Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools

Page created by Andre Hansen
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools

   October 2021
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools

GCS Traditional Academic Calendar                          NO SCHOOL DAYS
(see link below for most up to date calendar)              (Subject to change)

                                                ❖   10/25 & 10/26 Teacher Work Days
➢ GCS Traditional Academic Calendar 2020-21     ❖   11/11 Holiday
                                                ❖   11/24 - 26 Holiday
                                                ❖   12/20 – 1/3/22 Holiday Winter Break
                                                ❖   1/17 & 1/18 Holiday/Teacher Work Day
                                                ❖   2/21 & 2/22 Teacher Work Days
                                                ❖   3/25 Teacher Work Day
                                                ❖   4/15 – 4/22 Holiday/Spring Break
                                                ❖   5/30 Holiday
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
                                  PTSA Coffee & Ice Cream Senior Treat
           Fall Treat to kick off Homecoming week on Sunday 10/17 from 3-5 for seniors!
                            We will meet in the Senior Parking Lot from 3-5.

                                       Powder Puff Football
                   On Monday Oct 18th, come out to cheer on our Seniors in the
                      Seniors vs. Juniors Powder Puff Game. GO SENIORS!!!

                                        Senior PTSA Breakfast
Mark your calendars for the annual Senior PTSA Breakfast on December 3rd in the Auxiliary Gym! More
                                           details to follow.
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
Need NIGHTHAWK Fan Wear?
            PTSA Fan Wear ~ School Store is OPEN!
➢The School Store will be open to students on Fridays from
 11:25am-12:50pm during lunch.
➢Check out the online store at Any Way You Say It
➢Orders placed online can either be shipped or picked up at
 school store when your order is ready (see hours above).
➢Fan Wear will also be sold at home football games!
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
Nighthawks Race Against Hunger
                5K & 1 Mile Fun Run & Walk
                   SIGN UP TODAY ! 5k/1mile Nov 6th
The PTSA will be hosting the Nighthawks Race Against Hunger 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run &
Walk on Saturday, November 6! This community wide event brings food and monetary
                            donations to Guilford County.
                     Sign up TODAY to run, walk or volunteer!
              The majority of proceeds will benefit “A Simple Gesture”.

This years race gift is a Nighthawk Cooler bag! Register by October 22nd to receive this
    race gift! NEW THIS YEAR - MAKE A TEAM! Gather your friends & RACE AGAINST
                 Race Sign Up / Volunteer Sign Up / Sponsors Needed
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
TEACHER WORKDAYS – 10/25 & 10/26
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
Wake Forest University
Wake Forest University will be on campus – Friday, October 29th
                      during flex period.

                     Sign up in guidance
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
                      CLASS OF 2022
Reminders …
  ➢Place orders ASAP for “best pricing” options.
  ➢Beginning November 1st pricing will go up for all orders.
  ➢Orders are to be placed ONLINE ONLY at Do not send orders to school.
  ➢Orders will arrive in the spring. Dates to be determined.
  ➢Any questions please contact Herff Jones 336-228-7770
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools
2021-2022 NGHS Check Out Procedures
PLANNED Appointments:                                                                UNPLANNED Appointments:
1. Send a note with student requesting early dismissal with the following details:   1. An email ( will be accepted for last minute appointments
       – Student Name                                                                   ONLY. The email must come from a verifiable email address and contain the
       – Date                                                                           following information:
       – Time of Dismissal                                                                  – Student Name
       – Reason for Dismissal**                                                             – Date
       – Parent/Guardian Signature                                                          – Time of dismissal
2. Student should bring the note to the attendance office to receive an early               – Reason for dismissal **
     checkout pass. The note should be dropped off in attendance BEFORE school              – Name of Parent/Guardian
     starts.                                                                         ** Must be included or the absence will not be excused.
** Must be included or the absence will not be excused.

                                                                                     EMAILS should be sent to:
•    Since parents/guardians are not allowed in the building a note is imperative.   •   Since parents/guardians are not allowed in the building a note is imperative.
     Do not come to the front door requesting a student.                                 Do not come to the front door requesting a student.
•    Handwritten notes are preferable. There is no guarantee that an email will be   •   Handwritten notes are preferable. There is no guarantee that an email will be
     received in a timely manner.                                                        received in a timely manner.
•    NO DISMISSAL AFTER 4:00 unless a note was received earlier in the day.          •   NO DISMISSAL AFTER 4:00 unless a note was received earlier in the day.
Announcements - October 2021 - Guilford County Schools

                 SAVE THE DATE:

         • 10/21/21 Senior Makeup Photo
                     (formal photo only)
         • 10/22/21 Underclassman
                    Makeup Photo

National Technical Honor Society

❑Applications for the National Technical Honor Society are
❑ Students must have taken at least 2 Career & Technical
 Education classes in the same track and have at least a 3.3
 unweighted GPA.
❑Please see Ms. Smith on the CTE upstairs hallway or any CTE
 teacher for an application.
Please check out the NGHS STUDENT COUNCIL web page for any
        updates/news in regard to HOMECOMING 2021!

Want to bring a guest to the dance … you can find the forms on
                        the link below!

        Student Council / Student Council (

Check out NEWS about the 2021-2022 NIGHTHAWK YEARBOOK AND
      SENIOR YEARBOOK ADS on NGHS yearbook webpage.
     Yearbook Information / Yearbook Information (

                   Want to buy a yearbook ?
                       To buy online, go to and follow the prompts.
           Deadline to purchase a Yearbook is 2/27/22.

