To        Canadian passenger Andrea
up in the air – people, chairs,
                                   save themselves, some even          Davis. “People were stampeding.
glasses, food,” one terrified
                                   jumped overboard into the cold      Bodies were flying and crushing
passenger recalled.
                                   Mediterranean Sea.                  into walls. Doors were flying off
                                                                       hinges and glass was flying from
                                                                       the upper levels.”

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The sinking of the Costa concordia
        the sinking of the Costa concordia
Some passengers made it onto          ship was not on its correct route
lifeboats. Others had to wait for     when the disaster happened.          The titanic
five rescue helicopters to airlift    Yet alarms would have sounded        Tragedy
them to safety. A few people          if the vessel had strayed from       The Costa Concordia tragedy
trapped inside the vessel had to      its course by mistake. The           happened almost exactly 100
be rescued by special teams.          only explanation? The captain        years after one of the most
                                      had made a decision to take a        famous accidents at sea ever –
Sadly, not everyone survived. By                                           the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
                                      dangerous detour.
January 20, the death toll had
                                                                           On April 14, 1912, the Titanic
reached 11. Twenty-one more           Officials also criticized Captain
                                                                           – the largest passenger liner of
were still missing.                   Schettino’s actions after the        its kind at the time – struck a
                                      accident. For one thing, he          massive iceberg. It was on its first
                                      waited 40 minutes before telling     voyage from Southampton in the
                                      passengers to abandon the ship.      United Kingdom to New York
Another huge concern following        By then, it was too late for some    City in the U.S. The ice sliced
the accident? The threat of an        people to get to lifeboats. And      open the ship’s hull and water
environmental crisis. The clean       at that point many lifeboats         began pouring in. On April 15,
waters off Giglio are prime           couldn’t be lowered because the      1912 at 2:20 a.m., the Titanic
fishing grounds. They are also        ship was listing too much.           went down about 600 kilometres
a protected area for dolphins,                                             south of Newfoundland.
porpoises and whales. The Costa       Other mistakes? The Captain
                                                                           Sadly, because the Titanic was
Concordia’s 17 double-bottomed        didn’t tell authorities how
                                                                           said to be unsinkable, there
tanks held 1.9 million litres of      serious the accident was until
                                                                           were not enough lifeboats for
fuel. If that fuel spilled into the   10:30 p.m. That delayed the          everyone. More than 1,500 of the
water, the coast and marine life      rescue effort by a full hour. He     2,000 passengers drowned.
would be seriously harmed.            also left the ship as the crisis
                                      unfolded. That’s a serious crime    “I did not abandon a ship. The
To try to prevent this, workers       under Italian law. And when
laid eight kilometres of oil                                              ship suddenly listed and we
                                      the coast guard ordered him to      were thrown into the water,” the
barriers around the ship. Then,       return to his vessel to help the
on January 24, they began                                                 captain said. He added that he
                                      passengers, he refused.             assisted rescue efforts from a
preparing to pump oil out of the
vessel’s tanks. The operation was     As a result, Captain Schettino      lifeboat and then from shore. J
expected to take 28 days.             was placed under house
                                      arrest. He faces charges of
What went wrong?                      manslaughter, causing a
The company that owned the            shipwreck and abandoning a
ship blamed Captain Francesco         ship. However, he says he is
Schettino for the accident.           innocent of at least one charge.
Crociere Costa SpA said the

House arrest: imprisoned in one’s home                  manslaughter: the unlawful killing of another
listing: leaning to one side                            human being unintentionally
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        the sinking of the Costa concordia

Answer the following in complete sentences:
1. Describe the Costa Concordia.

2. Where and when did this ship begin its cruise?

3. How many passengers and crew were on board?

4. What happened to this ship shortly after it set sail?

5. Describe how survivors got off the ship.

6. How many people lost their lives as a result of this accident?

7. Describe at least three errors that officials say the captain made the night of the collision.

8. What impact could the ship’s sinking have on the environment? Explain.

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        the sinking of the Costa concordia

Making an inference: An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence. A plausible inference is
supported by evidence in the article and is consistent with known facts outside of the article.
What reasons can you suggest to explain why Captain Schettino might have chosen to change the route
of the Costa Concordia? How can you account for his behaviour after the accident?


Writing from a perspective: As a Costa Concordia passenger in a lifeboat heading to Giglio, post a
tweet to your Twitter account describing what you have just gone through.
A good tweet is 140 or fewer characters in length, provides a clear snapshot of the event, and is interesting
(grabs the reader’s attention, piques the reader’s curiosity, or communicates an important thought).

1. a) What do you know about the sinking of the Titanic? Of the Costa Concordia? Briefly summarize
these two events.
b) As you see it, in what ways are these two disasters similar? Different?
2. As you see it, what is the significance of the sinking of the Costa Concordia? Consider the impact of
the accident on the Italian tourism industry, the cruise industry, on passengers and their families, and
on others.

Visit our student website at and click on the What in the World? tab to:
1. View a timeline and map of the sinking of the Costa Concordia (or visit
2. Find out what happened and what will happen next with the ship (article and diagram) (or visit J

 Feb. 2012                   What in the world? • Le vel 1                                          Page 11
Images in the News
            Getting inside the picture
1. Study the photograph below.
2. Then, complete each quadrant on the Getting Inside the Picture chart. Use as many details as you
3. Now, select one of your powerful words. Use this as a springboard for a 5-minute Quick Write. Let
your pen flow. A good descriptive paragraph has vivid details and helps the reader “get inside the picture”
(experience the event as if he/she were right there).
4. Generate three possible titles for this picture. Then select the one that best captures the essence of the
image. Explain why this is the most suitable title.

                                                                                         (Tullio M. Puglia/Getty Images)

Prepared with assistance from TC2 , The Critical Th inking Consortium. © 2012

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Images in the News
            getting inside the picture
                     Title: ________________________________________________________________

                                  Senses                                                            Images
           What might you hear, smell, taste or touch?                              What details in the photograph create vivid
  What colours, textures, sounds, movements do you experience?                               pictures in your mind?

                                  Words                                                             Feelings
             What powerful words describe the scene?                              What do you feel when you look at this image?
        What might you think, wonder, say if you were there?                    What might the people in the photograph be feeling?

 Quick Write

 Possible titles:

 1. _______________________________                   2. _______________________________       3. _______________________________

 The best title is # _____ because . . .

Prepared with assistance from TC2 , The Critical Th inking Consortium. © 2012

 Feb. 2012                                What in the world? • Le vel 1                                                       Page 13
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