Non-exhaustive bibliography about the European Schools - Bureau du Secrétaire ...
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Non-exhaustive bibliography about the European Schools ARTICLES AND REPORTS […] (2008). Grosse Persönlichkeiten aus Lothringen, Luxemburg, Saarland und Trier = Personnalités de Lorraine, Luxembourg, Sarre et Trèves, Editions Guy Binsfeld. p110: Albert Van Houtte, 'A l'auteur des Ecoles européennes et à son successeur'. p118: Marcel Decombis, 'De l'école des nains à l'école européenne'. Baetens Beardsmore, Hugo (1993), The European School Model, in: European Models of Bilingual Education, (Multilingual Matters, 92), pp. 121-154, Beckmann, Andreas (2019), Die Europäischen Schulen, in: RdJB Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens, Jahrgang 67 (2019), Heft 3, Seite 274-91. ISSN print: 0034-1312, ISSN online: 0034-1312, Bogdańska, Agata (2021). Expat student in the mirror. The power of creative narratives through a school blog and online magazines. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Oxford (UK), March 2021. Diamond Scientific Publishing. Proceeding ISBN: 978-609-485-127-8, 144/ Bogdańska, Agata (2020). “Dance” your exam. A glimpse into our students’ oral presentations. Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Future of Education, Brussels (Belgium), September 2020. Diamond Scientific Publishing. Proceeding ISBN: 978-609-485-060-8, Bogdańska, Agata (2018). Pisemne matury z języka polskiego (BAC) w Szkołach Europejskich. (Written BAC exams in Polish as a mother tongue at European Schools. Materials from the 6th World Congress of Polonists in 2016, University of Silesia, Katowice (Poland)), in: Polonistyka na początku XXI wieku. Diagnozy, koncepcje, perspektywy. Tom V. W kręgu (glotto)dydaktyki, Katowice, pp. 258 – 264. Bogdańska, Agata (2015/2016). Zrozumieć człowieka i świat. Fabien Upellini – wywiad (Understanding man and the world. Fabien Upellini – an interview), in: Zeszyty kieleckie. Język polski w Liceum, no. 4, pp. 99 - 106. Bogdańska, Agata (2015/2016). Przegląd matur europejskich (Review of European Baccalaureates), in: Zeszyty kieleckie. Język polski w Liceum, no. 2, pp.40 - 50. Bogdańska, Agata (2013). Matura europejska. Co nowego? (European Baccalaureate. What's new?), in: Polonistyka, no. 8, pp. 16 – 18. 1
Bogdańska, Agata (2013). Szkoła to nie tylko egzamin – Eoin Pól Ó Ruis – wywiad (School is not just an exam - Eoin Pól Ó Ruis – an interview), in: Polonistyka, no. 3, pp. 47 – 49. Bogdańska, Agata (2012). Rzecz o Szkołach Europejskich (About European Schools), in: Polonistyka, no. 3, pp. 44 - 49. Bogdańska, Agata (2010/2011). Gwoździe i cytryny. Jak kształcą Szkoły Europejskie? (Spikes and lemons. How do European Schools teach?), in: Zeszyty Kieleckie. Język Polski w Liceum, no. 3, pp. 94 – 98. Bösch, Herbert (2002, November 13). Report on the future financing of the European Schools - European Parliament resolution. Campanella, Carla (2017). Les sections italiennes des Ecoles européennes de Belgique, in : La promotion de la langue et de la culture italiennes auprès des enfants d’immigrés italiens en Belgique. Un historique des politiques italiennes et belges soutenant cette forme d’intégration scolaire. Thèse présentée en vue de l'obtention du grade académique de Docteur en Histoire, histoire de l’art et archéologie, Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales, pp 89-106. Carlos, Sofia (2012). Governing Education in Europe: a 'new' policy space of European schooling, European Educational Research Journal, 11 (4), 487-503. Clarke, Z. (2009). Introducing autonomy and altering governance in the European Schools: a review of ongoing reforms. MA in Applied Educational Leadership and Management Institute of Education – University of London. Fouseka, Maria (2016). ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΑ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΡΙΟ [= European Schools and European Baccalaureate], ISBN 978-618-81786-1-8. [A copy is available in the library of European School, Brussels 3]. Hetterschijt, Caroline (2012). The European School System in the Eyes of its Stakeholders, Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Maria Angeles Martinez Ruiz and Sjoerd Karsten, University of Alicante, Honeyball, M. (2005, Junio 20). Report on options for developing the european schools system. European Parliament’s committee on Culture and Education. Housen, A. (2002). Processes and Outcomes in the European Schools Model of Multilingual Education. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1), 45-64. Housen, A. et al. (2011). Conceptualizing and measuring the impact of contextual factors in instructed SLA – the role of language prominence. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 49, 83-112. Irimciuc, Olga (2018). Sfidando la globalizzazione: L'insegnamento della L1 nel contesto multiculturale delle scuole europee, Perugia :, (Glossa [linguistica] ; 6), 118p., ISBN 2