 Seniors, the last day to submit senior ads for the yearbooks is NOVEMBER 19!!!!!!!
o Parents, create a custom tribute to your senior in the yearbook in a senior ad. Surprise your senior; make it a
   Christmas gift.
o Go to the Jostens website and upload your own photos and message to create a unique and heartfelt memory.
   Instructions are on the website at
➢ Seniors- please send in a baby picture for the yearbook. Email them to Ms. Roche at
SENIOR AD Prices are as follows:
    ❖   $350 Full Page
    ❖   $215 Half Page
    ❖   $135 Quarter Page
    ❖   The deadline for submission is November 19.
    ❖   Don't delay! This is a strict deadline, so don’t miss out!

                    Any questions contact Ms. Roche email:
We’re Not Gonna Take It
                                              (a celebration of 40 years of M TV)

                               Spirit Week Themes-Oct 18-22
                                                  Manic Monday
 (Dress like movie characters from the 80s – Top Gun, Ghostbusters, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Beetlejuice, Goonies,
                                 Ferris Bueller, The Breakfast Club, ET, in Pink…)
                                      We’re Not Gonna Take it Tuesday
                        (Preppy vs. Rocker vs. Valley Girl, vs Run DMC vs Pop Icons vs Boy George …)
                              Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Wednesday
                                    (PJ Day – must be school appropriate attire)
                                                 Thriller Thursday
(Dress Like Michael Jackson -Zombies from a Generation: Seniors-Senior Citizens, Juniors-middle age, Sophomores-late
                                             twenties -30s, Freshmen-babies)
                                           Friday – School Spirit Day
                   (Wear your class t-shirt and accessorize with NEON (scrunchies, leg warmers, masks…)
 A representative from Guilford College will be campus on
 Monday, October 18th during flex time in the Odyssey Lab
                 (upstairs CTE hallway).

Please sign up in the Counseling Office to attend and receive a
 A representative from UNC-Greensboro will be campus on
Wednesday, October 20th during flex time in the Odyssey Lab
                  (upstairs CTE hallway).

Please sign up in the Counseling Office to attend and receive a
A representative from the University of Alabama at Birmingham
 will be campus on Friday, October 22nd during flex time in the
             Odyssey Lab (upstairs CTE hallway).

       Please sign up in the Counseling Office to attend
                    and receive a reminder

NC A&T State University Visit November 1st during Flex.
                Sign up in guidance.
Lenior Rhyne’s Education Program

A representative from Lenoir Rhyne’s Education Programs will be
    campus on Tuesday, November 2nd during flex time in the
              Odyssey Lab (upstairs CTE hallway).

 Please sign up with the QR code from the Counseling Office to
                attend and receive a reminder.
GAP Apprenticeships programs allow Juniors and Seniors to apply for Work
Positions and receive a 2 year associates degree for free!
 $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
Career positions include: Welders, Project Managers, Construction work,
Plumbers, HVAC, IT, Healthcare, and much more!
$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
GAP presenters will be on campus on Tuesday, October 19th during Flex at
1:55 in the Auditorium. All grade levels are invited to attend. Sign up in
the Counseling office for a reminder.
Have a student who needs to sign up for drivers ed? Please use
     link below for information and to sign up for classes:
                        NC Driving School
 Questions contact:
 Home Office: # 252-321-6700
                                                  Check out your PTSA!

                                        PTSA needs volunteers & members

                        PTSA / Overview (
                    Online PTSA Membership:

                                                Fan Wear ~ School Store is OPEN!
   Get Your New NGHS Fan Wear TODAY!! The School Store will be open to students on Fridays from 11:25am-12:50pm during
lunches. Our online store Any Way You Say It is open with a BACK TO SCHOOL SALE through this Friday September 3. Choose NO
  SHIPPING for free pickup at the Student Store on Friday September 24. Place your order today, your student can pick it up. GO

                 ANY WAY YOU SAY IT Online Store
            Athletic Booster Club / NGHS Athletic Boosters (

      The NGHS Athletic Booster Club is a volunteer group made up of
    interested adults, which support all athletic related activities while
     promoting leadership, team spirit, and sportsmanship, both in the
 classroom and on the field. We do this by providing financial support to
 athletic teams that cannot be provided through the athletic fund for the
school. Support is provided to all eligible groups on an equitable basis, J.V.
                             and Varsity alike.
NGHS Fine Arts Booster Club

    Welcome to Northern Guilford High School’s
               Fine Arts Booster

FAB is a parent organization designed to help the dance, and
visual arts programs with volunteer and financial support at
 NGHS. Check out our information on the NGHS homepage
                    under organizations!
Welcome to NGHS Music Booster
Check out our information on the NGHS
   homepage under organizations!
Reconnect, Reopen and Stay Safe
                                     Visitor Protocols for GCS schools

•Visitors are not permitted on campus at this time.

•For the safety of our staff “forgotten items” are not allowed to be dropped off. Please make sure your student leaves
home with everything they will need for the day. Breakfast and lunch are provided for free. Students may check out a
loaner chromebook if necessary.

•Everyone in the building must wear a face mask at all times. Social distance of 3-6 feet should be maintained.

•If your child is sick or not feeling well. Do not send them to school.
       NGHS VISION                         NGHS MISSION

Northern Guilford High School will     Northern Guilford High School
 equip and prepare all graduates      empowers lifelong learners who
with a career plan, apprenticeship,     exhibit wisdom, hope, and
    enlistment agreement, or                     integrity.
   acceptance letter to a post-
        secondary school.

Breakfast and lunch are being provided
  at no charge to all NGHS students.
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