9788893720410. 9788893720410-520047.html Jonckers, Rien (2000). The European School model Part II. International Schools Journal, XX(1), 45-50. Kivinen, Kari (2003). Assessing Motivation and the Use of Learning Strategies by Secondary School Students in Three International Schools. [Academic Dissertation], University of Tampere, Faculty of Education, (Acta Universitatis Tamperenensis, 907), 228p. Leaton Gray et al. (2018), Curriculum Reform in the European Schools: Towards a 21st Century Vision, Palgrave Macmillan, 183p., 978-3-319-71464-6. Free download on: or Martínez et al. (2015). The European Schools: Perspectives of parents as participants in a learning community. Journal of Research in International Education, 14(1) , 44-60. Martínez Lagares, María Dolores (2019). Usos de las TIC y actitudes de los profesores de lenguas en el contexto de las Escuelas Europeas. Virtualidad, Educación y Ciencia, 10(18), 9-36. McAndrew Eileen, Power Chris (2007). European Schools: Teachers job satisfaction, in-service training and re-entry to UK Schools. Research Project for the Department for Children, Schools and Families, November 2007, 68p. Neckermann, Tamara (2012). Öffentlichkeitsarbeit als Dialog zwischen Schule und Gesellshaft: Die Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Professionalisierung der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit an der Europäischen Schule Brüssel IV, [self-published], 110p. Olsen, Jørgen (2000). The European School model Part I. International Schools Journal, XX(1), 38-44. Peters, Henz-Georg (2009). Förderung der Schulentwicklung durch gegenseitiges organisationales Lernen von Schulen und Schulsystemen dargestellt an Beispielen aus dem Bildungssystem der Europäischen Schulen und dem Schulsystem des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Schriftliche Arbeit, Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, Philosophischen Fakultät, Master für Schulmanagement und Qualitätsentwicklung, November, 56p. Savvides, Nicola (2008). The European dimension in education: exploring pupil’s perceptions at three «European Schools», Journal of Research in International Education, 7(3), 301-324. Sayer, John & Erler, Lynn [Edited by] (2012). Schools for the Future Europe: Values and Change Beyond Lisbon, Continuum, 255p. ToC : europe-9781441165732/ Swan, Desmond (1996). A Singular Pluralism - The European Schools 1984-1994, Institute of Public Administration, Dublin. Unterweger Barbara (2008). Student's Attitudes towards Multilingualism with English at a European School, Diplomarbeit, Magistra der Philosophie, Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaft Fakultät, Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck. 3
van Gool, Winfried (2006). How effective is the Leadership Role of Educational Advisers in the European Schools? Research Assignment, University of Leicester, School of Education, MBA in Educational Management, Module 1: Leadership and Strategic Management in Education, June, 55p. van Gool, Winfried (2007). What would be the operational Management Consequences of Moving from a Teacher-Centred to a Learner-Centred Approach in Years 6 & 7 of the European School? Research Assignment, University of Leicester, School of Education, MBA in Educational Management, Module 2: Managing Effective Learning and Teaching, February, 49p. van Gool, Winfried (2007). How Coherent is European Secondary School Seconded Staff Selection? Research Assignment, University of Leicester, School of Education, MBA in Educational Management, Module 3: Human Resource Management in Schools and Colleges, July, 82p. van Gool, Winfried (2008). What Marketing Strategies have given the European School Karlsruhe a Secure Future? Research Assignment, University of Leicester, School of Education, MBA in Educational Management, Module 4: Managing Finance, Resources and Stakeholders in Education, January, 89p. van Lingen, Harry (2012). The European School: From post-war idealism to a present-day cultural opportunity, Antwerpen: Garant, 190p. RESOURCES ON WEBSITES OECD (2012), How Your School Compares Internationally: PISA-Based Test for Schools Pilot Trial, The European School Culham Van Dijk Management Consultants. (2008, October). Analysis of the academic and professional careers of the European Schools’ graduates. European Parliament’s commitee on Culture and Education. European Parliament, Committee on Culture and Education, Report on the European Schools' system (2011/2036(INI)) (Rapporteur Jean-Marie Cavada), August 2011 0293+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN European Parliament, European Parliament resolution of 27 September 2011 on the European Schools system (2011/2036(INI)), September 2011 4 0402+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN ALUMNI MEMORIES Millet, Stéphane (2018). Avenue des Verts Chasseurs : Une enfance européenne, Paris: L’Harmattan (Rue des Ecoles), 216p, ISBN : 978-2-343-14371-2. OTHER REPORTS AND STATISTICAL DATA BROCHURES & PUBLICATIONS BY EUROPEAN SCHOOLS 5
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